ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-753-g705a985
dwarfinfo.c File Reference
#include <precomp.h>
#include <debug.h>
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struct  Parse


#define NDEBUG
#define ATTR(x)   (#x)+9, x
#define OFFSET(x)   offsetof(DwarfAttrs, x), offsetof(DwarfAttrs, have.x)


typedef struct Parse Parse


enum  {
  DwarfAttrSibling = 0x01 , DwarfAttrLocation = 0x02 , DwarfAttrName = 0x03 , DwarfAttrOrdering = 0x09 ,
  DwarfAttrByteSize = 0x0B , DwarfAttrBitOffset = 0x0C , DwarfAttrBitSize = 0x0D , DwarfAttrStmtList = 0x10 ,
  DwarfAttrLowpc = 0x11 , DwarfAttrHighpc = 0x12 , DwarfAttrLanguage = 0x13 , DwarfAttrDiscr = 0x15 ,
  DwarfAttrDiscrValue = 0x16 , DwarfAttrVisibility = 0x17 , DwarfAttrImport = 0x18 , DwarfAttrStringLength = 0x19 ,
  DwarfAttrCommonRef = 0x1A , DwarfAttrCompDir = 0x1B , DwarfAttrConstValue = 0x1C , DwarfAttrContainingType = 0x1D ,
  DwarfAttrDefaultValue = 0x1E , DwarfAttrInline = 0x20 , DwarfAttrIsOptional = 0x21 , DwarfAttrLowerBound = 0x22 ,
  DwarfAttrProducer = 0x25 , DwarfAttrPrototyped = 0x27 , DwarfAttrReturnAddr = 0x2A , DwarfAttrStartScope = 0x2C ,
  DwarfAttrStrideSize = 0x2E , DwarfAttrUpperBound = 0x2F , DwarfAttrAbstractOrigin = 0x31 , DwarfAttrAccessibility = 0x32 ,
  DwarfAttrAddrClass = 0x33 , DwarfAttrArtificial = 0x34 , DwarfAttrBaseTypes = 0x35 , DwarfAttrCalling = 0x36 ,
  DwarfAttrCount = 0x37 , DwarfAttrDataMemberLoc = 0x38 , DwarfAttrDeclColumn = 0x39 , DwarfAttrDeclFile = 0x3A ,
  DwarfAttrDeclLine = 0x3B , DwarfAttrDeclaration = 0x3C , DwarfAttrDiscrList = 0x3D , DwarfAttrEncoding = 0x3E ,
  DwarfAttrExternal = 0x3F , DwarfAttrFrameBase = 0x40 , DwarfAttrFriend = 0x41 , DwarfAttrIdentifierCase = 0x42 ,
  DwarfAttrMacroInfo = 0x43 , DwarfAttrNamelistItem = 0x44 , DwarfAttrPriority = 0x45 , DwarfAttrSegment = 0x46 ,
  DwarfAttrSpecification = 0x47 , DwarfAttrStaticLink = 0x48 , DwarfAttrType = 0x49 , DwarfAttrUseLocation = 0x4A ,
  DwarfAttrVarParam = 0x4B , DwarfAttrVirtuality = 0x4C , DwarfAttrVtableElemLoc = 0x4D , DwarfAttrAllocated = 0x4E ,
  DwarfAttrAssociated = 0x4F , DwarfAttrDataLocation = 0x50 , DwarfAttrStride = 0x51 , DwarfAttrEntrypc = 0x52 ,
  DwarfAttrUseUTF8 = 0x53 , DwarfAttrExtension = 0x54 , DwarfAttrRanges = 0x55 , DwarfAttrTrampoline = 0x56 ,
  DwarfAttrCallColumn = 0x57 , DwarfAttrCallFile = 0x58 , DwarfAttrCallLine = 0x59 , DwarfAttrDescription = 0x5A ,
  DwarfAttrMax , FormAddr = 0x01 , FormDwarfBlock2 = 0x03 , FormDwarfBlock4 = 0x04 ,
  FormData2 = 0x05 , FormData4 = 0x06 , FormData8 = 0x07 , FormString = 0x08 ,
  FormDwarfBlock = 0x09 , FormDwarfBlock1 = 0x0A , FormData1 = 0x0B , FormFlag = 0x0C ,
  FormSdata = 0x0D , FormStrp = 0x0E , FormUdata = 0x0F , FormRefAddr = 0x10 ,
  FormRef1 = 0x11 , FormRef2 = 0x12 , FormRef4 = 0x13 , FormRef8 = 0x14 ,
  FormRefUdata = 0x15 , FormIndirect = 0x16


static int parseattrs (Dwarf *d, DwarfBuf *, ulong, ulong, DwarfAbbrev *, DwarfAttrs *)
static int getulong (DwarfBuf *, int, ulong, ulong *, int *)
static int getuchar (DwarfBuf *, int, uchar *)
static int getstring (Dwarf *d, DwarfBuf *, int, char **)
static int getblock (DwarfBuf *, int, DwarfBlock *)
static int skipform (Dwarf *d, DwarfBuf *, int)
int dwarflookupnameinunit (Dwarf *d, ulong unit, char *name, DwarfSym *s)
int dwarflookupsubname (Dwarf *d, DwarfSym *parent, char *name, DwarfSym *s)
int dwarflookupchildtag (Dwarf *d, DwarfSym *parent, ulong tag, DwarfSym *s)
int dwarflookuptag (Dwarf *d, ulong unit, ulong tag, DwarfSym *s)
int dwarfseeksym (Dwarf *d, ulong unit, ulong off, DwarfSym *s)
int dwarflookupfn (Dwarf *d, ulong unit, ulong pc, DwarfSym *s)
int dwarfenumunit (Dwarf *d, ulong unit, DwarfSym *s)
int dwarfnextsym (Dwarf *d, DwarfSym *s)
int dwarfnextsymat (Dwarf *d, DwarfSym *parent, DwarfSym *child)
void stackinit (DwarfStack *stack)
void stackpush (DwarfStack *stack, ulong value)
ulong stackpop (DwarfStack *stack)
void stackfree (DwarfStack *stack)
int dwarfgetarg (Dwarf *d, const char *name, DwarfBuf *buf, ulong cfa, PROSSYM_REGISTERS registers, ulong *result)
int dwarfargvalue (Dwarf *d, DwarfSym *proc, ulong pc, ulong cfa, PROSSYM_REGISTERS registers, DwarfParam *parameter)
void dwarfdumpsym (Dwarf *d, DwarfSym *s)
int dwarfgetparams (Dwarf *d, DwarfSym *s, ulong pc, int pnum, DwarfParam *paramblocks)


static Parse plist []
static Parse ptab [DwarfAttrMax]

Macro Definition Documentation


#define ATTR (   x)    (#x)+9, x

Definition at line 334 of file dwarfinfo.c.


#define NDEBUG

Definition at line 6 of file dwarfinfo.c.


