"%p increasing refcount to %u.\n", iface,
"%p decreasing refcount to %u.\n", iface,
127 TRACE(
"iface %p, guid %s, data %p, data_size %u, flags %#x.\n",
137 TRACE(
"iface %p, guid %s, data %p, data_size %p.\n",
173 TRACE(
"iface %p.\n", iface);
187 TRACE(
"iface %p.\n", iface);
196 TRACE(
"iface %p.\n", iface);
206 TRACE(
"iface %p, lod %u.\n", iface,
220 TRACE(
"iface %p.\n", iface);
234 TRACE(
"iface %p.\n", iface);
274 TRACE(
"iface %p, level %u, surface %p.\n", iface,
level, surface);
297 TRACE(
"iface %p, level %u, locked_rect %p, rect %p, flags %#x.\n",
333 TRACE(
"iface %p, dirty_rect %s.\n",
403 TRACE(
"%p increasing refcount to %u.\n", iface,
427 TRACE(
"%p decreasing refcount to %u.\n", iface,
434 TRACE(
"Releasing child %p.\n",
468 TRACE(
"iface %p, guid %s, data %p, data_size %u, flags %#x.\n",
478 TRACE(
"iface %p, guid %s, data %p, data_size %p.\n",
514 TRACE(
"iface %p.\n", iface);
528 TRACE(
"iface %p.\n", iface);
537 TRACE(
"iface %p.\n", iface);
547 TRACE(
"iface %p, lod %u.\n", iface,
561 TRACE(
"iface %p.\n", iface);
575 TRACE(
"iface %p.\n", iface);
623 TRACE(
"iface %p, face %#x, level %u, surface %p.\n", iface,
level, surface);
627 if (
level >= level_count)
656 TRACE(
"iface %p, face %#x, level %u, locked_rect %p, rect %p, flags %#x.\n",
697 TRACE(
"iface %p, face %#x, dirty_rect %s.\n",
767 TRACE(
"%p increasing refcount to %u.\n", iface,
785 TRACE(
"%p decreasing refcount to %u.\n", iface,
819 TRACE(
"iface %p, guid %s, data %p, data_size %u, flags %#x.\n",
829 TRACE(
"iface %p, guid %s, data %p, data_size %p.\n",
865 TRACE(
"iface %p.\n", iface);
879 TRACE(
"iface %p.\n", iface);
888 TRACE(
"iface %p.\n", iface);
898 TRACE(
"iface %p, lod %u.\n", iface,
912 TRACE(
"iface %p.\n", iface);
926 TRACE(
"iface %p.\n", iface);
989 TRACE(
"iface %p, level %u, locked_box %p, box %p, flags %#x.\n",
1008 TRACE(
"iface %p, level %u.\n", iface,
1025 TRACE(
"iface %p, dirty_box %p.\n", iface, dirty_box);
1075 WARN(
"%p is not a valid IDirect3DBaseTexture8 interface.\n", iface);
1108 desc.multisample_quality = 0;
1132 WARN(
"Failed to create wined3d texture, hr %#x.\n",
1156 desc.multisample_quality = 0;
1163 desc.width = edge_length;
1164 desc.height = edge_length;
1180 WARN(
"Failed to create wined3d cube texture, hr %#x.\n",
1203 desc.multisample_quality = 0;
1223 WARN(
"Failed to create wined3d volume texture, hr %#x.\n",
static BOOL heap_free(void *mem)
#define InterlockedIncrement
#define InterlockedDecrement
static const char * wine_dbgstr_rect(const RECT *prc)
static void list_init(struct list_entry *head)
HRESULT d3d8_resource_get_private_data(struct d3d8_resource *resource, const GUID *guid, void *data, DWORD *data_size)
void d3d8_resource_cleanup(struct d3d8_resource *resource)
void d3d8_resource_init(struct d3d8_resource *resource)
HRESULT d3d8_resource_set_private_data(struct d3d8_resource *resource, const GUID *guid, const void *data, DWORD data_size, DWORD flags)
HRESULT d3d8_resource_free_private_data(struct d3d8_resource *resource, const GUID *guid)
enum wined3d_format_id wined3dformat_from_d3dformat(D3DFORMAT format) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN
D3DFORMAT d3dformat_from_wined3dformat(enum wined3d_format_id format) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN
static DWORD d3dusage_from_wined3dusage(unsigned int usage)
static unsigned int wined3daccess_from_d3dpool(D3DPOOL pool, unsigned int usage)
