ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-734-g364d6e0
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 * Copyright 2011 Jacek Caban for CodeWeavers
3 *
4 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
6 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
7 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
8 *
9 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
13 *
14 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
15 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
16 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
17 */
19#ifdef __REACTOS__
20#include <wine/config.h>
21#include <wine/port.h>
23#include <assert.h>
24#include <limits.h>
25#include <math.h>
27#include "vbscript.h"
28#include "parse.h"
29#include ""
31#include "wine/debug.h"
35static const WCHAR andW[] = {'a','n','d',0};
36static const WCHAR byrefW[] = {'b','y','r','e','f',0};
37static const WCHAR byvalW[] = {'b','y','v','a','l',0};
38static const WCHAR callW[] = {'c','a','l','l',0};
39static const WCHAR caseW[] = {'c','a','s','e',0};
40static const WCHAR classW[] = {'c','l','a','s','s',0};
41static const WCHAR constW[] = {'c','o','n','s','t',0};
42static const WCHAR defaultW[] = {'d','e','f','a','u','l','t',0};
43static const WCHAR dimW[] = {'d','i','m',0};
44static const WCHAR doW[] = {'d','o',0};
45static const WCHAR eachW[] = {'e','a','c','h',0};
46static const WCHAR elseW[] = {'e','l','s','e',0};
47static const WCHAR elseifW[] = {'e','l','s','e','i','f',0};
48static const WCHAR emptyW[] = {'e','m','p','t','y',0};
49static const WCHAR endW[] = {'e','n','d',0};
50static const WCHAR eqvW[] = {'e','q','v',0};
51static const WCHAR errorW[] = {'e','r','r','o','r',0};
52static const WCHAR exitW[] = {'e','x','i','t',0};
53static const WCHAR explicitW[] = {'e','x','p','l','i','c','i','t',0};
54static const WCHAR falseW[] = {'f','a','l','s','e',0};
55static const WCHAR forW[] = {'f','o','r',0};
56static const WCHAR functionW[] = {'f','u','n','c','t','i','o','n',0};
57static const WCHAR getW[] = {'g','e','t',0};
58static const WCHAR gotoW[] = {'g','o','t','o',0};
59static const WCHAR ifW[] = {'i','f',0};
60static const WCHAR impW[] = {'i','m','p',0};
61static const WCHAR inW[] = {'i','n',0};
62static const WCHAR isW[] = {'i','s',0};
63static const WCHAR letW[] = {'l','e','t',0};
64static const WCHAR loopW[] = {'l','o','o','p',0};
65static const WCHAR meW[] = {'m','e',0};
66static const WCHAR modW[] = {'m','o','d',0};
67static const WCHAR newW[] = {'n','e','w',0};
68static const WCHAR nextW[] = {'n','e','x','t',0};
69static const WCHAR notW[] = {'n','o','t',0};
70static const WCHAR nothingW[] = {'n','o','t','h','i','n','g',0};
71static const WCHAR nullW[] = {'n','u','l','l',0};
72static const WCHAR onW[] = {'o','n',0};
73static const WCHAR optionW[] = {'o','p','t','i','o','n',0};
74static const WCHAR orW[] = {'o','r',0};
75static const WCHAR privateW[] = {'p','r','i','v','a','t','e',0};
76static const WCHAR propertyW[] = {'p','r','o','p','e','r','t','y',0};
77static const WCHAR publicW[] = {'p','u','b','l','i','c',0};
78static const WCHAR remW[] = {'r','e','m',0};
79static const WCHAR resumeW[] = {'r','e','s','u','m','e',0};
80static const WCHAR selectW[] = {'s','e','l','e','c','t',0};
81static const WCHAR setW[] = {'s','e','t',0};
82static const WCHAR stepW[] = {'s','t','e','p',0};
83static const WCHAR stopW[] = {'s','t','o','p',0};
84static const WCHAR subW[] = {'s','u','b',0};
85static const WCHAR thenW[] = {'t','h','e','n',0};
