typedef unsigned short | MSVCRT_wchar_t |
typedef unsigned short | MSVCRT_wint_t |
typedef unsigned short | MSVCRT_wctype_t |
typedef unsigned short | MSVCRT__ino_t |
typedef unsigned int | MSVCRT__fsize_t |
typedef int | MSVCRT_long |
typedef unsigned int | MSVCRT_ulong |
typedef unsigned int | MSVCRT_size_t |
typedef int | MSVCRT_intptr_t |
typedef unsigned int | MSVCRT_uintptr_t |
typedef unsigned int | MSVCRT__dev_t |
typedef int | MSVCRT__off_t |
typedef int | MSVCRT_clock_t |
typedef int | MSVCRT___time32_t |
typedef __int64 | DECLSPEC_ALIGN(8) MSVCRT___time64_t |
typedef int | MSVCRT_mbstate_t |
typedef void(__cdecl * | MSVCRT_terminate_handler) (void) |
typedef void(__cdecl * | MSVCRT_terminate_function) (void) |
typedef void(__cdecl * | MSVCRT_unexpected_handler) (void) |
typedef void(__cdecl * | MSVCRT_unexpected_function) (void) |
typedef void(__cdecl * | MSVCRT__se_translator_function) (unsigned int code, struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *info) |
typedef void(__cdecl * | MSVCRT__beginthread_start_routine_t) (void *) |
typedef unsigned int(__stdcall * | MSVCRT__beginthreadex_start_routine_t) (void *) |
typedef int(__cdecl * | MSVCRT__onexit_t) (void) |
typedef void(__cdecl * | MSVCRT_invalid_parameter_handler) (const MSVCRT_wchar_t *, const MSVCRT_wchar_t *, const MSVCRT_wchar_t *, unsigned, MSVCRT_uintptr_t) |
typedef void(__cdecl * | MSVCRT_purecall_handler) (void) |
typedef void(__cdecl * | MSVCRT_security_error_handler) (int, void *) |
typedef struct MSVCRT_tagLC_ID | MSVCRT_LC_ID |
typedef struct MSVCRT_tagLC_ID * | MSVCRT_LPLC_ID |
typedef struct MSVCRT_threadlocaleinfostruct | MSVCRT_threadlocinfo |
typedef struct MSVCRT_threadmbcinfostruct | MSVCRT_threadmbcinfo |
typedef struct MSVCRT_threadlocaleinfostruct * | MSVCRT_pthreadlocinfo |
typedef struct MSVCRT_threadmbcinfostruct * | MSVCRT_pthreadmbcinfo |
typedef struct MSVCRT_localeinfo_struct | MSVCRT__locale_tstruct |
typedef struct MSVCRT_localeinfo_struct * | MSVCRT__locale_t |
typedef struct __thread_data | thread_data_t |
typedef void *(__cdecl * | malloc_func_t) (MSVCRT_size_t) |
typedef void(__cdecl * | free_func_t) (void *) |
typedef struct MSVCRT__iobuf | MSVCRT_FILE |
typedef struct MSVCRT__div_t | MSVCRT_div_t |
typedef struct MSVCRT__ldiv_t | MSVCRT_ldiv_t |
typedef void(__cdecl * | MSVCRT___sighandler_t) (int) |
typedef int(* | puts_clbk_a) (void *, int, const char *) |
typedef int(* | puts_clbk_w) (void *, int, const MSVCRT_wchar_t *) |
typedef union _printf_arg | printf_arg |
typedef printf_arg(* | args_clbk) (void *, int, int, __ms_va_list *) |
thread_data_t * | msvcrt_get_thread_data (void) |
LCID | MSVCRT_locale_to_LCID (const char *) |
void | msvcrt_set_errno (int) |
void __cdecl | _purecall (void) |
void __cdecl | _amsg_exit (int errnum) |
char ** | msvcrt_SnapshotOfEnvironmentA (char **) |
MSVCRT_wchar_t ** | msvcrt_SnapshotOfEnvironmentW (MSVCRT_wchar_t **) |
MSVCRT_wchar_t * | msvcrt_wstrdupa (const char *) |
int __cdecl | MSVCRT__set_new_mode (int mode) |
void *__cdecl | MSVCRT_operator_new (MSVCRT_size_t) |
void __cdecl | MSVCRT_operator_delete (void *) |
