ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-752-g47bae01
stdlib.h File Reference
#include <corecrt.h>
#include <corecrt_malloc.h>
#include <corecrt_search.h>
#include <corecrt_wstdlib.h>
#include <limits.h>
Include dependency graph for stdlib.h:

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  _div_t
struct  _ldiv_t
struct  _lldiv_t
struct  _LDOUBLE
struct  _CRT_DOUBLE
struct  _CRT_FLOAT
struct  _LDBL12


#define _INC_STDLIB
#define _countof   __crt_countof
#define __max(a, b)   (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define __min(a, b)   (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define EXIT_SUCCESS   0
#define EXIT_FAILURE   1
#define _WRITE_ABORT_MSG   0x1
#define _CALL_REPORTFAULT   0x2
#define _OUT_TO_DEFAULT   0
#define _OUT_TO_STDERR   1
#define _OUT_TO_MSGBOX   2
#define _REPORT_ERRMODE   3
#define _pgmptr   (*__p__pgmptr ())
#define _wpgmptr   (*__p__wpgmptr())
#define _fmode   (*__p__fmode ())
#define RAND_MAX   0x7fff
#define _PTR_LD(x)   ((unsigned char*)(&(x)->ld))
#define _CVTBUFSIZE   (309 + 40)
#define MB_CUR_MAX   ___mb_cur_max_func()
#define __mb_cur_max   (___mb_cur_max_func())
#define _MAX_PATH   260
#define _MAX_DRIVE   3
#define _MAX_DIR   256
#define _MAX_FNAME   256
#define _MAX_EXT   256
#define __argc   (*__p___argc())
#define __argv   (*__p___argv())
#define __wargv   (*__p___wargv())
#define _environ   (*__p__environ())
#define _wenviron   (*__p__wenviron())
#define _MAX_ENV   32767


typedef int(__CRTDECL_onexit_t) (void)
typedef void(__cdecl_purecall_handler) (void)
typedef void(__cdecl_invalid_parameter_handler) (wchar_t const *, wchar_t const *, wchar_t const *, unsigned int, uintptr_t)
typedef struct _div_t div_t
typedef struct _ldiv_t ldiv_t
typedef struct _lldiv_t lldiv_t


