ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-550-g2186ce3
ncftp.h File Reference
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include "ncftp_errno.h"
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struct  Line
struct  LineList
struct  Response
struct  SReadlineInfo
struct  FTPLibraryInfo
struct  FTPConnectionInfo
struct  FileInfo
struct  FileInfoList
struct  MLstItem


#define kLibraryVersion   "@(#) LibNcFTP 3.0.6 (April 14, 2001)"
#define USE_SIO   1
#define NO_SIGNALS   1
#define kLibraryMagic   "LibNcFTP 3.0.6"
#define longest_int   long long
#define longest_uint   unsigned long long
#define forever   for ( ; ; )
#define _SReadlineInfo_   1
#define kPrInitMsg   1
#define kPrUpdateMsg   2
#define kPrEndMsg   3
#define kSendPortMode   0
#define kPassiveMode   1
#define kFallBackToSendPortMode   2
#define kAcceptForWriting   00100
#define kAcceptForReading   00101
#define kNetWriting   kAcceptForWriting
#define kNetReading   kAcceptForReading
#define kResponseNoPrint   00001
#define kResponseNoSave   00002
#define kResponseNoProc   00002
#define kDefaultFTPPort   21
#define kDefaultFTPBufSize   32768
#define kDefaultXferTimeout   600
#define kDefaultConnTimeout   30
#define kDefaultCtrlTimeout   135
#define kDefaultAbortTimeout   10
#define kSuggestedDefaultXferTimeout   (0) /* No timeout on data blocks. */
#define kSuggestedDefaultConnTimeout   30
#define kSuggestedDefaultCtrlTimeout   135 /* 2*MSL, + slop */
#define kSuggestedAbortTimeout   10
#define kDefaultMaxDials   3
#define kDefaultRedialDelay   20 /* seconds */
#define kDefaultDataPortMode   kSendPortMode
#define kRedialStatusDialing   0
#define kRedialStatusSleeping   1
#define INADDR_NONE   (0xffffffff) /* <netinet/in.h> should have it. */
#define kTypeAscii   'A'
#define kTypeBinary   'I'
#define kTypeEbcdic   'E'
#define kGlobChars   "[*?"
#define GLOBCHARSINSTR(a)   (strpbrk(a, kGlobChars) != NULL)
#define kGlobYes   1
#define kGlobNo   0
#define kRecursiveYes   1
#define kRecursiveNo   0
#define kAppendYes   1
#define kAppendNo   0
#define kResumeYes   1
#define kResumeNo   0
#define kDeleteYes   1
#define kDeleteNo   0
#define kTarYes   1
#define kTarNo   0
#define UNIMPLEMENTED_CMD(a)   ((a == 500) || (a == 502) || (a == 504))
#define kSizeUnknown   ((longest_int) (-1))
#define kModTimeUnknown   ((time_t) (-1))
#define kCommandAvailabilityUnknown   (-1)
#define kCommandAvailable   1
#define kCommandNotAvailable   0
#define kNotURL   (-1)
#define kMalformedURL   (-2)
#define kFirewallNotInUse   0
#define kFirewallUserAtSite   1
#define kFirewallLoginThenUserAtSite   2
#define kFirewallSiteSite   3
#define kFirewallOpenSite   4
#define kFirewallUserAtUserPassAtPass   5
#define kFirewallFwuAtSiteFwpUserPass   6
#define kFirewallUserAtSiteFwuPassFwp   7
#define kFirewallLastType   kFirewallUserAtSiteFwuPassFwp
#define kPreferredMlsOpts   (kMlsOptType | kMlsOptSize | kMlsOptModify | kMlsOptUNIXmode | kMlsOptUNIXowner | kMlsOptUNIXgroup | kMlsOptUNIXuid | kMlsOptUNIXgid | kMlsOptPerm)
#define kMlsOptType   00001
#define kMlsOptSize   00002
#define kMlsOptModify   00004
#define kMlsOptUNIXmode   00010
#define kMlsOptUNIXowner   00020
#define kMlsOptUNIXgroup   00040
#define kMlsOptPerm   00100
#define kMlsOptUNIXuid   00200
#define kMlsOptUNIXgid   00400
#define kMlsOptUnique   01000
#define kFtwFile   0
#define kFtwDir   1
#define kChdirOnly   00000
#define kChdirAndMkdir   00001
#define kChdirAndGetCWD   00002
#define kChdirOneSubdirAtATime   00004
#define kConfirmResumeProcNotUsed   0
#define kConfirmResumeProcSaidSkip   1
#define kConfirmResumeProcSaidResume   2
#define kConfirmResumeProcSaidOverwrite   3
#define kConfirmResumeProcSaidAppend   4
#define kConfirmResumeProcSaidBestGuess   5
#define kConfirmResumeProcSaidCancel   6
#define NoConfirmResumeDownloadProc   ((ConfirmResumeDownloadProc) 0)
#define NoConfirmResumeUploadProc   ((ConfirmResumeUploadProc) 0)
#define NoGetPassphraseProc   ((FTPGetPassphraseProc) 0)
#define kServerTypeUnknown   0
#define kServerTypeWuFTPd   1
#define kServerTypeNcFTPd   2
#define kServerTypeProFTPD   3
#define kServerTypeMicrosoftFTP   4
#define kServerTypeWarFTPd   5
#define kServerTypeServ_U   6
#define kServerTypeWFTPD   7
#define kServerTypeVFTPD   8
#define kServerTypeFTP_Max   9
#define kServerTypeRoxen   10
#define kServerTypeNetWareFTP   11
#define kServerTypeWS_FTP   12
#define closesocket   close
#define ioctlsocket   ioctl
#define LOCAL_PATH_DELIM   '/'
#define LOCAL_PATH_DELIM_STR   "/"
#define StrFindLocalPathDelim(a)   strchr(a, LOCAL_PATH_DELIM)
#define StrRFindLocalPathDelim(a)   strrchr(a, LOCAL_PATH_DELIM)
#define StrRemoveTrailingLocalPathDelim   StrRemoveTrailingSlashes
#define IsLocalPathDelim(c)   (c == LOCAL_PATH_DELIM)
#define TVFSPathToLocalPath(s)
#define LocalPathToTVFSPath(s)
#define LIBNCFTP_USE_VAR(a)   gLibNcFTP_Uses_Me_To_Quiet_Variable_Unused_Warnings = (a == 0)
#define UNUSED(a)   a
#define NcSignal   signal


typedef void(* FTPSigProc) (int)
typedef struct LineLinePtr
typedef struct Line Line
typedef struct LineList LineList
typedef struct LineListLineListPtr
typedef struct Response Response
typedef struct ResponseResponsePtr
typedef struct SReadlineInfo SReadlineInfo
typedef struct FTPLibraryInfo FTPLibraryInfo
typedef struct FTPLibraryInfoFTPLIPtr
typedef struct FTPConnectionInfoFTPCIPtr
typedef void(* FTPProgressMeterProc) (const FTPCIPtr, int)
typedef void(* FTPLogProc) (const FTPCIPtr, char *)
typedef void(* FTPConnectMessageProc) (const FTPCIPtr, ResponsePtr)
typedef void(* FTPLoginMessageProc) (const FTPCIPtr, ResponsePtr)
typedef void(* FTPRedialStatusProc) (const FTPCIPtr, int, int)
typedef void(* FTPPrintResponseProc) (const FTPCIPtr, ResponsePtr)
typedef int(* FTPFtwProc) (const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *fn, int flag)
typedef void(* FTPGetPassphraseProc) (const FTPCIPtr, LineListPtr pwPrompt, char *pass, size_t dsize)
typedef struct FTPConnectionInfo FTPConnectionInfo
typedef struct FileInfoFileInfoPtr
typedef struct FileInfo ** FileInfoVec
typedef struct FileInfo FileInfo
typedef struct FileInfoList FileInfoList
typedef struct FileInfoListFileInfoListPtr
typedef struct MLstItem MLstItem
typedef struct MLstItemMLstItemPtr
typedef int(* ConfirmResumeDownloadProc) (const char *volatile *localpath, volatile longest_int localsize, volatile time_t localmtime, const char *volatile remotepath, volatile longest_int remotesize, volatile time_t remotetime, volatile longest_int *volatile startPoint)
typedef int(* ConfirmResumeUploadProc) (const char *volatile localpath, volatile longest_int localsize, volatile time_t localmtime, const char *volatile *remotepath, volatile longest_int remotesize, volatile time_t remotetime, volatile longest_int *volatile startPoint)


void FTPAbortDataTransfer (const FTPCIPtr cip)
int FTPChdir (const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const cdCwd)
int FTPChdirAndGetCWD (const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const cdCwd, char *const newCwd, const size_t newCwdSize)
int FTPChdir3 (FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const cdCwd, char *const newCwd, const size_t newCwdSize, int flags)
int FTPChmod (const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const pattern, const char *const mode, const int doGlob)
int FTPCloseHost (const FTPCIPtr cip)
int FTPCmd (const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const cmdspec,...)
int FTPDecodeURL (const FTPCIPtr cip, char *const url, LineListPtr cdlist, char *const fn, const size_t fnsize, int *const xtype, int *const wantnlst)
int FTPDelete (const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const pattern, const int recurse, const int doGlob)
int FTPFileExists (const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const file)
int FTPFileModificationTime (const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const file, time_t *const mdtm)
int FTPFileSize (const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const file, longest_int *const size, const int type)
int FTPFileSizeAndModificationTime (const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const file, longest_int *const size, const int type, time_t *const mdtm)
int FTPFileType (const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const file, int *const ftype)
int FTPGetCWD (const FTPCIPtr cip, char *const newCwd, const size_t newCwdSize)
int FTPGetFiles3 (const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *pattern, const char *const dstdir, const int recurse, int doGlob, const int xtype, const int resumeflag, int appendflag, const int deleteflag, const int tarflag, const ConfirmResumeDownloadProc resumeProc, int reserved)
int FTPGetOneFile3 (const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const file, const char *const dstfile, const int xtype, const int fdtouse, const int resumeflag, const int appendflag, const int deleteflag, const ConfirmResumeDownloadProc resumeProc, int reserved)
int FTPInitConnectionInfo (const FTPLIPtr lip, const FTPCIPtr cip, size_t bufsize)
int FTPInitLibrary (const FTPLIPtr lip)
int FTPIsDir (const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const dir)
int FTPIsRegularFile (const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const file)
int FTPList (const FTPCIPtr cip, const int outfd, const int longMode, const char *const lsflag)
int FTPListToMemory (const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const pattern, const LineListPtr llines, const char *const lsflags)
int FTPLocalGlob (FTPCIPtr cip, LineListPtr fileList, const char *pattern, int doGlob)
int FTPLoginHost (const FTPCIPtr cip)
int FTPMkdir (const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const newDir, const int recurse)
int FTPMkdir2 (const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const newDir, const int recurse, const char *const curDir)
int FTPOpenHost (const FTPCIPtr cip)
int FTPOpenHostNoLogin (const FTPCIPtr cip)
void FTPPerror (const FTPCIPtr cip, const int err, const int eerr, const char *const s1, const char *const s2)
int FTPPutOneFile3 (const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const file, const char *const dstfile, const int xtype, const int fdtouse, const int appendflag, const char *const tmppfx, const char *const tmpsfx, const int resumeflag, const int deleteflag, const ConfirmResumeUploadProc resumeProc, int reserved)
int FTPPutFiles3 (const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const pattern, const char *const dstdir, const int recurse, const int doGlob, const int xtype, int appendflag, const char *const tmppfx, const char *const tmpsfx, const int resumeflag, const int deleteflag, const ConfirmResumeUploadProc resumeProc, int reserved)
int FTPRemoteGlob (FTPCIPtr cip, LineListPtr fileList, const char *pattern, int doGlob)
int FTPRename (const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const oldname, const char *const newname)
int FTPRmdir (const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const pattern, const int recurse, const int doGlob)
void FTPShutdownHost (const FTPCIPtr cip)
const charFTPStrError (int e)
int FTPSymlink (const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const lfrom, const char *const lto)
int FTPUmask (const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const umsk)
int FTPUtime (const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const file, time_t actime, time_t modtime, time_t crtime)
int CopyLineList (LineListPtr, LineListPtr)
void DisposeLineListContents (LineListPtr)
void InitLineList (LineListPtr)
LinePtr RemoveLine (LineListPtr, LinePtr)
LinePtr AddLine (LineListPtr, const char *)
charStrDup (const char *)
charFGets (char *, size_t, FILE *)
void GetHomeDir (char *, size_t)
void GetUsrName (char *, size_t)
void Scramble (unsigned char *dst, size_t dsize, unsigned char *src, char *key)
time_t UnMDTMDate (char *)
int MkDirs (const char *const, int mode1)
charGetPass (const char *const prompt)
int FilenameExtensionIndicatesASCII (const char *const pathName, const char *const extnList)
void StrRemoveTrailingSlashes (char *dst)
int FTPGetOneFile (const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const file, const char *const dstfile)
int FTPGetOneFile2 (const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const file, const char *const dstfile, const int xtype, const int fdtouse, const int resumeflag, const int appendflag)
int FTPGetFiles (const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const pattern, const char *const dstdir, const int recurse, const int doGlob)
int FTPGetFiles2 (const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const pattern, const char *const dstdir, const int recurse, const int doGlob, const int xtype, const int resumeflag, const int appendflag)
int FTPGetOneFileAscii (const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const file, const char *const dstfile)
int FTPGetFilesAscii (const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const pattern, const char *const dstdir, const int recurse, const int doGlob)
int FTPPutOneFile (const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const file, const char *const dstfile)
int FTPPutOneFile2 (const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const file, const char *const dstfile, const int xtype, const int fdtouse, const int appendflag, const char *const tmppfx, const char *const tmpsfx)
int FTPPutFiles (const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const pattern, const char *const dstdir, const int recurse, const int doGlob)
int FTPPutFiles2 (const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const pattern, const char *const dstdir, const int recurse, const int doGlob, const int xtype, const int appendflag, const char *const tmppfx, const char *const tmpsfx)
int FTPPutOneFileAscii (const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const file, const char *const dstfile)
int FTPPutFilesAscii (const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const pattern, const char *const dstdir, const int recurse, const int doGlob)
charFTPGetLocalCWD (char *buf, size_t size)
int FTPQueryFeatures (const FTPCIPtr)
int FTPMListOneFile (const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const file, const MLstItemPtr mlip)
void FTPInitializeOurHostName (const FTPLIPtr)
void FTPInitializeAnonPassword (const FTPLIPtr)
int FTPListToMemory2 (const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const pattern, const LineListPtr llines, const char *const lsflags, const int blanklines, int *const tryMLSD)
void FTPInitIOTimer (const FTPCIPtr)
int FTPStartDataCmd (const FTPCIPtr, int, int, longest_int, const char *,...)
void FTPStartIOTimer (const FTPCIPtr)
void FTPStopIOTimer (const FTPCIPtr)
void FTPUpdateIOTimer (const FTPCIPtr)
int FTPSetTransferType (const FTPCIPtr, int)
int FTPEndDataCmd (const FTPCIPtr, int)
int FTPRemoteHelp (const FTPCIPtr, const char *const, const LineListPtr)
int FTPCmdNoResponse (const FTPCIPtr, const char *const cmdspec,...)
int WaitResponse (const FTPCIPtr, unsigned int)
int FTPLocalRecursiveFileList (FTPCIPtr, LineListPtr, FileInfoListPtr)
int FTPLocalRecursiveFileList2 (FTPCIPtr cip, LineListPtr fileList, FileInfoListPtr files, int erelative)
int FTPRemoteRecursiveFileList (FTPCIPtr, LineListPtr, FileInfoListPtr)
int FTPRemoteRecursiveFileList1 (FTPCIPtr, char *const, FileInfoListPtr)
int FTPRebuildConnectionInfo (const FTPLIPtr lip, const FTPCIPtr cip)
int FTPFileExistsStat (const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const file)
int FTPFileExistsNlst (const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const file)
int FTPFileExists2 (const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const file, const int tryMDTM, const int trySIZE, const int tryMLST, const int trySTAT, const int tryNLST)
int FTPFtw (const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const dir, FTPFtwProc proc, int maxdepth)
int BufferGets (char *, size_t, int, char *, char **, char **, size_t)
void DisposeFileInfoListContents (FileInfoListPtr)
void InitFileInfoList (FileInfoListPtr)
void InitFileInfo (FileInfoPtr)
FileInfoPtr RemoveFileInfo (FileInfoListPtr, FileInfoPtr)
FileInfoPtr AddFileInfo (FileInfoListPtr, FileInfoPtr)
void SortFileInfoList (FileInfoListPtr, int, int)
void VectorizeFileInfoList (FileInfoListPtr)
void UnvectorizeFileInfoList (FileInfoListPtr)
int ComputeRNames (FileInfoListPtr, const char *, int, int)
int ComputeLNames (FileInfoListPtr, const char *, const char *, int)
int ConcatFileInfoList (FileInfoListPtr, FileInfoListPtr)
int ConcatFileToFileInfoList (FileInfoListPtr, char *)
int LineListToFileInfoList (LineListPtr, FileInfoListPtr)
int LineToFileInfoList (LinePtr, FileInfoListPtr)
void URLCopyToken (char *, size_t, const char *, size_t)
int UnMlsT (const char *const, const MLstItemPtr)
int UnMlsD (FileInfoListPtr, LineListPtr)
int UnLslR (FileInfoListPtr, LineListPtr, int)
void TraceResponse (const FTPCIPtr, ResponsePtr)
void PrintResponse (const FTPCIPtr, LineListPtr)
void DoneWithResponse (const FTPCIPtr, ResponsePtr)
ResponsePtr InitResponse (void)
void ReInitResponse (const FTPCIPtr, ResponsePtr)
int GetTelnetString (const FTPCIPtr, char *, size_t, FILE *, FILE *)
int GetResponse (const FTPCIPtr, ResponsePtr)
int RCmd (const FTPCIPtr, ResponsePtr, const char *,...)


char gLibNcFTPVersion [64]
int gLibNcFTP_Uses_Me_To_Quiet_Variable_Unused_Warnings

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ _SReadlineInfo_

#define _SReadlineInfo_   1

Definition at line 99 of file ncftp.h.

