#include <corecrt.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <sec_api/search_s.h>
Go to the source code of this file.
_Check_return_ void *__cdecl | bsearch (_In_ const void *_Key, _In_reads_bytes_(_NumOfElements *_SizeOfElements) const void *_Base, _In_ size_t _NumOfElements, _In_ size_t _SizeOfElements, _In_ int(__cdecl *_PtFuncCompare)(const void *, const void *)) |
void __cdecl | qsort (_Inout_updates_bytes_(_NumOfElements *_SizeOfElements) void *_Base, _In_ size_t _NumOfElements, _In_ size_t _SizeOfElements, _In_ int(__cdecl *_PtFuncCompare)(const void *, const void *)) |
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP void *__cdecl | _lfind (_In_ const void *_Key, _In_reads_bytes_((*_NumOfElements) *_SizeOfElements) const void *_Base, _Inout_ unsigned int *_NumOfElements, _In_ unsigned int _SizeOfElements, _In_ int(__cdecl *_PtFuncCompare)(const void *, const void *)) |
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP void *__cdecl | _lsearch (_In_ const void *_Key, _Inout_updates_bytes_((*_NumOfElements) *_SizeOfElements) void *_Base, _Inout_ unsigned int *_NumOfElements, _In_ unsigned int _SizeOfElements, _In_ int(__cdecl *_PtFuncCompare)(const void *, const void *)) |
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP void *__cdecl | lfind (_In_ const void *_Key, _In_reads_bytes_((*_NumOfElements) *_SizeOfElements) const void *_Base, _Inout_ unsigned int *_NumOfElements, _In_ unsigned int _SizeOfElements, _In_ int(__cdecl *_PtFuncCompare)(const void *, const void *)) |
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP void *__cdecl | lsearch (_In_ const void *_Key, _Inout_updates_bytes_((*_NumOfElements) *_SizeOfElements) void *_Base, _Inout_ unsigned int *_NumOfElements, _In_ unsigned int _SizeOfElements, _In_ int(__cdecl *_PtFuncCompare)(const void *, const void *)) |
This file has no copyright assigned and is placed in the Public Domain. This file is part of the w64 mingw-runtime package. No warranty is given; refer to the file DISCLAIMER within this package.
Definition at line 18 of file search.h.
◆ _lfind()
◆ _lsearch()
◆ bsearch()
◆ lfind()
◆ lsearch()
◆ qsort()
Referenced by _TIFFMergeFields(), build_huffman_tree(), chmc_entries_qsort(), coff_process_info(), CompleteFilename(), computeBracketPairs(), ConvertCoffs(), ConvertDbgHelp(), ConvertStabs(), CRYPT_DEREncodeItemsAsSet(), CRYPT_DEREncodeSet(), d3dx9_mesh_GenerateAdjacency(), EngSort(), EnumerateGroups(), EnumerateLocalGroups(), EnumerateUsers(), expand_argument_wildcards(), FilterMapper3_EnumMatchingFilters(), FreeUrlCacheSpaceW(), generate_joliet_path_tables(), generate_path_tables(), GeneratePData(), get_constants_desc(), get_dispids(), GetExtendedTcpTable(), GetExtendedUdpTable(), GetIfTable(), GetIpAddrTable(), GetIpForwardTable(), GetIpNetTable(), gl_display_matches(), InitCommandList(), IntEnumFontFamilies(), JapaneseEra_Load(), joliet_sort_directory(), main(), MergeStabsAndCoffs(), MmspSortSegments(), names_sort(), preprocess_dispex_data(), RegFindRecurse(), RegFindWalk(), remap_faces_for_attrsort(), resort_symbols(), RunOnceExInstance::RunOnceExInstance(), RunOnceExSection::RunOnceExSection(), Entry::sort_directory(), sort_directory(), sort_interfaces(), SortBookmarks(), SortFileInfoList(), test_effect_state_manager(), test_sorting(), tinydir_open_sorted(), TRACKBAR_GetTic(), triangulate(), ViewTree_SortAll(), and WHERE_execute().