_ACRTIMP void __cdecl _swab (_Inout_updates_(_SizeInBytes) _Post_readable_size_(_SizeInBytes) char *_Buf1, _Inout_updates_(_SizeInBytes) _Post_readable_size_(_SizeInBytes) char *_Buf2, _In_ int _SizeInBytes)
_ACRTIMP unsigned int __cdecl _set_abort_behavior (_In_ unsigned int _Flags, _In_ unsigned int _Mask)
int __cdecl atexit (void(__cdecl *)(void))
_onexit_t __cdecl _onexit (_In_opt_ _onexit_t _Func)
int __cdecl at_quick_exit (void(__cdecl *)(void))
_VCRTIMP _purecall_handler __cdecl _set_purecall_handler (_In_opt_ _purecall_handler _Handler)
_VCRTIMP _purecall_handler __cdecl _get_purecall_handler (void)
_ACRTIMP _invalid_parameter_handler __cdecl _set_invalid_parameter_handler (_In_opt_ _invalid_parameter_handler _Handler)
_ACRTIMP _invalid_parameter_handler __cdecl _get_invalid_parameter_handler (void)
_ACRTIMP _invalid_parameter_handler __cdecl _set_thread_local_invalid_parameter_handler (_In_opt_ _invalid_parameter_handler _Handler)
_ACRTIMP _invalid_parameter_handler __cdecl _get_thread_local_invalid_parameter_handler (void)
_Check_return_opt_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _set_error_mode (_In_ int _Mode)
 _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE_GLOBALS (_get_pgmptr) _ACRTIMP char **__cdecl __p__pgmptr(void)
 _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE_GLOBALS (_get_wpgmptr) _ACRTIMP wchar_t **__cdecl __p__wpgmptr(void)
 _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE_GLOBALS (_get_fmode) _ACRTIMP int *__cdecl __p__fmode(void)
 _Success_ (return==0) _ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _get_pgmptr(_Outptr_result_z_ char **_Value)
 Deletes the virtual mapping and optionally gives back the page & dirty bit.
_ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _set_fmode (_In_ int _Mode)
_ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _get_fmode (_Out_ int *_PMode)
_Check_return_ int __cdecl abs (_In_ int _Number)
_Check_return_ long __cdecl labs (_In_ long _Number)
_Check_return_ long long __cdecl llabs (_In_ long long _Number)
_Check_return_ __int64 __cdecl _abs64 (_In_ __int64 _Number)
_Check_return_ unsigned short __cdecl _byteswap_ushort (_In_ unsigned short _Number)
_Check_return_ unsigned long __cdecl _byteswap_ulong (_In_ unsigned long _Number)
_Check_return_ unsigned __int64 __cdecl _byteswap_uint64 (_In_ unsigned __int64 _Number)
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP div_t __cdecl div (_In_ int _Numerator, _In_ int _Denominator)
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP ldiv_t __cdecl ldiv (_In_ long _Numerator, _In_ long _Denominator)
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP lldiv_t __cdecl lldiv (_In_ long long _Numerator, _In_ long long _Denominator)
unsigned int __cdecl _rotl (_In_ unsigned int _Value, _In_ int _Shift)
_Check_return_ unsigned long __cdecl _lrotl (_In_ unsigned long _Value, _In_ int _Shift)
unsigned __int64 __cdecl _rotl64 (_In_ unsigned __int64 _Value, _In_ int _Shift)
unsigned int __cdecl _rotr (_In_ unsigned int _Value, _In_ int _Shift)
_Check_return_ unsigned long __cdecl _lrotr (_In_ unsigned long _Value, _In_ int _Shift)
unsigned __int64 __cdecl _rotr64 (_In_ unsigned __int64 _Value, _In_ int _Shift)
_ACRTIMP void __cdecl srand (_In_ unsigned int _Seed)
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl rand (void)
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl atof (_In_z_ char const *_String)
_Check_return_ _CRT_JIT_INTRINSIC _ACRTIMP int __cdecl atoi (_In_z_ char const *_String)
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long __cdecl atol (_In_z_ char const *_String)
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long long __cdecl atoll (_In_z_ char const *_String)
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP __int64 __cdecl _atoi64 (_In_z_ char const *_String)
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl _atof_l (_In_z_ char const *_String, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _atoi_l (_In_z_ char const *_String, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long __cdecl _atol_l (_In_z_ char const *_String, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long long __cdecl _atoll_l (_In_z_ char const *_String, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP __int64 __cdecl _atoi64_l (_In_z_ char const *_String, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _atoflt (_Out_ _CRT_FLOAT *_Result, _In_z_ char const *_String)
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _atodbl (_Out_ _CRT_DOUBLE *_Result, _In_z_ char *_String)
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _atoldbl (_Out_ _LDOUBLE *_Result, _In_z_ char *_String)
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _atoflt_l (_Out_ _CRT_FLOAT *_Result, _In_z_ char const *_String, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _atodbl_l (_Out_ _CRT_DOUBLE *_Result, _In_z_ char *_String, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _atoldbl_l (_Out_ _LDOUBLE *_Result, _In_z_ char *_String, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl strtof (_In_z_ char const *_String, _Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ char **_EndPtr)
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl _strtof_l (_In_z_ char const *_String, _Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ char **_EndPtr, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl strtod (_In_z_ char const *_String, _Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ char **_EndPtr)
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl _strtod_l (_In_z_ char const *_String, _Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ char **_EndPtr, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long double __cdecl strtold (_In_z_ char const *_String, _Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ char **_EndPtr)
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long double __cdecl _strtold_l (_In_z_ char const *_String, _Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ char **_EndPtr, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long __cdecl strtol (_In_z_ char const *_String, _Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ char **_EndPtr, _In_ int _Radix)
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long __cdecl _strtol_l (_In_z_ char const *_String, _Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ char **_EndPtr, _In_ int _Radix, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long long __cdecl strtoll (_In_z_ char const *_String, _Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ char **_EndPtr, _In_ int _Radix)
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long long __cdecl _strtoll_l (_In_z_ char const *_String, _Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ char **_EndPtr, _In_ int _Radix, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP unsigned long __cdecl strtoul (_In_z_ char const *_String, _Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ char **_EndPtr, _In_ int _Radix)
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP unsigned long __cdecl _strtoul_l (_In_z_ char const *_String, _Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ char **_EndPtr, _In_ int _Radix, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP unsigned long long __cdecl strtoull (_In_z_ char const *_String, _Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ char **_EndPtr, _In_ int _Radix)
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP unsigned long long __cdecl _strtoull_l (_In_z_ char const *_String, _Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ char **_EndPtr, _In_ int _Radix, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP __int64 __cdecl _strtoi64 (_In_z_ char const *_String, _Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ char **_EndPtr, _In_ int _Radix)