86static const WCHAR toW[] = {'t','o',0};
87static const WCHAR trueW[] = {'t','r','u','e',0};
88static const WCHAR untilW[] = {'u','n','t','i','l',0};
89static const WCHAR wendW[] = {'w','e','n','d',0};
90static const WCHAR whileW[] = {'w','h','i','l','e',0};
91static const WCHAR xorW[] = {'x','o','r',0};
93static const struct {
94 const WCHAR *word;
95 int token;
96} keywords[] = {
97 {andW, tAND},
98 {byrefW, tBYREF},
99 {byvalW, tBYVAL},
100 {callW, tCALL},
101 {caseW, tCASE},
102 {classW, tCLASS},
103 {constW, tCONST},
104 {defaultW, tDEFAULT},
105 {dimW, tDIM},
106 {doW, tDO},
107 {eachW, tEACH},
108 {elseW, tELSE},
109 {elseifW, tELSEIF},
110 {emptyW, tEMPTY},
111 {endW, tEND},
112 {eqvW, tEQV},
113 {errorW, tERROR},
114 {exitW, tEXIT},
115 {explicitW, tEXPLICIT},
116 {falseW, tFALSE},
117 {forW, tFOR},
118 {functionW, tFUNCTION},
119 {getW, tGET},
120 {gotoW, tGOTO},
121 {ifW, tIF},
122 {impW, tIMP},
123 {inW, tIN},
124 {isW, tIS},
125 {letW, tLET},
126 {loopW, tLOOP},
127 {meW, tME},
128 {modW, tMOD},
129 {newW, tNEW},
130 {nextW, tNEXT},
131 {notW, tNOT},
132 {nothingW, tNOTHING},
133 {nullW, tNULL},
134 {onW, tON},
135 {optionW, tOPTION},
136 {orW, tOR},
137 {privateW, tPRIVATE},
138 {propertyW, tPROPERTY},
139 {publicW, tPUBLIC},
140 {remW, tREM},
141 {resumeW, tRESUME},
142 {selectW, tSELECT},
143 {setW, tSET},
144 {stepW, tSTEP},
145 {stopW, tSTOP},
146 {subW, tSUB},
147 {thenW, tTHEN},
148 {toW, tTO},
149 {trueW, tTRUE},
150 {untilW, tUNTIL},
151 {wendW, tWEND},
152 {whileW, tWHILE},
153 {xorW, tXOR}
158 return iswalnum(c) || c == '_';
161static int check_keyword(parser_ctx_t *ctx, const WCHAR *word, const WCHAR **lval)
163 const WCHAR *p1 = ctx->ptr;
164 const WCHAR *p2 = word;
165 WCHAR c;
167 while(p1 < ctx->end && *p2) {
168 c = towlower(*p1);
169 if(c != *p2)
170 return c - *p2;
171 p1++;
172 p2++;
173 }
175 if(*p2 || (p1 < ctx->end && is_identifier_char(*p1)))
176 return 1;
178 ctx->ptr = p1;
179 *lval = word;
180 return 0;
183static int check_keywords(parser_ctx_t *ctx, const WCHAR **lval)
185 int min = 0, max = ARRAY_SIZE(keywords)-1, r, i;
187 while(min <= max) {
188 i = (min+max)/2;
190 r = check_keyword(ctx, keywords[i].word, lval);
191 if(!r)
192 return keywords[i].token;
194 if(r > 0)
195 min = i+1;
196 else
197 max = i-1;
198 }
200 return 0;
205 const WCHAR *ptr = ctx->ptr++;
206 WCHAR *str;
207 int len;
209 while(ctx->ptr < ctx->end && is_identifier_char(*ctx->ptr))
210 ctx->ptr++;
211 len = ctx->ptr-ptr;
213 str = parser_alloc(ctx, (len+1)*sizeof(WCHAR));
214 if(!str)
215 return 0;
217 memcpy(str, ptr, (len+1)*sizeof(WCHAR));
218 str[len] = 0;
219 *ret = str;
220 return tIdentifier;
225 const WCHAR *ptr = ++ctx->ptr;
226 WCHAR *rptr;
227 int len = 0;
229 while(ctx->ptr < ctx->end) {
230 if(*ctx->ptr == '\n' || *ctx->ptr == '\r') {
231 FIXME("newline inside string literal\n");
232 return 0;
233 }
235 if(*ctx->ptr == '"') {
236 if(ctx->ptr[1] != '"')
237 break;
238 len--;
239 ctx->ptr++;
240 }
241 ctx->ptr++;
242 }
244 if(ctx->ptr == ctx->end) {
245 FIXME("unterminated string literal\n");
246 return 0;
247 }
249 len += ctx->ptr-ptr;
251 *ret = rptr = parser_alloc(ctx, (len+1)*sizeof(WCHAR));
252 if(!rptr)
253 return 0;
255 while(ptr < ctx->ptr) {
256 if(*ptr == '"')
257 ptr++;
258 *rptr++ = *ptr++;
259 }
261 *rptr = 0;
262 ctx->ptr++;
263 return tString;
268 BOOL use_int = TRUE;
269 LONGLONG d = 0, hlp;
270 int exp = 0;
271 double r;
273 if(*ctx->ptr == '0' && !('0' <= ctx->ptr[1] && ctx->ptr[1] <= '9') && ctx->ptr[1] != '.')