static D3DPOOL d3dpool_from_wined3daccess(unsigned int access, unsigned int usage)
static HRESULT WINAPI d3d8_texture_2d_GetPrivateData(IDirect3DTexture8 *iface, REFGUID guid, void *data, DWORD *data_size)
static HRESULT WINAPI d3d8_texture_2d_QueryInterface(IDirect3DTexture8 *iface, REFIID riid, void **out)
static HRESULT WINAPI d3d8_texture_2d_SetPrivateData(IDirect3DTexture8 *iface, REFGUID guid, const void *data, DWORD data_size, DWORD flags)
static HRESULT WINAPI d3d8_texture_cube_GetCubeMapSurface(IDirect3DCubeTexture8 *iface, D3DCUBEMAP_FACES face, UINT level, IDirect3DSurface8 **surface)
struct d3d8_texture * unsafe_impl_from_IDirect3DBaseTexture8(IDirect3DBaseTexture8 *iface)
static HRESULT WINAPI d3d8_texture_2d_GetSurfaceLevel(IDirect3DTexture8 *iface, UINT level, IDirect3DSurface8 **surface)
static DWORD WINAPI d3d8_texture_cube_GetLOD(IDirect3DCubeTexture8 *iface)
static HRESULT WINAPI d3d8_texture_cube_UnlockRect(IDirect3DCubeTexture8 *iface, D3DCUBEMAP_FACES face, UINT level)
HRESULT volumetexture_init(struct d3d8_texture *texture, struct d3d8_device *device, UINT width, UINT height, UINT depth, UINT levels, DWORD usage, D3DFORMAT format, D3DPOOL pool)
static ULONG WINAPI d3d8_texture_3d_Release(IDirect3DVolumeTexture8 *iface)
static DWORD WINAPI d3d8_texture_3d_SetPriority(IDirect3DVolumeTexture8 *iface, DWORD priority)
static void WINAPI d3d8_texture_3d_PreLoad(IDirect3DVolumeTexture8 *iface)
static HRESULT WINAPI d3d8_texture_cube_AddDirtyRect(IDirect3DCubeTexture8 *iface, D3DCUBEMAP_FACES face, const RECT *dirty_rect)
static HRESULT WINAPI d3d8_texture_3d_GetDevice(IDirect3DVolumeTexture8 *iface, IDirect3DDevice8 **device)
static HRESULT WINAPI d3d8_texture_cube_LockRect(IDirect3DCubeTexture8 *iface, D3DCUBEMAP_FACES face, UINT level, D3DLOCKED_RECT *locked_rect, const RECT *rect, DWORD flags)
static HRESULT WINAPI d3d8_texture_3d_UnlockBox(IDirect3DVolumeTexture8 *iface, UINT level)
static HRESULT WINAPI d3d8_texture_3d_GetVolumeLevel(IDirect3DVolumeTexture8 *iface, UINT level, IDirect3DVolume8 **volume)
HRESULT cubetexture_init(struct d3d8_texture *texture, struct d3d8_device *device, UINT edge_length, UINT levels, DWORD usage, D3DFORMAT format, D3DPOOL pool)
static HRESULT WINAPI d3d8_texture_2d_GetDevice(IDirect3DTexture8 *iface, IDirect3DDevice8 **device)
static struct d3d8_texture * impl_from_IDirect3DVolumeTexture8(IDirect3DVolumeTexture8 *iface)
static HRESULT WINAPI d3d8_texture_2d_AddDirtyRect(IDirect3DTexture8 *iface, const RECT *dirty_rect)
static HRESULT WINAPI d3d8_texture_3d_GetLevelDesc(IDirect3DVolumeTexture8 *iface, UINT level, D3DVOLUME_DESC *desc)
static DWORD WINAPI d3d8_texture_2d_GetPriority(IDirect3DTexture8 *iface)
static void WINAPI d3d8_texture_cube_PreLoad(IDirect3DCubeTexture8 *iface)
static DWORD WINAPI d3d8_texture_3d_GetLevelCount(IDirect3DVolumeTexture8 *iface)
static DWORD WINAPI d3d8_texture_3d_SetLOD(IDirect3DVolumeTexture8 *iface, DWORD lod)
HRESULT texture_init(struct d3d8_texture *texture, struct d3d8_device *device, UINT width, UINT height, UINT levels, DWORD usage, D3DFORMAT format, D3DPOOL pool)
static D3DRESOURCETYPE WINAPI d3d8_texture_3d_GetType(IDirect3DVolumeTexture8 *iface)
static ULONG WINAPI d3d8_texture_2d_Release(IDirect3DTexture8 *iface)
static DWORD WINAPI d3d8_texture_2d_SetPriority(IDirect3DTexture8 *iface, DWORD priority)