char *__cdecl | __unDName (char *, const char *, int, malloc_func_t, free_func_t, unsigned short int) |
char *__cdecl | __unDNameEx (char *, const char *, int, malloc_func_t, free_func_t, void *, unsigned short int) |
void | msvcrt_init_mt_locks (void) |
void | msvcrt_free_mt_locks (void) |
BOOL | msvcrt_init_locale (void) |
void | msvcrt_init_math (void) |
void | msvcrt_init_io (void) |
void | msvcrt_free_io (void) |
void | msvcrt_init_console (void) |
void | msvcrt_free_console (void) |
void | msvcrt_init_args (void) |
void | msvcrt_free_args (void) |
void | msvcrt_init_signals (void) |
void | msvcrt_free_signals (void) |
unsigned | msvcrt_create_io_inherit_block (WORD *, BYTE **) |
unsigned int __cdecl | _control87 (unsigned int, unsigned int) |
void __cdecl | MSVCRT_free (void *) |
void *__cdecl | MSVCRT_malloc (MSVCRT_size_t) |
void *__cdecl | MSVCRT_calloc (MSVCRT_size_t, MSVCRT_size_t) |
void *__cdecl | MSVCRT_realloc (void *, MSVCRT_size_t) |
int __cdecl | MSVCRT_iswalpha (MSVCRT_wint_t) |
int __cdecl | MSVCRT_iswspace (MSVCRT_wint_t) |
int __cdecl | MSVCRT_iswdigit (MSVCRT_wint_t) |
int __cdecl | MSVCRT_isleadbyte (int) |
int __cdecl | MSVCRT__isleadbyte_l (int, MSVCRT__locale_t) |
void __cdecl | MSVCRT__lock_file (MSVCRT_FILE *) |
void __cdecl | MSVCRT__unlock_file (MSVCRT_FILE *) |
int __cdecl | MSVCRT_fgetc (MSVCRT_FILE *) |
int __cdecl | MSVCRT_ungetc (int, MSVCRT_FILE *) |
MSVCRT_wint_t __cdecl | MSVCRT_fgetwc (MSVCRT_FILE *) |
MSVCRT_wint_t __cdecl | MSVCRT_ungetwc (MSVCRT_wint_t, MSVCRT_FILE *) |
void __cdecl | MSVCRT__exit (int) |
void __cdecl | MSVCRT_abort (void) |
MSVCRT_ulong *__cdecl | MSVCRT___doserrno (void) |
int *__cdecl | MSVCRT__errno (void) |
char *__cdecl | MSVCRT_getenv (const char *) |
int __cdecl | MSVCRT_fclose (MSVCRT_FILE *) |
void __cdecl | MSVCRT_terminate (void) |
MSVCRT_FILE *__cdecl | MSVCRT__iob_func (void) |
MSVCRT_clock_t __cdecl | MSVCRT_clock (void) |
MSVCRT___time32_t __cdecl | MSVCRT__time32 (MSVCRT___time32_t *) |
MSVCRT___time64_t __cdecl | MSVCRT__time64 (MSVCRT___time64_t *) |
MSVCRT_FILE *__cdecl | MSVCRT__fdopen (int, const char *) |
MSVCRT_FILE *__cdecl | MSVCRT__wfdopen (int, const MSVCRT_wchar_t *) |
int __cdecl | MSVCRT_vsnprintf (char *str, MSVCRT_size_t len, const char *format, __ms_va_list valist) |
int __cdecl | MSVCRT_vsnwprintf (MSVCRT_wchar_t *str, MSVCRT_size_t len, const MSVCRT_wchar_t *format, __ms_va_list valist) |
int __cdecl | MSVCRT__snwprintf (MSVCRT_wchar_t *, unsigned int, const MSVCRT_wchar_t *,...) |
int __cdecl | MSVCRT_sprintf (char *, const char *,...) |
int __cdecl | MSVCRT__scprintf (const char *,...) |
int __cdecl | MSVCRT_raise (int sig) |
MSVCRT_pthreadlocinfo | get_locinfo (void) |
MSVCRT_pthreadmbcinfo | get_mbcinfo (void) |
void __cdecl | MSVCRT__free_locale (MSVCRT__locale_t) |
void | free_locinfo (MSVCRT_pthreadlocinfo) |
void | free_mbcinfo (MSVCRT_pthreadmbcinfo) |
int | _setmbcp_l (int, LCID, MSVCRT_pthreadmbcinfo) |
int __cdecl | MSVCRT__write (int, const void *, unsigned int) |
int __cdecl | _getch (void) |
int __cdecl | _ismbblead (unsigned int) |
int __cdecl | _ismbstrail (const unsigned char *start, const unsigned char *str) |