274 return *ctx->ptr++;
276 while(ctx->ptr < ctx->end && iswdigit(*ctx->ptr)) {
277 hlp = d*10 + *(ctx->ptr++) - '0';
278 if(d>MAXLONGLONG/10 || hlp<0) {
279 exp++;
280 break;
281 }
282 else
283 d = hlp;
284 }
285 while(ctx->ptr < ctx->end && iswdigit(*ctx->ptr)) {
286 exp++;
287 ctx->ptr++;
288 }
290 if(*ctx->ptr == '.') {
291 use_int = FALSE;
292 ctx->ptr++;
294 while(ctx->ptr < ctx->end && iswdigit(*ctx->ptr)) {
295 hlp = d*10 + *(ctx->ptr++) - '0';
296 if(d>MAXLONGLONG/10 || hlp<0)
297 break;
299 d = hlp;
300 exp--;
301 }
302 while(ctx->ptr < ctx->end && iswdigit(*ctx->ptr))
303 ctx->ptr++;
304 }
306 if(*ctx->ptr == 'e' || *ctx->ptr == 'E') {
307 int e = 0, sign = 1;
309 ctx->ptr++;
310 if(*ctx->ptr == '-') {
311 ctx->ptr++;
312 sign = -1;
313 }else if(*ctx->ptr == '+') {
314 ctx->ptr++;
315 }
317 if(!iswdigit(*ctx->ptr)) {
318 FIXME("Invalid numeric literal\n");
319 return 0;
320 }
322 use_int = FALSE;
324 do {
325 e = e*10 + *(ctx->ptr++) - '0';
326 if(sign == -1 && -e+exp < -(INT_MAX/100)) {
327 /* The literal will be rounded to 0 anyway. */
328 while(iswdigit(*ctx->ptr))
329 ctx->ptr++;
330 *(double*)ret = 0;
331 return tDouble;
332 }
334 if(sign*e + exp > INT_MAX/100) {
335 FIXME("Invalid numeric literal\n");
336 return 0;
337 }
338 } while(iswdigit(*ctx->ptr));
340 exp += sign*e;
341 }
343 if(use_int && (LONG)d == d) {
344 *(LONG*)ret = d;
345 return tInt;
346 }
348 r = exp>=0 ? d*pow(10, exp) : d/pow(10, -exp);
349 if(isinf(r)) {
350 FIXME("Invalid numeric literal\n");
351 return 0;
352 }
354 *(double*)ret = r;
355 return tDouble;
358static int hex_to_int(WCHAR c)
360 if('0' <= c && c <= '9')
361 return c-'0';
362 if('a' <= c && c <= 'f')
363 return c+10-'a';
364 if('A' <= c && c <= 'F')
365 return c+10-'A';
366 return -1;
371 const WCHAR *begin = ctx->ptr;
372 LONG l = 0, d;
374 while((d = hex_to_int(*++ctx->ptr)) != -1)
375 l = l*16 + d;
377 if(begin + 9 /* max digits+1 */ < ctx->ptr || (*ctx->ptr != '&' && is_identifier_char(*ctx->ptr))) {
378 FIXME("invalid literal\n");
379 return 0;
380 }
382 if(*ctx->ptr == '&')
383 ctx->ptr++;
385 *ret = l;
386 return tInt;
391 while(*ctx->ptr == ' ' || *ctx->ptr == '\t')
392 ctx->ptr++;
397 static const WCHAR newlineW[] = {'\n','\r',0};
398 ctx->ptr = wcspbrk(ctx->ptr, newlineW);
399 if(ctx->ptr)
400 ctx->ptr++;
401 else
402 ctx->ptr = ctx->end;
403 return tNL;
406static int parse_next_token(void *lval, parser_ctx_t *ctx)
408 WCHAR c;
411 if(ctx->ptr == ctx->end)
