ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-734-g364d6e0
msvcrt.h File Reference
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "windef.h"
#include "winbase.h"
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struct  MSVCRT_tm
struct  MSVCRT_tagLC_ID
struct  MSVCRT_threadlocaleinfostruct
struct  MSVCRT_threadmbcinfostruct
struct  MSVCRT_localeinfo_struct
struct  __thread_data
struct  MSVCRT___timeb32
struct  MSVCRT___timeb64
struct  MSVCRT__iobuf
struct  MSVCRT_lconv
struct  MSVCRT__exception
struct  MSVCRT__complex
struct  MSVCRT__div_t
struct  MSVCRT__ldiv_t
struct  MSVCRT__heapinfo
struct  MSVCRT__diskfree_t
struct  MSVCRT__finddata32_t
struct  MSVCRT__finddata32i64_t
struct  MSVCRT__finddata64i32_t
struct  MSVCRT__finddata64_t
struct  MSVCRT__wfinddata32_t
struct  MSVCRT__wfinddata32i64_t
struct  MSVCRT__wfinddata64i32_t
struct  MSVCRT__wfinddata64_t
struct  MSVCRT___utimbuf32
struct  MSVCRT___utimbuf64
struct  MSVCRT__stat32
struct  MSVCRT__stat32i64
struct  MSVCRT__stat64i32
struct  MSVCRT__stat64
union  _printf_arg


#define MSVCRT_LONG_MAX   0x7fffffffL
#define MSVCRT_ULONG_MAX   0xffffffffUL
#define MSVCRT_I64_MAX   (((__int64)0x7fffffff << 32) | 0xffffffff)
#define MSVCRT_I64_MIN   (-MSVCRT_I64_MAX-1)
#define MSVCRT_UI64_MAX   (((unsigned __int64)0xffffffff << 32) | 0xffffffff)
#define MSVCRT__MAX_DRIVE   3
#define MSVCRT__MAX_DIR   256
#define MSVCRT__MAX_FNAME   256
#define MSVCRT__MAX_EXT   256
#define _RT_STACK   0
#define _RT_NULLPTR   1
#define _RT_FLOAT   2
#define _RT_INTDIV   3
#define _RT_EXECMEM   5
#define _RT_EXECFORM   6
#define _RT_EXECENV   7
#define _RT_SPACEARG   8
#define _RT_SPACEENV   9
#define _RT_ABORT   10
#define _RT_NPTR   12
#define _RT_FPTR   13
#define _RT_BREAK   14
#define _RT_INT   15
#define _RT_THREAD   16
#define _RT_LOCK   17
#define _RT_HEAP   18
#define _RT_OPENCON   19
#define _RT_QWIN   20
#define _RT_NOMAIN   21
#define _RT_NONCONT   22
#define _RT_INVALDISP   23
#define _RT_ONEXIT   24
#define _RT_PUREVIRT   25
#define _RT_STDIOINIT   26
#define _RT_LOWIOINIT   27
#define _RT_HEAPINIT   28
#define _RT_DOMAIN   120
#define _RT_SING   121
#define _RT_TLOSS   122
#define _RT_CRNL   252
#define _RT_BANNER   255
#define MSVCRT__finddata_t   MSVCRT__finddata32_t
#define MSVCRT__finddatai64_t   MSVCRT__finddata32i64_t
#define MSVCRT__wfinddata_t   MSVCRT__wfinddata32_t
#define MSVCRT__wfinddatai64_t   MSVCRT__wfinddata32i64_t
#define MSVCRT__stat   MSVCRT__stat32
#define MSVCRT__stati64   MSVCRT__stat32i64
#define MSVCRT_WEOF   (MSVCRT_wint_t)(0xFFFF)
#define MSVCRT_EOF   (-1)
#define MSVCRT_TMP_MAX   0x7fff
#define MSVCRT_RAND_MAX   0x7fff
#define MSVCRT_BUFSIZ   512
#define MSVCRT__IOFBF   0x0000
#define MSVCRT__IONBF   0x0004
#define MSVCRT__IOLBF   0x0040
#define MSVCRT_DRIVE_MAX   3
#define MSVCRT_FNAME_MAX   256
#define MSVCRT_DIR_MAX   256
#define MSVCRT_EXT_MAX   256
#define MSVCRT_PATH_MAX   260
#define MSVCRT__P_WAIT   0
#define MSVCRT__P_NOWAIT   1
#define MSVCRT__P_OVERLAY   2
#define MSVCRT__P_NOWAITO   3
#define MSVCRT__P_DETACH   4
#define MSVCRT_EPERM   1
#define MSVCRT_ENOENT   2
#define MSVCRT_ESRCH   3
#define MSVCRT_EINTR   4
#define MSVCRT_EIO   5
#define MSVCRT_ENXIO   6
#define MSVCRT_E2BIG   7
#define MSVCRT_ENOEXEC   8
#define MSVCRT_EBADF   9
#define MSVCRT_ECHILD   10
#define MSVCRT_EAGAIN   11
#define MSVCRT_ENOMEM   12
#define MSVCRT_EACCES   13
#define MSVCRT_EFAULT   14
#define MSVCRT_EBUSY   16
#define MSVCRT_EEXIST   17
#define MSVCRT_EXDEV   18
#define MSVCRT_ENODEV   19
#define MSVCRT_ENOTDIR   20
#define MSVCRT_EISDIR   21
#define MSVCRT_EINVAL   22
#define MSVCRT_ENFILE   23
#define MSVCRT_EMFILE   24
#define MSVCRT_ENOTTY   25
#define MSVCRT_EFBIG   27
#define MSVCRT_ENOSPC   28
#define MSVCRT_ESPIPE   29
#define MSVCRT_EROFS   30
#define MSVCRT_EMLINK   31
#define MSVCRT_EPIPE   32
#define MSVCRT_EDOM   33
#define MSVCRT_ERANGE   34
#define MSVCRT_EDEADLK   36
#define MSVCRT_ENOLCK   39
#define MSVCRT_ENOSYS   40
#define MSVCRT_EILSEQ   42
#define MSVCRT_LC_ALL   0
#define MSVCRT_LC_CTYPE   2
#define MSVCRT_LC_TIME   5
#define MSVCRT__HEAPEMPTY   -1
#define MSVCRT__HEAPOK   -2
#define MSVCRT__HEAPEND   -5
#define MSVCRT__UPPER   0x0001 /* C1_UPPER */
#define MSVCRT__LOWER   0x0002 /* C1_LOWER */
#define MSVCRT__DIGIT   0x0004 /* C1_DIGIT */
#define MSVCRT__SPACE   0x0008 /* C1_SPACE */
#define MSVCRT__PUNCT   0x0010 /* C1_PUNCT */
#define MSVCRT__CONTROL   0x0020 /* C1_CNTRL */
#define MSVCRT__BLANK   0x0040 /* C1_BLANK */
#define MSVCRT__HEX   0x0080 /* C1_XDIGIT */
#define MSVCRT__LEADBYTE   0x8000
#define MSVCRT__IOREAD   0x0001
#define MSVCRT__IOWRT   0x0002
#define MSVCRT__IOMYBUF   0x0008
#define MSVCRT__IOEOF   0x0010
#define MSVCRT__IOERR   0x0020
#define MSVCRT__IOSTRG   0x0040
#define MSVCRT__IORW   0x0080
#define MSVCRT__S_IEXEC   0x0040
#define MSVCRT__S_IWRITE   0x0080
#define MSVCRT__S_IREAD   0x0100
#define MSVCRT__S_IFIFO   0x1000
#define MSVCRT__S_IFCHR   0x2000
#define MSVCRT__S_IFDIR   0x4000
#define MSVCRT__S_IFREG   0x8000
#define MSVCRT__S_IFMT   0xF000
#define MSVCRT__LK_UNLCK   0
#define MSVCRT__LK_LOCK   1
#define MSVCRT__LK_NBLCK   2
#define MSVCRT__LK_RLCK   3
#define MSVCRT__LK_NBRLCK   4
#define MSVCRT__SH_COMPAT   0x00 /* Compatibility */
#define MSVCRT__SH_DENYRW   0x10 /* Deny read/write */
#define MSVCRT__SH_DENYWR   0x20 /* Deny write */
#define MSVCRT__SH_DENYRD   0x30 /* Deny read */
#define MSVCRT__SH_DENYNO   0x40 /* Deny nothing */
#define MSVCRT__O_RDONLY   0
#define MSVCRT__O_WRONLY   1
#define MSVCRT__O_RDWR   2
#define MSVCRT__O_APPEND   0x0008
#define MSVCRT__O_RANDOM   0x0010
#define MSVCRT__O_SEQUENTIAL   0x0020
#define MSVCRT__O_TEMPORARY   0x0040
#define MSVCRT__O_NOINHERIT   0x0080
#define MSVCRT__O_CREAT   0x0100
#define MSVCRT__O_TRUNC   0x0200
#define MSVCRT__O_EXCL   0x0400
#define MSVCRT__O_SHORT_LIVED   0x1000
#define MSVCRT__O_TEXT   0x4000
#define MSVCRT__O_BINARY   0x8000
#define MSVCRT__SW_INEXACT   0x00000001 /* inexact (precision) */
#define MSVCRT__SW_UNDERFLOW   0x00000002 /* underflow */
#define MSVCRT__SW_OVERFLOW   0x00000004 /* overflow */
#define MSVCRT__SW_ZERODIVIDE   0x00000008 /* zero divide */
#define MSVCRT__SW_INVALID   0x00000010 /* invalid */
#define MSVCRT__SW_UNEMULATED   0x00000040 /* unemulated instruction */
#define MSVCRT__SW_SQRTNEG   0x00000080 /* square root of a neg number */
#define MSVCRT__SW_STACKOVERFLOW   0x00000200 /* FP stack overflow */
#define MSVCRT__SW_STACKUNDERFLOW   0x00000400 /* FP stack underflow */
#define MSVCRT__SW_DENORMAL   0x00080000 /* denormal status bit */
#define MSVCRT__FPCLASS_SNAN   0x0001 /* Signaling "Not a Number" */
#define MSVCRT__FPCLASS_QNAN   0x0002 /* Quiet "Not a Number" */
#define MSVCRT__FPCLASS_NINF   0x0004 /* Negative Infinity */
#define MSVCRT__FPCLASS_NN   0x0008 /* Negative Normal */
#define MSVCRT__FPCLASS_ND   0x0010 /* Negative Denormal */
#define MSVCRT__FPCLASS_NZ   0x0020 /* Negative Zero */
#define MSVCRT__FPCLASS_PZ   0x0040 /* Positive Zero */
#define MSVCRT__FPCLASS_PD   0x0080 /* Positive Denormal */
#define MSVCRT__FPCLASS_PN   0x0100 /* Positive Normal */
#define MSVCRT__FPCLASS_PINF   0x0200 /* Positive Infinity */
#define MSVCRT__MCW_EM   0x0008001f
#define MSVCRT__MCW_IC   0x00040000
#define MSVCRT__MCW_RC   0x00000300
#define MSVCRT__MCW_PC   0x00030000
#define MSVCRT__MCW_DN   0x03000000
#define MSVCRT__EM_INVALID   0x00000010
#define MSVCRT__EM_DENORMAL   0x00080000
#define MSVCRT__EM_ZERODIVIDE   0x00000008
#define MSVCRT__EM_OVERFLOW   0x00000004
#define MSVCRT__EM_UNDERFLOW   0x00000002
#define MSVCRT__EM_INEXACT   0x00000001
#define MSVCRT__IC_AFFINE   0x00040000
#define MSVCRT__IC_PROJECTIVE   0x00000000
#define MSVCRT__RC_CHOP   0x00000300
#define MSVCRT__RC_UP   0x00000200
#define MSVCRT__RC_DOWN   0x00000100
#define MSVCRT__RC_NEAR   0x00000000
#define MSVCRT__PC_24   0x00020000
#define MSVCRT__PC_53   0x00010000
#define MSVCRT__PC_64   0x00000000
#define MSVCRT__DN_SAVE   0x00000000
#define MSVCRT__DN_FLUSH   0x01000000
#define MSVCRT__EM_AMBIGUOUS   0x80000000
#define MSVCRT_CLOCKS_PER_SEC   1000
#define MSVCRT_SIGINT   2
#define MSVCRT_SIGILL   4
#define MSVCRT_SIGFPE   8
#define MSVCRT_SIGSEGV   11
#define MSVCRT_SIGTERM   15
#define MSVCRT_SIGBREAK   21
#define MSVCRT_SIGABRT   22
#define MSVCRT_SIG_DFL   ((MSVCRT___sighandler_t)0)
#define MSVCRT_SIG_IGN   ((MSVCRT___sighandler_t)1)
#define MSVCRT_SIG_ERR   ((MSVCRT___sighandler_t)-1)
#define MSVCRT__FPE_INVALID   0x81
#define MSVCRT__FPE_DENORMAL   0x82
#define MSVCRT__FPE_OVERFLOW   0x84
#define MSVCRT__FPE_UNDERFLOW   0x85
#define MSVCRT__FPE_INEXACT   0x86
#define MSVCRT__FPE_SQRTNEG   0x88
#define _MS   0x01
#define _MP   0x02
#define _M1   0x04
#define _M2   0x08
#define _SBUP   0x10
#define _SBLOW   0x20
#define _MBC_SINGLE   0
#define _MBC_LEAD   1
#define _MBC_TRAIL   2
#define _MBC_ILLEGAL   -1
#define _MB_CP_SBCS   0
#define _MB_CP_OEM   -2
#define _MB_CP_ANSI   -3
#define _MB_CP_LOCALE   -4
#define MSVCRT__TRUNCATE   ((MSVCRT_size_t)-1)
#define _MAX__TIME64_T   (((MSVCRT___time64_t)0x00000007 << 32) | 0x93406FFF)
#define MSVCRT_INVALID_PMT(x)   MSVCRT__invalid_parameter(NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0)
#define MSVCRT__ARGMAX   100
#define MSVCRT__OVERFLOW   3


