ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-588-gf07ea94
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#define COMPUTE_PAGES_SPANNED | ( | Va, | |
Size | |||
#define MmGetMdlByteOffset | ( | _Mdl | ) | ((_Mdl)->ByteOffset) |
#define MmGetMdlPfnArray | ( | _Mdl | ) | ((PPFN_NUMBER) ((_Mdl) + 1)) |
#define MmGetMdlVirtualAddress | ( | _Mdl | ) | ((PVOID) ((PCHAR) ((_Mdl)->StartVa) + (_Mdl)->ByteOffset)) |
#define MmGetSystemAddressForMdlSafe | ( | _Mdl, | |
_Priority | |||
) |
#define MmInitializeMdl | ( | _MemoryDescriptorList, | |
_BaseVa, | |||
_Length | |||
) |
#define MmPrepareMdlForReuse | ( | _Mdl | ) |
#define POOL_TAGGING 1 |
$endif | ( | _NTDDK_ | ) |
Definition at line 559 of file iofuncs.h.
$endif | ( | _NTIFS_ | ) |
Definition at line 396 of file rtlfuncs.h.
__kernel_entry _Inout_ __drv_freesMem | ( | Mem | ) |
Definition at line 913 of file exfuncs.h.
_Must_inspect_result_ _Maybe_raises_SEH_exception_ _In_ __drv_strictType | ( | KPROCESSOR_MODE/enum | _MODE, |
__drv_typeConst | |||
) |
_Must_inspect_result_ _In_ __in_data_source | ( | USER_MODE | ) |
_In_reads_ | ( | NumberOfLists | ) |
_Must_inspect_result_ _IRQL_requires_max_ | ( | APC_LEVEL | ) |
Probes and locks virtual pages in memory for the specified process.
[in,out] | MemoryDescriptorList | Memory Descriptor List (MDL) containing the buffer to be probed and locked. |
[in] | Process | The process for which the buffer should be probed and locked. |
[in] | AccessMode | Access mode for probing the pages. Can be KernelMode or UserMode. |
[in] | LockOperation | The type of the probing and locking operation. Can be IoReadAccess, IoWriteAccess or IoModifyAccess. |
Probes and locks virtual pages in memory for the specified process.
Frees previously reserved amount of memory in system virtual address space.
[in] | NumberOfBytes | Size, in bytes, of memory to reserve. |
[in] | PoolTag | Pool Tag identifying the buffer. Usually consists from 4 characters in reversed order. |
[in] | BaseAddress | A pointer to the 1st memory block of the reserved buffer. |
[in] | PoolTag | Pool Tag identifying the buffer. Usually consists from 4 characters in reversed order. |
Definition at line 37 of file cddata.c.
_Must_inspect_result_ _IRQL_requires_max_ | ( | DISPATCH_LEVEL | ) |
Definition at line 347 of file common.c.
_IRQL_requires_max_ | ( | PASSIVE_LEVEL | ) |
Queries information details about a security descriptor.
Computes the quota size of a security descriptor.
Assigns a security descriptor for a new object.
An extended function that assigns a security descriptor for a new object.
Frees a security descriptor.
An extended function that sets new information data to a security descriptor.
Modifies some information data about a security descriptor.
