ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-106-g10b08aa
resource.h File Reference
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#define IDC_STATIC   -1
#define IDA_SERVMAN   20
#define IDS_APPAUTHORS   200
#define IDS_APPNAME   201
#define IDC_SERVLIST   1000
#define IDC_STATUSBAR   1001
#define IDC_EDIT_BUTTON   1002
#define ID_PROP   2000
#define ID_REFRESH   2001
#define ID_EXPORT   2002
#define ID_START   2003
#define ID_STOP   2004
#define ID_PAUSE   2005
#define ID_RESUME   2006
#define ID_RESTART   2007
#define ID_EDIT   2008
#define ID_CREATE   2009
#define ID_DELETE   2010
#define ID_HELP   2011
#define ID_EXIT   2012
#define ID_CONNECT   2013
#define IDR_MAINMENU   102
#define IDR_POPUP   103
#define ID_VIEW_CUST   4021
#define ID_VIEW_LARGE   4022
#define ID_VIEW_SMALL   4023
#define ID_VIEW_LIST   4024
#define ID_VIEW_DETAILS   4025
#define ID_ABOUT   4031
#define IDS_FITHCOLUMN   5
#define IDS_TOOLTIP_PROP   6000
#define IDS_TOOLTIP_REFRESH   6001
#define IDS_TOOLTIP_EXPORT   6002
#define IDS_TOOLTIP_CREATE   6003
#define IDS_TOOLTIP_DELETE   6004
#define IDS_TOOLTIP_START   6005
#define IDS_TOOLTIP_STOP   6006
#define IDS_TOOLTIP_PAUSE   6007
#define IDS_TOOLTIP_RESTART   6008
#define IDS_SERVICES_AUTO   5004
#define IDS_SERVICES_MAN   5005
#define IDS_SERVICES_DIS   5006
#define IDS_NUM_SERVICES   5010
#define IDI_SM_ICON   50
#define IDB_BUTTONS   51
#define IDI_NODEPENDS   52
#define IDI_SERVICE   53
#define IDI_DRIVER   54
#define IDB_PROP   10000
#define IDB_REFRESH   10001
#define IDB_EXPORT   10002
#define IDB_CREATE   10003
#define IDB_DELETE   10004
#define IDB_START   10005
#define IDB_STOP   10006
#define IDB_PAUSE   10007
#define IDB_RESTART   10008
#define TBICON_PROP   0
#define TBICON_REFRESH   1
#define TBICON_EXPORT   2
#define TBICON_CREATE   3
#define TBICON_DELETE   4
#define TBICON_START   5
#define TBICON_STOP   6
#define TBICON_PAUSE   7
#define TBICON_RESTART   8
#define IDS_HINT_BLANK   20000
#define IDS_HINT_EXPORT   20001
#define IDS_HINT_EXIT   20002
#define IDS_HINT_CONNECT   20011
#define IDS_HINT_START   20012
#define IDS_HINT_STOP   21013
#define IDS_HINT_PAUSE   21014
#define IDS_HINT_RESUME   20015
#define IDS_HINT_RESTART   20016
#define IDS_HINT_REFRESH   20017
#define IDS_HINT_EDIT   20018
#define IDS_HINT_CREATE   20019
#define IDS_HINT_DELETE   20020
#define IDS_HINT_PROP   20021
#define IDS_HINT_LARGE   20030
#define IDS_HINT_SMALL   20031
#define IDS_HINT_LIST   20032
#define IDS_HINT_DETAILS   20033
#define IDS_HINT_CUST   20034
#define IDS_HINT_HELP   20040
#define IDS_HINT_ABOUT   20041
#define IDS_HINT_SYS_RESTORE   21001
#define IDS_HINT_SYS_MOVE   21002
#define IDS_HINT_SYS_SIZE   21003
#define IDS_HINT_SYS_MINIMIZE   21004
#define IDS_HINT_SYS_MAXIMIZE   21005
#define IDS_HINT_SYS_CLOSE   21006
#define IDD_DLG_GENERAL   10001
#define IDC_SERV_NAME   10002
#define IDC_DISP_NAME   10003
#define IDC_DESCRIPTION   10004
#define IDC_EXEPATH   10005
#define IDC_START_TYPE   10006
#define IDC_SERV_STATUS   10007
#define IDC_START_PARAM   10008
#define IDC_EDIT   10009
#define IDC_START   10101
#define IDC_STOP   10102
#define IDC_PAUSE   10103
#define IDC_RESUME   10104
#define IDD_LOGON   11000
#define IDC_LOGON_SEARCH   11005
#define IDC_LOGON_PW1TEXT   11006
#define IDC_LOGON_PASSWORD1   11007
#define IDC_LOGON_PW2TEXT   11008
#define IDC_LOGON_PASSWORD2   11009
#define IDC_LOGON_HWPROFILE   11010
#define IDC_LOGON_HWENABLE   11011
#define IDC_LOGON_HWDISABLE   11012
#define IDD_RECOVERY   11100
#define IDC_FIRST_FAILURE   11101
#define IDC_SECOND_FAILURE   11102
#define IDC_RESET_TIME   11104
#define IDC_RESTART_TEXT1   11105
#define IDC_RESTART_TIME   11106
#define IDC_RESTART_TEXT2   11107
#define IDC_RUN_GROUPBOX   11108
#define IDC_RUN_TEXT1   11109
#define IDC_PROGRAM   11110
#define IDC_BROWSE_PROGRAM   11111
#define IDC_RUN_TEXT2   11112
#define IDC_PARAMETERS   11113
#define IDC_ADD_FAILCOUNT   11114
#define IDC_RESTART_OPTIONS   11115
#define IDD_DLG_DEPEND   20001
#define IDC_DEPEND_TREE1   20002
#define IDC_DEPEND_TREE2   20003
#define IDC_DEPEND_SERVICE   20004
#define IDS_NO_DEPENDS   20005
#define IDD_DLG_CREATE   8000
#define IDC_CREATE_SERVNAME   8001
#define IDC_CREATE_DISPNAME   8002
#define IDC_CREATE_PATH   8003
#define IDC_CREATE_DESC   8004
#define IDC_CREATE_OPTIONS   8005
#define ID_CREATE_HELP   8006
#define IDD_DLG_HELP_OPTIONS   8020
#define IDC_CREATE_HELP   8021
#define IDS_HELP_OPTIONS   8022
#define IDS_CREATE_SUCCESS   8023
#define IDS_CREATE_REQ   8024
#define IDD_DLG_DELETE   9000
#define IDC_DEL_GROUP   9001
#define IDC_DEL_NAME   9002
#define IDC_DEL_DESC   9003
#define IDS_DELETE_STOP   9010
#define IDS_DELETE_SUCCESS   9011
#define IDD_DLG_PROGRESS   7000
#define IDC_SERVCON_INFO   7002
#define IDC_SERVCON_NAME   7003
#define IDD_DLG_DEPEND_STOP   12000
#define IDC_STOP_DEPENDS   12001
#define IDS_STOP_DEPENDS   12002
#define IDC_STOP_DEPENDS_LB   12003
#define IDS_NO_ACTION   12100
#define IDS_RESTART_SERVICE   12101
#define IDS_RUN_PROGRAM   12102
#define IDS_RESTART_COMPUTER   12103
#define IDS_NOT_SAME_PASSWORD   12150
#define IDS_INVALID_PASSWORD   12151

