ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-178-g8ba6102
nsIDOMWindow Interface Reference
Inheritance diagram for nsIDOMWindow:
Collaboration diagram for nsIDOMWindow:

Public Member Functions

nsresult GetWindow (nsIDOMWindow **aWindow)
nsresult GetSelf (nsIDOMWindow **aSelf)
nsresult GetDocument (nsIDOMDocument **aDocument)
nsresult GetName (nsAString *aName)
nsresult SetName (const nsAString *aName)
nsresult GetLocation (nsIDOMLocation **aLocation)
nsresult GetHistory (nsISupports **aHistory)
nsresult GetLocationbar (nsISupports **aLocationbar)
nsresult GetMenubar (nsISupports **aMenubar)
nsresult GetPersonalbar (nsISupports **aPersonalbar)
nsresult GetScrollbars (nsISupports **aScrollbars)
nsresult GetStatusbar (nsISupports **aStatusbar)
nsresult GetToolbar (nsISupports **aToolbar)
nsresult GetStatus (nsAString *aStatus)
nsresult SetStatus (const nsAString *aStatus)
nsresult Close ()
nsresult Stop ()
nsresult Focus ()
nsresult Blur ()
nsresult GetLength (uint32_t *aLength)
nsresult GetScriptableTop (nsIDOMWindow **aTop)
nsresult GetRealTop (nsIDOMWindow **aTop)
nsresult GetScriptableParent (nsIDOMWindow **aParent)
nsresult GetRealParent (nsIDOMWindow **aParent)
nsresult GetScriptableOpener (JSContext *cx, int aOpener)
nsresult SetScriptableOpener (JSContext *cx, int aOpener)
nsresult GetOpener (nsIDOMWindow **aOpenerWindow)
nsresult SetOpener (nsIDOMWindow *aOpenerWindow)
nsresult GetScriptableFrameElement (nsIDOMElement **aFrameElement)
nsresult GetRealFrameElement (nsIDOMElement **aFrameElement)
nsresult GetNavigator (nsIDOMNavigator **aNavigator)
nsresult GetApplicationCache (nsIDOMOfflineResourceList **aApplicationCache)
nsresult Alert (const nsAString *text)
nsresult Confirm (const nsAString *text, bool *_retval)
nsresult Prompt (const nsAString *aMessage, const nsAString *aInitial, nsAString *_retval)
nsresult Print ()
nsresult ShowModalDialog (const nsAString *aURI, nsIVariant *aArgs, const nsAString *aOptions, uint8_t _argc, nsIVariant **_retval)
nsresult PostMessageMoz (const long *message, const nsAString *targetOrigin, const void *transfer, JSContext *cx)
nsresult Atob (const nsAString *aAsciiString, nsAString *_retval)
nsresult Btoa (const nsAString *aBase64Data, nsAString *_retval)
nsresult GetSessionStorage (nsISupports **aSessionStorage)
nsresult GetLocalStorage (nsISupports **aLocalStorage)
nsresult GetIndexedDB (nsISupports **aIndexedDB)
nsresult GetSelection (nsISelection **_retval)
nsresult MatchMedia (const nsAString *media_query_list, nsISupports **_retval)
nsresult GetScreen (nsIDOMScreen **aScreen)
nsresult GetInnerWidth (int32_t *aInnerWidth)
nsresult SetInnerWidth (int32_t aInnerWidth)
nsresult GetInnerHeight (int32_t *aInnerHeight)
nsresult SetInnerHeight (int32_t aInnerHeight)
nsresult GetScrollX (int32_t *aScrollX)
nsresult GetPageXOffset (int32_t *aPageXOffset)
nsresult GetScrollY (int32_t *aScrollY)
nsresult GetPageYOffset (int32_t *aPageYOffset)
nsresult Scroll (int32_t xScroll, int32_t yScroll)
nsresult ScrollTo (int32_t xScroll, int32_t yScroll)
nsresult ScrollBy (int32_t xScrollDif, int32_t yScrollDif)
nsresult GetScreenX (int32_t *aScreenX)
nsresult SetScreenX (int32_t aScreenX)
nsresult GetScreenY (int32_t *aScreenY)
nsresult SetScreenY (int32_t aScreenY)
nsresult GetOuterWidth (int32_t *aOuterWidth)
nsresult SetOuterWidth (int32_t aOuterWidth)
nsresult GetOuterHeight (int32_t *aOuterHeight)
nsresult SetOuterHeight (int32_t aOuterHeight)
nsresult GetComputedStyle (nsIDOMElement *elt, const nsAString *pseudoElt, nsIDOMCSSStyleDeclaration **_retval)
nsresult GetDefaultComputedStyle (nsIDOMElement *elt, const nsAString *pseudoElt, nsIDOMCSSStyleDeclaration **_retval)
nsresult GetWindowRoot (nsIDOMEventTarget **aWindowRoot)
nsresult GetFrames (nsIDOMWindowCollection **aFrames)
nsresult GetTextZoom (float *aTextZoom)
nsresult SetTextZoom (float aTextZoom)
nsresult ScrollByLines (int32_t numLines)
nsresult ScrollByPages (int32_t numPages)
nsresult SizeToContent ()
nsresult GetContent (nsIDOMWindow **aContent)
nsresult GetPrompter (nsIPrompt **aPrompter)
nsresult GetClosed (bool *aClosed)
nsresult GetCrypto (nsIDOMCrypto **aCrypto)
nsresult GetControllers (nsIControllers **aControllers)
nsresult GetMozInnerScreenX (float *aMozInnerScreenX)
nsresult GetMozInnerScreenY (float *aMozInnerScreenY)
nsresult GetDevicePixelRatio (float *aDevicePixelRatio)
nsresult GetScrollMaxX (int32_t *aScrollMaxX)
nsresult GetScrollMaxY (int32_t *aScrollMaxY)
nsresult GetFullScreen (bool *aFullScreen)
nsresult SetFullScreen (bool aFullScreen)
nsresult Back ()
nsresult Forward ()
nsresult Home ()
nsresult MoveTo (int32_t xPos, int32_t yPos)
nsresult MoveBy (int32_t xDif, int32_t yDif)
nsresult ResizeTo (int32_t width, int32_t height)
nsresult ResizeBy (int32_t widthDif, int32_t heightDif)
nsresult Open (const nsAString *url, const nsAString *name, const nsAString *options, nsIDOMWindow **_retval)
nsresult OpenDialog (const nsAString *url, const nsAString *name, const nsAString *options, nsISupports *aExtraArgument, nsIDOMWindow **_retval)
nsresult UpdateCommands (const nsAString *action, nsISelection *sel, int16_t reason)
nsresult Find (const nsAString *str, bool caseSensitive, bool backwards, bool wrapAround, bool wholeWord, bool searchInFrames, bool showDialog, bool *_retval)
nsresult GetMozPaintCount (uint64_t *aMozPaintCount)
nsresult MozRequestAnimationFrame (nsIFrameRequestCallback *aCallback, int32_t *_retval)
nsresult RequestAnimationFrame (void *aCallback, JSContext *cx, int32_t *_retval)
nsresult MozCancelAnimationFrame (int32_t aHandle)
nsresult MozCancelRequestAnimationFrame (int32_t aHandle)
nsresult CancelAnimationFrame (int32_t aHandle)
nsresult GetMozAnimationStartTime (int64_t *aMozAnimationStartTime)
nsresult GetConsole (JSContext *cx, jsval *aConsole)
nsresult SetConsole (JSContext *cx, const jsval *aConsole)
- Public Member Functions inherited from nsISupports
nsresult QueryInterface (nsIIDRef riid, void **result)
nsrefcnt AddRef ()
nsrefcnt Release ()

