ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-401-g45b008d
nsiface.idl File Reference

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  nsCStringContainer
struct  nsStringContainer
interface  nsISupports
interface  nsIServiceManager
interface  nsIFactory
interface  nsIWeakReference
interface  nsISupportsWeakReference
interface  nsIInterfaceRequestor
interface  nsIRunnable
interface  nsISimpleEnumerator
interface  nsIVariant
interface  nsIWritableVariant
interface  nsIInputStream
interface  nsISeekableStream
interface  nsIURI
interface  nsIURL
interface  nsIFileURL
interface  nsIMutable
interface  nsIStandardURL
interface  nsIRequest
interface  nsIRequestObserver
interface  nsIStreamListener
interface  nsILoadGroup
interface  nsIChannel
interface  nsIHttpHeaderVisitor
interface  nsIHttpChannel
interface  nsIHttpChannelInternal
interface  nsIUploadChannel
interface  nsIAsyncVerifyRedirectCallback
interface  nsIChannelEventSink
interface  nsIDOMLocation
interface  nsIDOMCSSRule
interface  nsIDOMCSSStyleDeclaration
interface  nsIDOMCSSRuleList
interface  nsIDOMStyleSheet
interface  nsIDOMCSSStyleSheet
interface  nsIDOMStyleSheetList
interface  nsIDOMNodeList
interface  nsIDOMHTMLCollection
interface  nsIDOMMozNamedAttrMap
interface  nsIDOMNode
interface  nsIDOMAttr
interface  nsIDOMClientRect
interface  nsIDOMElement
interface  nsIDOMElementCSSInlineStyle
interface  nsIDOMHTMLElement
interface  nsIDOMHTMLHeadElement
interface  nsIDOMCharacterData
interface  nsIDOMText
interface  nsIDOMComment
interface  nsIDOMDocumentFragment
interface  nsIDOMDocument
interface  nsIDOMHTMLDocument
interface  nsIDOMRange
interface  nsISelection
interface  nsIDOMWindowCollection
interface  nsIDOMWindow
interface  nsIDOMHTMLBodyElement
interface  nsIDOMHTMLFormElement
interface  nsIDOMHTMLInputElement
interface  nsIDOMHTMLOptionElement
interface  nsIDOMHTMLButtonElement
interface  nsIDOMHTMLOptionsCollection
interface  nsIDOMHTMLSelectElement
interface  nsIDOMHTMLTextAreaElement
interface  nsIDOMHTMLScriptElement
interface  nsIDOMHTMLImageElement
interface  nsIDOMHTMLAnchorElement
interface  nsIDOMHTMLAreaElement
interface  nsIDOMHTMLLinkElement
interface  nsIDOMHTMLTableElement
interface  nsIDOMHTMLTableRowElement
interface  nsIDOMHTMLTableCellElement
interface  nsIDOMHTMLIFrameElement
interface  nsIDOMHTMLFrameElement
interface  nsIDOMHTMLObjectElement
interface  nsIDOMHTMLStyleElement
interface  nsIURIContentListener
interface  nsITooltipListener
interface  nsIWebBrowser
interface  void
interface  nsIBaseWindow
interface  nsIWebNavigation
interface  nsIWebProgress
interface  nsIPrintSettings
struct  nsIPrintSettings::nsIntMargin
interface  nsIWebBrowserPrint
interface  nsIScrollable
interface  nsIFile
struct  nsIFile::PRFileDesc
interface  nsIComponentManager
interface  nsIPrefBranch
interface  nsIDirectoryServiceProvider
interface  nsIDirectoryServiceProvider2
interface  nsIProtocolHandler
interface  nsIExternalProtocolHandler
interface  nsIIOService
interface  nsINetUtil
interface  nsIWebBrowserFocus
interface  nsIWebBrowserChrome
interface  nsIDOMEventListener
interface  nsIDOMEventTarget
interface  nsIDOMEvent
interface  nsIDOMWindowUtils
interface  nsIContextMenuListener
interface  nsIDOMUIEvent
interface  nsIDOMMouseEvent
interface  nsIDOMKeyEvent
interface  nsIEmbeddingSiteWindow
interface  nsIComponentRegistrar
interface  nsIPromptService
interface  nsITooltipTextProvider
interface  nsIEditingSession
interface  nsICommandParams
interface  nsICommandManager
interface  nsICategoryManager
interface  nsIControllerContext
interface  nsIController
interface  nsIContent
interface  nsIDocument
interface  nsIContentSerializer
interface  nsIEditor
interface  nsIHTMLEditor
interface  nsIClipboardCommands
interface  nsIDocShellTreeItem
interface  nsIContentViewer
interface  nsIDocShellLoadInfo
interface  nsIDocShell
interface  nsIMutationObserver
interface  nsIParser
interface  nsIDocumentObserver
struct  nsIDocumentObserver::EventStates
interface  nsIContentUtils
interface  nsIPluginInstance
interface  nsIGlobalObject
interface  nsIXMLHttpRequest
interface  nsIScriptSecurityManager