412 return ctx->last_token == tNL ? tEOF : tNL;
414 c = *ctx->ptr;
416 if('0' <= c && c <= '9')
417 return parse_numeric_literal(ctx, lval);
419 if(iswalpha(c)) {
420 int ret = check_keywords(ctx, lval);
421 if(!ret)
422 return parse_identifier(ctx, lval);
423 if(ret != tREM)
424 return ret;
425 c = '\'';
426 }
428 switch(c) {
429 case '\n':
430 case '\r':
431 ctx->ptr++;
432 return tNL;
433 case '\'':
434 return comment_line(ctx);
435 case ':':
436 case ')':
437 case ',':
438 case '=':
439 case '+':
440 case '*':
441 case '/':
442 case '^':
443 case '\\':
444 case '.':
445 case '_':
446 return *ctx->ptr++;
447 case '-':
448 if(ctx->is_html && ctx->ptr[1] == '-' && ctx->ptr[2] == '>')
449 return comment_line(ctx);
450 ctx->ptr++;
451 return '-';
452 case '(':
453 /* NOTE:
454 * We resolve empty brackets in lexer instead of parser to avoid complex conflicts
455 * in call statement special case |f()| without 'call' keyword
456 */
457 ctx->ptr++;
459 if(*ctx->ptr == ')') {
460 ctx->ptr++;
461 return tEMPTYBRACKETS;
462 }
463 return '(';
464 case '"':
465 return parse_string_literal(ctx, lval);
466 case '&':
467 if(*++ctx->ptr == 'h' || *ctx->ptr == 'H')
468 return parse_hex_literal(ctx, lval);
469 return '&';
470 case '<':
471 switch(*++ctx->ptr) {
472 case '>':
473 ctx->ptr++;
474 return tNEQ;
475 case '=':
476 ctx->ptr++;
477 return tLTEQ;
478 case '!':
479 if(ctx->is_html && ctx->ptr[1] == '-' && ctx->ptr[2] == '-')
480 return comment_line(ctx);
481 }
482 return '<';
483 case '>':
484 if(*++ctx->ptr == '=') {
485 ctx->ptr++;
486 return tGTEQ;
487 }
488 return '>';
489 default:
490 FIXME("Unhandled char %c in %s\n", *ctx->ptr, debugstr_w(ctx->ptr));
491 }
493 return 0;
496int parser_lex(void *lval, parser_ctx_t *ctx)
498 int ret;
500 if (ctx->last_token == tEXPRESSION)
501 {
502 ctx->last_token = tNL;
503 return tEXPRESSION;
504 }
506 while(1) {
507 ret = parse_next_token(lval, ctx);
508 if(ret == '_') {
510 if(*ctx->ptr != '\n' && *ctx->ptr != '\r') {
511 FIXME("'_' not followed by newline\n");
512 return 0;
513 }
514 if(*ctx->ptr == '\r')
515 ctx->ptr++;
516 if(*ctx->ptr == '\n')
517 ctx->ptr++;
518 continue;
519 }
520 if(ret != tNL || ctx->last_token != tNL)
521 break;
523 ctx->last_nl = ctx->ptr-ctx->code;
524 }
526 return (ctx->last_token = ret);
Definition: precomp.h:23
static const WCHAR * newlineW
Definition: query.c:111
#define ARRAY_SIZE(A)
Definition: main.h:20
#define FIXME(fmt,...)
