ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-737-g3368adc
Go to the source code of this file.
Macros | |
#define | SeLengthSid(Sid) (8 + (4 * ((SID *)Sid)->SubAuthorityCount)) |
#define | SeDeleteClientSecurity(C) |
#define | SeStopImpersonatingClient() PsRevertToSelf() |
#define | SeQuerySubjectContextToken(SubjectContext) |
#define SeLengthSid | ( | Sid | ) | (8 + (4 * ((SID *)Sid)->SubAuthorityCount)) |
#define SeQuerySubjectContextToken | ( | SubjectContext | ) |
#define SeStopImpersonatingClient | ( | ) | PsRevertToSelf() |
$endif | ( | _NTDDK_ | ) |
Definition at line 1144 of file iofuncs.h.
$endif | ( | _NTIFS_ | ) |
Definition at line 396 of file rtlfuncs.h.
_In_reads_bytes_ | ( | Length | ) |
_IRQL_requires_max_ | ( | PASSIVE_LEVEL | ) |
Queries information details about a security descriptor.
Computes the quota size of a security descriptor.
Assigns a security descriptor for a new object.
An extended function that assigns a security descriptor for a new object.
Frees a security descriptor.
An extended function that sets new information data to a security descriptor.
Modifies some information data about a security descriptor.
[in] | SecurityInformation | Security information details to be queried from a security descriptor. |
[out] | SecurityDescriptor | The returned security descriptor with security information data. |
[in,out] | Length | The returned length of a security descriptor. |
[in,out] | ObjectsSecurityDescriptor | The returned object security descriptor. |
[in] | Object | If specified, the function will use this arbitrary object that points to an object security descriptor. |
[in] | SecurityInformation | Security information details to be set. |
[in] | SecurityDescriptor | A security descriptor where its info is to be changed. |
[in,out] | ObjectsSecurityDescriptor | The returned pointer to security descriptor objects. |
[in] | PoolType | Pool type for the new security descriptor to allocate. |
[in] | GenericMapping | The generic mapping of access rights masks. |
[in] | Object | If specified, the function will use this arbitrary object that points to an object security descriptor. |
[in] | SecurityInformation | Security information details to be set. |
[in] | SecurityDescriptor | A security descriptor where its info is to be changed. |
[in,out] | ObjectsSecurityDescriptor | The returned pointer to security descriptor objects. |
[in] | AutoInheritFlags | Flags bitmask inheritation, influencing how the security descriptor can be inherited and if it can be in the first place. |
[in] | PoolType | Pool type for the new security descriptor to allocate. |
[in] | GenericMapping | The generic mapping of access rights masks. |
[in] | SecurityDescriptor | A security descriptor to be freed from memory. |
[in] | _ParentDescriptor | A security descriptor of the parent object that is being created. |
[in] | _ExplicitDescriptor | An explicit security descriptor that is applied to a new object. |
[out] | NewDescriptor | The new allocated security descriptor. |
[in] | ObjectType | The type of the new object. |
[in] | IsDirectoryObject | Set this to TRUE if the newly created object is a directory object, otherwise set this to FALSE. |
[in] | AutoInheritFlags | Automatic inheritance flags that influence how access control entries within ACLs from security descriptors are inherited. |
[in] | SubjectContext | Security subject context of the new object. |
[in] | GenericMapping | Generic mapping of access mask rights. |
[in] | PoolType | This parameter is unused. |
[in] | ParentDescriptor | A security descriptor of the parent object that is being created. |
[in] | ExplicitDescriptor | An explicit security descriptor that is applied to a new object. |
[out] | NewDescriptor | The new allocated security descriptor. |
[in] | IsDirectoryObject | Set this to TRUE if the newly created object is a directory object, otherwise set this to FALSE. |
[in] | SubjectContext | Security subject context of the new object. |
[in] | GenericMapping | Generic mapping of access mask rights. |
[in] | PoolType | This parameter is unused. |
[in] | SecurityDescriptor | A security descriptor. |
[out] | QuotaInfoSize | The returned quota size of the given security descriptor to the caller. The function may return 0 to this parameter if the descriptor doesn't have a group or a discretionary access control list (DACL) even. |
Definition at line 923 of file Messaging.c.
BOOLEAN NTAPI SeAccessCheckFromState | ( | _In_ PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR | SecurityDescriptor, |
_In_ PTOKEN_ACCESS_INFORMATION | PrimaryTokenInformation, | ||
_In_opt_ PTOKEN_ACCESS_INFORMATION | ClientTokenInformation, | ||
_In_ ACCESS_MASK | DesiredAccess, | ||
_In_ ACCESS_MASK | PreviouslyGrantedAccess, | ||
_Outptr_opt_result_maybenull_ PPRIVILEGE_SET * | Privileges, | ||
_In_ PGENERIC_MAPPING | GenericMapping, | ||
_In_ KPROCESSOR_MODE | AccessMode, | ||
_Out_ PACCESS_MASK | GrantedAccess, | ||
_Out_ PNTSTATUS | AccessStatus | ||
) |
NTKERNELAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI SeAppendPrivileges | ( | _Inout_ PACCESS_STATE | AccessState, |
_In_ PPRIVILEGE_SET | Privileges | ||
) |
Appends additional privileges.