#define int16_t   short
#define int32_t   LONG
#define int64_t   INT64
#define uint8_t   UINT8
#define uint16_t   UINT16
#define uint32_t   UINT32
#define uint64_t   UINT64
#define char16_t   PRUnichar
#define bool   cpp_bool
#define FILE   widl_FILE


typedef HRESULT nsresult
typedef ULONG nsrefcnt
typedef IID nsID
typedef IID nsIID
typedef nsIID nsCID
typedef REFIID nsIIDRef
typedef nsIIDRef nsCIDRef
typedef WCHAR PRUnichar
typedef uint64_t DOMTimeStamp
typedef uint32_t nsLoadFlags
typedef int64_t PRTime
typedef unsigned char cpp_bool
typedef nsCStringContainer nsACString
typedef nsStringContainer nsAString
typedef nsISupports nsISHistory
typedef nsISupports nsIWidget
typedef nsISupports nsIPrompt
typedef nsISupports nsIAuthPrompt
typedef nsISupports nsIDOMDocumentType
typedef nsISupports nsIDOMDOMImplementation
typedef nsISupports nsIDOMCDATASection
typedef nsISupports nsIDOMProcessingInstruction
typedef nsISupports nsIDOMEntityReference
typedef nsISupports nsIWebProgressListener
typedef nsISupports nsIDOMCSSValue
typedef nsISupports nsIPrintSession
typedef nsISupports nsIControllerCommandTable
typedef nsISupports nsIPrincipal
typedef nsISupports nsIAtom
typedef nsISupports nsISupportsArray
typedef nsISupports nsIContentFilter
typedef nsISupports nsIDOMMediaList
typedef nsISupports nsIDOMHTMLTableSectionElement
typedef nsISupports nsIDOMClientRectList
typedef nsISupports nsINode
typedef nsISupports nsIStyleSheet
typedef nsISupports nsIStyleRule
typedef nsISupports nsIDOMUserDataHandler
typedef nsISupports nsISHEntry
typedef nsISupports nsIPresShell
typedef nsISupports nsIDocumentCharsetInfo
typedef nsISupports nsILayoutHistoryState
typedef nsISupports nsISecureBrowserUI
typedef nsISupports nsIDOMStorage
typedef nsISupports nsIDOMDOMTokenList
typedef nsISupports nsITransferable
typedef nsISupports nsIDOMFileList
typedef nsISupports nsIDOMFile
typedef nsISupports nsIControllers
typedef nsISupports nsIDOMValidityState
typedef nsISupports nsIPluginInstanceOwner
typedef nsISupports nsIPluginStreamListener
typedef nsISupports nsIContentSink
typedef nsISupports nsIParserFilter
typedef nsISupports nsIDTD
typedef nsISupports nsIObserver
typedef nsISupports nsIDOMNodeFilter
typedef nsISupports nsIDOMNodeIterator
typedef nsISupports nsIDOMTreeWalker
typedef nsISupports nsIHttpUpgradeListener
typedef nsISupports nsIDOMOfflineResourceList
typedef nsISupports nsIDOMNavigator
typedef nsISupports nsIDOMScreen
typedef nsISupports nsIAnimationFrameListener
typedef nsISupports nsIDOMStorageList
typedef nsISupports nsILocalFile
typedef nsISupports nsIDOMHTMLMenuElement
typedef nsISupports nsIDOMCaretPosition
typedef nsISupports nsIFrameRequestCallback
typedef nsISupports nsICycleCollectorListener
typedef nsISupports nsIDOMHTMLCanvasElement
typedef nsISupports nsIQueryContentEventResult
typedef nsISupports nsIDOMBlob
typedef nsISupports nsIPrivacyTransitionObserver
typedef nsISupports nsIDOMHTMLPropertiesCollection
typedef nsISupports mozIDOMApplication
typedef nsISupports nsILoadGroupConnectionInfo
typedef nsISupports nsIDOMCrypto
typedef nsISupports nsIDOMPkcs11
typedef nsISupports nsIDocShellTreeOwner
typedef nsISupports nsIArray
typedef nsISupports nsILoadInfo
typedef nsISupports nsIContentSecurityPolicy
typedef nsISupports nsIXMLHttpRequestUpload
typedef nsISupports nsIClassInfo
typedef nsISupports nsILoadContext
typedef nsISupports nsIDomainPolicy
typedef nsISupports nsIScriptContext
typedef nsISupports nsIObjectInputStream
typedef nsISupports nsIObjectOutputStream
typedef voidJSContext
typedef voidJSObject
typedef uint64_t jsval


 DEFINE_GUID (IID_nsCycleCollectionISupports, 0xc61eac14, 0x5f7a, 0x4481, 0x96, 0x5e, 0x7e, 0xaa, 0x6e, 0xff, 0xa8, 0x5f)

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ bool

#define bool   cpp_bool

Definition at line 72 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ char16_t

#define char16_t   PRUnichar

Definition at line 64 of file nsiface.idl.