◆ closesocket

#define closesocket   close

Definition at line 477 of file ncftp.h.

◆ forever

#define forever   for ( ; ; )

Definition at line 73 of file ncftp.h.


#define GLOBCHARSINSTR (   a)    (strpbrk(a, kGlobChars) != NULL)

Definition at line 358 of file ncftp.h.


#define INADDR_NONE   (0xffffffff) /* <netinet/in.h> should have it. */

Definition at line 350 of file ncftp.h.

◆ ioctlsocket

#define ioctlsocket   ioctl

Definition at line 481 of file ncftp.h.

◆ IsLocalPathDelim

#define IsLocalPathDelim (   c)    (c == LOCAL_PATH_DELIM)

Definition at line 497 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kAcceptForReading

#define kAcceptForReading   00101

Definition at line 301 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kAcceptForWriting

#define kAcceptForWriting   00100

Definition at line 300 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kAppendNo

#define kAppendNo   0

Definition at line 365 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kAppendYes

#define kAppendYes   1

Definition at line 364 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kChdirAndGetCWD

#define kChdirAndGetCWD   00002

Definition at line 419 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kChdirAndMkdir

#define kChdirAndMkdir   00001

Definition at line 418 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kChdirOneSubdirAtATime

#define kChdirOneSubdirAtATime   00004

Definition at line 420 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kChdirOnly

#define kChdirOnly   00000

Definition at line 417 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kCommandAvailabilityUnknown

#define kCommandAvailabilityUnknown   (-1)

Definition at line 379 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kCommandAvailable

#define kCommandAvailable   1

Definition at line 380 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kCommandNotAvailable

#define kCommandNotAvailable   0

Definition at line 381 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kConfirmResumeProcNotUsed

#define kConfirmResumeProcNotUsed   0

Definition at line 423 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kConfirmResumeProcSaidAppend

#define kConfirmResumeProcSaidAppend   4

Definition at line 427 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kConfirmResumeProcSaidBestGuess

#define kConfirmResumeProcSaidBestGuess   5

Definition at line 428 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kConfirmResumeProcSaidCancel

#define kConfirmResumeProcSaidCancel   6

Definition at line 429 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kConfirmResumeProcSaidOverwrite

#define kConfirmResumeProcSaidOverwrite   3

Definition at line 426 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kConfirmResumeProcSaidResume

#define kConfirmResumeProcSaidResume   2

Definition at line 425 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kConfirmResumeProcSaidSkip

#define kConfirmResumeProcSaidSkip   1

Definition at line 424 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kDefaultAbortTimeout

#define kDefaultAbortTimeout   10

Definition at line 323 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kDefaultConnTimeout

#define kDefaultConnTimeout   30

Definition at line 321 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kDefaultCtrlTimeout

#define kDefaultCtrlTimeout   135

Definition at line 322 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kDefaultDataPortMode

#define kDefaultDataPortMode   kSendPortMode

Definition at line 344 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kDefaultFTPBufSize

#define kDefaultFTPBufSize   32768

Definition at line 314 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kDefaultFTPPort

#define kDefaultFTPPort   21

Definition at line 312 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kDefaultMaxDials

#define kDefaultMaxDials   3

Definition at line 341 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kDefaultRedialDelay

#define kDefaultRedialDelay   20 /* seconds */

Definition at line 342 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kDefaultXferTimeout

#define kDefaultXferTimeout   600

Definition at line 320 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kDeleteNo

#define kDeleteNo   0

Definition at line 369 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kDeleteYes

#define kDeleteYes   1

Definition at line 368 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kFallBackToSendPortMode

#define kFallBackToSendPortMode   2

Definition at line 297 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kFirewallFwuAtSiteFwpUserPass

#define kFirewallFwuAtSiteFwpUserPass   6

Definition at line 394 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kFirewallLastType

#define kFirewallLastType   kFirewallUserAtSiteFwuPassFwp

Definition at line 396 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kFirewallLoginThenUserAtSite

#define kFirewallLoginThenUserAtSite   2

Definition at line 390 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kFirewallNotInUse

#define kFirewallNotInUse   0

Definition at line 388 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kFirewallOpenSite

#define kFirewallOpenSite   4

Definition at line 392 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kFirewallSiteSite

#define kFirewallSiteSite   3

Definition at line 391 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kFirewallUserAtSite

#define kFirewallUserAtSite   1

Definition at line 389 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kFirewallUserAtSiteFwuPassFwp

#define kFirewallUserAtSiteFwuPassFwp   7

Definition at line 395 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kFirewallUserAtUserPassAtPass

#define kFirewallUserAtUserPassAtPass   5

Definition at line 393 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kFtwDir

#define kFtwDir   1

Definition at line 414 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kFtwFile

#define kFtwFile   0

Definition at line 413 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kGlobChars

#define kGlobChars   "[*?"

Definition at line 357 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kGlobNo

#define kGlobNo   0

Definition at line 361 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kGlobYes

#define kGlobYes   1

Definition at line 360 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kLibraryMagic

#define kLibraryMagic   "LibNcFTP 3.0.6"

Definition at line 65 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kLibraryVersion

#define kLibraryVersion   "@(#) LibNcFTP 3.0.6 (April 14, 2001)"

Definition at line 11 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kMalformedURL

#define kMalformedURL   (-2)

Definition at line 385 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kMlsOptModify

#define kMlsOptModify   00004

Definition at line 403 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kMlsOptPerm

#define kMlsOptPerm   00100

Definition at line 407 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kMlsOptSize

#define kMlsOptSize   00002

Definition at line 402 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kMlsOptType

#define kMlsOptType   00001

Definition at line 401 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kMlsOptUnique

#define kMlsOptUnique   01000

Definition at line 410 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kMlsOptUNIXgid

#define kMlsOptUNIXgid   00400

Definition at line 409 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kMlsOptUNIXgroup

#define kMlsOptUNIXgroup   00040

Definition at line 406 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kMlsOptUNIXmode

#define kMlsOptUNIXmode   00010

Definition at line 404 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kMlsOptUNIXowner

#define kMlsOptUNIXowner   00020

Definition at line 405 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kMlsOptUNIXuid

#define kMlsOptUNIXuid   00200

Definition at line 408 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kModTimeUnknown

#define kModTimeUnknown   ((time_t) (-1))

Definition at line 377 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kNetReading

#define kNetReading   kAcceptForReading

Definition at line 303 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kNetWriting

#define kNetWriting   kAcceptForWriting

Definition at line 302 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kNotURL

#define kNotURL   (-1)

Definition at line 384 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kPassiveMode

#define kPassiveMode   1

Definition at line 296 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kPreferredMlsOpts

◆ kPrEndMsg

#define kPrEndMsg   3

Definition at line 292 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kPrInitMsg

#define kPrInitMsg   1

Definition at line 290 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kPrUpdateMsg

#define kPrUpdateMsg   2

Definition at line 291 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kRecursiveNo

#define kRecursiveNo   0

Definition at line 363 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kRecursiveYes

#define kRecursiveYes   1

Definition at line 362 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kRedialStatusDialing

#define kRedialStatusDialing   0

Definition at line 346 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kRedialStatusSleeping

#define kRedialStatusSleeping   1

Definition at line 347 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kResponseNoPrint

#define kResponseNoPrint   00001

Definition at line 308 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kResponseNoProc

#define kResponseNoProc   00002

Definition at line 310 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kResponseNoSave

#define kResponseNoSave   00002

Definition at line 309 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kResumeNo

#define kResumeNo   0

Definition at line 367 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kResumeYes

#define kResumeYes   1

Definition at line 366 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kSendPortMode

#define kSendPortMode   0

Definition at line 295 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kServerTypeFTP_Max

#define kServerTypeFTP_Max   9

Definition at line 470 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kServerTypeMicrosoftFTP

#define kServerTypeMicrosoftFTP   4

Definition at line 465 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kServerTypeNcFTPd

#define kServerTypeNcFTPd   2

Definition at line 463 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kServerTypeNetWareFTP

#define kServerTypeNetWareFTP   11

Definition at line 472 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kServerTypeProFTPD

#define kServerTypeProFTPD   3

Definition at line 464 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kServerTypeRoxen

#define kServerTypeRoxen   10

Definition at line 471 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kServerTypeServ_U

#define kServerTypeServ_U   6

Definition at line 467 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kServerTypeUnknown

#define kServerTypeUnknown   0

Definition at line 461 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kServerTypeVFTPD

#define kServerTypeVFTPD   8

Definition at line 469 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kServerTypeWarFTPd

#define kServerTypeWarFTPd   5

Definition at line 466 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kServerTypeWFTPD

#define kServerTypeWFTPD   7

Definition at line 468 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kServerTypeWS_FTP

#define kServerTypeWS_FTP   12

Definition at line 473 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kServerTypeWuFTPd

#define kServerTypeWuFTPd   1

Definition at line 462 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kSizeUnknown

#define kSizeUnknown   ((longest_int) (-1))

Definition at line 376 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kSuggestedAbortTimeout

#define kSuggestedAbortTimeout   10

Definition at line 339 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kSuggestedDefaultConnTimeout

#define kSuggestedDefaultConnTimeout   30

Definition at line 337 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kSuggestedDefaultCtrlTimeout

#define kSuggestedDefaultCtrlTimeout   135 /* 2*MSL, + slop */

Definition at line 338 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kSuggestedDefaultXferTimeout

#define kSuggestedDefaultXferTimeout   (0) /* No timeout on data blocks. */

Definition at line 336 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kTarNo

#define kTarNo   0

Definition at line 371 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kTarYes

#define kTarYes   1

Definition at line 370 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kTypeAscii

#define kTypeAscii   'A'

Definition at line 353 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kTypeBinary

#define kTypeBinary   'I'

Definition at line 354 of file ncftp.h.

◆ kTypeEbcdic

#define kTypeEbcdic   'E'

Definition at line 355 of file ncftp.h.


#define LIBNCFTP_USE_VAR (   a)    gLibNcFTP_Uses_Me_To_Quiet_Variable_Unused_Warnings = (a == 0)

Definition at line 521 of file ncftp.h.


#define LOCAL_PATH_DELIM   '/'

Definition at line 492 of file ncftp.h.


#define LOCAL_PATH_DELIM_STR   "/"

Definition at line 493 of file ncftp.h.

◆ LocalPathToTVFSPath

#define LocalPathToTVFSPath (   s)

Definition at line 499 of file ncftp.h.

◆ longest_int

#define longest_int   long long

Definition at line 68 of file ncftp.h.

◆ longest_uint

#define longest_uint   unsigned long long

Definition at line 69 of file ncftp.h.

◆ NcSignal

#define NcSignal   signal

Definition at line 604 of file ncftp.h.


#define NO_SIGNALS   1

Definition at line 49 of file ncftp.h.

◆ NoConfirmResumeDownloadProc

#define NoConfirmResumeDownloadProc   ((ConfirmResumeDownloadProc) 0)

Definition at line 451 of file ncftp.h.

◆ NoConfirmResumeUploadProc

#define NoConfirmResumeUploadProc   ((ConfirmResumeUploadProc) 0)

Definition at line 452 of file ncftp.h.

◆ NoGetPassphraseProc

#define NoGetPassphraseProc   ((FTPGetPassphraseProc) 0)

Definition at line 453 of file ncftp.h.

◆ StrFindLocalPathDelim

#define StrFindLocalPathDelim (   a)    strchr(a, LOCAL_PATH_DELIM)

Definition at line 494 of file ncftp.h.

◆ StrRemoveTrailingLocalPathDelim

#define StrRemoveTrailingLocalPathDelim   StrRemoveTrailingSlashes

Definition at line 496 of file ncftp.h.

◆ StrRFindLocalPathDelim

#define StrRFindLocalPathDelim (   a)    strrchr(a, LOCAL_PATH_DELIM)

Definition at line 495 of file ncftp.h.

◆ TVFSPathToLocalPath

#define TVFSPathToLocalPath (   s)

Definition at line 498 of file ncftp.h.


#define UNIMPLEMENTED_CMD (   a)    ((a == 500) || (a == 502) || (a == 504))

Definition at line 373 of file ncftp.h.


#define UNUSED (   a)    a

Definition at line 523 of file ncftp.h.


#define USE_SIO   1

Definition at line 46 of file ncftp.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ ConfirmResumeDownloadProc

typedef int(* ConfirmResumeDownloadProc) (const char *volatile *localpath, volatile longest_int localsize, volatile time_t localmtime, const char *volatile remotepath, volatile longest_int remotesize, volatile time_t remotetime, volatile longest_int *volatile startPoint)

Definition at line 431 of file ncftp.h.

◆ ConfirmResumeUploadProc

typedef int(* ConfirmResumeUploadProc) (const char *volatile localpath, volatile longest_int localsize, volatile time_t localmtime, const char *volatile *remotepath, volatile longest_int remotesize, volatile time_t remotetime, volatile longest_int *volatile startPoint)

Definition at line 441 of file ncftp.h.

◆ FileInfo

◆ FileInfoList

◆ FileInfoListPtr

◆ FileInfoPtr

Definition at line 250 of file ncftp.h.

◆ FileInfoVec

Definition at line 250 of file ncftp.h.


Definition at line 124 of file ncftp.h.

◆ FTPConnectionInfo

◆ FTPConnectMessageProc

typedef void(* FTPConnectMessageProc) (const FTPCIPtr, ResponsePtr)

Definition at line 127 of file ncftp.h.

◆ FTPFtwProc

typedef int(* FTPFtwProc) (const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *fn, int flag)

Definition at line 131 of file ncftp.h.

◆ FTPGetPassphraseProc

typedef void(* FTPGetPassphraseProc) (const FTPCIPtr, LineListPtr pwPrompt, char *pass, size_t dsize)

Definition at line 132 of file ncftp.h.