typedef unsigned short MSVCRT_wchar_t
typedef unsigned short MSVCRT_wint_t
typedef unsigned short MSVCRT_wctype_t
typedef unsigned short MSVCRT__ino_t
typedef unsigned int MSVCRT__fsize_t
typedef int MSVCRT_long
typedef unsigned int MSVCRT_ulong
typedef unsigned int MSVCRT_size_t
typedef int MSVCRT_intptr_t
typedef unsigned int MSVCRT_uintptr_t
typedef unsigned int MSVCRT__dev_t
typedef int MSVCRT__off_t
typedef int MSVCRT_clock_t
typedef int MSVCRT___time32_t
typedef __int64 DECLSPEC_ALIGN(8) MSVCRT___time64_t
typedef int MSVCRT_mbstate_t
typedef void(__cdeclMSVCRT_terminate_handler) (void)
typedef void(__cdeclMSVCRT_terminate_function) (void)
typedef void(__cdeclMSVCRT_unexpected_handler) (void)
typedef void(__cdeclMSVCRT_unexpected_function) (void)
typedef void(__cdeclMSVCRT__se_translator_function) (unsigned int code, struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *info)
typedef void(__cdeclMSVCRT__beginthread_start_routine_t) (void *)
typedef unsigned int(__stdcallMSVCRT__beginthreadex_start_routine_t) (void *)
typedef int(__cdeclMSVCRT__onexit_t) (void)
typedef void(__cdeclMSVCRT_invalid_parameter_handler) (const MSVCRT_wchar_t *, const MSVCRT_wchar_t *, const MSVCRT_wchar_t *, unsigned, MSVCRT_uintptr_t)
typedef void(__cdeclMSVCRT_purecall_handler) (void)
typedef void(__cdeclMSVCRT_security_error_handler) (int, void *)
typedef struct MSVCRT_tagLC_ID MSVCRT_LC_ID
typedef struct MSVCRT_tagLC_IDMSVCRT_LPLC_ID
typedef struct MSVCRT_threadlocaleinfostruct MSVCRT_threadlocinfo
typedef struct MSVCRT_threadmbcinfostruct MSVCRT_threadmbcinfo
typedef struct MSVCRT_threadlocaleinfostructMSVCRT_pthreadlocinfo
typedef struct MSVCRT_threadmbcinfostructMSVCRT_pthreadmbcinfo
typedef struct MSVCRT_localeinfo_struct MSVCRT__locale_tstruct
typedef struct MSVCRT_localeinfo_structMSVCRT__locale_t
typedef struct __thread_data thread_data_t
typedef void *(__cdeclmalloc_func_t) (MSVCRT_size_t)
typedef void(__cdeclfree_func_t) (void *)
typedef struct MSVCRT__iobuf MSVCRT_FILE
typedef struct MSVCRT__div_t MSVCRT_div_t
typedef struct MSVCRT__ldiv_t MSVCRT_ldiv_t
typedef void(__cdeclMSVCRT___sighandler_t) (int)
typedef int(* puts_clbk_a) (void *, int, const char *)
typedef int(* puts_clbk_w) (void *, int, const MSVCRT_wchar_t *)
typedef union _printf_arg printf_arg
typedef printf_arg(* args_clbk) (void *, int, int, __ms_va_list *)


thread_data_tmsvcrt_get_thread_data (void)
LCID MSVCRT_locale_to_LCID (const char *)
void msvcrt_set_errno (int)
void __cdecl _purecall (void)
void __cdecl _amsg_exit (int errnum)
char ** msvcrt_SnapshotOfEnvironmentA (char **)
MSVCRT_wchar_t ** msvcrt_SnapshotOfEnvironmentW (MSVCRT_wchar_t **)
MSVCRT_wchar_tmsvcrt_wstrdupa (const char *)
int __cdecl MSVCRT__set_new_mode (int mode)
void *__cdecl MSVCRT_operator_new (MSVCRT_size_t)
void __cdecl MSVCRT_operator_delete (void *)
char *__cdecl __unDName (char *, const char *, int, malloc_func_t, free_func_t, unsigned short int)
char *__cdecl __unDNameEx (char *, const char *, int, malloc_func_t, free_func_t, void *, unsigned short int)
void msvcrt_init_mt_locks (void)
void msvcrt_free_mt_locks (void)
BOOL msvcrt_init_locale (void)
void msvcrt_init_math (void)
void msvcrt_init_io (void)
void msvcrt_free_io (void)
void msvcrt_init_console (void)
void msvcrt_free_console (void)
void msvcrt_init_args (void)
void msvcrt_free_args (void)
void msvcrt_init_signals (void)
void msvcrt_free_signals (void)
unsigned msvcrt_create_io_inherit_block (WORD *, BYTE **)
unsigned int __cdecl _control87 (unsigned int, unsigned int)
void __cdecl MSVCRT_free (void *)
void *__cdecl MSVCRT_malloc (MSVCRT_size_t)
void *__cdecl MSVCRT_calloc (MSVCRT_size_t, MSVCRT_size_t)
void *__cdecl MSVCRT_realloc (void *, MSVCRT_size_t)
int __cdecl MSVCRT_iswalpha (MSVCRT_wint_t)
int __cdecl MSVCRT_iswspace (MSVCRT_wint_t)
int __cdecl MSVCRT_iswdigit (MSVCRT_wint_t)
int __cdecl MSVCRT_isleadbyte (int)
int __cdecl MSVCRT__isleadbyte_l (int, MSVCRT__locale_t)
void __cdecl MSVCRT__lock_file (MSVCRT_FILE *)
void __cdecl MSVCRT__unlock_file (MSVCRT_FILE *)
int __cdecl MSVCRT_fgetc (MSVCRT_FILE *)
int __cdecl MSVCRT_ungetc (int, MSVCRT_FILE *)
MSVCRT_wint_t __cdecl MSVCRT_fgetwc (MSVCRT_FILE *)
MSVCRT_wint_t __cdecl MSVCRT_ungetwc (MSVCRT_wint_t, MSVCRT_FILE *)
void __cdecl MSVCRT__exit (int)
void __cdecl MSVCRT_abort (void)
MSVCRT_ulong *__cdecl MSVCRT___doserrno (void)
int *__cdecl MSVCRT__errno (void)
char *__cdecl MSVCRT_getenv (const char *)
int __cdecl MSVCRT_fclose (MSVCRT_FILE *)
void __cdecl MSVCRT_terminate (void)
MSVCRT_FILE *__cdecl MSVCRT__iob_func (void)
MSVCRT_clock_t __cdecl MSVCRT_clock (void)
MSVCRT___time32_t __cdecl MSVCRT__time32 (MSVCRT___time32_t *)
MSVCRT___time64_t __cdecl MSVCRT__time64 (MSVCRT___time64_t *)
MSVCRT_FILE *__cdecl MSVCRT__fdopen (int, const char *)
MSVCRT_FILE *__cdecl MSVCRT__wfdopen (int, const MSVCRT_wchar_t *)
int __cdecl MSVCRT_vsnprintf (char *str, MSVCRT_size_t len, const char *format, __ms_va_list valist)
int __cdecl MSVCRT_vsnwprintf (MSVCRT_wchar_t *str, MSVCRT_size_t len, const MSVCRT_wchar_t *format, __ms_va_list valist)
int __cdecl MSVCRT__snwprintf (MSVCRT_wchar_t *, unsigned int, const MSVCRT_wchar_t *,...)
int __cdecl MSVCRT_sprintf (char *, const char *,...)
int __cdecl MSVCRT__scprintf (const char *,...)
int __cdecl MSVCRT_raise (int sig)
MSVCRT_pthreadlocinfo get_locinfo (void)
MSVCRT_pthreadmbcinfo get_mbcinfo (void)
void __cdecl MSVCRT__free_locale (MSVCRT__locale_t)
void free_locinfo (MSVCRT_pthreadlocinfo)
void free_mbcinfo (MSVCRT_pthreadmbcinfo)
int _setmbcp_l (int, LCID, MSVCRT_pthreadmbcinfo)
int __cdecl MSVCRT__write (int, const void *, unsigned int)
int __cdecl _getch (void)
int __cdecl _ismbblead (unsigned int)
int __cdecl _ismbstrail (const unsigned char *start, const unsigned char *str)
MSVCRT_size_t __cdecl MSVCRT_mbstowcs (MSVCRT_wchar_t *, const char *, MSVCRT_size_t)
MSVCRT_intptr_t __cdecl MSVCRT__spawnve (int, const char *, const char *const *, const char *const *)
MSVCRT_intptr_t __cdecl MSVRT__spawnvpe (int, const char *, const char *const *, const char *const *)
MSVCRT_intptr_t __cdecl MSVCRT__wspawnve (int, const MSVCRT_wchar_t *, const MSVCRT_wchar_t *const *, const MSVCRT_wchar_t *const *)
MSVCRT_intptr_t __cdecl MSVCRT__wspawnvpe (int, const MSVCRT_wchar_t *, const MSVCRT_wchar_t *const *, const MSVCRT_wchar_t *const *)
void __cdecl MSVCRT__searchenv (const char *, const char *, char *)
int __cdecl MSVCRT__getdrive (void)
char *__cdecl MSVCRT__strdup (const char *)
char *__cdecl MSVCRT__strnset (char *, int, MSVCRT_size_t)
char *__cdecl _strset (char *, int)
int __cdecl _ungetch (int)
int __cdecl _cputs (const char *)
int __cdecl _cprintf (const char *,...)
int __cdecl _cwprintf (const MSVCRT_wchar_t *,...)
char ***__cdecl MSVCRT___p__environ (void)
int *__cdecl __p___mb_cur_max (void)
unsigned int *__cdecl __p__fmode (void)
MSVCRT_wchar_t *__cdecl MSVCRT__wcsdup (const MSVCRT_wchar_t *)
MSVCRT_wchar_t ***__cdecl MSVCRT___p__wenviron (void)
char *__cdecl MSVCRT__strdate (char *date)
char *__cdecl MSVCRT__strtime (char *date)
int __cdecl _setmbcp (int)
int __cdecl MSVCRT__close (int)
int __cdecl MSVCRT__dup (int)
int __cdecl MSVCRT__dup2 (int, int)
int __cdecl MSVCRT__pipe (int *, unsigned int, int)
MSVCRT_wchar_t *__cdecl MSVCRT__wgetenv (const MSVCRT_wchar_t *)
void __cdecl MSVCRT__wsearchenv (const MSVCRT_wchar_t *, const MSVCRT_wchar_t *, MSVCRT_wchar_t *)
MSVCRT_intptr_t __cdecl MSVCRT__spawnvpe (int, const char *, const char *const *, const char *const *)
void __cdecl MSVCRT__invalid_parameter (const MSVCRT_wchar_t *expr, const MSVCRT_wchar_t *func, const MSVCRT_wchar_t *file, unsigned int line, MSVCRT_uintptr_t arg)
int __cdecl MSVCRT__toupper_l (int, MSVCRT__locale_t)
int __cdecl MSVCRT__tolower_l (int, MSVCRT__locale_t)
int pf_printf_a (puts_clbk_a, void *, const char *, MSVCRT__locale_t, BOOL, BOOL, args_clbk, void *, __ms_va_list *)
int pf_printf_w (puts_clbk_w, void *, const MSVCRT_wchar_t *, MSVCRT__locale_t, BOOL, BOOL, args_clbk, void *, __ms_va_list *)
printf_arg arg_clbk_valist (void *, int, int, __ms_va_list *)