Macro Definition Documentation


#define ID_ABOUT   4031

Definition at line 37 of file resource.h.


#define ID_CONNECT   2013

Definition at line 28 of file resource.h.


#define ID_CREATE   2009

Definition at line 24 of file resource.h.


#define ID_CREATE_HELP   8006

Definition at line 187 of file resource.h.


#define ID_DELETE   2010

Definition at line 25 of file resource.h.


#define ID_EDIT   2008

Definition at line 23 of file resource.h.


#define ID_EXIT   2012

Definition at line 27 of file resource.h.


#define ID_EXPORT   2002

Definition at line 17 of file resource.h.


#define ID_HELP   2011

Definition at line 26 of file resource.h.


#define ID_PAUSE   2005

Definition at line 20 of file resource.h.


#define ID_PROP   2000

Definition at line 15 of file resource.h.


#define ID_REFRESH   2001

Definition at line 16 of file resource.h.


#define ID_RESTART   2007

Definition at line 22 of file resource.h.


#define ID_RESUME   2006

Definition at line 21 of file resource.h.


#define ID_START   2003

Definition at line 18 of file resource.h.


#define ID_STOP   2004

Definition at line 19 of file resource.h.


#define ID_VIEW_CUST   4021

Definition at line 32 of file resource.h.


#define ID_VIEW_DETAILS   4025

Definition at line 36 of file resource.h.


#define ID_VIEW_LARGE   4022

Definition at line 33 of file resource.h.


#define ID_VIEW_LIST   4024

Definition at line 35 of file resource.h.


#define ID_VIEW_SMALL   4023

Definition at line 34 of file resource.h.


#define IDA_SERVMAN   20

Definition at line 5 of file resource.h.


#define IDB_BUTTONS   51

Definition at line 65 of file resource.h.


#define IDB_CREATE   10003

Definition at line 73 of file resource.h.


#define IDB_DELETE   10004

Definition at line 74 of file resource.h.


#define IDB_EXPORT   10002

Definition at line 72 of file resource.h.


