ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-522-gb68104a
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "windows.h"
#include "ole2.h"
#include "mshtml.h"
#include "mshtmdid.h"
#include "initguid.h"
#include "perhist.h"
#include "docobj.h"
#include "urlmon.h"
#include "xmlparser.h"
#include "wine/test.h"
Go to the source code of this file.
Macros | |
#define | COBJMACROS |
#define | CONST_VTABLE |
Functions | |
HRESULT (WINAPI *pCreateURLMoniker)(IMoniker * | |
static int | html_src_compare (LPCWSTR strw, const char *stra) |
static HRESULT WINAPI | HTMLEvents_QueryInterface (IDispatch *iface, REFIID riid, void **ppv) |
static ULONG WINAPI | HTMLEvents_AddRef (IDispatch *iface) |
static ULONG WINAPI | HTMLEvents_Release (IDispatch *iface) |
static HRESULT WINAPI | HTMLEvents_GetTypeInfoCount (IDispatch *iface, UINT *pctinfo) |
static HRESULT WINAPI | HTMLEvents_GetTypeInfo (IDispatch *iface, UINT iTInfo, LCID lcid, ITypeInfo **ppTInfo) |
static HRESULT WINAPI | HTMLEvents_GetIDsOfNames (IDispatch *iface, REFIID riid, LPOLESTR *rgszNames, UINT cNames, LCID lcid, DISPID *rgDispId) |
static HRESULT WINAPI | HTMLEvents_Invoke (IDispatch *iface, DISPID dispIdMember, REFIID riid, LCID lcid, WORD wFlags, DISPPARAMS *pDispParams, VARIANT *pVarResult, EXCEPINFO *pExcepInfo, UINT *puArgErr) |
static void | test_QueryInterface (void) |
static void | test_Load (void) |
START_TEST (xmlview) | |
Variables | |
IMoniker **static const char | xmlview_html [] |
IHTMLDocument2 * | html_doc |
BOOL | loaded |
static const IDispatchVtbl | HTMLEventsVtbl |
static IDispatch | HTMLEvents = { &HTMLEventsVtbl } |
Definition at line 56 of file xmlview.c.
Referenced by test_Load().
static |
static |
Definition at line 120 of file xmlview.c.
static |
START_TEST | ( | xmlview | ) |
Definition at line 264 of file xmlview.c.
Definition at line 192 of file xmlview.c.
Referenced by START_TEST(), and test_Persist().
Definition at line 151 of file xmlview.c.
Referenced by START_TEST().
IHTMLDocument2* html_doc |
Definition at line 53 of file xmlview.c.
Referenced by HTMLEvents_Invoke(), test_file_protocol(), test_Load(), and WebBrowser_get_Document().
static |
Definition at line 149 of file xmlview.c.
Referenced by test_Load().
static |
BOOL loaded |
Definition at line 54 of file xmlview.c.
Referenced by balance_data_chunk(), balance_metadata_chunk(), debugsymbols_GetNumberModules(), DECLARE_INTERFACE_(), HTMLEvents_Invoke(), open_file(), process_preprocessor(), test_exec_editmode(), test_Load(), TimelineObj_GetSubObjectLoaded(), WINMM_CheckForMMSystem(), and ZSTD_compressStream_generic().
Definition at line 38 of file xmlview.c.
Referenced by test_Load().