ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-401-g45b008d
#include "config.h"
#include "wine/port.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "windef.h"
#include "winbase.h"
#include "wincrypt.h"
#include "winreg.h"
#include "winuser.h"
#include "wine/debug.h"
#include "wine/list.h"
#include "crypt32_private.h"
#include "cryptres.h"
Go to the source code of this file.
Classes | |
struct | OIDFunctionSet |
struct | OIDFunction |
struct | FuncAddr |
struct | OIDInfoConstructor |
struct | OIDInfo |
Macros | |
Variables | |
static const WCHAR | DllW [] = { 'D','l','l',0 } |
static CRITICAL_SECTION | funcSetCS = { &funcSetCSDebug, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 } |
static CRITICAL_SECTION_DEBUG | funcSetCSDebug |
static struct list | funcSets = { &funcSets, &funcSets } |
static const WCHAR | ROOT [] = {'R','O','O','T',0} |
static const WCHAR | MY [] = {'M','Y',0} |
static const WCHAR | CA [] = {'C','A',0} |
static const WCHAR | ADDRESSBOOK [] = {'A','D','D','R','E','S','S','B','O','O','K',0} |
static const WCHAR | TRUSTEDPUBLISHER [] = {'T','r','u','s','t','e','d','P','u','b','l','i','s','h','e','r',0} |
static const WCHAR | DISALLOWED [] = {'D','i','s','a','l','l','o','w','e','d',0} |
static WCHAR | LocalizedNames [ARRAY_SIZE(LocalizedKeys)][256] |
static const WCHAR | nameW [] = { 'N','a','m','e',0 } |
static const WCHAR | algidW [] = { 'A','l','g','i','d',0 } |
static const WCHAR | extraW [] = { 'E','x','t','r','a','I','n','f','o',0 } |
static const WCHAR | cngalgidW [] = { 'C','N','G','A','l','g','i','d',0 } |
static const WCHAR | cngextraalgidW [] = { 'C','N','G','E','x','t','r','a','A','l','g','i','d',0 } |
static const WCHAR | flagsW [] = { 'F','l','a','g','s',0 } |
static CRITICAL_SECTION | oidInfoCS = { &oidInfoCSDebug, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 } |
static CRITICAL_SECTION_DEBUG | oidInfoCSDebug |
static struct list | oidInfo = { &oidInfo, &oidInfo } |
static const WCHAR | tripledes [] = { '3','d','e','s',0 } |
static const WCHAR | cms3deswrap [] |
static const WCHAR | cmsrc2wrap [] = { 'C','M','S','R','C','2','w','r','a','p',0 } |
static const WCHAR | des [] = { 'd','e','s',0 } |
static const WCHAR | md2 [] = { 'm','d','2',0 } |
static const WCHAR | md4 [] = { 'm','d','4',0 } |
static const WCHAR | md5 [] = { 'm','d','5',0 } |
static const WCHAR | rc2 [] = { 'r','c','2',0 } |
static const WCHAR | rc4 [] = { 'r','c','4',0 } |
static const WCHAR | sha [] = { 's','h','a',0 } |
static const WCHAR | sha1 [] = { 's','h','a','1',0 } |
static const WCHAR | sha256 [] = { 's','h','a','2','5','6',0 } |
static const WCHAR | sha384 [] = { 's','h','a','3','8','4',0 } |
static const WCHAR | sha512 [] = { 's','h','a','5','1','2',0 } |
static const WCHAR | RSA [] = { 'R','S','A',0 } |
static const WCHAR | RSA_KEYX [] = { 'R','S','A','_','K','E','Y','X',0 } |
static const WCHAR | RSA_SIGN [] = { 'R','S','A','_','S','I','G','N',0 } |
static const WCHAR | DSA [] = { 'D','S','A',0 } |