Definition at line 335 of file dwarfinfo.c.

Typedef Documentation

◆ Parse

typedef struct Parse Parse

Definition at line 325 of file dwarfinfo.c.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Definition at line 9 of file dwarfinfo.c.

11 DwarfAttrSibling = 0x01,
12 DwarfAttrLocation = 0x02,
13 DwarfAttrName = 0x03,
14 DwarfAttrOrdering = 0x09,
15 DwarfAttrByteSize = 0x0B,
16 DwarfAttrBitOffset = 0x0C,
17 DwarfAttrBitSize = 0x0D,
18 DwarfAttrStmtList = 0x10,
19 DwarfAttrLowpc = 0x11,
20 DwarfAttrHighpc = 0x12,
21 DwarfAttrLanguage = 0x13,
22 DwarfAttrDiscr = 0x15,
25 DwarfAttrImport = 0x18,
27 DwarfAttrCommonRef = 0x1A,
28 DwarfAttrCompDir = 0x1B,
32 DwarfAttrInline = 0x20,
35 DwarfAttrProducer = 0x25,
43 DwarfAttrAddrClass = 0x33,
45 DwarfAttrBaseTypes = 0x35,
46 DwarfAttrCalling = 0x36,
47 DwarfAttrCount = 0x37,
50 DwarfAttrDeclFile = 0x3A,
51 DwarfAttrDeclLine = 0x3B,
53 DwarfAttrDiscrList = 0x3D,
54 DwarfAttrEncoding = 0x3E,
55 DwarfAttrExternal = 0x3F,
56 DwarfAttrFrameBase = 0x40,
57 DwarfAttrFriend = 0x41,
59 DwarfAttrMacroInfo = 0x43,
61 DwarfAttrPriority = 0x45,
62 DwarfAttrSegment = 0x46,
65 DwarfAttrType = 0x49,
67 DwarfAttrVarParam = 0x4B,
70 DwarfAttrAllocated = 0x4E,
73 DwarfAttrStride = 0x51,
74 DwarfAttrEntrypc = 0x52,
75 DwarfAttrUseUTF8 = 0x53,
76 DwarfAttrExtension = 0x54,
77 DwarfAttrRanges = 0x55,
80 DwarfAttrCallFile = 0x58,
81 DwarfAttrCallLine = 0x59,
85 FormAddr = 0x01,
86 FormDwarfBlock2 = 0x03,
87 FormDwarfBlock4 = 0x04,
88 FormData2 = 0x05,
89 FormData4 = 0x06,
90 FormData8 = 0x07,
91 FormString = 0x08,
92 FormDwarfBlock = 0x09,
93 FormDwarfBlock1 = 0x0A,
94 FormData1 = 0x0B,
95 FormFlag = 0x0C,
96 FormSdata = 0x0D,
97 FormStrp = 0x0E,
98 FormUdata = 0x0F,
99 FormRefAddr = 0x10,
100 FormRef1 = 0x11,
101 FormRef2 = 0x12,
102 FormRef4 = 0x13,
103 FormRef8 = 0x14,
104 FormRefUdata = 0x15,
105 FormIndirect = 0x16
@ DwarfAttrSibling
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:19
@ DwarfAttrIsOptional
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:41
@ DwarfAttrUpperBound
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:48
@ DwarfAttrVirtuality
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:76
@ DwarfAttrDefaultValue
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:39
@ DwarfAttrUseUTF8
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:83
@ DwarfAttrConstValue
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:37
@ DwarfAttrLanguage
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:29
@ DwarfAttrTrampoline
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:86
@ DwarfAttrIdentifierCase
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:66
@ DwarfAttrAddrClass
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:51
@ FormAddr
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:93
@ DwarfAttrAllocated
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:78
@ DwarfAttrCallColumn
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:87
@ DwarfAttrExternal
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:63
@ DwarfAttrName
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:21
@ DwarfAttrNamelistItem
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:68
@ DwarfAttrAssociated
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:79
@ FormUdata
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:106
@ FormRefAddr
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:107
@ FormRef2
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:109
@ DwarfAttrMacroInfo
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:67
@ DwarfAttrOrdering
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:22
@ FormIndirect
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:113
@ FormSdata
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:104
@ FormRef4
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:110
@ DwarfAttrByteSize
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:23
@ FormDwarfBlock4
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:95
@ DwarfAttrLocation
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:20
@ DwarfAttrExtension
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:84
@ DwarfAttrSegment
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:70
@ DwarfAttrDataLocation
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:80
@ DwarfAttrCalling
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:54
@ DwarfAttrAbstractOrigin
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:49
@ DwarfAttrVarParam
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:75
@ DwarfAttrDescription
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:90
@ DwarfAttrUseLocation
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:74
@ DwarfAttrStartScope
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:46
@ DwarfAttrStrideSize
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:47
@ DwarfAttrDiscrValue
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:31
@ DwarfAttrContainingType
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:38
@ DwarfAttrCommonRef
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:35
@ DwarfAttrType
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:73
@ DwarfAttrLowerBound
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:42
@ DwarfAttrCallFile
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:88
@ DwarfAttrEntrypc
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:82
@ FormData1
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:102
@ DwarfAttrDeclaration
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:60
@ DwarfAttrStride
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:81
@ DwarfAttrDeclColumn
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:57
@ DwarfAttrFriend
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:65
@ FormRef8
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:111
@ DwarfAttrBaseTypes
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:53
@ DwarfAttrStaticLink
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:72
@ FormData8
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:98
@ DwarfAttrStringLength
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:34
@ DwarfAttrCompDir
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:36
@ DwarfAttrPrototyped
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:44
@ DwarfAttrHighpc
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:28
@ FormDwarfBlock2
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:94
@ DwarfAttrAccessibility
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:50
@ DwarfAttrReturnAddr
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:45
@ DwarfAttrCount
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:55
@ DwarfAttrArtificial
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:52
@ DwarfAttrBitSize
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:25
@ DwarfAttrCallLine
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:89
@ DwarfAttrDataMemberLoc
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:56
@ FormDwarfBlock1
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:101
@ DwarfAttrImport
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:33
@ FormRef1
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:108
@ DwarfAttrStmtList
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:26
@ DwarfAttrSpecification
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:71
@ DwarfAttrLowpc
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:27
@ DwarfAttrRanges
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:85
@ FormRefUdata
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:112
@ DwarfAttrInline
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:40
@ FormData2
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:96
@ DwarfAttrVtableElemLoc
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:77
@ DwarfAttrMax
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:91
@ FormData4
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:97
@ FormFlag
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:103
@ DwarfAttrDeclFile
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:58
@ FormDwarfBlock
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:100
@ DwarfAttrProducer
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:43
@ DwarfAttrVisibility
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:32
@ DwarfAttrEncoding
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:62
@ DwarfAttrDiscr
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:30
@ DwarfAttrPriority
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:69
@ DwarfAttrDeclLine
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:59
@ DwarfAttrFrameBase
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:64
@ DwarfAttrDiscrList
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:61
@ FormStrp
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:105
@ DwarfAttrBitOffset
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:24
@ FormString
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:99

Function Documentation

◆ dwarfargvalue()

int dwarfargvalue ( Dwarf d,
DwarfSym proc,
ulong  pc,
ulong  cfa,
DwarfParam parameter 

Definition at line 909 of file dwarfinfo.c.