MSVCRT_size_t __cdecl | MSVCRT_mbstowcs (MSVCRT_wchar_t *, const char *, MSVCRT_size_t) |
MSVCRT_intptr_t __cdecl | MSVCRT__spawnve (int, const char *, const char *const *, const char *const *) |
MSVCRT_intptr_t __cdecl | MSVRT__spawnvpe (int, const char *, const char *const *, const char *const *) |
MSVCRT_intptr_t __cdecl | MSVCRT__wspawnve (int, const MSVCRT_wchar_t *, const MSVCRT_wchar_t *const *, const MSVCRT_wchar_t *const *) |
MSVCRT_intptr_t __cdecl | MSVCRT__wspawnvpe (int, const MSVCRT_wchar_t *, const MSVCRT_wchar_t *const *, const MSVCRT_wchar_t *const *) |
void __cdecl | MSVCRT__searchenv (const char *, const char *, char *) |
int __cdecl | MSVCRT__getdrive (void) |
char *__cdecl | MSVCRT__strdup (const char *) |
char *__cdecl | MSVCRT__strnset (char *, int, MSVCRT_size_t) |
char *__cdecl | _strset (char *, int) |
int __cdecl | _ungetch (int) |
int __cdecl | _cputs (const char *) |
int __cdecl | _cprintf (const char *,...) |
int __cdecl | _cwprintf (const MSVCRT_wchar_t *,...) |
char ***__cdecl | MSVCRT___p__environ (void) |
int *__cdecl | __p___mb_cur_max (void) |
unsigned int *__cdecl | __p__fmode (void) |
MSVCRT_wchar_t *__cdecl | MSVCRT__wcsdup (const MSVCRT_wchar_t *) |
MSVCRT_wchar_t ***__cdecl | MSVCRT___p__wenviron (void) |
char *__cdecl | MSVCRT__strdate (char *date) |
char *__cdecl | MSVCRT__strtime (char *date) |
int __cdecl | _setmbcp (int) |
int __cdecl | MSVCRT__close (int) |
int __cdecl | MSVCRT__dup (int) |
int __cdecl | MSVCRT__dup2 (int, int) |
int __cdecl | MSVCRT__pipe (int *, unsigned int, int) |
MSVCRT_wchar_t *__cdecl | MSVCRT__wgetenv (const MSVCRT_wchar_t *) |
void __cdecl | MSVCRT__wsearchenv (const MSVCRT_wchar_t *, const MSVCRT_wchar_t *, MSVCRT_wchar_t *) |
MSVCRT_intptr_t __cdecl | MSVCRT__spawnvpe (int, const char *, const char *const *, const char *const *) |
void __cdecl | MSVCRT__invalid_parameter (const MSVCRT_wchar_t *expr, const MSVCRT_wchar_t *func, const MSVCRT_wchar_t *file, unsigned int line, MSVCRT_uintptr_t arg) |
int __cdecl | MSVCRT__toupper_l (int, MSVCRT__locale_t) |
int __cdecl | MSVCRT__tolower_l (int, MSVCRT__locale_t) |
int | pf_printf_a (puts_clbk_a, void *, const char *, MSVCRT__locale_t, BOOL, BOOL, args_clbk, void *, __ms_va_list *) |
int | pf_printf_w (puts_clbk_w, void *, const MSVCRT_wchar_t *, MSVCRT__locale_t, BOOL, BOOL, args_clbk, void *, __ms_va_list *) |
printf_arg | arg_clbk_valist (void *, int, int, __ms_va_list *) |
Definition at line 31 of file tls.c.
37 {
44#ifndef __UCRTSUPPORT__
48 }
void __cdecl _amsg_exit(int errnum)
static DWORD msvcrt_tls_index
DWORD WINAPI GetCurrentThreadId(void)
Referenced by __CxxRegisterExceptionObject(), __CxxUnregisterExceptionObject(), __doserrno(), __fpecode(), __pxcptinfoptrs(), __uncaught_exception(), __wcserror(), _beginthread_trampoline(), _configthreadlocale(), _CreateFrameInfo(), _errno(), _FindAndUnlinkFrame(), _get_terminate(), _get_unexpected(), _gmtime64(), _IsExceptionObjectToBeDestroyed(), _set_se_translator(), _strerror(), _tasctime(), _wcserror(), _wtmpnam(), get_locinfo(), get_mbcinfo(), rand(), set_terminate(), set_unexpected(), srand(), strerror(), strtok(), terminate(), tmpnam(), unexpected(), and wcstok().