static const WCHAR | DSA_SIGN [] = { 'D','S','A','_','S','I','G','N',0 } |
static const WCHAR | DH [] = { 'D','H',0 } |
static const WCHAR | DSS [] = { 'D','S','S',0 } |
static const WCHAR | mosaicKMandUpdSig [] |
static const WCHAR | ESDH [] = { 'E','S','D','H',0 } |
static const WCHAR | NO_SIGN [] = { 'N','O','S','I','G','N',0 } |
static const WCHAR | dsaSHA1 [] = { 'd','s','a','S','H','A','1',0 } |
static const WCHAR | md2RSA [] = { 'm','d','2','R','S','A',0 } |
static const WCHAR | md4RSA [] = { 'm','d','4','R','S','A',0 } |
static const WCHAR | md5RSA [] = { 'm','d','5','R','S','A',0 } |
static const WCHAR | shaDSA [] = { 's','h','a','D','S','A',0 } |
static const WCHAR | sha1DSA [] = { 's','h','a','1','D','S','A',0 } |
static const WCHAR | shaRSA [] = { 's','h','a','R','S','A',0 } |
static const WCHAR | sha1RSA [] = { 's','h','a','1','R','S','A',0 } |
static const WCHAR | sha256RSA [] = { 's','h','a','2','5','6','R','S','A',0 } |
static const WCHAR | sha384RSA [] = { 's','h','a','3','8','4','R','S','A',0 } |
static const WCHAR | sha512RSA [] = { 's','h','a','5','1','2','R','S','A',0 } |
static const WCHAR | mosaicUpdatedSig [] |
static const WCHAR | sha256ECDSA [] = { 's','h','a','2','5','6','E','C','D','S','A',0 } |
static const WCHAR | sha384ECDSA [] = { 's','h','a','3','8','4','E','C','D','S','A',0 } |
static const WCHAR | CN [] = { 'C','N',0 } |
static const WCHAR | L [] = { 'L',0 } |
static const WCHAR | O [] = { 'O',0 } |
static const WCHAR | OU [] = { 'O','U',0 } |
static const WCHAR | E [] = { 'E',0 } |
static const WCHAR | C [] = { 'C',0 } |
static const WCHAR | S [] = { 'S',0 } |
static const WCHAR | ST [] = { 'S','T',0 } |
static const WCHAR | STREET [] = { 'S','T','R','E','E','T',0 } |
static const WCHAR | T [] = { 'T',0 } |
static const WCHAR | Title [] = { 'T','i','t','l','e',0 } |
static const WCHAR | G [] = { 'G',0 } |
static const WCHAR | GivenName [] = { 'G','i','v','e','n','N','a','m','e',0 } |
static const WCHAR | I [] = { 'I',0 } |
static const WCHAR | Initials [] = { 'I','n','i','t','i','a','l','s',0 } |
static const WCHAR | SN [] = { 'S','N',0 } |
static const WCHAR | DC [] = { 'D','C',0 } |
static const WCHAR | Description [] |
static const WCHAR | PostalCode [] = { 'P','o','s','t','a','l','C','o','d','e',0 } |
static const WCHAR | POBox [] = { 'P','O','B','o','x',0 } |
static const WCHAR | Phone [] = { 'P','h','o','n','e',0 } |
static const WCHAR | X21Address [] = { 'X','2','1','A','d','d','r','e','s','s',0 } |
static const WCHAR | dnQualifier [] |
static const WCHAR | SpcSpAgencyInfo [] = { 'S','p','c','S','p','A','g','e','n','c','y','I','n','f','o',0 } |
static const WCHAR | SpcFinancialCriteria [] = { 'S','p','c','F','i','n','a','n','c','i','a','l','C','r','i','t','e','r','i','a',0 } |
static const WCHAR | SpcMinimalCriteria [] = { 'S','p','c','M','i','n','i','m','a','l','C','r','i','t','e','r','i','a',0 } |
static const WCHAR | Email [] = { 'E','m','a','i','l',0 } |
static const WCHAR | GN [] = { 'G','N',0 } |
