ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-188-g678aa63
Go to the documentation of this file.
1#define typeof(X_) __typeof_ ## X_
3#ifdef _WIN64
4#define __typeof_uintptr unsigned long long
5#define __typeof_intptr long long
6#define __typeof_longptr long long
8#define __typeof_uintptr unsigned int
9#define __typeof_intptr int
10#define __typeof_longptr long
13#ifdef __cplusplus
14#define __typeof_size size_t
15#define __typeof_wchar wchar_t
17#define __typeof_size __typeof_intptr
18#define __typeof_wchar unsigned short
23struct png_struct_def;
24struct png_color_struct;
30typedef unsigned char (__cdecl typeof(jpeg_start_decompress))(struct jpeg_decompress_struct *);
31typedef unsigned int (__cdecl typeof(jpeg_read_scanlines))(struct jpeg_decompress_struct *, unsigned char **, unsigned int);
40typedef unsigned int (__cdecl typeof(jpeg_write_scanlines))(struct jpeg_compress_struct *, char **, unsigned int);
42typedef void (*png_error_ptr_1)(struct png_struct_def *, const char *);
43typedef void (*png_rw_ptr_1)(struct png_struct_def *, unsigned char *, __typeof_uintptr);
44typedef void (*png_flush_ptr_1)(struct png_struct_def *);
45typedef struct png_info_def* (__cdecl typeof(png_create_info_struct))(struct png_struct_def *);
46typedef struct png_struct_def * (__cdecl typeof(png_create_read_struct))(const char *, void *, png_error_ptr_1, png_error_ptr_1);
47typedef struct png_struct_def *(__cdecl typeof(png_create_write_struct))(const char *, void *, png_error_ptr_1, png_error_ptr_1);
48typedef void (__cdecl typeof(png_destroy_info_struct))(struct png_struct_def *, struct png_info_def **);
49typedef void (__cdecl typeof(png_destroy_read_struct))(struct png_struct_def **, struct png_info_def **, struct png_info_def **);
50typedef void (__cdecl typeof(png_destroy_write_struct))(struct png_struct_def **, struct png_info_def **);
51typedef void (__cdecl typeof(png_error))(struct png_struct_def *, const char *);
52typedef unsigned char (__cdecl typeof(png_get_bit_depth))(const struct png_struct_def *, const struct png_info_def *);
53typedef unsigned char (__cdecl typeof(png_get_color_type))(const struct png_struct_def *, const struct png_info_def *);
54typedef void *(__cdecl typeof(png_get_error_ptr))(const struct png_struct_def *);
55typedef unsigned int (__cdecl typeof(png_get_image_height))(const struct png_struct_def *, const struct png_info_def *);
56typedef unsigned int (__cdecl typeof(png_get_image_width))(const struct png_struct_def *, const struct png_info_def *);
57typedef void *(__cdecl typeof(png_get_io_ptr))(struct png_struct_def *);
58typedef unsigned int (__cdecl typeof(png_get_pHYs))(const struct png_struct_def *, const struct png_info_def *, unsigned int *, unsigned int *, int *);
59typedef unsigned int (__cdecl typeof(png_get_PLTE))(const struct png_struct_def *, const struct png_info_def *, struct png_color_struct **, int *);
60typedef unsigned int (__cdecl typeof(png_get_tRNS))(const struct png_struct_def *, struct png_info_def *, unsigned char **, int *, struct png_color_16_struct **);
61typedef void (__cdecl typeof(png_set_bgr))(struct png_struct_def *);
62typedef void (__cdecl typeof(png_set_error_fn))(struct png_struct_def *, void *, png_error_ptr_1, png_error_ptr_1);
63typedef void (__cdecl typeof(png_set_expand_gray_1_2_4_to_8))(struct png_struct_def *);
64typedef void (__cdecl typeof(png_set_filler))(struct png_struct_def *, unsigned int, int);
65typedef int (__cdecl typeof(png_set_interlace_handling))(struct png_struct_def *);
66typedef void (__cdecl typeof(png_set_gray_to_rgb))(struct png_struct_def *);