DWORD msvcrt_tls_index
MSVCRT__locale_t MSVCRT_locale
int MSVCRT___lc_codepage
int MSVCRT___lc_collate_cp
WORD MSVCRT__ctype [257]
char ** MSVCRT__environ
MSVCRT_wchar_t ** MSVCRT__wenviron

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ _M1

#define _M1   0x04

Definition at line 817 of file msvcrt.h.

◆ _M2

#define _M2   0x08

Definition at line 818 of file msvcrt.h.

◆ _MAX__TIME64_T

#define _MAX__TIME64_T   (((MSVCRT___time64_t)0x00000007 << 32) | 0x93406FFF)

Definition at line 835 of file msvcrt.h.


#define _MB_CP_ANSI   -3

Definition at line 830 of file msvcrt.h.


#define _MB_CP_LOCALE   -4

Definition at line 831 of file msvcrt.h.


#define _MB_CP_OEM   -2

Definition at line 829 of file msvcrt.h.


#define _MB_CP_SBCS   0

Definition at line 828 of file msvcrt.h.


#define _MBC_ILLEGAL   -1

Definition at line 826 of file msvcrt.h.


#define _MBC_LEAD   1

Definition at line 824 of file msvcrt.h.


#define _MBC_SINGLE   0

Definition at line 823 of file msvcrt.h.


#define _MBC_TRAIL   2

Definition at line 825 of file msvcrt.h.

◆ _MP

#define _MP   0x02

Definition at line 816 of file msvcrt.h.

◆ _MS

#define _MS   0x01

Definition at line 815 of file msvcrt.h.


#define _RT_ABORT   10

Definition at line 262 of file msvcrt.h.


#define _RT_BANNER   255

Definition at line 284 of file msvcrt.h.


#define _RT_BREAK   14

Definition at line 265 of file msvcrt.h.


#define _RT_CRNL   252

Definition at line 283 of file msvcrt.h.


#define _RT_DOMAIN   120

Definition at line 280 of file msvcrt.h.


#define _RT_EXECENV   7

Definition at line 259 of file msvcrt.h.


#define _RT_EXECFORM   6

Definition at line 258 of file msvcrt.h.


#define _RT_EXECMEM   5

Definition at line 257 of file msvcrt.h.


#define _RT_FLOAT   2

Definition at line 255 of file msvcrt.h.


#define _RT_FPTR   13

Definition at line 264 of file msvcrt.h.


#define _RT_HEAP   18

Definition at line 269 of file msvcrt.h.


#define _RT_HEAPINIT   28

Definition at line 279 of file msvcrt.h.


#define _RT_INT   15

Definition at line 266 of file msvcrt.h.


#define _RT_INTDIV   3

Definition at line 256 of file msvcrt.h.


#define _RT_INVALDISP   23

Definition at line 274 of file msvcrt.h.


#define _RT_LOCK   17

Definition at line 268 of file msvcrt.h.


#define _RT_LOWIOINIT   27

Definition at line 278 of file msvcrt.h.


#define _RT_NOMAIN   21

Definition at line 272 of file msvcrt.h.


#define _RT_NONCONT   22

Definition at line 273 of file msvcrt.h.


#define _RT_NPTR   12

Definition at line 263 of file msvcrt.h.


#define _RT_NULLPTR   1

Definition at line 254 of file msvcrt.h.


#define _RT_ONEXIT   24

Definition at line 275 of file msvcrt.h.


#define _RT_OPENCON   19

Definition at line 270 of file msvcrt.h.


#define _RT_PUREVIRT   25

Definition at line 276 of file msvcrt.h.


#define _RT_QWIN   20

Definition at line 271 of file msvcrt.h.


#define _RT_SING   121

Definition at line 281 of file msvcrt.h.


#define _RT_SPACEARG   8

Definition at line 260 of file msvcrt.h.


#define _RT_SPACEENV   9

Definition at line 261 of file msvcrt.h.


#define _RT_STACK   0

Definition at line 253 of file msvcrt.h.


#define _RT_STDIOINIT   26

Definition at line 277 of file msvcrt.h.


#define _RT_THREAD   16

Definition at line 267 of file msvcrt.h.


#define _RT_TLOSS   122

Definition at line 282 of file msvcrt.h.


#define _SBLOW   0x20

Definition at line 821 of file msvcrt.h.


#define _SBUP   0x10

Definition at line 820 of file msvcrt.h.



Definition at line 684 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__ARGMAX   100

Definition at line 944 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__BLANK   0x0040 /* C1_BLANK */

Definition at line 681 of file msvcrt.h.



Definition at line 839 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__CONTROL   0x0020 /* C1_CNTRL */

Definition at line 680 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__DIGIT   0x0004 /* C1_DIGIT */

Definition at line 677 of file msvcrt.h.



Definition at line 883 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__DN_FLUSH   0x01000000

Definition at line 780 of file msvcrt.h.



Definition at line 781 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__DN_SAVE   0x00000000

Definition at line 779 of file msvcrt.h.



Definition at line 782 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__EM_AMBIGUOUS   0x80000000

Definition at line 783 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__EM_DENORMAL   0x00080000

Definition at line 765 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__EM_INEXACT   0x00000001

Definition at line 769 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__EM_INVALID   0x00000010

Definition at line 764 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__EM_OVERFLOW   0x00000004

Definition at line 767 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__EM_UNDERFLOW   0x00000002

Definition at line 768 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__EM_ZERODIVIDE   0x00000008

Definition at line 766 of file msvcrt.h.



Definition at line 882 of file msvcrt.h.

◆ MSVCRT__finddata_t

#define MSVCRT__finddata_t   MSVCRT__finddata32_t

Definition at line 570 of file msvcrt.h.

◆ MSVCRT__finddatai64_t

#define MSVCRT__finddatai64_t   MSVCRT__finddata32i64_t

Definition at line 571 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__FPCLASS_ND   0x0010 /* Negative Denormal */

Definition at line 751 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__FPCLASS_NINF   0x0004 /* Negative Infinity */

Definition at line 749 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__FPCLASS_NN   0x0008 /* Negative Normal */

Definition at line 750 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__FPCLASS_NZ   0x0020 /* Negative Zero */

Definition at line 752 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__FPCLASS_PD   0x0080 /* Positive Denormal */

Definition at line 754 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__FPCLASS_PINF   0x0200 /* Positive Infinity */

Definition at line 756 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__FPCLASS_PN   0x0100 /* Positive Normal */

Definition at line 755 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__FPCLASS_PZ   0x0040 /* Positive Zero */

Definition at line 753 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__FPCLASS_QNAN   0x0002 /* Quiet "Not a Number" */

Definition at line 748 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__FPCLASS_SNAN   0x0001 /* Signaling "Not a Number" */

Definition at line 747 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__FPE_DENORMAL   0x82

Definition at line 804 of file msvcrt.h.



Definition at line 813 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__FPE_INEXACT   0x86

Definition at line 808 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__FPE_INVALID   0x81

Definition at line 803 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__FPE_OVERFLOW   0x84

Definition at line 806 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__FPE_SQRTNEG   0x88

Definition at line 810 of file msvcrt.h.



Definition at line 811 of file msvcrt.h.



Definition at line 812 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__FPE_UNDERFLOW   0x85

Definition at line 807 of file msvcrt.h.



Definition at line 809 of file msvcrt.h.



Definition at line 805 of file msvcrt.h.



Definition at line 666 of file msvcrt.h.



Definition at line 661 of file msvcrt.h.



Definition at line 662 of file msvcrt.h.



Definition at line 664 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__HEAPEMPTY   -1

Definition at line 659 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__HEAPEND   -5

Definition at line 663 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__HEAPOK   -2

Definition at line 660 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__HEX   0x0080 /* C1_XDIGIT */

Definition at line 682 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__IC_AFFINE   0x00040000

Definition at line 770 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__IC_PROJECTIVE   0x00000000

Definition at line 771 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__IOEOF   0x0010

Definition at line 689 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__IOERR   0x0020

Definition at line 690 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__IOFBF   0x0000

Definition at line 589 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__IOLBF   0x0040

Definition at line 591 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__IOMYBUF   0x0008

Definition at line 688 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__IONBF   0x0004

Definition at line 590 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__IOREAD   0x0001

Definition at line 686 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__IORW   0x0080

Definition at line 692 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__IOSTRG   0x0040

Definition at line 691 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__IOWRT   0x0002

Definition at line 687 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__LEADBYTE   0x8000

Definition at line 683 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__LK_LOCK   1

Definition at line 704 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__LK_NBLCK   2

Definition at line 705 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__LK_NBRLCK   4

Definition at line 707 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__LK_RLCK   3

Definition at line 706 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__LK_UNLCK   0

Definition at line 703 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__LOWER   0x0002 /* C1_LOWER */

Definition at line 676 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__MAX_DIR   256

Definition at line 51 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__MAX_DRIVE   3

Definition at line 50 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__MAX_EXT   256

Definition at line 53 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__MAX_FNAME   256

Definition at line 52 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__MCW_DN   0x03000000

Definition at line 762 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__MCW_EM   0x0008001f

Definition at line 758 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__MCW_IC   0x00040000

Definition at line 759 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__MCW_PC   0x00030000

Definition at line 761 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__MCW_RC   0x00000300

Definition at line 760 of file msvcrt.h.


Definition at line 718 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__O_APPEND   0x0008

Definition at line 719 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__O_BINARY   0x8000

Definition at line 729 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__O_CREAT   0x0100

Definition at line 724 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__O_EXCL   0x0400

Definition at line 726 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__O_NOINHERIT   0x0080

Definition at line 723 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__O_RANDOM   0x0010

Definition at line 720 of file msvcrt.h.



Definition at line 730 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__O_RDONLY   0

Definition at line 715 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__O_RDWR   2

Definition at line 717 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__O_SEQUENTIAL   0x0020

Definition at line 721 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__O_SHORT_LIVED   0x1000

Definition at line 727 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__O_TEMPORARY   0x0040

Definition at line 722 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__O_TEXT   0x4000

Definition at line 728 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__O_TRUNC   0x0200

Definition at line 725 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__O_WRONLY   1

Definition at line 716 of file msvcrt.h.



Definition at line 669 of file msvcrt.h.



Definition at line 671 of file msvcrt.h.



