| WebChildWindow (HWND hwnd, const WebChildWndInfo &info) |
void | BeforeNavigate2 (IDispatch *pDisp, const Variant &url, const Variant &flags, const Variant &targetFrameName, const Variant &postData, const Variant &headers, VARIANT_BOOL &cancel) |
void | NavigateComplete2 (IDispatch *pDisp, const Variant &url) |
void | StatusTextChange (const BStr &text) |
void | ProgressChange (long Progress, long ProgressMax) |
void | WindowMove () |
void | WindowResize () |
void | WindowActivate () |
void | PropertyChange (const BStr &Property) |
void | CommandStateChange (long command, bool enable) |
void | DownloadBegin () |
void | NewWindow2 (IDispatch **ppDisp, VARIANT_BOOL &cancel) |
void | TitleChange (const BStr &text) |
void | TitleIconChange (const BStr &text) |
void | FrameBeforeNavigate (const BStr &url, long flags, const BStr &targetFrameName, VARIANT *postData, const BStr &headers, VARIANT_BOOL &cancel) |
void | FrameNavigateComplete (const BStr &url) |
void | FrameNewWindow (const BStr &url, long flags, const BStr &targetFrameName, VARIANT *postData, const BStr &headers, VARIANT_BOOL &processed) |
void | OnQuit () |
void | OnVisible (bool Visible) |
void | OnToolbar (bool Visible) |
void | OnMenubar (bool Visible) |
void | OnStatusbar (bool Visible) |
void | OnFullscreen (bool Visible) |
void | DocumentComplete () |
void | OnTheatermode (bool Visible) |
void | OnAddressbar (bool Visible) |
void | WindowSetResizable (bool Visible) |
void | WindowClosing (VARIANT_BOOL IsChildWindow, VARIANT_BOOL &cancel) |
void | WindowSetLeft (long Left) |
void | WindowSetTop (long Top) |
void | WindowSetWidth (long Width) |
void | WindowSetHeight (long Height) |
void | ClientToHostWindow (long &CX, long &CY) |
void | SetSecureLockIcon (long SecureLockIcon) |
void | FileDownload (Variant &cancel) |
void | NavigateError (IDispatch *pDisp, const Variant &url, const Variant &Frame, const Variant &StatusCode, VARIANT_BOOL &cancel) |
void | PrivacyImpactedStateChange (bool bImpacted) |
| IPCtrlWindow (HWND hwnd) |
| IPCtrlWindow (HWND hwnd, T &info) |
HRESULT | create_control (HWND hwnd, REFIID clsid, REFIID riid) |
| ChildWindow (HWND hwnd, const ChildWndInfo &info) |
bool | go_to (LPCTSTR url) |
| PreTranslateWindow (HWND) |
| ~PreTranslateWindow () |
| Window (HWND hwnd) |
virtual | ~Window () |
LRESULT | SendParent (UINT nmsg, WPARAM wparam=0, LPARAM lparam=0) |
LRESULT | PostParent (UINT nmsg, WPARAM wparam=0, LPARAM lparam=0) |
| Window (INT cx, INT cy, BOOL fAutoHide=FALSE) |
virtual | ~Window () |
virtual LRESULT CALLBACK | WindowProcDx (HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) |
void | DoAction () |
| DWebBrowserEvents2Impl (BrowserNavigator &navigator) |
STDMETHOD() | GetTypeInfoCount (UINT *pctinfo) |
STDMETHOD() | GetTypeInfo (UINT iTInfo, LCID lcid, ITypeInfo **ppTInfo) |
STDMETHOD() | GetIDsOfNames (REFIID riid, LPOLESTR *rgszNames, UINT cNames, LCID lcid, DISPID *rgDispId) |
STDMETHOD() | Invoke (DISPID dispIdMember, REFIID riid, LCID lcid, WORD wFlags, DISPPARAMS __RPC_FAR *pDispParams, VARIANT __RPC_FAR *pVarResult, EXCEPINFO __RPC_FAR *pExcepInfo, UINT __RPC_FAR *puArgErr) |
| IComSrvQI (REFIID uuid_base) |
STDMETHODIMP | QueryInterface (REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppv) |
ULONG | IncRef () |
ULONG | DecRef () |
virtual | ~DWebBrowserEvents2IF () |
