ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-257-g6aa11ac
#include <umtypes.h>
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_IRQL_requires_max_ | ( | PASSIVE_LEVEL | ) |
Queries information details about a security descriptor.
Computes the quota size of a security descriptor.
Assigns a security descriptor for a new object.
An extended function that assigns a security descriptor for a new object.
Frees a security descriptor.
An extended function that sets new information data to a security descriptor.
Modifies some information data about a security descriptor.
[in] | SecurityInformation | Security information details to be queried from a security descriptor. |
[out] | SecurityDescriptor | The returned security descriptor with security information data. |
[in,out] | Length | The returned length of a security descriptor. |
[in,out] | ObjectsSecurityDescriptor | The returned object security descriptor. |
[in] | Object | If specified, the function will use this arbitrary object that points to an object security descriptor. |
[in] | SecurityInformation | Security information details to be set. |
[in] | SecurityDescriptor | A security descriptor where its info is to be changed. |
[in,out] | ObjectsSecurityDescriptor | The returned pointer to security descriptor objects. |
[in] | PoolType | Pool type for the new security descriptor to allocate. |
[in] | GenericMapping | The generic mapping of access rights masks. |
[in] | Object | If specified, the function will use this arbitrary object that points to an object security descriptor. |
[in] | SecurityInformation | Security information details to be set. |
[in] | SecurityDescriptor | A security descriptor where its info is to be changed. |
[in,out] | ObjectsSecurityDescriptor | The returned pointer to security descriptor objects. |
[in] | AutoInheritFlags | Flags bitmask inheritation, influencing how the security descriptor can be inherited and if it can be in the first place. |
[in] | PoolType | Pool type for the new security descriptor to allocate. |
[in] | GenericMapping | The generic mapping of access rights masks. |
[in] | SecurityDescriptor | A security descriptor to be freed from memory. |
[in] | _ParentDescriptor | A security descriptor of the parent object that is being created. |
[in] | _ExplicitDescriptor | An explicit security descriptor that is applied to a new object. |
[out] | NewDescriptor | The new allocated security descriptor. |
[in] | ObjectType | The type of the new object. |
[in] | IsDirectoryObject | Set this to TRUE if the newly created object is a directory object, otherwise set this to FALSE. |
[in] | AutoInheritFlags | Automatic inheritance flags that influence how access control entries within ACLs from security descriptors are inherited. |
[in] | SubjectContext | Security subject context of the new object. |
[in] | GenericMapping | Generic mapping of access mask rights. |
[in] | PoolType | This parameter is unused. |
[in] | ParentDescriptor | A security descriptor of the parent object that is being created. |
[in] | ExplicitDescriptor | An explicit security descriptor that is applied to a new object. |
[out] | NewDescriptor | The new allocated security descriptor. |
[in] | IsDirectoryObject | Set this to TRUE if the newly created object is a directory object, otherwise set this to FALSE. |
[in] | SubjectContext | Security subject context of the new object. |
[in] | GenericMapping | Generic mapping of access mask rights. |
[in] | PoolType | This parameter is unused. |
[in] | SecurityDescriptor | A security descriptor. |
[out] | QuotaInfoSize | The returned quota size of the given security descriptor to the caller. The function may return 0 to this parameter if the descriptor doesn't have a group or a discretionary access control list (DACL) even. |
Definition at line 923 of file Messaging.c.
