ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-455-g37b0646
Go to the source code of this file.
Classes | |
struct | xmlstr_t |
struct | xml_elem |
struct | xml_attr |
struct | xmlbuf_t |
struct | file_info |
struct | assembly_version |
struct | assembly_identity |
struct | strsection_header |
struct | string_index |
struct | guidsection_header |
struct | guid_index |
struct | wndclass_redirect_data |
struct | dllredirect_data |
struct | tlibredirect_data |
struct | comclassredirect_data |
struct | ifacepsredirect_data |
struct | clrsurrogate_data |
struct | clrclass_data |
struct | progidredirect_data |
struct | progids |
struct | entity |
struct | entity_array |
struct | dll_redirect |
struct | assembly |
struct | actctx_loader |
struct | olemisc_entry |
Macros | |
#define | ACTCTX_FLAGS_ALL |
#define | ACTCTX_MAGIC 0xC07E3E11 |
#define | STRSECTION_MAGIC 0x64487353 /* dHsS */ |
#define | GUIDSECTION_MAGIC 0x64487347 /* dHsG */ |
#define | ACTCTX_FAKE_HANDLE ((HANDLE) 0xf00baa) |
#define | RT_MANIFEST ((ULONG_PTR)24) |
#define | MAX_NAMESPACES 64 |
Typedefs | |
typedef enum tagLIBFLAGS | LIBFLAGS |
typedef enum tagOLEMISC | OLEMISC |
Variables | |
static const xmlstr_t | empty_xmlstr |
static const WCHAR | current_archW [] = {'n','o','n','e',0} |
static const WCHAR | asmv1W [] = {'u','r','n',':','s','c','h','e','m','a','s','-','m','i','c','r','o','s','o','f','t','-','c','o','m',':','a','s','m','.','v','1',0} |
static const WCHAR | asmv2W [] = {'u','r','n',':','s','c','h','e','m','a','s','-','m','i','c','r','o','s','o','f','t','-','c','o','m',':','a','s','m','.','v','2',0} |
static const WCHAR | asmv3W [] = {'u','r','n',':','s','c','h','e','m','a','s','-','m','i','c','r','o','s','o','f','t','-','c','o','m',':','a','s','m','.','v','3',0} |
static const WCHAR | assemblyW [] = {'a','s','s','e','m','b','l','y',0} |
static const WCHAR | assemblyIdentityW [] = {'a','s','s','e','m','b','l','y','I','d','e','n','t','i','t','y',0} |
static const WCHAR | bindingRedirectW [] = {'b','i','n','d','i','n','g','R','e','d','i','r','e','c','t',0} |
static const WCHAR | clrClassW [] = {'c','l','r','C','l','a','s','s',0} |
static const WCHAR | clrSurrogateW [] = {'c','l','r','S','u','r','r','o','g','a','t','e',0} |
static const WCHAR | comClassW [] = {'c','o','m','C','l','a','s','s',0} |
static const WCHAR | comInterfaceExternalProxyStubW [] = {'c','o','m','I','n','t','e','r','f','a','c','e','E','x','t','e','r','n','a','l','P','r','o','x','y','S','t','u','b',0} |
static const WCHAR | comInterfaceProxyStubW [] = {'c','o','m','I','n','t','e','r','f','a','c','e','P','r','o','x','y','S','t','u','b',0} |
static const WCHAR | dependencyW [] = {'d','e','p','e','n','d','e','n','c','y',0} |
static const WCHAR | dependentAssemblyW [] = {'d','e','p','e','n','d','e','n','t','A','s','s','e','m','b','l','y',0} |
static const WCHAR | descriptionW [] = {'d','e','s','c','r','i','p','t','i','o','n',0} |
static const WCHAR | fileW [] = {'f','i','l','e',0} |
static const WCHAR | hashW [] = {'h','a','s','h',0} |
static const WCHAR | noInheritW [] = {'n','o','I','n','h','e','r','i','t',0} |
static const WCHAR | noInheritableW [] = {'n','o','I','n','h','e','r','i','t','a','b','l','e',0} |
static const WCHAR | typelibW [] = {'t','y','p','e','l','i','b',0} |
static const WCHAR | windowClassW [] = {'w','i','n','d','o','w','C','l','a','s','s',0} |
static const WCHAR | clsidW [] = {'c','l','s','i','d',0} |
static const WCHAR | hashalgW [] = {'h','a','s','h','a','l','g',0} |
static const WCHAR | helpdirW [] = {'h','e','l','p','d','i','r',0} |
static const WCHAR | iidW [] = {'i','i','d',0} |