static const WCHAR | SERIALNUMBER [] = { 'S','E','R','I','A','L','N','U','M','B','E','R',0 } |
static const DWORD | mosaicFlags |
static const CRYPT_DATA_BLOB | noNullBlob |
static const CRYPT_DATA_BLOB | mosaicFlagsBlob |
static const DWORD | rsaSign = CALG_RSA_SIGN |
static const DWORD | dssSign [2] |
static const DWORD | mosaicSign [2] |
static const CRYPT_DATA_BLOB | rsaSignBlob |
static const CRYPT_DATA_BLOB | dssSignBlob |
static const CRYPT_DATA_BLOB | mosaicSignBlob |
static const CRYPT_DATA_BLOB | ecdsaSignBlob = { sizeof(ecdsaSign), (BYTE *)ecdsaSign } |
static const DWORD | ia5String [] = { CERT_RDN_IA5_STRING, 0 } |
static const DWORD | numericString [] = { CERT_RDN_NUMERIC_STRING, 0 } |
static const DWORD | printableString [] = { CERT_RDN_PRINTABLE_STRING, 0 } |
static const DWORD | domainCompTypes [] |
static const CRYPT_DATA_BLOB | ia5StringBlob |
static const CRYPT_DATA_BLOB | numericStringBlob |
static const CRYPT_DATA_BLOB | printableStringBlob |
static const CRYPT_DATA_BLOB | domainCompTypesBlob |
static const struct OIDInfoConstructor | oidInfoConstructors [] |
Definition at line 1888 of file oid.c.
Referenced by CRYPT_EncodePKCSDigestedData(), CRYPT_ExportPublicKeyInfoEx(), and testAlgIDToOID().
Definition at line 1901 of file oid.c.
Referenced by CDecodeMsg_FinalizeHashedContent(), CEnvelopedEncodeMsg_Open(), CHashEncodeMsg_Open(), CRYPT_ImportKeyTrans(), CRYPT_IsValidSigner(), CSignedMsgData_ConstructSignerHandles(), SOFTPUB_VerifyImageHash(), and testOIDToAlgID().
Definition at line 958 of file oid.c.
Referenced by CryptRegisterDefaultOIDFunction().
Definition at line 928 of file oid.c.
Referenced by CRYPT_RemoveStringFromMultiString(), and CryptRegisterDefaultOIDFunction().
Definition at line 1073 of file oid.c.
Referenced by CryptRegisterDefaultOIDFunction(), and CryptUnregisterDefaultOIDFunction().
Definition at line 1050 of file oid.c.
Referenced by CryptRegisterDefaultOIDFunction(), and CryptUnregisterDefaultOIDFunction().
static |
Definition at line 491 of file oid.c.
Referenced by CryptGetDefaultOIDFunctionAddress().
static |
Definition at line 298 of file oid.c.
Referenced by CryptGetOIDFunctionAddress().
Definition at line 157 of file oid.c.
Referenced by CRYPT_GetDefaultOIDKey(), CRYPT_GetFuncFromReg(), CryptGetDefaultOIDDllList(), CryptGetOIDFunctionValue(), CryptRegisterOIDFunction(), CryptSetOIDFunctionValue(), and CryptUnregisterOIDFunction().
Definition at line 940 of file oid.c.
Referenced by CRYPT_AddStringToMultiString(), CRYPT_RemoveStringFromMultiString(), and CRYPT_SetDefaultOIDDlls().
Definition at line 1920 of file oid.c.
Referenced by DllMain().
Definition at line 1914 of file oid.c.
Referenced by DllMain().
Definition at line 1016 of file oid.c.
Referenced by CryptUnregisterDefaultOIDFunction().
Definition at line 1095 of file oid.c.
Referenced by CryptRegisterDefaultOIDFunction(), and CryptUnregisterDefaultOIDFunction().
BOOL WINAPI CryptEnumOIDInfo | ( | DWORD | dwGroupId, |
DWORD | dwFlags, | ||
void * | pvArg, | ||
) |
Definition at line 1776 of file oid.c.