_In_ TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS _Out_writes_bytes_to_opt_ | ( | Length | , |
* | ResultLength | ||
) |
_In_ TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS _Out_writes_bytes_to_opt_ | ( | TokenInformationLength | , |
* | ReturnLength | ||
) |
_When_ | ( | TokenInformationClass | = = TokenAccessInformation , |
_At_(TokenInformationLength, _In_range_(>=, sizeof(TOKEN_ACCESS_INFORMATION))) | |||
) |
_Must_inspect_result_ __kernel_entry NTSYSCALLAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI NtAccessCheck | ( | _In_ PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR | SecurityDescriptor, |
_In_ HANDLE | ClientToken, | ||
_In_ ACCESS_MASK | DesiredAccess, | ||
_In_ PGENERIC_MAPPING | GenericMapping, | ||
_Out_writes_bytes_ *PrivilegeSetLength PPRIVILEGE_SET | PrivilegeSet, | ||
_Inout_ PULONG | PrivilegeSetLength, | ||
_Out_ PACCESS_MASK | GrantedAccess, | ||
_Out_ PNTSTATUS | AccessStatus | ||
) |
Determines whether security access can be granted to a client that requests such access on an object.
Definition at line 2214 of file accesschk.c.
Referenced by AccessCheck(), AccessCheckEmptyMappingTest(), and CheckTokenMembership().
_Must_inspect_result_ __kernel_entry NTSYSCALLAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI NtAccessCheckAndAuditAlarm | ( | _In_ PUNICODE_STRING | SubsystemName, |
_In_opt_ PVOID | HandleId, | ||
_In_ PUNICODE_STRING | ObjectTypeName, | ||
_In_ PUNICODE_STRING | ObjectName, | ||
_In_ PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR | SecurityDescriptor, | ||
_In_ ACCESS_MASK | DesiredAccess, | ||
_In_ PGENERIC_MAPPING | GenericMapping, | ||
_In_ BOOLEAN | ObjectCreation, | ||
_Out_ PACCESS_MASK | GrantedAccess, | ||
_Out_ PNTSTATUS | AccessStatus, | ||
_Out_ PBOOLEAN | GenerateOnClose | ||
) |
Raises an alarm audit message when a caller attempts to access an object and determine if the access can be made.
[in] | SubsystemName | A Unicode string that points to a name of the subsystem. |
[in] | HandleId | A handle to an ID that is used as identification instance for auditing. |
[in] | ObjectTypeName | The name of the object type. |
[in] | ObjectName | The object name. |
[in] | SecurityDescriptor | A security descriptor. |
[in] | DesiredAccess | The desired access rights masks requested by the caller. |
[in] | GenericMapping | The generic mapping of access mask rights. |
[in] | ObjectCreation | Set this to TRUE if the object has just been created. |
[out] | GrantedAccess | Returns the granted access rights. |
[out] | AccessStatus | Returns a NTSTATUS status code indicating whether access check can be granted or not. |
[out] | GenerateOnClose | Returns TRUE if the function has generated a list of granted access rights and status codes on termination, FALSE otherwise. |
Definition at line 2125 of file audit.c.
_Must_inspect_result_ NTSYSCALLAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI NtAccessCheckByType | ( | _In_ PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR | SecurityDescriptor, |
_In_opt_ PSID | PrincipalSelfSid, | ||
_In_ HANDLE | ClientToken, | ||
_In_ ACCESS_MASK | DesiredAccess, | ||
_In_reads_opt_(ObjectTypeListLength) POBJECT_TYPE_LIST | ObjectTypeList, | ||
_In_ ULONG | ObjectTypeListLength, | ||
_In_ PGENERIC_MAPPING | GenericMapping, | ||
_Out_writes_bytes_ *PrivilegeSetLength PPRIVILEGE_SET | PrivilegeSet, | ||
_Inout_ PULONG | PrivilegeSetLength, | ||
_Out_ PACCESS_MASK | GrantedAccess, | ||
_Out_ PNTSTATUS | AccessStatus | ||
) |
Determines whether security access can be granted to a client that requests such access on the object type list. The access is either granted or denied for the whole object hierarchy in the list.
Definition at line 2254 of file accesschk.c.
Referenced by AccessCheckByType(), AccessGrantedMultipleObjectsTests(), AccessGrantedNoDaclTests(), AccessGrantedTests(), DenyAccessTests(), and ParamsValidationTests().