◆ FTPLibraryInfo


◆ FTPLoginMessageProc

typedef void(* FTPLoginMessageProc) (const FTPCIPtr, ResponsePtr)

Definition at line 128 of file ncftp.h.

◆ FTPLogProc

typedef void(* FTPLogProc) (const FTPCIPtr, char *)

Definition at line 126 of file ncftp.h.

◆ FTPPrintResponseProc

typedef void(* FTPPrintResponseProc) (const FTPCIPtr, ResponsePtr)

Definition at line 130 of file ncftp.h.

◆ FTPProgressMeterProc

typedef void(* FTPProgressMeterProc) (const FTPCIPtr, int)

Definition at line 125 of file ncftp.h.

◆ FTPRedialStatusProc

typedef void(* FTPRedialStatusProc) (const FTPCIPtr, int, int)

Definition at line 129 of file ncftp.h.

◆ FTPSigProc

typedef void(* FTPSigProc) (int)

Definition at line 76 of file ncftp.h.

◆ Line

Definition at line 4085 of file wdfdevice.h.

◆ LineList

◆ LineListPtr

◆ LinePtr

typedef struct Line* LinePtr

Definition at line 78 of file ncftp.h.

◆ MLstItem

◆ MLstItemPtr

◆ Response

◆ ResponsePtr

◆ SReadlineInfo

Function Documentation

◆ AddFileInfo()

FileInfoPtr AddFileInfo ( FileInfoListPtr  list,
FileInfoPtr  src 

Definition at line 530 of file linelist.c.

532 FileInfoPtr lp;
534 lp = (FileInfoPtr) malloc(sizeof(FileInfo));
535 if (lp != NULL) {
536 (void) memcpy(lp, src, sizeof(FileInfo));
537 lp->next = NULL;
538 if (list->first == NULL) {
539 list->first = list->last = lp;
540 lp->prev = NULL;
541 list->nFileInfos = 1;
542 } else {
543 lp->prev = list->last;
544 list->last->next = lp;
545 list->last = lp;
546 list->nFileInfos++;
547 }
548 }
549 return lp;
550} /* AddFileInfo */
Definition: list.h:37
struct list * next
Definition: list.h:38
#define malloc
Definition: debug_ros.c:4
#define NULL
Definition: types.h:112
GLenum src
Definition: glext.h:6340
#define memcpy(s1, s2, n)
Definition: mkisofs.h:878
struct FileInfo * FileInfoPtr
Definition: ncftp.h:250
FileInfoPtr prev
Definition: ncftp.h:252
FileInfoPtr next
Definition: ncftp.h:252

Referenced by ConcatFileInfoList(), ConcatFileToFileInfoList(), FTPLocalRecursiveFileList2(), Traverse(), UnLslR(), and UnMlsD().

◆ AddLine()

LinePtr AddLine ( LineListPtr  list,
const char buf1 

Definition at line 94 of file linelist.c.

96 LinePtr lp;
97 char *buf;
99 lp = (LinePtr) malloc(sizeof(Line));
100 if (lp != NULL) {
101 buf = StrDup(buf1);
102 if (buf == NULL) {
103 free(lp);
104 lp = NULL;
105 } else {
106 lp->line = buf;
107 lp->next = NULL;
108 if (list->first == NULL) {
109 list->first = list->last = lp;
110 lp->prev = NULL;
111 list->nLines = 1;
112 } else {
113 lp->prev = list->last;
114 list->last->next = lp;
115 list->last = lp;
116 list->nLines++;
117 }
118 }
119 }
120 return lp;
121} /* AddLine */
#define free
Definition: debug_ros.c:5
GLenum GLuint GLenum GLsizei const GLchar * buf
Definition: glext.h:7751
struct Line * LinePtr
Definition: ncftp.h:78
#define StrDup
Definition: shlwapi.h:1559
Definition: ncftp.h:79
LinePtr prev
Definition: ncftp.h:80
char * line
Definition: ncftp.h:81
LinePtr next
Definition: ncftp.h:80

Referenced by CopyLineList(), FTPDecodeURL(), FTPListToMemory2(), FTPLocalGlob(), FTPRemoteGlob(), GetResponse(), and LazyUnixLocalGlob().

◆ BufferGets()

int BufferGets ( char buf,
size_t  bufsize,
int  inStream,
char secondaryBuf,
char **  secBufPtr,
char **  secBufLimit,
size_t  secBufSize 

Definition at line 978 of file rcmd.c.

980 int err;
981 char *src;
982 char *dst;
983 char *dstlim;
984 int len;
985 int nr;
986 int haveEof = 0;
988 err = 0;
989 dst = buf;
990 dstlim = dst + bufsize - 1; /* Leave room for NUL. */
991 src = (*secBufPtr);
992 for ( ; dst < dstlim; ) {
993 if (src >= (*secBufLimit)) {
994 /* Fill the buffer. */
996/* Don't need to poll it here. The routines that use BufferGets don't
997 * need any special processing during timeouts (i.e. progress reports),
998 * so go ahead and just let it block until there is data to read.
999 */
1000 nr = (int) read(inStream, secondaryBuf, secBufSize);
1001 if (nr == 0) {
1002 /* EOF. */
1003 haveEof = 1;
1004 goto done;
1005 } else if (nr < 0) {
1006 /* Error. */
1007 err = -1;
1008 goto done;
1009 }
1010 (*secBufPtr) = secondaryBuf;
1011 (*secBufLimit) = secondaryBuf + nr;
1012 src = (*secBufPtr);
1013 if (nr < (int) secBufSize)
1014 src[nr] = '\0';
1015 }
1016 if (*src == '\r') {
1017 ++src;
1018 } else {
1019 if (*src == '\n') {
1020 /* *dst++ = *src++; */ ++src;
1021 goto done;
1022 }
1023 *dst++ = *src++;
1024 }
1025 }
1028 (*secBufPtr) = src;
1029 *dst = '\0';
1030 len = (int) (dst - buf);
1031 if (err < 0)
1032 return (err);
1033 if ((len == 0) && (haveEof == 1))
1034 return (-1);
1035 return (len); /* May be zero, if a blank line. */
1036} /* BufferGets */
#define read
Definition: acwin.h:96
unsigned int(__cdecl typeof(jpeg_read_scanlines))(struct jpeg_decompress_struct *
Definition: typeof.h:31
GLenum GLenum dst
Definition: glext.h:6340
GLenum GLuint GLsizei bufsize
Definition: glext.h:7473
GLenum GLsizei len
Definition: glext.h:6722
Definition: thread.c:7
#define err(...)

Referenced by FTPList(), and FTPListToMemory2().

◆ ComputeLNames()

int ComputeLNames ( FileInfoListPtr  dst,
const char srcdir,
const char dstdir,
int  nochop 

Definition at line 663 of file linelist.c.

665 FileInfoPtr lp, lp2;
666 char *buf;
667 char *cp;
669 if (srcdir != NULL) {
670 cp = strrchr(srcdir, '/');
671 if (cp == NULL)
672 cp = strrchr(srcdir, '\\');
673 if (cp != NULL)
674 srcdir = cp + 1;
675 }
676 if (dstdir == NULL)
677 dstdir = ".";
679 for (lp = dst->first; lp != NULL; lp = lp2) {
680 lp2 = lp->next;
682 buf = NULL;
683 if (nochop != 0) {
684 if ((dstdir[0] != '\0') && (strcmp(dstdir, "."))) {
685 if (Dynscat(&buf, dstdir, "/", 0) == NULL)
686 goto memerr;
687 }
688 if (lp->lname != NULL) {
689 if (Dynscat(&buf, lp->lname, "/", 0) == NULL)
690 goto memerr;
691 } else if (srcdir != NULL) {
692 if (Dynscat(&buf, srcdir, "/", 0) == NULL)
693 goto memerr;
694 }
695 if (Dynscat(&buf, lp->relname, 0) == NULL)
696 goto memerr;
697 } else {
698 if ((dstdir[0] != '\0') && (strcmp(dstdir, "."))) {
699 cp = strrchr(lp->relname, '/');
700 if (cp == NULL)
701 cp = strrchr(lp->relname, '\\');
702 if (cp == NULL) {
703 cp = lp->relname;
704 } else {
705 cp++;
706 }
707 if (Dynscat(&buf, dstdir, "/", cp, 0) == NULL)
708 goto memerr;
709 } else {
710 cp = strrchr(lp->relname, '/');
711 if (cp == NULL)
712 cp = strrchr(lp->relname, '\\');
713 if (cp == NULL) {
714 cp = lp->relname;
715 } else {
716 cp++;
717 }
718 if (Dynscat(&buf, cp, 0) == NULL)
719 goto memerr;
720 }
721 }
722 if (buf == NULL) {
724 return (-1);
725 }
726 if (lp->lname != NULL) {
727 free(lp->lname);
728 lp->lname = NULL;
729 }
730 lp->lname = buf;
732 }
733 return (0);
734} /* ComputeLNames */
char * Dynscat(char **dst,...)
Definition: Dynscat.c:9
int strcmp(const char *String1, const char *String2)
Definition: utclib.c:469
Definition: magnifier.c:59
#define TVFSPathToLocalPath(s)
Definition: ncftp.h:498
_CRT_RESTORE_GCC_WARNINGS _CRT_DISABLE_GCC_WARNINGS _Check_return_ _CRTIMP _CONST_RETURN char *__cdecl strrchr(_In_z_ const char *_Str, _In_ int _Ch)
char * lname
Definition: ncftp.h:256
char * relname
Definition: ncftp.h:253

Referenced by FTPGetFiles3(), and FTPPutFiles3().

◆ ComputeRNames()

int ComputeRNames ( FileInfoListPtr  dst,
const char dstdir,
int  pflag,
int  nochop 

Definition at line 579 of file linelist.c.

581 FileInfoPtr lp, lp2;
582 char *buf;
583 char *cp;
585 if (dstdir == NULL)
586 dstdir = ".";
588 for (lp = dst->first; lp != NULL; lp = lp2) {
589 lp2 = lp->next;
591 buf = NULL;
592 if (nochop != 0) {
593 if ((dstdir[0] != '\0') && (strcmp(dstdir, "."))) {
594 if (Dynscat(&buf, dstdir, "/", lp->relname, 0) == NULL)
595 goto memerr;
597 if (pflag != 0) {
598 /* Init lname to parent dir name of remote dir */
599 cp = strrchr(dstdir, '/');
600 if (cp == NULL)
601 cp = strrchr(dstdir, '\\');
602 if (cp != NULL) {
603 if (Dynscat(&lp->lname, cp + 1, 0) == NULL)
604 goto memerr;
606 }
607 }
608 } else {
609 if (Dynscat(&buf, lp->relname, 0) == NULL)
610 goto memerr;
611 }
612 } else {
613 if ((dstdir[0] != '\0') && (strcmp(dstdir, "."))) {
614 cp = strrchr(lp->relname, '/');
615 if (cp == NULL)
616 cp = strrchr(lp->relname, '\\');
617 if (cp != NULL) {
618 cp++;
619 } else {
620 cp = lp->relname;
621 }
622 if (Dynscat(&buf, dstdir, "/", cp, 0) == NULL)
623 goto memerr;
625 if (pflag != 0) {
626 /* Init lname to parent dir name of remote dir */
627 cp = strrchr(dstdir, '/');
628 if (cp == NULL)
629 cp = strrchr(dstdir, '\\');
630 if (cp != NULL) {
631 if (Dynscat(&lp->lname, cp + 1, 0) == NULL)
632 goto memerr;
634 }
635 }
636 } else {
637 cp = strrchr(lp->relname, '/');
638 if (cp == NULL)
639 cp = strrchr(lp->relname, '\\');
640 if (cp != NULL) {
641 cp++;
642 } else {
643 cp = lp->relname;
644 }
645 if (Dynscat(&buf, cp, 0) == NULL)
646 goto memerr;
647 }
648 }
649 lp->rname = buf;
650 if (lp->rname == NULL) {
652 return (-1);
653 }
655 }
656 return (0);
657} /* ComputeRNames */
#define LocalPathToTVFSPath(s)
Definition: ncftp.h:499
char * rname
Definition: ncftp.h:254

Referenced by FTPGetFiles3(), FTPPutFiles3(), FTPRemoteRecursiveFileList(), and FTPRemoteRecursiveFileList1().

◆ ConcatFileInfoList()

int ConcatFileInfoList ( FileInfoListPtr  dst,
FileInfoListPtr  src 

Definition at line 556 of file linelist.c.

558 FileInfoPtr lp, lp2;
559 FileInfo newfi;
561 for (lp = src->first; lp != NULL; lp = lp2) {
562 lp2 = lp->next;
563 newfi = *lp;
564 newfi.relname = StrDup(lp->relname);
565 newfi.lname = StrDup(lp->lname);
566 newfi.rname = StrDup(lp->rname);
567 newfi.rlinkto = StrDup(lp->rlinkto);
568 newfi.plug = StrDup(lp->plug);
569 if (AddFileInfo(dst, &newfi) == NULL)
570 return (-1);
571 }
572 return (0);
573} /* ConcatFileInfoList */
FileInfoPtr AddFileInfo(FileInfoListPtr list, FileInfoPtr src)
Definition: linelist.c:530
char * rlinkto
Definition: ncftp.h:255
char * plug
Definition: ncftp.h:257

Referenced by FTPRemoteRecursiveFileList(), and FTPRemoteRecursiveFileList1().

◆ ConcatFileToFileInfoList()

int ConcatFileToFileInfoList ( FileInfoListPtr  dst,
char rfile 

Definition at line 740 of file linelist.c.

742 FileInfo newfi;
744 InitFileInfo(&newfi); /* Use defaults. */
745 newfi.relname = StrDup(rfile);
746 newfi.rname = NULL;
747 newfi.lname = NULL;
749 if (AddFileInfo(dst, &newfi) == NULL)
750 return (-1);
751 return (0);
752} /* ConcatFileToFileInfoList */
void InitFileInfo(FileInfoPtr fip)
Definition: linelist.c:471

Referenced by FTPRemoteRecursiveFileList(), FTPRemoteRecursiveFileList1(), LineListToFileInfoList(), and LineToFileInfoList().

◆ CopyLineList()

int CopyLineList ( LineListPtr  dst,
LineListPtr  src 

Definition at line 127 of file linelist.c.

129 LinePtr lp, lp2;
132 for (lp = src->first; lp != NULL; ) {
133 lp2 = lp;
134 lp = lp->next;
135 if (lp2->line != NULL) {
136 if (AddLine(dst, lp2->line) == NULL) {
138 return (-1);
139 }
140 }
141 }
142 return (0);
143} /* CopyLineList */
void InitLineList(LineListPtr list)
Definition: linelist.c:54
void DisposeLineListContents(LineListPtr list)
Definition: linelist.c:33
LinePtr AddLine(LineListPtr list, const char *buf1)
Definition: linelist.c:94

Referenced by FTPRemoteHelp().

◆ DisposeFileInfoListContents()

void DisposeFileInfoListContents ( FileInfoListPtr  list)

Definition at line 152 of file linelist.c.

154 FileInfoPtr lp, lp2;
156 for (lp = list->first; lp != NULL; ) {
157 lp2 = lp;
158 lp = lp->next;
159 if (lp2->relname != NULL) {
160 lp2->relname[0] = '\0';
161 free(lp2->relname);
162 }
163 if (lp2->lname != NULL) {
164 lp2->lname[0] = '\0';
165 free(lp2->lname);
166 }
167 if (lp2->rname != NULL) {
168 lp2->rname[0] = '\0';
169 free(lp2->rname);
170 }
171 if (lp2->rlinkto != NULL) {
172 lp2->rlinkto[0] = '\0';
173 free(lp2->rlinkto);
174 }
175 if (lp2->plug != NULL) {
176 lp2->plug[0] = '\0';
177 free(lp2->plug);
178 }
179 free(lp2);
180 }
182 if (list->vec != NULL)
183 free(list->vec);
185 /* Same as InitFileInfoList. */
186 (void) memset(list, 0, sizeof(FileInfoList));
187} /* DisposeFileInfoListContents */
#define memset(x, y, z)
Definition: compat.h:39

Referenced by FlushLsCacheItem(), FTPGetFiles3(), FTPPutFiles3(), FTPRemoteRecursiveFileList(), and FTPRemoteRecursiveFileList1().

