ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-905-gc1b8c4f
Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 1234567891011]
 Mainloop mode ("NO_SYS")
 OS mode (TCPIP thread)
 Porting (system abstraction layer)
 Non-standard functions
 OS abstraction layer
 Critical sections
 Compiler/platform abstraction
 Performance measurement
 Options (lwipopts.h)
 Callback-style APIs
 Thread-safe APIs
 IP address handling
 IPv4 only
 IPv6 only
 Memory pools
 Packet buffers (PBUF)
 Error codes
 IANA assigned numbers
 IEEE assigned numbers
 "raw" APIs
 Application layered TCP Introduction
 Network interface (NETIF)
 Sequential-style APIs
 Netconn API
 Socket API
 Interface Identification API
 IEEE 802.1D bridge
 FDB example code
 6LoWPAN (RFC4944)
 6LoWPAN over BLE (RFC7668)
 ZEP - ZigBee Encapsulation Protocol
 HTTP client
 HTTP server
 Iperf server
 MQTT client
 NETBIOS responder
 SMTP client
 SNMPv2c/v3 agent
 TFTP client/server
 FullFAT String LibraryPortable String Library for FullFAT
 mpg123 PCM sample encodings
 mpg123 library and handle setup
 mpg123 error handling
 mpg123 decoder selection
 ReactOS Console Utilities LibraryThis library contains common functions used in many places inside the ReactOS console utilities and the ReactOS Command-Line Interpreter. Most of these functions are related with internationalisation and the problem of correctly displaying Unicode text on the console. Besides those, helpful functions for retrieving strings and messages from application resources are provided, together with printf-like functionality
 object types