_Must_inspect_result_ NTSYSCALLAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI NtAccessCheckByTypeResultList | ( | _In_ PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR | SecurityDescriptor, |
_In_opt_ PSID | PrincipalSelfSid, | ||
_In_ HANDLE | ClientToken, | ||
_In_ ACCESS_MASK | DesiredAccess, | ||
_In_reads_(ObjectTypeListLength) POBJECT_TYPE_LIST | ObjectTypeList, | ||
_In_ ULONG | ObjectTypeListLength, | ||
_In_ PGENERIC_MAPPING | GenericMapping, | ||
_Out_writes_bytes_ *PrivilegeSetLength PPRIVILEGE_SET | PrivilegeSet, | ||
_Inout_ PULONG | PrivilegeSetLength, | ||
_Out_writes_(ObjectTypeListLength) PACCESS_MASK | GrantedAccess, | ||
_Out_writes_(ObjectTypeListLength) PNTSTATUS | AccessStatus | ||
) |
Determines whether security access can be granted to a client that requests such access on the object type list. Unlike the NtAccessCheckByType variant, this function will grant or deny access to each individual object and sub-object in the list.
Definition at line 2297 of file accesschk.c.
Referenced by AccessCheckByTypeResultList(), DenyAccessTests(), GrantedAccessTests(), and ParamValidationNoObjsList().
_Must_inspect_result_ __kernel_entry NTSYSCALLAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI NtAdjustGroupsToken | ( | _In_ HANDLE | TokenHandle, |
_In_ BOOLEAN | ResetToDefault, | ||
_In_opt_ PTOKEN_GROUPS | NewState, | ||
_In_opt_ ULONG | BufferLength, | ||
_Out_writes_bytes_to_opt_(BufferLength, *ReturnLength) PTOKEN_GROUPS | PreviousState, | ||
_When_(PreviousState !=NULL, _Out_) PULONG | ReturnLength | ||
) |
_Must_inspect_result_ __kernel_entry NTSYSCALLAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI NtAdjustPrivilegesToken | ( | _In_ HANDLE | TokenHandle, |
_In_ BOOLEAN | DisableAllPrivileges, | ||
_In_opt_ PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES | NewState, | ||
_In_ ULONG | BufferLength, | ||
_Out_writes_bytes_to_opt_(BufferLength, *ReturnLength) PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES | PreviousState, | ||
_When_(PreviousState !=NULL, _Out_) PULONG | ReturnLength | ||
) |
NTSYSCALLAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI NtAllocateLocallyUniqueId | ( | _Out_ LUID * | LocallyUniqueId | ) |
_Out_ PULONG | Range, | ||
_Out_ PULONG | Sequence, | ||
_Out_ PUCHAR | Seed | ||
) |
NTSYSCALLAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI NtCompareTokens | ( | _In_ HANDLE | FirstTokenHandle, |
_In_ HANDLE | SecondTokenHandle, | ||
_Out_ PBOOLEAN | Equal | ||
) |
Compares tokens if they're equal or not.
[in] | FirstToken | The first token. |
[in] | SecondToken | The second token. |
[out] | Equal | The retrieved value which determines if the tokens are equal or not. |
Definition at line 2503 of file token.c.
Referenced by START_TEST().
__kernel_entry NTSYSCALLAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI NtCreateToken | ( | _Out_ PHANDLE | TokenHandle, |
_In_ ACCESS_MASK | DesiredAccess, | ||
_In_opt_ POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES | ObjectAttributes, | ||
_In_ TOKEN_TYPE | TokenType, | ||
_In_ PLUID | AuthenticationId, | ||
_In_ PLARGE_INTEGER | ExpirationTime, | ||
_In_ PTOKEN_USER | TokenUser, | ||
_In_ PTOKEN_GROUPS | TokenGroups, | ||
_In_ PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES | TokenPrivileges, | ||
_In_opt_ PTOKEN_OWNER | TokenOwner, | ||
_In_ PTOKEN_PRIMARY_GROUP | TokenPrimaryGroup, | ||
_In_opt_ PTOKEN_DEFAULT_DACL | TokenDefaultDacl, | ||
_In_ PTOKEN_SOURCE | TokenSource | ||
) |
Creates an access token.