[in] | AccessState | Access request to append. |
[in] | Privileges | Set of new privileges to append. |
Definition at line 588 of file priv.c.
Referenced by IopCheckBackupRestorePrivilege(), IopParseDevice(), NpCreateClientEnd(), NpCreateExistingNamedPipe(), ObCheckCreateObjectAccess(), ObCheckObjectAccess(), ObpCheckTraverseAccess(), and START_TEST().
NTKERNELAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI SeAssignSecurityEx | ( | _In_opt_ PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR | ParentDescriptor, |
_In_opt_ PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR | ExplicitDescriptor, | ||
_Out_ PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR * | NewDescriptor, | ||
_In_opt_ GUID * | ObjectType, | ||
_In_ BOOLEAN | IsDirectoryObject, | ||
_In_ ULONG | AutoInheritFlags, | ||
_In_ PSECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT | SubjectContext, | ||
_In_ PGENERIC_MAPPING | GenericMapping, | ||
_In_ POOL_TYPE | PoolType | ||
) |
Referenced by fcb_get_new_sd(), fcb_get_sd(), mknod(), and TestSeAssignSecurity().
NTKERNELAPI VOID NTAPI SeAuditHardLinkCreation | ( | _In_ PUNICODE_STRING | FileName, |
_In_ PUNICODE_STRING | LinkName, | ||
_In_ BOOLEAN | bSuccess | ||
) |
Performs an audit against a hard link creation.
[in] | FileName | A Unicode string that points to the name of the file. |
[in] | LinkName | A Unicode string that points to a link. |
[out] | bSuccess | If TRUE, the function has successfully audited the hard link and security access can be granted, FALSE otherwise. |
NTKERNELAPI VOID NTAPI SeAuditHardLinkCreationWithTransaction | ( | _In_ PUNICODE_STRING | FileName, |
_In_ PUNICODE_STRING | LinkName, | ||
_In_ BOOLEAN | bSuccess, | ||
_In_opt_ GUID * | TransactionId | ||
) |
NTKERNELAPI BOOLEAN NTAPI SeAuditingAnyFileEventsWithContext | ( | _In_ PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR | SecurityDescriptor, |
_In_opt_ PSECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT | SubjectSecurityContext, | ||
_Out_opt_ PBOOLEAN | StagingEnabled | ||
) |
NTKERNELAPI BOOLEAN NTAPI SeAuditingFileEvents | ( | _In_ BOOLEAN | AccessGranted, |
_In_ PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR | SecurityDescriptor | ||
) |
Determines whether auditing against file events is being done or not.
[in] | AccessGranted | If set to TRUE, the access attempt is deemed as successful otherwise set it to FALSE. |
[in] | SecurityDescriptor | A security descriptor. |
NTKERNELAPI BOOLEAN NTAPI SeAuditingFileEventsWithContext | ( | _In_ BOOLEAN | AccessGranted, |
_In_ PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR | SecurityDescriptor, | ||
_In_opt_ PSECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT | SubjectSecurityContext | ||
) |
Determines whether auditing against file events with subject context is being done or not.
[in] | AccessGranted | If set to TRUE, the access attempt is deemed as successful otherwise set it to FALSE. |
[in] | SecurityDescriptor | A security descriptor. |
[in] | SubjectSecurityContext | If specified, the function will check if security auditing is currently being done with this context. |
NTKERNELAPI BOOLEAN NTAPI SeAuditingFileOrGlobalEvents | ( | _In_ BOOLEAN | AccessGranted, |
_In_ PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR | SecurityDescriptor, | ||
_In_ PSECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT | SubjectSecurityContext | ||
) |
Determines whether auditing against files or global events with subject context is being done or not.
[in] | AccessGranted | If set to TRUE, the access attempt is deemed as successful otherwise set it to FALSE. |
[in] | SecurityDescriptor | A security descriptor. |
[in] | SubjectSecurityContext | If specified, the function will check if security auditing is currently being done with this context. |
NTKERNELAPI BOOLEAN NTAPI SeAuditingHardLinkEventsWithContext | ( | _In_ BOOLEAN | AccessGranted, |
_In_ PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR | SecurityDescriptor, | ||
_In_opt_ PSECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT | SubjectSecurityContext | ||
) |
Determines whether auditing against hard links events with subject context is being done or not.
[in] | AccessGranted | If set to TRUE, the access attempt is deemed as successful otherwise set it to FALSE. |
[in] | SecurityDescriptor | A security descriptor. |
[in] | SubjectSecurityContext | If specified, the function will check if security auditing is currently being done with this context. |
NTKERNELAPI VOID NTAPI SeAuditTransactionStateChange | ( | _In_ GUID * | TransactionId, |
_In_ GUID * | ResourceManagerId, | ||
_In_ ULONG | NewTransactionState | ||
) |
NTKERNELAPI VOID NTAPI SeCaptureSubjectContext | ( | _Out_ PSECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT | SubjectContext | ) |
Captures the security subject context of the calling thread and calling process.