Definition: precomp.h:53
r l[0]
Definition: byte_order.h:168
#define TRUE
Definition: types.h:120
#define FALSE
Definition: types.h:117
static void * parser_alloc(parser_ctx_t *ctx, DWORD size)
Definition: parser.h:58
unsigned int BOOL
Definition: ntddk_ex.h:94
double pow(double x, double y)
Definition: freeldr.c:178
GLuint GLuint end
Definition: gl.h:1545
GLdouble GLdouble GLdouble r
Definition: gl.h:2055
const GLubyte * c
Definition: glext.h:8905
GLenum GLsizei len
Definition: glext.h:6722
GLsizei GLenum const GLvoid GLsizei GLenum GLbyte GLbyte GLbyte GLdouble GLdouble GLdouble GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLint GLint GLshort GLshort GLshort GLubyte GLubyte GLubyte GLuint GLuint GLuint GLushort GLushort GLushort GLbyte GLbyte GLbyte GLbyte GLdouble GLdouble GLdouble GLdouble GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLint GLint GLint GLshort GLshort GLshort GLshort GLubyte GLubyte GLubyte GLubyte GLuint GLuint GLuint GLuint GLushort GLushort GLushort GLushort GLboolean const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLbyte const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLfloat const GLint const GLint const GLshort const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort GLenum GLenum GLenum GLfloat GLenum GLint GLenum GLenum GLenum GLfloat GLenum GLenum GLint GLenum GLfloat GLenum GLint GLint GLushort GLenum GLenum GLfloat GLenum GLenum GLint GLfloat const GLubyte GLenum GLenum GLenum const GLfloat GLenum GLenum const GLint GLenum GLint GLint GLsizei GLsizei GLint GLenum GLenum const GLvoid GLenum GLenum const GLfloat GLenum GLenum const GLint GLenum GLenum const GLdouble GLenum GLenum const GLfloat GLenum GLenum const GLint GLsizei GLuint GLfloat GLuint GLbitfield GLfloat GLint GLuint GLboolean GLenum GLfloat GLenum GLbitfield GLenum GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLint const GLfloat GLenum GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLint GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLint const GLfloat GLint GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLfloat GLfloat const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLdouble const GLfloat GLint i
Definition: glfuncs.h:248
#define iswdigit(_c)
Definition: ctype.h:667
#define iswalnum(_c)
Definition: ctype.h:671
#define iswalpha(_c)
Definition: ctype.h:664
#define INT_MAX
Definition: intsafe.h:150
static BOOL skip_spaces(parser_ctx_t *ctx)
Definition: lex.c:217
static int check_keywords(parser_ctx_t *ctx, const WCHAR **lval)
Definition: lex.c:132
static int parse_string_literal(parser_ctx_t *ctx, jsstr_t **ret, WCHAR endch)
Definition: lex.c:340
static const struct @445 keywords[]
int token
Definition: lex.c:37
static int check_keyword(parser_ctx_t *ctx, const WCHAR *word, const WCHAR **lval)
Definition: lex.c:91
BOOL is_identifier_char(WCHAR c)
Definition: lex.c:81
const WCHAR * word
Definition: lex.c:36
static int parse_identifier(parser_ctx_t *ctx, const WCHAR **ret)
Definition: lex.c:321
static BOOL parse_numeric_literal(parser_ctx_t *ctx, double *ret)
Definition: lex.c:473
static int hex_to_int(WCHAR c)
Definition: lex.c:118
#define d
Definition: ke_i.h:81
#define e
Definition: ke_i.h:82
#define c
Definition: ke_i.h:80
#define debugstr_w
Definition: kernel32.h:32
#define sign(x)
#define isinf(x)
Definition: mingw_math.h:94
#define memcpy(s1, s2, n)
Definition: mkisofs.h:878
static PVOID ptr
Definition: dispmode.c:27