[in] | SecurityInformation | Security information details to be queried from a security descriptor. |
[out] | SecurityDescriptor | The returned security descriptor with security information data. |
[in,out] | Length | The returned length of a security descriptor. |
[in,out] | ObjectsSecurityDescriptor | The returned object security descriptor. |
[in] | Object | If specified, the function will use this arbitrary object that points to an object security descriptor. |
[in] | SecurityInformation | Security information details to be set. |
[in] | SecurityDescriptor | A security descriptor where its info is to be changed. |
[in,out] | ObjectsSecurityDescriptor | The returned pointer to security descriptor objects. |
[in] | PoolType | Pool type for the new security descriptor to allocate. |
[in] | GenericMapping | The generic mapping of access rights masks. |
[in] | Object | If specified, the function will use this arbitrary object that points to an object security descriptor. |
[in] | SecurityInformation | Security information details to be set. |
[in] | SecurityDescriptor | A security descriptor where its info is to be changed. |
[in,out] | ObjectsSecurityDescriptor | The returned pointer to security descriptor objects. |
[in] | AutoInheritFlags | Flags bitmask inheritation, influencing how the security descriptor can be inherited and if it can be in the first place. |
[in] | PoolType | Pool type for the new security descriptor to allocate. |
[in] | GenericMapping | The generic mapping of access rights masks. |
[in] | SecurityDescriptor | A security descriptor to be freed from memory. |
[in] | _ParentDescriptor | A security descriptor of the parent object that is being created. |
[in] | _ExplicitDescriptor | An explicit security descriptor that is applied to a new object. |
[out] | NewDescriptor | The new allocated security descriptor. |
[in] | ObjectType | The type of the new object. |
[in] | IsDirectoryObject | Set this to TRUE if the newly created object is a directory object, otherwise set this to FALSE. |
[in] | AutoInheritFlags | Automatic inheritance flags that influence how access control entries within ACLs from security descriptors are inherited. |
[in] | SubjectContext | Security subject context of the new object. |
[in] | GenericMapping | Generic mapping of access mask rights. |
[in] | PoolType | This parameter is unused. |
[in] | ParentDescriptor | A security descriptor of the parent object that is being created. |
[in] | ExplicitDescriptor | An explicit security descriptor that is applied to a new object. |
[out] | NewDescriptor | The new allocated security descriptor. |
[in] | IsDirectoryObject | Set this to TRUE if the newly created object is a directory object, otherwise set this to FALSE. |
[in] | SubjectContext | Security subject context of the new object. |
[in] | GenericMapping | Generic mapping of access mask rights. |
[in] | PoolType | This parameter is unused. |
[in] | SecurityDescriptor | A security descriptor. |
[out] | QuotaInfoSize | The returned quota size of the given security descriptor to the caller. The function may return 0 to this parameter if the descriptor doesn't have a group or a discretionary access control list (DACL) even. |
Definition at line 923 of file Messaging.c.
_Post_writable_byte_size_ | ( | MemoryDescriptorList-> | ByteCount | ) |
_Must_inspect_result_ _Post_writable_byte_size_ | ( | NumberOfBytes | ) |
_Must_inspect_result_ _When_ | ( | AccessMode | = =KernelMode , |
_IRQL_requires_max_(DISPATCH_LEVEL) | |||
) |
_Must_inspect_result_ _At_ * BaseAddress | ( | Mem | ) |
NTKERNELAPI PMDL NTAPI MmCreateMdl | ( | _Out_writes_bytes_opt_(sizeof(MDL)+(sizeof(PFN_NUMBER) *ADDRESS_AND_SIZE_TO_SPAN_PAGES(Base, Length))) PMDL | MemoryDescriptorList, |
_In_reads_bytes_opt_(Length) PVOID | Base, | ||
_In_ SIZE_T | Length | ||
) |
NTKERNELAPI PHYSICAL_ADDRESS NTAPI MmGetPhysicalAddress | ( | _In_ PVOID | BaseAddress | ) |
NTKERNELAPI PVOID NTAPI MmGetVirtualForPhysical | ( | _In_ PHYSICAL_ADDRESS | PhysicalAddress | ) |
NTKERNELAPI LOGICAL NTAPI MmIsDriverVerifying | ( | _In_ struct _DRIVER_OBJECT * | DriverObject | ) |
NTKERNELAPI BOOLEAN NTAPI MmIsNonPagedSystemAddressValid | ( | _In_ PVOID | VirtualAddress | ) |
Definition at line 246 of file mmsup.c.
Referenced by FsRtlInitializeTunnels(), PsChangeQuantumTable(), and UDFInitializeZones().