[out] | SubjectContext | The returned security subject context. |
Definition at line 85 of file subject.c.
Referenced by create_directory_fcb(), create_subvol(), fcb_get_sd(), FilterToken(), HasPrivilege(), KsCreateDefaultSecurity(), mknod(), nfs41_get_sec_ctx(), nfs41_GetLUID(), nfs41_UpcallCreate(), NtCloseObjectAuditAlarm(), NtOpenObjectAuditAlarm(), NtPrivilegedServiceAuditAlarm(), NtSetUuidSeed(), RxStartMinirdr(), SeCheckPrivilegedObject(), SepAccessCheck(), SepAccessCheckAndAuditAlarm(), SeReportSecurityEvent(), SeSinglePrivilegeCheck(), set_link_information(), set_rename_information(), START_TEST(), SystemThread(), UDFCheckAccessRights(), and UDFSetAccessRights().
NTKERNELAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI SeCreateClientSecurity | ( | _In_ PETHREAD | Thread, |
_In_ BOOLEAN | RemoteClient, | ||
_Out_ PSECURITY_CLIENT_CONTEXT | ClientContext | ||
) |
Creates a client security context.
[in] | Thread | Thread object of the client where impersonation has to begin. |
[in] | Qos | Quality of service to specify what kind of impersonation to be done. |
[in] | RemoteClient | If set to TRUE, the client that we're going to impersonate is remote. |
[out] | ClientContext | The returned security client context. |
Definition at line 162 of file client.c.
NTKERNELAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI SeCreateClientSecurityFromSubjectContext | ( | _In_ PSECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT | SubjectContext, |
_In_ PSECURITY_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE | ClientSecurityQos, | ||
_In_ BOOLEAN | ServerIsRemote, | ||
_Out_ PSECURITY_CLIENT_CONTEXT | ClientContext | ||
) |
Creates a client security context based upon the captured security subject context.
[in] | SubjectContext | The captured subject context where client security is to be created from. |
[in] | ClientSecurityQos | Quality of service to specify what kind of impersonation to be done. |
[in] | ServerIsRemote | If set to TRUE, the client that we're going to impersonate is remote. |
[out] | ClientContext | The returned security client context. |
Definition at line 224 of file client.c.
Referenced by nfs41_get_sec_ctx(), nfs41_GetLUID(), and nfs41_UpcallCreate().
Deletes an alarm audit of an object.
[in] | Object | An arbitrary pointer data that points to the object. |
[in] | Handle | A handle of the said object. |
NTKERNELAPI VOID NTAPI SeDeleteObjectAuditAlarmWithTransaction | ( | _In_ PVOID | Object, |
_In_ HANDLE | Handle, | ||
_In_opt_ GUID * | TransactionId | ||
) |
NTKERNELAPI VOID NTAPI SeExamineGlobalSacl | ( | _In_ PUNICODE_STRING | ObjectType, |
_In_ PACL | ResourceSacl, | ||
_In_ PACCESS_TOKEN | Token, | ||
_In_ ACCESS_MASK | DesiredAccess, | ||
_In_ BOOLEAN | AccessGranted, | ||
_Inout_ PBOOLEAN | GenerateAudit, | ||
_Inout_opt_ PBOOLEAN | GenerateAlarm | ||
) |
NTKERNELAPI VOID NTAPI SeExamineSacl | ( | _In_ PACL | Sacl, |
_In_ PACCESS_TOKEN | Token, | ||
_In_ ACCESS_MASK | DesiredAccess, | ||
_In_ BOOLEAN | AccessGranted, | ||
_Out_ PBOOLEAN | GenerateAudit, | ||
_Out_ PBOOLEAN | GenerateAlarm | ||
) |
NTKERNELAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI SeFilterToken | ( | _In_ PACCESS_TOKEN | ExistingToken, |
_In_ ULONG | Flags, | ||
_In_opt_ PTOKEN_GROUPS | SidsToDisable, | ||
_In_opt_ PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES | PrivilegesToDelete, | ||
_In_opt_ PTOKEN_GROUPS | RestrictedSids, | ||
_Outptr_ PACCESS_TOKEN * | FilteredToken | ||
) |
NTKERNELAPI VOID NTAPI SeFreePrivileges | ( | _In_ PPRIVILEGE_SET | Privileges | ) |
Frees a set of privileges.
[in] | Privileges | Set of privileges array to be freed. |
Definition at line 669 of file priv.c.
Referenced by IopParseDevice(), NpCreateClientEnd(), NpCreateExistingNamedPipe(), ObCheckCreateObjectAccess(), ObCheckObjectAccess(), ObpCheckTraverseAccess(), SepAccessCheck(), and START_TEST().
NTKERNELAPI VOID NTAPI SeImpersonateClient | ( | _In_ PSECURITY_CLIENT_CONTEXT | ClientContext, |
_In_opt_ PETHREAD | ServerThread | ||
) |
Impersonates a client user.