911 int gotarg;
912 DwarfSym unit = { };
914 if (dwarfenumunit(d, proc->unit, &unit) == -1)
915 return -1;
917 werrstr("lookup in unit %x-%x, pc %x", unit.attrs.lowpc, unit.attrs.highpc, pc);
918 pc -= unit.attrs.lowpc;
920 werrstr("paramblock %s -> unit %x type %x fde %x len %d registers %x",
921 parameter->name,
922 parameter->unit,
923 parameter->type,
924 parameter->fde,
925 parameter->len,
926 registers);
928 // Seek our range in loc
929 DwarfBuf locbuf;
930 DwarfBuf instream = { };
932 locbuf.d = d;
933 locbuf.addrsize = d->addrsize;
935 if (parameter->loctype == TConstant) {
936 locbuf.p = d-> + parameter->fde;
937 locbuf.ep = d-> + d->loc.len;
938 ulong start, end, len;
939 do {
940 len = 0;
941 start = dwarfget4(&locbuf);
942 end = dwarfget4(&locbuf);
943 if (start && end) {
944 len = dwarfget2(&locbuf);
945 instream = locbuf;
946 instream.ep = instream.p + len;
947 locbuf.p = instream.ep;
948 }
949 werrstr("ip %x s %x e %x (%x bytes)", pc, start, end, len);
950 } while (start && end && (start > pc || end <= pc));
951 } else if (parameter->loctype == TBlock) {
952 instream = locbuf;
953 instream.p = (void *)parameter->fde;
954 instream.ep = instream.p + parameter->len;
955 } else {
956 werrstr("Wrong block type for parameter %s", parameter->name);
957 return -1;
958 }
960 gotarg = dwarfgetarg(d, parameter->name, &instream, cfa, registers, &parameter->value);
961 if (gotarg == -1)
962 return -1;
964 return 0;
unsigned long ulong
Definition: linux.h:275
GLuint start
Definition: gl.h:1545
GLuint GLuint end
Definition: gl.h:1545
GLenum GLsizei len
Definition: glext.h:6722
int registers[NUMREGS]
#define d
Definition: ke_i.h:81
static IStream instream
Definition: saxreader.c:2106
static HANDLE proc()
Definition: pdb.c:34
png_const_structrp png_const_inforp int * unit
Definition: png.h:2159
int dwarfenumunit(Dwarf *d, ulong unit, DwarfSym *s)
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:201
int dwarfgetarg(Dwarf *d, const char *name, DwarfBuf *buf, ulong cfa, PROSSYM_REGISTERS registers, ulong *result)
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:658
#define werrstr(str,...)
Definition: compat.h:34
ulong dwarfget2(DwarfBuf *)
Definition: dwarfget.c:81
ulong dwarfget4(DwarfBuf *)
Definition: dwarfget.c:95
@ TConstant
Definition: dwarf.h:132
@ TBlock
Definition: dwarf.h:131
uint addrsize
Definition: dwarf.h:212
Dwarf * d
Definition: dwarf.h:209
uchar * p
Definition: dwarf.h:210
uchar * ep
Definition: dwarf.h:211
char * name
Definition: dwarf.h:210
ulong type
Definition: dwarf.h:212
ulong fde
Definition: dwarf.h:214
ulong value
Definition: dwarf.h:215
ulong loctype
Definition: dwarf.h:213
ulong unit
Definition: dwarf.h:211
ulong len
Definition: dwarf.h:214

Referenced by RosSymGetAddressInformation().

◆ dwarfdumpsym()

void dwarfdumpsym ( Dwarf d,
DwarfSym s 

Definition at line 968 of file dwarfinfo.c.

970 int j;
971 werrstr("tag %x\n", s->attrs.tag);
972 for (j = 0; plist[j].name; j++) {
973 char *have = ((char*)&s->attrs) + plist[j].haveoff;
974 char *attr = ((char*)&s->attrs) + plist[j].off;
975 if (*have == TString) {
976 char *str = *((char **)attr);
977 werrstr("%s: %s\n", plist[j].namestr, str);
978 } else if (*have == TReference) {
979 DwarfVal *val = ((DwarfVal*)attr);
980 werrstr("%s: %x:%x\n", plist[j].namestr, val->, val->b.len);
981 } else if (*have)
982 werrstr("%s: (%x)\n", plist[j].namestr, *have);
983 }
GLdouble s
Definition: gl.h:2039
GLuint GLfloat * val
Definition: glext.h:7180
GLsizei GLenum const GLvoid GLsizei GLenum GLbyte GLbyte GLbyte GLdouble GLdouble GLdouble GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLint GLint GLshort GLshort GLshort GLubyte GLubyte GLubyte GLuint GLuint GLuint GLushort GLushort GLushort GLbyte GLbyte GLbyte GLbyte GLdouble GLdouble GLdouble GLdouble GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLint GLint GLint GLshort GLshort GLshort GLshort GLubyte GLubyte GLubyte GLubyte GLuint GLuint GLuint GLuint GLushort GLushort GLushort GLushort GLboolean const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLbyte const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLfloat const GLint const GLint const GLshort const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort GLenum GLenum GLenum GLfloat GLenum GLint GLenum GLenum GLenum GLfloat GLenum GLenum GLint GLenum GLfloat GLenum GLint GLint GLushort GLenum GLenum GLfloat GLenum GLenum GLint GLfloat const GLubyte GLenum GLenum GLenum const GLfloat GLenum GLenum const GLint GLenum GLint GLint GLsizei GLsizei GLint GLenum GLenum const GLvoid GLenum GLenum const GLfloat GLenum GLenum const GLint GLenum GLenum const GLdouble GLenum GLenum const GLfloat GLenum GLenum const GLint GLsizei GLuint GLfloat GLuint GLbitfield GLfloat GLint GLuint GLboolean GLenum GLfloat GLenum GLbitfield GLenum GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLint const GLfloat GLenum GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLint GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLint const GLfloat GLint GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLfloat GLfloat const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLdouble const GLfloat GLint GLint GLint j
Definition: glfuncs.h:250
static Parse plist[]
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:337
const WCHAR * str
@ TString
Definition: dwarf.h:133
@ TReference
Definition: dwarf.h:130
int name
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:331
int off
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:332
int haveoff
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:333
Definition: cookie.c:202

◆ dwarfenumunit()

int dwarfenumunit ( Dwarf d,
ulong  unit,
DwarfSym s 

Definition at line 210 of file dwarfinfo.c.

