ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-716-g2b2bdab
tchar.h File Reference
#include <corecrt.h>
#include <string.h>
Include dependency graph for tchar.h:

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#define _INC_TCHAR
#define _ftcscat   _tcscat
#define _ftcschr   _tcschr
#define _ftcscpy   _tcscpy
#define _ftcscspn   _tcscspn
#define _ftcslen   _tcslen
#define _ftcsncat   _tcsncat
#define _ftcsncpy   _tcsncpy
#define _ftcspbrk   _tcspbrk
#define _ftcsrchr   _tcsrchr
#define _ftcsspn   _tcsspn
#define _ftcsstr   _tcsstr
#define _ftcstok   _tcstok
#define _ftcsdup   _tcsdup
#define _ftcsnset   _tcsnset
#define _ftcsrev   _tcsrev
#define _ftcsset   _tcsset
#define _ftcscmp   _tcscmp
#define _ftcsicmp   _tcsicmp
#define _ftcsnccmp   _tcsnccmp
#define _ftcsncmp   _tcsncmp
#define _ftcsncicmp   _tcsncicmp
#define _ftcsnicmp   _tcsnicmp
#define _ftcscoll   _tcscoll
#define _ftcsicoll   _tcsicoll
#define _ftcsnccoll   _tcsnccoll
#define _ftcsncoll   _tcsncoll
#define _ftcsncicoll   _tcsncicoll
#define _ftcsnicoll   _tcsnicoll
#define _ftcsclen   _tcsclen
#define _ftcsnccat   _tcsnccat
#define _ftcsnccpy   _tcsnccpy
#define _ftcsncset   _tcsncset
#define _ftcsdec   _tcsdec
#define _ftcsinc   _tcsinc
#define _ftcsnbcnt   _tcsnbcnt
#define _ftcsnccnt   _tcsnccnt
#define _ftcsnextc   _tcsnextc
#define _ftcsninc   _tcsninc
#define _ftcsspnp   _tcsspnp
#define _ftcslwr   _tcslwr
#define _ftcsupr   _tcsupr
#define _ftclen   _tclen
#define _ftccpy   _tccpy
#define _ftccmp   _tccmp
#define _TEOF   EOF
#define __T(x)   x
#define _tmain   main
#define _tWinMain   WinMain
#define _tenviron   _environ
#define __targv   __argv
#define _tprintf   printf
#define _tprintf_l   _printf_l
#define _tprintf_s   printf_s
#define _tprintf_s_l   _printf_s_l
#define _tprintf_p   _printf_p
#define _tprintf_p_l   _printf_p_l
#define _tcprintf   _cprintf
#define _tcprintf_l   _cprintf_l
#define _tcprintf_s   _cprintf_s
#define _tcprintf_s_l   _cprintf_s_l
#define _tcprintf_p   _cprintf_p
#define _tcprintf_p_l   _cprintf_p_l
#define _vtcprintf   _vcprintf
#define _vtcprintf_l   _vcprintf_l
#define _vtcprintf_s   _vcprintf_s
#define _vtcprintf_s_l   _vcprintf_s_l
#define _vtcprintf_p   _vcprintf_p
#define _vtcprintf_p_l   _vcprintf_p_l
#define _ftprintf   fprintf
#define _ftprintf_l   _fprintf_l
#define _ftprintf_s   fprintf_s
#define _ftprintf_s_l   _fprintf_s_l
#define _ftprintf_p   _fprintf_p
#define _ftprintf_p_l   _fprintf_p_l
#define _stprintf   sprintf
#define _stprintf_l   _sprintf_l
#define _stprintf_s   sprintf_s
#define _stprintf_s_l   _sprintf_s_l
#define _stprintf_p   _sprintf_p
#define _stprintf_p_l   _sprintf_p_l
#define _sctprintf   _scprintf
#define _sctprintf_l   _scprintf_l
#define _sctprintf_p   _scprintf_p
#define _sctprintf_p_l   _scprintf_p_l
#define _sntprintf   _snprintf
#define _sntprintf_l   _snprintf_l
#define _sntprintf_s   _snprintf_s
#define _sntprintf_s_l   _snprintf_s_l
#define _vtprintf   vprintf
#define _vtprintf_l   _vprintf_l
#define _vtprintf_s   vprintf_s
#define _vtprintf_s_l   _vprintf_s_l
#define _vtprintf_p   _vprintf_p
#define _vtprintf_p_l   _vprintf_p_l
#define _vftprintf   vfprintf
#define _vftprintf_l   _vfprintf_l
#define _vftprintf_s   vfprintf_s
#define _vftprintf_s_l   _vfprintf_s_l
#define _vftprintf_p   _vfprintf_p
#define _vftprintf_p_l   _vfprintf_p_l
#define _vstprintf   vsprintf
#define _vstprintf_l   _vsprintf_l
#define _vstprintf_s   vsprintf_s
#define _vstprintf_s_l   _vsprintf_s_l