◆ DisposeLineListContents()

void DisposeLineListContents ( LineListPtr  list)

Definition at line 33 of file linelist.c.

35 LinePtr lp, lp2;
37 for (lp = list->first; lp != NULL; ) {
38 lp2 = lp;
39 lp = lp->next;
40 if (lp2->line != NULL) {
41 lp2->line[0] = '\0';
42 free(lp2->line);
43 }
44 free(lp2);
45 }
46 /* Same as InitLineList. */
47 (void) memset(list, 0, sizeof(LineList));
48} /* DisposeLineListContents */
Definition: ncftp.h:84

Referenced by ChdirCmd(), CopyLineList(), DoneWithResponse(), EchoCmd(), FTPChmod(), FTPDeallocateHost(), FTPDelete(), FTPFileExistsNlst(), FTPFileExistsStat(), FTPFtwL2(), FTPGetFiles3(), FTPPutFiles3(), FTPRemoteRecursiveFileList(), FTPRemoteRecursiveFileList1(), FTPRmdir(), FTPRmdirRecursiveL2(), LocalRmCmd(), LocalRmdirCmd(), Ls(), OpenCmd(), ReInitResponse(), RGlobCmd(), RmtHelpCmd(), SaveLastResponse(), SpoolGetCmd(), and SpoolPutCmd().

◆ DoneWithResponse()

void DoneWithResponse ( const  FTPCIPtr,
ResponsePtr  rp 

Definition at line 114 of file rcmd.c.

116 /* Dispose space taken up by the Response, and clear it out
117 * again. For some reason, I like to return memory to zeroed
118 * when not in use.
119 */
120 if (rp != NULL) {
121 TraceResponse(cip, rp);
122 if (cip->printResponseProc != 0) {
123 if ((rp->printMode & kResponseNoProc) == 0)
124 (*cip->printResponseProc)(cip, rp);
125 }
126 if ((rp->printMode & kResponseNoSave) == 0)
127 SaveLastResponse(cip, rp);
128 else
130 (void) memset(rp, 0, sizeof(Response));
131 free(rp);
132 }
133} /* DoneWithResponse */
#define kResponseNoProc
Definition: ncftp.h:310
#define kResponseNoSave
Definition: ncftp.h:309
static void SaveLastResponse(const FTPCIPtr cip, ResponsePtr rp)
Definition: rcmd.c:89
void TraceResponse(const FTPCIPtr cip, ResponsePtr rp)
Definition: rcmd.c:55
Definition: ncftp.h:89
int printMode
Definition: ncftp.h:93
LineList msg
Definition: ncftp.h:90

Referenced by FTPAbortDataTransfer(), FTPChdirAndGetCWD(), FTPCloseHost(), FTPCmd(), FTPEndDataCmd(), FTPFileExistsStat(), FTPFileModificationTime(), FTPFileSize(), FTPGetCWD(), FTPLoginHost(), FTPMListOneFile(), FTPQueryFeatures(), FTPRemoteHelp(), FTPStartDataCmd(), FTPUtime(), nFTPChdirAndGetCWD(), OpenControlConnection(), Passive(), SendPort(), and SetStartOffset().

◆ FGets()

char * FGets ( char str,
size_t  size,
FILE fp 

Definition at line 111 of file util.c.

113 char *cp, *nlptr;
115 cp = fgets(str, ((int) size) - 1, fp);
116 if (cp != NULL) {
117 cp[((int) size) - 1] = '\0'; /* ensure terminator */
118 nlptr = cp + strlen(cp) - 1;
119 if (*nlptr == '\n')
120 *nlptr = '\0';
121 } else {
122 memset(str, 0, size);
123 }
124 return cp;
125} /* FGets */
ACPI_SIZE strlen(const char *String)
Definition: utclib.c:269
GLsizeiptr size
Definition: glext.h:5919
_Check_return_opt_ _CRTIMP char *__cdecl fgets(_Out_writes_z_(_MaxCount) char *_Buf, _In_ int _MaxCount, _Inout_ FILE *_File)
const WCHAR * str

Referenced by GetBookmark(), GetNextBookmark(), LazyUnixLocalGlob(), OpenBookmarkFile(), PromptForBookmarkName(), PutBookmark(), and RunBookmarkEditor().

◆ FilenameExtensionIndicatesASCII()

int FilenameExtensionIndicatesASCII ( const char *const  pathName,
const char *const  extnList 

Definition at line 963 of file util.c.

965 const char *extn;
966 char *cp;
967 int c;
968 char extnPattern[16];
970 extn = pathName + strlen(pathName) - 1;
971 forever {
972 if (extn <= pathName)
973 return (0); /* End of pathname, no extension. */
974 c = (int) *--extn;
975 if (IsLocalPathDelim(c))
976 return (0); /* End of filename, no extension. */
977 if (c == '.') {
978 extn += 1;
979 break;
980 }
981 }
982 if (strlen(extn) > (sizeof(extnPattern) - 2 - 1 - 1)) {
983 return (0);
984 }
986 snprintf(extnPattern, sizeof(extnPattern),
988 sprintf(extnPattern,
990 "|.%s|",
991 extn
992 );
994 cp = extnPattern;
995 forever {
996 c = *cp;
997 if (c == '\0')
998 break;
999 if (isupper(c)) {
1000 c = tolower(c);
1001 *cp++ = (char) c;
1002 } else {
1003 cp++;
1004 }
1005 }
1007 /* Extension list is specially formatted, like this:
1008 *
1009 * |ext1|ext2|ext3|...|extN|
1010 *
1011 * I.e, each filename extension is delimited with
1012 * a pipe, and we always begin and end the string
1013 * with a pipe.
1014 */
1015 if (strstr(extnList, extnPattern) != NULL) {
1016 return (1);
1017 }
1018 return (0);
1019} /* FilenameExtensionIndicatesASCII */
char * strstr(char *String1, char *String2)
Definition: utclib.c:653
#define isupper(c)
Definition: acclib.h:71
int tolower(int c)
Definition: utclib.c:902
unsigned char
Definition: typeof.h:29
const GLubyte * c
Definition: glext.h:8905
#define c
Definition: ke_i.h:80
#define sprintf(buf, format,...)
Definition: sprintf.c:55
#define forever
Definition: ncftp.h:73
#define IsLocalPathDelim(c)
Definition: ncftp.h:497
#define snprintf
Definition: wintirpc.h:48

Referenced by AutomaticallyUseASCIIModeDependingOnExtension().

◆ FTPAbortDataTransfer()

void FTPAbortDataTransfer ( const FTPCIPtr  cip)

Definition at line 870 of file rcmd.c.

872 ResponsePtr rp;
873 int result;
875 if (cip->dataSocket != kClosedFileDescriptor) {
876 PrintF(cip, "Starting abort sequence.\n");
877 SendTelnetInterrupt(cip); /* Probably could get by w/o doing this. */
879 result = FTPCmdNoResponse(cip, "ABOR");
880 if (result != kNoErr) {
881 /* Linger could cause close to block, so unset it. */
882 (void) SetLinger(cip, cip->dataSocket, 0);
884 PrintF(cip, "Could not send abort command.\n");
885 return;
886 }
888 if (cip->abortTimeout > 0) {
889 result = WaitResponse(cip, (unsigned int) cip->abortTimeout);
890 if (result <= 0) {
891 /* Error or no response received to ABOR in time. */
892 (void) SetLinger(cip, cip->dataSocket, 0);
894 PrintF(cip, "No response received to abort request.\n");
895 return;
896 }
897 }
899 rp = InitResponse();
900 if (rp == NULL) {
901 Error(cip, kDontPerror, "Malloc failed.\n");
902 cip->errNo = kErrMallocFailed;
903 result = cip->errNo;
904 return;
905 }
907 result = GetResponse(cip, rp);
908 if (result < 0) {
909 /* Shouldn't happen, and doesn't matter if it does. */
910 (void) SetLinger(cip, cip->dataSocket, 0);
912 PrintF(cip, "Invalid response to abort request.\n");
913 DoneWithResponse(cip, rp);
914 return;
915 }
916 DoneWithResponse(cip, rp);
918 /* A response to the abort request has been received.
919 * Now the only thing left to do is close the data
920 * connection, making sure to turn off linger mode
921 * since we don't care about straggling data bits.
922 */
923 (void) SetLinger(cip, cip->dataSocket, 0);
924 CloseDataConnection(cip); /* Must close (by protocol). */
925 PrintF(cip, "End abort.\n");
926 }
927} /* FTPAbortDataTransfer */
BOOL Error
Definition: chkdsk.c:66
GLuint64EXT * result
Definition: glext.h:11304
void SendTelnetInterrupt(const FTPCIPtr cip)
Definition: ftp.c:1328
void CloseDataConnection(const FTPCIPtr cip)
Definition: ftp.c:831
int SetLinger(const FTPCIPtr cip, int sockfd, int onoff)
Definition: ftp.c:262
void PrintF(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const fmt,...)
Definition: util.c:340
#define kDontPerror
Definition: util.h:45
#define kClosedFileDescriptor
Definition: util.h:47
#define kNoErr
Definition: ncftp_errno.h:9
#define kErrMallocFailed
Definition: ncftp_errno.h:40
void DoneWithResponse(const FTPCIPtr cip, ResponsePtr rp)
Definition: rcmd.c:114
int FTPCmdNoResponse(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const cmdspec,...)
Definition: rcmd.c:656
int WaitResponse(const FTPCIPtr cip, unsigned int sec)
Definition: rcmd.c:684
int GetResponse(const FTPCIPtr cip, ResponsePtr rp)
Definition: rcmd.c:287
ResponsePtr InitResponse(void)
Definition: rcmd.c:38
unsigned int abortTimeout
Definition: ncftp.h:144

Referenced by FTPCloseHost(), FTPGetOneF(), and FTPPutOneF().

◆ FTPChdir()

int FTPChdir ( const FTPCIPtr  cip,
const char *const  cdCwd 

Definition at line 11 of file cmds.c.

13 int result;
15 if (cip == NULL)
16 return (kErrBadParameter);
17 if (strcmp(cip->magic, kLibraryMagic))
18 return (kErrBadMagic);
20 if (cdCwd == NULL) {
23 } else {
24 if (cdCwd[0] == '\0') /* But allow FTPChdir(cip, ".") to go through. */
25 result = 2;
26 else if (strcmp(cdCwd, "..") == 0)
27 result = FTPCmd(cip, "CDUP");
28 else
29 result = FTPCmd(cip, "CWD %s", cdCwd);
30 if (result >= 0) {
31 if (result == 2) {
32 result = kNoErr;
33 } else {
35 cip->errNo = kErrCWDFailed;
36 }
37 }
38 }
39 return (result);
40} /* FTPChdir */
int FTPCmd(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const cmdspec,...)
Definition: rcmd.c:603
#define kLibraryMagic
Definition: ncftp.h:65
#define kErrInvalidDirParam
Definition: ncftp_errno.h:39
#define kErrBadMagic
Definition: ncftp_errno.h:55
#define kErrBadParameter
Definition: ncftp_errno.h:56
#define kErrCWDFailed
Definition: ncftp_errno.h:42
char magic[16]
Definition: ncftp.h:135

Referenced by FTPChdir3(), FTPFileExistsNlst(), FTPFileExistsStat(), FTPFileType(), FTPFtw(), FTPFtwL2(), FTPMkdir2(), FTPRemoteRecursiveFileList(), FTPRemoteRecursiveFileList1(), FTPRmdirRecursive(), FTPRmdirRecursiveL2(), OpenCmd(), and OpenURL().

◆ FTPChdir3()

int FTPChdir3 ( FTPCIPtr  cip,
const char *const  cdCwd,
char *const  newCwd,
const size_t  newCwdSize,
int  flags 

Definition at line 376 of file cmds.c.

378 char *cp, *startcp;
379 int result;
380 int lastSubDir;
381 int mkd, pwd;
383 if (cip == NULL)
384 return (kErrBadParameter);
385 if (strcmp(cip->magic, kLibraryMagic))
386 return (kErrBadMagic);
388 if (cdCwd == NULL) {
391 return result;
392 }
394 if (flags == kChdirOnly)
395 return (FTPChdir(cip, cdCwd));
396 if (flags == kChdirAndGetCWD) {
397 return (FTPChdirAndGetCWD(cip, cdCwd, newCwd, newCwdSize));
398 } else if (flags == kChdirAndMkdir) {
399 result = FTPMkdir(cip, cdCwd, kRecursiveYes);
400 if (result == kNoErr)
401 result = FTPChdir(cip, cdCwd);
402 return result;
403 } else if (flags == (kChdirAndMkdir|kChdirAndGetCWD)) {
404 result = FTPMkdir(cip, cdCwd, kRecursiveYes);
405 if (result == kNoErr)
406 result = FTPChdirAndGetCWD(cip, cdCwd, newCwd, newCwdSize);
407 return result;
408 }
410 /* else: (flags | kChdirOneSubdirAtATime) == true */
412 cp = cip->buf;
413 cp[cip->bufSize - 1] = '\0';
414 (void) Strncpy(cip->buf, cdCwd, cip->bufSize);
415 if (cp[cip->bufSize - 1] != '\0')
416 return (kErrBadParameter);
418 mkd = (flags & kChdirAndMkdir);
421 if ((cdCwd[0] == '\0') || (strcmp(cdCwd, ".") == 0)) {
422 result = 0;
423 if (flags == kChdirAndGetCWD)
424 result = FTPGetCWD(cip, newCwd, newCwdSize);
425 return (result);
426 }
428 lastSubDir = 0;
429 do {
430 startcp = cp;
432 if (cp != NULL) {
433 /* If this is the first slash in an absolute
434 * path, then startcp will be empty. We will
435 * use this below to treat this as the root
436 * directory.
437 */
438 *cp++ = '\0';
439 } else {
440 lastSubDir = 1;
441 }
442 if (strcmp(startcp, ".") == 0) {
443 result = 0;
444 if ((lastSubDir != 0) && (pwd != 0))
445 result = FTPGetCWD(cip, newCwd, newCwdSize);
446 } else if ((lastSubDir != 0) && (pwd != 0)) {
447 result = FTPChdirAndGetCWD(cip, (*startcp != '\0') ? startcp : "/", newCwd, newCwdSize);
448 } else {
449 result = FTPChdir(cip, (*startcp != '\0') ? startcp : "/");
450 }
451 if (result < 0) {
452 if ((mkd != 0) && (*startcp != '\0')) {
453 if (FTPCmd(cip, "MKD %s", startcp) == 2) {
454 result = FTPChdir(cip, startcp);
455 } else {
456 /* couldn't change nor create */
457 cip->errNo = result;
458 }
459 } else {
460 cip->errNo = result;
461 }
462 }
463 } while ((!lastSubDir) && (result == 0));
465 return (result);
466} /* FTPChdir3 */
char * Strncpy(char *const, const char *const, const size_t)
Definition: Strncpy.c:11
void pwd(int argc, const char *argv[])
Definition: cmds.c:1401
GLbitfield flags
Definition: glext.h:7161
int FTPMkdir(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const newDir, const int recurse)
Definition: cmds.c:641
int FTPGetCWD(const FTPCIPtr cip, char *const newCwd, const size_t newCwdSize)
Definition: cmds.c:254
int FTPChdir(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const cdCwd)
Definition: cmds.c:11
int FTPChdirAndGetCWD(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const cdCwd, char *const newCwd, const size_t newCwdSize)
Definition: cmds.c:313
#define kChdirAndGetCWD
Definition: ncftp.h:419
#define StrFindLocalPathDelim(a)
Definition: ncftp.h:494
#define kChdirAndMkdir
Definition: ncftp.h:418
#define kRecursiveYes
Definition: ncftp.h:362
#define kChdirOnly
Definition: ncftp.h:417
size_t bufSize
Definition: ncftp.h:187
char * buf
Definition: ncftp.h:186

◆ FTPChdirAndGetCWD()

int FTPChdirAndGetCWD ( const FTPCIPtr  cip,
const char *const  cdCwd,
char *const  newCwd,
const size_t  newCwdSize 

Definition at line 313 of file cmds.c.