212 int i;
213 ulong aoff, len;
215 if(unit >= d->info.len){
216 werrstr("dwarf unit address 0x%x >= 0x%x out of range", unit, d->info.len);
217 return -1;
218 }
219 memset(s, 0, sizeof *s);
220 memset(&s->b, 0, sizeof s->b);
222 s->b.d = d;
223 s->b.p = d-> + unit;
224 s->b.ep = d-> + d->info.len;
225 len = dwarfget4(&s->b);
226 s->unit = unit;
227 s->nextunit = unit + 4 + len;
228 s->b.ep = d-> + s->nextunit;
230 if(s->b.ep - s->b.p < len){
231 badheader:
232 werrstr("bad dwarf unit header at unit 0x%lux end %x start %x len %x", unit, s->b.ep - d->, s->b.p - d->, len);
233 return -1;
234 }
235 s->b.ep = s->b.p+len;
236 if((i=dwarfget2(&s->b)) > 4)
237 goto badheader;
238 aoff = dwarfget4(&s->b);
239 s->b.addrsize = dwarfget1(&s->b);
240 if(d->addrsize == 0)
241 d->addrsize = s->b.addrsize;
242 if(s->b.p == nil)
243 goto badheader;
245 s->aoff = aoff;
247 return dwarfnextsym(d, s);
GLsizei GLenum const GLvoid GLsizei GLenum GLbyte GLbyte GLbyte GLdouble GLdouble GLdouble GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLint GLint GLshort GLshort GLshort GLubyte GLubyte GLubyte GLuint GLuint GLuint GLushort GLushort GLushort GLbyte GLbyte GLbyte GLbyte GLdouble GLdouble GLdouble GLdouble GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLint GLint GLint GLshort GLshort GLshort GLshort GLubyte GLubyte GLubyte GLubyte GLuint GLuint GLuint GLuint GLushort GLushort GLushort GLushort GLboolean const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLbyte const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLfloat const GLint const GLint const GLshort const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort GLenum GLenum GLenum GLfloat GLenum GLint GLenum GLenum GLenum GLfloat GLenum GLenum GLint GLenum GLfloat GLenum GLint GLint GLushort GLenum GLenum GLfloat GLenum GLenum GLint GLfloat const GLubyte GLenum GLenum GLenum const GLfloat GLenum GLenum const GLint GLenum GLint GLint GLsizei GLsizei GLint GLenum GLenum const GLvoid GLenum GLenum const GLfloat GLenum GLenum const GLint GLenum GLenum const GLdouble GLenum GLenum const GLfloat GLenum GLenum const GLint GLsizei GLuint GLfloat GLuint GLbitfield GLfloat GLint GLuint GLboolean GLenum GLfloat GLenum GLbitfield GLenum GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLint const GLfloat GLenum GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLint GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLint const GLfloat GLint GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLfloat GLfloat const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLdouble const GLfloat GLint i
Definition: glfuncs.h:248
int dwarfnextsym(Dwarf *d, DwarfSym *s)
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:250
#define nil
Definition: compat.h:23
#define memset(x, y, z)
Definition: compat.h:39
ulong dwarfget1(DwarfBuf *)
Definition: dwarfget.c:17

Referenced by _dwarfnametounit(), and dwarfpctoline().

◆ dwarfgetarg()

int dwarfgetarg ( Dwarf d,
const char name,
DwarfBuf buf,
ulong  cfa,
ulong result 

Definition at line 658 of file dwarfinfo.c.