#define FILE   widl_FILE

Definition at line 2609 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ int16_t

Definition at line 55 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ int32_t

Definition at line 56 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ int64_t

Definition at line 57 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ uint16_t

Definition at line 60 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ uint32_t

Definition at line 61 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ uint64_t

Definition at line 62 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ uint8_t

Definition at line 59 of file nsiface.idl.

Typedef Documentation

◆ cpp_bool

Definition at line 71 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ DOMTimeStamp

Definition at line 66 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ JSContext

typedef void* JSContext

Definition at line 209 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ JSObject

typedef void* JSObject

Definition at line 210 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ jsval

typedef uint64_t jsval

Definition at line 211 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ mozIDOMApplication

Definition at line 193 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsACString

Definition at line 88 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsAString

Definition at line 89 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsCID

typedef nsIID nsCID

Definition at line 44 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsCIDRef

typedef nsIIDRef nsCIDRef

Definition at line 46 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIAnimationFrameListener

Definition at line 181 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIArray

Definition at line 198 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIAtom

Definition at line 146 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIAuthPrompt

Definition at line 135 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIClassInfo

Definition at line 202 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIContentFilter

Definition at line 148 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIContentSecurityPolicy

Definition at line 200 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIContentSink

Definition at line 170 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIControllerCommandTable

Definition at line 144 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIControllers

Definition at line 166 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsICycleCollectorListener

Definition at line 187 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsID

typedef IID nsID

Definition at line 42 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIDocShellTreeOwner

Definition at line 197 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIDocumentCharsetInfo

Definition at line 158 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIDomainPolicy

Definition at line 204 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIDOMBlob

Definition at line 190 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIDOMCaretPosition

Definition at line 185 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIDOMCDATASection

Definition at line 138 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIDOMClientRectList

Definition at line 151 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIDOMCrypto

Definition at line 195 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIDOMCSSValue

Definition at line 142 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIDOMDocumentType

Definition at line 136 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIDOMDOMImplementation

Definition at line 137 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIDOMDOMTokenList

Definition at line 162 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIDOMEntityReference

Definition at line 140 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIDOMFile

Definition at line 165 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIDOMFileList

Definition at line 164 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIDOMHTMLCanvasElement

Definition at line 188 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIDOMHTMLMenuElement

Definition at line 184 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIDOMHTMLPropertiesCollection

Definition at line 192 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIDOMHTMLTableSectionElement

Definition at line 150 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIDOMMediaList

Definition at line 149 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIDOMNavigator

Definition at line 179 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIDOMNodeFilter

Definition at line 174 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIDOMNodeIterator

Definition at line 175 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIDOMOfflineResourceList

Definition at line 178 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIDOMPkcs11

Definition at line 196 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIDOMProcessingInstruction

Definition at line 139 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIDOMScreen

Definition at line 180 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIDOMStorage

Definition at line 161 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIDOMStorageList

Definition at line 182 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIDOMTreeWalker

Definition at line 176 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIDOMUserDataHandler

Definition at line 155 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIDOMValidityState

Definition at line 167 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIDTD

Definition at line 172 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIFrameRequestCallback

Definition at line 186 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIHttpUpgradeListener

Definition at line 177 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIID

typedef IID nsIID

Definition at line 43 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIIDRef

typedef REFIID nsIIDRef

Definition at line 45 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsILayoutHistoryState

Definition at line 159 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsILoadContext

Definition at line 203 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsILoadGroupConnectionInfo

Definition at line 194 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsILoadInfo

Definition at line 199 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsILocalFile

Definition at line 183 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsINode

Definition at line 152 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIObjectInputStream

Definition at line 206 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIObjectOutputStream

Definition at line 207 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIObserver

Definition at line 173 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIParserFilter

Definition at line 171 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIPluginInstanceOwner

Definition at line 168 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIPluginStreamListener

Definition at line 169 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIPresShell

Definition at line 157 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIPrincipal

Definition at line 145 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIPrintSession

Definition at line 143 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIPrivacyTransitionObserver

Definition at line 191 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIPrompt

Definition at line 134 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIQueryContentEventResult

Definition at line 189 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIScriptContext

Definition at line 205 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsISecureBrowserUI

Definition at line 160 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsISHEntry

Definition at line 156 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsISHistory

Definition at line 132 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIStyleRule

Definition at line 154 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIStyleSheet

Definition at line 153 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsISupportsArray

Definition at line 147 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsITransferable

Definition at line 163 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIWebProgressListener

Definition at line 141 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIWidget

Definition at line 133 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsIXMLHttpRequestUpload

Definition at line 201 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsLoadFlags

Definition at line 67 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsrefcnt

Definition at line 40 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ nsresult

static nsresult

Definition at line 39 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ PRTime

typedef int64_t PRTime

Definition at line 68 of file nsiface.idl.

◆ PRUnichar

typedef WCHAR PRUnichar

Definition at line 48 of file nsiface.idl.

Function Documentation


DEFINE_GUID ( IID_nsCycleCollectionISupports  ,
0xc61eac14  ,
0x5f7a  ,
0x4481  ,
0x96  ,
0x5e  ,
0x7e  ,
0xaa  ,
0x6e  ,
0xff  ,
0xa8  ,