Referenced by WTHelperGetKnownUsages().
Definition at line 1182 of file oid.c.
Referenced by enum_store_callback(), and show_cert_stores().
PCCRYPT_OID_INFO WINAPI CryptFindOIDInfo | ( | DWORD | dwKeyType, |
void * | pvKey, | ||
DWORD | dwGroupId | ||
) |
Definition at line 1799 of file oid.c.
Referenced by add_cert_extension_detail(), add_oid_text_to_control(), cert_name_to_str_with_indent(), CertAlgIdToOID(), CertGetPublicKeyLength(), CertNameToStrA(), CertOIDToAlgId(), CertStrToNameW(), CRYPT_FormatEnhancedKeyUsage(), CRYPT_VerifyCertSignatureFromPublicKeyInfo(), CryptHashToBeSigned(), CryptSignCertificate(), field_format_public_key(), find_oid_in_list(), get_cert_usages(), initialize_purpose_selection(), request_query_option(), show_cert_usages(), test_findOIDInfo(), and test_registerOIDInfo().
BOOL WINAPI CryptFreeOIDFunctionAddress | ( | HCRYPTOIDFUNCADDR | hFuncAddr, |
DWORD | dwFlags | ||
) |
Definition at line 468 of file oid.c.
Referenced by CertVerifyCertificateChainPolicy(), CertVerifyRevocation(), CRYPT_ExportEncryptedKey(), CRYPT_ExportPublicKeyInfoEx(), CRYPT_GenKey(), CRYPT_ImportEncryptedKey(), CRYPT_ImportPublicKeyInfoEx(), CRYPT_ProvOpenStore(), CryptDecodeObjectEx(), CryptEncodeObject(), CryptEncodeObjectEx(), CryptExportPublicKeyInfoEx(), CryptFormatObject(), CryptGetDefaultOIDFunctionAddress(), CryptGetObjectUrl(), CryptImportPublicKeyInfoEx(), CryptRetrieveObjectByUrlW(), and test_installOIDFunctionAddress().
BOOL WINAPI CryptGetDefaultOIDDllList | ( | HCRYPTOIDFUNCSET | hFuncSet, |
DWORD | dwEncodingType, | ||
LPWSTR | pwszDllList, | ||
DWORD * | pcchDllList | ||
) |
Definition at line 193 of file oid.c.
Referenced by CertVerifyRevocation(), CryptGetDefaultOIDFunctionAddress(), and test_oidFunctionSet().
BOOL WINAPI CryptGetDefaultOIDFunctionAddress | ( | HCRYPTOIDFUNCSET | hFuncSet, |
DWORD | dwEncodingType, | ||
LPCWSTR | pwszDll, | ||
DWORD | dwFlags, | ||
void ** | ppvFuncAddr, | ||
) |
Definition at line 511 of file oid.c.
Referenced by CertVerifyRevocation(), and test_getDefaultOIDFunctionAddress().
BOOL WINAPI CryptGetOIDFunctionAddress | ( | HCRYPTOIDFUNCSET | hFuncSet, |
DWORD | dwEncodingType, | ||
LPCSTR | pszOID, | ||
DWORD | dwFlags, | ||
void ** | ppvFuncAddr, | ||
) |
Definition at line 387 of file oid.c.
Referenced by CertVerifyCertificateChainPolicy(), CRYPT_ExportEncryptedKey(), CRYPT_ExportPublicKeyInfoEx(), CRYPT_GenKey(), CRYPT_GetCreateFunction(), CRYPT_GetRetrieveFunction(), CRYPT_ImportEncryptedKey(), CRYPT_ImportPublicKeyInfoEx(), CRYPT_LoadDecoderExFunc(), CRYPT_LoadDecoderFunc(), CRYPT_LoadEncoderExFunc(), CRYPT_LoadEncoderFunc(), CRYPT_ProvOpenStore(), CryptExportPublicKeyInfoEx(), CryptFormatObject(), CryptGetObjectUrl(), CryptImportPublicKeyInfoEx(), test_installOIDFunctionAddress(), and test_oidFunctionSet().