[in] | ClientContext | A valid client context. |
[in] | ServerThread | The thread where impersonation is to be done. |
Definition at line 321 of file client.c.
_In_opt_ PETHREAD | ServerThread | ||
) |
Extended function that impersonates a client.
[in] | ClientContext | A valid client context. |
[in] | ServerThread | The thread where impersonation is to be done. |
Definition at line 276 of file client.c.
Referenced by CmpCmdHiveOpen(), handle_upcall(), NpImpersonateClientContext(), NtImpersonateClientOfPort(), and SeImpersonateClient().
NTSTATUS NTAPI SeLocateProcessImageName | ( | _Inout_ PEPROCESS | Process, |
_Outptr_ PUNICODE_STRING * | pImageFileName | ||
) |
NTKERNELAPI VOID NTAPI SeLockSubjectContext | ( | _In_ PSECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT | SubjectContext | ) |
Locks both the referenced primary and client access tokens of a security subject context.
[in] | SubjectContext | A valid security context with both referenced tokens. |
Definition at line 107 of file subject.c.
Referenced by create_stream(), FatExplicitDeviceAccessGranted(), file_create(), FilterToken(), HasPrivilege(), IopParseDevice(), NpCreateClientEnd(), NpCreateExistingNamedPipe(), NpCreateNewNamedPipe(), ObCheckCreateObjectAccess(), ObCheckObjectAccess(), ObpCheckObjectReference(), ObpCheckTraverseAccess(), open_file2(), SeAccessCheck(), and START_TEST().
NTKERNELAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI SeMarkLogonSessionForTerminationNotification | ( | _In_ PLUID | LogonId | ) |
Marks a logon session for future termination, given its logon ID. This triggers a callout (the registered callback) when the logon is no longer used by anyone, that is, no token is still referencing the speciffied logon session.
[in] | LogonId | The ID of the logon session. |
Definition at line 1510 of file srm.c.
Referenced by LogonMarkTermination().
NTKERNELAPI VOID NTAPI SeMaximumAuditMaskFromGlobalSacl | ( | _In_opt_ PUNICODE_STRING | ObjectTypeName, |
_In_ ACCESS_MASK | GrantedAccess, | ||
_In_ PACCESS_TOKEN | Token, | ||
_Inout_ PACCESS_MASK | AuditMask | ||
) |
NTKERNELAPI ULONG NTAPI SeObjectCreateSaclAccessBits | ( | _In_ PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR | SecurityDescriptor | ) |
NTKERNELAPI VOID NTAPI SeOpenObjectAuditAlarm | ( | _In_ PUNICODE_STRING | ObjectTypeName, |
_In_opt_ PVOID | Object, | ||
_In_opt_ PUNICODE_STRING | AbsoluteObjectName, | ||
_In_ PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR | SecurityDescriptor, | ||
_In_ PACCESS_STATE | AccessState, | ||
_In_ BOOLEAN | ObjectCreated, | ||
_In_ BOOLEAN | AccessGranted, | ||
_In_ KPROCESSOR_MODE | AccessMode, | ||
_Out_ PBOOLEAN | GenerateOnClose | ||
) |
Creates an audit with alarm notification of an object that is being opened.
[in] | ObjectTypeName | A Unicode string that points to the object type name. |
[in] | Object | If specified, the function will use this parameter to directly open the object. |
[in] | AbsoluteObjectName | If specified, the function will use this parameter to directly open the object through the absolute name of the object. |
[in] | SecurityDescriptor | A security descriptor. |
[in] | AccessState | An access state right mask when opening the object. |
[in] | ObjectCreated | Set this to TRUE if the object has been fully created, FALSE otherwise. |
[in] | AccessGranted | Set this to TRUE if access was deemed as granted. |
[in] | AccessMode | Processor level access mode. |
[out] | GenerateOnClose | A boolean flag returned to the caller once audit generation procedure finishes. |
Definition at line 1213 of file audit.c.
Referenced by IopParseDevice(), NpCreateClientEnd(), NpCreateExistingNamedPipe(), and ObCheckObjectAccess().
NTKERNELAPI VOID NTAPI SeOpenObjectForDeleteAuditAlarm | ( | _In_ PUNICODE_STRING | ObjectTypeName, |
_In_opt_ PVOID | Object, | ||
_In_opt_ PUNICODE_STRING | AbsoluteObjectName, | ||
_In_ PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR | SecurityDescriptor, | ||
_In_ PACCESS_STATE | AccessState, | ||
_In_ BOOLEAN | ObjectCreated, | ||
_In_ BOOLEAN | AccessGranted, | ||
_In_ KPROCESSOR_MODE | AccessMode, | ||
_Out_ PBOOLEAN | GenerateOnClose | ||
) |
Creates an audit with alarm notification of an object that is being opened for deletion.