315 ResponsePtr rp;
316 char *l, *r;
317 int result;
319 if (cip == NULL)
320 return (kErrBadParameter);
321 if (strcmp(cip->magic, kLibraryMagic))
322 return (kErrBadMagic);
324 if ((newCwd == NULL) || (cdCwd == NULL)) {
327 } else {
328 if (cdCwd[0] == '\0') { /* But allow FTPChdir(cip, ".") to go through. */
329 result = FTPGetCWD(cip, newCwd, newCwdSize);
330 return (result);
331 }
332 rp = InitResponse();
333 if (rp == NULL) {
335 cip->errNo = kErrMallocFailed;
336 Error(cip, kDontPerror, "Malloc failed.\n");
337 } else {
338 if (strcmp(cdCwd, "..") == 0)
339 result = RCmd(cip, rp, "CDUP");
340 else
341 result = RCmd(cip, rp, "CWD %s", cdCwd);
342 if (result == 2) {
343 l = strchr(rp->msg.first->line, '"');
344 if ((l == rp->msg.first->line) && ((r = strrchr(rp->msg.first->line, '"')) != NULL) && (l != r)) {
345 /* "xxxx" is current directory.
346 * Strip out just the xxxx to copy into the remote cwd.
347 *
348 * This is nice because we didn't have to do a PWD.
349 */
350 *r = '\0';
351 ++l;
352 (void) Strncpy(newCwd, l, newCwdSize);
353 *r = '"'; /* Restore, so response prints correctly. */
354 DoneWithResponse(cip, rp);
355 result = kNoErr;
356 } else {
357 DoneWithResponse(cip, rp);
358 result = FTPGetCWD(cip, newCwd, newCwdSize);
359 }
360 } else if (result > 0) {
362 cip->errNo = kErrCWDFailed;
363 DoneWithResponse(cip, rp);
364 } else {
365 DoneWithResponse(cip, rp);
366 }
367 }
368 }
369 return (result);
370} /* FTPChdirAndGetCWD */
char * strchr(const char *String, int ch)
Definition: utclib.c:501
r l[0]
Definition: byte_order.h:168
GLdouble GLdouble GLdouble r
Definition: gl.h:2055
int RCmd(const FTPCIPtr, ResponsePtr, const char *,...)
Definition: rcmd.c:718
void DoneWithResponse(const FTPCIPtr, ResponsePtr)
Definition: rcmd.c:114
ResponsePtr InitResponse(void)
Definition: rcmd.c:38
LinePtr first
Definition: ncftp.h:85

Referenced by FTPChdir3().

◆ FTPChmod()

int FTPChmod ( const FTPCIPtr  cip,
const char *const  pattern,
const char *const  mode,
const int  doGlob 

Definition at line 46 of file cmds.c.

48 LineList fileList;
49 LinePtr filePtr;
50 char *file;
51 int onceResult, batchResult;
53 if (cip == NULL)
54 return (kErrBadParameter);
55 if (strcmp(cip->magic, kLibraryMagic))
56 return (kErrBadMagic);
58 batchResult = FTPRemoteGlob(cip, &fileList, pattern, doGlob);
59 if (batchResult != kNoErr)
60 return (batchResult);
62 for (batchResult = kNoErr, filePtr = fileList.first;
63 filePtr != NULL;
64 filePtr = filePtr->next)
65 {
66 file = filePtr->line;
67 if (file == NULL) {
68 batchResult = kErrBadLineList;
70 break;
71 }
72 onceResult = FTPCmd(cip, "SITE CHMOD %s %s", mode, file);
73 if (onceResult < 0) {
74 batchResult = onceResult;
75 break;
76 }
77 if (onceResult != 2) {
78 batchResult = kErrChmodFailed;
80 }
81 }
82 DisposeLineListContents(&fileList);
83 return (batchResult);
84} /* FTPChmod */
GLubyte * pattern
Definition: glext.h:7787
GLenum mode
Definition: glext.h:6217
int FTPRemoteGlob(FTPCIPtr cip, LineListPtr fileList, const char *pattern, int doGlob)
Definition: glob.c:1341
#define kErrChmodFailed
Definition: ncftp_errno.h:59
#define kErrBadLineList
Definition: ncftp_errno.h:44
Definition: fci.c:127

Referenced by ChmodCmd().

◆ FTPCloseHost()

int FTPCloseHost ( const FTPCIPtr  cip)

Definition at line 523 of file open.c.

525 ResponsePtr rp;
526 int result;
528 if (cip == NULL)
529 return (kErrBadParameter);
530 if (strcmp(cip->magic, kLibraryMagic))
531 return (kErrBadMagic);
533 /* Data connection shouldn't be open normally. */
537 result = kNoErr;
538 if (cip->connected != 0) {
539 rp = InitResponse();
540 if (rp == NULL) {
541 cip->errNo = kErrMallocFailed;
542 result = cip->errNo;
543 } else {
544 rp->eofOkay = 1; /* We are expecting EOF after this cmd. */
545 cip->eofOkay = 1;
546 (void) RCmd(cip, rp, "QUIT");
547 DoneWithResponse(cip, rp);
548 }
549 }
553 /* Dispose dynamic data structures, so you won't leak
554 * if you OpenHost with this again.
555 */
557 return (result);
558} /* FTPCloseHost */
void CloseControlConnection(const FTPCIPtr cip)
Definition: ftp.c:197
static void FTPDeallocateHost(const FTPCIPtr cip)
Definition: open.c:11
void FTPAbortDataTransfer(const FTPCIPtr cip)
Definition: rcmd.c:870
int eofOkay
Definition: ncftp.h:94

Referenced by CloseHost(), and FTPOpenHost().

◆ FTPCmd()

int FTPCmd ( const FTPCIPtr  cip,
const char *const  cmdspec,

Definition at line 603 of file rcmd.c.

605 va_list ap;
606 int result;
607 ResponsePtr rp;
609 if (cip == NULL)
610 return (kErrBadParameter);
611 if (strcmp(cip->magic, kLibraryMagic))
612 return (kErrBadMagic);
614 rp = InitResponse();
615 if (rp == NULL) {
617 cip->errNo = kErrMallocFailed;
618 Error(cip, kDontPerror, "Malloc failed.\n");
619 return (cip->errNo);
620 }
622 va_start(ap, cmdspec);
623#ifndef NO_SIGNALS
624 if (cip->ctrlTimeout > 0)
625 (void) alarm(cip->ctrlTimeout);
626#endif /* NO_SIGNALS */
627 result = SendCommand(cip, cmdspec, ap);
628 va_end(ap);
629 if (result < 0) {
630#ifndef NO_SIGNALS
631 if (cip->ctrlTimeout > 0)
632 (void) alarm(0);
633#endif /* NO_SIGNALS */
634 return (result);
635 }
637 /* Get the response to the command we sent. */
638 result = GetResponse(cip, rp);
639#ifndef NO_SIGNALS
640 if (cip->ctrlTimeout > 0)
641 (void) alarm(0);
642#endif /* NO_SIGNALS */
644 if (result == kNoErr)
645 result = rp->codeType;
646 DoneWithResponse(cip, rp);
647 return (result);
648} /* FTPCmd */
char * va_list
Definition: acmsvcex.h:78
#define va_end(ap)
Definition: acmsvcex.h:90
#define va_start(ap, A)
Definition: acmsvcex.h:91
static int SendCommand(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *cmdspec, va_list ap)
Definition: rcmd.c:496
unsigned int ctrlTimeout
Definition: ncftp.h:143
int codeType
Definition: ncftp.h:91
void int int ULONGLONG int va_list * ap
Definition: winesup.h:36

Referenced by DoOpen(), FTPChdir(), FTPChdir3(), FTPChmod(), FTPDelete(), FTPGetOneF(), FTPMkdir2(), FTPPutOneF(), FTPRename(), FTPRequestMlsOptions(), FTPRmdir(), FTPSetTransferType(), FTPSymlink(), FTPUmask(), QuoteCmd(), and SiteCmd().

◆ FTPCmdNoResponse()

int FTPCmdNoResponse ( const  FTPCIPtr,
const char *const  cmdspec,

Definition at line 656 of file rcmd.c.

658 va_list ap;
660 if (cip == NULL)
661 return (kErrBadParameter);
662 if (strcmp(cip->magic, kLibraryMagic))
663 return (kErrBadMagic);
665 va_start(ap, cmdspec);
666#ifndef NO_SIGNALS
667 if (cip->ctrlTimeout > 0)
668 (void) alarm(cip->ctrlTimeout);
669#endif /* NO_SIGNALS */
670 (void) SendCommand(cip, cmdspec, ap);
671#ifndef NO_SIGNALS
672 if (cip->ctrlTimeout > 0)
673 (void) alarm(0);
674#endif /* NO_SIGNALS */
675 va_end(ap);
677 return (kNoErr);
678} /* FTPCmdNoResponse */

Referenced by FTPAbortDataTransfer().

◆ FTPDecodeURL()

int FTPDecodeURL ( const FTPCIPtr  cip,
char *const  url,
LineListPtr  cdlist,
char *const  fn,
const size_t  fnsize,
int *const  xtype,
int *const  wantnlst 

Definition at line 639 of file open.c.

649 char *cp;
650 char *hstart, *hend;
651 char *h2start;
652 char *at1;
653 char portstr[32];
654 int port;
655 int sc;
656 char *lastslash;
657 char *parsestr;
658 char *tok;
659 char subdir[128];
660 char *semi;
662 InitLineList(cdlist);
663 *fn = '\0';
664 if (wantnlst != NULL)
665 *wantnlst = 0;
666 if (xtype != NULL)
667 *xtype = kTypeBinary;
669 cp = NULL; /* shut up warnings */
671 if (strncasecmp(url, "<URL:ftp://", 11) == 0) {
672 cp = url + strlen(url) - 1;
673 if (*cp != '>')
674 return (kMalformedURL); /* missing closing > */
675 *cp = '\0';
676 cp = url + 11;
677 } else if (strncasecmp(url, "ftp://", 6) == 0) {
678 cp = url + 6;
679 } else {
680 return (-1); /* not a RFC 1738 URL */
681 }
682#else /* HAVE_STRCASECMP */
683 if (strncmp(url, "<URL:ftp://", 11) == 0) {
684 cp = url + strlen(url) - 1;
685 if (*cp != '>')
686 return (kMalformedURL); /* missing closing > */
687 *cp = '\0';
688 cp = url + 11;
689 } else if (strncmp(url, "ftp://", 6) == 0) {
690 cp = url + 6;
691 } else {
692 return (-1); /* not a RFC 1738 URL */
693 }
694#endif /* HAVE_STRCASECMP */
696 /* //<user>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<url-path> */
698 at1 = NULL;
699 for (hstart = cp; ; cp++) {
700 if (*cp == '@') {
701 if (at1 == NULL)
702 at1 = cp;
703 else
704 return (kMalformedURL);
705 } else if ((*cp == '\0') || (*cp == '/')) {
706 hend = cp;
707 break;
708 }
709 }
711 sc = *hend;
712 *hend = '\0';
713 if (at1 == NULL) {
714 /* no user or password */
715 h2start = hstart;
716 } else {
717 *at1 = '\0';
718 cp = strchr(hstart, ':');
719 if (cp == NULL) {
720 /* whole thing is the user name then */
721 URLCopyToken(cip->user, sizeof(cip->user), hstart, (size_t) (at1 - hstart));
722 } else if (strchr(cp + 1, ':') != NULL) {
723 /* Too many colons */
724 return (kMalformedURL);
725 } else {
726 URLCopyToken(cip->user, sizeof(cip->user), hstart, (size_t) (cp - hstart));
727 URLCopyToken(cip->pass, sizeof(cip->pass), cp + 1, (size_t) (at1 - (cp + 1)));
728 }
729 *at1 = '@';
730 h2start = at1 + 1;
731 }
733 cp = strchr(h2start, ':');
734 if (cp == NULL) {
735 /* whole thing is the host then */
736 URLCopyToken(cip->host, sizeof(cip->host), h2start, (size_t) (hend - h2start));
737 } else if (strchr(cp + 1, ':') != NULL) {
738 /* Too many colons */
739 return (kMalformedURL);
740 } else {
741 URLCopyToken(cip->host, sizeof(cip->host), h2start, (size_t) (cp - h2start));
742 URLCopyToken(portstr, sizeof(portstr), cp + 1, (size_t) (hend - (cp + 1)));
743 port = atoi(portstr);
744 if (port > 0)
745 cip->port = port;
746 }
748 *hend = (char) sc;
749 if ((*hend == '\0') || ((*hend == '/') && (hend[1] == '\0'))) {
750 /* no path, okay */
751 return (0);
752 }
754 lastslash = strrchr(hend, '/');
755 if (lastslash == NULL) {
756 /* no path, okay */
757 return (0);
758 }
759 *lastslash = '\0';
761 if ((semi = strchr(lastslash + 1, ';')) != NULL) {
762 *semi++ = '\0';
764 if (strcasecmp(semi, "type=i") == 0) {
765 if (xtype != NULL)
766 *xtype = kTypeBinary;
767 } else if (strcasecmp(semi, "type=a") == 0) {
768 if (xtype != NULL)
769 *xtype = kTypeAscii;
770 } else if (strcasecmp(semi, "type=b") == 0) {
771 if (xtype != NULL)
772 *xtype = kTypeBinary;
773 } else if (strcasecmp(semi, "type=d") == 0) {
774 if (wantnlst != NULL) {
775 *wantnlst = 1;
776 if (xtype != NULL)
777 *xtype = kTypeAscii;
778 } else {
779 /* You didn't want these. */
780 return (kMalformedURL);
781 }
782 }
783#else /* HAVE_STRCASECMP */
784 if (strcmp(semi, "type=i") == 0) {
785 if (xtype != NULL)
786 *xtype = kTypeBinary;
787 } else if (strcmp(semi, "type=a") == 0) {
788 if (xtype != NULL)
789 *xtype = kTypeAscii;
790 } else if (strcmp(semi, "type=b") == 0) {
791 if (xtype != NULL)
792 *xtype = kTypeBinary;
793 } else if (strcmp(semi, "type=d") == 0) {
794 if (wantnlst != NULL) {
795 *wantnlst = 1;
796 if (xtype != NULL)
797 *xtype = kTypeAscii;
798 } else {
799 /* You didn't want these. */
800 return (kMalformedURL);
801 }
802 }
803#endif /* HAVE_STRCASECMP */
804 }
805 URLCopyToken(fn, fnsize, lastslash + 1, strlen(lastslash + 1));
806 for (parsestr = hend; (tok = strtok(parsestr, "/")) != NULL; parsestr = NULL) {
807 URLCopyToken(subdir, sizeof(subdir), tok, strlen(tok));
808 (void) AddLine(cdlist, subdir);
809 }
810 *lastslash = '/';
811 return (kNoErr);
812} /* FTPDecodeURL */
int strncmp(const char *String1, const char *String2, ACPI_SIZE Count)
Definition: utclib.c:534
char * strtok(char *String, const char *Delimiters)
Definition: utclib.c:338
Definition: uri.c:228
#define strncasecmp
Definition: fake.h:10
#define strcasecmp
Definition: fake.h:9
_Check_return_ int __cdecl atoi(_In_z_ const char *_Str)
void URLCopyToken(char *dst, size_t dsize, const char *src, size_t howmuch)
Definition: open.c:598
static const WCHAR url[]
Definition: encode.c:1432
#define kTypeAscii
Definition: ncftp.h:353
#define kMalformedURL
Definition: ncftp.h:385
#define kTypeBinary
Definition: ncftp.h:354
char host[64]
Definition: ncftp.h:136
unsigned int port
Definition: ncftp.h:140
char pass[64]
Definition: ncftp.h:138
char user[64]
Definition: ncftp.h:137
static GLenum _GLUfuncptr fn
Definition: wgl_font.c:159

Referenced by DecodeDirectoryURL().