#define _vstprintf_p   _vsprintf_p
#define _vstprintf_p_l   _vsprintf_p_l
#define _vsctprintf   _vscprintf
#define _vsctprintf_l   _vscprintf_l
#define _vsctprintf_p   _vscprintf_p
#define _vsctprintf_p_l   _vscprintf_p_l
#define _vsntprintf   _vsnprintf
#define _vsntprintf_l   _vsnprintf_l
#define _vsntprintf_s   _vsnprintf_s
#define _vsntprintf_s_l   _vsnprintf_s_l
#define _tscanf   scanf
#define _tscanf_l   _scanf_l
#define _tscanf_s   scanf_s
#define _tscanf_s_l   _scanf_s_l
#define _tcscanf   _cscanf
#define _tcscanf_l   _cscanf_l
#define _tcscanf_s   _cscanf_s
#define _tcscanf_s_l   _cscanf_s_l
#define _ftscanf   fscanf
#define _ftscanf_l   _fscanf_l
#define _ftscanf_s   fscanf_s
#define _ftscanf_s_l   _fscanf_s_l
#define _stscanf   sscanf
#define _stscanf_l   _sscanf_l
#define _stscanf_s   sscanf_s
#define _stscanf_s_l   _sscanf_s_l
#define _sntscanf   _snscanf
#define _sntscanf_l   _snscanf_l
#define _sntscanf_s   _snscanf_s
#define _sntscanf_s_l   _snscanf_s_l
#define _vtscanf   vscanf
#define _vtscanf_s   vscanf_s
#define _vftscanf   vfscanf
#define _vftscanf_s   vfscanf_s
#define _vstscanf   vsscanf
#define _vstscanf_s   vsscanf_s
#define _fgettc   fgetc
#define _fgettc_nolock   _fgetc_nolock
#define _fgettchar   _fgetchar
#define _fgetts   fgets
#define _fputtc   fputc
#define _fputtc_nolock   _fputc_nolock
#define _fputtchar   _fputchar
#define _fputts   fputs
#define _cputts   _cputs
#define _gettc   getc
#define _gettc_nolock   _getc_nolock
#define _gettch   _getch
#define _gettch_nolock   _getch_nolock
#define _gettche   _getche
#define _gettche_nolock   _getche_nolock
#define _gettchar   getchar
#define _gettchar_nolock   _getchar_nolock
#define _getts_s   gets_s
#define _cgetts_s   _cgets_s
#define _puttc   putc
#define _puttc_nolock   _fputc_nolock
#define _puttchar   putchar
#define _puttchar_nolock   _putchar_nolock
#define _puttch   _putch
#define _puttch_nolock   _putch_nolock
#define _putts   puts
#define _ungettc   ungetc
#define _ungettc_nolock   _ungetc_nolock
#define _ungettch   _ungetch
#define _ungettch_nolock   _ungetch_nolock
#define _tcstod   strtod
#define _tcstof   strtof
#define _tcstol   strtol
#define _tcstold   strtold
#define _tcstoll   strtoll
#define _tcstoul   strtoul
#define _tcstoull   strtoull
#define _tcstoimax   strtoimax
#define _tcstoumax   strtoumax
#define _ttof   atof
#define _tstof   atof
#define _tstol   atol
#define _tstoll   atoll
#define _tstoi   atoi
#define _tstoi64   _atoi64
#define _tcstod_l   _strtod_l
#define _tcstof_l   _strtof_l
#define _tcstol_l   _strtol_l
#define _tcstold_l   _strtold_l
#define _tcstoll_l   _strtoll_l
#define _tcstoul_l   _strtoul_l
#define _tcstoull_l   _strtoull_l
#define _tcstoimax_l   _strtoimax_l
#define _tcstoumax_l   _strtoumax_l
#define _tstof_l   _atof_l
#define _tstol_l   _atol_l
#define _tstoll_l   _atoll_l
#define _tstoi_l   _atoi_l
#define _tstoi64_l   _atoi64_l
#define _itot_s   _itoa_s
#define _ltot_s   _ltoa_s
#define _ultot_s   _ultoa_s
#define _itot   _itoa
#define _ltot   _ltoa
#define _ultot   _ultoa
#define _ttoi   atoi
#define _ttol   atol
#define _ttoll   atoll
#define _ttoi64   _atoi64
#define _tcstoi64   _strtoi64
#define _tcstoi64_l   _strtoi64_l
#define _tcstoui64   _strtoui64
#define _tcstoui64_l   _strtoui64_l
#define _i64tot_s   _i64toa_s
#define _ui64tot_s   _ui64toa_s
#define _i64tot   _i64toa
#define _ui64tot   _ui64toa
#define _tcscat   strcat
#define _tcscat_s   strcat_s
#define _tcscpy   strcpy
#define _tcscpy_s   strcpy_s