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP __int64 __cdecl _strtoi64_l (_In_z_ char const *_String, _Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ char **_EndPtr, _In_ int _Radix, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP unsigned __int64 __cdecl _strtoui64 (_In_z_ char const *_String, _Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ char **_EndPtr, _In_ int _Radix)
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP unsigned __int64 __cdecl _strtoui64_l (_In_z_ char const *_String, _Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ char **_EndPtr, _In_ int _Radix, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
 _Out_writes_z_ (_BufferCount) char *_Buffer
 __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_1_1 (_Success_(return==0) errno_t, _itoa_s, _In_ int, _Value, char, _Buffer, _In_ int, _Radix) __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_1_1(char *
 __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_1_1 (errno_t, _ltoa_s, _In_ long, _Value, char, _Buffer, _In_ int, _Radix) __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_1_1(char *
 __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_1_1 (errno_t, _ultoa_s, _In_ unsigned long, _Value, char, _Buffer, _In_ int, _Radix) __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_1_1(char *
_ACRTIMP char *__cdecl _ui64toa (_In_ unsigned __int64 _Value, _Pre_notnull_ _Post_z_ char *_Buffer, _In_ int _Radix)
 __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_0_4 (errno_t, _ecvt_s, char, _Buffer, _In_ double, _Value, _In_ int, _DigitCount, _Out_ int *, _PtDec, _Out_ int *, _PtSign) _Check_return_ _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_ecvt_s) _ACRTIMP char *__cdecl _ecvt(_In_ double _Value
 __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_0_4 (_Success_(return==0) errno_t, _fcvt_s, char, _Buffer, _In_ double, _Value, _In_ int, _FractionalDigitCount, _Out_ int *, _PtDec, _Out_ int *, _PtSign) _Success_(return
 __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_0_2 (_Success_(return==0) errno_t, _gcvt_s, char, _Buffer, _In_ double, _Value, _In_ int, _DigitCount) _ACRTIMP char *__cdecl _gcvt(_In_ double _Value
 _Post_satisfies_ (return > 0 &&return< MB_LEN_MAX) _ACRTIMP int __cdecl ___mb_cur_max_func(void)
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl mblen (_In_reads_bytes_opt_(_MaxCount) _Pre_opt_z_ char const *_Ch, _In_ size_t _MaxCount)
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _mblen_l (_In_reads_bytes_opt_(_MaxCount) _Pre_opt_z_ char const *_Ch, _In_ size_t _MaxCount, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
_Check_return_ _Post_satisfies_ (return<=_String_length_(_String)) _ACRTIMP size_t __cdecl _mbstrlen(_In_z_ char const *_String)
_Check_return_ _Post_satisfies_ (return<=_String_length_(_String)||return==(size_t) -1) _ACRTIMP size_t __cdecl _mbstrlen_l(_In_z_ char const *_String
_Check_return_ _Post_satisfies_ ((return<=_String_length_(_String) &&return<=_MaxCount)||return==(size_t) -1) _ACRTIMP size_t __cdecl _mbstrnlen(_In_z_ char const *_String
 _Success_ (return !=-1) _ACRTIMP int __cdecl mbtowc(_Pre_notnull_ _Post_z_ wchar_t *_DstCh
 _In_reads_or_z_opt_ (_SrcSizeInBytes) char const *_SrcCh
_Check_return_opt_ _ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl mbstowcs_s (_Out_opt_ size_t *_PtNumOfCharConverted, _Out_writes_to_opt_(_SizeInWords, *_PtNumOfCharConverted) wchar_t *_DstBuf, _In_ size_t _SizeInWords, _In_reads_or_z_(_MaxCount) char const *_SrcBuf, _In_ size_t _MaxCount)
 __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_1_2 (errno_t, mbstowcs_s, _Out_opt_ size_t *, _PtNumOfCharConverted, _Post_z_ wchar_t, _Dest, _In_z_ char const *, _Source, _In_ size_t, _MaxCount) __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_0_2_SIZE(_ACRTIMP
 _Out_writes_opt_z_ (_MaxCount)
_In_z_ char const _In_ _MaxCount _Check_return_opt_ _ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _mbstowcs_s_l (_Out_opt_ size_t *_PtNumOfCharConverted, _Out_writes_to_opt_(_SizeInWords, *_PtNumOfCharConverted) wchar_t *_DstBuf, _In_ size_t _SizeInWords, _In_reads_or_z_(_MaxCount) char const *_SrcBuf, _In_ size_t _MaxCount, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
 __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_1_3 (errno_t, _mbstowcs_s_l, _Out_opt_ size_t *, _PtNumOfCharConverted, _Post_z_ wchar_t, _Dest, _In_z_ char const *, _Source, _In_ size_t, _MaxCount, _In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale) __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_0_3_SIZE_EX(_ACRTIMP
 _Out_writes_opt_z_ (_Size) wchar_t
 _Out_writes_z_ (_MaxCount)
_In_z_ char const _In_ _In_opt_ _Locale _ACRTIMP int __cdecl wctomb (_Out_writes_opt_z_(MB_LEN_MAX) char *_MbCh, _In_ wchar_t _WCh)
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _wctomb_l (_Pre_maybenull_ _Post_z_ char *_MbCh, _In_ wchar_t _WCh, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
_Check_return_wat_ _ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _wctomb_s_l (_Out_opt_ int *_SizeConverted, _Out_writes_opt_z_(_SizeInBytes) char *_MbCh, _In_ size_t _SizeInBytes, _In_ wchar_t _WCh, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
_Check_return_wat_ _ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl wcstombs_s (_Out_opt_ size_t *_PtNumOfCharConverted, _Out_writes_bytes_to_opt_(_DstSizeInBytes, *_PtNumOfCharConverted) char *_Dst, _In_ size_t _DstSizeInBytes, _In_z_ wchar_t const *_Src, _In_ size_t _MaxCountInBytes)
 __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_1_2 (errno_t, wcstombs_s, _Out_opt_ size_t *, _PtNumOfCharConverted, _Out_writes_bytes_opt_(_Size) char, _Dest, _In_z_ wchar_t const *, _Source, _In_ size_t, _MaxCount) __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_0_2_SIZE(_ACRTIMP
 _Out_writes_opt_ (_MaxCount)
_In_z_ wchar_t const _In_ _MaxCount _Check_return_wat_ _ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _wcstombs_s_l (_Out_opt_ size_t *_PtNumOfCharConverted, _Out_writes_bytes_to_opt_(_DstSizeInBytes, *_PtNumOfCharConverted) char *_Dst, _In_ size_t _DstSizeInBytes, _In_z_ wchar_t const *_Src, _In_ size_t _MaxCountInBytes, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
 __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_1_3 (errno_t, _wcstombs_s_l, _Out_opt_ size_t *, _PtNumOfCharConverted, _Out_writes_opt_(_Size) char, _Dest, _In_z_ wchar_t const *, _Source, _In_ size_t, _MaxCount, _In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale) __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_0_3_SIZE_EX(_ACRTIMP
 _Out_writes_ (_MaxCount)
_Check_return_wat_ _ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _makepath_s (_Out_writes_z_(_BufferCount) char *_Buffer, _In_ size_t _BufferCount, _In_opt_z_ char const *_Drive, _In_opt_z_ char const *_Dir, _In_opt_z_ char const *_Filename, _In_opt_z_ char const *_Ext)
 __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_0_4 (errno_t, _makepath_s, char, _Buffer, _In_opt_z_ char const *, _Drive, _In_opt_z_ char const *, _Dir, _In_opt_z_ char const *, _Filename, _In_opt_z_ char const *, _Ext) __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_0_4(void
_Pre_notnull_ _In_opt_z_ char const _In_opt_z_ char const _In_opt_z_ char const _In_opt_z_ char const _Ext _ACRTIMP void __cdecl _splitpath (_In_z_ char const *_FullPath, _Pre_maybenull_ _Post_z_ char *_Drive, _Pre_maybenull_ _Post_z_ char *_Dir, _Pre_maybenull_ _Post_z_ char *_Filename, _Pre_maybenull_ _Post_z_ char *_Ext)
_Check_return_wat_ _ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _splitpath_s (_In_z_ char const *_FullPath, _Out_writes_opt_z_(_DriveCount) char *_Drive, _In_ size_t _DriveCount, _Out_writes_opt_z_(_DirCount) char *_Dir, _In_ size_t _DirCount, _Out_writes_opt_z_(_FilenameCount) char *_Filename, _In_ size_t _FilenameCount, _Out_writes_opt_z_(_ExtCount) char *_Ext, _In_ size_t _ExtCount)
_ACRTIMP int *__cdecl __p___argc (void)
_ACRTIMP char ***__cdecl __p___argv (void)
_ACRTIMP wchar_t ***__cdecl __p___wargv (void)
_DCRTIMP char ***__cdecl __p__environ (void)
_DCRTIMP wchar_t ***__cdecl __p__wenviron (void)