BOOL WINAPI CryptGetOIDFunctionValue | ( | DWORD | dwEncodingType, |
LPCSTR | pszFuncName, | ||
LPCSTR | pszOID, | ||
LPCWSTR | pwszValueName, | ||
DWORD * | pdwValueType, | ||
BYTE * | pbValueData, | ||
DWORD * | pcbValueData | ||
) |
Definition at line 854 of file oid.c.
HCRYPTOIDFUNCSET WINAPI CryptInitOIDFunctionSet | ( | LPCSTR | pszFuncName, |
DWORD | dwFlags | ||
) |
Definition at line 114 of file oid.c.
Referenced by CertVerifyCertificateChainPolicy(), CertVerifyRevocation(), CRYPT_ExportEncryptedKey(), CRYPT_ExportPublicKeyInfoEx(), CRYPT_GenKey(), CRYPT_GetCreateFunction(), CRYPT_GetRetrieveFunction(), CRYPT_ImportEncryptedKey(), CRYPT_ImportPublicKeyInfoEx(), CRYPT_LoadDecoderExFunc(), CRYPT_LoadDecoderFunc(), CRYPT_LoadEncoderExFunc(), CRYPT_LoadEncoderFunc(), CRYPT_ProvOpenStore(), CryptExportPublicKeyInfoEx(), CryptFormatObject(), CryptGetObjectUrl(), CryptImportPublicKeyInfoEx(), CryptInstallOIDFunctionAddress(), test_getDefaultOIDFunctionAddress(), test_installOIDFunctionAddress(), and test_oidFunctionSet().
BOOL WINAPI CryptInstallOIDFunctionAddress | ( | HMODULE | hModule, |
DWORD | dwEncodingType, | ||
LPCSTR | pszFuncName, | ||
DWORD | cFuncEntry, | ||
const CRYPT_OID_FUNC_ENTRY | rgFuncEntry[], | ||
DWORD | dwFlags | ||
) |
Definition at line 237 of file oid.c.
Referenced by test_installOIDFunctionAddress().
BOOL WINAPI CryptRegisterDefaultOIDFunction | ( | DWORD | dwEncodingType, |
LPCSTR | pszFuncName, | ||
DWORD | dwIndex, | ||
LPCWSTR | pwszDll | ||
) |
Definition at line 1109 of file oid.c.
Referenced by DllRegisterServer(), test_getDefaultOIDFunctionAddress(), and test_registerDefaultOIDFunction().
BOOL WINAPI CryptRegisterOIDFunction | ( | DWORD | dwEncodingType, |
LPCSTR | pszFuncName, | ||
LPCSTR | pszOID, | ||
LPCWSTR | pwszDll, | ||
LPCSTR | pszOverrideFuncName | ||
) |
Definition at line 647 of file oid.c.
Referenced by DllRegisterServer(), and test_registerOIDFunction().
BOOL WINAPI CryptRegisterOIDInfo | ( | PCCRYPT_OID_INFO | info, |
DWORD | flags | ||
) |
Definition at line 750 of file oid.c.
Referenced by test_registerOIDInfo().
BOOL WINAPI CryptSetOIDFunctionValue | ( | DWORD | dwEncodingType, |
LPCSTR | pszFuncName, | ||
LPCSTR | pszOID, | ||
LPCWSTR | pwszValueName, | ||
DWORD | dwValueType, | ||
const BYTE * | pbValueData, | ||
DWORD | cbValueData | ||
) |
Definition at line 891 of file oid.c.
BOOL WINAPI CryptUnregisterDefaultOIDFunction | ( | DWORD | dwEncodingType, |
LPCSTR | pszFuncName, | ||
LPCWSTR | pwszDll | ||
) |
Definition at line 1142 of file oid.c.