#define _tcsdup   _strdup
#define _tcslen   strlen
#define _tcsnlen   strnlen
#define _tcsxfrm   strxfrm
#define _tcsxfrm_l   _strxfrm_l
#define _tcserror   strerror
#define _tcserror_s   strerror_s
#define __tcserror   _strerror
#define __tcserror_s   _strerror_s
#define _texecl   _execl
#define _texecle   _execle
#define _texeclp   _execlp
#define _texeclpe   _execlpe
#define _texecv   _execv
#define _texecve   _execve
#define _texecvp   _execvp
#define _texecvpe   _execvpe
#define _tspawnl   _spawnl
#define _tspawnle   _spawnle
#define _tspawnlp   _spawnlp
#define _tspawnlpe   _spawnlpe
#define _tspawnv   _spawnv
#define _tspawnve   _spawnve
#define _tspawnvp   _spawnvp
#define _tspawnvpe   _spawnvpe
#define _tsystem   system
#define _tasctime   asctime
#define _tctime   ctime
#define _tctime32   _ctime32
#define _tctime64   _ctime64
#define _tstrdate   _strdate
#define _tstrtime   _strtime
#define _tutime   _utime
#define _tutime32   _utime32
#define _tutime64   _utime64
#define _tcsftime   strftime
#define _tcsftime_l   _strftime_l
#define _tasctime_s   asctime_s
#define _tctime_s   ctime_s
#define _tctime32_s   _ctime32_s
#define _tctime64_s   _ctime64_s
#define _tstrdate_s   _strdate_s
#define _tstrtime_s   _strtime_s
#define _tchdir   _chdir
#define _tgetcwd   _getcwd
#define _tgetdcwd   _getdcwd
#define _tgetdcwd_nolock   _getdcwd_nolock
#define _tmkdir   _mkdir
#define _trmdir   _rmdir
#define _tfullpath   _fullpath
#define _tgetenv   getenv
#define _tgetenv_s   getenv_s
#define _tdupenv_s   _dupenv_s
#define _tmakepath   _makepath
#define _tmakepath_s   _makepath_s
#define _tpgmptr   _pgmptr
#define _get_tpgmptr   _get_pgmptr
#define _tputenv   _putenv
#define _tputenv_s   _putenv_s
#define _tsearchenv   _searchenv
#define _tsearchenv_s   _searchenv_s
#define _tsplitpath   _splitpath
#define _tsplitpath_s   _splitpath_s
#define _tfdopen   _fdopen
#define _tfsopen   _fsopen
#define _tfopen   fopen
#define _tfopen_s   fopen_s
#define _tfreopen   freopen
#define _tfreopen_s   freopen_s
#define _tperror   perror
#define _tpopen   _popen
#define _ttempnam   _tempnam
#define _ttmpnam   tmpnam
#define _ttmpnam_s   tmpnam_s
#define _tchmod   _chmod
#define _tcreat   _creat
#define _tfindfirst   _findfirst
#define _tfindfirst32   _findfirst32
#define _tfindfirst64   _findfirst64
#define _tfindfirsti64   _findfirsti64
#define _tfindfirst32i64   _findfirst32i64
#define _tfindfirst64i32   _findfirst64i32
#define _tfindnext   _findnext
#define _tfindnext32   _findnext32
#define _tfindnext64   _findnext64
#define _tfindnexti64   _findnexti64
#define _tfindnext32i64   _findnext32i64
#define _tfindnext64i32   _findnext64i32
#define _tmktemp   _mktemp
#define _tmktemp_s   _mktemp_s
#define _topen   _open
#define _taccess   _access
#define _taccess_s   _access_s
#define _tremove   remove
#define _trename   rename
#define _tsopen   _sopen
#define _tsopen_s   _sopen_s
#define _tunlink   _unlink
#define _tfinddata_t   _finddata_t
#define _tfinddata32_t   _finddata32_t
#define _tfinddata64_t   __finddata64_t
#define _tfinddatai64_t   _finddatai64_t
#define _tfinddata32i64_t   _finddata32i64_t
#define _tfinddata64i32_t   _finddata64i32_t
#define _istascii   __isascii
#define _istcntrl   iscntrl
#define _istcntrl_l   _iscntrl_l
#define _istxdigit   isxdigit
#define _istxdigit_l   _isxdigit_l
#define _tstat   _stat
#define _tstat32   _stat32
#define _tstat32i64   _stat32i64
#define _tstat64   _stat64
#define _tstat64i32   _stat64i32
#define _tstati64   _stati64