◆ FTPDelete()

int FTPDelete ( const FTPCIPtr  cip,
const char *const  pattern,
const int  recurse,
const int  doGlob 

Definition at line 195 of file cmds.c.

197 LineList fileList;
198 LinePtr filePtr;
199 char *file;
200 int onceResult, batchResult;
202 if (cip == NULL)
203 return (kErrBadParameter);
204 if (strcmp(cip->magic, kLibraryMagic))
205 return (kErrBadMagic);
207 batchResult = FTPRemoteGlob(cip, &fileList, pattern, doGlob);
208 if (batchResult != kNoErr)
209 return (batchResult);
211 for (batchResult = kNoErr, filePtr = fileList.first;
212 filePtr != NULL;
213 filePtr = filePtr->next)
214 {
215 file = filePtr->line;
216 if (file == NULL) {
217 batchResult = kErrBadLineList;
218 cip->errNo = kErrBadLineList;
219 break;
220 }
221 onceResult = FTPCmd(cip, "DELE %s", file);
222 if (onceResult < 0) {
223 batchResult = onceResult;
224 break;
225 }
226 if (onceResult != 2) {
227 if (recurse != kRecursiveYes) {
228 batchResult = kErrDELEFailed;
229 cip->errNo = kErrDELEFailed;
230 } else {
231 onceResult = FTPCmd(cip, "RMD %s", file);
232 if (onceResult < 0) {
233 batchResult = onceResult;
234 break;
235 }
236 if (onceResult != 2) {
237 onceResult = FTPRmdirRecursive(cip, file);
238 if (onceResult < 0) {
239 batchResult = kErrRMDFailed;
240 cip->errNo = kErrRMDFailed;
241 }
242 }
243 }
244 }
245 }
246 DisposeLineListContents(&fileList);
247 return (batchResult);
248} /* FTPDelete */
static int FTPRmdirRecursive(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const dir)
Definition: cmds.c:158
#define kErrDELEFailed
Definition: ncftp_errno.h:61
#define kErrRMDFailed
Definition: ncftp_errno.h:43

Referenced by DeleteCmd(), FTPGetOneF(), FTPPutOneF(), and FTPRmdirRecursiveL2().

◆ FTPEndDataCmd()

int FTPEndDataCmd ( const  FTPCIPtr,
int  didXfer 

Definition at line 933 of file rcmd.c.

935 int result;
936 int respCode;
937 ResponsePtr rp;
939 if (cip == NULL)
940 return (kErrBadParameter);
941 if (strcmp(cip->magic, kLibraryMagic))
942 return (kErrBadMagic);
945 result = kNoErr;
946 if (didXfer) {
947 /* Get the response to the data transferred. Most likely a message
948 * saying that the transfer completed succesfully. However, if
949 * we tried to abort the transfer using ABOR, we will have a response
950 * to that command instead.
951 */
952 rp = InitResponse();
953 if (rp == NULL) {
954 Error(cip, kDontPerror, "Malloc failed.\n");
955 cip->errNo = kErrMallocFailed;
956 result = cip->errNo;
957 return (result);
958 }
959 result = GetResponse(cip, rp);
960 if (result < 0)
961 return (result);
962 respCode = rp->codeType;
963 DoneWithResponse(cip, rp);
964 if (respCode != 2) {
965 cip->errNo = kErrDataTransferFailed;
966 result = cip->errNo;
967 } else {
968 result = kNoErr;
969 }
970 }
971 return (result);
972} /* FTPEndDataCmd */
#define kErrDataTransferFailed
Definition: ncftp_errno.h:78

Referenced by FTPGetOneF(), FTPList(), FTPListToMemory2(), FTPPutOneF(), and FTPStartDataCmd().

◆ FTPFileExists()

int FTPFileExists ( const FTPCIPtr  cip,
const char *const  file 

Definition at line 1423 of file cmds.c.

1425 return (FTPFileExists2(cip, file, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1));
1426} /* FTPFileExists */
int FTPFileExists2(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const file, const int tryMDTM, const int trySIZE, const int tryMLST, const int trySTAT, const int tryNLST)
Definition: cmds.c:1350

◆ FTPFileExists2()

int FTPFileExists2 ( const FTPCIPtr  cip,
const char *const  file,
const int  tryMDTM,
const int  trySIZE,
const int  tryMLST,
const int  trySTAT,
const int  tryNLST 

Definition at line 1350 of file cmds.c.

1352 int result;
1353 time_t mdtm;
1355 MLstItem mlsInfo;
1357 if (tryMDTM != 0) {
1358 result = FTPFileModificationTime(cip, file, &mdtm);
1359 if (result == kNoErr)
1360 return (kNoErr);
1361 if (result == kErrMDTMFailed) {
1364 }
1365 /* else keep going */
1366 }
1368 if (trySIZE != 0) {
1370 if (result == kNoErr)
1371 return (kNoErr);
1372 /* SIZE could fail if the server does
1373 * not support it for directories.
1374 *
1375 * if (result == kErrSIZEFailed)
1376 * return (kErrNoSuchFileOrDirectory);
1377 */
1378 /* else keep going */
1379 }
1382 if (tryMLST != 0) {
1383 result = FTPMListOneFile(cip, file, &mlsInfo);
1384 if (result == kNoErr)
1385 return (kNoErr);
1386 if (result == kErrMLSTFailed) {
1389 }
1390 /* else keep going */
1391 }
1393 if (trySTAT != 0) {
1395 if (result == kNoErr)
1396 return (kNoErr);
1397 if (result == kErrSTATFailed) {
1400 }
1401 /* else keep going */
1402 }
1404 if (tryNLST != 0) {
1406 if (result == kNoErr)
1407 return (kNoErr);
1408 if (result == kErrNLSTFailed) {
1411 }
1412 /* else keep going */
1413 }
1416 return (kErrCantTellIfFileExists);
1417} /* FTPFileExists2 */
__kernel_time_t time_t
Definition: linux.h:252
int FTPMListOneFile(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const file, const MLstItemPtr mlip)
Definition: cmds.c:947
int FTPFileExistsStat(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const file)
Definition: cmds.c:1008
int FTPFileModificationTime(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const file, time_t *const mdtm)
Definition: cmds.c:649
int FTPFileExistsNlst(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const file)
Definition: cmds.c:1209
int FTPFileSize(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const file, longest_int *const size, const int type)
Definition: cmds.c:887
#define longest_int
Definition: ncftp.h:68
#define kErrMDTMFailed
Definition: ncftp_errno.h:63
#define kErrCantTellIfFileExists
Definition: ncftp_errno.h:106
#define kErrNoSuchFileOrDirectory
Definition: ncftp_errno.h:105
#define kErrMLSTFailed
Definition: ncftp_errno.h:97
#define kErrNLSTFailed
Definition: ncftp_errno.h:103
#define kErrSTATFailed
Definition: ncftp_errno.h:101

Referenced by FTPFileExists(), FTPFileType(), and FTPPutOneF().

◆ FTPFileExistsNlst()

int FTPFileExistsNlst ( const FTPCIPtr  cip,
const char *const  file 

Definition at line 1209 of file cmds.c.

1211 int result;
1212 LineList fileList, rootFileList;
1213 char savedCwd[512];
1215 if (cip == NULL)
1216 return (kErrBadParameter);
1217 if (strcmp(cip->magic, kLibraryMagic))
1218 return (kErrBadMagic);
1220 if (file == NULL)
1221 return (kErrBadParameter);
1225 return (result);
1226 }
1229 /* First, make sure that when we NLST a pathname
1230 * that does not exist, that we get an error back.
1231 *
1232 * We also assume that a valid NLST response has
1233 * at least 3 lines of response text, typically
1234 * a "start" line, intermediate data, and then
1235 * a trailing line.
1236 *
1237 * We also can see a one-line case.
1238 */
1239 if (
1240 ((FTPListToMemory2(cip, "NoSuchFile", &fileList, "", 0, (int *) 0)) == kNoErr) &&
1241 (fileList.nLines >= 1) &&
1242 (strstr(fileList.last->line, "o such file") == NULL) &&
1243 (strstr(fileList.last->line, "ot found") == NULL) &&
1244 (strstr(fileList.last->line, "o Such File") == NULL) &&
1245 (strstr(fileList.last->line, "ot Found") == NULL)
1247 ) {
1250 DisposeLineListContents(&fileList);
1251 return (result);
1252 }
1253 DisposeLineListContents(&fileList);
1255 /* We can't assume that we can simply say NLST rootdir/firstfile,
1256 * since the remote host may not be using / as a directory
1257 * delimiter. So we have to change to the root directory
1258 * and then do the NLST on that file.
1259 */
1260 if (
1261 (FTPGetCWD(cip, savedCwd, sizeof(savedCwd)) != kNoErr) ||
1263 ) {
1264 return (cip->errNo);
1265 }
1267 /* OK, we get an error when we list
1268 * a non-existant file, but now we need to
1269 * see if we get a positive reply when
1270 * we stat a file that does exist.
1271 *
1272 * To do this, we list the root directory,
1273 * which we assume has one or more items.
1274 * If it doesn't, the user can't do anything
1275 * anyway. Then we do the first item
1276 * we found to see if NLST says it exists.
1277 */
1278 if (
1279 ((result = FTPListToMemory2(cip, "", &rootFileList, "", 0, (int *) 0)) < 0) ||
1280 (rootFileList.last == NULL) ||
1281 (rootFileList.last->line == NULL)
1282 ) {
1283 /* Hmmm... well, in any case we can't use NLST. */
1286 DisposeLineListContents(&rootFileList);
1287 (void) FTPChdir(cip, savedCwd);
1288 return (result);
1289 }
1291 if (
1292 ((FTPListToMemory2(cip, rootFileList.last->line, &fileList, "", 0, (int *) 0)) == kNoErr) &&
1293 (fileList.nLines >= 1) &&
1294 (strstr(fileList.last->line, "o such file") == NULL) &&
1295 (strstr(fileList.last->line, "ot found") == NULL) &&
1296 (strstr(fileList.last->line, "o Such File") == NULL) &&
1297 (strstr(fileList.last->line, "ot Found") == NULL)
1299 ) {
1300 /* Good. We listed the item. */
1301 DisposeLineListContents(&fileList);
1302 DisposeLineListContents(&rootFileList);
1305 /* Don't forget to change back to the original directory. */
1306 (void) FTPChdir(cip, savedCwd);
1307 } else {
1310 DisposeLineListContents(&fileList);
1311 DisposeLineListContents(&rootFileList);
1312 (void) FTPChdir(cip, savedCwd);
1313 return (result);
1314 }
1315 }
1317 /* Check the requested item. */
1318 InitLineList(&fileList);
1319 if (
1320 ((FTPListToMemory2(cip, file, &fileList, "", 0, (int *) 0)) == kNoErr) &&
1321 (fileList.nLines >= 1) &&
1322 (strstr(fileList.last->line, "o such file") == NULL) &&
1323 (strstr(fileList.last->line, "ot found") == NULL) &&
1324 (strstr(fileList.last->line, "o Such File") == NULL) &&
1325 (strstr(fileList.last->line, "ot Found") == NULL)
1327 ) {
1328 /* The item existed. */
1329 result = kNoErr;
1330 } else {
1331 cip->errNo = kErrNLSTFailed;
1333 }
1335 DisposeLineListContents(&fileList);
1336 return (result);
1337} /* FTPFileExistsNlst*/
int FTPListToMemory2(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const pattern, const LineListPtr llines, const char *const lsflags, const int blankLines, int *const tryMLSD)
Definition: io.c:366
#define kCommandAvailable
Definition: ncftp.h:380
#define kCommandAvailabilityUnknown
Definition: ncftp.h:379
#define kCommandNotAvailable
Definition: ncftp.h:381
#define kErrNLSTwithFileNotAvailable
Definition: ncftp_errno.h:104
char * startingWorkingDirectory
Definition: ncftp.h:158
int NLSTfileParamWorks
Definition: ncftp.h:180
int nLines
Definition: ncftp.h:86
LinePtr last
Definition: ncftp.h:85

Referenced by FTPFileExists2().

◆ FTPFileExistsStat()

int FTPFileExistsStat ( const FTPCIPtr  cip,
const char *const  file 

Definition at line 1008 of file cmds.c.

1010 int result;
1011 ResponsePtr rp;
1012 LineList fileList;
1013 char savedCwd[512];
1015 if (cip == NULL)
1016 return (kErrBadParameter);
1017 if (strcmp(cip->magic, kLibraryMagic))
1018 return (kErrBadMagic);
1020 if (file == NULL)
1021 return (kErrBadParameter);
1025 return (result);
1026 }
1029 rp = InitResponse();
1030 if (rp == NULL) {
1032 cip->errNo = kErrMallocFailed;
1033 Error(cip, kDontPerror, "Malloc failed.\n");
1034 return (result);
1036 }
1038 /* First, make sure that when we STAT a pathname
1039 * that does not exist, that we get an error back.
1040 *
1041 * We also assume that a valid STAT response has
1042 * at least 3 lines of response text, typically
1043 * a "start" line, intermediate data, and then
1044 * a trailing line.
1045 *
1046 * We also can see a one-line case.
1047 */
1048 result = RCmd(cip, rp, "STAT %s", "NoSuchFile");
1049 if ((result == 2) && ((rp->msg.nLines >= 3) || (rp->msg.nLines == 1))) {
1050 /* Hmmm.... it gave back a positive
1051 * response. So STAT <file> does not
1052 * work correctly.
1053 */
1054 if (
1055 (rp->msg.first->next != NULL) &&
1056 (rp->msg.first->next->line != NULL) &&
1057 (
1058 (strstr(rp->msg.first->next->line, "o such file") != NULL) ||
1059 (strstr(rp->msg.first->next->line, "ot found") != NULL)
1060 )
1061 ) {
1062 /* OK, while we didn't want a 200
1063 * level response, some servers,
1064 * like wu-ftpd print an error
1065 * message "No such file or
1066 * directory" which we can special
1067 * case.
1068 */
1069 result = kNoErr;
1070 } else {
1073 DoneWithResponse(cip, rp);
1074 return (result);
1075 }
1076 }
1077 DoneWithResponse(cip, rp);
1079 /* We can't assume that we can simply say STAT rootdir/firstfile,
1080 * since the remote host may not be using / as a directory
1081 * delimiter. So we have to change to the root directory
1082 * and then do the STAT on that file.
1083 */
1084 if (
1085 (FTPGetCWD(cip, savedCwd, sizeof(savedCwd)) != kNoErr) ||
1087 ) {
1088 return (cip->errNo);
1089 }
1091 /* OK, we get an error when we stat
1092 * a non-existant file, but now we need to
1093 * see if we get a positive reply when
1094 * we stat a file that does exist.
1095 *
1096 * To do this, we list the root directory,
1097 * which we assume has one or more items.
1098 * If it doesn't, the user can't do anything
1099 * anyway. Then we stat the first item
1100 * we found to see if STAT says it exists.
1101 */
1102 if (
1103 ((result = FTPListToMemory2(cip, "", &fileList, "", 0, (int *) 0)) < 0) ||
1104 (fileList.last == NULL) ||
1105 (fileList.last->line == NULL)
1106 ) {
1107 /* Hmmm... well, in any case we can't use STAT. */
1110 DisposeLineListContents(&fileList);
1111 (void) FTPChdir(cip, savedCwd);
1112 return (result);
1113 }
1115 rp = InitResponse();
1116 if (rp == NULL) {
1118 cip->errNo = kErrMallocFailed;
1119 Error(cip, kDontPerror, "Malloc failed.\n");
1120 DisposeLineListContents(&fileList);
1121 (void) FTPChdir(cip, savedCwd);
1122 return (result);
1124 }
1126 result = RCmd(cip, rp, "STAT %s", fileList.last->line);
1127 DisposeLineListContents(&fileList);
1129 if ((result != 2) || (rp->msg.nLines == 2)) {
1130 /* Hmmm.... it gave back a negative
1131 * response. So STAT <file> does not
1132 * work correctly.
1133 */
1136 DoneWithResponse(cip, rp);
1137 (void) FTPChdir(cip, savedCwd);
1138 return (result);
1139 } else if (
1140 (rp->msg.first->next != NULL) &&
1141 (rp->msg.first->next->line != NULL) &&
1142 (
1143 (strstr(rp->msg.first->next->line, "o such file") != NULL) ||
1144 (strstr(rp->msg.first->next->line, "ot found") != NULL)
1145 )
1146 ) {
1147 /* Same special-case of the second line of STAT response. */
1150 DoneWithResponse(cip, rp);
1151 (void) FTPChdir(cip, savedCwd);
1152 return (result);
1153 }
1154 DoneWithResponse(cip, rp);
1157 /* Don't forget to change back to the original directory. */
1158 (void) FTPChdir(cip, savedCwd);
1159 }
1161 rp = InitResponse();
1162 if (rp == NULL) {
1164 cip->errNo = kErrMallocFailed;
1165 Error(cip, kDontPerror, "Malloc failed.\n");
1166 return (result);
1167 }
1169 result = RCmd(cip, rp, "STAT %s", file);
1170 if (result == 2) {
1171 result = kNoErr;
1172 if (((rp->msg.nLines >= 3) || (rp->msg.nLines == 1))) {
1173 if (
1174 (rp->msg.first->next != NULL) &&
1175 (rp->msg.first->next->line != NULL) &&
1176 (
1177 (strstr(rp->msg.first->next->line, "o such file") != NULL) ||
1178 (strstr(rp->msg.first->next->line, "ot found") != NULL)
1179 )
1180 ) {
1181 cip->errNo = kErrSTATFailed;
1183 } else {
1184 result = kNoErr;
1185 }
1186 } else if (rp->msg.nLines == 2) {
1187 cip->errNo = kErrSTATFailed;
1189 } else {
1190 result = kNoErr;
1191 }
1192 } else {
1193 cip->errNo = kErrSTATFailed;
1195 }
1196 DoneWithResponse(cip, rp);
1197 return (result);
1198} /* FTPFileExistsStat */
#define kErrSTATwithFileNotAvailable
Definition: ncftp_errno.h:102
int STATfileParamWorks
Definition: ncftp.h:179