[out] | TokenHandle | The returned created token handle to the caller. |
[in] | DesiredAccess | The desired access rights for the token that we're creating. |
[in] | ObjectAttributes | The object attributes for the token object that we're creating. |
[in] | TokenType | The type of token to assign for the newly created token. |
[in] | AuthenticationId | Authentication ID that represents the token's identity. |
[in] | ExpirationTime | Expiration time for the token. If set to -1, the token never expires. |
[in] | TokenUser | The main user entity for the token to assign. |
[in] | TokenGroups | Group list of SIDs for the token to assign. |
[in] | TokenPrivileges | Privileges for the token. |
[in] | TokenOwner | The main user that owns the newly created token. |
[in] | TokenPrimaryGroup | The primary group that represents as the main group of the token. |
[in] | TokenDefaultDacl | Discretionary access control list for the token. This limits on how the token can be used, accessed and used by whom. |
[in] | TokenSource | The source origin of the token who creates it. |
Definition at line 1558 of file tokenlif.c.
Referenced by LsapLogonUser().
_Must_inspect_result_ __kernel_entry NTSYSCALLAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI NtDuplicateToken | ( | _In_ HANDLE | ExistingTokenHandle, |
_In_ ACCESS_MASK | DesiredAccess, | ||
_In_opt_ POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES | ObjectAttributes, | ||
_In_ BOOLEAN | EffectiveOnly, | ||
_In_ TOKEN_TYPE | TokenType, | ||
_Out_ PHANDLE | NewTokenHandle | ||
) |
Duplicates a token.
[in] | ExistingTokenHandle | An existing token to duplicate. |
[in] | DesiredAccess | The desired access rights for the new duplicated token. |
[in] | ObjectAttributes | Object attributes for the new duplicated token. |
[in] | EffectiveOnly | If set to TRUE, the function removes all the disabled privileges and groups of the token to duplicate. |
[in] | TokenType | Type of token to assign to the duplicated token. |
[out] | NewTokenHandle | The returned duplicated token handle. |
Definition at line 1869 of file tokenlif.c.
_Must_inspect_result_ __kernel_entry NTSYSCALLAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI NtFilterToken | ( | _In_ HANDLE | ExistingTokenHandle, |
_In_ ULONG | Flags, | ||
_In_opt_ PTOKEN_GROUPS | SidsToDisable, | ||
_In_opt_ PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES | PrivilegesToDelete, | ||
_In_opt_ PTOKEN_GROUPS | RestrictedSids, | ||
_Out_ PHANDLE | NewTokenHandle | ||
) |
Creates an access token in a restricted form from the original existing token, that is, such action is called filtering.
[in] | ExistingTokenHandle | A handle to an access token which is to be filtered. |
[in] | Flags | Privilege flag options. This parameter argument influences how the token's privileges are filtered. For further details see remarks. |
[in] | SidsToDisable | Array of SIDs to disable. The action of doing so assigns the SE_GROUP_USE_FOR_DENY_ONLY attribute to the respective group SID and takes away SE_GROUP_ENABLED and SE_GROUP_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT. This parameter can be NULL. This can be a UM pointer. |
[in] | PrivilegesToDelete | Array of privileges to delete. The function will walk within this array to determine if the specified privileges do exist in the access token. Any missing privileges gets ignored. This parameter can be NULL. This can be a UM pointer. |
[in] | RestrictedSids | An array list of restricted groups SID to be added in the access token. A token that is already restricted the newly added restricted SIDs are redundant information in addition to the existing restricted SIDs in the token. This parameter can be NULL. This can be a UM pointer. |
[out] | NewTokenHandle | A new handle to the restricted (filtered) access token. This can be a UM pointer. |
0 – Filter the token's privileges in the usual way. The function expects that the caller MUST PROVIDE a valid array list of privileges to be deleted (that is, PrivilegesToDelete MUSTN'T BE NULL).