_In_ size_t _BufferCount
_In_ size_t _In_ int _Radix
_In_ int
_In_ _Value
_In_ _Pre_notnull_ _Post_z_
_In_ _Pre_notnull_ char
_In_ _Pre_notnull_ _Buffer
_In_ long
_In_ size_t _In_ double _In_ int _DigitCount
_In_ size_t _In_ double _In_ int _Out_ int_PtDec
_In_ size_t _In_ double _In_ int _Out_ int _Out_ int_PtSign
_In_ size_t _In_ double _In_ int _FractionalDigitCount
_Check_return_ _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale
_Check_return_ _In_ size_t _MaxCount
_In_ size_t _SrcSizeInBytes
_In_z_ char const _Source
_In_z_ char const _In_ size_t
_In_z_ char const _In_ _In_opt_ _locale_t
_In_z_ char const_Path
_Pre_notnull_ _In_opt_z_ char const _Drive
_Pre_notnull_ _In_opt_z_ char const _In_opt_z_ char const _Dir
_Pre_notnull_ _In_opt_z_ char const _In_opt_z_ char const _In_opt_z_ char const _Filename

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ __argc

#define __argc   (*__p___argc())

Definition at line 1153 of file stdlib.h.

◆ __argv

#define __argv   (*__p___argv())

Definition at line 1154 of file stdlib.h.

◆ __max

#define __max (   a,
)    (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))

Definition at line 33 of file stdlib.h.

◆ __mb_cur_max

#define __mb_cur_max   (___mb_cur_max_func())

Definition at line 839 of file stdlib.h.

◆ __min

#define __min (   a,
)    (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))

Definition at line 34 of file stdlib.h.

◆ __wargv

#define __wargv   (*__p___wargv())

Definition at line 1155 of file stdlib.h.


#define _CALL_REPORTFAULT   0x2

Definition at line 65 of file stdlib.h.

◆ _countof

#define _countof   __crt_countof

Definition at line 27 of file stdlib.h.



Definition at line 390 of file stdlib.h.



Definition at line 75 of file stdlib.h.



Definition at line 1162 of file stdlib.h.


#define _CVTBUFSIZE   (309 + 40)

Definition at line 737 of file stdlib.h.

◆ _environ

#define _environ   (*__p__environ())

Definition at line 1171 of file stdlib.h.

◆ _fmode

#define _fmode   (*__p__fmode ())

Definition at line 255 of file stdlib.h.


#define _INC_STDLIB

Definition at line 10 of file stdlib.h.


#define _MAX_DIR   256

Definition at line 1058 of file stdlib.h.


#define _MAX_DRIVE   3

Definition at line 1057 of file stdlib.h.


#define _MAX_ENV   32767

Definition at line 1178 of file stdlib.h.


#define _MAX_EXT   256

Definition at line 1060 of file stdlib.h.


#define _MAX_FNAME   256

Definition at line 1059 of file stdlib.h.


#define _MAX_PATH   260

Definition at line 1056 of file stdlib.h.


#define _OUT_TO_DEFAULT   0

Definition at line 207 of file stdlib.h.


#define _OUT_TO_MSGBOX   2

Definition at line 209 of file stdlib.h.


#define _OUT_TO_STDERR   1

Definition at line 208 of file stdlib.h.

◆ _pgmptr

#define _pgmptr   (*__p__pgmptr ())

Definition at line 253 of file stdlib.h.


#define _PTR_LD (   x)    ((unsigned char*)(&(x)->ld))

Definition at line 401 of file stdlib.h.


#define _REPORT_ERRMODE   3

Definition at line 210 of file stdlib.h.

◆ _wenviron

#define _wenviron   (*__p__wenviron())

Definition at line 1172 of file stdlib.h.

◆ _wpgmptr

#define _wpgmptr   (*__p__wpgmptr())

Definition at line 254 of file stdlib.h.


#define _WRITE_ABORT_MSG   0x1

Definition at line 64 of file stdlib.h.


#define EXIT_FAILURE   1

Definition at line 53 of file stdlib.h.


#define EXIT_SUCCESS   0

Definition at line 52 of file stdlib.h.


#define MB_CUR_MAX   ___mb_cur_max_func()

Definition at line 833 of file stdlib.h.


#define RAND_MAX   0x7fff

Definition at line 348 of file stdlib.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ _invalid_parameter_handler

typedef void(__cdecl * _invalid_parameter_handler) (wchar_t const *, wchar_t const *, wchar_t const *, unsigned int, uintptr_t)

Definition at line 162 of file stdlib.h.

◆ _onexit_t

typedef int(__CRTDECL * _onexit_t) (void)

Definition at line 77 of file stdlib.h.

◆ _purecall_handler

typedef void(__cdecl * _purecall_handler) (void)

Definition at line 159 of file stdlib.h.

◆ div_t

typedef struct _div_t div_t

◆ ldiv_t

◆ lldiv_t

Function Documentation


__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_0_2 ( _Success_(return==0)  errno_t,
_gcvt_s  ,
char  ,
_Buffer  ,
_In_ double  ,
_Value  ,
_In_ int  ,


__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_0_4 ( _Success_(return==0)  errno_t,
_fcvt_s  ,
char  ,
_Buffer  ,
_In_ double  ,
_Value  ,
_In_ int  ,
_FractionalDigitCount  ,
_Out_ int ,
_PtDec  ,
_Out_ int ,


_ecvt_s  ,
char  ,
_Buffer  ,
_In_ double  ,
_Value  ,
_In_ int  ,
_DigitCount  ,
_Out_ int ,
_PtDec  ,
_Out_ int ,


_makepath_s  ,
char  ,
_Buffer  ,
_In_opt_z_ char const ,
_Drive  ,
_In_opt_z_ char const ,
_Dir  ,
_In_opt_z_ char const ,
_Filename  ,
_In_opt_z_ char const ,


__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_1_1 ( _Success_(return==0)  errno_t,
_itoa_s  ,
_In_ int  ,
_Value  ,
char  ,
_Buffer  ,
_In_ int  ,


_ltoa_s  ,
_In_ long  ,
_Value  ,
char  ,
_Buffer  ,
_In_ int  ,


_ultoa_s  ,
_In_ unsigned long  ,
_Value  ,
char  ,
_Buffer  ,
_In_ int  ,


mbstowcs_s  ,
_Out_opt_ size_t ,
_PtNumOfCharConverted  ,
_Post_z_ wchar_t  ,
_Dest  ,
_In_z_ char const ,
_Source  ,
_In_  size_t,


wcstombs_s  ,
_Out_opt_ size_t ,
_PtNumOfCharConverted  ,
_Out_writes_bytes_opt_(_Size) char  ,
_Dest  ,
_In_z_ wchar_t const ,
_Source  ,
_In_  size_t,


_mbstowcs_s_l  ,
_Out_opt_ size_t ,
_PtNumOfCharConverted  ,
_Post_z_ wchar_t  ,
_Dest  ,
_In_z_ char const ,
_Source  ,
_In_  size_t,
_MaxCount  ,
_In_opt_  _locale_t,


_wcstombs_s_l  ,
_Out_opt_ size_t ,
_PtNumOfCharConverted  ,
_Out_writes_opt_(_Size) char  ,
_Dest  ,
_In_z_ wchar_t const ,
_Source  ,
_In_  size_t,
_MaxCount  ,
_In_opt_  _locale_t,

◆ __p___argc()

_ACRTIMP int *__cdecl __p___argc ( void  )

Definition at line 475 of file getargs.c.