660 int ret = 0;
661 DwarfStack stack = { };
663 stackpush(&stack, cfa);
664 while (buf->p < buf->ep) {
665 int opcode = dwarfget1(buf);
666 werrstr("opcode %x", opcode);
667 switch (opcode) {
668 case 0:
669 buf->p = buf->ep;
670 break;
671 case OpAddr:
672 if (d->addrsize == 4) {
674 break;
675 } else {
676 werrstr("%s: we only support 4 byte addrs", name);
677 goto fatal;
678 }
679 case OpConst1s: {
680 signed char c = dwarfget1(buf);
681 stackpush(&stack, c);
682 } break;
683 case OpConst1u:
685 break;
686 case OpConst2s: {
687 signed short s = dwarfget2(buf);
688 stackpush(&stack, s);
689 } break;
690 case OpConst2u:
692 break;
693 case OpConst4s: {
694 signed int i = dwarfget4(buf);
695 stackpush(&stack, i);
696 } break;
697 case OpConst4u:
699 break;
700 case OpConst8s:
701 case OpConst8u:
702 werrstr("const 8 not yet supported");
703 goto fatal;
704 case OpConsts:
706 break;
707 case OpConstu:
709 break;
710 case OpDup: {
711 ulong popped = stackpop(&stack);
712 stackpush(&stack, popped);
713 stackpush(&stack, popped);
714 } break;
715 case OpDrop:
716 stackpop(&stack);
717 break;
718 case OpOver: {
719 if (stack.length < 2) goto fatal;
720 stackpush(&stack,[stack.length-2]);
721 } break;
722 case OpPick: {
724 if (arg >= stack.length) goto fatal;
725 arg =[stack.length-1-arg];
727 } break;
728 case OpSwap: {
730 stackpush(&stack, b);
731 stackpush(&stack, a);
732 } break;
733 case OpRot: {
735 stackpush(&stack, b);
736 stackpush(&stack, c);
737 stackpush(&stack, a);
738 } break;
739 case OpXderef:
740 case OpXderefSize:
741 werrstr("Xderef not yet supported");
742 goto fatal;
743 case OpAbs: {
744 long a = stackpop(&stack);
745 stackpush(&stack, a < 0 ? -a : a);
746 } break;
747 case OpAnd:
749 break;
750 case OpDiv: {
752 stackpush(&stack, b / a);
753 } break;
754 case OpMinus: {
756 stackpush(&stack, b - a);
757 } break;
758 case OpMod: {
760 stackpush(&stack, b % a);
761 } break;
762 case OpMul:
764 break;
765 case OpNeg:
767 break;
768 case OpNot:
770 break;
771 case OpOr:
773 break;
774 case OpPlus:
776 break;
777 case OpPlusUconst:
779 break;
780 case OpShl: {
782 stackpush(&stack, b << a);
783 } break;
784 case OpShr: {
786 stackpush(&stack, b >> a);
787 } break;
788 case OpShra: {
789 ulong a = stackpop(&stack);
790 long b = stackpop(&stack);
791 if (b < 0)
792 b = -(-b >> a);
793 else
794 b = b >> a;
795 stackpush(&stack, b);
796 } break;
797 case OpXor:
799 break;
800 case OpSkip:
801 buf->p += dwarfget2(buf);
802 break;
803 case OpBra: {
804 ulong a = dwarfget2(buf);
805 if (stackpop(&stack))
806 buf->p += a;
807 } break;
808 case OpEq:
810 break;
811 case OpGe: {
813 stackpush(&stack, b >= a);
814 } break;
815 case OpGt: {
817 stackpush(&stack, b > a);
818 } break;
819 case OpLe: {
821 stackpush(&stack, b <= a);
822 } break;
823 case OpLt: {
825 stackpush(&stack, b < a);
826 } break;
827 case OpNe:
829 break;
830 case OpNop:
831 break;
832 case OpDeref: {
833 ulong val;
834 void* addr = (void*)stackpop(&stack);
836 (d->pe->fd,
837 &val,
838 addr,
839 d->addrsize))
840 goto fatal;
842 } break;
843 case OpDerefSize: {
845 void* addr = (void*)stackpop(&stack);
847 (d->pe->fd,
848 &val,
849 addr,
850 size))
851 goto fatal;
853 } break;
854 case OpFbreg: {
856 void* addr = (void*)cfa;
857 werrstr("FBREG cfa %x offset %x", cfa, offset);
859 (d->pe->fd,
860 &val,
862 d->addrsize))
863 goto fatal;
865 } break;
866 case OpPiece:
867 werrstr("OpPiece not supported");
868 goto fatal;
869 default:
870 if (opcode >= OpLit0 && opcode < OpReg0)
871 stackpush(&stack, opcode - OpLit0);
872 else if (opcode >= OpReg0 && opcode < OpBreg0) {
873 ulong reg = opcode - OpReg0;
874 werrstr("REG[%d] value %x", reg, (ulong)registers->Registers[reg]);
875 stackpush(&stack, registers->Registers[reg]);
876 } else if (opcode >= OpBreg0 && opcode < OpRegx) {
877 ulong val,
878 reg = opcode - OpBreg0,
880 void* addr = (void*)(ULONG_PTR)registers->Registers[reg];
881 werrstr("BREG[%d] reg %x offset %x", reg, addr, offset);
883 ((PVOID)d->pe->fd,
884 &val,
886 d->addrsize))
887 goto fatal;
889 } else {
890 werrstr("opcode %x not supported", opcode);
891 goto fatal;
892 }
893 break;
894 }
895 }
896 if (stack.length < 1) goto fatal;
897 *result = stackpop(&stack);
898 werrstr("%s: value %x", name, *result);
899 goto finish;
902 ret = -1;
906 return ret;
GLsizeiptr size
Definition: glext.h:5919
GLintptr offset
Definition: glext.h:5920
const GLubyte * c
Definition: glext.h:8905
GLboolean GLboolean GLboolean b
Definition: glext.h:6204
GLenum GLuint GLenum GLsizei const GLchar * buf
Definition: glext.h:7751
GLenum const GLvoid * addr
Definition: glext.h:9621
GLuint64EXT * result
Definition: glext.h:11304
GLboolean GLboolean GLboolean GLboolean a
Definition: glext.h:6204
static int reg
Definition: i386-dis.c:1290
#define a
Definition: ke_i.h:78
ulong stackpop(DwarfStack *stack)
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:643
void stackinit(DwarfStack *stack)
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:622
void stackfree(DwarfStack *stack)
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:651
void stackpush(DwarfStack *stack, ulong value)
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:629
ulong dwarfget128(DwarfBuf *)
Definition: dwarfget.c:152
long dwarfget128s(DwarfBuf *)
Definition: dwarfget.c:197
@ OpLit0
Definition: dwarf.h:179
@ OpConst4s
Definition: dwarf.h:144
@ OpLe
Definition: dwarf.h:176
@ OpGt
Definition: dwarf.h:175
@ OpConst4u
Definition: dwarf.h:143
@ OpConsts
Definition: dwarf.h:148
@ OpConst2u
Definition: dwarf.h:141
@ OpMul
Definition: dwarf.h:161
@ OpConst8u
Definition: dwarf.h:145
@ OpSwap
Definition: dwarf.h:153
@ OpNeg
Definition: dwarf.h:162
@ OpReg0
Definition: dwarf.h:181
@ OpRegx
Definition: dwarf.h:185
@ OpDrop
Definition: dwarf.h:150
@ OpPlus
Definition: dwarf.h:165
@ OpDup
Definition: dwarf.h:149
@ OpMod
Definition: dwarf.h:160
@ OpDiv
Definition: dwarf.h:158
@ OpPlusUconst
Definition: dwarf.h:166
@ OpAddr
Definition: dwarf.h:137
@ OpLt
Definition: dwarf.h:177
@ OpXor
Definition: dwarf.h:170
@ OpRot
Definition: dwarf.h:154
@ OpFbreg
Definition: dwarf.h:186
@ OpNe
Definition: dwarf.h:178
@ OpEq
Definition: dwarf.h:173
@ OpOr
Definition: dwarf.h:164
@ OpConst1s
Definition: dwarf.h:140
@ OpBreg0
Definition: dwarf.h:183
@ OpNop
Definition: dwarf.h:191
@ OpXderef
Definition: dwarf.h:155
@ OpPiece
Definition: dwarf.h:188
@ OpBra
Definition: dwarf.h:172
@ OpMinus
Definition: dwarf.h:159
@ OpAnd
Definition: dwarf.h:157
@ OpXderefSize
Definition: dwarf.h:190
@ OpConst2s
Definition: dwarf.h:142
@ OpConstu
Definition: dwarf.h:147
@ OpGe
Definition: dwarf.h:174
@ OpShra
Definition: dwarf.h:169
@ OpPick
Definition: dwarf.h:152
@ OpConst8s
Definition: dwarf.h:146
@ OpNot
Definition: dwarf.h:163
@ OpAbs
Definition: dwarf.h:156
@ OpConst1u
Definition: dwarf.h:139
@ OpDerefSize
Definition: dwarf.h:189
@ OpShr
Definition: dwarf.h:168
@ OpSkip
Definition: dwarf.h:171
@ OpShl
Definition: dwarf.h:167
@ OpOver
Definition: dwarf.h:151
@ OpDeref
Definition: dwarf.h:138
Definition: init.c:14
#define finish()
Definition: seh0024.c:15
BOOLEAN(* MemGetProc)(PVOID FileContext, ULONG_PTR *Target, PVOID SourceMem, ULONG Size)
Definition: rossym.h:110
Definition: name.c:39
Definition: format.c:80
uint32_t ULONG_PTR
Definition: typedefs.h:65
int ret
void * arg
Definition: msvc.h:10
void fatal(const char *msg)

Referenced by dwarfargvalue(), and RosSymAggregate().

◆ dwarfgetparams()

int dwarfgetparams ( Dwarf d,
DwarfSym s,
ulong  pc,
int  pnum,
DwarfParam paramblocks 

Definition at line 987 of file dwarfinfo.c.