67typedef void (__cdecl typeof(png_set_IHDR))(struct png_struct_def *, struct png_info_def *, unsigned int, unsigned int, int, int, int, int, int);
68typedef void (__cdecl typeof(png_set_pHYs))(struct png_struct_def *, struct png_info_def *, unsigned int, unsigned int, int);
69typedef void (__cdecl typeof(png_set_read_fn))(struct png_struct_def *, void *, png_rw_ptr_1);
70typedef void (__cdecl typeof(png_set_strip_16))(struct png_struct_def *);
71typedef void (__cdecl typeof(png_set_tRNS_to_alpha))(struct png_struct_def *);
72typedef void (__cdecl typeof(png_set_write_fn))(struct png_struct_def *, void *, png_rw_ptr_1, png_flush_ptr_1);
73typedef void (__cdecl typeof(png_read_end))(struct png_struct_def *, struct png_info_def *);
74typedef void (__cdecl typeof(png_read_image))(struct png_struct_def *, unsigned char **);
75typedef void (__cdecl typeof(png_read_info))(struct png_struct_def *, struct png_info_def *);
76typedef void (__cdecl typeof(png_write_end))(struct png_struct_def *, struct png_info_def *);
77typedef void (__cdecl typeof(png_write_info))(struct png_struct_def *, struct png_info_def *);
78typedef void (__cdecl typeof(png_write_rows))(struct png_struct_def *, unsigned char **row, unsigned int);
79typedef unsigned int (__cdecl typeof(png_get_iCCP))(struct png_struct_def *, struct png_info_def *, char **, int *, char **, unsigned int *);
80typedef void (__cdecl typeof(png_set_crc_action))(struct png_struct_def *, int, int);
81typedef void (__cdecl typeof(png_set_PLTE))(struct png_struct_def *, struct png_info_def *, const struct png_color_struct *, int);
82typedef void (__cdecl typeof(png_set_tRNS))(struct png_struct_def *, struct png_info_def *, const unsigned char *, int, const struct png_color_16_struct *);
83typedef void (__cdecl typeof(png_set_filter))(struct png_struct_def *, int, int);
84typedef void (__cdecl typeof(png_set_swap))(struct png_struct_def *);
85typedef void *thandle_t_1;
87typedef unsigned int (*TIFFSeekProc_1)(void *, unsigned int, int);
89typedef unsigned int (*TIFFSizeProc_1)(thandle_t_1);
90typedef int (*TIFFMapFileProc_1)(thandle_t_1, void **, unsigned int *);
91typedef void (*TIFFUnmapFileProc_1)(thandle_t_1, void *, unsigned int);
93typedef void (__cdecl typeof(TIFFClose))(struct tiff *);
94typedef unsigned short (__cdecl typeof(TIFFCurrentDirectory))(struct tiff *);
95typedef int (__cdecl typeof(TIFFGetField))(struct tiff *, unsigned int, ...);
96typedef int (__cdecl typeof(TIFFReadDirectory))(struct tiff *);
97typedef int (__cdecl typeof(TIFFReadEncodedStrip))(struct tiff *, unsigned int, void *, int);
98typedef int (__cdecl typeof(TIFFSetDirectory))(struct tiff *, unsigned short);
99typedef unsigned int (__cdecl typeof(TIFFCurrentDirOffset))(struct tiff *);
101typedef unsigned short (__cdecl typeof(TIFFNumberOfDirectories))(struct tiff *);
102typedef long (__cdecl typeof(TIFFReadEncodedTile))(struct tiff *, unsigned long, void *, long);
103typedef int (__cdecl typeof(TIFFSetField))(struct tiff *, unsigned long, ...);
104typedef int (__cdecl typeof(TIFFWriteDirectory))(struct tiff *);
105typedef int (__cdecl typeof(TIFFWriteScanline))(struct tiff *, void *, unsigned long, unsigned short);
107#undef __typeof_intptr
108#undef __typeof_longptr
109#undef __typeof_wchar
110#undef __typeof_size
112/* EOF */
#define __cdecl
Definition: accygwin.h:79
struct png_info_def *typedef unsigned char **typedef struct png_info_def *typedef struct png_info_def *typedef struct png_info_def *typedef unsigned char ** row
Definition: typeof.h:78
struct png_info_def **typedef void(__cdecl typeof(png_destroy_read_struct))(struct png_struct_def **
Definition: typeof.h:49
#define __typeof_size
Definition: typeof.h:17