#define IDB_PAUSE   10007

Definition at line 77 of file resource.h.


#define IDB_PROP   10000

Definition at line 70 of file resource.h.


#define IDB_REFRESH   10001

Definition at line 71 of file resource.h.


#define IDB_RESTART   10008

Definition at line 78 of file resource.h.


#define IDB_START   10005

Definition at line 75 of file resource.h.


#define IDB_STOP   10006

Definition at line 76 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_ADD_FAILCOUNT   11114

Definition at line 170 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_BROWSE_PROGRAM   11111

Definition at line 167 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_CREATE_DESC   8004

Definition at line 185 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_CREATE_DISPNAME   8002

Definition at line 183 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_CREATE_HELP   8021

Definition at line 189 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_CREATE_OPTIONS   8005

Definition at line 186 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_CREATE_PATH   8003

Definition at line 184 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_CREATE_SERVNAME   8001

Definition at line 182 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_DEL_DESC   9003

Definition at line 198 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_DEL_GROUP   9001

Definition at line 196 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_DEL_NAME   9002

Definition at line 197 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_DEPEND_SERVICE   20004

Definition at line 177 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_DEPEND_TREE1   20002

Definition at line 175 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_DEPEND_TREE2   20003

Definition at line 176 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_DESCRIPTION   10004

Definition at line 129 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_DISP_NAME   10003

Definition at line 128 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_EDIT   10009

Definition at line 134 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_EDIT_BUTTON   1002

Definition at line 13 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_EXEPATH   10005

Definition at line 130 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_FIRST_FAILURE   11101

Definition at line 157 of file resource.h.



Definition at line 145 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_LOGON_HWDISABLE   11012

Definition at line 153 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_LOGON_HWENABLE   11011

Definition at line 152 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_LOGON_HWPROFILE   11010

Definition at line 151 of file resource.h.



Definition at line 144 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_LOGON_PASSWORD1   11007

Definition at line 148 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_LOGON_PASSWORD2   11009

Definition at line 150 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_LOGON_PW1TEXT   11006

Definition at line 147 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_LOGON_PW2TEXT   11008

Definition at line 149 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_LOGON_SEARCH   11005

Definition at line 146 of file resource.h.



Definition at line 142 of file resource.h.



Definition at line 143 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_PARAMETERS   11113

Definition at line 169 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_PAUSE   10103

Definition at line 137 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_PROGRAM   11110

Definition at line 166 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_RESET_TIME   11104

Definition at line 160 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_RESTART_OPTIONS   11115

Definition at line 171 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_RESTART_TEXT1   11105

Definition at line 161 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_RESTART_TEXT2   11107

Definition at line 163 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_RESTART_TIME   11106

Definition at line 162 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_RESUME   10104

Definition at line 138 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_RUN_GROUPBOX   11108

Definition at line 164 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_RUN_TEXT1   11109

Definition at line 165 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_RUN_TEXT2   11112

Definition at line 168 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_SECOND_FAILURE   11102

Definition at line 158 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_SERV_NAME   10002

Definition at line 127 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_SERV_STATUS   10007

Definition at line 132 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_SERVCON_INFO   7002

Definition at line 205 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_SERVCON_NAME   7003

Definition at line 206 of file resource.h.



Definition at line 204 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_SERVLIST   1000

Definition at line 11 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_START   10101

Definition at line 135 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_START_PARAM   10008

Definition at line 133 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_START_TYPE   10006

Definition at line 131 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_STATIC   -1

Definition at line 3 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_STATUSBAR   1001

Definition at line 12 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_STOP   10102

Definition at line 136 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_STOP_DEPENDS   12001

Definition at line 214 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_STOP_DEPENDS_LB   12003

Definition at line 216 of file resource.h.



Definition at line 159 of file resource.h.


#define IDD_DLG_CREATE   8000

Definition at line 181 of file resource.h.


#define IDD_DLG_DELETE   9000

Definition at line 195 of file resource.h.


#define IDD_DLG_DEPEND   20001

Definition at line 174 of file resource.h.


#define IDD_DLG_DEPEND_STOP   12000

Definition at line 213 of file resource.h.


#define IDD_DLG_GENERAL   10001

Definition at line 126 of file resource.h.


#define IDD_DLG_HELP_OPTIONS   8020

Definition at line 188 of file resource.h.


#define IDD_DLG_PROGRESS   7000

Definition at line 203 of file resource.h.


#define IDD_LOGON   11000

Definition at line 141 of file resource.h.


#define IDD_RECOVERY   11100

Definition at line 156 of file resource.h.


#define IDI_DRIVER   54

Definition at line 68 of file resource.h.


#define IDI_NODEPENDS   52

Definition at line 66 of file resource.h.