static const WCHAR | languageW [] = {'l','a','n','g','u','a','g','e',0} |
static const WCHAR | manifestVersionW [] = {'m','a','n','i','f','e','s','t','V','e','r','s','i','o','n',0} |
static const WCHAR | g_nameW [] = {'n','a','m','e',0} |
static const WCHAR | neutralW [] = {'n','e','u','t','r','a','l',0} |
static const WCHAR | newVersionW [] = {'n','e','w','V','e','r','s','i','o','n',0} |
static const WCHAR | oldVersionW [] = {'o','l','d','V','e','r','s','i','o','n',0} |
static const WCHAR | optionalW [] = {'o','p','t','i','o','n','a','l',0} |
static const WCHAR | processorArchitectureW [] = {'p','r','o','c','e','s','s','o','r','A','r','c','h','i','t','e','c','t','u','r','e',0} |
static const WCHAR | progidW [] = {'p','r','o','g','i','d',0} |
static const WCHAR | publicKeyTokenW [] = {'p','u','b','l','i','c','K','e','y','T','o','k','e','n',0} |
static const WCHAR | threadingmodelW [] = {'t','h','r','e','a','d','i','n','g','M','o','d','e','l',0} |
static const WCHAR | tlbidW [] = {'t','l','b','i','d',0} |
static const WCHAR | typeW [] = {'t','y','p','e',0} |
static const WCHAR | versionW [] = {'v','e','r','s','i','o','n',0} |
static const WCHAR | xmlnsW [] = {'x','m','l','n','s',0} |
static const WCHAR | versionedW [] = {'v','e','r','s','i','o','n','e','d',0} |
static const WCHAR | yesW [] = {'y','e','s',0} |
static const WCHAR | noW [] = {'n','o',0} |
static const WCHAR | restrictedW [] = {'R','E','S','T','R','I','C','T','E','D',0} |
static const WCHAR | controlW [] = {'C','O','N','T','R','O','L',0} |
static const WCHAR | hiddenW [] = {'H','I','D','D','E','N',0} |
static const WCHAR | hasdiskimageW [] = {'H','A','S','D','I','S','K','I','M','A','G','E',0} |
static const WCHAR | flagsW [] = {'f','l','a','g','s',0} |
static const WCHAR | miscstatusW [] = {'m','i','s','c','S','t','a','t','u','s',0} |
static const WCHAR | miscstatusiconW [] = {'m','i','s','c','S','t','a','t','u','s','I','c','o','n',0} |
static const WCHAR | miscstatuscontentW [] = {'m','i','s','c','S','t','a','t','u','s','C','o','n','t','e','n','t',0} |
static const WCHAR | miscstatusthumbnailW [] = {'m','i','s','c','S','t','a','t','u','s','T','h','u','m','b','n','a','i','l',0} |
static const WCHAR | miscstatusdocprintW [] = {'m','i','s','c','S','t','a','t','u','s','D','o','c','P','r','i','n','t',0} |
static const WCHAR | baseInterfaceW [] = {'b','a','s','e','I','n','t','e','r','f','a','c','e',0} |
static const WCHAR | nummethodsW [] = {'n','u','m','M','e','t','h','o','d','s',0} |
static const WCHAR | proxyStubClsid32W [] = {'p','r','o','x','y','S','t','u','b','C','l','s','i','d','3','2',0} |
static const WCHAR | runtimeVersionW [] = {'r','u','n','t','i','m','e','V','e','r','s','i','o','n',0} |
static const WCHAR | mscoreeW [] = {'M','S','C','O','R','E','E','.','D','L','L',0} |
static const WCHAR | mscoree2W [] = {'m','s','c','o','r','e','e','.','d','l','l',0} |
static const WCHAR | activatewhenvisibleW [] = {'a','c','t','i','v','a','t','e','w','h','e','n','v','i','s','i','b','l','e',0} |
static const WCHAR | actslikebuttonW [] = {'a','c','t','s','l','i','k','e','b','u','t','t','o','n',0} |
static const WCHAR | actslikelabelW [] = {'a','c','t','s','l','i','k','e','l','a','b','e','l',0} |
static const WCHAR | alignableW [] = {'a','l','i','g','n','a','b','l','e',0} |
static const WCHAR | alwaysrunW [] = {'a','l','w','a','y','s','r','u','n',0} |
static const WCHAR | canlinkbyole1W [] = {'c','a','n','l','i','n','k','b','y','o','l','e','1',0} |
static const WCHAR | cantlinkinsideW [] = {'c','a','n','t','l','i','n','k','i','n','s','i','d','e',0} |