477 return &__argc;
int __argc
Definition: getargs.c:21

◆ __p___argv()

_ACRTIMP char ***__cdecl __p___argv ( void  )

Definition at line 483 of file getargs.c.

485 return &__argv;
char ** __argv
Definition: getargs.c:18

◆ __p___wargv()

_ACRTIMP wchar_t ***__cdecl __p___wargv ( void  )

Definition at line 491 of file getargs.c.

493 return &__wargv;
wchar_t ** __wargv
Definition: getargs.c:20

◆ __p__environ()

_DCRTIMP char ***__cdecl __p__environ ( void  )

Definition at line 384 of file environ.c.

386 return &_environ;
char ** _environ
Definition: environ.c:22

◆ __p__wenviron()

_DCRTIMP wchar_t ***__cdecl __p__wenviron ( void  )

Definition at line 392 of file environ.c.

394 return &_wenviron;
wchar_t ** _wenviron
Definition: environ.c:23

◆ _abs64()

_Check_return_ __int64 __cdecl _abs64 ( _In_ __int64  _Number)

◆ _atodbl()

_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _atodbl ( _Out_ _CRT_DOUBLE _Result,
_In_z_ char _String 

◆ _atodbl_l()

_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _atodbl_l ( _Out_ _CRT_DOUBLE _Result,
_In_z_ char _String,
_In_opt_ _locale_t  _Locale 

◆ _atof_l()

_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl _atof_l ( _In_z_ char const _String,
_In_opt_ _locale_t  _Locale 

◆ _atoflt()

_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _atoflt ( _Out_ _CRT_FLOAT _Result,
_In_z_ char const _String 

◆ _atoflt_l()

_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _atoflt_l ( _Out_ _CRT_FLOAT _Result,
_In_z_ char const _String,
_In_opt_ _locale_t  _Locale 

◆ _atoi64()

◆ _atoi64_l()

_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP __int64 __cdecl _atoi64_l ( _In_z_ char const _String,
_In_opt_ _locale_t  _Locale 

◆ _atoi_l()

_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _atoi_l ( _In_z_ char const _String,
_In_opt_ _locale_t  _Locale 

◆ _atol_l()

_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long __cdecl _atol_l ( _In_z_ char const _String,
_In_opt_ _locale_t  _Locale 

◆ _atoldbl()

_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _atoldbl ( _Out_ _LDOUBLE _Result,
_In_z_ char _String 

◆ _atoldbl_l()

_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _atoldbl_l ( _Out_ _LDOUBLE _Result,
_In_z_ char _String,
_In_opt_ _locale_t  _Locale 

◆ _atoll_l()

_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long long __cdecl _atoll_l ( _In_z_ char const _String,
_In_opt_ _locale_t  _Locale 

◆ _byteswap_uint64()

_Check_return_ unsigned __int64 __cdecl _byteswap_uint64 ( _In_ unsigned __int64  _Number)

Referenced by RtlUlonglongByteSwap().

◆ _byteswap_ulong()

_Check_return_ unsigned long __cdecl _byteswap_ulong ( _In_ unsigned long  _Number)

◆ _byteswap_ushort()

_Check_return_ unsigned short __cdecl _byteswap_ushort ( _In_ unsigned short  _Number)







◆ _get_fmode()

_ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _get_fmode ( _Out_ int _PMode)

◆ _get_invalid_parameter_handler()

_ACRTIMP _invalid_parameter_handler __cdecl _get_invalid_parameter_handler ( void  )

Definition at line 36 of file _invalid_parameter.c.

38 TRACE("\n");
static _invalid_parameter_handler invalid_parameter_handler
#define TRACE(s)
Definition: solgame.cpp:4

◆ _get_purecall_handler()

_VCRTIMP _purecall_handler __cdecl _get_purecall_handler ( void  )

◆ _get_thread_local_invalid_parameter_handler()

_ACRTIMP _invalid_parameter_handler __cdecl _get_thread_local_invalid_parameter_handler ( void  )

Definition at line 333 of file invalid_parameter.cpp.

336 if (!ptd)
337 {
338 return nullptr;
339 }
341 return ptd->_thread_local_iph;
__acrt_ptd *__cdecl __acrt_getptd_noexit(void)
_In_ size_t const _In_ int _In_ bool const _In_ unsigned const _In_ __acrt_rounding_mode const _Inout_ __crt_cached_ptd_host & ptd
Definition: cvt.cpp:355

◆ _In_reads_or_z_opt_()

_In_reads_or_z_opt_ ( _SrcSizeInBytes  ) const

◆ _lrotl()

_Check_return_ unsigned long __cdecl _lrotl ( _In_ unsigned long  _Value,
_In_ int  _Shift 

◆ _lrotr()

_Check_return_ unsigned long __cdecl _lrotr ( _In_ unsigned long  _Value,
_In_ int  _Shift 

◆ _makepath_s()

_Check_return_wat_ _ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _makepath_s ( _Out_writes_z_(_BufferCount) char _Buffer,
_In_ size_t  _BufferCount,
_In_opt_z_ char const _Drive,
_In_opt_z_ char const _Dir,
_In_opt_z_ char const _Filename,
_In_opt_z_ char const _Ext 

◆ _mblen_l()

◆ _mbstowcs_s_l()

_In_z_ char const _In_ _MaxCount _Check_return_opt_ _ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _mbstowcs_s_l ( _Out_opt_ size_t _PtNumOfCharConverted,
_Out_writes_to_opt_(_SizeInWords, *_PtNumOfCharConverted) wchar_t _DstBuf,
_In_ size_t  _SizeInWords,
_In_reads_or_z_(_MaxCount) char const _SrcBuf,
_In_ size_t  _MaxCount,
_In_opt_ _locale_t  _Locale 

◆ _onexit()

_onexit_t __cdecl _onexit ( _In_opt_ _onexit_t  _Func)

◆ _Out_writes_()

_Out_writes_ ( _MaxCount  )

◆ _Out_writes_opt_()

_Out_writes_opt_ ( _MaxCount  )

◆ _Out_writes_opt_z_() [1/2]

_Out_writes_opt_z_ ( _MaxCount  )

◆ _Out_writes_opt_z_() [2/2]

_Out_writes_opt_z_ ( _Size  )

◆ _Out_writes_z_() [1/2]

_Out_writes_z_ ( _BufferCount  )

◆ _Out_writes_z_() [2/2]

_Out_writes_z_ ( _MaxCount  )

◆ _Post_satisfies_() [1/4]

_Check_return_ _Post_satisfies_ ( (return<=_String_length_(_String) &&return<=_MaxCount)||  return = = (size_t)-1) const

◆ _Post_satisfies_() [2/4]

_Post_satisfies_ ( return  = =iColor)


iXlate functions

Definition at line 14 of file xlateobj.c.