Definition at line 257 of file mmsup.c.
Referenced by CcInitializeCacheManager(), CdInitializeGlobalData(), DriverEntry(), PspInitPhase0(), RxInitializeWorkQueueDispatcher(), and UDFInitializeZones().
NTKERNELAPI SIZE_T NTAPI MmSizeOfMdl | ( | _In_reads_bytes_opt_(Length) PVOID | Base, |
_In_ SIZE_T | Length | ||
) |
Definition at line 396 of file mmfuncs.h.
Referenced by _IRQL_requires_max_(), BuildExplicitAccessWithNameA(), BuildExplicitAccessWithNameW(), BuildImpersonateExplicitAccessWithNameA(), BuildImpersonateExplicitAccessWithNameW(), CmpConvertHandleToKernelHandle(), CmpCreateLinkNode(), CmpDoCreate(), CmpDoCreateChild(), CmpDoOpen(), CmpParseKey(), DosCreateFileEx(), DosOpenFile(), ExLockUserBuffer(), ExpDesktopOkToClose(), ExpWindowStationOkToClose(), ExpWinStaObjectParse(), FxProbeAndLockForRead(), FxProbeAndLockForWrite(), FxProbeAndLockWithAccess(), IntCreateDesktop(), IntCreateWindowStation(), IntValidateDesktopHandle(), IntValidateWindowStationHandle(), IopCreateFile(), IopParseDevice(), IopParseFile(), IopQueryAttributesFile(), MmMapLockedPages(), MmMapLockedPagesSpecifyCache(), MmProbeAndLockPages(), MockMmProbeAndLockPages(), MockObReferenceObjectByHandle(), Mx::MxReferenceObjectByHandle(), NtDeleteFile(), ObCheckCreateObjectAccess(), ObCheckObjectAccess(), ObCloseHandle(), ObCreateObject(), ObOpenObjectByName(), ObOpenObjectByPointer(), ObpCaptureObjectCreateInformation(), ObpCaptureObjectName(), ObpCheckObjectReference(), ObpCheckTraverseAccess(), ObpCloseHandle(), ObpCloseHandleTableEntry(), ObpCreateHandle(), ObpCreateUnnamedHandle(), ObpIncrementHandleCount(), ObpLookupObjectName(), ObpParseSymbolicLink(), ObpReferenceProcessObjectByHandle(), ObReferenceFileObjectForWrite(), ObReferenceObjectByHandle(), ObReferenceObjectByName(), ObReferenceObjectByPointer(), OkayToCloseProc(), ProbeAndCaptureObjectAttributes(), QueryNameProc(), ReleaseCapturedObjectAttributes(), SeAccessCheck(), SeFastTraverseCheck(), SeOpenObjectAuditAlarm(), SepAccessCheckWorker(), SepCaptureAcl(), SepCaptureSecurityQualityOfService(), SepCaptureSid(), SepReleaseAcl(), SepReleaseSecurityQualityOfService(), SepReleaseSid(), SeReleaseSidAndAttributesArray(), WmipCaptureGuidObjectAttributes(), WmipOpenGuidObject(), and WmipOpenGuidObjectByName().
_Must_inspect_result_ _In_ PHYSICAL_ADDRESS _In_ PHYSICAL_ADDRESS _In_opt_ PHYSICAL_ADDRESS BoundaryAddressMultiple |
Definition at line 216 of file mmfuncs.h.
Referenced by MmAllocateContiguousMemorySpecifyCache().
Definition at line 217 of file mmfuncs.h.
Referenced by DECLARE_INTERFACE_(), FxCmResList::MapIoSpaceWorker(), MiAllocateContiguousMemory(), MiFindContiguousMemory(), MiMapLockedPagesInUserSpace(), MmAllocateContiguousMemorySpecifyCache(), MmAllocatePagesForMdlEx(), MmMapIoSpace(), MmMapLockedPagesSpecifyCache(), MmMapLockedPagesWithReservedMapping(), MmMapVideoDisplay(), and TestMessageHandler().