static const WCHAR | ignoreactivatewhenvisibleW [] = {'i','g','n','o','r','e','a','c','t','i','v','a','t','e','w','h','e','n','v','i','s','i','b','l','e',0} |
static const WCHAR | imemodeW [] = {'i','m','e','m','o','d','e',0} |
static const WCHAR | insertnotreplaceW [] = {'i','n','s','e','r','t','n','o','t','r','e','p','l','a','c','e',0} |
static const WCHAR | insideoutW [] = {'i','n','s','i','d','e','o','u','t',0} |
static const WCHAR | invisibleatruntimeW [] = {'i','n','v','i','s','i','b','l','e','a','t','r','u','n','t','i','m','e',0} |
static const WCHAR | islinkobjectW [] = {'i','s','l','i','n','k','o','b','j','e','c','t',0} |
static const WCHAR | nouiactivateW [] = {'n','o','u','i','a','c','t','i','v','a','t','e',0} |
static const WCHAR | onlyiconicW [] = {'o','n','l','y','i','c','o','n','i','c',0} |
static const WCHAR | recomposeonresizeW [] = {'r','e','c','o','m','p','o','s','e','o','n','r','e','s','i','z','e',0} |
static const WCHAR | renderingisdeviceindependentW [] = {'r','e','n','d','e','r','i','n','g','i','s','d','e','v','i','c','e','i','n','d','e','p','e','n','d','e','n','t',0} |
static const WCHAR | setclientsitefirstW [] = {'s','e','t','c','l','i','e','n','t','s','i','t','e','f','i','r','s','t',0} |
static const WCHAR | simpleframeW [] = {'s','i','m','p','l','e','f','r','a','m','e',0} |
static const WCHAR | staticW [] = {'s','t','a','t','i','c',0} |
static const WCHAR | supportsmultilevelundoW [] = {'s','u','p','p','o','r','t','s','m','u','l','t','i','l','e','v','e','l','u','n','d','o',0} |
static const WCHAR | wantstomenumergeW [] = {'w','a','n','t','s','t','o','m','e','n','u','m','e','r','g','e',0} |
static const WCHAR | compatibilityW [] = {'c','o','m','p','a','t','i','b','i','l','i','t','y',0} |
static const WCHAR | compatibilityNSW [] = {'u','r','n',':','s','c','h','e','m','a','s','-','m','i','c','r','o','s','o','f','t','-','c','o','m',':','c','o','m','p','a','t','i','b','i','l','i','t','y','.','v','1',0} |
static const WCHAR | applicationW [] = {'a','p','p','l','i','c','a','t','i','o','n',0} |
static const WCHAR | supportedOSW [] = {'s','u','p','p','o','r','t','e','d','O','S',0} |
static const WCHAR | IdW [] = {'I','d',0} |
static const WCHAR | requestedExecutionLevelW [] = {'r','e','q','u','e','s','t','e','d','E','x','e','c','u','t','i','o','n','L','e','v','e','l',0} |
static const WCHAR | requestedPrivilegesW [] = {'r','e','q','u','e','s','t','e','d','P','r','i','v','i','l','e','g','e','s',0} |
static const WCHAR | securityW [] = {'s','e','c','u','r','i','t','y',0} |
static const WCHAR | trustInfoW [] = {'t','r','u','s','t','I','n','f','o',0} |
static const WCHAR | windowsSettingsW [] = {'w','i','n','d','o','w','s','S','e','t','t','i','n','g','s',0} |
static const WCHAR | autoElevateW [] = {'a','u','t','o','E','l','e','v','a','t','e',0} |
static const WCHAR | disableThemingW [] = {'d','i','s','a','b','l','e','T','h','e','m','i','n','g',0} |
static const WCHAR | disableWindowFilteringW [] = {'d','i','s','a','b','l','e','W','i','n','d','o','w','F','i','l','t','e','r','i','n','g',0} |
static const WCHAR | windowsSettings2005NSW [] = {'h','t','t','p',':','/','/','s','c','h','e','m','a','s','.','m','i','c','r','o','s','o','f','t','.','c','o','m','/','S','M','I','/','2','0','0','5','/','W','i','n','d','o','w','s','S','e','t','t','i','n','g','s',0} |
static const WCHAR | windowsSettings2011NSW [] = {'h','t','t','p',':','/','/','s','c','h','e','m','a','s','.','m','i','c','r','o','s','o','f','t','.','c','o','m','/','S','M','I','/','2','0','1','1','/','W','i','n','d','o','w','s','S','e','t','t','i','n','g','s',0} |