24 {{0, XO_TRIVIAL, 0, 0, 0, 0}, EXLATEOBJ_iXlateTrivial};
#define XO_TRIVIAL
Definition: winddi.h:1247

◆ _Post_satisfies_() [3/4]

_Check_return_ _Post_satisfies_ ( return<=  _String_length__String) const

◆ _Post_satisfies_() [4/4]

_Check_return_ _Post_satisfies_ ( return<=_String_length_(_String)||  return = = (size_t)-1) const

◆ _rotl()

unsigned int __cdecl _rotl ( _In_ unsigned int  _Value,
_In_ int  _Shift 

◆ _rotl64()

unsigned __int64 __cdecl _rotl64 ( _In_ unsigned __int64  _Value,
_In_ int  _Shift 

◆ _rotr()

unsigned int __cdecl _rotr ( _In_ unsigned int  _Value,
_In_ int  _Shift 

◆ _rotr64()

unsigned __int64 __cdecl _rotr64 ( _In_ unsigned __int64  _Value,
_In_ int  _Shift 

◆ _set_abort_behavior()

_ACRTIMP unsigned int __cdecl _set_abort_behavior ( _In_ unsigned int  _Flags,
_In_ unsigned int  _Mask 

◆ _set_error_mode()

_Check_return_opt_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _set_error_mode ( _In_ int  _Mode)

◆ _set_fmode()

_ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _set_fmode ( _In_ int  _Mode)

◆ _set_invalid_parameter_handler()

_ACRTIMP _invalid_parameter_handler __cdecl _set_invalid_parameter_handler ( _In_opt_ _invalid_parameter_handler  _Handler)

◆ _set_purecall_handler()

_VCRTIMP _purecall_handler __cdecl _set_purecall_handler ( _In_opt_ _purecall_handler  _Handler)

◆ _set_thread_local_invalid_parameter_handler()

_ACRTIMP _invalid_parameter_handler __cdecl _set_thread_local_invalid_parameter_handler ( _In_opt_ _invalid_parameter_handler  _Handler)

◆ _splitpath()

◆ _splitpath_s()

_Check_return_wat_ _ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _splitpath_s ( _In_z_ char const _FullPath,
_Out_writes_opt_z_(_DriveCount) char _Drive,
_In_ size_t  _DriveCount,
_Out_writes_opt_z_(_DirCount) char _Dir,
_In_ size_t  _DirCount,
_Out_writes_opt_z_(_FilenameCount) char _Filename,
_In_ size_t  _FilenameCount,
_Out_writes_opt_z_(_ExtCount) char _Ext,
_In_ size_t  _ExtCount 

◆ _strtod_l()

_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl _strtod_l ( _In_z_ char const _String,
_Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ char **  _EndPtr,
_In_opt_ _locale_t  _Locale 

◆ _strtof_l()

_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl _strtof_l ( _In_z_ char const _String,
_Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ char **  _EndPtr,
_In_opt_ _locale_t  _Locale 

◆ _strtoi64()

_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP __int64 __cdecl _strtoi64 ( _In_z_ char const _String,
_Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ char **  _EndPtr,
_In_ int  _Radix 

◆ _strtoi64_l()

_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP __int64 __cdecl _strtoi64_l ( _In_z_ char const _String,
_Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ char **  _EndPtr,
_In_ int  _Radix,
_In_opt_ _locale_t  _Locale 

Referenced by _strtoul_l().

◆ _strtol_l()

_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long __cdecl _strtol_l ( _In_z_ char const _String,
_Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ char **  _EndPtr,
_In_ int  _Radix,
_In_opt_ _locale_t  _Locale 

◆ _strtold_l()

_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long double __cdecl _strtold_l ( _In_z_ char const _String,
_Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ char **  _EndPtr,
_In_opt_ _locale_t  _Locale 

◆ _strtoll_l()

_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long long __cdecl _strtoll_l ( _In_z_ char const _String,
_Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ char **  _EndPtr,
_In_ int  _Radix,
_In_opt_ _locale_t  _Locale 

◆ _strtoui64()

_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP unsigned __int64 __cdecl _strtoui64 ( _In_z_ char const _String,
_Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ char **  _EndPtr,
_In_ int  _Radix 

◆ _strtoui64_l()

_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP unsigned __int64 __cdecl _strtoui64_l ( _In_z_ char const _String,
_Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ char **  _EndPtr,
_In_ int  _Radix,
_In_opt_ _locale_t  _Locale 

◆ _strtoul_l()

_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP unsigned long __cdecl _strtoul_l ( _In_z_ char const _String,
_Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ char **  _EndPtr,
_In_ int  _Radix,
_In_opt_ _locale_t  _Locale 

◆ _strtoull_l()

_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP unsigned long long __cdecl _strtoull_l ( _In_z_ char const _String,
_Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ char **  _EndPtr,
_In_ int  _Radix,
_In_opt_ _locale_t  _Locale 

◆ _Success_() [1/2]

_Success_ ( return = -1)

Definition at line 1028 of file fsctrl.c.