DISABLE_MAX_PRIVILEGE – Disables (deletes) all the privileges except SeChangeNotifyPrivilege in the new access token. Bear in mind if this flag is specified the routine ignores PrivilegesToDelete.
SANDBOX_INERT – Stores the TOKEN_SANDBOX_INERT token flag within the access token.
LUA_TOKEN – The newly filtered access token is a LUA token. This flag is not supported in Windows Server 2003.
WRITE_RESTRICTED – The newly filtered token has the restricted SIDs that are considered only when evaluating write access onto the token. This value is not supported in Windows Server 2003.
Definition at line 2075 of file tokenlif.c.
NTSYSCALLAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI NtImpersonateAnonymousToken | ( | _In_ HANDLE | ThreadHandle | ) |
Allows the calling thread to impersonate the system's anonymous logon token.
[in] | ThreadHandle | A handle to the thread to start the procedure of logon token impersonation. The thread must have the THREAD_IMPERSONATE access right. |
Definition at line 2612 of file token.c.
__kernel_entry NTSYSCALLAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI NtOpenObjectAuditAlarm | ( | _In_ PUNICODE_STRING | SubsystemName, |
_In_opt_ PVOID | HandleId, | ||
_In_ PUNICODE_STRING | ObjectTypeName, | ||
_In_ PUNICODE_STRING | ObjectName, | ||
_In_opt_ PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR | SecurityDescriptor, | ||
_In_ HANDLE | ClientTokenHandle, | ||
_In_ ACCESS_MASK | DesiredAccess, | ||
_In_ ACCESS_MASK | GrantedAccess, | ||
_In_opt_ PPRIVILEGE_SET | PrivilegeSet, | ||
_In_ BOOLEAN | ObjectCreation, | ||
_In_ BOOLEAN | AccessGranted, | ||
_Out_ PBOOLEAN | GenerateOnClose | ||
) |
Raises an alarm audit message when an object is about to be opened.
[in] | SubsystemName | A Unicode string that points to a name of the subsystem. |
[in] | HandleId | A handle to an ID used for identification instance for auditing. |
[in] | ObjectTypeName | A Unicode string that points to an object type name. |
[in] | ObjectName | The name of the object. |
[in] | SecurityDescriptor | A security descriptor. |
[in] | ClientTokenHandle | A handle to a client access token. |
[in] | DesiredAccess | The desired access rights masks requested by the caller. |
[in] | GrantedAccess | The granted access mask rights. |
[in] | PrivilegeSet | If specified, the function will use this set of privileges to audit. |
[in] | ObjectCreation | Set this to TRUE if the object has just been created. |
[in] | AccessGranted | Set this to TRUE if the access attempt was deemed as granted. |
[out] | GenerateOnClose | A boolean flag returned to the caller once audit generation procedure finishes. |
Definition at line 1622 of file audit.c.
NTSYSCALLAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI NtOpenProcessTokenEx | ( | _In_ HANDLE | ProcessHandle, |
_In_ ACCESS_MASK | DesiredAccess, | ||
_In_ ULONG | HandleAttributes, | ||
_Out_ PHANDLE | TokenHandle | ||
) |
_Must_inspect_result_ __kernel_entry NTSYSCALLAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI NtPrivilegeCheck | ( | _In_ HANDLE | ClientToken, |
_Inout_ PPRIVILEGE_SET | RequiredPrivileges, | ||
_Out_ PBOOLEAN | Result | ||
) |
NTSYSCALLAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI NtPrivilegedServiceAuditAlarm | ( | _In_ PUNICODE_STRING | SubsystemName, |
_In_ PUNICODE_STRING | ServiceName, | ||
_In_ HANDLE | ClientToken, | ||
_In_ PPRIVILEGE_SET | Privileges, | ||
_In_ BOOLEAN | AccessGranted | ||
) |
__kernel_entry NTSYSCALLAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI NtPrivilegeObjectAuditAlarm | ( | _In_ PUNICODE_STRING | SubsystemName, |
_In_opt_ PVOID | HandleId, | ||
_In_ HANDLE | ClientToken, | ||
_In_ ACCESS_MASK | DesiredAccess, | ||
_In_ PPRIVILEGE_SET | Privileges, | ||
_In_ BOOLEAN | AccessGranted | ||
) |
_Must_inspect_result_ __kernel_entry NTSYSCALLAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI NtSetInformationToken | ( | _In_ HANDLE | TokenHandle, |
_In_ TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS | TokenInformationClass, | ||
_In_reads_bytes_(TokenInformationLength) PVOID | TokenInformation, | ||
_In_ ULONG | TokenInformationLength | ||
) |
Sets (modifies) some specific information in regard of an access token. The calling thread must have specific access rights in order to modify token's information data.
[in] | TokenHandle | A handle of a token where information is to be modified. |
[in] | TokenInformationClass | Token information class. |
[in] | TokenInformation | An arbitrary pointer to a buffer with token information to set. Such arbitrary buffer depends on the information class chosen that the caller wants to modify such information data of a token. |
[in] | TokenInformationLength | Length of the token information buffer, in bytes. |
Definition at line 1125 of file tokencls.c.
NTKERNELAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI SeCaptureSecurityDescriptor | ( | _In_ PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR | _OriginalSecurityDescriptor, |
_In_ KPROCESSOR_MODE | CurrentMode, | ||
_In_ POOL_TYPE | PoolType, | ||
_In_ BOOLEAN | CaptureIfKernel, | ||
_Out_ PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR * | CapturedSecurityDescriptor | ||
) |
Captures a security descriptor.
[in] | _OriginalSecurityDescriptor | An already existing and valid security descriptor to be captured. |
[in] | CurrentMode | Processor level access mode. |
[in] | PoolType | Pool type to be used when allocating the captured buffer. |
[in] | CaptureIfKernel | Set this to TRUE if capturing is done within the kernel. |
[out] | CapturedSecurityDescriptor | The captured security descriptor. |
Definition at line 386 of file sd.c.
Referenced by NtOpenObjectAuditAlarm(), NtSetSecurityObject(), ObpCaptureObjectCreateInformation(), ProbeAndCaptureObjectAttributes(), SepAccessCheck(), and SepAccessCheckAndAuditAlarm().
NTKERNELAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI SeCreateAccessState | ( | _In_ PACCESS_STATE | AccessState, |
_In_ PAUX_ACCESS_DATA | AuxData, | ||
_In_ ACCESS_MASK | Access, | ||
_In_ PGENERIC_MAPPING | GenericMapping | ||
) |
NTKERNELAPI VOID NTAPI SeDeleteAccessState | ( | _In_ PACCESS_STATE | AccessState | ) |
Deletes an allocated access state from the memory.
[in] | AccessState | A valid access state. |
Definition at line 150 of file access.c.
Referenced by NtOpenProcess(), NtOpenThread(), ObDuplicateObject(), ObInsertObject(), ObOpenObjectByName(), ObOpenObjectByPointer(), ObReferenceObjectByName(), PspCreateProcess(), PspCreateThread(), and START_TEST().
NTKERNELAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI SeReleaseSecurityDescriptor | ( | _In_ PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR | CapturedSecurityDescriptor, |
_In_ KPROCESSOR_MODE | CurrentMode, | ||
_In_ BOOLEAN | CaptureIfKernelMode | ||
) |
Releases a captured security descriptor buffer.
[in] | CapturedSecurityDescriptor | The captured security descriptor to be freed. |
[in] | CurrentMode | Processor level access mode. |
[in] | CaptureIfKernelMode | Set this to TRUE if the releasing is to be done within the kernel. |
Definition at line 760 of file sd.c.