Definition at line 670 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__OVERFLOW   3

Definition at line 961 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__P_DETACH   4

Definition at line 607 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__P_NOWAIT   1

Definition at line 604 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__P_NOWAITO   3

Definition at line 606 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__P_OVERLAY   2

Definition at line 605 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__P_WAIT   0

Definition at line 603 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__PC_24   0x00020000

Definition at line 776 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__PC_53   0x00010000

Definition at line 777 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__PC_64   0x00000000

Definition at line 778 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__PUNCT   0x0010 /* C1_PUNCT */

Definition at line 679 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__RC_CHOP   0x00000300

Definition at line 772 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__RC_DOWN   0x00000100

Definition at line 774 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__RC_NEAR   0x00000000

Definition at line 775 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__RC_UP   0x00000200

Definition at line 773 of file msvcrt.h.



Definition at line 672 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__S_IEXEC   0x0040

Definition at line 694 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__S_IFCHR   0x2000

Definition at line 698 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__S_IFDIR   0x4000

Definition at line 699 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__S_IFIFO   0x1000

Definition at line 697 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__S_IFMT   0xF000

Definition at line 701 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__S_IFREG   0x8000

Definition at line 700 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__S_IREAD   0x0100

Definition at line 696 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__S_IWRITE   0x0080

Definition at line 695 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__SH_COMPAT   0x00 /* Compatibility */

Definition at line 709 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__SH_DENYNO   0x40 /* Deny nothing */

Definition at line 713 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__SH_DENYRD   0x30 /* Deny read */

Definition at line 712 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__SH_DENYRW   0x10 /* Deny read/write */

Definition at line 710 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__SH_DENYWR   0x20 /* Deny write */

Definition at line 711 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__SPACE   0x0008 /* C1_SPACE */

Definition at line 678 of file msvcrt.h.

◆ MSVCRT__stat

#define MSVCRT__stat   MSVCRT__stat32

Definition at line 574 of file msvcrt.h.

◆ MSVCRT__stati64

#define MSVCRT__stati64   MSVCRT__stat32i64

Definition at line 575 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__SW_DENORMAL   0x00080000 /* denormal status bit */

Definition at line 744 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__SW_INEXACT   0x00000001 /* inexact (precision) */

Definition at line 733 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__SW_INVALID   0x00000010 /* invalid */

Definition at line 737 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__SW_OVERFLOW   0x00000004 /* overflow */

Definition at line 735 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__SW_SQRTNEG   0x00000080 /* square root of a neg number */

Definition at line 740 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__SW_STACKOVERFLOW   0x00000200 /* FP stack overflow */

Definition at line 741 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__SW_STACKUNDERFLOW   0x00000400 /* FP stack underflow */

Definition at line 742 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__SW_UNDERFLOW   0x00000002 /* underflow */

Definition at line 734 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__SW_UNEMULATED   0x00000040 /* unemulated instruction */

Definition at line 739 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__SW_ZERODIVIDE   0x00000008 /* zero divide */

Definition at line 736 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__TRUNCATE   ((MSVCRT_size_t)-1)

Definition at line 833 of file msvcrt.h.



Definition at line 842 of file msvcrt.h.



Definition at line 962 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT__UPPER   0x0001 /* C1_UPPER */

Definition at line 675 of file msvcrt.h.



Definition at line 667 of file msvcrt.h.

◆ MSVCRT__wfinddata_t

#define MSVCRT__wfinddata_t   MSVCRT__wfinddata32_t

Definition at line 572 of file msvcrt.h.

◆ MSVCRT__wfinddatai64_t

#define MSVCRT__wfinddatai64_t   MSVCRT__wfinddata32i64_t

Definition at line 573 of file msvcrt.h.



Definition at line 838 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_BUFSIZ   512

Definition at line 582 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_CHECK_PMT (   x)    ((x) || (MSVCRT_INVALID_PMT(0),FALSE))

Definition at line 941 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_CLOCKS_PER_SEC   1000

Definition at line 785 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_DIR_MAX   256

Definition at line 596 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_DRIVE_MAX   3

Definition at line 594 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_E2BIG   7

Definition at line 615 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_EACCES   13

Definition at line 621 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_EAGAIN   11

Definition at line 619 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_EBADF   9

Definition at line 617 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_EBUSY   16

Definition at line 623 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_ECHILD   10

Definition at line 618 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_EDEADLK   36

Definition at line 641 of file msvcrt.h.



Definition at line 642 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_EDOM   33

Definition at line 639 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_EEXIST   17

Definition at line 624 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_EFAULT   14

Definition at line 622 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_EFBIG   27

Definition at line 633 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_EILSEQ   42

Definition at line 647 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_EINTR   4

Definition at line 612 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_EINVAL   22

Definition at line 629 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_EIO   5

Definition at line 613 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_EISDIR   21

Definition at line 628 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_EMFILE   24

Definition at line 631 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_EMLINK   31

Definition at line 637 of file msvcrt.h.



Definition at line 643 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_ENFILE   23

Definition at line 630 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_ENODEV   19

Definition at line 626 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_ENOENT   2

Definition at line 610 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_ENOEXEC   8

Definition at line 616 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_ENOLCK   39

Definition at line 644 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_ENOMEM   12

Definition at line 620 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_ENOSPC   28

Definition at line 634 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_ENOSYS   40

Definition at line 645 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_ENOTDIR   20

Definition at line 627 of file msvcrt.h.



Definition at line 646 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_ENOTTY   25

Definition at line 632 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_ENXIO   6

Definition at line 614 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_EOF   (-1)

Definition at line 579 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_EPERM   1

Definition at line 609 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_EPIPE   32

Definition at line 638 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_ERANGE   34

Definition at line 640 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_EROFS   30

Definition at line 636 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_ESPIPE   29

Definition at line 635 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_ESRCH   3

Definition at line 611 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_EXDEV   18

Definition at line 625 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_EXT_MAX   256

Definition at line 597 of file msvcrt.h.



Definition at line 593 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_FNAME_MAX   256

Definition at line 595 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_I64_MAX   (((__int64)0x7fffffff << 32) | 0xffffffff)

Definition at line 46 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_I64_MIN   (-MSVCRT_I64_MAX-1)

Definition at line 47 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_INVALID_PMT (   x)    MSVCRT__invalid_parameter(NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0)

Definition at line 940 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_LC_ALL   0

Definition at line 650 of file msvcrt.h.



Definition at line 651 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_LC_CTYPE   2

Definition at line 652 of file msvcrt.h.



Definition at line 657 of file msvcrt.h.



Definition at line 656 of file msvcrt.h.



Definition at line 653 of file msvcrt.h.



Definition at line 654 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_LC_TIME   5

Definition at line 655 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_LONG_MAX   0x7fffffffL

Definition at line 44 of file msvcrt.h.



Definition at line 795 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_PATH_MAX   260

Definition at line 598 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_RAND_MAX   0x7fff

Definition at line 581 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_SIG_DFL   ((MSVCRT___sighandler_t)0)

Definition at line 799 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_SIG_ERR   ((MSVCRT___sighandler_t)-1)

Definition at line 801 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_SIG_IGN   ((MSVCRT___sighandler_t)1)

Definition at line 800 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_SIGABRT   22

Definition at line 794 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_SIGBREAK   21

Definition at line 793 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_SIGFPE   8

Definition at line 790 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_SIGILL   4

Definition at line 789 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_SIGINT   2

Definition at line 788 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_SIGSEGV   11

Definition at line 791 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_SIGTERM   15

Definition at line 792 of file msvcrt.h.

◆ MSVCRT_stderr


Definition at line 601 of file msvcrt.h.



Definition at line 586 of file msvcrt.h.

◆ MSVCRT_stdin


Definition at line 599 of file msvcrt.h.



Definition at line 584 of file msvcrt.h.

◆ MSVCRT_stdout


Definition at line 600 of file msvcrt.h.



Definition at line 585 of file msvcrt.h.



Definition at line 648 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_TMP_MAX   0x7fff

Definition at line 580 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_UI64_MAX   (((unsigned __int64)0xffffffff << 32) | 0xffffffff)

Definition at line 48 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_ULONG_MAX   0xffffffffUL

Definition at line 45 of file msvcrt.h.


#define MSVCRT_WEOF   (MSVCRT_wint_t)(0xFFFF)

Definition at line 578 of file msvcrt.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ args_clbk

typedef printf_arg(* args_clbk) (void *, int, int, __ms_va_list *)

Definition at line 954 of file msvcrt.h.



Definition at line 75 of file msvcrt.h.

◆ free_func_t

typedef void(__cdecl * free_func_t) (void *)

Definition at line 228 of file msvcrt.h.

◆ malloc_func_t

typedef void *(__cdecl * malloc_func_t) (MSVCRT_size_t)

Definition at line 227 of file msvcrt.h.

◆ MSVCRT___sighandler_t

typedef void(__cdecl * MSVCRT___sighandler_t) (int)

Definition at line 797 of file msvcrt.h.

◆ MSVCRT___time32_t

Definition at line 74 of file msvcrt.h.

◆ MSVCRT__beginthread_start_routine_t

typedef void(__cdecl * MSVCRT__beginthread_start_routine_t) (void *)

Definition at line 84 of file msvcrt.h.

◆ MSVCRT__beginthreadex_start_routine_t

typedef unsigned int(__stdcall * MSVCRT__beginthreadex_start_routine_t) (void *)

Definition at line 85 of file msvcrt.h.

◆ MSVCRT__dev_t

Definition at line 71 of file msvcrt.h.

◆ MSVCRT__fsize_t

Definition at line 59 of file msvcrt.h.

◆ MSVCRT__ino_t

Definition at line 58 of file msvcrt.h.

◆ MSVCRT__locale_t

◆ MSVCRT__locale_tstruct

◆ MSVCRT__off_t

typedef int MSVCRT__off_t

Definition at line 72 of file msvcrt.h.

◆ MSVCRT__onexit_t

typedef int(__cdecl * MSVCRT__onexit_t) (void)

Definition at line 86 of file msvcrt.h.

◆ MSVCRT__se_translator_function

typedef void(__cdecl * MSVCRT__se_translator_function) (unsigned int code, struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *info)

Definition at line 83 of file msvcrt.h.

◆ MSVCRT_clock_t

Definition at line 73 of file msvcrt.h.

◆ MSVCRT_div_t


Definition at line 311 of file msvcrt.h.

◆ MSVCRT_intptr_t

Definition at line 68 of file msvcrt.h.

◆ MSVCRT_invalid_parameter_handler

typedef void(__cdecl * MSVCRT_invalid_parameter_handler) (const MSVCRT_wchar_t *, const MSVCRT_wchar_t *, const MSVCRT_wchar_t *, unsigned, MSVCRT_uintptr_t)

Definition at line 87 of file msvcrt.h.


◆ MSVCRT_ldiv_t

◆ MSVCRT_long

typedef int MSVCRT_long

Definition at line 60 of file msvcrt.h.


◆ MSVCRT_mbstate_t

Definition at line 77 of file msvcrt.h.

◆ MSVCRT_pthreadlocinfo

◆ MSVCRT_pthreadmbcinfo

Definition at line 148 of file msvcrt.h.

◆ MSVCRT_purecall_handler

typedef void(__cdecl * MSVCRT_purecall_handler) (void)

Definition at line 88 of file msvcrt.h.

◆ MSVCRT_security_error_handler

typedef void(__cdecl * MSVCRT_security_error_handler) (int, void *)

Definition at line 89 of file msvcrt.h.

◆ MSVCRT_size_t

Definition at line 67 of file msvcrt.h.

◆ MSVCRT_terminate_function

typedef void(__cdecl * MSVCRT_terminate_function) (void)

Definition at line 80 of file msvcrt.h.

◆ MSVCRT_terminate_handler

typedef void(__cdecl * MSVCRT_terminate_handler) (void)

Definition at line 79 of file msvcrt.h.

◆ MSVCRT_threadlocinfo

◆ MSVCRT_threadmbcinfo

◆ MSVCRT_uintptr_t

Definition at line 69 of file msvcrt.h.

◆ MSVCRT_ulong

Definition at line 61 of file msvcrt.h.