static const WCHAR | windowsSettings2016NSW [] = {'h','t','t','p',':','/','/','s','c','h','e','m','a','s','.','m','i','c','r','o','s','o','f','t','.','c','o','m','/','S','M','I','/','2','0','1','6','/','W','i','n','d','o','w','s','S','e','t','t','i','n','g','s',0} |
static const WCHAR | windowsSettings2017NSW [] = {'h','t','t','p',':','/','/','s','c','h','e','m','a','s','.','m','i','c','r','o','s','o','f','t','.','c','o','m','/','S','M','I','/','2','0','1','7','/','W','i','n','d','o','w','s','S','e','t','t','i','n','g','s',0} |
static const WCHAR | dpiAwareW [] = {'d','p','i','A','w','a','r','e',0} |
static const WCHAR | dpiAwarenessW [] = {'d','p','i','A','w','a','r','e','n','e','s','s',0} |
static const WCHAR | gdiScalingW [] = {'g','d','i','S','c','a','l','i','n','g',0} |
static const WCHAR | highResolutionScrollingAwareW [] = {'h','i','g','h','R','e','s','o','l','u','t','i','o','n','S','c','r','o','l','l','i','n','g','A','w','a','r','e',0} |
static const WCHAR | longPathAwareW [] = {'l','o','n','g','P','a','t','h','A','w','a','r','e',0} |
static const WCHAR | magicFutureSettingW [] = {'m','a','g','i','c','F','u','t','u','r','e','S','e','t','t','i','n','g',0} |
static const WCHAR | printerDriverIsolationW [] = {'p','r','i','n','t','e','r','D','r','i','v','e','r','I','s','o','l','a','t','i','o','n',0} |
static const WCHAR | ultraHighResolutionScrollingAwareW [] = {'u','l','t','r','a','H','i','g','h','R','e','s','o','l','u','t','i','o','n','S','c','r','o','l','l','i','n','g','A','w','a','r','e',0} |
static const struct olemisc_entry | olemisc_values [] |
static const WCHAR | g_xmlW [] = {'?','x','m','l',0} |
static const WCHAR | dotManifestW [] = {'.','m','a','n','i','f','e','s','t',0} |
static const WCHAR | version_formatW [] = {'%','u','.','%','u','.','%','u','.','%','u',0} |
static const WCHAR | wildcardW [] = {'*',0} |
static ACTIVATION_CONTEXT | system_actctx = { ACTCTX_MAGIC, 1 } |
static ACTIVATION_CONTEXT * | process_actctx = &system_actctx |
static ACTIVATION_CONTEXT * | implicit_actctx = &system_actctx |
typedef enum tagLIBFLAGS LIBFLAGS |
typedef enum tagOLEMISC OLEMISC |
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 244 of file actctx.c.
Definition at line 235 of file actctx.c.
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 540 of file actctx.c.
Enumerator | |
NumMethods | |
BaseIface | |
NumMethods | |
BaseIface |
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 71 of file actctx.c.
Definition at line 79 of file actctx.c.
inlinestatic |
Definition at line 1224 of file actctx.c.
Referenced by find_guid(), find_string(), and RtlAddRefActivationContext().
Definition at line 5194 of file actctx.c.
static |
Definition at line 1229 of file actctx.c.
Referenced by RtlCreateActivationContext(), and RtlReleaseActivationContext().
static |
Definition at line 883 of file actctx.c.
Referenced by parse_manifest().
Definition at line 940 of file actctx.c.
Referenced by parse_supportedos_elem().
static |
Definition at line 4213 of file actctx.c.
Referenced by build_comserver_section().
static |
Definition at line 1071 of file actctx.c.
Referenced by parse_dependent_assembly_elem().
static |
Definition at line 914 of file actctx.c.
Referenced by parse_file_elem().
static |
Definition at line 968 of file actctx.c.
Referenced by parse_add_interface_class(), parse_clr_class_elem(), parse_clr_surrogate_elem(), parse_com_class_elem(), parse_com_interface_external_proxy_stub_elem(), parse_cominterface_proxy_stub_elem(), parse_settings_elem(), parse_typelib_elem(), and parse_window_class_elem().
static |
Definition at line 4519 of file actctx.c.
Referenced by build_ifaceps_section().
static |
Definition at line 4939 of file actctx.c.