Definition: msg.c:16058
#define min(a, b)
long LONG
Definition: pedump.c:60
const WCHAR * str
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP _CONST_RETURN wchar_t *__cdecl wcspbrk(_In_z_ const wchar_t *_Str, _In_z_ const wchar_t *_Control)
int parser_lex(void)
#define max(a, b)
Definition: svc.c:63
#define towlower(c)
Definition: wctype.h:97
int64_t LONGLONG
Definition: typedefs.h:68
static const WCHAR gotoW[]
Definition: lex.c:58
static const WCHAR toW[]
Definition: lex.c:86
static const WCHAR byvalW[]
Definition: lex.c:37
static const WCHAR constW[]
Definition: lex.c:41
static const WCHAR selectW[]
Definition: lex.c:80
static const WCHAR orW[]
Definition: lex.c:74
static const WCHAR byrefW[]
Definition: lex.c:36
static const WCHAR optionW[]
Definition: lex.c:73
static int parse_hex_literal(parser_ctx_t *ctx, LONG *ret)
Definition: lex.c:369
static int comment_line(parser_ctx_t *ctx)
Definition: lex.c:395
static const WCHAR stopW[]
Definition: lex.c:83
static const WCHAR thenW[]
Definition: lex.c:85
static const WCHAR notW[]
Definition: lex.c:69
static const WCHAR falseW[]
Definition: lex.c:54
static const WCHAR classW[]
Definition: lex.c:40
static const WCHAR xorW[]
Definition: lex.c:91
static const WCHAR errorW[]
Definition: lex.c:51
static const WCHAR trueW[]
Definition: lex.c:87
static const WCHAR caseW[]
Definition: lex.c:39
static const WCHAR elseifW[]
Definition: lex.c:47
static const WCHAR callW[]
Definition: lex.c:38
static const WCHAR privateW[]
Definition: lex.c:75
static const WCHAR nextW[]
Definition: lex.c:68
static const WCHAR inW[]
Definition: lex.c:61
static const WCHAR elseW[]
Definition: lex.c:46
static const WCHAR impW[]
Definition: lex.c:60
static const WCHAR getW[]
Definition: lex.c:57
static const WCHAR wendW[]
Definition: lex.c:89
static const WCHAR meW[]
Definition: lex.c:65
static const WCHAR remW[]
Definition: lex.c:78
static const WCHAR propertyW[]
Definition: lex.c:76
static const WCHAR nothingW[]
Definition: lex.c:70
static const WCHAR explicitW[]
Definition: lex.c:53
static const WCHAR stepW[]
Definition: lex.c:82
static const WCHAR modW[]
Definition: lex.c:66
static const WCHAR eqvW[]
Definition: lex.c:50
static const WCHAR doW[]
Definition: lex.c:44
static const WCHAR emptyW[]
Definition: lex.c:48
static const WCHAR isW[]
Definition: lex.c:62
static const WCHAR nullW[]
Definition: lex.c:71
static const WCHAR andW[]
Definition: lex.c:35
static const WCHAR letW[]
Definition: lex.c:63
static const WCHAR endW[]
Definition: lex.c:49
static const WCHAR eachW[]
Definition: lex.c:45
static const WCHAR whileW[]
Definition: lex.c:90
static const WCHAR loopW[]
Definition: lex.c:64
static const WCHAR defaultW[]
Definition: lex.c:42
static const WCHAR resumeW[]
Definition: lex.c:79
static const WCHAR newW[]
Definition: lex.c:67
static const WCHAR ifW[]
Definition: lex.c:59
static const WCHAR dimW[]
Definition: lex.c:43
static const WCHAR publicW[]
Definition: lex.c:77
static const WCHAR untilW[]
Definition: lex.c:88
static const WCHAR forW[]
Definition: lex.c:55
static const WCHAR onW[]
Definition: lex.c:72
static const WCHAR setW[]
Definition: lex.c:81
static const WCHAR functionW[]
Definition: lex.c:56
static int parse_next_token(void *lval, parser_ctx_t *ctx)
Definition: lex.c:406
static const WCHAR exitW[]
Definition: lex.c:52
static const WCHAR subW[]
Definition: lex.c:84
int ret
static clock_t begin
Definition: xmllint.c:458
__wchar_t WCHAR
Definition: xmlstorage.h:180