◆ MSVCRT_unexpected_function

typedef void(__cdecl * MSVCRT_unexpected_function) (void)

Definition at line 82 of file msvcrt.h.

◆ MSVCRT_unexpected_handler

typedef void(__cdecl * MSVCRT_unexpected_handler) (void)

Definition at line 81 of file msvcrt.h.

◆ MSVCRT_wchar_t

Definition at line 55 of file msvcrt.h.

◆ MSVCRT_wctype_t

Definition at line 57 of file msvcrt.h.

◆ MSVCRT_wint_t

Definition at line 56 of file msvcrt.h.

◆ printf_arg

typedef union _printf_arg printf_arg

◆ puts_clbk_a

typedef int(* puts_clbk_a) (void *, int, const char *)

Definition at line 945 of file msvcrt.h.

◆ puts_clbk_w

typedef int(* puts_clbk_w) (void *, int, const MSVCRT_wchar_t *)

Definition at line 946 of file msvcrt.h.

◆ thread_data_t

Definition at line 196 of file msvcrt.h.

Function Documentation

◆ __p___mb_cur_max()

int *__cdecl __p___mb_cur_max ( void  )

Definition at line 430 of file environ.c.

432 return &get_locinfo()->mb_cur_max;
#define get_locinfo()
Definition: winesup.h:25

Referenced by Test___mb_cur_max().

◆ __p__fmode()

unsigned int *__cdecl __p__fmode ( void  )

Definition at line 9 of file fmode.c.

11 return &_fmode;
int _fmode
Definition: fmode.c:4

Referenced by Test__fmode().

◆ __unDName()

char *__cdecl __unDName ( char buffer,
const char mangled,
int  buflen,
malloc_func_t  memget,
free_func_t  memfree,
unsigned short int  flags 

Definition at line 1650 of file undname.c.

1654 return __unDNameEx(buffer, mangled, buflen, memget, memfree, NULL, flags);
#define NULL
Definition: types.h:112
GLuint buffer
Definition: glext.h:5915
GLbitfield flags
Definition: glext.h:7161
char *CDECL __unDNameEx(char *buffer, const char *mangled, int buflen, malloc_func_t memget, free_func_t memfree, void *unknown, unsigned short int flags)
Definition: undname.c:1603

Referenced by type_info_name().

◆ __unDNameEx()

char *__cdecl __unDNameEx ( char buffer,
const char mangled,
int  buflen,
malloc_func_t  memget,
free_func_t  memfree,
void unknown,
unsigned short int  flags 

Definition at line 1603 of file undname.c.

1607 struct parsed_symbol sym;
1608 const char* result;
1610 TRACE("(%p,%s,%d,%p,%p,%p,%x)\n",
1611 buffer, debugstr_a(mangled), buflen, memget, memfree, unknown, flags);
1613 /* The flags details is not documented by MS. However, it looks exactly
1614 * like the UNDNAME_ manifest constants from imagehlp.h and dbghelp.h
1615 * So, we copied those (on top of the file)
1616 */
1617 memset(&sym, 0, sizeof(struct parsed_symbol));
1623 sym.flags = flags;
1624 sym.mem_alloc_ptr = memget;
1625 sym.mem_free_ptr = memfree;
1626 sym.current = mangled;
1627 str_array_init( &sym.names );
1628 str_array_init( &sym.stack );
1630 result = symbol_demangle(&sym) ? sym.result : mangled;
1631 if (buffer && buflen)
1632 {
1633 lstrcpynA( buffer, result, buflen);
1634 }
1635 else
1636 {
1637 buffer = memget(strlen(result) + 1);
1638 if (buffer) strcpy(buffer, result);
1639 }
1641 und_free_all(&sym);
1643 return buffer;
ACPI_SIZE strlen(const char *String)
Definition: utclib.c:269
Definition: dbghelp.h:1256
Definition: dbghelp.h:1254
Definition: dbghelp.h:1260
Definition: dbghelp.h:1262
Definition: object.c:1605
#define lstrcpynA
Definition: compat.h:751
Definition: compat.h:1017
GLuint64EXT * result
Definition: glext.h:11304
#define debugstr_a
Definition: kernel32.h:31
Definition: string.h:131
Definition: msvcrt.h:140
#define memset(x, y, z)
Definition: compat.h:39
#define TRACE(s)
Definition: solgame.cpp:4
static void und_free_all(struct parsed_symbol *sym)
Definition: undname.c:144
static BOOL symbol_demangle(struct parsed_symbol *sym)
Definition: undname.c:1344
static void str_array_init(struct array *a)
Definition: undname.c:161

Referenced by __unDName().

◆ _amsg_exit()

void __cdecl _amsg_exit ( int  errnum)

Definition at line 44 of file amsg.c.

46 if ((errnum >=0) && (errnum < sizeof(__rt_err_msg)/sizeof(__rt_err_msg[0])))
47 fprintf(stderr, "runtime error - %s\n", __rt_err_msg[errnum]);
48 else
49 fprintf(stderr, "runtime error - %d\n", errnum);
50 _exit(-1);
void _exit(int exitcode)
Definition: _exit.c:25
static char * __rt_err_msg[]
Definition: amsg.c:13
#define stderr
Definition: stdio.h:100
_Check_return_opt_ _CRTIMP int __cdecl fprintf(_Inout_ FILE *_File, _In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ const char *_Format,...)

Referenced by _purecall(), and msvcrt_get_thread_data().

◆ _control87()

unsigned int __cdecl _control87 ( unsigned int  newval,
unsigned int  mask 

Definition at line 16 of file _control87.c.

18 unsigned int native, oldval, updated;
20 /* Sanatize the mask */
23 /* Get native control word */
24 native = _get_native_fpcw();
26 /* Convert to abstract */
27 oldval = _fpcw_native_to_abstract(native);
29 /* Update it according to the given parameters */
30 updated = (oldval & ~mask) | (newval & mask);
32 /* Convert back to native */
33 native = _fpcw_abstract_to_native(updated);
35 /* Set the native value */
36 _set_native_fpcw(native);
38 return updated;
unsigned int _fpcw_native_to_abstract(unsigned int native)
Definition: machfpcw.c:23
void _set_native_fpcw(unsigned int value)
Definition: machfpcw.c:18
unsigned int _fpcw_abstract_to_native(unsigned int abstract)
Definition: machfpcw.c:69
unsigned int _get_native_fpcw(void)
Definition: machfpcw.c:13
GLenum GLint GLuint mask
Definition: glext.h:6028
#define _MCW_EM
Definition: float.h:40
#define _MCW_RC
Definition: float.h:42
#define _MCW_DN
Definition: float.h:44

Referenced by __declspec(), _controlfp(), LocaleTest::_num_put_get(), main(), and Test_exceptions().

◆ _cprintf()

int __cdecl _cprintf ( const char format,

Definition at line 14 of file _cprintf.c.

16 va_list argptr;
17 int result;
19 va_start(argptr, format);
20 result = _vcprintf(format, argptr);
21 va_end(argptr);
22 return result;
char * va_list
Definition: acmsvcex.h:78
#define va_end(ap)
Definition: acmsvcex.h:90
#define va_start(ap, A)
Definition: acmsvcex.h:91
_Check_return_opt_ _CRTIMP int __cdecl _vcprintf(_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ const char *_Format, va_list _ArgList)
Definition: conio.h:87
Definition: format.c:58

◆ _cputs()

int __cdecl _cputs ( const char str)

Definition at line 8 of file cputs.c.

11 int len, retval = -1;
12#ifdef __REACTOS__ /* r54651 */
13 HANDLE MSVCRT_console_out = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
16 if (!MSVCRT_CHECK_PMT(str != NULL)) return -1;
17 len = strlen(str);
19#ifndef __REACTOS__ /* r54651 */
22 if (WriteConsoleA(MSVCRT_console_out, str, len, &count, NULL)
23 && count == len)
24 retval = 0;
25#ifndef __REACTOS__ /* r54651 */
28 return retval;
Definition: console.c:203
BOOL WINAPI DECLSPEC_HOTPATCH WriteConsoleA(IN HANDLE hConsoleOutput, IN CONST VOID *lpBuffer, IN DWORD nNumberOfCharsToWrite, OUT LPDWORD lpNumberOfCharsWritten, LPVOID lpReserved)
Definition: readwrite.c:1468
unsigned long DWORD
Definition: ntddk_ex.h:95
GLuint GLuint GLsizei count
Definition: gl.h:1545
GLenum GLsizei len
Definition: glext.h:6722
Definition: mbstowcs_s.c:26
const WCHAR * str
int retval
Definition: wcstombs.cpp:91
Definition: winbase.h:294

Referenced by _cgets(), and gl_getpass().

◆ _cwprintf()

int __cdecl _cwprintf ( const MSVCRT_wchar_t ,

Referenced by wmain().

◆ _getch()

int __cdecl _getch ( void  )

Definition at line 16 of file getch.c.

18 DWORD NumberOfCharsRead = 0;
19 char c;
20 HANDLE ConsoleHandle;
21 BOOL RestoreMode;
22 DWORD ConsoleMode;
24 if (char_avail) {
25 c = ungot_char;
26 char_avail = 0;
27 } else {
28 /*
29 * _getch() is documented to NOT echo characters. Testing shows it
30 * doesn't wait for a CR either. So we need to switch off
31 * ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT and ENABLE_LINE_INPUT if they're currently
32 * switched on.
33 */
34 ConsoleHandle = (HANDLE) _get_osfhandle(stdin->_file);
35 RestoreMode = GetConsoleMode(ConsoleHandle, &ConsoleMode) &&
36 (0 != (ConsoleMode &
38 if (RestoreMode) {
39 SetConsoleMode(ConsoleHandle,
41 }
43 &c,
44 1,
45 &NumberOfCharsRead,
46 NULL);
47 if (RestoreMode) {
48 SetConsoleMode(ConsoleHandle, ConsoleMode);
49 }
50 }
51 if (c == 10)
52 c = 13;
53 return c;
BOOL WINAPI GetConsoleMode(HANDLE hConsoleHandle, LPDWORD lpMode)
Definition: console.c:1569
Definition: console.c:1606
Definition: readwrite.c:1195
unsigned int BOOL
Definition: ntddk_ex.h:94
const GLubyte * c
Definition: glext.h:8905
#define stdin
Definition: stdio.h:98
#define c
Definition: ke_i.h:80
_CRTIMP intptr_t __cdecl _get_osfhandle(_In_ int _FileHandle)
Definition: typedefs.h:73
int char_avail
Definition: ungetch.c:15
int ungot_char
Definition: ungetch.c:16
Definition: wincon.h:80
Definition: wincon.h:79

◆ _ismbblead()

◆ _ismbstrail()

int __cdecl _ismbstrail ( const unsigned char start,
const unsigned char str 

Definition at line 32 of file ismbtrl.c.

34 /* Note: this function doesn't check _ismbbtrail */
35 if ((str > start) && _ismbslead(start, str-1))
36 return -1;
37 else
38 return 0;
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP int __cdecl _ismbslead(_In_reads_z_(_Pos - _Str+1) const unsigned char *_Str, _In_z_ const unsigned char *_Pos)
GLuint start
Definition: gl.h:1545

Referenced by common_mktemp_s_continue(), and test_mbcp().

◆ _purecall()

void __cdecl _purecall ( void  )

Definition at line 429 of file adapter.cpp.

431 return 0;

◆ _setmbcp()

int __cdecl _setmbcp ( int  cp)

◆ _setmbcp_l()

int _setmbcp_l ( int  cp,
LCID  lcid,
MSVCRT_pthreadmbcinfo  mbcinfo 

Definition at line 52 of file _setmbcp.c.