Referenced by build_progid_section().
Definition at line 2022 of file actctx.c.
Referenced by add_comserver_record(), add_ifaceps_record(), build_clr_surrogate_section(), build_comserver_section(), build_dllredirect_section(), build_tlib_section(), build_wndclass_section(), get_comserver_datalen(), get_ifaceps_datalen(), get_progid_datalen(), and write_progid_record().
Definition at line 1159 of file actctx.c.
Referenced by build_assembly_id().
static |
Definition at line 1128 of file actctx.c.
Referenced by lookup_assembly().
static |
Definition at line 1173 of file actctx.c.
Referenced by RtlQueryInformationActivationContext().
static |
Definition at line 4713 of file actctx.c.
Referenced by find_clr_surrogate().
static |
Definition at line 4394 of file actctx.c.
Referenced by find_comserver_redirection(), and find_progid_redirection().
static |
Definition at line 3570 of file actctx.c.
Referenced by find_dll_redirection().
static |
Definition at line 4608 of file actctx.c.
Referenced by find_cominterface_redirection().
static |
Definition at line 4976 of file actctx.c.
Referenced by find_progid_redirection().
static |
Definition at line 3976 of file actctx.c.
Referenced by find_tlib_redirection().
static |
Definition at line 3772 of file actctx.c.
Referenced by find_window_class().
static |
Definition at line 1207 of file actctx.c.
Referenced by actctx_init(), RtlAddRefActivationContext(), RtlFindActivationContextSectionGuid(), RtlFindActivationContextSectionString(), RtlQueryActivationContextApplicationSettings(), RtlQueryInformationActivationContext(), and RtlReleaseActivationContext().
Definition at line 1685 of file actctx.c.
Referenced by parse_com_class_progid().
inlinestatic |
Definition at line 855 of file actctx.c.
Referenced by lookup_assembly(), parse_assembly_identity_elem(), parse_depend_manifests(), and parse_dependent_assembly_elem().
Definition at line 849 of file actctx.c.
Referenced by parse_assembly_elem(), parse_assembly_identity_elem(), parse_binding_redirect_elem(), parse_clr_class_elem(), parse_clr_surrogate_elem(), parse_com_class_elem(), parse_com_interface_external_proxy_stub_elem(), parse_cominterface_proxy_stub_elem(), parse_dependency_elem(), parse_dependent_assembly_elem(), parse_description_elem(), parse_expect_no_attr(), parse_file_elem(), parse_requested_execution_level_elem(), parse_settings_elem(), parse_supportedos_elem(), parse_typelib_elem(), and parse_window_class_elem().
Definition at line 843 of file actctx.c.
Referenced by parse_application_elem(), parse_assembly_elem(), parse_clr_class_elem(), parse_com_class_elem(), parse_compatibility_application_elem(), parse_compatibility_elem(), parse_dependency_elem(), parse_dependent_assembly_elem(), parse_description_elem(), parse_expect_end_elem(), parse_file_elem(), parse_manifest_buffer(), parse_requested_execution_level_elem(), parse_requested_privileges_elem(), parse_security_elem(), parse_settings_elem(), parse_trust_info_elem(), parse_window_class_elem(), and parse_windows_settings_elem().
Definition at line 838 of file actctx.c.
Referenced by find_xmlns(), next_xml_elem(), parse_assembly_elem(), parse_dependency_elem(), parse_description_elem(), parse_file_elem(), parse_nummethods(), parse_requested_execution_level_elem(), parse_settings_elem(), parse_supportedos_elem(), parse_typelib_flags(), parse_typelib_version(), and parse_version().
static |
Definition at line 5174 of file actctx.c.
Referenced by RtlQueryActivationContextApplicationSettings().
static |
Definition at line 4829 of file actctx.c.
Referenced by find_guid().
static |
Definition at line 4675 of file actctx.c.
Referenced by find_guid().
static |
Definition at line 4462 of file actctx.c.
Referenced by find_guid().
static |
Definition at line 3717 of file actctx.c.
Referenced by find_string().
static |
Definition at line 5140 of file actctx.c.
Referenced by RtlFindActivationContextSectionGuid().
static |
Definition at line 3692 of file actctx.c.
Referenced by add_progid_record(), find_clr_surrogate(), find_cominterface_redirection(), find_comserver_redirection(), and find_tlib_redirection().
static |
Definition at line 5047 of file actctx.c.
Referenced by find_string().
Definition at line 3535 of file actctx.c.