#define IDI_SERVICE   53

Definition at line 67 of file resource.h.


#define IDI_SM_ICON   50

Definition at line 64 of file resource.h.


#define IDR_MAINMENU   102

Definition at line 30 of file resource.h.


#define IDR_POPUP   103

Definition at line 31 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_APPAUTHORS   200

Definition at line 8 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_APPNAME   201

Definition at line 9 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_CREATE_REQ   8024

Definition at line 192 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_CREATE_SUCCESS   8023

Definition at line 191 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_DELETE_STOP   9010

Definition at line 199 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_DELETE_SUCCESS   9011

Definition at line 200 of file resource.h.



Definition at line 40 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_FITHCOLUMN   5

Definition at line 44 of file resource.h.



Definition at line 43 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_HELP_OPTIONS   8022

Definition at line 190 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_HINT_ABOUT   20041

Definition at line 115 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_HINT_BLANK   20000

Definition at line 92 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_HINT_CONNECT   20011

Definition at line 96 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_HINT_CREATE   20019

Definition at line 104 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_HINT_CUST   20034

Definition at line 112 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_HINT_DELETE   20020

Definition at line 105 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_HINT_DETAILS   20033

Definition at line 111 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_HINT_EDIT   20018

Definition at line 103 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_HINT_EXIT   20002

Definition at line 94 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_HINT_EXPORT   20001

Definition at line 93 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_HINT_HELP   20040

Definition at line 114 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_HINT_LARGE   20030

Definition at line 108 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_HINT_LIST   20032

Definition at line 110 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_HINT_PAUSE   21014

Definition at line 99 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_HINT_PROP   20021

Definition at line 106 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_HINT_REFRESH   20017

Definition at line 102 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_HINT_RESTART   20016

Definition at line 101 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_HINT_RESUME   20015

Definition at line 100 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_HINT_SMALL   20031

Definition at line 109 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_HINT_START   20012

Definition at line 97 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_HINT_STOP   21013

Definition at line 98 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_HINT_SYS_CLOSE   21006

Definition at line 123 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_HINT_SYS_MAXIMIZE   21005

Definition at line 122 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_HINT_SYS_MINIMIZE   21004

Definition at line 121 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_HINT_SYS_MOVE   21002

Definition at line 119 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_HINT_SYS_RESTORE   21001

Definition at line 118 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_HINT_SYS_SIZE   21003

Definition at line 120 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_INVALID_PASSWORD   12151

Definition at line 224 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_NO_ACTION   12100

Definition at line 218 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_NO_DEPENDS   20005

Definition at line 178 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_NOT_SAME_PASSWORD   12150

Definition at line 223 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_NUM_SERVICES   5010

Definition at line 62 of file resource.h.



Definition at line 209 of file resource.h.



Definition at line 210 of file resource.h.



Definition at line 207 of file resource.h.



Definition at line 208 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_RESTART_COMPUTER   12103

Definition at line 221 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_RESTART_SERVICE   12101

Definition at line 219 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_RUN_PROGRAM   12102

Definition at line 220 of file resource.h.



Definition at line 41 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_SERVICES_AUTO   5004

Definition at line 59 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_SERVICES_DIS   5006

Definition at line 61 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_SERVICES_MAN   5005

Definition at line 60 of file resource.h.



Definition at line 57 of file resource.h.



Definition at line 58 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_STOP_DEPENDS   12002

Definition at line 215 of file resource.h.



Definition at line 42 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_TOOLTIP_CREATE   6003

Definition at line 50 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_TOOLTIP_DELETE   6004

Definition at line 51 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_TOOLTIP_EXPORT   6002

Definition at line 49 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_TOOLTIP_PAUSE   6007

Definition at line 54 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_TOOLTIP_PROP   6000

Definition at line 47 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_TOOLTIP_REFRESH   6001

Definition at line 48 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_TOOLTIP_RESTART   6008

Definition at line 55 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_TOOLTIP_START   6005

Definition at line 52 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_TOOLTIP_STOP   6006

Definition at line 53 of file resource.h.


#define TBICON_CREATE   3

Definition at line 84 of file resource.h.


#define TBICON_DELETE   4

Definition at line 85 of file resource.h.


#define TBICON_EXPORT   2

Definition at line 83 of file resource.h.


#define TBICON_PAUSE   7

Definition at line 88 of file resource.h.


#define TBICON_PROP   0

Definition at line 81 of file resource.h.


#define TBICON_REFRESH   1

Definition at line 82 of file resource.h.


#define TBICON_RESTART   8

Definition at line 89 of file resource.h.


#define TBICON_START   5

Definition at line 86 of file resource.h.


#define TBICON_STOP   6

Definition at line 87 of file resource.h.