Referenced by FTPFileExists2().

◆ FTPFileModificationTime()

int FTPFileModificationTime ( const FTPCIPtr  cip,
const char *const  file,
time_t *const  mdtm 

Definition at line 649 of file cmds.c.

651 int result;
652 ResponsePtr rp;
654 if (cip == NULL)
655 return (kErrBadParameter);
656 if (strcmp(cip->magic, kLibraryMagic))
657 return (kErrBadMagic);
659 if ((mdtm == NULL) || (file == NULL))
660 return (kErrBadParameter);
661 *mdtm = kModTimeUnknown;
663 if (cip->hasMDTM == kCommandNotAvailable) {
666 } else {
667 rp = InitResponse();
668 if (rp == NULL) {
670 cip->errNo = kErrMallocFailed;
671 Error(cip, kDontPerror, "Malloc failed.\n");
672 } else {
673 result = RCmd(cip, rp, "MDTM %s", file);
674 if (result < 0) {
675 DoneWithResponse(cip, rp);
676 return (result);
677 } else if (strncmp(rp->msg.first->line, "19100", 5) == 0) {
678 Error(cip, kDontPerror, "Warning: Server has Y2K Bug in \"MDTM\" command.\n");
679 cip->errNo = kErrMDTMFailed;
681 } else if (result == 2) {
682 *mdtm = UnMDTMDate(rp->msg.first->line);
684 result = kNoErr;
685 } else if (UNIMPLEMENTED_CMD(rp->code)) {
689 } else {
690 cip->errNo = kErrMDTMFailed;
692 }
693 DoneWithResponse(cip, rp);
694 }
695 }
696 return (result);
697} /* FTPFileModificationTime */
Definition: ncftp.h:373
#define kModTimeUnknown
Definition: ncftp.h:377
time_t UnMDTMDate(char *)
Definition: util.c:486
#define kErrMDTMNotAvailable
Definition: ncftp_errno.h:66
int code
Definition: ncftp.h:92

Referenced by FTPFileExists2(), FTPFileSizeAndModificationTime(), and FTPGetOneF().

◆ FTPFileSize()

int FTPFileSize ( const FTPCIPtr  cip,
const char *const  file,
longest_int *const  size,
const int  type 

Definition at line 887 of file cmds.c.

889 int result;
890 ResponsePtr rp;
892 if (cip == NULL)
893 return (kErrBadParameter);
894 if (strcmp(cip->magic, kLibraryMagic))
895 return (kErrBadMagic);
897 if ((size == NULL) || (file == NULL))
898 return (kErrBadParameter);
902 if (result < 0)
903 return (result);
905 if (cip->hasSIZE == kCommandNotAvailable) {
908 } else {
909 rp = InitResponse();
910 if (rp == NULL) {
912 cip->errNo = kErrMallocFailed;
913 Error(cip, kDontPerror, "Malloc failed.\n");
914 } else {
915 result = RCmd(cip, rp, "SIZE %s", file);
916 if (result < 0) {
917 DoneWithResponse(cip, rp);
918 return (result);
919 } else if (result == 2) {
920#if defined(HAVE_LONG_LONG) && defined(SCANF_LONG_LONG)
922#elif defined(HAVE_LONG_LONG) && defined(HAVE_STRTOQ)
923 *size = (longest_int) strtoq(rp->msg.first->line, NULL, 0);
925 (void) sscanf(rp->msg.first->line, "%ld", size);
928 result = kNoErr;
929 } else if (UNIMPLEMENTED_CMD(rp->code)) {
933 } else {
934 cip->errNo = kErrSIZEFailed;
936 }
937 DoneWithResponse(cip, rp);
938 }
939 }
940 return (result);
941} /* FTPFileSize */
GLuint GLuint GLsizei GLenum type
Definition: gl.h:1545
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP int __cdecl sscanf(_In_z_ const char *_Src, _In_z_ _Scanf_format_string_ const char *_Format,...)
Definition: wincfg.h:30
int FTPSetTransferType(const FTPCIPtr cip, int type)
Definition: cmds.c:836
#define kSizeUnknown
Definition: ncftp.h:376
#define kErrSIZENotAvailable
Definition: ncftp_errno.h:65
#define kErrSIZEFailed
Definition: ncftp_errno.h:62

Referenced by FTPFileExists2(), and FTPFileSizeAndModificationTime().

◆ FTPFileSizeAndModificationTime()

int FTPFileSizeAndModificationTime ( const FTPCIPtr  cip,
const char *const  file,
longest_int *const  size,
const int  type,
time_t *const  mdtm 

Definition at line 1433 of file cmds.c.

1435 MLstItem mlsInfo;
1436 int result;
1438 if (cip == NULL)
1439 return (kErrBadParameter);
1440 if (strcmp(cip->magic, kLibraryMagic))
1441 return (kErrBadMagic);
1443 if ((mdtm == NULL) || (size == NULL) || (file == NULL))
1444 return (kErrBadParameter);
1446 *mdtm = kModTimeUnknown;
1447 *size = kSizeUnknown;
1450 if (result < 0)
1451 return (result);
1453 result = FTPMListOneFile(cip, file, &mlsInfo);
1454 if (result < 0) {
1455 /* Do it the regular way, where
1456 * we do a SIZE and then a MDTM.
1457 */
1458 result = FTPFileSize(cip, file, size, type);
1459 if (result < 0)
1460 return (result);
1461 result = FTPFileModificationTime(cip, file, mdtm);
1462 return (result);
1463 } else {
1464 *mdtm = mlsInfo.ftime;
1465 *size = mlsInfo.fsize;
1466 }
1468 return (result);
1469} /* FTPFileSizeAndModificationTime */
longest_int fsize
Definition: ncftp.h:279
time_t ftime
Definition: ncftp.h:280

Referenced by FTPGetOneF(), and FTPPutOneF().

◆ FTPFileType()

int FTPFileType ( const FTPCIPtr  cip,
const char *const  file,
int *const  ftype 

Definition at line 1475 of file cmds.c.

1477 int result;
1478 MLstItem mlsInfo;
1480 if (cip == NULL)
1481 return (kErrBadParameter);
1482 if (strcmp(cip->magic, kLibraryMagic))
1483 return (kErrBadMagic);
1485 if ((file == NULL) || (file[0] == '\0')) {
1486 cip->errNo = kErrBadParameter;
1487 return (kErrBadParameter);
1488 }
1490 if (ftype == NULL) {
1491 cip->errNo = kErrBadParameter;
1492 return (kErrBadParameter);
1493 }
1495 *ftype = 0;
1496 result = FTPMListOneFile(cip, file, &mlsInfo);
1497 if (result == kNoErr) {
1498 *ftype = mlsInfo.ftype;
1499 return (kNoErr);
1500 }
1502 /* Preserve old working directory. */
1503 (void) FTPGetCWD(cip, cip->buf, cip->bufSize);
1505 result = FTPChdir(cip, file);
1506 if (result == kNoErr) {
1507 *ftype = 'd';
1508 /* Yes it was a directory, now go back to
1509 * where we were.
1510 */
1511 (void) FTPChdir(cip, cip->buf);
1513 /* Note: This improperly assumes that we
1514 * will be able to chdir back, which is
1515 * not guaranteed.
1516 */
1517 return (kNoErr);
1518 }
1520 result = FTPFileExists2(cip, file, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1);
1524 return (result);
1525} /* FTPFileType */
#define kErrFileExistsButCannotDetermineType
Definition: ncftp_errno.h:107
int ftype
Definition: ncftp.h:278

Referenced by FTPIsDir(), and FTPIsRegularFile().

◆ FTPFtw()

int FTPFtw ( const FTPCIPtr  cip,
const char *const  dir,
FTPFtwProc  proc,
int  maxdepth 

Definition at line 1706 of file glob.c.

1708 int result, result2;
1709 char *cp;
1710 char savedcwd[1024];
1711 char curcwd[2048];
1713 result = FTPIsDir(cip, dir);
1714 if (result < 0) {
1715 /* error */
1716 return result;
1717 } else if (result == 0) {
1719 return (result);
1720 }
1722 /* Preserve old working directory. */
1723 (void) FTPGetCWD(cip, savedcwd, sizeof(savedcwd));
1725 result = FTPChdir(cip, dir);
1726 if (result != kNoErr) {
1727 return (result);
1728 }
1730 /* Get full working directory we just changed to. */
1731 result = FTPGetCWD(cip, curcwd, sizeof(curcwd) - 3);
1732 if (result != kNoErr) {
1733 if (FTPChdir(cip, savedcwd) != kNoErr) {
1736 }
1737 return (result);
1738 }
1740 result2 = (*proc)(cip, curcwd, kFtwDir);
1741 if (result2 == kNoErr) {
1742 cp = curcwd + strlen(curcwd);
1744 if ((strchr(curcwd, '/') == NULL) && (strrchr(curcwd, '\\') != NULL))
1745 *cp++ = '\\';
1746 else
1747 *cp++ = '/';
1748 *cp = '\0';
1749 result = FTPFtwL2(cip, curcwd, cp, sizeof(curcwd), proc, maxdepth - 1);
1750 }
1753 if (FTPChdir(cip, savedcwd) != kNoErr) {
1754 /* Could not cd back to the original user directory -- bad. */
1756 cip->errNo = kErrCannotGoToPrevDir;
1757 return (result);
1758 }
1760 if ((result2 != kNoErr) && (result == kNoErr))
1761 result = result2;
1763 return (result);
1764} /* FTPFtw */
unsigned int dir
Definition: maze.c:112
static int FTPFtwL2(const FTPCIPtr cip, char *dir, char *end, size_t dirsize, FTPFtwProc proc, int maxdepth)
Definition: glob.c:1624
int FTPIsDir(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const dir)
Definition: cmds.c:1531
#define kFtwDir
Definition: ncftp.h:414
#define kErrNotADirectory
Definition: ncftp_errno.h:108
#define kErrCannotGoToPrevDir
Definition: ncftp_errno.h:58
static HANDLE proc()
Definition: pdb.c:34


int FTPGetCWD ( const FTPCIPtr  cip,
char *const  newCwd,
const size_t  newCwdSize 

Definition at line 254 of file cmds.c.

256 ResponsePtr rp;
257 char *l, *r;
258 int result;
260 if (cip == NULL)
261 return (kErrBadParameter);
262 if (strcmp(cip->magic, kLibraryMagic))
263 return (kErrBadMagic);
265 if ((newCwd == NULL) || (newCwdSize == 0)) {
268 } else {
269 rp = InitResponse();
270 if (rp == NULL) {
272 cip->errNo = kErrMallocFailed;
273 Error(cip, kDontPerror, "Malloc failed.\n");
274 } else {
275 result = RCmd(cip, rp, "PWD");
276 if (result == 2) {
277 if ((r = strrchr(rp->msg.first->line, '"')) != NULL) {
278 /* "xxxx" is current directory.
279 * Strip out just the xxxx to copy into the remote cwd.
280 */
281 l = strchr(rp->msg.first->line, '"');
282 if ((l != NULL) && (l != r)) {
283 *r = '\0';
284 ++l;
285 (void) Strncpy(newCwd, l, newCwdSize);
286 *r = '"'; /* Restore, so response prints correctly. */
287 }
288 } else {
289 /* xxxx is current directory.
290 * Mostly for VMS.
291 */
292 if ((r = strchr(rp->msg.first->line, ' ')) != NULL) {
293 *r = '\0';
294 (void) Strncpy(newCwd, (rp->msg.first->line), newCwdSize);
295 *r = ' '; /* Restore, so response prints correctly. */
296 }
297 }
298 result = kNoErr;
299 } else if (result > 0) {
301 cip->errNo = kErrPWDFailed;
302 }
303 DoneWithResponse(cip, rp);
304 }
305 }
306 return (result);
307} /* FTPGetCWD */
#define kErrPWDFailed
Definition: ncftp_errno.h:41

Referenced by FTPChdir3(), FTPChdirAndGetCWD(), FTPFileExistsNlst(), FTPFileExistsStat(), FTPFileType(), FTPFtw(), FTPLoginHost(), FTPMkdir2(), FTPRemoteRecursiveFileList(), FTPRemoteRecursiveFileList1(), FTPRmdirRecursive(), nFTPChdirAndGetCWD(), OpenCmd(), OpenURL(), and PwdCmd().

◆ FTPGetFiles()

int FTPGetFiles ( const FTPCIPtr  cip,
const char *const  pattern,
const char *const  dstdir,
const int  recurse,
const int  doGlob 

Definition at line 2730 of file io.c.

2732 return (FTPGetFiles3(cip, pattern, dstdir, recurse, doGlob, kTypeBinary, kResumeNo, kAppendNo, kDeleteNo, kTarYes, (ConfirmResumeDownloadProc) 0, 0));
2733} /* FTPGetFiles */
int FTPGetFiles3(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *pattern1, const char *const dstdir1, const int recurse, int doGlob, const int xtype, const int resumeflag, int appendflag, const int deleteflag, const int tarflag, const ConfirmResumeDownloadProc resumeProc, int UNUSED(reserved))
Definition: io.c:2486
#define kDeleteNo
Definition: ncftp.h:369
#define kTarYes
Definition: ncftp.h:370
#define kAppendNo
Definition: ncftp.h:365
int(* ConfirmResumeDownloadProc)(const char *volatile *localpath, volatile longest_int localsize, volatile time_t localmtime, const char *volatile remotepath, volatile longest_int remotesize, volatile time_t remotetime, volatile longest_int *volatile startPoint)
Definition: ncftp.h:431
#define kResumeNo
Definition: ncftp.h:367

◆ FTPGetFiles2()

int FTPGetFiles2 ( const FTPCIPtr  cip,
const char *const  pattern,
const char *const  dstdir,
const int  recurse,
const int  doGlob,
const int  xtype,
const int  resumeflag,
const int  appendflag 

Definition at line 2739 of file io.c.