54 const char format[] = ".%d";
56 int newcp;
57 CPINFO cpi;
58 BYTE *bytes;
59 WORD chartypes[256];
60 char bufA[256];
61 WCHAR bufW[256];
62 int charcount;
63 int ret;
64 int i;
66 if(!mbcinfo)
67 mbcinfo = get_mbcinfo();
69 switch (cp)
70 {
71 case _MB_CP_ANSI:
72 newcp = GetACP();
73 break;
74 case _MB_CP_OEM:
75 newcp = GetOEMCP();
76 break;
77 case _MB_CP_LOCALE:
78 newcp = get_locinfo()->lc_codepage;
79 if(newcp)
80 break;
81 /* fall through (C locale) */
82 case _MB_CP_SBCS:
83 newcp = 20127; /* ASCII */
84 break;
85 default:
86 newcp = cp;
87 break;
88 }
90 if(lcid == -1) {
91 sprintf(bufA, format, newcp);
92 mbcinfo->mblcid = MSVCRT_locale_to_LCID(bufA, NULL);
93 } else {
94 mbcinfo->mblcid = lcid;
95 }
97 if(mbcinfo->mblcid == -1)
98 {
99 WARN("Can't assign LCID to codepage (%d)\n", mbcinfo->mblcid);
100 mbcinfo->mblcid = 0;
101 }
103 if (!GetCPInfo(newcp, &cpi))
104 {
105 WARN("Codepage %d not found\n", newcp);
106 *_errno() = EINVAL;
107 return -1;
108 }
110 /* setup the _mbctype */
111 memset(mbcinfo->mbctype, 0, sizeof(unsigned char[257]));
112 memset(mbcinfo->mbcasemap, 0, sizeof(unsigned char[256]));
114 bytes = cpi.LeadByte;
115 while (bytes[0] || bytes[1])
116 {
117 for (i = bytes[0]; i <= bytes[1]; i++)
118 mbcinfo->mbctype[i + 1] |= _M1;
119 bytes += 2;
120 }
122 if (cpi.MaxCharSize > 1)
123 {
124 /* trail bytes not available through kernel32 but stored in a structure in msvcrt */
125 struct cp_extra_info_t *cpextra = g_cpextrainfo;
127 mbcinfo->ismbcodepage = 1;
128 while (TRUE)
129 {
130 if (cpextra->cp == 0 || cpextra->cp == newcp)
131 {
132 if (cpextra->cp == 0)
133 FIXME("trail bytes data not available for DBCS codepage %d - assuming all bytes\n", newcp);
135 bytes = cpextra->TrailBytes;
136 while (bytes[0] || bytes[1])
137 {
138 for (i = bytes[0]; i <= bytes[1]; i++)
139 mbcinfo->mbctype[i + 1] |= _M2;
140 bytes += 2;
141 }
142 break;
143 }
144 cpextra++;
145 }
146 }
147 else
148 mbcinfo->ismbcodepage = 0;
150 /* we can't use GetStringTypeA directly because we don't have a locale - only a code page
151 */
152 charcount = 0;
153 for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
154 if (!(mbcinfo->mbctype[i + 1] & _M1))
155 bufA[charcount++] = i;
157 ret = MultiByteToWideChar(newcp, 0, bufA, charcount, bufW, charcount);
158 if (ret != charcount)
159 ERR("MultiByteToWideChar of chars failed for cp %d, ret=%d (exp %d), error=%d\n", newcp, ret, charcount, GetLastError());
161 GetStringTypeW(CT_CTYPE1, bufW, charcount, chartypes);
163 charcount = 0;
164 for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
165 if (!(mbcinfo->mbctype[i + 1] & _M1))
166 {
167 if (chartypes[charcount] & C1_UPPER)
168 {
169 mbcinfo->mbctype[i + 1] |= _SBUP;
170 bufW[charcount] = tolowerW(bufW[charcount]);
171 }
172 else if (chartypes[charcount] & C1_LOWER)
173 {
174 mbcinfo->mbctype[i + 1] |= _SBLOW;
175 bufW[charcount] = toupperW(bufW[charcount]);
176 }
177 charcount++;
178 }
180 ret = WideCharToMultiByte(newcp, 0, bufW, charcount, bufA, charcount, NULL, NULL);
181 if (ret != charcount)
182 ERR("WideCharToMultiByte failed for cp %d, ret=%d (exp %d), error=%d\n", newcp, ret, charcount, GetLastError());
184 charcount = 0;
185 for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
186 {
187 if(!(mbcinfo->mbctype[i + 1] & _M1))
188 {
189 if(mbcinfo->mbctype[i] & (C1_UPPER|C1_LOWER))
190 mbcinfo->mbcasemap[i] = bufA[charcount];
191 charcount++;
192 }
193 }
195 if (newcp == 932) /* CP932 only - set _MP and _MS */
196 {
197 /* On Windows it's possible to calculate the _MP and _MS from CT_CTYPE1
198 * and CT_CTYPE3. But as of Wine 0.9.43 we return wrong values what makes
199 * it hard. As this is set only for codepage 932 we hardcode it what gives
200 * also faster execution.
201 */
202 for (i = 161; i <= 165; i++)
203 mbcinfo->mbctype[i + 1] |= _MP;
204 for (i = 166; i <= 223; i++)
205 mbcinfo->mbctype[i + 1] |= _MS;
206 }
208 mbcinfo->mbcodepage = newcp;
209 if(global_locale && mbcinfo == MSVCRT_locale->mbcinfo)
210 memcpy(_mbctype, MSVCRT_locale->mbcinfo->mbctype, sizeof(_mbctype));
212 return 0;
static struct cp_extra_info_t g_cpextrainfo[]
Definition: _setmbcp.c:38
#define EINVAL
Definition: acclib.h:90
static unsigned char bytes[4]
Definition: adnsresfilter.c:74
#define FIXME(fmt,...)
Definition: precomp.h:53
#define WARN(fmt,...)
Definition: precomp.h:61
#define ERR(fmt,...)
Definition: precomp.h:57
#define TRUE
Definition: types.h:120
#define WideCharToMultiByte
Definition: compat.h:111
#define MultiByteToWideChar
Definition: compat.h:110
Definition: locale.c:2021
BOOL WINAPI GetCPInfo(UINT codepage, LPCPINFO cpinfo)
Definition: locale.c:2144
BOOL WINAPI GetStringTypeW(DWORD type, LPCWSTR src, INT count, LPWORD chartype)
Definition: locale.c:3095
Definition: locale.c:2060
unsigned short WORD
Definition: ntddk_ex.h:93
GLsizei GLenum const GLvoid GLsizei GLenum GLbyte GLbyte GLbyte GLdouble GLdouble GLdouble GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLint GLint GLshort GLshort GLshort GLubyte GLubyte GLubyte GLuint GLuint GLuint GLushort GLushort GLushort GLbyte GLbyte GLbyte GLbyte GLdouble GLdouble GLdouble GLdouble GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLint GLint GLint GLshort GLshort GLshort GLshort GLubyte GLubyte GLubyte GLubyte GLuint GLuint GLuint GLuint GLushort GLushort GLushort GLushort GLboolean const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLbyte const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLfloat const GLint const GLint const GLshort const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort GLenum GLenum GLenum GLfloat GLenum GLint GLenum GLenum GLenum GLfloat GLenum GLenum GLint GLenum GLfloat GLenum GLint GLint GLushort GLenum GLenum GLfloat GLenum GLenum GLint GLfloat const GLubyte GLenum GLenum GLenum const GLfloat GLenum GLenum const GLint GLenum GLint GLint GLsizei GLsizei GLint GLenum GLenum const GLvoid GLenum GLenum const GLfloat GLenum GLenum const GLint GLenum GLenum const GLdouble GLenum GLenum const GLfloat GLenum GLenum const GLint GLsizei GLuint GLfloat GLuint GLbitfield GLfloat GLint GLuint GLboolean GLenum GLfloat GLenum GLbitfield GLenum GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLint const GLfloat GLenum GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLint GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLint const GLfloat GLint GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLfloat GLfloat const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLdouble const GLfloat GLint i
Definition: glfuncs.h:248
#define C1_LOWER
Definition: unicode.h:32
#define C1_UPPER
Definition: unicode.h:31
#define MSVCRT_locale
Definition: locale.h:80
MSVCRT__locale_t global_locale
Definition: locale.c:1497
#define memcpy(s1, s2, n)
Definition: mkisofs.h:878
#define for
Definition: utility.h:88
#define sprintf(buf, format,...)
Definition: sprintf.c:55
#define _M2
Definition: msvcrt.h:818
LCID MSVCRT_locale_to_LCID(const char *)
#define _MP
Definition: msvcrt.h:816
#define _MB_CP_OEM
Definition: msvcrt.h:829
#define _MB_CP_ANSI
Definition: msvcrt.h:830
#define _MB_CP_LOCALE
Definition: msvcrt.h:831
#define _SBLOW
Definition: msvcrt.h:821
#define _SBUP
Definition: msvcrt.h:820
#define _MS
Definition: msvcrt.h:815
#define _MB_CP_SBCS
Definition: msvcrt.h:828
#define toupperW(n)
Definition: unicode.h:51
#define tolowerW(n)
Definition: unicode.h:50
_CRTIMP int *__cdecl _errno(void)
Definition: errno.c:17
unsigned char mbcasemap[256]
Definition: msvcrt.h:144
unsigned char mbctype[257]
Definition: msvcrt.h:143
Definition: winnls.h:585
UINT MaxCharSize
Definition: winnls.h:583
Definition: _setmbcp.c:35
#define _mbctype
Definition: mbctype.h:33
int ret
DWORD WINAPI GetLastError(void)
Definition: except.c:1042
#define CT_CTYPE1
Definition: winnls.h:239
__wchar_t WCHAR
Definition: xmlstorage.h:180
unsigned char BYTE
Definition: xxhash.c:193

Referenced by MSVCRT__create_locale().

◆ _strset()

char *__cdecl _strset ( char szToFill,
int  szFill 

Definition at line 44 of file strset.c.

46 char *t = szToFill;
47 while (*szToFill != 0)
48 {
49 *szToFill = szFill;
50 szToFill++;
52 }
53 return t;
GLdouble GLdouble t
Definition: gl.h:2047

◆ _ungetch()

int __cdecl _ungetch ( int  c)

Definition at line 22 of file ungetch.c.

24 if (char_avail)
25 return(EOF);
26 ungot_char = c;
27 char_avail = 1;
28 return(c);
#define EOF
Definition: stdio.h:24

Referenced by _cgets().

◆ arg_clbk_valist()

printf_arg arg_clbk_valist ( void ,
int  ,
int  ,

◆ free_locinfo()

void free_locinfo ( MSVCRT_pthreadlocinfo  locinfo)

Definition at line 643 of file locale.c.

645 int i;
647 if(!locinfo)
648 return;
650 if(InterlockedDecrement(&locinfo->refcount))
651 return;
653 for(i=MSVCRT_LC_MIN+1; i<=MSVCRT_LC_MAX; i++) {
654 MSVCRT_free(locinfo->lc_category[i].locale);
655 MSVCRT_free(locinfo->lc_category[i].refcount);
656 }
658 if(locinfo->lconv) {
659 MSVCRT_free(locinfo->lconv->decimal_point);
660 MSVCRT_free(locinfo->lconv->thousands_sep);
661 MSVCRT_free(locinfo->lconv->grouping);
662 MSVCRT_free(locinfo->lconv->int_curr_symbol);
663 MSVCRT_free(locinfo->lconv->currency_symbol);
664 MSVCRT_free(locinfo->lconv->mon_decimal_point);
665 MSVCRT_free(locinfo->lconv->mon_thousands_sep);
666 MSVCRT_free(locinfo->lconv->mon_grouping);
667 MSVCRT_free(locinfo->lconv->positive_sign);
668 MSVCRT_free(locinfo->lconv->negative_sign);
669 }
670 MSVCRT_free(locinfo->lconv_intl_refcount);
671 MSVCRT_free(locinfo->lconv_num_refcount);
672 MSVCRT_free(locinfo->lconv_mon_refcount);
673 MSVCRT_free(locinfo->lconv);
675 MSVCRT_free(locinfo->ctype1_refcount);
676 MSVCRT_free(locinfo->ctype1);
678 MSVCRT_free(locinfo->pclmap);
679 MSVCRT_free(locinfo->pcumap);
681 MSVCRT_free(locinfo->lc_time_curr);
#define InterlockedDecrement
Definition: armddk.h:52
Definition: msvcrt.h:657
Definition: msvcrt.h:656
else locinfo
Definition: scanf.h:159
#define MSVCRT_free
Definition: msvcrt.h:152

◆ free_mbcinfo()

void free_mbcinfo ( MSVCRT_pthreadmbcinfo  mbcinfo)

Definition at line 687 of file locale.c.