[in] | ObjectTypeName | A Unicode string that points to the object type name. |
[in] | Object | If specified, the function will use this parameter to directly open the object. |
[in] | AbsoluteObjectName | If specified, the function will use this parameter to directly open the object through the absolute name of the object. |
[in] | SecurityDescriptor | A security descriptor. |
[in] | AccessState | An access state right mask when opening the object. |
[in] | ObjectCreated | Set this to TRUE if the object has been fully created, FALSE otherwise. |
[in] | AccessGranted | Set this to TRUE if access was deemed as granted. |
[in] | AccessMode | Processor level access mode. |
[out] | GenerateOnClose | A boolean flag returned to the caller once audit generation procedure finishes. |
NTKERNELAPI VOID NTAPI SeOpenObjectForDeleteAuditAlarmWithTransaction | ( | _In_ PUNICODE_STRING | ObjectTypeName, |
_In_opt_ PVOID | Object, | ||
_In_opt_ PUNICODE_STRING | AbsoluteObjectName, | ||
_In_ PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR | SecurityDescriptor, | ||
_In_ PACCESS_STATE | AccessState, | ||
_In_ BOOLEAN | ObjectCreated, | ||
_In_ BOOLEAN | AccessGranted, | ||
_In_ KPROCESSOR_MODE | AccessMode, | ||
_In_opt_ GUID * | TransactionId, | ||
_Out_ PBOOLEAN | GenerateOnClose | ||
) |
NTKERNELAPI BOOLEAN NTAPI SePrivilegeCheck | ( | _Inout_ PPRIVILEGE_SET | RequiredPrivileges, |
_In_ PSECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT | SubjectContext, | ||
_In_ KPROCESSOR_MODE | AccessMode | ||
) |
NTKERNELAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI SeQueryAuthenticationIdToken | ( | _In_ PACCESS_TOKEN | Token, |
_Out_ PLUID | LogonId | ||
) |
Queries the authentication ID of an access token.
[in] | Token | A valid access token where the authentication ID has to be gathered. |
[out] | pSessionId | The returned pointer to an authentication ID to the caller. |
Definition at line 2036 of file token.c.
Referenced by GetProcessLuid(), KsecGetKeyData(), nfs41_GetLUID(), NtSetUuidSeed(), ObpReferenceDeviceMap(), ObpSetCurrentProcessDeviceMap(), RxGetUid(), and RxInitializeVNetRootParameters().
NTKERNELAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI SeQueryInformationToken | ( | _In_ PACCESS_TOKEN | AccessToken, |
_In_ TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS | TokenInformationClass, | ||
_Outptr_result_buffer_(_Inexpressible_(token-dependent)) PVOID * | TokenInformation | ||
) |
Queries information details about the given token to the call. The difference between NtQueryInformationToken and this routine is that the system call has user mode buffer data probing and additional protection checks whereas this routine doesn't have any of these. The routine is used exclusively in kernel mode.
[in] | AccessToken | An access token to be given. |
[in] | TokenInformationClass | Token information class. |
[out] | TokenInformation | Buffer with retrieved information. Such information is arbitrary, depending on the requested information class. |
Definition at line 95 of file tokencls.c.
Referenced by find_gid(), NtSecureConnectPort(), START_TEST(), and TestsSeQueryInformationToken().
NTKERNELAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI SeQuerySecurityDescriptorInfo | ( | _In_ PSECURITY_INFORMATION | SecurityInformation, |
_Out_writes_bytes_ *Length PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR | SecurityDescriptor, | ||
_Inout_ PULONG | Length, | ||
_Inout_ PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR * | ObjectsSecurityDescriptor | ||
) |
_Out_ PULONG | pSessionId | ||
) |
Queries the session ID of an access token.
[in] | Token | A valid access token where the session ID has to be gathered. |
[out] | pSessionId | The returned pointer to a session ID to the caller. |
Definition at line 2004 of file token.c.
Referenced by NtQueryInformationToken(), RxGetSessionId(), RxInitializeVNetRootParameters(), and SeQueryInformationToken().
NTKERNELAPI VOID NTAPI SeQueryTokenIntegrity | ( | _In_ PACCESS_TOKEN | Token, |
_Inout_ PSID_AND_ATTRIBUTES | IntegritySA | ||
) |
NTKERNELAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI SeRegisterLogonSessionTerminatedRoutine | ( | _In_ PSE_LOGON_SESSION_TERMINATED_ROUTINE | CallbackRoutine | ) |
Registers a callback that will be called once a logon session terminates.
[in] | CallbackRoutine | Callback routine address. |
Definition at line 1572 of file srm.c.
NTKERNELAPI VOID NTAPI SeReleaseSubjectContext | ( | _Inout_ PSECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT | SubjectContext | ) |
NTSTATUS NTAPI SeReportSecurityEvent | ( | _In_ ULONG | Flags, |
_In_ PUNICODE_STRING | SourceName, | ||
_In_opt_ PSID | UserSid, | ||
_In_ PSE_ADT_PARAMETER_ARRAY | AuditParameters | ||
) |
Report a security event to the security manager.