Referenced by NtOpenObjectAuditAlarm(), NtSetSecurityObject(), ObInsertObject(), ObpReleaseObjectCreateInformation(), ReleaseCapturedObjectAttributes(), SepAccessCheck(), and SepAccessCheckAndAuditAlarm().
Gathers the security impersonation level of an access token.
Definition at line 2059 of file token.c.
Referenced by PsAssignImpersonationToken().
NTSYSAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI ZwAccessCheck | ( | _In_ PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR | SecurityDescriptor, |
_In_ HANDLE | ClientToken, | ||
_In_ ACCESS_MASK | DesiredAccess, | ||
_In_ PGENERIC_MAPPING | GenericMapping, | ||
_Out_writes_bytes_ *PrivilegeSetLength PPRIVILEGE_SET | PrivilegeSet, | ||
_Out_ PULONG | PrivilegeSetLength, | ||
_Out_ PACCESS_MASK | GrantedAccess, | ||
_Out_ PNTSTATUS | AccessStatus | ||
) |
NTSYSAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI ZwAdjustGroupsToken | ( | _In_ HANDLE | TokenHandle, |
_In_ BOOLEAN | ResetToDefault, | ||
_In_ PTOKEN_GROUPS | NewState, | ||
_In_ ULONG | BufferLength, | ||
_Out_opt_ PTOKEN_GROUPS | PreviousState, | ||
_Out_ PULONG | ReturnLength | ||
) |
_Must_inspect_result_ NTSYSAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI ZwAdjustPrivilegesToken | ( | _In_ HANDLE | TokenHandle, |
_In_ BOOLEAN | DisableAllPrivileges, | ||
_In_opt_ PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES | NewState, | ||
_In_ ULONG | BufferLength, | ||
_Out_writes_bytes_to_opt_(BufferLength, *ReturnLength) PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES | PreviousState, | ||
_When_(PreviousState !=NULL, _Out_) PULONG | ReturnLength | ||
) |
Referenced by RtlAcquirePrivilege(), RtlAdjustPrivilege(), RtlpSysVolTakeOwnership(), RtlReleasePrivilege(), and RtlRemovePrivileges().
Referenced by CreateInitialSystemToken().
_Out_ PULONG | Range, | ||
_Out_ PULONG | Sequence, | ||
_Out_ PUCHAR | Seed | ||
) |
NTSYSAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI ZwCreateToken | ( | _Out_ PHANDLE | TokenHandle, |
_In_ ACCESS_MASK | DesiredAccess, | ||
_In_ POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES | ObjectAttributes, | ||
_In_ TOKEN_TYPE | TokenType, | ||
_In_ PLUID | AuthenticationId, | ||
_In_ PLARGE_INTEGER | ExpirationTime, | ||
_In_ PTOKEN_USER | TokenUser, | ||
_In_ PTOKEN_GROUPS | TokenGroups, | ||
_In_ PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES | TokenPrivileges, | ||
_In_ PTOKEN_OWNER | TokenOwner, | ||
_In_ PTOKEN_PRIMARY_GROUP | TokenPrimaryGroup, | ||
_In_ PTOKEN_DEFAULT_DACL | TokenDefaultDacl, | ||
_In_ PTOKEN_SOURCE | TokenSource | ||
) |
Referenced by CreateInitialSystemToken().
NTSYSAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI ZwOpenObjectAuditAlarm | ( | _In_ PUNICODE_STRING | SubsystemName, |
_In_ PVOID | HandleId, | ||
_In_ PUNICODE_STRING | ObjectTypeName, | ||
_In_ PUNICODE_STRING | ObjectName, | ||
_In_ PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR | SecurityDescriptor, | ||
_In_ HANDLE | ClientToken, | ||
_In_ ULONG | DesiredAccess, | ||
_In_ ULONG | GrantedAccess, | ||
_In_ PPRIVILEGE_SET | Privileges, | ||
_In_ BOOLEAN | ObjectCreation, | ||
_In_ BOOLEAN | AccessGranted, | ||
_Out_ PBOOLEAN | GenerateOnClose | ||
) |
NTSYSAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI ZwOpenProcessTokenEx | ( | _In_ HANDLE | ProcessHandle, |
_In_ ACCESS_MASK | DesiredAccess, | ||
_In_ ULONG | HandleAttributes, | ||
_Out_ PHANDLE | TokenHandle | ||
) |
Referenced by RtlFormatCurrentUserKeyPath().
NTSYSAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI ZwPrivilegeCheck | ( | _In_ HANDLE | ClientToken, |
_In_ PPRIVILEGE_SET | RequiredPrivileges, | ||
_In_ PBOOLEAN | Result | ||
) |
NTSYSAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI ZwPrivilegedServiceAuditAlarm | ( | _In_ PUNICODE_STRING | SubsystemName, |
_In_ PUNICODE_STRING | ServiceName, | ||
_In_ HANDLE | ClientToken, | ||
_In_ PPRIVILEGE_SET | Privileges, | ||
_In_ BOOLEAN | AccessGranted | ||
) |
NTSYSAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI ZwPrivilegeObjectAuditAlarm | ( | _In_ PUNICODE_STRING | SubsystemName, |
_In_ PVOID | HandleId, | ||
_In_ HANDLE | ClientToken, | ||
_In_ ULONG | DesiredAccess, | ||
_In_ PPRIVILEGE_SET | Privileges, | ||
_In_ BOOLEAN | AccessGranted | ||
) |
NTSYSAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI ZwSetInformationToken | ( | _In_ HANDLE | TokenHandle, |
_In_ TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS | TokenInformationClass, | ||
_Out_ PVOID | TokenInformation, | ||
_In_ ULONG | TokenInformationLength | ||
) |
_Must_inspect_result_ _In_opt_ PACCESS_TOKEN _In_ BOOLEAN _In_ BOOLEAN EffectiveOnly |
Definition at line 410 of file sefuncs.h.
Referenced by GetProcessLuid(), NtCloseObjectAuditAlarm(), NtDuplicateToken(), NtOpenThreadTokenEx(), ObpReferenceDeviceMap(), PsImpersonateClient(), PsReferenceEffectiveToken(), PsReferenceImpersonationToken(), SeCaptureSubjectContextEx(), SeImpersonateClientEx(), SepDuplicateToken(), and SepOpenThreadToken().
Definition at line 412 of file sefuncs.h.
Referenced by CreateRestrictedToken(), NtDuplicateToken(), and NtFilterToken().
_In_ ACCESS_MASK _In_opt_ POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes |
_In_ TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS TokenInformationClass |
Definition at line 317 of file sefuncs.h.
Referenced by GetTokenInformation(), NtQueryInformationToken(), NtSetInformationToken(), SeQueryInformationToken(), and SetTokenInformation().
_In_ TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS _In_ ULONG TokenInformationLength |
Definition at line 319 of file sefuncs.h.
Referenced by GetTokenInformation(), NtQueryInformationToken(), NtSetInformationToken(), and SetTokenInformation().
Definition at line 411 of file sefuncs.h.
Referenced by CreateProcessAsUserCommon(), DuplicateTokenEx(), ImpersonateLoggedOnUser(), ImpersonatePrinterClient(), NpFreeClientSecurityContext(), NtCreateToken(), NtDuplicateToken(), NtQueryInformationToken(), PsReferenceEffectiveToken(), QueryTokenTypeTests(), SeCreateClientSecurity(), SepCreateClientSecurity(), SepCreateToken(), SepDuplicateToken(), SeQueryInformationToken(), test_CreateRestrictedToken(), TestsSeQueryInformationToken(), validate_impersonation_token(), and WhoamiGetTokenInfo().