static HRESULT WINAPI d3d8_texture_3d_QueryInterface(IDirect3DVolumeTexture8 *iface, REFIID riid, void **out)
static HRESULT WINAPI d3d8_texture_cube_GetPrivateData(IDirect3DCubeTexture8 *iface, REFGUID guid, void *data, DWORD *data_size)
static ULONG WINAPI d3d8_texture_2d_AddRef(IDirect3DTexture8 *iface)
static const IDirect3DCubeTexture8Vtbl Direct3DCubeTexture8_Vtbl
static void WINAPI d3d8_texture_2d_PreLoad(IDirect3DTexture8 *iface)
static const IDirect3DVolumeTexture8Vtbl Direct3DVolumeTexture8_Vtbl
static HRESULT WINAPI d3d8_texture_3d_FreePrivateData(IDirect3DVolumeTexture8 *iface, REFGUID guid)
static ULONG WINAPI d3d8_texture_cube_Release(IDirect3DCubeTexture8 *iface)
static struct d3d8_texture * impl_from_IDirect3DCubeTexture8(IDirect3DCubeTexture8 *iface)
static ULONG WINAPI d3d8_texture_cube_AddRef(IDirect3DCubeTexture8 *iface)
static DWORD WINAPI d3d8_texture_2d_SetLOD(IDirect3DTexture8 *iface, DWORD lod)
static DWORD WINAPI d3d8_texture_cube_GetLevelCount(IDirect3DCubeTexture8 *iface)
static HRESULT WINAPI d3d8_texture_cube_FreePrivateData(IDirect3DCubeTexture8 *iface, REFGUID guid)
static HRESULT WINAPI d3d8_texture_2d_UnlockRect(IDirect3DTexture8 *iface, UINT level)
static DWORD WINAPI d3d8_texture_2d_GetLOD(IDirect3DTexture8 *iface)
static struct d3d8_texture * impl_from_IDirect3DTexture8(IDirect3DTexture8 *iface)
static DWORD WINAPI d3d8_texture_3d_GetPriority(IDirect3DVolumeTexture8 *iface)
static const struct wined3d_parent_ops d3d8_texture_wined3d_parent_ops
static DWORD WINAPI d3d8_texture_cube_SetPriority(IDirect3DCubeTexture8 *iface, DWORD priority)
static HRESULT WINAPI d3d8_texture_cube_GetDevice(IDirect3DCubeTexture8 *iface, IDirect3DDevice8 **device)
static HRESULT WINAPI d3d8_texture_3d_GetPrivateData(IDirect3DVolumeTexture8 *iface, REFGUID guid, void *data, DWORD *data_size)
static DWORD WINAPI d3d8_texture_cube_GetPriority(IDirect3DCubeTexture8 *iface)
static HRESULT WINAPI d3d8_texture_cube_GetLevelDesc(IDirect3DCubeTexture8 *iface, UINT level, D3DSURFACE_DESC *desc)
static HRESULT WINAPI d3d8_texture_2d_FreePrivateData(IDirect3DTexture8 *iface, REFGUID guid)
static D3DRESOURCETYPE WINAPI d3d8_texture_2d_GetType(IDirect3DTexture8 *iface)
static DWORD WINAPI d3d8_texture_2d_GetLevelCount(IDirect3DTexture8 *iface)
static DWORD WINAPI d3d8_texture_3d_GetLOD(IDirect3DVolumeTexture8 *iface)
static HRESULT WINAPI d3d8_texture_2d_GetLevelDesc(IDirect3DTexture8 *iface, UINT level, D3DSURFACE_DESC *desc)
static HRESULT WINAPI d3d8_texture_3d_SetPrivateData(IDirect3DVolumeTexture8 *iface, REFGUID guid, const void *data, DWORD data_size, DWORD flags)
static const IDirect3DTexture8Vtbl Direct3DTexture8_Vtbl
static HRESULT WINAPI d3d8_texture_cube_SetPrivateData(IDirect3DCubeTexture8 *iface, REFGUID guid, const void *data, DWORD data_size, DWORD flags)
static HRESULT WINAPI d3d8_texture_3d_LockBox(IDirect3DVolumeTexture8 *iface, UINT level, D3DLOCKED_BOX *locked_box, const D3DBOX *box, DWORD flags)
static ULONG WINAPI d3d8_texture_3d_AddRef(IDirect3DVolumeTexture8 *iface)
static HRESULT WINAPI d3d8_texture_3d_AddDirtyBox(IDirect3DVolumeTexture8 *iface, const D3DBOX *dirty_box)
static void STDMETHODCALLTYPE d3d8_texture_wined3d_object_destroyed(void *parent)
static HRESULT WINAPI d3d8_texture_cube_QueryInterface(IDirect3DCubeTexture8 *iface, REFIID riid, void **out)
static D3DRESOURCETYPE WINAPI d3d8_texture_cube_GetType(IDirect3DCubeTexture8 *iface)