unsigned int(* TIFFSeekProc_1)(void *, unsigned int, int)
Definition: typeof.h:87
void(* png_flush_ptr_1)(struct png_struct_def *)
Definition: typeof.h:44
unsigned int(__cdecl typeof(jpeg_read_scanlines))(struct jpeg_decompress_struct *
Definition: typeof.h:31
unsigned char
Definition: typeof.h:29
void * thandle_t_1
Definition: typeof.h:85
int(* TIFFMapFileProc_1)(thandle_t_1, void **, unsigned int *)
Definition: typeof.h:90
int(* TIFFCloseProc_1)(thandle_t_1)
Definition: typeof.h:88
void(* png_rw_ptr_1)(struct png_struct_def *, unsigned char *, __typeof_uintptr)
Definition: typeof.h:43
void(* png_error_ptr_1)(struct png_struct_def *, const char *)
Definition: typeof.h:42
unsigned int(* TIFFSizeProc_1)(thandle_t_1)
Definition: typeof.h:89
#define typeof(X_)
Definition: typeof.h:1
__typeof_intptr(* TIFFReadWriteProc_1)(thandle_t_1, void *, __typeof_intptr)
Definition: typeof.h:86
void(* TIFFUnmapFileProc_1)(thandle_t_1, void *, unsigned int)
Definition: typeof.h:91
unsigned long
Definition: typeof.h:102
unsigned short(__cdecl typeof(TIFFCurrentDirectory))(struct tiff *)
Definition: typeof.h:94
#define __typeof_intptr
Definition: typeof.h:9
#define __typeof_uintptr
Definition: typeof.h:8
jpeg_destroy_compress(j_compress_ptr cinfo)
Definition: jcapimin.c:96
jpeg_finish_compress(j_compress_ptr cinfo)
Definition: jcapimin.c:155
jpeg_CreateCompress(j_compress_ptr cinfo, int version, size_t structsize)
Definition: jcapimin.c:31
jpeg_write_scanlines(j_compress_ptr cinfo, JSAMPARRAY scanlines, JDIMENSION num_lines)
Definition: jcapistd.c:78
jpeg_start_compress(j_compress_ptr cinfo, boolean write_all_tables)
Definition: jcapistd.c:39
jpeg_set_defaults(j_compress_ptr cinfo)
Definition: jcparam.c:196
jpeg_CreateDecompress(j_decompress_ptr cinfo, int version, size_t structsize)
Definition: jdapimin.c:31
jpeg_destroy_decompress(j_decompress_ptr cinfo)
Definition: jdapimin.c:92
jpeg_finish_decompress(j_decompress_ptr cinfo)
Definition: jdapimin.c:373
jpeg_read_header(j_decompress_ptr cinfo, boolean require_image)
Definition: jdapimin.c:245
jpeg_read_scanlines(j_decompress_ptr cinfo, JSAMPARRAY scanlines, JDIMENSION max_lines)
Definition: jdapistd.c:153
jpeg_resync_to_restart(j_decompress_ptr cinfo, int desired)
Definition: jdmarker.c:1338
jpeg_std_error(struct jpeg_error_mgr *err)
Definition: jerror.c:232
png_voidp PNGAPI png_get_io_ptr(png_const_structrp png_ptr)
Definition: png.c:686
Definition: tiffiop.h:115
void TIFFClose(TIFF *tif)
Definition: tif_close.c:122
uint64 TIFFCurrentDirOffset(TIFF *tif)
Definition: tif_dir.c:1666
int TIFFSetField(TIFF *tif, uint32 tag,...)
Definition: tif_dir.c:807
int TIFFGetField(TIFF *tif, uint32 tag,...)
Definition: tif_dir.c:1232
int TIFFSetDirectory(TIFF *tif, uint16 dirn)
Definition: tif_dir.c:1617
uint16 TIFFNumberOfDirectories(TIFF *tif)
Definition: tif_dir.c:1586
int TIFFReadDirectory(TIFF *tif)
Definition: tif_dirread.c:3574
int TIFFWriteDirectory(TIFF *tif)
Definition: tif_dirwrite.c:180
TIFF * TIFFClientOpen(const char *name, const char *mode, thandle_t clientdata, TIFFReadWriteProc readproc, TIFFReadWriteProc writeproc, TIFFSeekProc seekproc, TIFFCloseProc closeproc, TIFFSizeProc sizeproc, TIFFMapFileProc mapproc, TIFFUnmapFileProc unmapproc)
Definition: tif_open.c:71
uint16 TIFFCurrentDirectory(TIFF *tif)
Definition: tif_open.c:612
int TIFFIsByteSwapped(TIFF *tif)
Definition: tif_open.c:639
tmsize_t TIFFReadEncodedStrip(TIFF *tif, uint32 strip, void *buf, tmsize_t size)
Definition: tif_read.c:527
tmsize_t TIFFReadEncodedTile(TIFF *tif, uint32 tile, void *buf, tmsize_t size)
Definition: tif_read.c:978
int TIFFWriteScanline(TIFF *tif, void *buf, uint32 row, uint16 sample)
Definition: tif_write.c:47