Referenced by DllUnregisterServer(), test_getDefaultOIDFunctionAddress(), and test_registerDefaultOIDFunction().
Definition at line 831 of file oid.c.
Referenced by DllUnregisterServer(), and test_registerOIDFunction().
BOOL WINAPI CryptUnregisterOIDInfo | ( | PCCRYPT_OID_INFO | info | ) |
Definition at line 708 of file oid.c.
Referenced by test_registerOIDInfo().
Definition at line 87 of file oid.c.
Referenced by crypt_oid_free().
Definition at line 1761 of file oid.c.
Referenced by crypt_oid_free().
Definition at line 1690 of file oid.c.
Referenced by crypt_oid_init().
Definition at line 1650 of file oid.c.
Referenced by crypt_oid_init().
Definition at line 436 of file oid.c.
Referenced by CryptFreeOIDFunctionAddress().
Definition at line 1169 of file oid.c.
Referenced by init_oid_info().
Definition at line 1571 of file oid.c.
Referenced by init_registered_oid_info().
Definition at line 81 of file oid.c.
Referenced by CryptRegisterOIDInfo(), and read_oid_info().
Definition at line 73 of file oid.c.
Referenced by test_crypt_ui_wiz_import().
Definition at line 83 of file oid.c.
Referenced by CryptRegisterOIDInfo(), and read_oid_info().
Definition at line 84 of file oid.c.
Referenced by CryptRegisterOIDInfo(), and read_oid_info().
Definition at line 1212 of file oid.c.
Referenced by ConvertULargeInteger(), des_ecb_decrypt(), des_ecb_encrypt(), des_setup(), and test_des().
Definition at line 1266 of file oid.c.
Referenced by _Guarded_by_(), BiGetObjectDescription(), BmGetEntryDescription(), BmpPopulateBootEntryList(), ChannelGetDescription(), ChannelSetDescription(), CreateFreeLoaderIniForReactOSAndBootSector(), DoDESCRIPTIONS(), FindDmaDescriptor(), FindIoDescriptor(), FindIrqDescriptor(), FindMemoryDescriptor(), FindMethodHandler(), FindPropertyHandler(), GetPartitionTypeString(), GreenPnp(), InstallFatBootcodeToPartition(), InstallOneService(), IsaConvertDmaRequirement(), IsaConvertIrqRequirement(), IsaConvertMemRange32Requirement(), IsaConvertMemRangeRequirement(), MMixerGetChannelCountEnhanced(), NdisMAllocateMapRegisters(), NtLdrOutputLoadMsg(), ODBC32_SQLDataSources(), ODBC32_SQLDataSourcesA(), ODBC32_SQLDataSourcesW(), ParseTags(), PciCreateDeviceDescriptionString(), PciGetDescriptionMessage(), QueryTimeZoneData(), ScControl(), SerenumPdoPnp(), SetDescription(), TestEnumFontFamilies(), FxChildList::UpdateAsMissing(), WshShortcut_get_Description(), and WshShortcut_put_Description().
Definition at line 43 of file oid.c.
Referenced by CRYPT_GetDefaultOIDDlls(), CRYPT_GetFuncFromReg(), CRYPT_SetDefaultOIDDlls(), CryptGetDefaultOIDDllList(), and CryptRegisterOIDFunction().
static |
static |
Definition at line 1253 of file oid.c.
Referenced by ios_base::_M_invoke_callbacks(), ATL::CAtlArray< E, ETraits >::Add(), ATL::CAtlArray< E, ETraits >::CreateItems(), FillTable(), gl_xform_normals_3fv(), ATL::CAtlArray< E, ETraits >::GrowAllocatedData(), IntEngLineTo(), monoPolyPart(), ATL::CAtlList< E, ETraits >::RemoveHead(), ATL::CAtlList< E, ETraits >::RemoveTail(), and UDFNotifyFullReportChange().
static |
Definition at line 82 of file oid.c.