static HRESULT WINAPI d3d8_texture_2d_LockRect(IDirect3DTexture8 *iface, UINT level, D3DLOCKED_RECT *locked_rect, const RECT *rect, DWORD flags)
static DWORD WINAPI d3d8_texture_cube_SetLOD(IDirect3DCubeTexture8 *iface, DWORD lod)
void CDECL wined3d_resource_preload(struct wined3d_resource *resource)
DWORD CDECL wined3d_resource_set_priority(struct wined3d_resource *resource, DWORD priority)
DWORD CDECL wined3d_resource_get_priority(const struct wined3d_resource *resource)
DWORD CDECL wined3d_texture_set_lod(struct wined3d_texture *texture, DWORD lod)
HRESULT CDECL wined3d_texture_get_sub_resource_desc(const struct wined3d_texture *texture, unsigned int sub_resource_idx, struct wined3d_sub_resource_desc *desc)
DWORD CDECL wined3d_texture_get_lod(const struct wined3d_texture *texture)
HRESULT CDECL wined3d_texture_add_dirty_region(struct wined3d_texture *texture, UINT layer, const struct wined3d_box *dirty_region)
HRESULT CDECL wined3d_texture_create(struct wined3d_device *device, const struct wined3d_resource_desc *desc, UINT layer_count, UINT level_count, DWORD flags, const struct wined3d_sub_resource_data *data, void *parent, const struct wined3d_parent_ops *parent_ops, struct wined3d_texture **texture)
void *CDECL wined3d_texture_get_sub_resource_parent(struct wined3d_texture *texture, unsigned int sub_resource_idx)
struct wined3d_resource *CDECL wined3d_texture_get_resource(struct wined3d_texture *texture)
ULONG CDECL wined3d_texture_decref(struct wined3d_texture *texture)
ULONG CDECL wined3d_texture_incref(struct wined3d_texture *texture)
DWORD CDECL wined3d_texture_get_level_count(const struct wined3d_texture *texture)
ULONG CDECL wined3d_rendertarget_view_incref(struct wined3d_rendertarget_view *view)
ULONG CDECL wined3d_rendertarget_view_decref(struct wined3d_rendertarget_view *view)
GLint GLint GLsizei GLsizei GLsizei depth
GLint GLenum GLsizei GLsizei GLsizei GLint GLsizei const GLvoid * data
GLint GLint GLsizei GLsizei height
GLint GLint GLsizei width
GLenum GLuint GLint GLenum face
GLsizeiptr const GLvoid GLenum usage
static const WCHAR desc[]
#define IsEqualGUID(rguid1, rguid2)
#define IDirect3DCubeTexture8_AddRef(p)
#define IDirect3DSurface8_UnlockRect(p)
#define IDirect3DVolumeTexture8_AddRef(p)
#define IDirect3DVolume8_UnlockBox(p)
#define IDirect3DSurface8_AddRef(p)
#define IDirect3DTexture8_AddRef(p)
#define IDirect3DSurface8_LockRect(p, a, b, c)
#define IDirect3DVolume8_AddRef(p)
#define IDirect3DDevice8_AddRef(p)
#define IDirect3DDevice8_Release(p)
#define IDirect3DVolume8_LockBox(p, a, b, c)
#define LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(elem, list, type, field)
IDirect3DDevice8 * parent_device
unsigned int sub_resource_idx
struct wined3d_rendertarget_view * wined3d_rtv
IDirect3DSurface8 IDirect3DSurface8_iface
IDirect3DDevice8 * parent_device
IDirect3DBaseTexture8 IDirect3DBaseTexture8_iface
IDirect3DVolume8 IDirect3DVolume8_iface
enum wined3d_format_id format
enum wined3d_multisample_type multisample_type
#define CONTAINING_RECORD(address, type, field)
wchar_t tm const _CrtWcstime_Writes_and_advances_ptr_ count wchar_t ** out
static unsigned int wined3d_log2i(unsigned int x)
static void wined3d_box_set(struct wined3d_box *box, unsigned int left, unsigned int top, unsigned int right, unsigned int bottom, unsigned int front, unsigned int back)
void WINAPI wined3d_mutex_unlock(void)
void WINAPI wined3d_mutex_lock(void)