ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-725-g22577ae
#include "controls.h"
#include "dde_private.h"
#include "regcontrol.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "ntwrapper.h"
#include "immtable.h"
Go to the source code of this file.
Classes | |
struct | Imm32ApiTable |
Macros | |
#define | IMM_RETURN_VOID(retval) /* empty */ |
#define | IMM_RETURN_NONVOID(retval) return (retval) |
#define | DEFINE_IMM_ENTRY(type, name, params, retval, retkind) typedef type (WINAPI *FN_##name)params; |
#define | DEFINE_IMM_ENTRY(type, name, params, retval, retkind) FN_##name p##name; |
#define | user32_module User32Instance |
#define | IMM_FN(name) gImmApiEntries.p##name |
#define | IS_ATOM(x) (((ULONG_PTR)(x) > 0x0) && ((ULONG_PTR)(x) < 0x10000)) |
#define | SPY_DISPATCHMESSAGE 0x0101 |
#define | SPY_SENDMESSAGE 0x0103 |
#define | SPY_DEFWNDPROC 0x0105 |
#define | SPY_RESULT_OK 0x0001 |
#define | SPY_RESULT_INVALIDHWND 0x0003 |
#define | SPY_RESULT_DEFWND 0x0005 |
#define user32_module User32Instance |
Definition at line 106 of file usrapihk.c.
Referenced by AdjustWindowRectEx(), DefWindowProcA(), DefWindowProcW(), DrawCaption(), DrawFrameControl(), EnableScrollBar(), GetScrollInfo(), GetSystemMetrics(), IntCallWindowProcA(), IntCallWindowProcW(), MDIRedrawFrame(), SetScrollInfo(), SetWindowRgn(), SystemParametersInfoA(), and SystemParametersInfoW().
Definition at line 193 of file usrapihk.c.
Referenced by ClientLoadLibrary().
Definition at line 402 of file input.c.
Referenced by IntLoadKeyboardLayout(), UnloadKeyboardLayout(), and UpdatePerUserSystemParameters().
Definition at line 79 of file cursoricon.c.
Definition at line 61 of file defwnd.c.
Definition at line 71 of file paint.c.
Referenced by Cleanup().
Definition at line 164 of file usrapihk.c.
Referenced by AdjustWindowRectEx(), DefWindowProcA(), DefWindowProcW(), DrawCaption(), DrawFrameControl(), EnableScrollBar(), GetScrollInfo(), GetSystemMetrics(), IntCallWindowProcA(), IntCallWindowProcW(), MDIRedrawFrame(), SetScrollInfo(), SetWindowRgn(), SystemParametersInfoA(), and SystemParametersInfoW().
BOOL FASTCALL EnumNamesA | ( | HWINSTA | WindowStation, |
NAMEENUMPROCA | EnumFunc, | ||
LPARAM | Context, | ||
BOOL | Desktops | ||
) |
Definition at line 273 of file winsta.c.
Referenced by EnumDesktopsA(), and EnumWindowStationsA().
BOOL FASTCALL EnumNamesW | ( | HWINSTA | WindowStation, |
NAMEENUMPROCW | EnumFunc, | ||
LPARAM | Context, | ||
BOOL | Desktops | ||
) |
Definition at line 130 of file winsta.c.
Referenced by EnumDesktopsW(), EnumNamesA(), and EnumWindowStationsW().
LONG WINAPI GdiGetCharDimensions | ( | HDC | hdc, |
LPTEXTMETRICW | lptm, | ||
LONG * | height | ||
) |
Definition at line 2145 of file font.c.
Definition at line 74 of file cursoricon.c.
Definition at line 397 of file misc.c.
Referenced by GetDesktopWindow(), IsChild(), and ValidateHwndOrDesk().
BOOL WINAPI InitUserApiHook | ( | HINSTANCE | hInstance, |
) |
Definition at line 255 of file usrapihk.c.
Referenced by ClientLoadLibrary().
Definition at line 148 of file input.c.
Referenced by UpdatePerUserSystemParameters().
VOID FASTCALL IntNotifyWinEvent | ( | DWORD | event, |
HWND | hwnd, | ||
LONG | idObject, | ||
LONG | idChild, | ||
DWORD | flags | ||
) |
Definition at line 113 of file hook.c.
Definition at line 98 of file usrapihk.c.
Referenced by BeginIfHookedUserApiHook(), and LoadUserApiHook().
Definition at line 63 of file usrapihk.c.
Referenced by DefWindowProcA(), DefWindowProcW(), IntCallWindowProcA(), and IntCallWindowProcW().
Definition at line 74 of file logon.c.
Referenced by SetWindowStationUser().
VOID MenuCleanup | ( | VOID | ) |
Definition at line 359 of file menu.c.
Referenced by ClientThreadSetupHelper(), and co_IntInitializeDesktopGraphics().
Definition at line 3292 of file message.c.
Referenced by Cleanup(), and ClientThreadSetupHelper().
Definition at line 3284 of file message.c.
Referenced by ClientThreadSetupHelper().
VOID FASTCALL ResetUserApiHook | ( | PUSERAPIHOOK | puah | ) |
Definition at line 131 of file usrapihk.c.
Referenced by ClearUserApiHook(), ForceResetUserApiHook(), and InitUserApiHook().
Definition at line 1155 of file scrollbar.c.
Referenced by DefWndTrackScrollBar(), and ScrollBarWndProc_common().
Definition at line 2593 of file spy.c.
Referenced by RealDefWindowProcA(), RealDefWindowProcW(), SendMessageTimeoutA(), and SendMessageTimeoutW().
void SPY_ExitMessage | ( | INT | iFlag, |
HWND | hwnd, | ||
UINT | msg, | ||
LRESULT | lReturn, | ||
WPARAM | wParam, | ||
LPARAM | lParam | ||
) |
Definition at line 2648 of file spy.c.
Referenced by RealDefWindowProcA(), RealDefWindowProcW(), SendMessageTimeoutA(), and SendMessageTimeoutW().
Definition at line 2218 of file spy.c.
Referenced by ComboWndProc_common(), DefFrameProcW(), DefMDIChildProcA(), DefMDIChildProcW(), EditWndProc_common(), IntScrollHandleScrollEvent(), ListBoxWndProc_common(), and MDIClientWndProc_common().
Definition at line 166 of file misc.c.
Referenced by DIALOG_FindMsgDestination(), GetWindowTextA(), GetWindowTextLengthA(), GetWindowTextLengthW(), GetWindowTextW(), IntGetWindowLong(), IsDialogMessageW(), SetWindowTextA(), and SetWindowTextW().
Definition at line 1102 of file imm.c.
Referenced by UpdatePerUserSystemParameters().
Definition at line 57 of file imm.c.
Referenced by DllMain(), IntInitializeImmEntryTable(), and User32InitializeImmEntryTable().
Definition at line 66 of file prop.c.
Definition at line 894 of file winpos.c.
Referenced by GetWindowInfo(), NC_HandleNCCalcSize(), RealAdjustWindowRectEx(), and UserDrawCaptionButtonWnd().
Definition at line 13 of file misc.c.
Referenced by EndTask(), ExitWindowsWorker(), GetWindow(), and UserSetLastNTError().
Definition at line 25 of file misc.c.
Referenced by EndTask(), ExitWindowsWorker(), GetThreadDesktop(), GetUserObjectSecurity(), RegisterLogonProcess(), RegisterServicesProcess(), and SetUserObjectSecurity().
PCALLPROCDATA FASTCALL ValidateCallProc | ( | HANDLE | hCallProc | ) |
Definition at line 339 of file misc.c.
Referenced by CallWindowProcA(), and CallWindowProcW().
Definition at line 377 of file utils.c.
Referenced by ValidateCallProc(), and ValidateHwnd().
Definition at line 338 of file utils.c.
Referenced by ValidateHandle(), and ValidateHwndNoErr().
Definition at line 359 of file misc.c.
Definition at line 108 of file window.c.
Definition at line 139 of file mdi.c.
Referenced by AnyPopup(), CalcChildScroll(), DIALOG_IdToHwnd(), GetDlgItem(), MDI_GetWindow(), MDICascade(), MDITile(), and User32DefWindowProc().
UINT WINAPI WinPosGetMinMaxInfo | ( | HWND | hWnd, |
POINT * | MaxSize, | ||
POINT * | MaxPos, | ||
POINT * | MinTrack, | ||
POINT * | MaxTrack | ||
) |
extern |
Definition at line 29 of file dllmain.c.
Referenced by ClientThreadSetupHelper(), Init(), and ValidateCallProc().
extern |
Definition at line 39 of file usrapihk.c.
Referenced by ClearUserApiHook(), EndUserApiHook(), Init(), and InitUserApiHook().
extern |
Definition at line 34 of file dllmain.c.
Referenced by RegisterLogonProcess().
extern |
Definition at line 35 of file dllmain.c.
Referenced by ClientThreadSetupHelper(), DllMain(), Init(), and LoadUserApiHook().
extern |
Definition at line 33 of file dllmain.c.
Referenced by ClientThreadSetupHelper(), GetUser32Handle(), and Init().
extern |
Definition at line 13 of file object.c.
Referenced by ClientThreadSetupHelper(), co_HOOK_CallHooks(), co_UserLoadKbdLayout(), CreateCallProc(), CreateTimer(), ExitThreadCallback(), GetUser32Handle(), Init(), IntAddSynthesizedFormats(), IntCloneMenu(), IntCreateCurIconHandle(), IntCreateMenu(), IntCreateMonitorObject(), IntCreateWindow(), IntDeferWindowPos(), IntDestroyInputContext(), IntEndDeferWindowPosEx(), IntGetHookObject(), IntImmProcessKey(), IntSetClassWndProc(), IntSetWindowProc(), IntSynthesizeBitmap(), IntSynthesizeDib(), NC_IconForWindow(), NtUserAssociateInputContext(), NtUserCallOneParam(), NtUserConvertMemHandle(), NtUserCreateAcceleratorTable(), NtUserCreateLocalMemHandle(), NtUserDestroyInputContext(), NtUserProcessConnect(), NtUserQueryInputContext(), NtUserSetCursor(), NtUserSetWindowsHookEx(), NtUserSetWinEventHook(), NtUserUnhookWinEvent(), NtUserUpdateInputContext(), NtUserValidateHandleSecure(), UserCreateHandleTable(), UserCreateInputContext(), UserDeleteObject(), UserDereferenceObject(), UserGetAccelObject(), UserGetCallProcInfo(), UserGetMenuObject(), UserGetMonitorObject(), UserGetWindowObject(), UserLoadKbdFile(), UserMarkObjectDestroy(), UserObjectInDestroy(), UserProcessDestroy(), UserReferenceObjectByHandle(), and ValidateHwndNoErr().
extern |
Definition at line 20 of file imm.c.
Referenced by DllMain(), IntInitializeImmEntryTable(), and User32InitializeImmEntryTable().
extern |
Definition at line 37 of file usrapihk.c.
Referenced by ClearUserApiHook(), ClientLoadLibrary(), EndUserApiHook(), ForceResetUserApiHook(), InitUserApiHook(), and IsInsideUserApiHook().
extern |
extern |
Definition at line 18 of file imm.c.
Referenced by alloc_user_entry(), CharPrevA(), ClientThreadSetupHelper(), co_IntCreateDefaultImeWindow(), co_IntInitializeDesktopGraphics(), co_IntSendActivateMessages(), co_IntSendMessageTimeout(), co_IntSetCaretPos(), co_IntSetupOBM(), co_IntSetWndIcons(), co_IntShellHookNotify(), co_MsqInsertMouseMessage(), co_MsqSendMessage(), co_UserCreateWindowEx(), co_UserDestroyWindow(), co_UserShowCaret(), co_WinPosSetWindowPos(), CreateSysColorObjects(), CtfImmSetLangBand(), DefWndControlColor(), DefWndGetIcon(), DefWndHandleSetCursor(), DefWndSetIcon(), DllMain(), DrawFocusRect(), DriverEntry(), EnumerateCallback(), free_user_entry(), GetLastInputInfo(), GetSysColor(), GetSysColorBrush(), GetSystemMetrics(), ImmCallImeConsoleIME(), ImmRegisterClient(), Init(), InitMetrics(), InitUserAtoms(), IntCheckImeShowStatus(), IntCoalesceMouseMove(), IntCreateClass(), IntCreateDesktop(), IntCreateWindow(), IntDeactivateWindow(), IntDefWindowProc(), IntDrawState(), IntFlashWindowEx(), IntGetSysColor(), IntGetSysColorBrush(), IntGetWindowContextHelpId(), IntGrayString(), IntImeWindowPosChanged(), IntIsFontRenderingEnabled(), IntIsGhostWindow(), IntLastInputTick(), IntNotifyWinEvent(), IntRealChildWindowFromPoint(), IntRemoveEvent(), IntSetCaretBlinkTime(), IntSetSrvEventMask(), IntSetSysColors(), IntTranslateKbdMessage(), IsDialogMessageW(), IsWinEventHookInstalled(), LoadSystemCursors(), LoadUserApiHook(), MENU_AdjustMenuItemRect(), MENU_CalcItemSize(), MENU_DrawMenuItem(), MENU_DrawScrollArrows(), MENU_EnsureMenuItemVisible(), MENU_InitPopup(), MouseSafetyOnDrawEnd(), NC_IconForWindow(), NotifyWinEvent(), NtUserCallHwnd(), NtUserCallHwndParam(), NtUserCallNoParam(), NtUserCallOneParam(), NtUserCreateCaret(), NtUserGetCaretBlinkTime(), NtUserGetClassName(), NtUserGetComboBoxInfo(), NtUserGetCursorInfo(), NtUserGetListBoxInfo(), NtUserInitializeClientPfnArrays(), NtUserMessageCall(), NtUserNotifyWinEvent(), NtUserProcessConnect(), NtUserSetImeOwnerWindow(), PostTimerMessages(), ProcessKeyEvent(), RealGetSystemMetrics(), RegisterControlAtoms(), SpiUpdatePerUserSystemParameters(), SystemTimerProc(), UITOOLS_DrawCheckedRect(), UpdatePerUserImmEnabling(), User32CallSetWndIconsFromKernel(), UserAttachThreadInput(), UserChangeDisplaySettings(), UserClipCursor(), UserDeleteW32Thread(), UserDrawWindowFrame(), UserGetSystemMetrics(), UserInitialize(), UserPaintCaption(), UserPostMessage(), UserPostThreadMessage(), UserRegisterUserApiHook(), UserSendMouseInput(), UserSendNotifyMessage(), UserSetCursor(), UserSetCursorPos(), UserShowCursor(), UserUnregisterUserApiHook(), and UserUpdateMonitorSize().
extern |
Definition at line 19 of file imm.c.
Referenced by ClientThreadSetupHelper(), DllMain(), ImmRegisterClient(), Init(), SharedPtrToUser(), User32InitializeImmEntryTable(), and ValidateHandleNoErr().
extern |
Definition at line 344 of file usrapihk.c.
Referenced by AdjustWindowRectEx(), ClearUserApiHook(), DefWindowProcA(), DefWindowProcW(), DrawCaption(), DrawFrameControl(), EnableScrollBar(), ForceResetUserApiHook(), GetScrollInfo(), GetSystemMetrics(), InitUserApiHook(), IntCallWindowProcA(), IntCallWindowProcW(), MDIRedrawFrame(), SetScrollInfo(), SetWindowRgn(), SystemParametersInfoA(), and SystemParametersInfoW().
extern |
Definition at line 37 of file dllmain.c.
Referenced by User32CallSetWndIconsFromKernel().
extern |
Definition at line 54 of file accel.c.
Referenced by Cleanup(), ClientThreadSetupHelper(), DestroyAcceleratorTable(), and U32LoadAccelerators().
extern |
Definition at line 27 of file dllmain.c.
Referenced by BITMAP_LoadImageW(), CURSORICON_LoadImageW(), DllMain(), GetClassInfoExA(), GetClassInfoExW(), Ghost_OnClose(), Ghost_OnCreate(), MB_GetString(), MDI_MoreWindowsDialog(), MDI_RefreshMenu(), MessageBoxTimeoutIndirectW(), ProcessHotKey(), RegisterClassExWOWW(), and RegisterClientPFN().