989 int ip = 0;
990 DwarfSym param = { };
991 int res = dwarfnextsymat(d, s, &param);
992 while (res == 0 && ip < pnum) {
993 if (param.attrs.tag == TagFormalParameter &&
994 &&
995 param.attrs.have.location) {
996 paramblocks[ip].name = malloc(strlen(;
997 strcpy(paramblocks[ip].name,;
998 paramblocks[ip].unit = param.unit;
999 paramblocks[ip].type = param.attrs.type;
1000 paramblocks[ip].loctype = param.attrs.have.location;
1001 paramblocks[ip].len = param.attrs.location.b.len;
1002 paramblocks[ip].fde = (ulong);
1003 werrstr("param[%d] block %s -> type %x loctype %x fde %x len %x",
1004 ip,
1005 paramblocks[ip].name,
1006 paramblocks[ip].type,
1007 paramblocks[ip].loctype,
1008 paramblocks[ip].fde,
1009 paramblocks[ip].len);
1010 ip++;
1011 }
1012 res = dwarfnextsymat(d, s, &param);
1013 }
1014 return ip;
ACPI_SIZE strlen(const char *String)
Definition: utclib.c:269
#define malloc
Definition: debug_ros.c:4
GLuint GLuint GLsizei GLenum type
Definition: gl.h:1545
GLuint res
Definition: glext.h:9613
GLfloat param
Definition: glext.h:5796
int dwarfnextsymat(Dwarf *d, DwarfSym *s, int depth)
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:292
Definition: string.h:131
@ TagFormalParameter
Definition: dwarf.h:17
Definition: dhcpd.h:62
WCHAR * name
Definition: name.c:42

Referenced by RosSymGetAddressInformation().

◆ dwarflookupchildtag()

int dwarflookupchildtag ( Dwarf d,
DwarfSym parent,
ulong  tag,
DwarfSym s 

Definition at line 142 of file dwarfinfo.c.

144 int rsym = dwarfnextsymat(d, parent, s);
145 while (rsym == 0 && s->attrs.tag != tag) {
146 if (s->attrs.haskids) {
147 DwarfSym p = *s;
148 int csym = dwarflookupchildtag(d, &p, tag, s);
149 if (csym == 0) {
150 return csym;
151 }
152 }
153 rsym = dwarfnextsym(d, s);
154 }
155 return rsym;
r parent
Definition: btrfs.c:3010
GLfloat GLfloat p
Definition: glext.h:8902
int dwarflookupchildtag(Dwarf *d, DwarfSym *parent, ulong tag, DwarfSym *s)
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:142
Definition: ecma_167.h:138

Referenced by dwarflookupchildtag(), and dwarflookuptag().

◆ dwarflookupfn()

int dwarflookupfn ( Dwarf d,
ulong  unit,
ulong  pc,
DwarfSym s 

Definition at line 194 of file dwarfinfo.c.

196 DwarfSym compunit = { };
197 if(dwarfenumunit(d, unit, &compunit) < 0)
198 return -1;
199 while(dwarfnextsymat(d, &compunit, s) == 0){
200 if(s->attrs.tag != TagSubprogram)
201 continue;
202 if(s->attrs.lowpc <= pc && pc < s->attrs.highpc)
203 return 0;
204 }
205 werrstr("fn containing pc 0x%lux not found", pc);
206 return -1;
@ TagSubprogram
Definition: dwarf.h:52

Referenced by dwarfpctoline().

◆ dwarflookupnameinunit()

int dwarflookupnameinunit ( Dwarf d,
ulong  unit,
char name,
DwarfSym s 

Definition at line 116 of file dwarfinfo.c.

118 DwarfSym compunit = { };
119 if(dwarfenumunit(d, unit, &compunit) < 0)
120 return -1;
121 while(dwarfnextsymat(d, &compunit, s) == 0) {
122 werrstr("got %s looking for %s\n", s->, name);
123 if(s-> && strcmp(s->, name) == 0)
124 return 0;
125 }
126 werrstr("symbol '%s' not found", name);
127 return -1;
int strcmp(const char *String1, const char *String2)
Definition: utclib.c:469

Referenced by RosSymAggregate().

◆ dwarflookupsubname()

int dwarflookupsubname ( Dwarf d,
DwarfSym parent,
char name,
DwarfSym s 

Definition at line 131 of file dwarfinfo.c.

133 *s = *parent;
134 while(dwarfnextsymat(d, parent, s))
135 if(s-> && strcmp(s->, name) == 0)
136 return 0;
137 werrstr("symbol '%s' not found", name);
138 return -1;

◆ dwarflookuptag()

int dwarflookuptag ( Dwarf d,
ulong  unit,
ulong  tag,
DwarfSym s 

Definition at line 159 of file dwarfinfo.c.

161 DwarfSym compunit = { };
162 if (dwarfenumunit(d, unit, &compunit) < 0) {
163 return -1;
164 }
165 do {
166 if (compunit.attrs.tag == tag) {
167 *s = compunit;
168 return 0;
169 }
170 if (dwarflookupchildtag(d, &compunit, tag, s) == 0)
171 return 0;
172 } while(dwarfnextsym(d, &compunit) == 0);
173 werrstr("symbol with tag 0x%lux not found", tag);
174 return -1;
ulong tag
Definition: dwarf.h:225
DwarfAttrs attrs
Definition: dwarf.h:375

Referenced by dwarfpctoline().

◆ dwarfnextsym()

int dwarfnextsym ( Dwarf d,
DwarfSym s 

Definition at line 251 of file dwarfinfo.c.

253 ulong num;
254 DwarfAbbrev *a;
256 werrstr("sym at %x (left %x)\n", s->b.p - d->, s->b.ep - s->b.p);
258 num = dwarfget128(&s->b);
259 werrstr("abbrev num %x\n", num);
260 s->num = num;
261 if(num == 0){
262 return -1;
263 }
265 a = dwarfgetabbrev(d, s->aoff, num);
266 werrstr("a %p\n", a);
267 if(a == nil){
268 werrstr("getabbrev %x %x for %x", s->aoff, num, s->unit);
269 return -1;
270 }
272 if(parseattrs(d, &s->b, s->attrs.tag, s->unit, a, &s->attrs) < 0) {
273 return -1;
274 }
276 if (s->attrs.haskids) {
277 DwarfSym childSkip = { };
278 s->childoff = s->b.p - d->;
279 werrstr("Set childoff at %x\n", s->childoff);
280 int r = dwarfnextsymat(d, s, &childSkip);
281 while (r == 0) {
282 r = dwarfnextsym(d, &childSkip);
283 }
284 s->b = childSkip.b;
285 } else {
286 s->childoff = 0;
287 }
288 return 0;
GLdouble GLdouble GLdouble r
Definition: gl.h:2055
GLuint GLuint num
Definition: glext.h:9618
static int parseattrs(DwarfBuf *, ulong, DwarfAbbrev *, DwarfAttrs *)
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:407
DwarfAbbrev * dwarfgetabbrev(Dwarf *, ulong, ulong)
Definition: dwarfabbrev.c:128
ulong childoff
Definition: dwarf.h:393
DwarfBuf b
Definition: dwarf.h:378

Referenced by _dwarfnametounit(), dwarfpctoline(), and main().