2741 return (FTPGetFiles3(cip, pattern, dstdir, recurse, doGlob, xtype, resumeflag, appendflag, kDeleteNo, kTarYes, (ConfirmResumeDownloadProc) 0, 0));
2742} /* FTPGetFiles2 */

◆ FTPGetFiles3()

int FTPGetFiles3 ( const FTPCIPtr  cip,
const char pattern,
const char *const  dstdir,
const int  recurse,
int  doGlob,
const int  xtype,
const int  resumeflag,
int  appendflag,
const int  deleteflag,
const int  tarflag,
const ConfirmResumeDownloadProc  resumeProc,
int  reserved 

◆ FTPGetFilesAscii()

int FTPGetFilesAscii ( const FTPCIPtr  cip,
const char *const  pattern,
const char *const  dstdir,
const int  recurse,
const int  doGlob 

Definition at line 2757 of file io.c.

2759 return (FTPGetFiles3(cip, pattern, dstdir, recurse, doGlob, kTypeAscii, kResumeNo, kAppendNo, kDeleteNo, kTarNo, (ConfirmResumeDownloadProc) 0, 0));
2760} /* FTPGetFilesAscii */
#define kTarNo
Definition: ncftp.h:371

◆ FTPGetLocalCWD()

char * FTPGetLocalCWD ( char buf,
size_t  size 

Definition at line 29 of file util.c.

31#ifdef HAVE_GETCWD
32 static char *cwdBuf = NULL;
33 static size_t cwdBufSize = 0;
35 if (cwdBufSize == 0) {
36 cwdBufSize = (size_t) 128;
37 cwdBuf = (char *) malloc(cwdBufSize);
38 }
40 for (errno = 0; ; ) {
41 if (cwdBuf == NULL) {
42 return NULL;
43 }
45 if (getcwd(cwdBuf, cwdBufSize) != NULL)
46 break;
47 if (errno != ERANGE) {
48 (void) Strncpy(buf, ".", size);
49 return NULL;
50 }
51 cwdBufSize *= 2;
52 cwdBuf = (char *) Realloc(cwdBuf, cwdBufSize);
53 }
55 return (Strncpy(buf, cwdBuf, size));
57#ifdef HAVE_GETWD
58 static char *cwdBuf = NULL;
59 char *dp;
61 /* Due to the way getwd is usually implemented, it's
62 * important to have a buffer large enough to hold the
63 * whole thing. getwd usually starts at the end of the
64 * buffer, and works backwards, returning you a pointer
65 * to the beginning of it when it finishes.
66 */
67 if (size < MAXPATHLEN) {
68 /* Buffer not big enough, so use a temporary one,
69 * and then copy the first 'size' bytes of the
70 * temporary buffer to your 'buf.'
71 */
72 if (cwdBuf == NULL) {
73 cwdBuf = (char *) malloc((size_t) MAXPATHLEN);
74 if (cwdBuf == NULL) {
75 return NULL;
76 }
77 }
78 dp = cwdBuf;
79 } else {
80 /* Buffer is big enough already. */
81 dp = buf;
82 }
83 *dp = '\0';
84 if (getwd(dp) == NULL) {
85 /* getwd() should write the reason why in the buffer then,
86 * according to the man pages.
87 */
88 (void) Strncpy(buf, ".", size);
89 return (NULL);
90 }
91 return (Strncpy(buf, dp, size));
93#elif defined(WIN32) || defined(_WINDOWS)
94 if (GetCurrentDirectory((DWORD) size - 1, buf) < 1)
95 return NULL;
96 buf[size - 1] = '\0';
97 return buf;
99 /* Not a solution, but does anybody not have either of
100 * getcwd or getwd?
101 */
102 --Error--;
105} /* GetCWD */
#define ERANGE
Definition: acclib.h:92
_Check_return_ _Ret_opt_z_ _CRTIMP char *__cdecl getcwd(_Out_writes_opt_(_SizeInBytes) char *_DstBuf, _In_ int _SizeInBytes)
__kernel_size_t size_t
Definition: linux.h:237
#define getwd
Definition: fake.h:7
unsigned long DWORD
Definition: ntddk_ex.h:95
Definition: ftp_var.h:35
void * Realloc(void *, size_t)
#define errno
Definition: errno.h:18
#define GetCurrentDirectory
Definition: winbase.h:3830

Referenced by DoOpen(), LocalChdirCmd(), LocalPwdCmd(), PostInit(), SpoolGetCmd(), SpoolPutCmd(), and SpoolX().

◆ FTPGetOneFile()

int FTPGetOneFile ( const FTPCIPtr  cip,
const char *const  file,
const char *const  dstfile 

Definition at line 2712 of file io.c.

2715} /* FTPGetOneFile */
int FTPGetOneFile3(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const file, const char *const dstfile, const int xtype, const int fdtouse, const int resumeflag, const int appendflag, const int deleteflag, const ConfirmResumeDownloadProc resumeProc, int UNUSED(reserved))
Definition: io.c:2451

◆ FTPGetOneFile2()

int FTPGetOneFile2 ( const FTPCIPtr  cip,
const char *const  file,
const char *const  dstfile,
const int  xtype,
const int  fdtouse,
const int  resumeflag,
const int  appendflag 

Definition at line 2721 of file io.c.

2723 return (FTPGetOneFile3(cip, file, dstfile, xtype, fdtouse, resumeflag, appendflag, kDeleteNo, (ConfirmResumeDownloadProc) 0, 0));
2724} /* FTPGetOneFile2 */

Referenced by CatCmd(), and PageCmd().

◆ FTPGetOneFile3()

int FTPGetOneFile3 ( const FTPCIPtr  cip,
const char *const  file,
const char *const  dstfile,
const int  xtype,
const int  fdtouse,
const int  resumeflag,
const int  appendflag,
const int  deleteflag,
const ConfirmResumeDownloadProc  resumeProc,
int  reserved 

◆ FTPGetOneFileAscii()

int FTPGetOneFileAscii ( const FTPCIPtr  cip,
const char *const  file,
const char *const  dstfile 

Definition at line 2748 of file io.c.

2751} /* FTPGetOneFileAscii */

◆ FTPInitConnectionInfo()

int FTPInitConnectionInfo ( const FTPLIPtr  lip,
const FTPCIPtr  cip,
size_t  bufsize 

Definition at line 984 of file open.c.

986 size_t siz;
988 if ((lip == NULL) || (cip == NULL) || (bufSize == 0))
989 return (kErrBadParameter);
991 siz = sizeof(FTPConnectionInfo);
992 (void) memset(cip, 0, siz);
994 if (strcmp(lip->magic, kLibraryMagic))
995 return (kErrBadMagic);
997 cip->buf = NULL; /* denote that it needs to be allocated. */
998 cip->bufSize = bufSize;
999 cip->port = lip->defaultPort;
1000 cip->firewallPort = lip->defaultPort;
1011 cip->lip = lip;
1033 (void) STRNCPY(cip->user, "anonymous");
1034 return (kNoErr);
1035} /* FTPInitConnectionInfo */
#define STRNCPY(dst, src, n)
Definition: rdesktop.h:168
GLuint GLsizei bufSize
Definition: glext.h:6040
#define kDefaultCtrlTimeout
Definition: ncftp.h:322
#define kDefaultMaxDials
Definition: ncftp.h:341
#define kFirewallNotInUse
Definition: ncftp.h:388
#define kDefaultRedialDelay
Definition: ncftp.h:342
#define kSendPortMode
Definition: ncftp.h:295
#define kDefaultConnTimeout
Definition: ncftp.h:321
#define kDefaultXferTimeout
Definition: ncftp.h:320
#define kDefaultAbortTimeout
Definition: ncftp.h:323
int firewallType
Definition: ncftp.h:221
unsigned int firewallPort
Definition: ncftp.h:220
Definition: ncftp.h:171
unsigned int xferTimeout
Definition: ncftp.h:141
unsigned int connTimeout
Definition: ncftp.h:142
int dataPortMode
Definition: ncftp.h:152
Definition: ncftp.h:174
FTPLIPtr lip
Definition: ncftp.h:149
char magic[16]
Definition: ncftp.h:114
unsigned int defaultPort
Definition: ncftp.h:117

Referenced by InitConnectionInfo().

◆ FTPInitializeAnonPassword()

void FTPInitializeAnonPassword ( const  FTPLIPtr)

Definition at line 81 of file open.c.

83 if (lip == NULL)
84 return;
85 if (strcmp(lip->magic, kLibraryMagic))
86 return;
90 if (lip->defaultAnonPassword[0] == '\0') {
92 GetUsrName(lip->defaultAnonPassword, sizeof(lip->defaultAnonPassword));
93 (void) STRNCAT(lip->defaultAnonPassword, "@");
95 /* Default to the "user@" notation
96 * supported by NcFTPd and wu-ftpd.
97 */
98 if (lip->htried > 0)
99 (void) STRNCAT(lip->defaultAnonPassword, lip->ourHostName);
101 (void) STRNCPY(lip->defaultAnonPassword, "NcFTP@");
103 }
104} /* FTPInitializeAnonPassword */
#define STRNCAT(d, s)
Definition: Strn.h:48
void FTPInitializeOurHostName(const FTPLIPtr lip)
Definition: open.c:63
void GetUsrName(char *, size_t)
Definition: util.c:290

Referenced by FTPLoginHost(), and PostInitPrefs().

◆ FTPInitializeOurHostName()

void FTPInitializeOurHostName ( const  FTPLIPtr)

Definition at line 63 of file open.c.

65 if (lip == NULL)
66 return;
67 if (strcmp(lip->magic, kLibraryMagic))
68 return;
70 if (lip->htried == 0) {
71 (void) memset(lip->ourHostName, 0, sizeof(lip->ourHostName));
72 lip->hresult = GetOurHostName(lip->ourHostName, sizeof(lip->ourHostName));
73 }
74 lip->htried++;
75} /* FTPInitializeOurHostName */
int GetOurHostName(char *host, size_t siz)
Definition: ftp.c:81

Referenced by FTPInitializeAnonPassword(), LoadFirewallPrefs(), OpenTrace(), and WriteDefaultFirewallPrefs().

◆ FTPInitIOTimer()

void FTPInitIOTimer ( const  FTPCIPtr)

Definition at line 71 of file io.c.

73 cip->bytesTransferred = (longest_int) 0;
74 cip->expectedSize = kSizeUnknown;
75 cip->mdtm = kModTimeUnknown;
76 cip->rname = NULL;
77 cip->lname = NULL;
78 cip->kBytesPerSec = -1.0;
79 cip->percentCompleted = -1.0;
80 cip->sec = -1.0;
81 cip->secLeft = -1.0;
82 cip->nextProgressUpdate = 0;
83 cip->stalled = 0;
84 cip->dataTimedOut = 0;
85 cip->useProgressMeter = 1;
86 (void) gettimeofday(&cip->t0, NULL);
87} /* FTPInitIOTimer */
#define gettimeofday(tv, tz)
Definition: adns_win32.h:159

Referenced by FTPGetOneF(), and FTPPutOneF().

◆ FTPInitLibrary()

int FTPInitLibrary ( const FTPLIPtr  lip)

Definition at line 1110 of file open.c.

1112 struct servent *ftp;
1114 if (lip == NULL)
1115 return (kErrBadParameter);
1117 (void) memset(lip, 0, sizeof(FTPLibraryInfo));
1118 if ((ftp = getservbyname("ftp", "tcp")) == NULL)
1119 lip->defaultPort = (unsigned int) kDefaultFTPPort;
1120 else
1121 lip->defaultPort = (unsigned int) ntohs(ftp->s_port);
1123 lip->init = 1;
1126 /* We'll initialize the defaultAnonPassword field
1127 * later when we try the first anon ftp connection.
1128 */
1130#ifdef HAVE_LIBSOCKS
1131 SOCKSinit("libncftp");
1132 lip->socksInit = 1;
1134 return (kNoErr);
1135} /* FTPInitLibrary */
PSERVENT WSAAPI getservbyname(IN const char FAR *name, IN const char FAR *proto)
Definition: getxbyxx.c:500
#define ntohs(x)
Definition: module.h:210
static WCHAR ftp[]
Definition: url.c:29
#define kDefaultFTPPort
Definition: ncftp.h:312
int socksInit
Definition: ncftp.h:116

Referenced by PreInit().

◆ FTPIsDir()

int FTPIsDir ( const FTPCIPtr  cip,
const char *const  dir 

Definition at line 1531 of file cmds.c.

1533 int result, ftype;
1535 if (cip == NULL)
1536 return (kErrBadParameter);
1537 if (strcmp(cip->magic, kLibraryMagic))
1538 return (kErrBadMagic);
1540 if ((dir == NULL) || (dir[0] == '\0')) {
1542 return (kErrInvalidDirParam);
1543 }
1545 result = FTPFileType(cip, dir, &ftype);
1547 result = 0;
1548 if (ftype == 'd')
1549 result = 1;
1550 }
1551 return (result);
1552} /* FTPIsDir */
int FTPFileType(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const file, int *const ftype)
Definition: cmds.c:1475

Referenced by FTPFtw(), FTPFtwL2(), and FTPGetFiles3().

◆ FTPIsRegularFile()

int FTPIsRegularFile ( const FTPCIPtr  cip,
const char *const  file 

Definition at line 1558 of file cmds.c.

1560 int result, ftype;
1562 if (cip == NULL)
1563 return (kErrBadParameter);
1564 if (strcmp(cip->magic, kLibraryMagic))
1565 return (kErrBadMagic);
1567 if ((file == NULL) || (file[0] == '\0')) {
1568 cip->errNo = kErrBadParameter;
1569 return (kErrBadParameter);
1570 }
1572 result = FTPFileType(cip, file, &ftype);
1574 result = 1;
1575 if (ftype == 'd')
1576 result = 0;
1577 }
1578 return (result);
1579} /* FTPIsRegularFile */

◆ FTPList()

int FTPList ( const FTPCIPtr  cip,
const int  outfd,
const int  longMode,
const char *const  lsflag 

Definition at line 174 of file io.c.

176 const char *cmd;
177 char line[512];
178 char secondaryBuf[768];
179#ifndef NO_SIGNALS
180 char *secBufPtr, *secBufLimit;
181 int nread;
182 volatile int result;
183#else /* NO_SIGNALS */
184 SReadlineInfo lsSrl;
185 int result;
186#endif /* NO_SIGNALS */
188 if (cip == NULL)
189 return (kErrBadParameter);
190 if (strcmp(cip->magic, kLibraryMagic))
191 return (kErrBadMagic);
193 cmd = (longMode != 0) ? "LIST" : "NLST";
194 if ((lsflag == NULL) || (lsflag[0] == '\0')) {
196 } else {
197 result = FTPStartDataCmd(cip, kNetReading, kTypeAscii, (longest_int) 0, "%s %s", cmd, lsflag);
198 }
201#ifdef NO_SIGNALS
203 if (result == 0) {
204 if (InitSReadlineInfo(&lsSrl, cip->dataSocket, secondaryBuf, sizeof(secondaryBuf), (int) cip->xferTimeout, 1) < 0) {
205 /* Not really fdopen, but close in what we're trying to do. */
207 cip->errNo = kErrFdopenR;
208 Error(cip, kDoPerror, "Could not fdopen.\n");
209 return (result);
210 }
212 for (;;) {
213 result = SReadline(&lsSrl, line, sizeof(line) - 2);
214 if (result == kTimeoutErr) {
215 /* timeout */
216 Error(cip, kDontPerror, "Could not directory listing data -- timed out.\n");
217 cip->