Detailed Description

Definition at line 1396 of file nsiface.idl.

Member Function Documentation

◆ Alert()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::Alert ( const nsAString text)

◆ Atob()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::Atob ( const nsAString aAsciiString,
nsAString _retval 

◆ Back()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::Back ( )

◆ Blur()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::Blur ( )

◆ Btoa()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::Btoa ( const nsAString aBase64Data,
nsAString _retval 

◆ CancelAnimationFrame()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::CancelAnimationFrame ( int32_t  aHandle)

◆ Close()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::Close ( )

◆ Confirm()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::Confirm ( const nsAString text,
bool _retval 

◆ Find()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::Find ( const nsAString str,
bool  caseSensitive,
bool  backwards,
bool  wrapAround,
bool  wholeWord,
bool  searchInFrames,
bool  showDialog,
bool _retval 

◆ Focus()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::Focus ( )

◆ Forward()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::Forward ( )

◆ GetApplicationCache()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::GetApplicationCache ( nsIDOMOfflineResourceList **  aApplicationCache)

◆ GetClosed()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::GetClosed ( bool aClosed)

◆ GetComputedStyle()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::GetComputedStyle ( nsIDOMElement elt,
const nsAString pseudoElt,
nsIDOMCSSStyleDeclaration **  _retval 