689 if(!mbcinfo)
690 return;
692 if(InterlockedDecrement(&mbcinfo->refcount))
693 return;
695 MSVCRT_free(mbcinfo);

◆ get_locinfo()

MSVCRT_pthreadlocinfo get_locinfo ( void  )

Definition at line 356 of file locale.c.

356 {
359 if(!data || !data->have_locale)
360 return MSVCRT_locale->locinfo;
362 return data->locinfo;
GLint GLenum GLsizei GLsizei GLsizei GLint GLsizei const GLvoid * data
Definition: gl.h:1950
thread_data_t * msvcrt_get_thread_data(void)
Definition: tls.c:31

◆ get_mbcinfo()

MSVCRT_pthreadmbcinfo get_mbcinfo ( void  )

Definition at line 366 of file locale.c.

366 {
369 if(!data || !data->have_locale)
370 return MSVCRT_locale->mbcinfo;
372 return data->mbcinfo;

Referenced by __p__mbctype(), _ismbbkalnum(), _ismbbkana(), _ismbblead(), _ismbbpunct(), _ismbbtrail(), _ismbchira(), _ismbckata(), _mbbtombc(), _mbcjistojms(), _mbcjmstojis(), _mbctombb(), _mbsnbcpy(), _mbsnbcpy_s(), _mbsncpy(), and _setmbcp_l().

◆ MSVCRT___doserrno()

MSVCRT_ulong *__cdecl MSVCRT___doserrno ( void  )

◆ MSVCRT___p__environ()

char ***__cdecl MSVCRT___p__environ ( void  )

◆ MSVCRT___p__wenviron()

MSVCRT_wchar_t ***__cdecl MSVCRT___p__wenviron ( void  )

◆ MSVCRT__close()

int __cdecl MSVCRT__close ( int  )

◆ MSVCRT__dup()

int __cdecl MSVCRT__dup ( int  )

◆ MSVCRT__dup2()

int __cdecl MSVCRT__dup2 ( int  ,

◆ MSVCRT__errno()

int *__cdecl MSVCRT__errno ( void  )

◆ MSVCRT__exit()

void __cdecl MSVCRT__exit ( int  )

◆ MSVCRT__fdopen()

MSVCRT_FILE *__cdecl MSVCRT__fdopen ( int  ,
const char  

◆ MSVCRT__free_locale()

void __cdecl MSVCRT__free_locale ( MSVCRT__locale_t  locale)

Definition at line 713 of file locale.c.

715 if (!locale)
716 return;
718 free_locinfo(locale->locinfo);
719 free_mbcinfo(locale->mbcinfo);
Definition: _locale.h:75
void free_locinfo(MSVCRT_pthreadlocinfo locinfo)
Definition: locale.c:643
void free_mbcinfo(MSVCRT_pthreadmbcinfo mbcinfo)
Definition: locale.c:687

Referenced by DllMain(), and msvcrt_init_exception().

◆ MSVCRT__getdrive()

int __cdecl MSVCRT__getdrive ( void  )

◆ MSVCRT__invalid_parameter()

void __cdecl MSVCRT__invalid_parameter ( const MSVCRT_wchar_t expr,
const MSVCRT_wchar_t func,
const MSVCRT_wchar_t file,
unsigned int  line,
MSVCRT_uintptr_t  arg 

◆ MSVCRT__iob_func()

MSVCRT_FILE *__cdecl MSVCRT__iob_func ( void  )

◆ MSVCRT__isleadbyte_l()

int __cdecl MSVCRT__isleadbyte_l ( int  ,

◆ MSVCRT__lock_file()

void __cdecl MSVCRT__lock_file ( MSVCRT_FILE )

◆ MSVCRT__pipe()

int __cdecl MSVCRT__pipe ( int ,
unsigned int  ,

◆ MSVCRT__scprintf()

int __cdecl MSVCRT__scprintf ( const char ,

◆ MSVCRT__searchenv()

void __cdecl MSVCRT__searchenv ( const char ,
const char ,

◆ MSVCRT__set_new_mode()

int __cdecl MSVCRT__set_new_mode ( int  mode)

◆ MSVCRT__snwprintf()

int __cdecl MSVCRT__snwprintf ( MSVCRT_wchar_t ,
unsigned int  ,
const MSVCRT_wchar_t ,

◆ MSVCRT__spawnve()

MSVCRT_intptr_t __cdecl MSVCRT__spawnve ( int  ,
const char ,
const char *const ,
const char *const  

◆ MSVCRT__spawnvpe()

MSVCRT_intptr_t __cdecl MSVCRT__spawnvpe ( int  ,
const char ,
const char *const ,
const char *const  

◆ MSVCRT__strdate()

char *__cdecl MSVCRT__strdate ( char date)

◆ MSVCRT__strdup()

char *__cdecl MSVCRT__strdup ( const char )

◆ MSVCRT__strnset()

char *__cdecl MSVCRT__strnset ( char ,
int  ,

◆ MSVCRT__strtime()

char *__cdecl MSVCRT__strtime ( char date)

◆ MSVCRT__time32()

◆ MSVCRT__time64()

MSVCRT___time64_t __cdecl MSVCRT__time64 ( MSVCRT___time64_t *  )

◆ MSVCRT__tolower_l()

int __cdecl MSVCRT__tolower_l ( int  ,

◆ MSVCRT__toupper_l()

int __cdecl MSVCRT__toupper_l ( int  ,

◆ MSVCRT__unlock_file()

void __cdecl MSVCRT__unlock_file ( MSVCRT_FILE )

◆ MSVCRT__wcsdup()

MSVCRT_wchar_t *__cdecl MSVCRT__wcsdup ( const MSVCRT_wchar_t )

◆ MSVCRT__wfdopen()

MSVCRT_FILE *__cdecl MSVCRT__wfdopen ( int  ,
const MSVCRT_wchar_t  

◆ MSVCRT__wgetenv()

MSVCRT_wchar_t *__cdecl MSVCRT__wgetenv ( const MSVCRT_wchar_t )

◆ MSVCRT__write()

int __cdecl MSVCRT__write ( int  ,
const void ,
unsigned int   

◆ MSVCRT__wsearchenv()

void __cdecl MSVCRT__wsearchenv ( const MSVCRT_wchar_t ,
const MSVCRT_wchar_t ,

◆ MSVCRT__wspawnve()

◆ MSVCRT__wspawnvpe()

◆ MSVCRT_abort()

void __cdecl MSVCRT_abort ( void  )

◆ MSVCRT_calloc()

void *__cdecl MSVCRT_calloc ( MSVCRT_size_t  ,

◆ MSVCRT_clock()

MSVCRT_clock_t __cdecl MSVCRT_clock ( void  )

◆ msvcrt_create_io_inherit_block()

unsigned msvcrt_create_io_inherit_block ( WORD ,
BYTE **   

◆ MSVCRT_fclose()

int __cdecl MSVCRT_fclose ( MSVCRT_FILE )

◆ MSVCRT_fgetc()

int __cdecl MSVCRT_fgetc ( MSVCRT_FILE )

◆ MSVCRT_fgetwc()

MSVCRT_wint_t __cdecl MSVCRT_fgetwc ( MSVCRT_FILE )

◆ MSVCRT_free()

void __cdecl MSVCRT_free ( void )

◆ msvcrt_free_args()

void msvcrt_free_args ( void  )

◆ msvcrt_free_console()

void msvcrt_free_console ( void  )

◆ msvcrt_free_io()

void msvcrt_free_io ( void  )

Definition at line 1100 of file file.c.

1102 unsigned int i;
1103 int j;
1105 _flushall();
1106 _fcloseall();
1108 for(i=0; i<sizeof(__pioinfo)/sizeof(__pioinfo[0]); i++)
1109 {
1110 if(!__pioinfo[i])
1111 continue;
1113 for(j=0; j<MSVCRT_FD_BLOCK_SIZE; j++)
1114 {
1115 if(__pioinfo[i][j].exflag & EF_CRIT_INIT)
1117 }
1118 free(__pioinfo[i]);
1119 }
1121 for(j=0; j<MSVCRT_stream_idx; j++)
1122 {
1125 {
1126 ((file_crit*)file)->crit.DebugInfo->Spare[0] = 0;
1128 }
1129 }
1131 for(i=0; i<sizeof(MSVCRT_fstream)/sizeof(MSVCRT_fstream[0]); i++)
#define free
Definition: debug_ros.c:5
GLsizei GLenum const GLvoid GLsizei GLenum GLbyte GLbyte GLbyte GLdouble GLdouble GLdouble GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLint GLint GLshort GLshort GLshort GLubyte GLubyte GLubyte GLuint GLuint GLuint GLushort GLushort GLushort GLbyte GLbyte GLbyte GLbyte GLdouble GLdouble GLdouble GLdouble GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLint GLint GLint GLshort GLshort GLshort GLshort GLubyte GLubyte GLubyte GLubyte GLuint GLuint GLuint GLuint GLushort GLushort GLushort GLushort GLboolean const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLbyte const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLfloat const GLint const GLint const GLshort const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort GLenum GLenum GLenum GLfloat GLenum GLint GLenum GLenum GLenum GLfloat GLenum GLenum GLint GLenum GLfloat GLenum GLint GLint GLushort GLenum GLenum GLfloat GLenum GLenum GLint GLfloat const GLubyte GLenum GLenum GLenum const GLfloat GLenum GLenum const GLint GLenum GLint GLint GLsizei GLsizei GLint GLenum GLenum const GLvoid GLenum GLenum const GLfloat GLenum GLenum const GLint GLenum GLenum const GLdouble GLenum GLenum const GLfloat GLenum GLenum const GLint GLsizei GLuint GLfloat GLuint GLbitfield GLfloat GLint GLuint GLboolean GLenum GLfloat GLenum GLbitfield GLenum GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLint const GLfloat GLenum GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLint GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLint const GLfloat GLint GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLfloat GLfloat const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLdouble const GLfloat GLint GLint GLint j
Definition: glfuncs.h:250
#define _IOB_ENTRIES
Definition: stdio.h:23
Definition: file.c:134
Definition: file.c:133
int CDECL _fcloseall(void)
Definition: file.c:1081
#define EF_CRIT_INIT
Definition: file.c:105
static FILE * msvcrt_get_file(int i)
Definition: file.c:269
Definition: file.c:121
int CDECL _flushall(void)
Definition: file.c:893
Definition: file.c:113
static int MSVCRT_stream_idx
Definition: file.c:135
Definition: fci.c:127
void WINAPI DeleteCriticalSection(PCRITICAL_SECTION)

Referenced by DllMain(), and msvcrt_init_exception().

◆ msvcrt_free_mt_locks()

void msvcrt_free_mt_locks ( void  )

Definition at line 77 of file lock.c.

79 int i;
81 TRACE(": uninitializing all mtlocks\n" );
83 /* Uninitialize the table */
84 for( i=0; i < _TOTAL_LOCKS; i++ )
85 {
86 if( lock_table[ i ].bInit )
87 {
89 }
90 }
#define _TOTAL_LOCKS
Definition: mtdll.h:70
static __inline void msvcrt_uninitialize_mlock(int locknum)
Definition: lock.c:41
Definition: lock.c:28

Referenced by DllMain(), and msvcrt_init_exception().

◆ msvcrt_free_signals()

void msvcrt_free_signals ( void  )

Definition at line 185 of file except.c.