[in] | Flags | Flags that influence how the event should be reported. |
[in] | SourceName | A Unicode string that represents the source name of the event. |
[in] | UserSid | The SID that represents a user that initiated the reporting. |
[in] | AuditParameters | An array of parameters for auditing purposes. This is used for reporting the event which the security manager will take care subsequently of doing eventual security auditing. |
Definition at line 508 of file semgr.c.
NTSTATUS NTAPI SeReportSecurityEventWithSubCategory | ( | _In_ ULONG | Flags, |
_In_ PUNICODE_STRING | SourceName, | ||
_In_opt_ PSID | UserSid, | ||
_In_ PSE_ADT_PARAMETER_ARRAY | AuditParameters, | ||
_In_ ULONG | AuditSubcategoryId | ||
) |
VOID NTAPI SeSetAccessStateGenericMapping | ( | _Inout_ PACCESS_STATE | AccessState, |
_In_ PGENERIC_MAPPING | GenericMapping | ||
) |
NTKERNELAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI SeSetSecurityDescriptorInfo | ( | _In_opt_ PVOID | Object, |
_In_ PSECURITY_INFORMATION | SecurityInformation, | ||
_In_ PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR | SecurityDescriptor, | ||
_Inout_ PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR * | ObjectsSecurityDescriptor, | ||
_In_ POOL_TYPE | PoolType, | ||
_In_ PGENERIC_MAPPING | GenericMapping | ||
) |
NTKERNELAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI SeSetSecurityDescriptorInfoEx | ( | _In_opt_ PVOID | Object, |
_In_ PSECURITY_INFORMATION | SecurityInformation, | ||
_In_ PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR | ModificationDescriptor, | ||
_Inout_ PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR * | ObjectsSecurityDescriptor, | ||
_In_ ULONG | AutoInheritFlags, | ||
_In_ POOL_TYPE | PoolType, | ||
_In_ PGENERIC_MAPPING | GenericMapping | ||
) |
_In_ ULONG | SessionId | ||
) |
Determines if a token is either an admin token or not. Such condition is checked based upon TOKEN_HAS_ADMIN_GROUP flag, which means if the respective access token belongs to an administrator group or not.
Definition at line 2103 of file token.c.
Referenced by PsImpersonateClient(), and SepAccessCheckWorker().
NTKERNELAPI BOOLEAN NTAPI SeTokenIsRestricted | ( | _In_ PACCESS_TOKEN | Token | ) |
Determines if a token is restricted or not, based upon the token flags.
Definition at line 2126 of file token.c.
Referenced by NtQueryInformationToken(), PsImpersonateClient(), RxInitializeVNetRootParameters(), SepAccessCheckWorker(), SepCompareTokens(), SepDumpTokenDebugInfo(), SepImpersonateAnonymousToken(), and SeTokenCanImpersonate().
Gathers the token type of an access token. A token ca be either a primary token or impersonation token.
NTKERNELAPI VOID NTAPI SeUnlockSubjectContext | ( | _In_ PSECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT | SubjectContext | ) |
Unlocks both the referenced primary and client access tokens of a security subject context.
[in] | SubjectContext | A valid security context with both referenced tokens. |
Definition at line 138 of file subject.c.
Referenced by create_stream(), FatExplicitDeviceAccessGranted(), file_create(), FilterToken(), HasPrivilege(), IopParseDevice(), NpCreateClientEnd(), NpCreateExistingNamedPipe(), NpCreateNewNamedPipe(), ObCheckCreateObjectAccess(), ObCheckObjectAccess(), ObpCheckObjectReference(), ObpCheckTraverseAccess(), open_file2(), SeAccessCheck(), START_TEST(), and TestSeAssignSecurity().
NTKERNELAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI SeUnregisterLogonSessionTerminatedRoutine | ( | _In_ PSE_LOGON_SESSION_TERMINATED_ROUTINE | CallbackRoutine | ) |
Un-registers a callback routine, previously registered by SeRegisterLogonSessionTerminatedRoutine function.
[in] | CallbackRoutine | Callback routine address to un-register. |
Definition at line 1621 of file srm.c.
_In_opt_ PVOID _In_opt_ PUNICODE_STRING AbsoluteObjectName |
Definition at line 419 of file sefuncs.h.
Referenced by IopCheckBackupRestorePrivilege(), IopParseDevice(), NpCreateClientEnd(), NpCreateExistingNamedPipe(), NtOpenObjectAuditAlarm(), NtPrivilegedServiceAuditAlarm(), ObjectOpenAuditAlarmA(), ObjectOpenAuditAlarmW(), ObjectPrivilegeAuditAlarmA(), ObjectPrivilegeAuditAlarmW(), PrivilegedServiceAuditAlarmA(), PrivilegedServiceAuditAlarmW(), SepOpenObjectAuditAlarm(), SePrivilegedServiceAuditAlarm(), and test_impersonation_level().
Definition at line 417 of file sefuncs.h.