◆ dwarfnextsymat()

int dwarfnextsymat ( Dwarf d,
DwarfSym parent,
DwarfSym child 

Definition at line 292 of file dwarfinfo.c.

294 uint sib;
296 if (!parent->attrs.haskids || !parent->childoff)
297 return -1;
299 child->unit = parent->unit;
300 child->aoff = parent->aoff;
301 child->depth = parent->depth + 1;
302 if(child->attrs.have.sibling){
303 sib = child->attrs.sibling;
304 if(sib < d->info.len && d-> > child->b.p)
305 child->b.p = d->;
306 else if (sib >= d->info.len) {
307 werrstr("sibling reported as out of bounds %d vs %d", sib, d->info.len);
308 return -1;
309 } else if (d->>unit < child->b.p) {
310 werrstr("subsequent sibling is listed before prev %d vs %d", sib+parent->unit, child->b.p - d->;
311 return -1;
312 }
313 }
315 // Uninitialized
316 if (!child->b.d) {
317 child->b = parent->b;
318 child->b.p = parent->childoff + parent->b.d->;
319 werrstr("Rewound to childoff %x\n", parent->childoff);
320 }
322 return dwarfnextsym(d, child);
UINT32 uint
Definition: types.h:83
static HWND child
Definition: cursoricon.c:298

◆ dwarfseeksym()

int dwarfseeksym ( Dwarf d,
ulong  unit,
ulong  off,
DwarfSym s 

Definition at line 178 of file dwarfinfo.c.

180 DwarfSym compunit = { };
181 if(dwarfenumunit(d, unit, &compunit) < 0)
182 return -1;
183 werrstr("dwarfseeksym: unit %x off %x\n", unit, off);
184 s->b.d = d;
185 s->b.p = d-> + unit + off;
186 s->b.ep = compunit.b.ep;
187 if(dwarfnextsymat(d, &compunit, s) == -1)
188 return -1;
189 werrstr("dwarfseeksym: unit %x off %x, tag %x", unit, off, s->attrs.tag);
190 return 0;

Referenced by RosSymAggregate().

◆ getblock()

static int getblock ( DwarfBuf b,
int  form,
DwarfBlock bl 

Definition at line 580 of file dwarfinfo.c.

582 ulong n;
584 switch(form){
585 default:
586 return -1;
587 case FormDwarfBlock:
588 n = dwarfget128(b);
589 goto copyn;
590 case FormDwarfBlock1:
591 n = dwarfget1(b);
592 goto copyn;
593 case FormDwarfBlock2:
594 n = dwarfget2(b);
595 goto copyn;
596 case FormDwarfBlock4:
597 n = dwarfget4(b);
598 copyn:
599 bl->data = dwarfgetnref(b, n);
600 bl->len = n;
601 if(bl->data == nil)
602 return -1;
603 return 0;
604 }
int form
Definition: main.c:89
GLdouble n
Definition: glext.h:7729
uchar * dwarfgetnref(DwarfBuf *, ulong)
Definition: dwarfget.c:40
uchar * data
Definition: dwarf.h:202
ulong len
Definition: dwarf.h:203

◆ getstring()

static int getstring ( Dwarf d,
DwarfBuf b,
int  form,
char **  s 

Definition at line 548 of file dwarfinfo.c.

550 static int nbad;
551 ulong u, x;
553 switch(form){
554 default:
555 return -1;
557 case FormString:
558 x = b->p - d->;
559 *s = dwarfgetstring(b);
560 for (u = 0; (*s)[u]; u++) {
561 assert(isprint((*s)[u]));
562 }
563 return 0;
565 case FormStrp:
566 u = dwarfget4(b);
567 if(u >= b->d->str.len){
568 if(++nbad == 1)
569 werrstr("dwarf: bad string pointer 0x%lux in attribute", u);
570 /* don't return error - maybe can proceed */
571 *s = nil;
572 }else
573 *s = (char*)b->d-> + u;
574 return 0;
576 }
#define isprint(c)
Definition: acclib.h:73
#define assert(x)
Definition: debug.h:53
GLint GLint GLint GLint GLint x
Definition: gl.h:1548
GLsizei GLenum const GLvoid GLsizei GLenum GLbyte GLbyte GLbyte GLdouble GLdouble GLdouble GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLint GLint GLshort GLshort GLshort GLubyte GLubyte GLubyte GLuint GLuint GLuint GLushort GLushort GLushort GLbyte GLbyte GLbyte GLbyte GLdouble GLdouble GLdouble GLdouble GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLint GLint GLint GLshort GLshort GLshort GLshort GLubyte GLubyte GLubyte GLubyte GLuint GLuint GLuint GLuint GLushort GLushort GLushort GLushort GLboolean const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLbyte const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLfloat const GLint const GLint const GLshort const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort GLenum GLenum GLenum GLfloat GLenum GLint GLenum GLenum GLenum GLfloat GLenum GLenum GLint GLenum GLfloat GLenum GLint GLint GLushort GLenum GLenum GLfloat GLenum GLenum GLint GLfloat const GLubyte GLenum GLenum GLenum const GLfloat GLenum GLenum const GLint GLenum GLint GLint GLsizei GLsizei GLint GLenum GLenum const GLvoid GLenum GLenum const GLfloat GLenum GLenum const GLint GLenum GLenum const GLdouble GLenum GLenum const GLfloat GLenum GLenum const GLint GLsizei GLuint GLfloat GLuint GLbitfield GLfloat GLint GLuint GLboolean GLenum GLfloat GLenum GLbitfield GLenum GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLint const GLfloat GLenum GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLint GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLint const GLfloat GLint GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLfloat GLfloat const GLdouble * u
Definition: glfuncs.h:240
char * dwarfgetstring(DwarfBuf *)
Definition: dwarfget.c:54

◆ getuchar()

static int getuchar ( DwarfBuf b,
int  form,
uchar u 

Definition at line 535 of file dwarfinfo.c.

537 switch(form){
538 default:
539 return -1;
541 case FormFlag:
542 *u = dwarfget1(b);
543 return 0;
544 }

◆ getulong()

static int getulong ( DwarfBuf b,
int  form,
ulong  unit,
ulong u,
int type 

Definition at line 467 of file dwarfinfo.c.