3192 PVPB Vpb = Vcb->Vpb;
3193 PVPB OldVpb;
3195 BOOLEAN Remount = FALSE;
3197 PAGED_CODE();
3201 //
3202 // Check whether we are looking for a device only Mvcb.
3203 //
3205 for (Link = CdData.VcbQueue.Flink;
3206 Link != &CdData.VcbQueue;
3207 Link = Link->Flink) {
3209 *OldVcb = CONTAINING_RECORD( Link, VCB, VcbLinks );
3211 //
3212 // Skip ourselves.
3213 //
3215 if (Vcb == *OldVcb) { continue; }
3217 //
3218 // Look at the Vpb and state of the previous Vcb.
3219 //
3221 OldVpb = (*OldVcb)->Vpb;
3223 if ((OldVpb != Vpb) &&
3224 (OldVpb->RealDevice == Vpb->RealDevice) &&
3225 ((*OldVcb)->VcbCondition == VcbNotMounted)) {
3227 //
3228 // If the current disk is a raw disk then it can match a previous music or
3229 // raw disk.
3230 //
3232 if (FlagOn( Vcb->VcbState, VCB_STATE_AUDIO_DISK)) {
3234 if (FlagOn( (*OldVcb)->VcbState, VCB_STATE_AUDIO_DISK )) {
3236 //
3237 // If we have both TOC then fail the remount if the lengths
3238 // are different or they don't match.
3239 //
3241 if ((Vcb->TocLength != (*OldVcb)->TocLength) ||
3242 ((Vcb->TocLength != 0) &&
3243 !RtlEqualMemory( Vcb->CdromToc,
3244 (*OldVcb)->CdromToc,
3245 Vcb->TocLength ))) {
3247 continue;
3248 }
3250 Remount = TRUE;
3251 break;
3252 }
3254 //
3255 // The current disk is not a raw disk. Go ahead and compare
3256 // serial numbers, volume label and TOC.
3257 //
3259 }
3260 else if ((OldVpb->SerialNumber == Vpb->SerialNumber) &&
3261 (Vcb->TocLength == (*OldVcb)->TocLength) &&
3262 ((Vcb->TocLength == 0) || RtlEqualMemory( Vcb->CdromToc,
3263 (*OldVcb)->CdromToc,
3264 Vcb->TocLength )) &&
3265 (Vpb->VolumeLabelLength == OldVpb->VolumeLabelLength) &&
3266 (RtlEqualMemory( OldVpb->VolumeLabel,
3267 Vpb->VolumeLabel,
3268 Vpb->VolumeLabelLength ))) {
3269 //
3270 // Remember the old Vcb. Then set the return value to
3271 // TRUE and break.
3272 //
3274 Remount = TRUE;
3275 break;
3276 }
3277 }
3278 }
3280 return Remount;
#define PAGED_CODE()
unsigned char BOOLEAN
Definition: cddata.c:42
Definition: cdstruc.h:712
@ VcbNotMounted
Definition: cdstruc.h:490
#define TRUE
Definition: types.h:120
#define FALSE
Definition: types.h:117
#define FlagOn(_F, _SF)
Definition: ext2fs.h:179
Definition: fatprocs.h:1676
#define RtlEqualMemory(dst, src, len)
Definition: kdvm.h:18
Definition: ntbasedef.h:325
#define Vcb
Definition: cdprocs.h:1415
Definition: cdstruc.h:334
Definition: typedefs.h:120
struct _LIST_ENTRY * Flink
Definition: typedefs.h:121
Definition: cdstruc.h:498
Definition: iotypes.h:189
Definition: iotypes.h:198
USHORT VolumeLabelLength
Definition: iotypes.h:193
ULONG SerialNumber
Definition: iotypes.h:196
struct _DEVICE_OBJECT * RealDevice
Definition: iotypes.h:195
#define CONTAINING_RECORD(address, type, field)
Definition: typedefs.h:260
static int Link(const char **args)
Definition: vfdcmd.c:2414

◆ _Success_() [2/2]

_Success_ ( return  = = 0)

Deletes the virtual mapping and optionally gives back the page & dirty bit.

Process- The process this address belongs to, or NULL if system address.
Address- The address to unmap.
WasDirty- Optional param receiving the dirty bit of the PTE.
Page- Optional param receiving the page number previously mapped to this address.
Whether there was actually a page mapped at the given address.

Definition at line 57 of file firmware.c.

211 /* Check input parameters */
212 if (FirmwareType == NULL)
213 {
215 return FALSE;
216 }
218 /* Query firmware type */
220 &BootInfo,
221 sizeof(BootInfo),
222 0);
223 if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status))
224 {
226 return FALSE;
227 }
229 *FirmwareType = BootInfo.FirmwareType;
230 return TRUE;
Definition: precomp.h:26
#define NULL
Definition: types.h:112
#define NT_SUCCESS(StatCode)
Definition: apphelp.c:33
Definition: compat.h:101
#define SetLastError(x)
Definition: compat.h:752
Definition: gdiplustypes.h:25
@ SystemBootEnvironmentInformation
Definition: extypes.h:307
DWORD BaseSetLastNTError(IN NTSTATUS Status)
Definition: reactos.cpp:167
NTSYSAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI NtQuerySystemInformation(IN SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS SystemInfoClass, OUT PVOID SystemInfoBuffer, IN ULONG SystemInfoBufferSize, OUT PULONG BytesReturned OPTIONAL)

◆ _swab()

◆ _ui64toa()

_ACRTIMP char *__cdecl _ui64toa ( _In_ unsigned __int64  _Value,
_Pre_notnull_ _Post_z_ char _Buffer,
_In_ int  _Radix 

Referenced by ulltoa().

◆ _wcstombs_s_l()

_In_z_ wchar_t const _In_ _MaxCount _Check_return_wat_ _ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _wcstombs_s_l ( _Out_opt_ size_t _PtNumOfCharConverted,
_Out_writes_bytes_to_opt_(_DstSizeInBytes, *_PtNumOfCharConverted) char _Dst,
_In_ size_t  _DstSizeInBytes,
_In_z_ wchar_t const _Src,
_In_ size_t  _MaxCountInBytes,
_In_opt_ _locale_t  _Locale 

◆ _wctomb_l()

_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _wctomb_l ( _Pre_maybenull_ _Post_z_ char _MbCh,
_In_ wchar_t  _WCh,
_In_opt_ _locale_t  _Locale 

◆ _wctomb_s_l()

_Check_return_wat_ _ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _wctomb_s_l ( _Out_opt_ int _SizeConverted,
_Out_writes_opt_z_(_SizeInBytes) char _MbCh,
_In_ size_t  _SizeInBytes,
_In_ wchar_t  _WCh,
_In_opt_ _locale_t  _Locale 

◆ abs()

_Check_return_ int __cdecl abs ( _In_ int  _Number)

◆ at_quick_exit()

int __cdecl at_quick_exit ( void(__cdecl *)(void )

◆ atexit()

int __cdecl atexit ( void(__cdecl *)(void func)

Definition at line 97 of file atonexit.c.