Referenced by CmpCreateLinkNode(), CmpDoCreate(), CmpDoCreateChild(), CmpDoOpen(), CmpParseKey(), ExpWinStaObjectParse(), FatCheckManageVolumeAccess(), FatCheckSystemSecurityAccess(), FatExplicitDeviceAccessGranted(), IntAssignDesktopSecurityOnParse(), IntDesktopObjectParse(), IopCheckBackupRestorePrivilege(), IopParseDevice(), IopParseFile(), NpCreateClientEnd(), NpCreateExistingNamedPipe(), NpCreateNewNamedPipe(), NtOpenProcess(), NtOpenThread(), ObAssignSecurity(), ObCheckCreateObjectAccess(), ObCheckObjectAccess(), ObDuplicateObject(), ObInsertObject(), ObOpenObjectByPointer(), ObpCheckObjectReference(), ObpCheckTraverseAccess(), ObpCreateHandle(), ObpDuplicateHandleCallback(), ObpIncrementHandleCount(), ObpLookupObjectName(), ObpValidateAccessMask(), ObReferenceObjectByName(), PspCreateProcess(), PspCreateThread(), RxSetupNetFileObject(), SeAppendPrivileges(), SeCreateAccessState(), SeCreateAccessStateEx(), SeDeleteAccessState(), SeFastTraverseCheck(), SeSetAccessStateGenericMapping(), START_TEST(), UDFCommonCreate(), and UDFSetAccessRights().
Definition at line 21 of file sefuncs.h.
Referenced by $endif(), AccessCheck(), AccessCheckAndAuditAlarmA(), AccessCheckAndAuditAlarmW(), AccessCheckByType(), AccessCheckByTypeResultList(), AccessCheckEmptyMappingTest(), AccessGrantedMultipleObjectsTests(), AccessGrantedNoDaclTests(), AccessGrantedTests(), CheckTokenMembership(), DenyAccessTests(), GrantedAccessTests(), NtAccessCheck(), NtAccessCheckAndAuditAlarm(), NtAccessCheckByType(), NtAccessCheckByTypeAndAuditAlarm(), NtAccessCheckByTypeResultList(), ObCheckCreateObjectAccess(), ObpCheckObjectReference(), ObpCheckTraverseAccess(), ParamsValidationTests(), ParamValidationNoObjsList(), PrintAccessStatusAndGrantedAccess(), PspCreateProcess(), PspCreateThread(), PspSetPrimaryToken(), SeAccessCheck(), SepAccessCheck(), SepAccessCheckAndAuditAlarm(), and test_AccessCheck().
_In_opt_ PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR ExplicitDescriptor |
Definition at line 29 of file sefuncs.h.
Referenced by TestSeAssignSecurity().
Definition at line 422 of file sefuncs.h.
Referenced by AccessCheckAndAuditAlarmA(), AccessCheckAndAuditAlarmW(), NtAccessCheckAndAuditAlarm(), NtAccessCheckByTypeAndAuditAlarm(), NtAccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarm(), NtAccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarmByHandle(), NtCloseObjectAuditAlarm(), NtOpenObjectAuditAlarm(), ObjectCloseAuditAlarmA(), ObjectCloseAuditAlarmW(), ObjectDeleteAuditAlarmA(), ObjectDeleteAuditAlarmW(), ObjectOpenAuditAlarmA(), ObjectOpenAuditAlarmW(), ObQueryObjectAuditingByHandle(), SepAccessCheckAndAuditAlarm(), SepAccessCheckAndAuditAlarmWorker(), and SepOpenObjectAuditAlarm().
Definition at line 20 of file sefuncs.h.
Referenced by $endif(), $include(), AccessCheck(), AccessCheckAndAuditAlarmA(), AccessCheckAndAuditAlarmW(), AccessCheckByType(), AccessCheckByTypeResultList(), AccessCheckEmptyMappingTest(), AccessGrantedMultipleObjectsTests(), AccessGrantedNoDaclTests(), AccessGrantedTests(), AreAllAccessesGranted(), AreAnyAccessesGranted(), CheckTokenMembership(), CloseProc(), DenyAccessTests(), ExpDesktopClose(), ExpDesktopOpen(), FatExplicitDeviceAccessGranted(), GrantedAccessTests(), IoCheckDesiredAccess(), IopParseDevice(), LocalmonXcvOpenPort(), NetUserAdd(), NpCreateClientEnd(), NpCreateExistingNamedPipe(), NtAccessCheck(), NtAccessCheckAndAuditAlarm(), NtAccessCheckByType(), NtAccessCheckByTypeAndAuditAlarm(), NtAccessCheckByTypeResultList(), NtOpenObjectAuditAlarm(), NtWaitForMultipleObjects(), ObCheckCreateObjectAccess(), ObCheckObjectAccess(), ObjectOpenAuditAlarmA(), ObjectOpenAuditAlarmW(), ObpCheckObjectReference(), ObpCheckTraverseAccess(), ObpCloseHandleTableEntry(), ObpCreateHandle(), ObpCreateUnnamedHandle(), ObpDecrementHandleCount(), ObpEnumFindHandleProcedure(), ObpReferenceProcessObjectByHandle(), ObReferenceFileObjectForWrite(), ObReferenceObjectByHandle(), OpenProc(), ParamsValidationTests(), ParamValidationNoObjsList(), PrintAccessStatusAndGrantedAccess(), RtlAreAnyAccessesGranted(), SamCreateUser2InDomain(), SamrCreateUser2InDomain(), SeAccessCheck(), SepAccessCheck(), SepAccessCheckAndAuditAlarm(), SepOpenObjectAuditAlarm(), SePrivilegePolicyCheck(), test_RtlAreAllAccessesGranted(), test_RtlAreAnyAccessesGranted(), and TestDuplicate().