469 static int nbad;
470 uvlong uv;
472 switch(form){
473 default:
474 return -1;
476 /* addresses */
477 case FormAddr:
478 *type = TAddress;
479 *u = dwarfgetaddr(b);
480 return 0;
482 /* references */
483 case FormRefAddr:
484 /* absolute ref in .debug_info */
485 *type = TReference;
486 *u = dwarfgetaddr(b);
487 return 0;
488 case FormRef1:
489 *u = dwarfget1(b);
490 goto relativeref;
491 case FormRef2:
492 *u = dwarfget2(b);
493 goto relativeref;
494 case FormRef4:
495 *u = dwarfget4(b);
496 goto relativeref;
497 case FormRef8:
498 *u = dwarfget8(b);
499 goto relativeref;
500 case FormRefUdata:
501 *u = dwarfget128(b);
502 relativeref:
503 *u += unit;
504 *type = TReference;
505 return 0;
507 /* constants */
508 case FormData1:
509 *u = dwarfget1(b);
510 goto constant;
511 case FormData2:
512 *u = dwarfget2(b);
513 goto constant;
514 case FormData4:
515 *u = dwarfget4(b);
516 goto constant;
517 case FormData8:
518 uv = dwarfget8(b);
519 *u = uv;
520 if(uv != *u && ++nbad == 1)
521 werrstr("dwarf: truncating 64-bit attribute constants");
522 goto constant;
523 case FormSdata:
524 *u = dwarfget128s(b);
525 goto constant;
526 case FormUdata:
527 *u = dwarfget128(b);
528 constant:
529 *type = TConstant;
530 return 0;
531 }
unsigned long long uvlong
Definition: compat.h:9
ulong dwarfgetaddr(DwarfBuf *)
Definition: dwarfget.c:123
@ TAddress
Definition: dwarf.h:135
uvlong dwarfget8(DwarfBuf *)
Definition: dwarfget.c:109

◆ parseattrs()

static int parseattrs ( Dwarf d,
DwarfBuf b,
ulong  tag,
ulong  unit,
DwarfAbbrev a,
DwarfAttrs attrs 

Definition at line 405 of file dwarfinfo.c.

407 int i, f, n, got;
408 static int nbad;
409 void *v;
411 /* initialize ptab first time through for quick access */
413 for(i=0; plist[i].name; i++)
414 ptab[plist[i].name] = plist[i];
416 memset(attrs, 0, sizeof *attrs);
417 attrs->tag = a->tag;
418 attrs->haskids = a->haskids;
420 for(i=0; i<a->nattr; i++){
421 n = a->attr[i].name;
422 f = a->attr[i].form;
423 werrstr("struct: (@%x) n %x f %x (%d %d)\n", b->p - d->, n, f, ptab[n].haveoff, ptab[n].off);
424 if(n < 0 || n >= DwarfAttrMax || ptab[n].name==0) {
425 if (skipform(d, b, f) < 0) {
426 if(++nbad == 1)
427 werrstr("dwarf parse attrs: cannot skip form %d", f);
428 return -1;
429 }
430 continue;
431 }
432 v = (char*)attrs + ptab[n].off;
433 got = 0;
434 if(f == FormIndirect)
435 f = dwarfget128(b);
437 && getulong(b, f, unit, v, &got) >= 0)
438 ;
439 else if((ptab[n].type&TFlag) && getuchar(b, f, v) >= 0)
440 got = TFlag;
441 else if((ptab[n].type&TString) && getstring(d, b, f, v) >= 0)
442 got = TString;
443 else if((ptab[n].type&TBlock) && getblock(b, f, v) >= 0) {
444 got = TBlock;
445 } else {
446 werrstr("Skipping form %x\n", f);
447 if(skipform(d, b, f) < 0){
448 //if(++nbad == 1)
449 werrstr("dwarf parse attrs: cannot skip form %d", f);
450 return -1;
451 }
452 }
453#if 0
454 if(got == TBlock && (ptab[n].type&TConstant))
455 got = constblock(b->d, v, v);
457 *((uchar*)attrs+ptab[n].haveoff) = got;
458 }
460 if (attrs->
461 werrstr("%s: tag %x kids %d (last %x)\n", attrs->name, attrs->tag, attrs->haskids, b->p - b->d->;
463 return 0;
unsigned char uchar
Definition: Unfrag.h:59
const GLdouble * v
Definition: gl.h:2040
GLfloat f
Definition: glext.h:7540
#define f
Definition: ke_i.h:83
static int getstring(DwarfBuf *, int, char **)
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:539
static int getuchar(DwarfBuf *, int, uchar *)
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:526
static int constblock(Dwarf *, DwarfBlock *, ulong *)
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:595
static int getblock(DwarfBuf *, int, DwarfBlock *)
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:567
static int getulong(DwarfBuf *, int, ulong, ulong *, int *)
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:458
static Parse ptab[DwarfAttrMax]
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:404
static int skipform(DwarfBuf *, int)
Definition: dwarfinfo.c:648
@ TFlag
Definition: dwarf.h:134
uchar haskids
Definition: dwarf.h:226
uchar name
Definition: dwarf.h:270
struct DwarfAttrs::@5007 have

◆ skipform()

static int skipform ( Dwarf d,
DwarfBuf b,
int  form 

Definition at line 609 of file dwarfinfo.c.

611 int type;
614 if(getulong(b, form, 0, &val.c, &type) < 0
615 && getuchar(b, form, (uchar*)&val) < 0
616 && getstring(d, b, form, &val.s) < 0
617 && getblock(b, form, &val.b) < 0)
618 return -1;
619 return 0;

◆ stackfree()

void stackfree ( DwarfStack stack)

Definition at line 651 of file dwarfinfo.c.

653 if (stack->data != stack->storage)
654 free(stack->data);
#define free
Definition: debug_ros.c:5

Referenced by dwarfgetarg().

◆ stackinit()

void stackinit ( DwarfStack stack)

Definition at line 622 of file dwarfinfo.c.

624 memset(stack, 0, sizeof(*stack));
625 stack->data = stack->storage;
626 stack->length = 0; stack->max = sizeof(stack->storage) / sizeof(stack->storage[0]);

Referenced by dwarfgetarg().

◆ stackpop()

ulong stackpop ( DwarfStack stack)

Definition at line 643 of file dwarfinfo.c.

645 ASSERT(stack->length > 0);
646 ulong val = stack->data[--stack->length];
647 werrstr("pop stack[%d] -> %x", stack->length, val);
648 return val;
#define ASSERT(a)
Definition: mode.c:44

Referenced by dwarfgetarg().

◆ stackpush()

void stackpush ( DwarfStack stack,
ulong  value 

Definition at line 629 of file dwarfinfo.c.

631 if (stack->length == stack->max) {
632 ulong *newstack = malloc(sizeof(ulong)*stack->max*2);
633 memcpy(newstack, stack->data, sizeof(ulong)*stack->length);
634 if (stack->data != stack->storage)
635 free(stack->data);
636 stack->data = newstack;
637 stack->max *= 2;
638 }
639 werrstr("stack[%d] = %x", stack->length, value);
640 stack->data[stack->length++] = value;
#define memcpy(s1, s2, n)
Definition: mkisofs.h:878
Definition: pdh_main.c:94

Referenced by dwarfgetarg().

Variable Documentation

◆ plist

Parse plist[]

Definition at line 337 of file dwarfinfo.c.

◆ ptab

Parse ptab[DwarfAttrMax]

Definition at line 402 of file dwarfinfo.c.