virtual void | StatusTextChange (const BStr &text) |
virtual void | ProgressChange (long progress, long progressMax) |
virtual void | WindowMove () |
virtual void | WindowResize () |
virtual void | WindowActivate () |
virtual void | PropertyChange (const BStr &property) |
virtual void | DownloadComplete () |
virtual void | CommandStateChange (long command, bool enable) |
virtual void | DownloadBegin () |
virtual void | NewWindow2 (IDispatch **ppDisp, VARIANT_BOOL &cancel) |
virtual void | TitleChange (const BStr &text) |
virtual void | TitleIconChange (const BStr &text) |
virtual void | FrameBeforeNavigate (const BStr &url, long flags, const BStr &targetFrameName, VARIANT *postData, const BStr &headers, VARIANT_BOOL &cancel) |
virtual void | FrameNavigateComplete (const BStr &url) |
virtual void | FrameNewWindow (const BStr &url, long flags, const BStr &targetFrameName, VARIANT *postData, const BStr &headers, VARIANT_BOOL &processed) |
virtual void | BeforeNavigate2 (IDispatch *pDisp, const Variant &url, const Variant &flags, const Variant &targetFrameName, const Variant &postData, const Variant &headers, VARIANT_BOOL &cancel) |
virtual void | NavigateComplete2 (IDispatch *pDisp, const Variant &url) |
virtual void | OnQuit () |
virtual void | OnVisible (bool Visible) |
virtual void | OnToolbar (bool Visible) |
virtual void | OnMenubar (bool Visible) |
virtual void | OnStatusbar (bool Visible) |
virtual void | OnFullscreen (bool Visible) |
virtual void | DocumentComplete () |
virtual void | OnTheatermode (bool Visible) |
virtual void | OnAddressbar (bool Visible) |
virtual void | WindowSetResizable (bool Visible) |
virtual void | WindowClosing (VARIANT_BOOL IsChildWindow, VARIANT_BOOL &cancel) |
virtual void | WindowSetLeft (long Left) |
virtual void | WindowSetTop (long Top) |
virtual void | WindowSetWidth (long Width) |
virtual void | WindowSetHeight (long Height) |
virtual void | ClientToHostWindow (long &CX, long &CY) |
virtual void | SetSecureLockIcon (long SecureLockIcon) |
virtual void | FileDownload (Variant &cancel) |
virtual void | NavigateError (IDispatch *pDisp, const Variant &url, const Variant &Frame, const Variant &StatusCode, VARIANT_BOOL &cancel) |
virtual void | PrivacyImpactedStateChange (bool bImpacted) |
static WebChildWindow * | create (const FileChildWndInfo &info) |
static ChildWindow * | create (const ChildWndInfo &info, const RECT &rect, CREATORFUNC_INFO creator, LPCTSTR classname, LPCTSTR title=NULL, DWORD style=0) |
static HWND | Create (CREATORFUNC creator, DWORD dwExStyle, LPCTSTR lpClassName, LPCTSTR lpWindowName, DWORD dwStyle, int x, int y, int w, int h, HWND hwndParent=0, HMENU hMenu=0) |
static HWND | Create (CREATORFUNC_INFO creator, const void *info, DWORD dwExStyle, LPCTSTR lpClassName, LPCTSTR lpWindowName, DWORD dwStyle, int x, int y, int w, int h, HWND hwndParent=0, HMENU hMenu=0) |
static Window * | create_mdi_child (const ChildWndInfo &info, const MDICREATESTRUCT &mcs, CREATORFUNC_INFO creator) |
static LRESULT CALLBACK | WindowWndProc (HWND hwnd, UINT nmsg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) |
static INT_PTR CALLBACK | DialogProc (HWND hwnd, UINT nmsg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) |
static Window * | get_window (HWND hwnd) |
| get window controller from window handle
template<typename CLASS > |