Definition at line 31 of file sefuncs.h.
Referenced by CreatePrivateObjectSecurity(), RtlConvertToAutoInheritSecurityObject(), RtlCreateUserSecurityObject(), RtlNewInstanceSecurityObject(), RtlNewSecurityObject(), RtlNewSecurityObjectEx(), RtlNewSecurityObjectWithMultipleInheritance(), SepPropagateAcl(), SepSelectAcl(), and SepShouldPropagateAce().
Definition at line 30 of file sefuncs.h.
Referenced by BlMmMapPhysicalAddressEx(), CmpDoCreateChild(), CreatePrivateObjectSecurity(), CreatePrivateObjectSecurityWithMultipleInheritance(), MmMdFindSatisfyingRegion(), MmMdRemoveRegionFromMdlEx(), MmMdTruncateDescriptors(), MmPaInitialize(), MmPapPageAllocatorExtend(), MmSelectMappingAddress(), MyAllocatePool(), ObAssignSecurity(), ObSetSecurityDescriptorInfo(), RtlConvertToAutoInheritSecurityObject(), RtlCreateUserSecurityObject(), RtlNewInstanceSecurityObject(), RtlNewSecurityObject(), RtlNewSecurityObjectEx(), RtlNewSecurityObjectWithMultipleInheritance(), SeCaptureSecurityDescriptor(), and WinLdrInsertDescriptor().
_In_opt_ PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR _In_opt_ PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR ParentSecurityDescriptor |
Definition at line 16 of file sefuncs.h.
Referenced by ObpIncrementHandleCount(), SeAccessCheck(), SepAccessCheck(), and SepAccessCheckWorker().
_In_ KPROCESSOR_MODE PreviousMode |
Definition at line 17 of file sefuncs.h.
Referenced by $endif(), are_all_privileges_disabled(), CheckTokenMembership(), IopCheckBackupRestorePrivilege(), IopParseDevice(), LsaEnumeratePrivilegesOfAccount(), LsapIsTrustedClient(), LsapSetPrivileges(), LsarAddPrivilegesToAccount(), LsaRemovePrivilegesFromAccount(), LsarEnumeratePrivilegesAccount(), LsarpEnumeratePrivileges(), LsarRemovePrivilegesFromAccount(), named_pipe_client_func(), NpCreateClientEnd(), NpCreateExistingNamedPipe(), NtAdjustPrivilegesToken(), NtFilterToken(), NtPrivilegeCheck(), NtPrivilegedServiceAuditAlarm(), ObCheckCreateObjectAccess(), ObCheckObjectAccess(), ObjectOpenAuditAlarmA(), ObjectOpenAuditAlarmW(), ObjectPrivilegeAuditAlarmA(), ObjectPrivilegeAuditAlarmW(), ObpCheckObjectReference(), ObpCheckTraverseAccess(), PrivilegedServiceAuditAlarmA(), PrivilegedServiceAuditAlarmW(), pSetupEnablePrivilege(), QueryTokenPrivilegesTests(), RecvSubvolGUIW(), RecvSubvolW(), RtlNewSecurityGrantedAccess(), RtlRemovePrivileges(), SeAccessCheck(), SeAppendPrivileges(), SeCreateAccessStateEx(), SeFreePrivileges(), SepAccessCheck(), SepAccessCheckWorker(), SepCreateSystemProcessToken(), SepCreateToken(), SepOpenObjectAuditAlarm(), SepPrivilegeCheck(), SePrivilegeCheck(), ShutdownSystem(), START_TEST(), test_impersonation_level(), test_pack_TOKEN_PRIVILEGES(), test_token_attr(), and UpdateDriver().
extern |
Definition at line 21 of file semgr.c.
Referenced by CheckKeySecurity__(), FatCreateRestrictEveryoneToken(), FilterToken(), IntCreateServiceSecurity(), SepInitExports(), SePrivilegedServiceAuditAlarm(), START_TEST(), TestObRootSecurity(), TestSeAssignSecurity(), TiCreateSecurityDescriptor(), UDFCheckAccessRights(), and UDFCommonCreate().
Definition at line 14 of file sefuncs.h.
Referenced by SeAccessCheck().
_In_ PSECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT SubjectSecurityContext |
Definition at line 13 of file sefuncs.h.
Referenced by IopCheckBackupRestorePrivilege(), NpCreateClientEnd(), NpCreateExistingNamedPipe(), ObpCreateHandle(), RxGetUid(), SeAccessCheck(), and SepAccessCheck().