#define FALSE
Definition: types.h:117
Definition: console.c:2109
static BOOL WINAPI msvcrt_console_handler(DWORD ctrlType)
Definition: except.c:52

◆ msvcrt_get_thread_data()

thread_data_t * msvcrt_get_thread_data ( void  )

Definition at line 31 of file tls.c.

34 DWORD err = GetLastError(); /* need to preserve last error */
37 {
38 if (!(ptr = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(*ptr) )))
41 ptr->tid = GetCurrentThreadId();
42 ptr->handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
43 ptr->random_seed = 1;
44#ifndef __UCRTSUPPORT__
45 ptr->locinfo = MSVCRT_locale->locinfo;
46 ptr->mbcinfo = MSVCRT_locale->mbcinfo;
47#endif /* !__UCRTSUPPORT__ */
48 }
50 return ptr;
#define GetProcessHeap()
Definition: compat.h:736
#define SetLastError(x)
Definition: compat.h:752
Definition: compat.h:731
#define HeapAlloc
Definition: compat.h:733
Definition: compat.h:134
Definition: thread.c:1240
Definition: thread.c:1276
static PVOID ptr
Definition: dispmode.c:27
#define _RT_THREAD
Definition: msvcrt.h:267
void __cdecl _amsg_exit(int errnum)
Definition: amsg.c:44
#define err(...)
static DWORD msvcrt_tls_index
Definition: tls.c:7
DWORD WINAPI GetCurrentThreadId(void)
Definition: thread.c:459

Referenced by __CxxRegisterExceptionObject(), __CxxUnregisterExceptionObject(), __doserrno(), __fpecode(), __pxcptinfoptrs(), __uncaught_exception(), __wcserror(), _beginthread_trampoline(), _configthreadlocale(), _CreateFrameInfo(), _errno(), _FindAndUnlinkFrame(), _get_terminate(), _get_unexpected(), _gmtime64(), _IsExceptionObjectToBeDestroyed(), _set_se_translator(), _strerror(), _tasctime(), _wcserror(), _wtmpnam(), get_locinfo(), get_mbcinfo(), rand(), set_terminate(), set_unexpected(), srand(), strerror(), strtok(), terminate(), tmpnam(), unexpected(), and wcstok().

◆ MSVCRT_getenv()

char *__cdecl MSVCRT_getenv ( const char )

◆ msvcrt_init_args()

void msvcrt_init_args ( void  )

◆ msvcrt_init_console()

void msvcrt_init_console ( void  )

◆ msvcrt_init_io()

void msvcrt_init_io ( void  )

Definition at line 456 of file file.c.

459 unsigned int i;
460 ioinfo *fdinfo;
462 GetStartupInfoA(&si);
463 if (si.cbReserved2 >= sizeof(unsigned int) && si.lpReserved2 != NULL)
464 {
465 BYTE* wxflag_ptr;
466 HANDLE* handle_ptr;
467 unsigned int count;
469 count = *(unsigned*)si.lpReserved2;
470 wxflag_ptr = si.lpReserved2 + sizeof(unsigned);
471 handle_ptr = (HANDLE*)(wxflag_ptr + count);
473 count = min(count, (si.cbReserved2 - sizeof(unsigned)) / (sizeof(HANDLE) + 1));
475 for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
476 {
477 if ((*wxflag_ptr & WX_OPEN) && GetFileType(*handle_ptr) != FILE_TYPE_UNKNOWN)
478 {
479 fdinfo = get_ioinfo_alloc_fd(i);
480 if(fdinfo != &__badioinfo)
481 msvcrt_set_fd(fdinfo, *handle_ptr, *wxflag_ptr);
482 release_ioinfo(fdinfo);
483 }
485 wxflag_ptr++; handle_ptr++;
486 }
487 }
490 if (!(fdinfo->wxflag & WX_OPEN) || fdinfo->handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
494 msvcrt_set_fd(fdinfo, h, WX_OPEN|WX_TEXT|((type&0xf)==FILE_TYPE_CHAR ? WX_TTY : 0)
495 |((type&0xf)==FILE_TYPE_PIPE ? WX_PIPE : 0));
496 }
497 release_ioinfo(fdinfo);
500 if (!(fdinfo->wxflag & WX_OPEN) || fdinfo->handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
504 msvcrt_set_fd(fdinfo, h, WX_OPEN|WX_TEXT|((type&0xf)==FILE_TYPE_CHAR ? WX_TTY : 0)
505 |((type&0xf)==FILE_TYPE_PIPE ? WX_PIPE : 0));
506 }
507 release_ioinfo(fdinfo);
510 if (!(fdinfo->wxflag & WX_OPEN) || fdinfo->handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
514 msvcrt_set_fd(fdinfo, h, WX_OPEN|WX_TEXT|((type&0xf)==FILE_TYPE_CHAR ? WX_TTY : 0)
515 |((type&0xf)==FILE_TYPE_PIPE ? WX_PIPE : 0));
516 }
517 release_ioinfo(fdinfo);
519 TRACE(":handles (%p)(%p)(%p)\n", get_ioinfo_nolock(STDIN_FILENO)->handle,
523 memset(_iob,0,3*sizeof(FILE));
524 for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
525 {
526 /* FILE structs for stdin/out/err are static and never deleted */
527 _iob[i]._file = i;
528 _iob[i]._tmpfname = NULL;
529 _iob[i]._flag = (i == 0) ? _IOREAD : _IOWRT;
530 }
Definition: fileinfo.c:269
Definition: proc.c:1320
GLuint GLuint GLsizei GLenum type
Definition: gl.h:1545
GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat h
Definition: glext.h:7723
#define _IOWRT
Definition: stdio.h:125
#define _IOREAD
Definition: stdio.h:124
#define min(a, b)
Definition: syshdrs.h:89
Definition: syshdrs.h:90
Definition: syshdrs.h:88
static ioinfo * get_ioinfo_alloc_fd(int fd)
Definition: file.c:216
void release_ioinfo(ioinfo *info)
Definition: file.c:263
#define WX_OPEN
Definition: file.c:91
Definition: file.c:112
#define WX_TTY
Definition: file.c:99
static void msvcrt_set_fd(ioinfo *fdinfo, HANDLE hand, int flag)
Definition: file.c:325
static ioinfo * get_ioinfo_nolock(int fd)
Definition: file.c:158
#define WX_PIPE
Definition: file.c:95
#define WX_TEXT
Definition: file.c:100
ioinfo __badioinfo
Definition: file.c:126
WORD cbReserved2
Definition: winbase.h:869
PBYTE lpReserved2
Definition: winbase.h:870
int _file
Definition: mbstring.h:24
int _flag
Definition: mbstring.h:23
char * _tmpfname
Definition: mbstring.h:27
Definition: file.c:40
unsigned char wxflag
Definition: file.c:42
HANDLE handle
Definition: file.c:41
Definition: winbase.h:293
Definition: winbase.h:284
Definition: winbase.h:295
Definition: winbase.h:286
Definition: winbase.h:287

Referenced by DllMain().

◆ msvcrt_init_locale()

BOOL msvcrt_init_locale ( void  )

◆ msvcrt_init_math()

void msvcrt_init_math ( void  )

◆ msvcrt_init_mt_locks()

void msvcrt_init_mt_locks ( void  )

Definition at line 54 of file lock.c.

56 int i;
58 TRACE( "initializing mtlocks\n" );
60 /* Initialize the table */
61 for( i=0; i < _TOTAL_LOCKS; i++ )
62 {
64 }
66 /* Initialize our lock table lock */
Definition: mtdll.h:54
static __inline void msvcrt_mlock_set_entry_initialized(int locknum, BOOL initialized)
Definition: lock.c:30
static __inline void msvcrt_initialize_mlock(int locknum)
Definition: lock.c:35

Referenced by DllMain().

◆ msvcrt_init_signals()

void msvcrt_init_signals ( void  )

Definition at line 180 of file except.c.

◆ MSVCRT_isleadbyte()

int __cdecl MSVCRT_isleadbyte ( int  )

◆ MSVCRT_iswalpha()

int __cdecl MSVCRT_iswalpha ( MSVCRT_wint_t  )

◆ MSVCRT_iswdigit()

int __cdecl MSVCRT_iswdigit ( MSVCRT_wint_t  )

◆ MSVCRT_iswspace()

int __cdecl MSVCRT_iswspace ( MSVCRT_wint_t  )

◆ MSVCRT_locale_to_LCID()

LCID MSVCRT_locale_to_LCID ( const char )

Referenced by _setmbcp_l().

◆ MSVCRT_malloc()

void *__cdecl MSVCRT_malloc ( MSVCRT_size_t  )

◆ MSVCRT_mbstowcs()

MSVCRT_size_t __cdecl MSVCRT_mbstowcs ( MSVCRT_wchar_t ,
const char ,

◆ MSVCRT_operator_delete()

void __cdecl MSVCRT_operator_delete ( void )

◆ MSVCRT_operator_new()

void *__cdecl MSVCRT_operator_new ( MSVCRT_size_t  )

◆ MSVCRT_raise()

int __cdecl MSVCRT_raise ( int  sig)

◆ MSVCRT_realloc()

void *__cdecl MSVCRT_realloc ( void ,

◆ msvcrt_set_errno()

void msvcrt_set_errno ( int  )

◆ msvcrt_SnapshotOfEnvironmentA()

char ** msvcrt_SnapshotOfEnvironmentA ( char **  )

◆ msvcrt_SnapshotOfEnvironmentW()

MSVCRT_wchar_t ** msvcrt_SnapshotOfEnvironmentW ( MSVCRT_wchar_t **  )

◆ MSVCRT_sprintf()

int __cdecl MSVCRT_sprintf ( char ,
const char ,

◆ MSVCRT_terminate()

void __cdecl MSVCRT_terminate ( void  )

◆ MSVCRT_ungetc()

int __cdecl MSVCRT_ungetc ( int  ,

◆ MSVCRT_ungetwc()

MSVCRT_wint_t __cdecl MSVCRT_ungetwc ( MSVCRT_wint_t  ,

◆ MSVCRT_vsnprintf()

int __cdecl MSVCRT_vsnprintf ( char str,
MSVCRT_size_t  len,
const char format,
__ms_va_list  valist 

◆ MSVCRT_vsnwprintf()

int __cdecl MSVCRT_vsnwprintf ( MSVCRT_wchar_t str,
MSVCRT_size_t  len,
const MSVCRT_wchar_t format,
__ms_va_list  valist 

◆ msvcrt_wstrdupa()

MSVCRT_wchar_t * msvcrt_wstrdupa ( const char str)

Definition at line 669 of file file.c.

671 const unsigned int len = strlen(str) + 1 ;
672 wchar_t *wstr = malloc(len* sizeof (wchar_t));
673 if (!wstr)
674 return NULL;
676 return wstr;
#define malloc
Definition: debug_ros.c:4
#define CP_ACP
Definition: compat.h:109
Definition: winnls.h:283

◆ MSVRT__spawnvpe()

MSVCRT_intptr_t __cdecl MSVRT__spawnvpe ( int  ,
const char ,
const char *const ,
const char *const  

◆ pf_printf_a()

int pf_printf_a ( puts_clbk_a  ,
void ,
const char ,
MSVCRT__locale_t  ,
args_clbk  ,
void ,

◆ pf_printf_w()

int pf_printf_w ( puts_clbk_w  ,
void ,
const MSVCRT_wchar_t ,
MSVCRT__locale_t  ,
args_clbk  ,
void ,

Variable Documentation

◆ MSVCRT___lc_codepage

int MSVCRT___lc_codepage

◆ MSVCRT___lc_collate_cp

int MSVCRT___lc_collate_cp

Definition at line 37 of file locale.c.

◆ MSVCRT__ctype

WORD MSVCRT__ctype[257]

◆ MSVCRT__environ

char** MSVCRT__environ

◆ MSVCRT__wenviron

MSVCRT_wchar_t** MSVCRT__wenviron

◆ MSVCRT_locale

MSVCRT__locale_t MSVCRT_locale

Definition at line 885 of file msvcrt.h.

◆ msvcrt_tls_index

DWORD msvcrt_tls_index