◆ GetConsole()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::GetConsole ( JSContext cx,
jsval aConsole 

◆ GetContent()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::GetContent ( nsIDOMWindow **  aContent)

◆ GetControllers()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::GetControllers ( nsIControllers **  aControllers)

◆ GetCrypto()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::GetCrypto ( nsIDOMCrypto **  aCrypto)

◆ GetDefaultComputedStyle()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::GetDefaultComputedStyle ( nsIDOMElement elt,
const nsAString pseudoElt,
nsIDOMCSSStyleDeclaration **  _retval 

◆ GetDevicePixelRatio()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::GetDevicePixelRatio ( float aDevicePixelRatio)

◆ GetDocument()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::GetDocument ( nsIDOMDocument **  aDocument)

◆ GetFrames()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::GetFrames ( nsIDOMWindowCollection **  aFrames)

◆ GetFullScreen()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::GetFullScreen ( bool aFullScreen)

◆ GetHistory()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::GetHistory ( nsISupports **  aHistory)

◆ GetIndexedDB()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::GetIndexedDB ( nsISupports **  aIndexedDB)

◆ GetInnerHeight()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::GetInnerHeight ( int32_t aInnerHeight)

◆ GetInnerWidth()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::GetInnerWidth ( int32_t aInnerWidth)

◆ GetLength()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::GetLength ( uint32_t aLength)

◆ GetLocalStorage()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::GetLocalStorage ( nsISupports **  aLocalStorage)

◆ GetLocation()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::GetLocation ( nsIDOMLocation **  aLocation)

◆ GetLocationbar()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::GetLocationbar ( nsISupports **  aLocationbar)

◆ GetMenubar()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::GetMenubar ( nsISupports **  aMenubar)

◆ GetMozAnimationStartTime()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::GetMozAnimationStartTime ( int64_t aMozAnimationStartTime)

◆ GetMozInnerScreenX()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::GetMozInnerScreenX ( float aMozInnerScreenX)

◆ GetMozInnerScreenY()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::GetMozInnerScreenY ( float aMozInnerScreenY)

◆ GetMozPaintCount()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::GetMozPaintCount ( uint64_t aMozPaintCount)

◆ GetName()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::GetName ( nsAString aName)

◆ GetNavigator()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::GetNavigator ( nsIDOMNavigator **  aNavigator)

◆ GetOpener()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::GetOpener ( nsIDOMWindow **  aOpenerWindow)

◆ GetOuterHeight()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::GetOuterHeight ( int32_t aOuterHeight)

◆ GetOuterWidth()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::GetOuterWidth ( int32_t aOuterWidth)

◆ GetPageXOffset()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::GetPageXOffset ( int32_t aPageXOffset)

◆ GetPageYOffset()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::GetPageYOffset ( int32_t aPageYOffset)

◆ GetPersonalbar()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::GetPersonalbar ( nsISupports **  aPersonalbar)

◆ GetPrompter()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::GetPrompter ( nsIPrompt **  aPrompter)

◆ GetRealFrameElement()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::GetRealFrameElement ( nsIDOMElement **  aFrameElement)

◆ GetRealParent()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::GetRealParent ( nsIDOMWindow **  aParent)

◆ GetRealTop()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::GetRealTop ( nsIDOMWindow **  aTop)

◆ GetScreen()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::GetScreen ( nsIDOMScreen **  aScreen)

◆ GetScreenX()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::GetScreenX ( int32_t aScreenX)

◆ GetScreenY()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::GetScreenY ( int32_t aScreenY)

◆ GetScriptableFrameElement()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::GetScriptableFrameElement ( nsIDOMElement **  aFrameElement)

◆ GetScriptableOpener()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::GetScriptableOpener ( JSContext cx,
int  aOpener 

◆ GetScriptableParent()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::GetScriptableParent ( nsIDOMWindow **  aParent)

◆ GetScriptableTop()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::GetScriptableTop ( nsIDOMWindow **  aTop)

◆ GetScrollbars()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::GetScrollbars ( nsISupports **  aScrollbars)

◆ GetScrollMaxX()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::GetScrollMaxX ( int32_t aScrollMaxX)

◆ GetScrollMaxY()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::GetScrollMaxY ( int32_t aScrollMaxY)

◆ GetScrollX()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::GetScrollX ( int32_t aScrollX)

◆ GetScrollY()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::GetScrollY ( int32_t aScrollY)