static CLASS * | get_window (HWND hwnd) |
static void | register_pretranslate (HWND hwnd) |
static void | unregister_pretranslate (HWND hwnd) |
static BOOL | pretranslate_msg (LPMSG pmsg) |
static void | register_dialog (HWND hwnd) |
static void | unregister_dialog (HWND hwnd) |
static BOOL | dispatch_dialog_msg (LPMSG pmsg) |
static int | MessageLoop () |
static void | CancelModes () |
static BOOL | DoRegisterClass (HINSTANCE hInstance) |
static INT | DoMainLoop () |
static Window * | GetAppbarData (HWND hwnd) |
static LRESULT CALLBACK | WindowProc (HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) |
static DWORD WINAPI | ActionThreadFunc (LPVOID args) |
LRESULT | WndProc (UINT nmsg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) |
virtual String | jump_to_int (LPCTSTR url) |
LRESULT | WndProc (UINT nmsg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) |
LRESULT | WndProc (UINT nmsg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) |
virtual void | resize_children (int cx, int cy) |
virtual String | jump_to_int (LPCTSTR url)=0 |
void | set_url (LPCTSTR url) |
virtual LRESULT | Init (LPCREATESTRUCT pcs) |
virtual LRESULT | WndProc (UINT nmsg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) |
virtual int | Command (int id, int code) |
virtual int | Notify (int id, NMHDR *pnmh) |
void | OnCommand (HWND hwnd, int id, HWND hwndCtl, UINT codeNotify) |
void | OnPaint (HWND hwnd) |
void | OnRButtonDown (HWND hwnd, BOOL fDoubleClick, int x, int y, UINT keyFlags) |
void | OnKey (HWND hwnd, UINT vk, BOOL fDown, int cRepeat, UINT flags) |
void | OnAppBarCallback (HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) |
BOOL | AppBar_Register (HWND hwnd) |
BOOL | AppBar_UnRegister (HWND hwnd) |
BOOL | AppBar_SetAutoHide (HWND hwnd, BOOL fHide) |
BOOL | AppBar_AutoHide (HWND hwnd) |
BOOL | AppBar_NoAutoHide (HWND hwnd) |
BOOL | AppBar_SetSide (HWND hwnd, UINT uSide) |
void | AppBar_SetAlwaysOnTop (HWND hwnd, BOOL fOnTop) |
void | AppBar_Hide (HWND hwnd) |
void | AppBar_UnHide (HWND hwnd) |
void | AppBar_SetAutoHideTimer (HWND hwnd) |
void | AppBar_SetAutoUnhideTimer (HWND hwnd) |
void | AppBar_Size (HWND hwnd) |
void | AppBar_QueryPos (HWND hwnd, LPRECT lprc) |
void | AppBar_QuerySetPos (UINT uEdge, LPRECT lprc, PAPPBARDATA pabd, BOOL fMove) |
void | AppBar_PosChanged (PAPPBARDATA pabd) |
BOOL | OnCreate (HWND hwnd, LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct) |
void | OnActivate (HWND hwnd, UINT state, HWND hwndActDeact, BOOL fMinimized) |
void | OnWindowPosChanged (HWND hwnd, const LPWINDOWPOS lpwpos) |
void | OnSize (HWND hwnd, UINT state, int cx, int cy) |
void | OnMove (HWND hwnd, int x, int y) |
void | OnNCDestroy (HWND hwnd) |
void | OnTimer (HWND hwnd, UINT id) |
UINT | OnNCHitTest (HWND hwnd, int x, int y) |
void | OnLButtonDown (HWND hwnd, BOOL fDoubleClick, int x, int y, UINT keyFlags) |
void | OnMouseMove (HWND hwnd, int x, int y, UINT keyFlags) |
void | OnLButtonUp (HWND hwnd, int x, int y, UINT keyFlags) |
void | GetWorkArea (LPRECT prc) const |
void | NavigateComplete2 (IDispatch *pDisp, const Variant &url) |
| IComSrvBase (REFIID uuid_base) |
| IComSrvQI () |
virtual | ~IComSrvQI () |
| ComSrvObject () |
virtual | ~ComSrvObject () |
encapsulation of Web control in MDI child windows
Definition at line 834 of file webchild.h.