99 return (_onexit((_onexit_t)func) == NULL) ? -1 : 0;
_onexit_t __cdecl _onexit(_onexit_t func)
Definition: atonexit.c:53
GLenum func
Definition: glext.h:6028
int(__cdecl * _onexit_t)(void)
Definition: stdlib.h:28

◆ atof()

◆ atoi()

◆ atol()

◆ atoll()

◆ div()

_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP div_t __cdecl div ( _In_ int  _Numerator,
_In_ int  _Denominator 

◆ labs()

_Check_return_ long __cdecl labs ( _In_ long  _Number)

◆ ldiv()

_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP ldiv_t __cdecl ldiv ( _In_ long  _Numerator,
_In_ long  _Denominator 

◆ llabs()

Definition at line 1435 of file stdlib.h.

1435{ return (_j >= 0 ? _j : -_j); }

◆ lldiv()

_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP lldiv_t __cdecl lldiv ( _In_ long long  _Numerator,
_In_ long long  _Denominator 

◆ mblen()

◆ mbstowcs_s()

_Check_return_opt_ _ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl mbstowcs_s ( _Out_opt_ size_t _PtNumOfCharConverted,
_Out_writes_to_opt_(_SizeInWords, *_PtNumOfCharConverted) wchar_t _DstBuf,
_In_ size_t  _SizeInWords,
_In_reads_or_z_(_MaxCount) char const _SrcBuf,
_In_ size_t  _MaxCount 

◆ rand()

Definition at line 10 of file rand.c.

14 /* this is the algorithm used by MSVC, according to
15 * */
16 data->random_seed = data->random_seed * 214013 + 2531011;
17 return (data->random_seed >> 16) & RAND_MAX;
GLint GLenum GLsizei GLsizei GLsizei GLint GLsizei const GLvoid * data
Definition: gl.h:1950
#define RAND_MAX
Definition: stdlib.h:87
thread_data_t * msvcrt_get_thread_data(void)
Definition: tls.c:31

◆ srand()

_ACRTIMP void __cdecl srand ( _In_ unsigned int  _Seed)

◆ strtod()

◆ strtof()

◆ strtol()

_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long __cdecl strtol ( _In_z_ char const _String,
_Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ char **  _EndPtr,
_In_ int  _Radix 

◆ strtold()

◆ strtoll()

_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long long __cdecl strtoll ( _In_z_ char const _String,
_Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ char **  _EndPtr,
_In_ int  _Radix 

◆ strtoul()

_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP unsigned long __cdecl strtoul ( _In_z_ char const _String,
_Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ char **  _EndPtr,
_In_ int  _Radix 

◆ strtoull()

_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP unsigned long long __cdecl strtoull ( _In_z_ char const _String,
_Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ char **  _EndPtr,
_In_ int  _Radix 

◆ wcstombs_s()

_Check_return_wat_ _ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl wcstombs_s ( _Out_opt_ size_t _PtNumOfCharConverted,
_Out_writes_bytes_to_opt_(_DstSizeInBytes, *_PtNumOfCharConverted) char _Dst,
_In_ size_t  _DstSizeInBytes,
_In_z_ wchar_t const _Src,
_In_ size_t  _MaxCountInBytes 

◆ wctomb()

Variable Documentation



Definition at line 642 of file stdlib.h.



Definition at line 1096 of file stdlib.h.



Definition at line 642 of file stdlib.h.

◆ _Buffer

_Pre_notnull_ _Buffer

Definition at line 644 of file stdlib.h.

Referenced by _wctime_s(), and XNdisGetFirstBufferFromPacket().

◆ _BufferCount

_In_z_ char const _In_ size_t _BufferCount

Definition at line 629 of file stdlib.h.

◆ _Dest


Definition at line 926 of file stdlib.h.

◆ _DigitCount

_In_ int _DigitCount

Definition at line 745 of file stdlib.h.

◆ _Dir

Definition at line 1099 of file stdlib.h.

◆ _Drive

Definition at line 1098 of file stdlib.h.

Referenced by FmtAcquireDrive_().

◆ _Filename

Definition at line 1100 of file stdlib.h.

Referenced by stat(), utime(), and wstat().

◆ _FractionalDigitCount

_In_ size_t _In_ double _In_ int _FractionalDigitCount

Definition at line 773 of file stdlib.h.

◆ _itoa

◆ _Locale

Definition at line 874 of file stdlib.h.

◆ _locale_t

Definition at line 956 of file stdlib.h.

◆ _ltoa


Definition at line 665 of file stdlib.h.

Referenced by _itoa().

◆ _makepath


Definition at line 1096 of file stdlib.h.

Referenced by test_makepath().

◆ _MaxCount

_In_z_ wchar_t const _In_ _MaxCount

Definition at line 881 of file stdlib.h.

◆ _mbstowcs_l


Definition at line 951 of file stdlib.h.

Referenced by __acrt_mbs_to_wcs(), and mbstowcs().

◆ _mbstowcs_s_l


Definition at line 951 of file stdlib.h.

◆ _Path

_In_z_ char const* _Path

Definition at line 1070 of file stdlib.h.

◆ _Post_z_

_Pre_notnull_ _Post_z_

Definition at line 644 of file stdlib.h.

◆ _PtDec

Definition at line 746 of file stdlib.h.

◆ _PtSign

Definition at line 747 of file stdlib.h.

◆ _Radix

_In_ size_t _In_ int _Radix

Definition at line 630 of file stdlib.h.

◆ _Source

_In_z_ wchar_t const _Source

Definition at line 927 of file stdlib.h.

◆ _SrcSizeInBytes

_In_ size_t _SrcSizeInBytes

Definition at line 896 of file stdlib.h.

◆ _ultoa


Definition at line 688 of file stdlib.h.

◆ _Value

Definition at line 643 of file stdlib.h.

◆ _wcstombs_l


Definition at line 1039 of file stdlib.h.

Referenced by __acrt_wcs_to_mbs().

◆ _wcstombs_s_l


Definition at line 1039 of file stdlib.h.

Referenced by setlocale().

◆ char

Definition at line 644 of file stdlib.h.

◆ int

Definition at line 643 of file stdlib.h.

◆ long

Definition at line 666 of file stdlib.h.

◆ mbstowcs

◆ size_t

Definition at line 928 of file stdlib.h.

◆ wchar_t

Definition at line 926 of file stdlib.h.

◆ wcstombs