◆ GetSelection()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::GetSelection ( nsISelection **  _retval)

◆ GetSelf()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::GetSelf ( nsIDOMWindow **  aSelf)

◆ GetSessionStorage()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::GetSessionStorage ( nsISupports **  aSessionStorage)

◆ GetStatus()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::GetStatus ( nsAString aStatus)

◆ GetStatusbar()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::GetStatusbar ( nsISupports **  aStatusbar)

◆ GetTextZoom()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::GetTextZoom ( float aTextZoom)

◆ GetToolbar()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::GetToolbar ( nsISupports **  aToolbar)

◆ GetWindow()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::GetWindow ( nsIDOMWindow **  aWindow)

◆ GetWindowRoot()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::GetWindowRoot ( nsIDOMEventTarget **  aWindowRoot)

◆ Home()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::Home ( )

◆ MatchMedia()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::MatchMedia ( const nsAString media_query_list,
nsISupports **  _retval 

◆ MoveBy()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::MoveBy ( int32_t  xDif,
int32_t  yDif 

◆ MoveTo()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::MoveTo ( int32_t  xPos,
int32_t  yPos 

◆ MozCancelAnimationFrame()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::MozCancelAnimationFrame ( int32_t  aHandle)

◆ MozCancelRequestAnimationFrame()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::MozCancelRequestAnimationFrame ( int32_t  aHandle)

◆ MozRequestAnimationFrame()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::MozRequestAnimationFrame ( nsIFrameRequestCallback aCallback,
int32_t _retval 

◆ Open()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::Open ( const nsAString url,
const nsAString name,
const nsAString options,
nsIDOMWindow **  _retval 

◆ OpenDialog()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::OpenDialog ( const nsAString url,
const nsAString name,
const nsAString options,
nsISupports aExtraArgument,
nsIDOMWindow **  _retval 

◆ PostMessageMoz()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::PostMessageMoz ( const long message,
const nsAString targetOrigin,
const void transfer,
JSContext cx 

◆ Print()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::Print ( )

◆ Prompt()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::Prompt ( const nsAString aMessage,
const nsAString aInitial,
nsAString _retval 

◆ RequestAnimationFrame()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::RequestAnimationFrame ( void aCallback,
JSContext cx,
int32_t _retval 

◆ ResizeBy()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::ResizeBy ( int32_t  widthDif,
int32_t  heightDif 

◆ ResizeTo()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::ResizeTo ( int32_t  width,
int32_t  height 

◆ Scroll()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::Scroll ( int32_t  xScroll,
int32_t  yScroll 

◆ ScrollBy()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::ScrollBy ( int32_t  xScrollDif,
int32_t  yScrollDif 

◆ ScrollByLines()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::ScrollByLines ( int32_t  numLines)

◆ ScrollByPages()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::ScrollByPages ( int32_t  numPages)

◆ ScrollTo()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::ScrollTo ( int32_t  xScroll,
int32_t  yScroll 

◆ SetConsole()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::SetConsole ( JSContext cx,
const jsval aConsole 

◆ SetFullScreen()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::SetFullScreen ( bool  aFullScreen)

◆ SetInnerHeight()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::SetInnerHeight ( int32_t  aInnerHeight)

◆ SetInnerWidth()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::SetInnerWidth ( int32_t  aInnerWidth)

◆ SetName()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::SetName ( const nsAString aName)

◆ SetOpener()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::SetOpener ( nsIDOMWindow aOpenerWindow)

◆ SetOuterHeight()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::SetOuterHeight ( int32_t  aOuterHeight)

◆ SetOuterWidth()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::SetOuterWidth ( int32_t  aOuterWidth)

◆ SetScreenX()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::SetScreenX ( int32_t  aScreenX)

◆ SetScreenY()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::SetScreenY ( int32_t  aScreenY)

◆ SetScriptableOpener()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::SetScriptableOpener ( JSContext cx,
int  aOpener 

◆ SetStatus()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::SetStatus ( const nsAString aStatus)

◆ SetTextZoom()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::SetTextZoom ( float  aTextZoom)

◆ ShowModalDialog()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::ShowModalDialog ( const nsAString aURI,
nsIVariant aArgs,
const nsAString aOptions,
uint8_t  _argc,
nsIVariant **  _retval 

◆ SizeToContent()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::SizeToContent ( )

◆ Stop()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::Stop ( )

◆ UpdateCommands()

nsresult nsIDOMWindow::UpdateCommands ( const nsAString action,
nsISelection sel,
int16_t  reason 

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: