ReactOS 0.4.15-dev-8434-g155a7c7
twain.h File Reference
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "windef.h"
#include "winbase.h"
#include "pshpack2.h"
#include "poppack.h"
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struct  TW_FIX32
struct  TW_ELEMENT8
struct  TW_FRAME
struct  TW_MEMORY
struct  TW_VERSION
struct  TW_ARRAY
struct  TW_RANGE
struct  TW_EVENT
struct  TW_PALETTE8
struct  TW_STATUS
struct  TW_CAPEXT
struct  TW_INFO


#define FAR
#define TWON_PROTOCOLMINOR   8 /* Changed for Version 1.8 */
#define _MSWIN_
#define TWON_ARRAY   3 /* indicates TW_ARRAY container */
#define TWON_ENUMERATION   4 /* indicates TW_ENUMERATION container */
#define TWON_ONEVALUE   5 /* indicates TW_ONEVALUE container */
#define TWON_RANGE   6 /* indicates TW_RANGE container */
#define TWON_ICONID   962 /* res Id of icon used in USERSELECT lbox */
#define TWON_DSMID   461 /* res Id of the DSM version num resource */
#define TWON_DSMCODEID   63 /* res Id of the Mac SM Code resource */
#define TWON_DONTCARE8   0xff
#define TWON_DONTCARE16   0xffff
#define TWON_DONTCARE32   0xffffffff
#define TWMF_APPOWNS   0x1
#define TWMF_DSMOWNS   0x2
#define TWMF_DSOWNS   0x4
#define TWMF_POINTER   0x8
#define TWMF_HANDLE   0x10
#define TWPA_RGB   0
#define TWPA_GRAY   1
#define TWPA_CMY   2
#define TWTY_INT8   0x0000 /* Means Item is a TW_INT8 */
#define TWTY_INT16   0x0001 /* Means Item is a TW_INT16 */
#define TWTY_INT32   0x0002 /* Means Item is a TW_INT32 */
#define TWTY_UINT8   0x0003 /* Means Item is a TW_UINT8 */
#define TWTY_UINT16   0x0004 /* Means Item is a TW_UINT16 */
#define TWTY_UINT32   0x0005 /* Means Item is a TW_UINT32 */
#define TWTY_BOOL   0x0006 /* Means Item is a TW_BOOL */
#define TWTY_FIX32   0x0007 /* Means Item is a TW_FIX32 */
#define TWTY_FRAME   0x0008 /* Means Item is a TW_FRAME */
#define TWTY_STR32   0x0009 /* Means Item is a TW_STR32 */
#define TWTY_STR64   0x000a /* Means Item is a TW_STR64 */
#define TWTY_STR128   0x000b /* Means Item is a TW_STR128 */
#define TWTY_STR255   0x000c /* Means Item is a TW_STR255 */
#define TWBO_LSBFIRST   0
#define TWBO_MSBFIRST   1
#define TWCP_NONE   0
#define TWCP_PACKBITS   1
#define TWCP_GROUP31D   2 /* Follows CCITT spec (no End Of Line) */
#define TWCP_GROUP31DEOL   3 /* Follows CCITT spec (has End Of Line) */
#define TWCP_GROUP32D   4 /* Follows CCITT spec (use cap for K Factor) */
#define TWCP_GROUP4   5 /* Follows CCITT spec */
#define TWCP_JPEG   6 /* Use capability for more info */
#define TWCP_LZW   7 /* Must license from Unisys and IBM to use */
#define TWCP_JBIG   8 /* For Bitonal images -- Added 1.7 KHL */
#define TWCP_PNG   9
#define TWCP_RLE4   10
#define TWCP_RLE8   11
#define TWCP_BITFIELDS   12
#define TWFF_TIFF   0 /* Tagged Image File Format */
#define TWFF_PICT   1 /* Macintosh PICT */
#define TWFF_BMP   2 /* Windows Bitmap */
#define TWFF_XBM   3 /* X-Windows Bitmap */
#define TWFF_JFIF   4 /* JPEG File Interchange Format */
#define TWFF_FPX   5 /* Flash Pix */
#define TWFF_TIFFMULTI   6 /* Multi-page tiff file */
#define TWFF_PNG   7
#define TWFF_SPIFF   8
#define TWFF_EXIF   9
#define TWFT_RED   0
#define TWFT_GREEN   1
#define TWFT_BLUE   2
#define TWFT_NONE   3
#define TWFT_WHITE   4
#define TWFT_CYAN   5
#define TWFT_MAGENTA   6
#define TWFT_YELLOW   7
#define TWFT_BLACK   8
#define TWLS_RED   0
#define TWLS_GREEN   1
#define TWLS_BLUE   2
#define TWLS_NONE   3
#define TWLS_WHITE   4
#define TWLS_UV   5
#define TWLS_IR   6
#define TWOR_ROT0   0
#define TWOR_ROT90   1
#define TWOR_ROT180   2
#define TWOR_ROT270   3
#define TWPC_CHUNKY   0
#define TWPC_PLANAR   1
#define TWPF_CHOCOLATE   0 /* zero pixel represents darkest shade */
#define TWPF_VANILLA   1 /* zero pixel represents lightest shade */
#define TWPT_BW   0 /* Black and White */
#define TWPT_GRAY   1
#define TWPT_RGB   2
#define TWPT_PALETTE   3
#define TWPT_CMY   4
#define TWPT_CMYK   5
#define TWPT_YUV   6
#define TWPT_YUVK   7
#define TWPT_CIEXYZ   8
#define TWSS_NONE   0
#define TWSS_A4LETTER   1
#define TWSS_B5LETTER   2
#define TWSS_USLETTER   3
#define TWSS_USLEGAL   4
#define TWSS_A5   5
#define TWSS_B4   6
#define TWSS_B6   7
#define TWSS_USLEDGER   9
#define TWSS_A3   11
#define TWSS_B3   12
#define TWSS_A6   13
#define TWSS_C4   14
#define TWSS_C5   15
#define TWSS_C6   16
#define TWSS_4A0   17
#define TWSS_2A0   18
#define TWSS_A0   19
#define TWSS_A1   20
#define TWSS_A2   21
#define TWSS_A7   22
#define TWSS_A8   23
#define TWSS_A9   24
#define TWSS_A10   25
#define TWSS_ISOB0   26
#define TWSS_ISOB1   27
#define TWSS_ISOB2   28
#define TWSS_ISOB3   TWSS_B3
#define TWSS_ISOB4   TWSS_B4
#define TWSS_ISOB5   29
#define TWSS_ISOB6   TWSS_B6
#define TWSS_ISOB7   30
#define TWSS_ISOB8   31
#define TWSS_ISOB9   32
#define TWSS_ISOB10   33
#define TWSS_JISB0   34
#define TWSS_JISB1   35
#define TWSS_JISB2   36
#define TWSS_JISB3   37
#define TWSS_JISB4   38
#define TWSS_JISB6   39
#define TWSS_JISB7   40
#define TWSS_JISB8   41
#define TWSS_JISB9   42
#define TWSS_JISB10   43
#define TWSS_C0   44
#define TWSS_C1   45
#define TWSS_C2   46
#define TWSS_C3   47
#define TWSS_C7   48
#define TWSS_C8   49
#define TWSS_C9   50
#define TWSS_C10   51
#define TWSX_NATIVE   0
#define TWSX_FILE   1
#define TWSX_MEMORY   2
#define TWUN_INCHES   0
#define TWUN_PICAS   2
#define TWUN_POINTS   3
#define TWUN_TWIPS   4
#define TWUN_PIXELS   5
#define TWBR_THRESHOLD   0
#define TWBR_HALFTONE   1
#define TWBR_DIFFUSION   3
#define TWDX_NONE   0
#define TWDX_1PASSDUPLEX   1
#define TWDX_2PASSDUPLEX   2
#define TWBT_3OF9   0
#define TWBT_CODE93   3
#define TWBT_CODE128   4
#define TWBT_UCC128   5
#define TWBT_CODABAR   6
#define TWBT_UPCA   7
#define TWBT_UPCE   8
#define TWBT_EAN8   9
#define TWBT_EAN13   10
#define TWBT_POSTNET   11
#define TWBT_PDF417   12
#define TWBT_2OF5INDUSTRIAL   13
#define TWBT_2OF5MATRIX   14
#define TWBT_2OF5DATALOGIC   15
#define TWBT_2OF5IATA   16
#define TWBT_3OF9FULLASCII   17
#define TWBT_MAXICODE   19
#define TWDSK_SUCCESS   0
#define TWDSK_FAIL   2
#define TWDSK_DISABLED   3
#define TWPCH_PATCH1   0
#define TWPCH_PATCH2   1
#define TWPCH_PATCH3   2
#define TWPCH_PATCH4   3
#define TWPCH_PATCH6   4
#define TWPCH_PATCHT   5
#define TWJC_NONE   0
#define TWJC_JSIC   1
#define TWJC_JSIS   2
#define TWJC_JSXC   3
#define TWJC_JSXS   4
#define TWBCOR_ROT0   0
#define TWBCOR_ROT90   1
#define TWBCOR_ROT180   2
#define TWBCOR_ROT270   3
#define TWBCOR_ROTX   4
#define TWAF_WAV   0
#define TWAF_AIFF   1
#define TWAF_AU   3
#define TWAF_SND   4
#define TWAL_ALARM   0
#define TWAL_BARCODE   3
#define TWAL_JAM   5
#define TWAL_PATCHCODE   6
#define TWAL_POWER   7
#define TWAL_SKEW   8
#define TWCB_AUTO   0
#define TWCB_CLEAR   1
#define TWCB_NOCLEAR   2
#define TWDE_CUSTOMEVENTS   0x8000
#define TWDE_PAPERJAM   13
#define TWDE_POWERSAVE   15
#define TWFA_NONE   0
#define TWFA_LEFT   1
#define TWFA_CENTER   2
#define TWFA_RIGHT   3
#define TWPS_EXTERNAL   0
#define TWPS_BATTERY   1
#define TWBD_HORZ   0
#define TWBD_VERT   1
#define TWBD_HORZVERT   2
#define TWBD_VERTHORZ   3
#define TWFL_NONE   0
#define TWFL_OFF   1
#define TWFL_ON   2
#define TWFL_AUTO   3
#define TWFL_REDEYE   4
#define TWFR_BOOK   0
#define TWFR_FANFOLD   1
#define TWIF_NONE   0
#define TWIF_AUTO   1
#define TWIF_LOWPASS   2
#define TWIF_BANDPASS   3
#define TWIF_HIGHPASS   4
#define TWNF_NONE   0
#define TWNF_AUTO   1
#define TWNF_LONEPIXEL   2
#define TWOV_NONE   0
#define TWOV_AUTO   1
#define TWOV_TOPBOTTOM   2
#define TWOV_LEFTRIGHT   3
#define TWOV_ALL   4
#define TWFY_CAMERA   0
#define TWFY_CAMERATOP   1
#define TWFY_DOMAIN   4
#define TWFY_HOST   5
#define TWFY_DIRECTORY   6
#define TWFY_IMAGE   7
#define TWFY_UNKNOWN   8
#define TWCY_AFGHANISTAN   1001
#define TWCY_ALGERIA   213
#define TWCY_ANDORRA   033
#define TWCY_ANGOLA   1002
#define TWCY_ANGUILLA   8090
#define TWCY_ANTIGUA   8091
#define TWCY_ARGENTINA   54
#define TWCY_ARUBA   297
#define TWCY_ASCENSIONI   247
#define TWCY_AUSTRALIA   61
#define TWCY_AUSTRIA   43
#define TWCY_BAHAMAS   8092
#define TWCY_BAHRAIN   973
#define TWCY_BANGLADESH   880
#define TWCY_BARBADOS   8093
#define TWCY_BELGIUM   32
#define TWCY_BELIZE   501
#define TWCY_BENIN   229
#define TWCY_BERMUDA   8094
#define TWCY_BHUTAN   1003
#define TWCY_BOLIVIA   591
#define TWCY_BOTSWANA   267
#define TWCY_BRITAIN   6
#define TWCY_BRITVIRGINIS   8095
#define TWCY_BRAZIL   55
#define TWCY_BRUNEI   673
#define TWCY_BULGARIA   359
#define TWCY_BURKINAFASO   1004
#define TWCY_BURMA   1005
#define TWCY_BURUNDI   1006
#define TWCY_CAMAROON   237
#define TWCY_CANADA   2
#define TWCY_CAPEVERDEIS   238
#define TWCY_CAYMANIS   8096
#define TWCY_CENTRALAFREP   1007
#define TWCY_CHAD   1008
#define TWCY_CHILE   56
#define TWCY_CHINA   86
#define TWCY_CHRISTMASIS   1009
#define TWCY_COCOSIS   1009
#define TWCY_COLOMBIA   57
#define TWCY_COMOROS   1010
#define TWCY_CONGO   1011
#define TWCY_COOKIS   1012
#define TWCY_COSTARICA   506
#define TWCY_CUBA   005
#define TWCY_CYPRUS   357
#define TWCY_DENMARK   45
#define TWCY_DJIBOUTI   1013
#define TWCY_DOMINICA   8097
#define TWCY_DOMINCANREP   8098
#define TWCY_EASTERIS   1014
#define TWCY_ECUADOR   593
#define TWCY_EGYPT   20
#define TWCY_ELSALVADOR   503
#define TWCY_EQGUINEA   1015
#define TWCY_ETHIOPIA   251
#define TWCY_FALKLANDIS   1016
#define TWCY_FAEROEIS   298
#define TWCY_FIJIISLANDS   679
#define TWCY_FINLAND   358
#define TWCY_FRANCE   33
#define TWCY_FRANTILLES   596
#define TWCY_FRGUIANA   594
#define TWCY_FRPOLYNEISA   689
#define TWCY_FUTANAIS   1043
#define TWCY_GABON   241
#define TWCY_GAMBIA   220
#define TWCY_GERMANY   49
#define TWCY_GHANA   233
#define TWCY_GIBRALTER   350
#define TWCY_GREECE   30
#define TWCY_GREENLAND   299
#define TWCY_GRENADA   8099
#define TWCY_GRENEDINES   8015
#define TWCY_GUADELOUPE   590
#define TWCY_GUAM   671
#define TWCY_GUATEMALA   502
#define TWCY_GUINEA   224
#define TWCY_GUINEABISSAU   1017
#define TWCY_GUYANA   592
#define TWCY_HAITI   509
#define TWCY_HONDURAS   504
#define TWCY_HONGKONG   852
#define TWCY_HUNGARY   36
#define TWCY_ICELAND   354
#define TWCY_INDIA   91
#define TWCY_INDONESIA   62
#define TWCY_IRAN   98
#define TWCY_IRAQ   964
#define TWCY_IRELAND   353
#define TWCY_ISRAEL   972
#define TWCY_ITALY   39
#define TWCY_IVORYCOAST   225
#define TWCY_JAMAICA   8010
#define TWCY_JAPAN   81
#define TWCY_JORDAN   962
#define TWCY_KENYA   254
#define TWCY_KIRIBATI   1018
#define TWCY_KOREA   82
#define TWCY_KUWAIT   965
#define TWCY_LAOS   1019
#define TWCY_LEBANON   1020
#define TWCY_LIBERIA   231
#define TWCY_LIBYA   218
#define TWCY_LUXENBOURG   352
#define TWCY_MACAO   853
#define TWCY_MADAGASCAR   1021
#define TWCY_MALAWI   265
#define TWCY_MALAYSIA   60
#define TWCY_MALDIVES   960
#define TWCY_MALI   1022
#define TWCY_MALTA   356
#define TWCY_MARSHALLIS   692
#define TWCY_MAURITANIA   1023
#define TWCY_MAURITIUS   230
#define TWCY_MEXICO   3
#define TWCY_MICRONESIA   691
#define TWCY_MIQUELON   508
#define TWCY_MONACO   33
#define TWCY_MONGOLIA   1024
#define TWCY_MONTSERRAT   8011
#define TWCY_MOROCCO   212
#define TWCY_MOZAMBIQUE   1025
#define TWCY_NAMIBIA   264
#define TWCY_NAURU   1026
#define TWCY_NEPAL   977
#define TWCY_NEVIS   8012
#define TWCY_NEWZEALAND   64
#define TWCY_NICARAGUA   505
#define TWCY_NIGER   227
#define TWCY_NIGERIA   234
#define TWCY_NIUE   1027
#define TWCY_NORFOLKI   1028
#define TWCY_NORWAY   47
#define TWCY_OMAN   968
#define TWCY_PAKISTAN   92
#define TWCY_PALAU   1029
#define TWCY_PANAMA   507
#define TWCY_PARAGUAY   595
#define TWCY_PERU   51
#define TWCY_PITCAIRNIS   1030
#define TWCY_PNEWGUINEA   675
#define TWCY_POLAND   48
#define TWCY_PORTUGAL   351
#define TWCY_QATAR   974
#define TWCY_REUNIONI   1031
#define TWCY_ROMANIA   40
#define TWCY_RWANDA   250
#define TWCY_SAIPAN   670
#define TWCY_SANMARINO   39
#define TWCY_SAOTOME   1033
#define TWCY_SAUDIARABIA   966
#define TWCY_SENEGAL   221
#define TWCY_SEYCHELLESIS   1034
#define TWCY_SIERRALEONE   1035
#define TWCY_SINGAPORE   65
#define TWCY_SOLOMONIS   1036
#define TWCY_SOMALI   1037
#define TWCY_SPAIN   34
#define TWCY_SRILANKA   94
#define TWCY_STHELENA   1032
#define TWCY_STKITTS   8013
#define TWCY_STLUCIA   8014
#define TWCY_STPIERRE   508
#define TWCY_STVINCENT   8015
#define TWCY_SUDAN   1038
#define TWCY_SURINAME   597
#define TWCY_SWAZILAND   268
#define TWCY_SWEDEN   46
#define TWCY_SYRIA   1039
#define TWCY_TAIWAN   886
#define TWCY_TANZANIA   255
#define TWCY_THAILAND   66
#define TWCY_TOBAGO   8016
#define TWCY_TOGO   228
#define TWCY_TONGAIS   676
#define TWCY_TRINIDAD   8016
#define TWCY_TUNISIA   216
#define TWCY_TURKEY   90
#define TWCY_TURKSCAICOS   8017
#define TWCY_TUVALU   1040
#define TWCY_UGANDA   256
#define TWCY_USSR   7
#define TWCY_UAEMIRATES   971
#define TWCY_USA   1
#define TWCY_URUGUAY   598
#define TWCY_VANUATU   1041
#define TWCY_VENEZUELA   58
#define TWCY_WAKE   1042
#define TWCY_WALLISIS   1043
#define TWCY_WESTERNSAMOA   1045
#define TWCY_YEMEN   1046
#define TWCY_YUGOSLAVIA   38
#define TWCY_ZAIRE   243
#define TWCY_ZAMBIA   260
#define TWCY_ZIMBABWE   263
#define TWCY_ALBANIA   355
#define TWCY_ARMENIA   374
#define TWCY_AZERBAIJAN   994
#define TWCY_BELARUS   375
#define TWCY_CAMBODIA   855
#define TWCY_CROATIA   385
#define TWCY_DIEGOGARCIA   246
#define TWCY_ERITREA   291
#define TWCY_ESTONIA   372
#define TWCY_GEORGIA   995
#define TWCY_LATVIA   371
#define TWCY_LESOTHO   266
#define TWCY_LITHUANIA   370
#define TWCY_MACEDONIA   389
#define TWCY_MAYOTTEIS   269
#define TWCY_MOLDOVA   373
#define TWCY_MYANMAR   95
#define TWCY_NORTHKOREA   850
#define TWCY_PUERTORICO   787
#define TWCY_RUSSIA   7
#define TWCY_SERBIA   381
#define TWCY_SLOVAKIA   421
#define TWCY_SLOVENIA   386
#define TWCY_SOUTHKOREA   82
#define TWCY_UKRAINE   380
#define TWCY_USVIRGINIS   340
#define TWCY_VIETNAM   84
#define TWLG_DAN   0 /* Danish */
#define TWLG_DUT   1 /* Dutch */
#define TWLG_ENG   2 /* International English */
#define TWLG_FCF   3 /* French Canadian */
#define TWLG_FIN   4 /* Finnish */
#define TWLG_FRN   5 /* French */
#define TWLG_GER   6 /* German */
#define TWLG_ICE   7 /* Icelandic */
#define TWLG_ITN   8 /* Italian */
#define TWLG_NOR   9 /* Norwegian */
#define TWLG_POR   10 /* Portuguese */
#define TWLG_SPA   11 /* Spanish */
#define TWLG_SWE   12 /* Swedish */
#define TWLG_USA   13 /* U.S. English */
#define TWLG_USERLOCALE   -1
#define TWLG_AFRIKAANS   14
#define TWLG_ALBANIA   15
#define TWLG_ARABIC   16
#define TWLG_ARABIC_EGYPT   19
#define TWLG_ARABIC_IRAQ   20
#define TWLG_ARABIC_LIBYA   24
#define TWLG_ARABIC_OMAN   26
#define TWLG_ARABIC_QATAR   27
#define TWLG_ARABIC_SYRIA   29
#define TWLG_ARABIC_UAE   31 /* United Arabic Emirates */
#define TWLG_ARABIC_YEMEN   32
#define TWLG_BASQUE   33
#define TWLG_BULGARIAN   35
#define TWLG_CATALAN   36
#define TWLG_CHINESE   37
#define TWLG_CHINESE_PRC   39 /* People's Republic of China */
#define TWLG_CROATIA   44
#define TWLG_CZECH   45
#define TWLG_ENGLISH_UK   52
#define TWLG_ESTONIAN   53
#define TWLG_FAEROESE   54
#define TWLG_FARSI   55
#define TWLG_FRENCH_SWISS   58
#define TWLG_GERMAN_SWISS   62
#define TWLG_GREEK   63
#define TWLG_HEBREW   64
#define TWLG_HUNGARIAN   65
#define TWLG_INDONESIAN   66
#define TWLG_JAPANESE   68
#define TWLG_KOREAN   69
#define TWLG_KOREAN_JOHAB   70
#define TWLG_LATVIAN   71
#define TWLG_LITHUANIAN   72
#define TWLG_POLISH   75
#define TWLG_ROMANIAN   77
#define TWLG_RUSSIAN   78
#define TWLG_SLOVAK   80
#define TWLG_SLOVENIAN   81
#define TWLG_THAI   84
#define TWLG_TURKISH   85
#define TWLG_UKRANIAN   86
#define TWLG_ASSAMESE   87
#define TWLG_BENGALI   88
#define TWLG_BIHARI   89
#define TWLG_BODO   90
#define TWLG_DOGRI   91
#define TWLG_GUJARATI   92
#define TWLG_HARYANVI   93
#define TWLG_HINDI   94
#define TWLG_KANNADA   95
#define TWLG_KASHMIRI   96
#define TWLG_MALAYALAM   97
#define TWLG_MARATHI   98
#define TWLG_MARWARI   99
#define TWLG_MEGHALAYAN   100
#define TWLG_MIZO   101
#define TWLG_NAGA   102
#define TWLG_ORISSI   103
#define TWLG_PUNJABI   104
#define TWLG_PUSHTU   105
#define TWLG_SIKKIMI   107
#define TWLG_TAMIL   109
#define TWLG_TELUGU   110
#define TWLG_TRIPURI   111
#define TWLG_URDU   112
#define TWLG_VIETNAMESE   113
#define DG_CONTROL   0x0001L /* data pertaining to control */
#define DG_IMAGE   0x0002L /* data pertaining to raster images */
#define DG_AUDIO   0x0004L /* data pertaining to audio */
#define DAT_NULL   0x0000 /* No data or structure. */
#define DAT_CUSTOMBASE   0x8000 /* Base of custom DATs. */
#define DAT_CAPABILITY   0x0001 /* TW_CAPABILITY */
#define DAT_EVENT   0x0002 /* TW_EVENT */
#define DAT_IDENTITY   0x0003 /* TW_IDENTITY */
#define DAT_PARENT   0x0004 /* TW_HANDLE, application win handle in Windows */
#define DAT_STATUS   0x0008 /* TW_STATUS */
#define DAT_XFERGROUP   0x000a /* TW_UINT32 */
#define DAT_FILESYSTEM   0x000e /* TW_FILESYSTEM */
#define DAT_PASSTHRU   0x000f /* TW_PASSTHRU */
#define DAT_IMAGEINFO   0x0101 /* TW_IMAGEINFO */
#define DAT_IMAGENATIVEXFER   0x0104 /* TW_UINT32 loword is hDIB, PICHandle */
#define DAT_IMAGEFILEXFER   0x0105 /* Null data */
#define DAT_CIECOLOR   0x0106 /* TW_CIECOLOR */
#define DAT_PALETTE8   0x010a /* TW_PALETTE8 */
#define DAT_EXTIMAGEINFO   0x010b /* TW_EXTIMAGEINFO -- for 1.7 Spec. */
#define DAT_AUDIOFILEXFER   0x0201 /* Null data */
#define DAT_AUDIOINFO   0x0202 /* TW_AUDIOINFO */
#define DAT_AUDIONATIVEXFER   0x0203 /* TW_UINT32 handle to WAV, (AIFF Mac) */
#define MSG_NULL   0x0000 /* Used in TW_EVENT structure */
#define MSG_CUSTOMBASE   0x8000 /* Base of custom messages */
#define MSG_GET   0x0001 /* Get one or more values */
#define MSG_GETCURRENT   0x0002 /* Get current value */
#define MSG_GETDEFAULT   0x0003 /* Get default (e.g. power up) value */
#define MSG_GETFIRST   0x0004 /* Get first of a series of items, e.g. DSs */
#define MSG_GETNEXT   0x0005 /* Iterate through a series of items. */
#define MSG_SET   0x0006 /* Set one or more values */
#define MSG_RESET   0x0007 /* Set current value to default value */
#define MSG_QUERYSUPPORT   0x0008 /* Get supported operations on the cap. */
#define MSG_XFERREADY   0x0101 /* The data source has data ready */
#define MSG_CLOSEDSREQ   0x0102 /* Request for Application. to close DS */
#define MSG_CLOSEDSOK   0x0103 /* Tell the Application. to save the state. */
#define MSG_DEVICEEVENT   0X0104 /* Some event has taken place */
#define MSG_CHECKSTATUS   0x0201 /* Get status information */
#define MSG_OPENDSM   0x0301 /* Open the DSM */
#define MSG_CLOSEDSM   0x0302 /* Close the DSM */
#define MSG_OPENDS   0x0401 /* Open a data source */
#define MSG_CLOSEDS   0x0402 /* Close a data source */
#define MSG_USERSELECT   0x0403 /* Put up a dialog of all DS */
#define MSG_DISABLEDS   0x0501 /* Disable data transfer in the DS */
#define MSG_ENABLEDS   0x0502 /* Enable data transfer in the DS */
#define MSG_ENABLEDSUIONLY   0x0503 /* Enable for saving DS state only. */
#define MSG_PROCESSEVENT   0x0601
#define MSG_ENDXFER   0x0701
#define MSG_CHANGEDIRECTORY   0x0801
#define MSG_CREATEDIRECTORY   0x0802
#define MSG_DELETE   0x0803
#define MSG_FORMATMEDIA   0x0804
#define MSG_GETCLOSE   0x0805
#define MSG_GETFIRSTFILE   0x0806
#define MSG_GETINFO   0x0807
#define MSG_GETNEXTFILE   0x0808
#define MSG_RENAME   0x0809
#define MSG_PASSTHRU   0x0901
#define CAP_CUSTOMBASE   0x8000 /* Base of custom capabilities */
#define CAP_XFERCOUNT   0x0001
#define ICAP_COMPRESSION   0x0100
#define ICAP_PIXELTYPE   0x0101
#define ICAP_UNITS   0x0102 /* default is TWUN_INCHES */
#define ICAP_XFERMECH   0x0103
#define CAP_AUTHOR   0x1000
#define CAP_CAPTION   0x1001
#define CAP_FEEDERENABLED   0x1002
#define CAP_FEEDERLOADED   0x1003
#define CAP_TIMEDATE   0x1004
#define CAP_SUPPORTEDCAPS   0x1005
#define CAP_EXTENDEDCAPS   0x1006
#define CAP_AUTOFEED   0x1007
#define CAP_CLEARPAGE   0x1008
#define CAP_FEEDPAGE   0x1009
#define CAP_REWINDPAGE   0x100a
#define CAP_INDICATORS   0x100b /* Added 1.1 */
#define CAP_SUPPORTEDCAPSEXT   0x100c /* Added 1.6 */
#define CAP_PAPERDETECTABLE   0x100d /* Added 1.6 */
#define CAP_UICONTROLLABLE   0x100e /* Added 1.6 */
#define CAP_DEVICEONLINE   0x100f /* Added 1.6 */
#define CAP_AUTOSCAN   0x1010 /* Added 1.6 */
#define CAP_THUMBNAILSENABLED   0x1011 /* Added 1.7 */
#define CAP_DUPLEX   0x1012 /* Added 1.7 */
#define CAP_DUPLEXENABLED   0x1013 /* Added 1.7 */
#define CAP_ENABLEDSUIONLY   0x1014 /* Added 1.7 */
#define CAP_CUSTOMDSDATA   0x1015 /* Added 1.7 */
#define CAP_ENDORSER   0x1016 /* Added 1.7 */
#define CAP_JOBCONTROL   0x1017 /* Added 1.7 */
#define CAP_ALARMS   0x1018 /* Added 1.8 */
#define CAP_ALARMVOLUME   0x1019 /* Added 1.8 */
#define CAP_AUTOMATICCAPTURE   0x101a /* Added 1.8 */
#define CAP_TIMEBEFOREFIRSTCAPTURE   0x101b /* Added 1.8 */
#define CAP_TIMEBETWEENCAPTURES   0x101c /* Added 1.8 */
#define CAP_CLEARBUFFERS   0x101d /* Added 1.8 */
#define CAP_MAXBATCHBUFFERS   0x101e /* Added 1.8 */
#define CAP_DEVICETIMEDATE   0x101f /* Added 1.8 */
#define CAP_POWERSUPPLY   0x1020 /* Added 1.8 */
#define CAP_CAMERAPREVIEWUI   0x1021 /* Added 1.8 */
#define CAP_DEVICEEVENT   0x1022 /* Added 1.8 */
#define CAP_PAGEMULTIPLEACQUIRE   0x1023 /* Added 1.8 */
#define CAP_SERIALNUMBER   0x1024 /* Added 1.8 */
#define CAP_FILESYSTEM   0x1025 /* Added 1.8 */
#define CAP_PRINTER   0x1026 /* Added 1.8 */
#define CAP_PRINTERENABLED   0x1027 /* Added 1.8 */
#define CAP_PRINTERINDEX   0x1028 /* Added 1.8 */
#define CAP_PRINTERMODE   0x1029 /* Added 1.8 */
#define CAP_PRINTERSTRING   0x102a /* Added 1.8 */
#define CAP_PRINTERSUFFIX   0x102b /* Added 1.8 */
#define CAP_LANGUAGE   0x102c /* Added 1.8 */
#define CAP_FEEDERALIGNMENT   0x102d /* Added 1.8 */
#define CAP_FEEDERORDER   0x102e /* Added 1.8 */
#define CAP_PAPERBINDING   0x102f /* Added 1.8 */
#define CAP_REACQUIREALLOWED   0x1030 /* Added 1.8 */
#define CAP_PASSTHRU   0x1031 /* Added 1.8 */
#define CAP_BATTERYMINUTES   0x1032 /* Added 1.8 */
#define CAP_BATTERYPERCENTAGE   0x1033 /* Added 1.8 */
#define CAP_POWERDOWNTIME   0x1034 /* Added 1.8 */
#define ICAP_AUTOBRIGHT   0x1100
#define ICAP_BRIGHTNESS   0x1101
#define ICAP_CONTRAST   0x1103
#define ICAP_CUSTHALFTONE   0x1104
#define ICAP_EXPOSURETIME   0x1105
#define ICAP_FILTER   0x1106
#define ICAP_FLASHUSED   0x1107
#define ICAP_GAMMA   0x1108
#define ICAP_HALFTONES   0x1109
#define ICAP_HIGHLIGHT   0x110a
#define ICAP_LAMPSTATE   0x110d
#define ICAP_LIGHTSOURCE   0x110e
#define ICAP_ORIENTATION   0x1110
#define ICAP_PHYSICALWIDTH   0x1111
#define ICAP_PHYSICALHEIGHT   0x1112
#define ICAP_SHADOW   0x1113
#define ICAP_FRAMES   0x1114
#define ICAP_XRESOLUTION   0x1118
#define ICAP_YRESOLUTION   0x1119
#define ICAP_MAXFRAMES   0x111a
#define ICAP_TILES   0x111b
#define ICAP_BITORDER   0x111c
#define ICAP_CCITTKFACTOR   0x111d
#define ICAP_LIGHTPATH   0x111e
#define ICAP_PIXELFLAVOR   0x111f
#define ICAP_PLANARCHUNKY   0x1120
#define ICAP_ROTATION   0x1121
#define ICAP_SUPPORTEDSIZES   0x1122
#define ICAP_THRESHOLD   0x1123
#define ICAP_XSCALING   0x1124
#define ICAP_YSCALING   0x1125
#define ICAP_BITORDERCODES   0x1126
#define ICAP_JPEGPIXELTYPE   0x1128
#define ICAP_TIMEFILL   0x112a
#define ICAP_BITDEPTH   0x112b
#define ICAP_BITDEPTHREDUCTION   0x112c /* Added 1.5 */
#define ICAP_UNDEFINEDIMAGESIZE   0x112d /* Added 1.6 */
#define ICAP_IMAGEDATASET   0x112e /* Added 1.7 */
#define ICAP_EXTIMAGEINFO   0x112f /* Added 1.7 */
#define ICAP_MINIMUMHEIGHT   0x1130 /* Added 1.7 */
#define ICAP_MINIMUMWIDTH   0x1131 /* Added 1.7 */
#define ICAP_AUTODISCARDBLANKPAGES   0x1134 /* Added 1.8 */
#define ICAP_FLIPROTATION   0x1136 /* Added 1.8 */
#define ICAP_BARCODEDETECTIONENABLED   0x1137 /* Added 1.8 */
#define ICAP_SUPPORTEDBARCODETYPES   0x1138 /* Added 1.8 */
#define ICAP_BARCODEMAXSEARCHPRIORITIES   0x1139 /* Added 1.8 */
#define ICAP_BARCODESEARCHPRIORITIES   0x113a /* Added 1.8 */
#define ICAP_BARCODESEARCHMODE   0x113b /* Added 1.8 */
#define ICAP_BARCODEMAXRETRIES   0x113c /* Added 1.8 */
#define ICAP_BARCODETIMEOUT   0x113d /* Added 1.8 */
#define ICAP_ZOOMFACTOR   0x113e /* Added 1.8 */
#define ICAP_PATCHCODEDETECTIONENABLED   0x113f /* Added 1.8 */
#define ICAP_SUPPORTEDPATCHCODETYPES   0x1140 /* Added 1.8 */
#define ICAP_PATCHCODEMAXSEARCHPRIORITIES   0x1141 /* Added 1.8 */
#define ICAP_PATCHCODESEARCHPRIORITIES   0x1142 /* Added 1.8 */
#define ICAP_PATCHCODESEARCHMODE   0x1143 /* Added 1.8 */
#define ICAP_PATCHCODEMAXRETRIES   0x1144 /* Added 1.8 */
#define ICAP_PATCHCODETIMEOUT   0x1145 /* Added 1.8 */
#define ICAP_FLASHUSED2   0x1146 /* Added 1.8 */
#define ICAP_IMAGEFILTER   0x1147 /* Added 1.8 */
#define ICAP_NOISEFILTER   0x1148 /* Added 1.8 */
#define ICAP_OVERSCAN   0x1149 /* Added 1.8 */
#define ICAP_AUTOMATICBORDERDETECTION   0x1150 /* Added 1.8 */
#define ICAP_AUTOMATICDESKEW   0x1151 /* Added 1.8 */
#define ICAP_AUTOMATICROTATE   0x1152 /* Added 1.8 */
#define ACAP_AUDIOFILEFORMAT   0x1201 /* Added 1.8 */
#define ACAP_XFERMECH   0x1202 /* Added 1.8 */
#define TWEI_BARCODEX   0x1200
#define TWEI_BARCODEY   0x1201
#define TWEI_BARCODETEXT   0x1202
#define TWEI_BARCODETYPE   0x1203
#define TWEI_DESHADETOP   0x1204
#define TWEI_DESHADELEFT   0x1205
#define TWEI_DESHADEHEIGHT   0x1206
#define TWEI_DESHADEWIDTH   0x1207
#define TWEI_DESHADESIZE   0x1208
#define TWEI_VERTLINELENGTH   0x1210
#define TWEI_PATCHCODE   0x1212
#define TWEI_ENDORSEDTEXT   0x1213
#define TWEI_FORMCONFIDENCE   0x1214
#define TWEI_BARCODECOUNT   0x1219
#define TWEI_DESHADECOUNT   0x121D
#define TWEI_HORZLINECOUNT   0x1229
#define TWEI_DESKEWSTATUS   0x122B
#define TWEI_SKEWWINDOWX1   0x122F
#define TWEI_SKEWWINDOWY1   0x1230
#define TWEI_SKEWWINDOWX2   0x1231
#define TWEI_SKEWWINDOWY2   0x1232
#define TWEI_SKEWWINDOWX3   0x1233
#define TWEI_SKEWWINDOWY3   0x1234
#define TWEI_SKEWWINDOWX4   0x1235
#define TWEI_SKEWWINDOWY4   0x1236
#define TWEJ_NONE   0x0000
#define TWEJ_MIDSEPARATOR   0x0001
#define TWEJ_PATCH1   0x0002
#define TWEJ_PATCH2   0x0003
#define TWEJ_PATCH3   0x0004
#define TWEJ_PATCH4   0x0005
#define TWEJ_PATCH6   0x0006
#define TWEJ_PATCHT   0x0007
#define TWRC_CUSTOMBASE   0x8000
#define TWRC_SUCCESS   0
#define TWRC_FAILURE   1 /* Application may get TW_STATUS for info on failure */
#define TWRC_CHECKSTATUS   2 /* "tried hard"; get status */
#define TWRC_CANCEL   3
#define TWRC_DSEVENT   4
#define TWRC_XFERDONE   6
#define TWRC_ENDOFLIST   7 /* After MSG_GETNEXT if nothing left */
#define TWCC_CUSTOMBASE   0x8000
#define TWCC_SUCCESS   0 /* It worked! */
#define TWCC_BUMMER   1 /* Failure due to unknown causes */
#define TWCC_LOWMEMORY   2 /* Not enough memory to perform operation */
#define TWCC_NODS   3 /* No Data Source */
#define TWCC_MAXCONNECTIONS   4 /* DS is connected to max possible applications */
#define TWCC_OPERATIONERROR   5 /* DS or DSM reported error, application shouldn't */
#define TWCC_BADCAP   6 /* Unknown capability */
#define TWCC_BADPROTOCOL   9 /* Unrecognized MSG DG DAT combination */
#define TWCC_BADVALUE   10 /* Data parameter out of range */
#define TWCC_SEQERROR   11 /* DG DAT MSG out of expected sequence */
#define TWCC_BADDEST   12 /* Unknown destination Application/Source in DSM_Entry */
#define TWCC_CAPUNSUPPORTED   13 /* Capability not supported by source */
#define TWCC_CAPBADOPERATION   14 /* Operation not supported by capability */
#define TWCC_CAPSEQERROR   15 /* Capability has dependency on other capability */
#define TWCC_DENIED   16 /* File System operation is denied (file is protected) */
#define TWCC_FILEEXISTS   17 /* Operation failed because file already exists. */
#define TWCC_FILENOTFOUND   18 /* File not found */
#define TWCC_NOTEMPTY   19 /* Operation failed because directory is not empty */
#define TWCC_PAPERJAM   20 /* The feeder is jammed */
#define TWCC_PAPERDOUBLEFEED   21 /* The feeder detected multiple pages */
#define TWCC_FILEWRITEERROR   22 /* Error writing the file (meant for things like disk full conditions) */
#define TWCC_CHECKDEVICEONLINE   23 /* The device went offline prior to or during this operation */
#define TWQC_GET   0x0001
#define TWQC_SET   0x0002
#define TWQC_GETDEFAULT   0x0004
#define TWQC_GETCURRENT   0x0008
#define TWQC_RESET   0x0010


typedef voidHPVOID
typedef char TW_STR32[34]
typedef char FARpTW_STR32
typedef char TW_STR64[66]
typedef char FARpTW_STR64
typedef char TW_STR128[130]
typedef char FARpTW_STR128
typedef char TW_STR255[256]
typedef char FARpTW_STR255
typedef char TW_INT8
typedef char FARpTW_INT8
typedef short TW_INT16
typedef short FARpTW_INT16
typedef LONG TW_INT32
typedef LONG FARpTW_INT32
typedef unsigned char TW_UINT8
typedef unsigned char FARpTW_UINT8
typedef unsigned short TW_UINT16
typedef unsigned short FARpTW_UINT16
typedef ULONG TW_UINT32
typedef unsigned short TW_BOOL
typedef unsigned short FARpTW_BOOL
typedef struct TW_FIX32pTW_FIX32
typedef struct TW_ELEMENT8pTW_ELEMENT8
typedef struct TW_FRAMEpTW_FRAME
typedef struct TW_MEMORYpTW_MEMORY
typedef struct TW_VERSIONpTW_VERSION
typedef struct TW_ARRAYpTW_ARRAY
typedef struct TW_RANGEpTW_RANGE
typedef struct TW_EVENTpTW_EVENT
typedef struct TW_PALETTE8pTW_PALETTE8
typedef struct TW_STATUSpTW_STATUS
typedef struct TW_CAPEXTpTW_CAPEXT
typedef struct TW_INFOpTW_INFO
typedef TW_UINT32 DG
typedef TW_UINT32 TW_UINT16 DAT



Macro Definition Documentation


#define _MSWIN_

Definition at line 79 of file twain.h.


#define ACAP_AUDIOFILEFORMAT   0x1201 /* Added 1.8 */

Definition at line 1581 of file twain.h.


#define ACAP_XFERMECH   0x1202 /* Added 1.8 */

Definition at line 1582 of file twain.h.


#define CAP_ALARMS   0x1018 /* Added 1.8 */

Definition at line 1479 of file twain.h.


#define CAP_ALARMVOLUME   0x1019 /* Added 1.8 */

Definition at line 1480 of file twain.h.


#define CAP_AUTHOR   0x1000

Definition at line 1455 of file twain.h.


#define CAP_AUTOFEED   0x1007

Definition at line 1462 of file twain.h.


#define CAP_AUTOMATICCAPTURE   0x101a /* Added 1.8 */

Definition at line 1481 of file twain.h.


#define CAP_AUTOSCAN   0x1010 /* Added 1.6 */

Definition at line 1471 of file twain.h.


#define CAP_BATTERYMINUTES   0x1032 /* Added 1.8 */

Definition at line 1505 of file twain.h.


#define CAP_BATTERYPERCENTAGE   0x1033 /* Added 1.8 */

Definition at line 1506 of file twain.h.


#define CAP_CAMERAPREVIEWUI   0x1021 /* Added 1.8 */

Definition at line 1488 of file twain.h.


#define CAP_CAPTION   0x1001

Definition at line 1456 of file twain.h.


#define CAP_CLEARBUFFERS   0x101d /* Added 1.8 */

Definition at line 1484 of file twain.h.


#define CAP_CLEARPAGE   0x1008

Definition at line 1463 of file twain.h.


#define CAP_CUSTOMBASE   0x8000 /* Base of custom capabilities */

Definition at line 1443 of file twain.h.


#define CAP_CUSTOMDSDATA   0x1015 /* Added 1.7 */

Definition at line 1476 of file twain.h.


#define CAP_DEVICEEVENT   0x1022 /* Added 1.8 */

Definition at line 1489 of file twain.h.


#define CAP_DEVICEONLINE   0x100f /* Added 1.6 */

Definition at line 1470 of file twain.h.


#define CAP_DEVICETIMEDATE   0x101f /* Added 1.8 */

Definition at line 1486 of file twain.h.


#define CAP_DUPLEX   0x1012 /* Added 1.7 */

Definition at line 1473 of file twain.h.


#define CAP_DUPLEXENABLED   0x1013 /* Added 1.7 */

Definition at line 1474 of file twain.h.


#define CAP_ENABLEDSUIONLY   0x1014 /* Added 1.7 */

Definition at line 1475 of file twain.h.


#define CAP_ENDORSER   0x1016 /* Added 1.7 */

Definition at line 1477 of file twain.h.


#define CAP_EXTENDEDCAPS   0x1006

Definition at line 1461 of file twain.h.


#define CAP_FEEDERALIGNMENT   0x102d /* Added 1.8 */

Definition at line 1500 of file twain.h.


#define CAP_FEEDERENABLED   0x1002

Definition at line 1457 of file twain.h.


#define CAP_FEEDERLOADED   0x1003

Definition at line 1458 of file twain.h.


#define CAP_FEEDERORDER   0x102e /* Added 1.8 */

Definition at line 1501 of file twain.h.


#define CAP_FEEDPAGE   0x1009

Definition at line 1464 of file twain.h.


#define CAP_FILESYSTEM   0x1025 /* Added 1.8 */

Definition at line 1492 of file twain.h.


#define CAP_INDICATORS   0x100b /* Added 1.1 */

Definition at line 1466 of file twain.h.


#define CAP_JOBCONTROL   0x1017 /* Added 1.7 */

Definition at line 1478 of file twain.h.


#define CAP_LANGUAGE   0x102c /* Added 1.8 */

Definition at line 1499 of file twain.h.


#define CAP_MAXBATCHBUFFERS   0x101e /* Added 1.8 */

Definition at line 1485 of file twain.h.


#define CAP_PAGEMULTIPLEACQUIRE   0x1023 /* Added 1.8 */

Definition at line 1490 of file twain.h.


#define CAP_PAPERBINDING   0x102f /* Added 1.8 */

Definition at line 1502 of file twain.h.


#define CAP_PAPERDETECTABLE   0x100d /* Added 1.6 */

Definition at line 1468 of file twain.h.


#define CAP_PASSTHRU   0x1031 /* Added 1.8 */

Definition at line 1504 of file twain.h.


#define CAP_POWERDOWNTIME   0x1034 /* Added 1.8 */

Definition at line 1507 of file twain.h.


#define CAP_POWERSUPPLY   0x1020 /* Added 1.8 */

Definition at line 1487 of file twain.h.


#define CAP_PRINTER   0x1026 /* Added 1.8 */

Definition at line 1493 of file twain.h.


#define CAP_PRINTERENABLED   0x1027 /* Added 1.8 */

Definition at line 1494 of file twain.h.


#define CAP_PRINTERINDEX   0x1028 /* Added 1.8 */

Definition at line 1495 of file twain.h.


#define CAP_PRINTERMODE   0x1029 /* Added 1.8 */

Definition at line 1496 of file twain.h.


#define CAP_PRINTERSTRING   0x102a /* Added 1.8 */

Definition at line 1497 of file twain.h.


#define CAP_PRINTERSUFFIX   0x102b /* Added 1.8 */

Definition at line 1498 of file twain.h.


#define CAP_REACQUIREALLOWED   0x1030 /* Added 1.8 */

Definition at line 1503 of file twain.h.


#define CAP_REWINDPAGE   0x100a

Definition at line 1465 of file twain.h.


#define CAP_SERIALNUMBER   0x1024 /* Added 1.8 */

Definition at line 1491 of file twain.h.


#define CAP_SUPPORTEDCAPS   0x1005

Definition at line 1460 of file twain.h.


#define CAP_SUPPORTEDCAPSEXT   0x100c /* Added 1.6 */

Definition at line 1467 of file twain.h.


#define CAP_THUMBNAILSENABLED   0x1011 /* Added 1.7 */

Definition at line 1472 of file twain.h.


#define CAP_TIMEBEFOREFIRSTCAPTURE   0x101b /* Added 1.8 */

Definition at line 1482 of file twain.h.


#define CAP_TIMEBETWEENCAPTURES   0x101c /* Added 1.8 */

Definition at line 1483 of file twain.h.


#define CAP_TIMEDATE   0x1004

Definition at line 1459 of file twain.h.


#define CAP_UICONTROLLABLE   0x100e /* Added 1.6 */

Definition at line 1469 of file twain.h.


#define CAP_XFERCOUNT   0x0001

Definition at line 1446 of file twain.h.


#define DAT_AUDIOFILEXFER   0x0201 /* Null data */

Definition at line 1370 of file twain.h.


#define DAT_AUDIOINFO   0x0202 /* TW_AUDIOINFO */

Definition at line 1371 of file twain.h.


#define DAT_AUDIONATIVEXFER   0x0203 /* TW_UINT32 handle to WAV, (AIFF Mac) */

Definition at line 1372 of file twain.h.


#define DAT_CAPABILITY   0x0001 /* TW_CAPABILITY */

Definition at line 1335 of file twain.h.


#define DAT_CIECOLOR   0x0106 /* TW_CIECOLOR */

Definition at line 1361 of file twain.h.


#define DAT_CUSTOMBASE   0x8000 /* Base of custom DATs. */

Definition at line 1332 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1349 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1351 of file twain.h.


#define DAT_EVENT   0x0002 /* TW_EVENT */

Definition at line 1336 of file twain.h.


#define DAT_EXTIMAGEINFO   0x010b /* TW_EXTIMAGEINFO -- for 1.7 Spec. */

Definition at line 1366 of file twain.h.


#define DAT_FILESYSTEM   0x000e /* TW_FILESYSTEM */

Definition at line 1352 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1362 of file twain.h.


#define DAT_IDENTITY   0x0003 /* TW_IDENTITY */

Definition at line 1337 of file twain.h.


#define DAT_IMAGEFILEXFER   0x0105 /* Null data */

Definition at line 1360 of file twain.h.


#define DAT_IMAGEINFO   0x0101 /* TW_IMAGEINFO */

Definition at line 1356 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1357 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1358 of file twain.h.


#define DAT_IMAGENATIVEXFER   0x0104 /* TW_UINT32 loword is hDIB, PICHandle */

Definition at line 1359 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1364 of file twain.h.


#define DAT_NULL   0x0000 /* No data or structure. */

Definition at line 1331 of file twain.h.


#define DAT_PALETTE8   0x010a /* TW_PALETTE8 */

Definition at line 1365 of file twain.h.


#define DAT_PARENT   0x0004 /* TW_HANDLE, application win handle in Windows */

Definition at line 1338 of file twain.h.


#define DAT_PASSTHRU   0x000f /* TW_PASSTHRU */

Definition at line 1353 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1339 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1363 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1341 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1340 of file twain.h.


#define DAT_STATUS   0x0008 /* TW_STATUS */

Definition at line 1342 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1348 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1343 of file twain.h.


#define DAT_XFERGROUP   0x000a /* TW_UINT32 */

Definition at line 1344 of file twain.h.


#define DG_AUDIO   0x0004L /* data pertaining to audio */

Definition at line 1314 of file twain.h.


#define DG_CONTROL   0x0001L /* data pertaining to control */

Definition at line 1311 of file twain.h.


#define DG_IMAGE   0x0002L /* data pertaining to raster images */

Definition at line 1312 of file twain.h.


#define FAR

Definition at line 64 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_AUTOBRIGHT   0x1100

Definition at line 1510 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_AUTODISCARDBLANKPAGES   0x1134 /* Added 1.8 */

Definition at line 1555 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_AUTOMATICBORDERDETECTION   0x1150 /* Added 1.8 */

Definition at line 1576 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_AUTOMATICDESKEW   0x1151 /* Added 1.8 */

Definition at line 1577 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_AUTOMATICROTATE   0x1152 /* Added 1.8 */

Definition at line 1578 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_BARCODEDETECTIONENABLED   0x1137 /* Added 1.8 */

Definition at line 1557 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_BARCODEMAXRETRIES   0x113c /* Added 1.8 */

Definition at line 1562 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_BARCODEMAXSEARCHPRIORITIES   0x1139 /* Added 1.8 */

Definition at line 1559 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_BARCODESEARCHMODE   0x113b /* Added 1.8 */

Definition at line 1561 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_BARCODESEARCHPRIORITIES   0x113a /* Added 1.8 */

Definition at line 1560 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_BARCODETIMEOUT   0x113d /* Added 1.8 */

Definition at line 1563 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_BITDEPTH   0x112b

Definition at line 1548 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_BITDEPTHREDUCTION   0x112c /* Added 1.5 */

Definition at line 1549 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_BITORDER   0x111c

Definition at line 1534 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_BITORDERCODES   0x1126

Definition at line 1544 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_BRIGHTNESS   0x1101

Definition at line 1511 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_CCITTKFACTOR   0x111d

Definition at line 1535 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_COMPRESSION   0x0100

Definition at line 1449 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_CONTRAST   0x1103

Definition at line 1512 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_CUSTHALFTONE   0x1104

Definition at line 1513 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_EXPOSURETIME   0x1105

Definition at line 1514 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_EXTIMAGEINFO   0x112f /* Added 1.7 */

Definition at line 1552 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_FILTER   0x1106

Definition at line 1515 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_FLASHUSED   0x1107

Definition at line 1516 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_FLASHUSED2   0x1146 /* Added 1.8 */

Definition at line 1572 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_FLIPROTATION   0x1136 /* Added 1.8 */

Definition at line 1556 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_FRAMES   0x1114

Definition at line 1527 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_GAMMA   0x1108

Definition at line 1517 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_HALFTONES   0x1109

Definition at line 1518 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_HIGHLIGHT   0x110a

Definition at line 1519 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_IMAGEDATASET   0x112e /* Added 1.7 */

Definition at line 1551 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1520 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_IMAGEFILTER   0x1147 /* Added 1.8 */

Definition at line 1573 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_JPEGPIXELTYPE   0x1128

Definition at line 1546 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_LAMPSTATE   0x110d

Definition at line 1521 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_LIGHTPATH   0x111e

Definition at line 1536 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_LIGHTSOURCE   0x110e

Definition at line 1522 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_MAXFRAMES   0x111a

Definition at line 1532 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_MINIMUMHEIGHT   0x1130 /* Added 1.7 */

Definition at line 1553 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_MINIMUMWIDTH   0x1131 /* Added 1.7 */

Definition at line 1554 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_NOISEFILTER   0x1148 /* Added 1.8 */

Definition at line 1574 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_ORIENTATION   0x1110

Definition at line 1523 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_OVERSCAN   0x1149 /* Added 1.8 */

Definition at line 1575 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_PATCHCODEDETECTIONENABLED   0x113f /* Added 1.8 */

Definition at line 1565 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_PATCHCODEMAXRETRIES   0x1144 /* Added 1.8 */

Definition at line 1570 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_PATCHCODEMAXSEARCHPRIORITIES   0x1141 /* Added 1.8 */

Definition at line 1567 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_PATCHCODESEARCHMODE   0x1143 /* Added 1.8 */

Definition at line 1569 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_PATCHCODESEARCHPRIORITIES   0x1142 /* Added 1.8 */

Definition at line 1568 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_PATCHCODETIMEOUT   0x1145 /* Added 1.8 */

Definition at line 1571 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_PHYSICALHEIGHT   0x1112

Definition at line 1525 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_PHYSICALWIDTH   0x1111

Definition at line 1524 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_PIXELFLAVOR   0x111f

Definition at line 1537 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1545 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_PIXELTYPE   0x0101

Definition at line 1450 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_PLANARCHUNKY   0x1120

Definition at line 1538 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_ROTATION   0x1121

Definition at line 1539 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_SHADOW   0x1113

Definition at line 1526 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_SUPPORTEDBARCODETYPES   0x1138 /* Added 1.8 */

Definition at line 1558 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_SUPPORTEDPATCHCODETYPES   0x1140 /* Added 1.8 */

Definition at line 1566 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_SUPPORTEDSIZES   0x1122

Definition at line 1540 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_THRESHOLD   0x1123

Definition at line 1541 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_TILES   0x111b

Definition at line 1533 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_TIMEFILL   0x112a

Definition at line 1547 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_UNDEFINEDIMAGESIZE   0x112d /* Added 1.6 */

Definition at line 1550 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_UNITS   0x0102 /* default is TWUN_INCHES */

Definition at line 1451 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_XFERMECH   0x0103

Definition at line 1452 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1528 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_XRESOLUTION   0x1118

Definition at line 1530 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_XSCALING   0x1124

Definition at line 1542 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1529 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_YRESOLUTION   0x1119

Definition at line 1531 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_YSCALING   0x1125

Definition at line 1543 of file twain.h.


#define ICAP_ZOOMFACTOR   0x113e /* Added 1.8 */

Definition at line 1564 of file twain.h.


#define MSG_CHANGEDIRECTORY   0x0801

Definition at line 1426 of file twain.h.


#define MSG_CHECKSTATUS   0x0201 /* Get status information */

Definition at line 1402 of file twain.h.


#define MSG_CLOSEDS   0x0402 /* Close a data source */

Definition at line 1410 of file twain.h.


#define MSG_CLOSEDSM   0x0302 /* Close the DSM */

Definition at line 1406 of file twain.h.


#define MSG_CLOSEDSOK   0x0103 /* Tell the Application. to save the state. */

Definition at line 1397 of file twain.h.


#define MSG_CLOSEDSREQ   0x0102 /* Request for Application. to close DS */

Definition at line 1396 of file twain.h.


#define MSG_CREATEDIRECTORY   0x0802

Definition at line 1427 of file twain.h.


#define MSG_CUSTOMBASE   0x8000 /* Base of custom messages */

Definition at line 1382 of file twain.h.


#define MSG_DELETE   0x0803

Definition at line 1428 of file twain.h.


#define MSG_DEVICEEVENT   0X0104 /* Some event has taken place */

Definition at line 1399 of file twain.h.


#define MSG_DISABLEDS   0x0501 /* Disable data transfer in the DS */

Definition at line 1414 of file twain.h.


#define MSG_ENABLEDS   0x0502 /* Enable data transfer in the DS */

Definition at line 1415 of file twain.h.


#define MSG_ENABLEDSUIONLY   0x0503 /* Enable for saving DS state only. */

Definition at line 1416 of file twain.h.


#define MSG_ENDXFER   0x0701

Definition at line 1422 of file twain.h.


#define MSG_FORMATMEDIA   0x0804

Definition at line 1429 of file twain.h.


#define MSG_GET   0x0001 /* Get one or more values */

Definition at line 1385 of file twain.h.


#define MSG_GETCLOSE   0x0805

Definition at line 1430 of file twain.h.


#define MSG_GETCURRENT   0x0002 /* Get current value */

Definition at line 1386 of file twain.h.


#define MSG_GETDEFAULT   0x0003 /* Get default (e.g. power up) value */

Definition at line 1387 of file twain.h.


#define MSG_GETFIRST   0x0004 /* Get first of a series of items, e.g. DSs */

Definition at line 1388 of file twain.h.


#define MSG_GETFIRSTFILE   0x0806

Definition at line 1431 of file twain.h.


#define MSG_GETINFO   0x0807

Definition at line 1432 of file twain.h.


#define MSG_GETNEXT   0x0005 /* Iterate through a series of items. */

Definition at line 1389 of file twain.h.


#define MSG_GETNEXTFILE   0x0808

Definition at line 1433 of file twain.h.


#define MSG_NULL   0x0000 /* Used in TW_EVENT structure */

Definition at line 1381 of file twain.h.


#define MSG_OPENDS   0x0401 /* Open a data source */

Definition at line 1409 of file twain.h.


#define MSG_OPENDSM   0x0301 /* Open the DSM */

Definition at line 1405 of file twain.h.


#define MSG_PASSTHRU   0x0901

Definition at line 1437 of file twain.h.


#define MSG_PROCESSEVENT   0x0601

Definition at line 1419 of file twain.h.


#define MSG_QUERYSUPPORT   0x0008 /* Get supported operations on the cap. */

Definition at line 1392 of file twain.h.


#define MSG_RENAME   0x0809

Definition at line 1434 of file twain.h.


#define MSG_RESET   0x0007 /* Set current value to default value */

Definition at line 1391 of file twain.h.


#define MSG_SET   0x0006 /* Set one or more values */

Definition at line 1390 of file twain.h.


#define MSG_USERSELECT   0x0403 /* Put up a dialog of all DS */

Definition at line 1411 of file twain.h.


#define MSG_XFERREADY   0x0101 /* The data source has data ready */

Definition at line 1395 of file twain.h.


#define TWAF_AIFF   1

Definition at line 797 of file twain.h.


#define TWAF_AU   3

Definition at line 798 of file twain.h.


#define TWAF_SND   4

Definition at line 799 of file twain.h.


#define TWAF_WAV   0

Definition at line 796 of file twain.h.


#define TWAL_ALARM   0

Definition at line 802 of file twain.h.


#define TWAL_BARCODE   3

Definition at line 805 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 806 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 803 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 804 of file twain.h.


#define TWAL_JAM   5

Definition at line 807 of file twain.h.


#define TWAL_PATCHCODE   6

Definition at line 808 of file twain.h.


#define TWAL_POWER   7

Definition at line 809 of file twain.h.


#define TWAL_SKEW   8

Definition at line 810 of file twain.h.


#define TWBCOR_ROT0   0

Definition at line 788 of file twain.h.


#define TWBCOR_ROT180   2

Definition at line 790 of file twain.h.


#define TWBCOR_ROT270   3

Definition at line 791 of file twain.h.


#define TWBCOR_ROT90   1

Definition at line 789 of file twain.h.


#define TWBCOR_ROTX   4

Definition at line 792 of file twain.h.


#define TWBD_HORZ   0

Definition at line 871 of file twain.h.


#define TWBD_HORZVERT   2

Definition at line 873 of file twain.h.


#define TWBD_VERT   1

Definition at line 872 of file twain.h.


#define TWBD_VERTHORZ   3

Definition at line 874 of file twain.h.


#define TWBO_LSBFIRST   0

Definition at line 564 of file twain.h.


#define TWBO_MSBFIRST   1

Definition at line 565 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 729 of file twain.h.


#define TWBR_DIFFUSION   3

Definition at line 730 of file twain.h.


#define TWBR_HALFTONE   1

Definition at line 728 of file twain.h.


#define TWBR_THRESHOLD   0

Definition at line 727 of file twain.h.


#define TWBT_2OF5DATALOGIC   15

Definition at line 756 of file twain.h.


#define TWBT_2OF5IATA   16

Definition at line 757 of file twain.h.


#define TWBT_2OF5INDUSTRIAL   13

Definition at line 754 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 741 of file twain.h.


#define TWBT_2OF5MATRIX   14

Definition at line 755 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 742 of file twain.h.


#define TWBT_3OF9   0

Definition at line 740 of file twain.h.


#define TWBT_3OF9FULLASCII   17

Definition at line 758 of file twain.h.


#define TWBT_CODABAR   6

Definition at line 746 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 759 of file twain.h.


#define TWBT_CODE128   4

Definition at line 744 of file twain.h.


#define TWBT_CODE93   3

Definition at line 743 of file twain.h.


#define TWBT_EAN13   10

Definition at line 750 of file twain.h.


#define TWBT_EAN8   9

Definition at line 749 of file twain.h.


#define TWBT_MAXICODE   19

Definition at line 760 of file twain.h.


#define TWBT_PDF417   12

Definition at line 752 of file twain.h.


#define TWBT_POSTNET   11

Definition at line 751 of file twain.h.


#define TWBT_UCC128   5

Definition at line 745 of file twain.h.


#define TWBT_UPCA   7

Definition at line 747 of file twain.h.


#define TWBT_UPCE   8

Definition at line 748 of file twain.h.


#define TWCB_AUTO   0

Definition at line 813 of file twain.h.


#define TWCB_CLEAR   1

Definition at line 814 of file twain.h.


#define TWCB_NOCLEAR   2

Definition at line 815 of file twain.h.


#define TWCC_BADCAP   6 /* Unknown capability */

Definition at line 1684 of file twain.h.


#define TWCC_BADDEST   12 /* Unknown destination Application/Source in DSM_Entry */

Definition at line 1688 of file twain.h.


#define TWCC_BADPROTOCOL   9 /* Unrecognized MSG DG DAT combination */

Definition at line 1685 of file twain.h.


#define TWCC_BADVALUE   10 /* Data parameter out of range */

Definition at line 1686 of file twain.h.


#define TWCC_BUMMER   1 /* Failure due to unknown causes */

Definition at line 1679 of file twain.h.


#define TWCC_CAPBADOPERATION   14 /* Operation not supported by capability */

Definition at line 1690 of file twain.h.


#define TWCC_CAPSEQERROR   15 /* Capability has dependency on other capability */

Definition at line 1691 of file twain.h.


#define TWCC_CAPUNSUPPORTED   13 /* Capability not supported by source */

Definition at line 1689 of file twain.h.


#define TWCC_CHECKDEVICEONLINE   23 /* The device went offline prior to or during this operation */

Definition at line 1700 of file twain.h.


#define TWCC_CUSTOMBASE   0x8000

Definition at line 1676 of file twain.h.


#define TWCC_DENIED   16 /* File System operation is denied (file is protected) */

Definition at line 1693 of file twain.h.


#define TWCC_FILEEXISTS   17 /* Operation failed because file already exists. */

Definition at line 1694 of file twain.h.


#define TWCC_FILENOTFOUND   18 /* File not found */

Definition at line 1695 of file twain.h.


#define TWCC_FILEWRITEERROR   22 /* Error writing the file (meant for things like disk full conditions) */

Definition at line 1699 of file twain.h.


#define TWCC_LOWMEMORY   2 /* Not enough memory to perform operation */

Definition at line 1680 of file twain.h.


#define TWCC_MAXCONNECTIONS   4 /* DS is connected to max possible applications */

Definition at line 1682 of file twain.h.


#define TWCC_NODS   3 /* No Data Source */

Definition at line 1681 of file twain.h.


#define TWCC_NOTEMPTY   19 /* Operation failed because directory is not empty */

Definition at line 1696 of file twain.h.


#define TWCC_OPERATIONERROR   5 /* DS or DSM reported error, application shouldn't */

Definition at line 1683 of file twain.h.


#define TWCC_PAPERDOUBLEFEED   21 /* The feeder detected multiple pages */

Definition at line 1698 of file twain.h.


#define TWCC_PAPERJAM   20 /* The feeder is jammed */

Definition at line 1697 of file twain.h.


#define TWCC_SEQERROR   11 /* DG DAT MSG out of expected sequence */

Definition at line 1687 of file twain.h.


#define TWCC_SUCCESS   0 /* It worked! */

Definition at line 1678 of file twain.h.


#define TWCP_BITFIELDS   12

Definition at line 581 of file twain.h.


#define TWCP_GROUP31D   2 /* Follows CCITT spec (no End Of Line) */

Definition at line 570 of file twain.h.


#define TWCP_GROUP31DEOL   3 /* Follows CCITT spec (has End Of Line) */

Definition at line 571 of file twain.h.


#define TWCP_GROUP32D   4 /* Follows CCITT spec (use cap for K Factor) */

Definition at line 572 of file twain.h.


#define TWCP_GROUP4   5 /* Follows CCITT spec */

Definition at line 573 of file twain.h.


#define TWCP_JBIG   8 /* For Bitonal images -- Added 1.7 KHL */

Definition at line 576 of file twain.h.


#define TWCP_JPEG   6 /* Use capability for more info */

Definition at line 574 of file twain.h.


#define TWCP_LZW   7 /* Must license from Unisys and IBM to use */

Definition at line 575 of file twain.h.


#define TWCP_NONE   0

Definition at line 568 of file twain.h.


#define TWCP_PACKBITS   1

Definition at line 569 of file twain.h.


#define TWCP_PNG   9

Definition at line 578 of file twain.h.


#define TWCP_RLE4   10

Definition at line 579 of file twain.h.


#define TWCP_RLE8   11

Definition at line 580 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_AFGHANISTAN   1001

Definition at line 924 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_ALBANIA   355

Definition at line 1135 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_ALGERIA   213

Definition at line 925 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 926 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_ANDORRA   033

Definition at line 927 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_ANGOLA   1002

Definition at line 928 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_ANGUILLA   8090

Definition at line 929 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_ANTIGUA   8091

Definition at line 930 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_ARGENTINA   54

Definition at line 931 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_ARMENIA   374

Definition at line 1136 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_ARUBA   297

Definition at line 932 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_ASCENSIONI   247

Definition at line 933 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_AUSTRALIA   61

Definition at line 934 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_AUSTRIA   43

Definition at line 935 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_AZERBAIJAN   994

Definition at line 1137 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_BAHAMAS   8092

Definition at line 936 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_BAHRAIN   973

Definition at line 937 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_BANGLADESH   880

Definition at line 938 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_BARBADOS   8093

Definition at line 939 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_BELARUS   375

Definition at line 1138 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_BELGIUM   32

Definition at line 940 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_BELIZE   501

Definition at line 941 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_BENIN   229

Definition at line 942 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_BERMUDA   8094

Definition at line 943 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_BHUTAN   1003

Definition at line 944 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_BOLIVIA   591

Definition at line 945 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1139 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_BOTSWANA   267

Definition at line 946 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_BRAZIL   55

Definition at line 949 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_BRITAIN   6

Definition at line 947 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_BRITVIRGINIS   8095

Definition at line 948 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_BRUNEI   673

Definition at line 950 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_BULGARIA   359

Definition at line 951 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_BURKINAFASO   1004

Definition at line 952 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_BURMA   1005

Definition at line 953 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_BURUNDI   1006

Definition at line 954 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_CAMAROON   237

Definition at line 955 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_CAMBODIA   855

Definition at line 1140 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_CANADA   2

Definition at line 956 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_CAPEVERDEIS   238

Definition at line 957 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_CAYMANIS   8096

Definition at line 958 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_CENTRALAFREP   1007

Definition at line 959 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_CHAD   1008

Definition at line 960 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_CHILE   56

Definition at line 961 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_CHINA   86

Definition at line 962 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_CHRISTMASIS   1009

Definition at line 963 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_COCOSIS   1009

Definition at line 964 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_COLOMBIA   57

Definition at line 965 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_COMOROS   1010

Definition at line 966 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_CONGO   1011

Definition at line 967 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_COOKIS   1012

Definition at line 968 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_COSTARICA   506

Definition at line 969 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_CROATIA   385

Definition at line 1141 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_CUBA   005

Definition at line 970 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_CYPRUS   357

Definition at line 971 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 972 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1142 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_DENMARK   45

Definition at line 973 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_DIEGOGARCIA   246

Definition at line 1143 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_DJIBOUTI   1013

Definition at line 974 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_DOMINCANREP   8098

Definition at line 976 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_DOMINICA   8097

Definition at line 975 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_EASTERIS   1014

Definition at line 977 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_ECUADOR   593

Definition at line 978 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_EGYPT   20

Definition at line 979 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_ELSALVADOR   503

Definition at line 980 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_EQGUINEA   1015

Definition at line 981 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_ERITREA   291

Definition at line 1144 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_ESTONIA   372

Definition at line 1145 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_ETHIOPIA   251

Definition at line 982 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_FAEROEIS   298

Definition at line 984 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_FALKLANDIS   1016

Definition at line 983 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_FIJIISLANDS   679

Definition at line 985 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_FINLAND   358

Definition at line 986 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_FRANCE   33

Definition at line 987 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_FRANTILLES   596

Definition at line 988 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_FRGUIANA   594

Definition at line 989 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_FRPOLYNEISA   689

Definition at line 990 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_FUTANAIS   1043

Definition at line 991 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_GABON   241

Definition at line 992 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_GAMBIA   220

Definition at line 993 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_GEORGIA   995

Definition at line 1146 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_GERMANY   49

Definition at line 994 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_GHANA   233

Definition at line 995 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_GIBRALTER   350

Definition at line 996 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_GREECE   30

Definition at line 997 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_GREENLAND   299

Definition at line 998 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_GRENADA   8099

Definition at line 999 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_GRENEDINES   8015

Definition at line 1000 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_GUADELOUPE   590

Definition at line 1001 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_GUAM   671

Definition at line 1002 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1003 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_GUATEMALA   502

Definition at line 1004 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_GUINEA   224

Definition at line 1005 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_GUINEABISSAU   1017

Definition at line 1006 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_GUYANA   592

Definition at line 1007 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_HAITI   509

Definition at line 1008 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_HONDURAS   504

Definition at line 1009 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_HONGKONG   852

Definition at line 1010 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_HUNGARY   36

Definition at line 1011 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_ICELAND   354

Definition at line 1012 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_INDIA   91

Definition at line 1013 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_INDONESIA   62

Definition at line 1014 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_IRAN   98

Definition at line 1015 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_IRAQ   964

Definition at line 1016 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_IRELAND   353

Definition at line 1017 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_ISRAEL   972

Definition at line 1018 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_ITALY   39

Definition at line 1019 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_IVORYCOAST   225

Definition at line 1020 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_JAMAICA   8010

Definition at line 1021 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_JAPAN   81

Definition at line 1022 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_JORDAN   962

Definition at line 1023 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_KENYA   254

Definition at line 1024 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_KIRIBATI   1018

Definition at line 1025 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_KOREA   82

Definition at line 1026 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_KUWAIT   965

Definition at line 1027 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_LAOS   1019

Definition at line 1028 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_LATVIA   371

Definition at line 1147 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_LEBANON   1020

Definition at line 1029 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_LESOTHO   266

Definition at line 1148 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_LIBERIA   231

Definition at line 1030 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_LIBYA   218

Definition at line 1031 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1032 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_LITHUANIA   370

Definition at line 1149 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_LUXENBOURG   352

Definition at line 1033 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_MACAO   853

Definition at line 1034 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_MACEDONIA   389

Definition at line 1150 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_MADAGASCAR   1021

Definition at line 1035 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_MALAWI   265

Definition at line 1036 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_MALAYSIA   60

Definition at line 1037 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_MALDIVES   960

Definition at line 1038 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_MALI   1022

Definition at line 1039 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_MALTA   356

Definition at line 1040 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_MARSHALLIS   692

Definition at line 1041 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_MAURITANIA   1023

Definition at line 1042 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_MAURITIUS   230

Definition at line 1043 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_MAYOTTEIS   269

Definition at line 1151 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_MEXICO   3

Definition at line 1044 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_MICRONESIA   691

Definition at line 1045 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_MIQUELON   508

Definition at line 1046 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_MOLDOVA   373

Definition at line 1152 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_MONACO   33

Definition at line 1047 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_MONGOLIA   1024

Definition at line 1048 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_MONTSERRAT   8011

Definition at line 1049 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_MOROCCO   212

Definition at line 1050 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_MOZAMBIQUE   1025

Definition at line 1051 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_MYANMAR   95

Definition at line 1153 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_NAMIBIA   264

Definition at line 1052 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_NAURU   1026

Definition at line 1053 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_NEPAL   977

Definition at line 1054 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1056 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1055 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_NEVIS   8012

Definition at line 1057 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1058 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_NEWZEALAND   64

Definition at line 1059 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_NICARAGUA   505

Definition at line 1060 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_NIGER   227

Definition at line 1061 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_NIGERIA   234

Definition at line 1062 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_NIUE   1027

Definition at line 1063 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_NORFOLKI   1028

Definition at line 1064 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_NORTHKOREA   850

Definition at line 1154 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_NORWAY   47

Definition at line 1065 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_OMAN   968

Definition at line 1066 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_PAKISTAN   92

Definition at line 1067 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_PALAU   1029

Definition at line 1068 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_PANAMA   507

Definition at line 1069 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_PARAGUAY   595

Definition at line 1070 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_PERU   51

Definition at line 1071 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1072 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_PITCAIRNIS   1030

Definition at line 1073 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_PNEWGUINEA   675

Definition at line 1074 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_POLAND   48

Definition at line 1075 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_PORTUGAL   351

Definition at line 1076 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_PUERTORICO   787

Definition at line 1155 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_QATAR   974

Definition at line 1077 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_REUNIONI   1031

Definition at line 1078 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_ROMANIA   40

Definition at line 1079 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_RUSSIA   7

Definition at line 1156 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_RWANDA   250

Definition at line 1080 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_SAIPAN   670

Definition at line 1081 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_SANMARINO   39

Definition at line 1082 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_SAOTOME   1033

Definition at line 1083 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_SAUDIARABIA   966

Definition at line 1084 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_SENEGAL   221

Definition at line 1085 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_SERBIA   381

Definition at line 1157 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_SEYCHELLESIS   1034

Definition at line 1086 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_SIERRALEONE   1035

Definition at line 1087 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_SINGAPORE   65

Definition at line 1088 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_SLOVAKIA   421

Definition at line 1158 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_SLOVENIA   386

Definition at line 1159 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_SOLOMONIS   1036

Definition at line 1089 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_SOMALI   1037

Definition at line 1090 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1091 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_SOUTHKOREA   82

Definition at line 1160 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_SPAIN   34

Definition at line 1092 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_SRILANKA   94

Definition at line 1093 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_STHELENA   1032

Definition at line 1094 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_STKITTS   8013

Definition at line 1095 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_STLUCIA   8014

Definition at line 1096 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_STPIERRE   508

Definition at line 1097 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_STVINCENT   8015

Definition at line 1098 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_SUDAN   1038

Definition at line 1099 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_SURINAME   597

Definition at line 1100 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_SWAZILAND   268

Definition at line 1101 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_SWEDEN   46

Definition at line 1102 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1103 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_SYRIA   1039

Definition at line 1104 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_TAIWAN   886

Definition at line 1105 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_TANZANIA   255

Definition at line 1106 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_THAILAND   66

Definition at line 1107 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_TOBAGO   8016

Definition at line 1108 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_TOGO   228

Definition at line 1109 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_TONGAIS   676

Definition at line 1110 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_TRINIDAD   8016

Definition at line 1111 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_TUNISIA   216

Definition at line 1112 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_TURKEY   90

Definition at line 1113 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_TURKSCAICOS   8017

Definition at line 1114 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_TUVALU   1040

Definition at line 1115 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_UAEMIRATES   971

Definition at line 1118 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_UGANDA   256

Definition at line 1116 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_UKRAINE   380

Definition at line 1161 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1119 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_URUGUAY   598

Definition at line 1121 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_USA   1

Definition at line 1120 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_USSR   7

Definition at line 1117 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_USVIRGINIS   340

Definition at line 1162 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_VANUATU   1041

Definition at line 1122 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1123 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_VENEZUELA   58

Definition at line 1124 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_VIETNAM   84

Definition at line 1163 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_WAKE   1042

Definition at line 1125 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_WALLISIS   1043

Definition at line 1126 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1127 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_WESTERNSAMOA   1045

Definition at line 1128 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_YEMEN   1046

Definition at line 1129 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_YUGOSLAVIA   38

Definition at line 1130 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_ZAIRE   243

Definition at line 1131 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_ZAMBIA   260

Definition at line 1132 of file twain.h.


#define TWCY_ZIMBABWE   263

Definition at line 1133 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 819 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 820 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 821 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 822 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 823 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 824 of file twain.h.


#define TWDE_CUSTOMEVENTS   0x8000

Definition at line 818 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 825 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 826 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 827 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 828 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 829 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 830 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 833 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 831 of file twain.h.


#define TWDE_PAPERJAM   13

Definition at line 832 of file twain.h.


#define TWDE_POWERSAVE   15

Definition at line 834 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 835 of file twain.h.


#define TWDSK_DISABLED   3

Definition at line 767 of file twain.h.


#define TWDSK_FAIL   2

Definition at line 766 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 765 of file twain.h.


#define TWDSK_SUCCESS   0

Definition at line 764 of file twain.h.


#define TWDX_1PASSDUPLEX   1

Definition at line 735 of file twain.h.


#define TWDX_2PASSDUPLEX   2

Definition at line 736 of file twain.h.


#define TWDX_NONE   0

Definition at line 734 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1618 of file twain.h.


#define TWEI_BARCODECOUNT   0x1219

Definition at line 1617 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1619 of file twain.h.


#define TWEI_BARCODETEXT   0x1202

Definition at line 1594 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1620 of file twain.h.


#define TWEI_BARCODETYPE   0x1203

Definition at line 1595 of file twain.h.


#define TWEI_BARCODEX   0x1200

Definition at line 1592 of file twain.h.


#define TWEI_BARCODEY   0x1201

Definition at line 1593 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1631 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1623 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1622 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1625 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1624 of file twain.h.


#define TWEI_DESHADECOUNT   0x121D

Definition at line 1621 of file twain.h.


#define TWEI_DESHADEHEIGHT   0x1206

Definition at line 1598 of file twain.h.


#define TWEI_DESHADELEFT   0x1205

Definition at line 1597 of file twain.h.


#define TWEI_DESHADESIZE   0x1208

Definition at line 1600 of file twain.h.


#define TWEI_DESHADETOP   0x1204

Definition at line 1596 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1627 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1626 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1629 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1630 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1628 of file twain.h.


#define TWEI_DESHADEWIDTH   0x1207

Definition at line 1599 of file twain.h.


#define TWEI_DESKEWSTATUS   0x122B

Definition at line 1635 of file twain.h.


#define TWEI_ENDORSEDTEXT   0x1213

Definition at line 1611 of file twain.h.


#define TWEI_FORMCONFIDENCE   0x1214

Definition at line 1612 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1615 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1613 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1614 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1616 of file twain.h.


#define TWEI_HORZLINECOUNT   0x1229

Definition at line 1633 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1604 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1605 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1602 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1603 of file twain.h.


#define TWEI_PATCHCODE   0x1212

Definition at line 1610 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1638 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1637 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1636 of file twain.h.


#define TWEI_SKEWWINDOWX1   0x122F

Definition at line 1639 of file twain.h.


#define TWEI_SKEWWINDOWX2   0x1231

Definition at line 1641 of file twain.h.


#define TWEI_SKEWWINDOWX3   0x1233

Definition at line 1643 of file twain.h.


#define TWEI_SKEWWINDOWX4   0x1235

Definition at line 1645 of file twain.h.


#define TWEI_SKEWWINDOWY1   0x1230

Definition at line 1640 of file twain.h.


#define TWEI_SKEWWINDOWY2   0x1232

Definition at line 1642 of file twain.h.


#define TWEI_SKEWWINDOWY3   0x1234

Definition at line 1644 of file twain.h.


#define TWEI_SKEWWINDOWY4   0x1236

Definition at line 1646 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1601 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1634 of file twain.h.


#define TWEI_VERTLINELENGTH   0x1210

Definition at line 1608 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1609 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1606 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1607 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1632 of file twain.h.


#define TWEJ_MIDSEPARATOR   0x0001

Definition at line 1649 of file twain.h.


#define TWEJ_NONE   0x0000

Definition at line 1648 of file twain.h.


#define TWEJ_PATCH1   0x0002

Definition at line 1650 of file twain.h.


#define TWEJ_PATCH2   0x0003

Definition at line 1651 of file twain.h.


#define TWEJ_PATCH3   0x0004

Definition at line 1652 of file twain.h.


#define TWEJ_PATCH4   0x0005

Definition at line 1653 of file twain.h.


#define TWEJ_PATCH6   0x0006

Definition at line 1654 of file twain.h.


#define TWEJ_PATCHT   0x0007

Definition at line 1655 of file twain.h.


#define TWFA_CENTER   2

Definition at line 840 of file twain.h.


#define TWFA_LEFT   1

Definition at line 839 of file twain.h.


#define TWFA_NONE   0

Definition at line 838 of file twain.h.


#define TWFA_RIGHT   3

Definition at line 841 of file twain.h.


#define TWFF_BMP   2 /* Windows Bitmap */

Definition at line 587 of file twain.h.


#define TWFF_EXIF   9

Definition at line 594 of file twain.h.


#define TWFF_FPX   5 /* Flash Pix */

Definition at line 590 of file twain.h.


#define TWFF_JFIF   4 /* JPEG File Interchange Format */

Definition at line 589 of file twain.h.


#define TWFF_PICT   1 /* Macintosh PICT */

Definition at line 586 of file twain.h.


#define TWFF_PNG   7

Definition at line 592 of file twain.h.


#define TWFF_SPIFF   8

Definition at line 593 of file twain.h.


#define TWFF_TIFF   0 /* Tagged Image File Format */

Definition at line 585 of file twain.h.


#define TWFF_TIFFMULTI   6 /* Multi-page tiff file */

Definition at line 591 of file twain.h.


#define TWFF_XBM   3 /* X-Windows Bitmap */

Definition at line 588 of file twain.h.


#define TWFL_AUTO   3

Definition at line 880 of file twain.h.


#define TWFL_NONE   0

Definition at line 877 of file twain.h.


#define TWFL_OFF   1

Definition at line 878 of file twain.h.


#define TWFL_ON   2

Definition at line 879 of file twain.h.


#define TWFL_REDEYE   4

Definition at line 881 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 844 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 845 of file twain.h.


#define TWFR_BOOK   0

Definition at line 884 of file twain.h.


#define TWFR_FANFOLD   1

Definition at line 885 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 848 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 849 of file twain.h.


#define TWFT_BLACK   8

Definition at line 606 of file twain.h.


#define TWFT_BLUE   2

Definition at line 600 of file twain.h.


#define TWFT_CYAN   5

Definition at line 603 of file twain.h.


#define TWFT_GREEN   1

Definition at line 599 of file twain.h.


#define TWFT_MAGENTA   6

Definition at line 604 of file twain.h.


#define TWFT_NONE   3

Definition at line 601 of file twain.h.


#define TWFT_RED   0

Definition at line 598 of file twain.h.


#define TWFT_WHITE   4

Definition at line 602 of file twain.h.


#define TWFT_YELLOW   7

Definition at line 605 of file twain.h.


#define TWFY_CAMERA   0

Definition at line 910 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 912 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 913 of file twain.h.


#define TWFY_CAMERATOP   1

Definition at line 911 of file twain.h.


#define TWFY_DIRECTORY   6

Definition at line 916 of file twain.h.


#define TWFY_DOMAIN   4

Definition at line 914 of file twain.h.


#define TWFY_HOST   5

Definition at line 915 of file twain.h.


#define TWFY_IMAGE   7

Definition at line 917 of file twain.h.


#define TWFY_UNKNOWN   8

Definition at line 918 of file twain.h.


#define TWIF_AUTO   1

Definition at line 889 of file twain.h.


#define TWIF_BANDPASS   3

Definition at line 891 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 894 of file twain.h.


#define TWIF_HIGHPASS   4

Definition at line 892 of file twain.h.


#define TWIF_LOWPASS   2

Definition at line 890 of file twain.h.


#define TWIF_NONE   0

Definition at line 888 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 893 of file twain.h.


#define TWJC_JSIC   1

Definition at line 781 of file twain.h.


#define TWJC_JSIS   2

Definition at line 782 of file twain.h.


#define TWJC_JSXC   3

Definition at line 783 of file twain.h.


#define TWJC_JSXS   4

Definition at line 784 of file twain.h.


#define TWJC_NONE   0

Definition at line 780 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_AFRIKAANS   14

Definition at line 1185 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_ALBANIA   15

Definition at line 1186 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_ARABIC   16

Definition at line 1187 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1188 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1189 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_ARABIC_EGYPT   19

Definition at line 1190 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_ARABIC_IRAQ   20

Definition at line 1191 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1192 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1193 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1194 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_ARABIC_LIBYA   24

Definition at line 1195 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1196 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_ARABIC_OMAN   26

Definition at line 1197 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_ARABIC_QATAR   27

Definition at line 1198 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1199 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_ARABIC_SYRIA   29

Definition at line 1200 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1201 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_ARABIC_UAE   31 /* United Arabic Emirates */

Definition at line 1202 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_ARABIC_YEMEN   32

Definition at line 1203 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_ASSAMESE   87

Definition at line 1273 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_BASQUE   33

Definition at line 1204 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_BENGALI   88

Definition at line 1274 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_BIHARI   89

Definition at line 1275 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_BODO   90

Definition at line 1276 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_BULGARIAN   35

Definition at line 1206 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1205 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_CATALAN   36

Definition at line 1207 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_CHINESE   37

Definition at line 1208 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1209 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_CHINESE_PRC   39 /* People's Republic of China */

Definition at line 1210 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1212 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1211 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1213 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1214 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_CROATIA   44

Definition at line 1215 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_CZECH   45

Definition at line 1216 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_DAN   0 /* Danish */

Definition at line 1169 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1217 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_DOGRI   91

Definition at line 1277 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_DUT   1 /* Dutch */

Definition at line 1170 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1218 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1219 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_ENG   2 /* International English */

Definition at line 1171 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1220 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1221 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1222 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1223 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1224 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1225 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_ENGLISH_UK   52

Definition at line 1226 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1227 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_ESTONIAN   53

Definition at line 1228 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_FAEROESE   54

Definition at line 1229 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_FARSI   55

Definition at line 1230 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_FCF   3 /* French Canadian */

Definition at line 1172 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_FIN   4 /* Finnish */

Definition at line 1173 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1231 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1232 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1233 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1234 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1235 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_FRENCH_SWISS   58

Definition at line 1236 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_FRN   5 /* French */

Definition at line 1174 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_GER   6 /* German */

Definition at line 1175 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1237 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1238 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1240 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1239 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_GERMAN_SWISS   62

Definition at line 1241 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_GREEK   63

Definition at line 1242 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_GUJARATI   92

Definition at line 1278 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_HARYANVI   93

Definition at line 1279 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_HEBREW   64

Definition at line 1243 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_HINDI   94

Definition at line 1280 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_HUNGARIAN   65

Definition at line 1244 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_ICE   7 /* Icelandic */

Definition at line 1176 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1245 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_INDONESIAN   66

Definition at line 1246 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1247 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1248 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_ITN   8 /* Italian */

Definition at line 1177 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_JAPANESE   68

Definition at line 1249 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_KANNADA   95

Definition at line 1281 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_KASHMIRI   96

Definition at line 1282 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_KOREAN   69

Definition at line 1250 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_KOREAN_JOHAB   70

Definition at line 1251 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_LATVIAN   71

Definition at line 1252 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_LITHUANIAN   72

Definition at line 1253 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_MALAYALAM   97

Definition at line 1283 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_MARATHI   98

Definition at line 1284 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_MARWARI   99

Definition at line 1285 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_MEGHALAYAN   100

Definition at line 1286 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_MIZO   101

Definition at line 1287 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_NAGA   102

Definition at line 1288 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_NOR   9 /* Norwegian */

Definition at line 1178 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1254 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1255 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1256 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_ORISSI   103

Definition at line 1289 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_POLISH   75

Definition at line 1257 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_POR   10 /* Portuguese */

Definition at line 1179 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1258 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1259 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_PUNJABI   104

Definition at line 1290 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_PUSHTU   105

Definition at line 1291 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_ROMANIAN   77

Definition at line 1260 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_RUSSIAN   78

Definition at line 1261 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1292 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1262 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_SIKKIMI   107

Definition at line 1293 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_SLOVAK   80

Definition at line 1263 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_SLOVENIAN   81

Definition at line 1264 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_SPA   11 /* Spanish */

Definition at line 1180 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1265 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1266 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1267 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_SWE   12 /* Swedish */

Definition at line 1181 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1268 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1294 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_TAMIL   109

Definition at line 1295 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_TELUGU   110

Definition at line 1296 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_THAI   84

Definition at line 1269 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_TRIPURI   111

Definition at line 1297 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_TURKISH   85

Definition at line 1270 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_UKRANIAN   86

Definition at line 1271 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_URDU   112

Definition at line 1298 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_USA   13 /* U.S. English */

Definition at line 1182 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_USERLOCALE   -1

Definition at line 1184 of file twain.h.


#define TWLG_VIETNAMESE   113

Definition at line 1299 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 609 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 610 of file twain.h.


#define TWLS_BLUE   2

Definition at line 615 of file twain.h.


#define TWLS_GREEN   1

Definition at line 614 of file twain.h.


#define TWLS_IR   6

Definition at line 619 of file twain.h.


#define TWLS_NONE   3

Definition at line 616 of file twain.h.


#define TWLS_RED   0

Definition at line 613 of file twain.h.


#define TWLS_UV   5

Definition at line 618 of file twain.h.


#define TWLS_WHITE   4

Definition at line 617 of file twain.h.


#define TWMF_APPOWNS   0x1

Definition at line 517 of file twain.h.


#define TWMF_DSMOWNS   0x2

Definition at line 518 of file twain.h.


#define TWMF_DSOWNS   0x4

Definition at line 519 of file twain.h.


#define TWMF_HANDLE   0x10

Definition at line 521 of file twain.h.


#define TWMF_POINTER   0x8

Definition at line 520 of file twain.h.


#define TWNF_AUTO   1

Definition at line 898 of file twain.h.


#define TWNF_LONEPIXEL   2

Definition at line 899 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 900 of file twain.h.


#define TWNF_NONE   0

Definition at line 897 of file twain.h.


#define TWON_ARRAY   3 /* indicates TW_ARRAY container */

Definition at line 503 of file twain.h.


#define TWON_DONTCARE16   0xffff

Definition at line 513 of file twain.h.


#define TWON_DONTCARE32   0xffffffff

Definition at line 514 of file twain.h.


#define TWON_DONTCARE8   0xff

Definition at line 512 of file twain.h.


#define TWON_DSMCODEID   63 /* res Id of the Mac SM Code resource */

Definition at line 510 of file twain.h.


#define TWON_DSMID   461 /* res Id of the DSM version num resource */

Definition at line 509 of file twain.h.


#define TWON_ENUMERATION   4 /* indicates TW_ENUMERATION container */

Definition at line 504 of file twain.h.


#define TWON_ICONID   962 /* res Id of icon used in USERSELECT lbox */

Definition at line 508 of file twain.h.


#define TWON_ONEVALUE   5 /* indicates TW_ONEVALUE container */

Definition at line 505 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 70 of file twain.h.


#define TWON_PROTOCOLMINOR   8 /* Changed for Version 1.8 */

Definition at line 69 of file twain.h.


#define TWON_RANGE   6 /* indicates TW_RANGE container */

Definition at line 506 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 627 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 626 of file twain.h.


#define TWOR_ROT0   0

Definition at line 622 of file twain.h.


#define TWOR_ROT180   2

Definition at line 624 of file twain.h.


#define TWOR_ROT270   3

Definition at line 625 of file twain.h.


#define TWOR_ROT90   1

Definition at line 623 of file twain.h.


#define TWOV_ALL   4

Definition at line 907 of file twain.h.


#define TWOV_AUTO   1

Definition at line 904 of file twain.h.


#define TWOV_LEFTRIGHT   3

Definition at line 906 of file twain.h.


#define TWOV_NONE   0

Definition at line 903 of file twain.h.


#define TWOV_TOPBOTTOM   2

Definition at line 905 of file twain.h.


#define TWPA_CMY   2

Definition at line 526 of file twain.h.


#define TWPA_GRAY   1

Definition at line 525 of file twain.h.


#define TWPA_RGB   0

Definition at line 524 of file twain.h.


#define TWPC_CHUNKY   0

Definition at line 630 of file twain.h.


#define TWPC_PLANAR   1

Definition at line 631 of file twain.h.


#define TWPCH_PATCH1   0

Definition at line 771 of file twain.h.


#define TWPCH_PATCH2   1

Definition at line 772 of file twain.h.


#define TWPCH_PATCH3   2

Definition at line 773 of file twain.h.


#define TWPCH_PATCH4   3

Definition at line 774 of file twain.h.


#define TWPCH_PATCH6   4

Definition at line 775 of file twain.h.


#define TWPCH_PATCHT   5

Definition at line 776 of file twain.h.


#define TWPF_CHOCOLATE   0 /* zero pixel represents darkest shade */

Definition at line 634 of file twain.h.


#define TWPF_VANILLA   1 /* zero pixel represents lightest shade */

Definition at line 635 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 868 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 867 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 866 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 863 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 862 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 861 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 860 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 859 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 858 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 857 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 856 of file twain.h.


#define TWPS_BATTERY   1

Definition at line 853 of file twain.h.


#define TWPS_EXTERNAL   0

Definition at line 852 of file twain.h.


#define TWPT_BW   0 /* Black and White */

Definition at line 638 of file twain.h.


#define TWPT_CIEXYZ   8

Definition at line 646 of file twain.h.


#define TWPT_CMY   4

Definition at line 642 of file twain.h.


#define TWPT_CMYK   5

Definition at line 643 of file twain.h.


#define TWPT_GRAY   1

Definition at line 639 of file twain.h.


#define TWPT_PALETTE   3

Definition at line 641 of file twain.h.


#define TWPT_RGB   2

Definition at line 640 of file twain.h.


#define TWPT_YUV   6

Definition at line 644 of file twain.h.


#define TWPT_YUVK   7

Definition at line 645 of file twain.h.


#define TWQC_GET   0x0001

Definition at line 1706 of file twain.h.


#define TWQC_GETCURRENT   0x0008

Definition at line 1709 of file twain.h.


#define TWQC_GETDEFAULT   0x0004

Definition at line 1708 of file twain.h.


#define TWQC_RESET   0x0010

Definition at line 1710 of file twain.h.


#define TWQC_SET   0x0002

Definition at line 1707 of file twain.h.


#define TWRC_CANCEL   3

Definition at line 1667 of file twain.h.


#define TWRC_CHECKSTATUS   2 /* "tried hard"; get status */

Definition at line 1666 of file twain.h.


#define TWRC_CUSTOMBASE   0x8000

Definition at line 1662 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1673 of file twain.h.


#define TWRC_DSEVENT   4

Definition at line 1668 of file twain.h.


#define TWRC_ENDOFLIST   7 /* After MSG_GETNEXT if nothing left */

Definition at line 1671 of file twain.h.


#define TWRC_FAILURE   1 /* Application may get TW_STATUS for info on failure */

Definition at line 1665 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1672 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 1669 of file twain.h.


#define TWRC_SUCCESS   0

Definition at line 1664 of file twain.h.


#define TWRC_XFERDONE   6

Definition at line 1670 of file twain.h.

◆ TWSS_2A0

#define TWSS_2A0   18

Definition at line 670 of file twain.h.

◆ TWSS_4A0

#define TWSS_4A0   17

Definition at line 669 of file twain.h.


#define TWSS_A0   19

Definition at line 671 of file twain.h.


#define TWSS_A1   20

Definition at line 672 of file twain.h.

◆ TWSS_A10

#define TWSS_A10   25

Definition at line 678 of file twain.h.


#define TWSS_A2   21

Definition at line 673 of file twain.h.


#define TWSS_A3   11

Definition at line 662 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 674 of file twain.h.


#define TWSS_A4LETTER   1

Definition at line 650 of file twain.h.


#define TWSS_A5   5

Definition at line 655 of file twain.h.


#define TWSS_A6   13

Definition at line 664 of file twain.h.


#define TWSS_A7   22

Definition at line 675 of file twain.h.


#define TWSS_A8   23

Definition at line 676 of file twain.h.


#define TWSS_A9   24

Definition at line 677 of file twain.h.


#define TWSS_B3   12

Definition at line 663 of file twain.h.


#define TWSS_B4   6

Definition at line 656 of file twain.h.


#define TWSS_B5LETTER   2

Definition at line 651 of file twain.h.


#define TWSS_B6   7

Definition at line 657 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 710 of file twain.h.


#define TWSS_C0   44

Definition at line 701 of file twain.h.


#define TWSS_C1   45

Definition at line 702 of file twain.h.

◆ TWSS_C10

#define TWSS_C10   51

Definition at line 708 of file twain.h.


#define TWSS_C2   46

Definition at line 703 of file twain.h.


#define TWSS_C3   47

Definition at line 704 of file twain.h.


#define TWSS_C4   14

Definition at line 665 of file twain.h.


#define TWSS_C5   15

Definition at line 666 of file twain.h.


#define TWSS_C6   16

Definition at line 667 of file twain.h.


#define TWSS_C7   48

Definition at line 705 of file twain.h.


#define TWSS_C8   49

Definition at line 706 of file twain.h.


#define TWSS_C9   50

Definition at line 707 of file twain.h.


#define TWSS_ISOB0   26

Definition at line 679 of file twain.h.


#define TWSS_ISOB1   27

Definition at line 680 of file twain.h.


#define TWSS_ISOB10   33

Definition at line 689 of file twain.h.


#define TWSS_ISOB2   28

Definition at line 681 of file twain.h.


#define TWSS_ISOB3   TWSS_B3

Definition at line 682 of file twain.h.


#define TWSS_ISOB4   TWSS_B4

Definition at line 683 of file twain.h.


#define TWSS_ISOB5   29

Definition at line 684 of file twain.h.


#define TWSS_ISOB6   TWSS_B6

Definition at line 685 of file twain.h.


#define TWSS_ISOB7   30

Definition at line 686 of file twain.h.


#define TWSS_ISOB8   31

Definition at line 687 of file twain.h.


#define TWSS_ISOB9   32

Definition at line 688 of file twain.h.


#define TWSS_JISB0   34

Definition at line 690 of file twain.h.


#define TWSS_JISB1   35

Definition at line 691 of file twain.h.


#define TWSS_JISB10   43

Definition at line 700 of file twain.h.


#define TWSS_JISB2   36

Definition at line 692 of file twain.h.


#define TWSS_JISB3   37

Definition at line 693 of file twain.h.


#define TWSS_JISB4   38

Definition at line 694 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 695 of file twain.h.


#define TWSS_JISB6   39

Definition at line 696 of file twain.h.


#define TWSS_JISB7   40

Definition at line 697 of file twain.h.


#define TWSS_JISB8   41

Definition at line 698 of file twain.h.


#define TWSS_JISB9   42

Definition at line 699 of file twain.h.


#define TWSS_NONE   0

Definition at line 649 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 661 of file twain.h.


#define TWSS_USLEDGER   9

Definition at line 660 of file twain.h.


#define TWSS_USLEGAL   4

Definition at line 653 of file twain.h.


#define TWSS_USLETTER   3

Definition at line 652 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 709 of file twain.h.


#define TWSX_FILE   1

Definition at line 714 of file twain.h.


#define TWSX_MEMORY   2

Definition at line 715 of file twain.h.


#define TWSX_NATIVE   0

Definition at line 713 of file twain.h.


#define TWTY_BOOL   0x0006 /* Means Item is a TW_BOOL */

Definition at line 548 of file twain.h.


#define TWTY_FIX32   0x0007 /* Means Item is a TW_FIX32 */

Definition at line 550 of file twain.h.


#define TWTY_FRAME   0x0008 /* Means Item is a TW_FRAME */

Definition at line 552 of file twain.h.


#define TWTY_INT16   0x0001 /* Means Item is a TW_INT16 */

Definition at line 541 of file twain.h.


#define TWTY_INT32   0x0002 /* Means Item is a TW_INT32 */

Definition at line 542 of file twain.h.


#define TWTY_INT8   0x0000 /* Means Item is a TW_INT8 */

Definition at line 540 of file twain.h.


#define TWTY_STR128   0x000b /* Means Item is a TW_STR128 */

Definition at line 556 of file twain.h.


#define TWTY_STR255   0x000c /* Means Item is a TW_STR255 */

Definition at line 557 of file twain.h.


#define TWTY_STR32   0x0009 /* Means Item is a TW_STR32 */

Definition at line 554 of file twain.h.


#define TWTY_STR64   0x000a /* Means Item is a TW_STR64 */

Definition at line 555 of file twain.h.


#define TWTY_UINT16   0x0004 /* Means Item is a TW_UINT16 */

Definition at line 545 of file twain.h.


#define TWTY_UINT32   0x0005 /* Means Item is a TW_UINT32 */

Definition at line 546 of file twain.h.


#define TWTY_UINT8   0x0003 /* Means Item is a TW_UINT8 */

Definition at line 544 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 719 of file twain.h.


#define TWUN_INCHES   0

Definition at line 718 of file twain.h.


#define TWUN_PICAS   2

Definition at line 720 of file twain.h.


#define TWUN_PIXELS   5

Definition at line 723 of file twain.h.


#define TWUN_POINTS   3

Definition at line 721 of file twain.h.


#define TWUN_TWIPS   4

Definition at line 722 of file twain.h.

Typedef Documentation


Definition at line 1828 of file twain.h.

◆ DG

typedef TW_UINT32 DG

Definition at line 1827 of file twain.h.


typedef BYTE* HPBYTE

Definition at line 84 of file twain.h.


typedef void* HPVOID

Definition at line 85 of file twain.h.


Definition at line 1829 of file twain.h.

◆ pData

Definition at line 1830 of file twain.h.




Definition at line 121 of file twain.h.













◆ pTW_FIX32




typedef pTW_IDENTITY

Definition at line 1762 of file twain.h.





◆ pTW_INT16

typedef short FAR* pTW_INT16

Definition at line 116 of file twain.h.

◆ pTW_INT32

typedef LONG FAR* pTW_INT32

Definition at line 117 of file twain.h.

◆ pTW_INT8

typedef char FAR* pTW_INT8

Definition at line 115 of file twain.h.













◆ pTW_STR128

typedef char FAR* pTW_STR128

Definition at line 111 of file twain.h.

◆ pTW_STR255

typedef char FAR* pTW_STR255

Definition at line 112 of file twain.h.

◆ pTW_STR32

typedef char FAR* pTW_STR32

Definition at line 109 of file twain.h.

◆ pTW_STR64

typedef char FAR* pTW_STR64

Definition at line 110 of file twain.h.





◆ pTW_UINT16

Definition at line 119 of file twain.h.

◆ pTW_UINT32

typedef ULONG FAR* pTW_UINT32

Definition at line 120 of file twain.h.


Definition at line 118 of file twain.h.




Definition at line 121 of file twain.h.



Definition at line 82 of file twain.h.

◆ TW_INT16

typedef short TW_INT16

Definition at line 116 of file twain.h.

◆ TW_INT32

typedef LONG TW_INT32

Definition at line 117 of file twain.h.


typedef char TW_INT8

Definition at line 115 of file twain.h.


typedef TW_MEMREF

Definition at line 83 of file twain.h.

◆ TW_STR128

typedef char TW_STR128[130]

Definition at line 111 of file twain.h.

◆ TW_STR255

typedef char TW_STR255[256]

Definition at line 112 of file twain.h.

◆ TW_STR32

typedef char TW_STR32[34]

Definition at line 109 of file twain.h.

◆ TW_STR64

typedef char TW_STR64[66]

Definition at line 110 of file twain.h.


typedef TW_UINT16

Definition at line 119 of file twain.h.


typedef TW_UINT32

Definition at line 120 of file twain.h.


Definition at line 118 of file twain.h.

Function Documentation

◆ DS_Entry()


◆ DSM_Entry()


Definition at line 152 of file twain32_main.c.

159 TW_UINT16 twRC = TWRC_SUCCESS; /* Return Code */
161 TRACE("(DG=%d DAT=%d MSG=%d)\n", DG, DAT, MSG);
163 if (DG == DG_CONTROL && DAT == DAT_NULL)
164 {
165 activeDS *pSource = TWAIN_LookupSource (pOrigin);
166 if (!pSource)
167 {
168 ERR("No source associated with pSource %p\n", pDest);
170 return TWRC_FAILURE;
171 }
173 return TWAIN_ControlNull (pOrigin, pDest, pSource, MSG, pData);
174 }
176 if (pDest)
177 {
178 activeDS *pSource = TWAIN_LookupSource (pDest);
179 /* This operation's destination is a source */
181 if (!pSource) {
182 ERR("No source associated with pDest %p\n", pDest);
184 return TWRC_FAILURE;
185 }
188 {
189 twRC = TWAIN_ProcessEvent(pOrigin, pSource, pData);
190 if (twRC == TWRC_DSEVENT)
191 return twRC;
192 }
196 pData != NULL)
197 {
198 pSource->ui_window = ((TW_USERINTERFACE*)pData)->hParent;
199 }
202 TRACE("Forwarding %d/%d/%d/%p to DS.\n", DG, DAT, MSG, pData);
203 twRC = pSource->dsEntry(pOrigin, DG, DAT, MSG, pData);
204 TRACE("return value is %d\n", twRC);
205 return twRC;
206 }
207 switch (DG)
208 {
209 case DG_CONTROL:
210 twRC = TWAIN_SourceManagerHandler (pOrigin, DAT, MSG, pData);
211 break;
212 default:
213 FIXME("The DSM does not handle DG %d\n", DG);
216 }
217 return twRC;
#define FIXME(fmt,...)
Definition: precomp.h:53
#define ERR(fmt,...)
Definition: precomp.h:57
#define NULL
Definition: types.h:112
TW_UINT16 TWAIN_ProcessEvent(pTW_IDENTITY pOrigin, activeDS *pSource, TW_MEMREF pData)
Definition: dsm_ctrl.c:162
TW_UINT16 TWAIN_ControlNull(pTW_IDENTITY pOrigin, pTW_IDENTITY pDest, activeDS *pSource, TW_UINT16 MSG, TW_MEMREF pData)
Definition: dsm_ctrl.c:120
#define TRACE(s)
Definition: solgame.cpp:4
HWND ui_window
Definition: twain_i.h:44
Definition: twain_i.h:42
static TW_UINT16 TWAIN_SourceManagerHandler(pTW_IDENTITY pOrigin, TW_UINT16 DAT, TW_UINT16 MSG, TW_MEMREF pData)
Definition: twain32_main.c:64
Definition: twain32_main.c:32
static activeDS * TWAIN_LookupSource(const TW_IDENTITY *pDest)
Definition: twain32_main.c:54
Definition: twain.h:1665
#define DAT_NULL
Definition: twain.h:1331
Definition: twain.h:1416
Definition: twain.h:1830
Definition: twain.h:1829
Definition: twain.h:1668
unsigned short TW_UINT16
Definition: twain.h:119
Definition: twain.h:1827
Definition: twain.h:1664
#define DAT_EVENT
Definition: twain.h:1336
Definition: twain.h:1688
Definition: twain.h:1685
Definition: twain.h:1415
Definition: twain.h:1343
#define DG_CONTROL
Definition: twain.h:1311
Definition: twain.h:1678
Definition: twain.h:1828
Definition: twain.h:1419

◆ TW_UINT16()