Referenced by CryptRegisterOIDInfo(), and read_oid_info().
Definition at line 85 of file oid.c.
Referenced by CryptRegisterOIDInfo(), and read_oid_info().
static |
Definition at line 45 of file oid.c.
Referenced by CryptInitOIDFunctionSet(), free_function_sets(), and is_module_registered().
static |
Definition at line 53 of file oid.c.
Referenced by CryptInitOIDFunctionSet(), free_function_sets(), and is_module_registered().
static |
static |
static |
Definition at line 77 of file oid.c.
Referenced by CryptFindLocalizedName(), and oid_init_localizednames().
static |
Definition at line 78 of file oid.c.
Referenced by CryptFindLocalizedName(), and oid_init_localizednames().
static |
static |
Definition at line 80 of file oid.c.
Referenced by CryptRegisterOIDInfo(), and read_oid_info().
static |
static |
static |
static |
Definition at line 1206 of file oid.c.
Referenced by add_cert_extension_detail(), add_oid_text_to_control(), cert_name_to_str_with_indent(), CertNameToStrA(), CryptEnumOIDInfo(), CryptFindOIDInfo(), CryptHashToBeSigned(), field_format_public_key(), find_oid_in_list(), free_oid_info(), init_oid_info(), init_registered_oid_info(), and request_query_option().
static |
Referenced by init_oid_info().
static |
Definition at line 1198 of file oid.c.
Referenced by CryptEnumOIDInfo(), CryptFindOIDInfo(), and free_oid_info().
static |
static |
static |
Definition at line 1216 of file oid.c.
Referenced by Window::DoAction(), CUIFToolbarButton::Init(), is_equal_rect(), main_window_procA(), mdi_child_wnd_proc_2(), mdi_main_wnd_procA(), NewExtDlg_OnAdvanced(), NewExtDlg_OnInitDialog(), OnInitDialog(), rc2_ecb_decrypt(), rc2_ecb_encrypt(), rc2_setup(), CUIFToolTip::ShowTip(), test_get_file_info(), test_GetRandomRgn(), test_GetUpdateRect(), test_height(), test_midiStream(), test_PathNameA(), test_scrolldc(), test_scrollwindow(), test_SetWindowPos(), test_validatergn(), and CMenuFocusManager::UpdateFocus().
Definition at line 1217 of file oid.c.
Referenced by MyDrawCaptionButtons(), and test_rc4().
Definition at line 1223 of file oid.c.
Referenced by sec_parse_x509_key().
static |
static |
Definition at line 1218 of file oid.c.
Referenced by sec_hash_48(), sec_hash_sha1_16(), sec_sign(), sec_update(), sha_check(), and VerifyInteg().
Definition at line 1219 of file oid.c.
Referenced by test_findOIDInfo().
Definition at line 1247 of file oid.c.
Referenced by test_findOIDInfo().
Definition at line 1221 of file oid.c.
Referenced by test_sha384().
Definition at line 1259 of file oid.c.
Referenced by AcpiRsDumpResourceLabel(), AcpiRsOutInteger16(), AcpiRsOutInteger32(), AcpiRsOutInteger64(), AcpiRsOutInteger8(), AcpiRsOutString(), AcpiRsOutTitle(), BasePushProcessParameters(), CShellDispatch::BrowseForFolder(), CHSourceDlgProc(), ComputerPageDlgProc(), ConfirmDialog(), ConfirmMessageBox(), EndNowDlgProc(), GetProcessInfo(), CExplorerCommand::GetTitle(), IntAllocConsole(), LabelWndProc(), NetworkDomainPageDlgProc(), OwnerPageDlgProc(), PrepAndLaunchRedirectedChild(), PrintProcess(), PrintProcessInfoDepth(), PrintProcessList(), SetUpConsoleInfo(), ShellUIHelper2_AddFavourite(), ShowItemError(), ShowStepError(), SwitchDisplayMode(), WriteComputerSettings(), and WriteDateTimeSettings().