Definition at line 775 of file mmfuncs.h.
Referenced by HidParser_AddCollection(), HidParser_AddReportToCollection(), HidParser_GetScaledUsageValueWithReport(), HidParser_GetUsageValueWithReport(), HidParser_ParseReportDescriptor(), HidParser_ReserveReportItems(), and HidParser_StoreCollection().
_In_ MMFLUSH_TYPE FlushType |
Definition at line 226 of file mmfuncs.h.
Referenced by DECLARE_INTERFACE_(), MiAllocatePagesForMdl(), MmAllocateNonCachedMemory(), MmAllocatePagesForMdl(), MmAllocatePagesForMdlEx(), and TestMmAllocatePagesForMdl().
_Must_inspect_result_ _In_ PHYSICAL_ADDRESS _In_ PHYSICAL_ADDRESS HighestAcceptableAddress |
_Must_inspect_result_ _In_ PHYSICAL_ADDRESS LowestAcceptableAddress |
Definition at line 214 of file mmfuncs.h.
Referenced by HalAllocateCommonBuffer(), HalpGrowMapBuffers(), and MmAllocateContiguousMemorySpecifyCache().
_Must_inspect_result_ _Outptr_result_bytebuffer_ ViewSize PVOID * MappedBase |
Definition at line 492 of file mmfuncs.h.
Referenced by BlImgAllocateImageBuffer(), BlImgLoadImageWithProgress2(), BlMmMapPhysicalAddressEx(), MiMapViewInSystemSpace(), MiRosUnmapViewInSystemSpace(), MiUnmapViewInSystemSpace(), MmCommitSessionMappedView(), MmMapViewInSessionSpace(), MmMapViewInSystemSpace(), MmMapViewInSystemSpaceEx(), MmUnmapViewInSessionSpace(), MmUnmapViewInSystemSpace(), and RamdiskMapPages().
Definition at line 405 of file mmfuncs.h.
Referenced by _IRQL_requires_max_(), CcMdlReadComplete2(), DECLARE_INTERFACE_(), FsRtlMdlReadCompleteDev(), and Mx::MxInitializeMdl().
_In_opt_ PLARGE_INTEGER NewFileSize |
Definition at line 608 of file mmfuncs.h.
Referenced by MmCanFileBeTruncated(), NtfsSetEndOfFile(), and UDFCommonCleanup().
_Must_inspect_result_ _In_ ULONG NewProtect |
Definition at line 682 of file mmfuncs.h.
Referenced by MiQueryMemoryBasicInformation(), MmAccessFaultSectionView(), MmAlterRegion(), MmAlterViewAttributes(), and MmSplitRegion().
_Must_inspect_result_ _In_ SIZE_T _In_ PVOID PageAddress |
Definition at line 472 of file mmfuncs.h.
Referenced by MmAreMemoryPagesAvailable().
_Must_inspect_result_ _In_ _In_ ULONG ProbeMode |
Definition at line 561 of file mmfuncs.h.
Referenced by HackSecureVirtualMemory(), ObCreateObject(), and ObpIncrementHandleCount().
Definition at line 227 of file mmfuncs.h.
Referenced by IsDataUnicode(), MiAllocatePagesForMdl(), MmAllocateNonCachedMemory(), MmAllocatePagesForMdl(), MmAllocatePagesForMdlEx(), TestMmAllocatePagesForMdl(), and wmain().
Definition at line 699 of file mmfuncs.h.
Referenced by MmAddVerifierThunks().
Definition at line 228 of file mmfuncs.h.
Referenced by CookupNodeId(), DECLARE_INTERFACE_(), MiAllocatePagesForMdl(), MmAllocatePagesForMdl(), and MmAllocatePagesForMdlEx().
_Must_inspect_result_ _Outptr_result_bytebuffer_ ViewSize PVOID _Inout_ PSIZE_T ViewSize |