#define _tsetlocale   setlocale
#define _tcschr   strchr
#define _tcscspn   strcspn
#define _tcsncat   strncat
#define _tcsncat_s   strncat_s
#define _tcsncat_l   _strncat_l
#define _tcsncat_s_l   _strncat_s_l
#define _tcsncpy   strncpy
#define _tcsncpy_s   strncpy_s
#define _tcsncpy_l   _strncpy_l
#define _tcsncpy_s_l   _strncpy_s_l
#define _tcspbrk   strpbrk
#define _tcsrchr   strrchr
#define _tcsspn   strspn
#define _tcsstr   strstr
#define _tcstok   strtok
#define _tcstok_s   strtok_s
#define _tcstok_l   _strtok_l
#define _tcstok_s_l   _strtok_s_l
#define _tcsnset   _strnset
#define _tcsnset_s   _strnset_s
#define _tcsnset_l   _strnset_l
#define _tcsnset_s_l   _strnset_s_l
#define _tcsrev   _strrev
#define _tcsset   _strset
#define _tcsset_s   _strset_s
#define _tcsset_l   _strset_l
#define _tcsset_s_l   _strset_s_l
#define _tcscmp   strcmp
#define _tcsicmp   _stricmp
#define _tcsicmp_l   _stricmp_l
#define _tcsnccmp   strncmp
#define _tcsncmp   strncmp
#define _tcsncicmp   _strnicmp
#define _tcsncicmp_l   _strnicmp_l
#define _tcsnicmp   _strnicmp
#define _tcsnicmp_l   _strnicmp_l
#define _tcscoll   strcoll
#define _tcscoll_l   _strcoll_l
#define _tcsicoll   _stricoll
#define _tcsicoll_l   _stricoll_l
#define _tcsnccoll   _strncoll
#define _tcsnccoll_l   _strncoll_l
#define _tcsncoll   _strncoll
#define _tcsncoll_l   _strncoll_l
#define _tcsncicoll   _strnicoll
#define _tcsncicoll_l   _strnicoll_l
#define _tcsnicoll   _strnicoll
#define _tcsnicoll_l   _strnicoll_l
#define _tcsclen   strlen
#define _tcscnlen   strnlen
#define _tcsclen_l(_String, _Locale)   strlen(_String)
#define _tcscnlen_l(_String, _Max_count, _Locale)   strnlen((_String), (_Max_count))
#define _tcsnccat   strncat
#define _tcsnccat_s   strncat_s
#define _tcsnccat_l   _strncat_l
#define _tcsnccat_s_l   _strncat_s_l
#define _tcsnccpy   strncpy
#define _tcsnccpy_s   strncpy_s
#define _tcsnccpy_l   _strncpy_l
#define _tcsnccpy_s_l   _strncpy_s_l
#define _tcsncset   _strnset
#define _tcsncset_s   _strnset_s
#define _tcsncset_l   _strnset_l
#define _tcsncset_s_l   _strnset_s_l
#define _tcsdec   _strdec
#define _tcsinc   _strinc
#define _tcsnbcnt   _strncnt
#define _tcsnccnt   _strncnt
#define _tcsnextc   _strnextc
#define _tcsninc   _strninc
#define _tcsspnp   _strspnp
#define _tcslwr   _strlwr
#define _tcslwr_l   _strlwr_l
#define _tcslwr_s   _strlwr_s
#define _tcslwr_s_l   _strlwr_s_l
#define _tcsupr   _strupr
#define _tcsupr_l   _strupr_l
#define _tcsupr_s   _strupr_s
#define _tcsupr_s_l   _strupr_s_l
#define _tcsxfrm   strxfrm
#define _tcsxfrm_l   _strxfrm_l
#define _istlead(_Char)   (0)
#define _istleadbyte(_Char)   (0)
#define _istleadbyte_l(_Char, _Locale)   (0)
#define _istalnum   isalnum
#define _istalnum_l   _isalnum_l
#define _istalpha   isalpha
#define _istalpha_l   _isalpha_l
#define _istdigit   isdigit
#define _istdigit_l   _isdigit_l
#define _istgraph   isgraph
#define _istgraph_l   _isgraph_l
#define _istlower   islower
#define _istlower_l   _islower_l
#define _istprint   isprint
#define _istprint_l   _isprint_l
#define _istpunct   ispunct
#define _istpunct_l   _ispunct_l
#define _istblank   isblank
#define _istblank_l   _isblank_l
#define _istspace   isspace
#define _istspace_l   _isspace_l
#define _istupper   isupper
#define _istupper_l   _isupper_l
#define _totupper   toupper
#define _totupper_l   _toupper_l
#define _totlower   tolower
#define _totlower_l   _tolower_l
#define _istlegal(_c)   (1)
#define _T(x)   __T(x)
#define _TEXT(x)   __T(x)


typedef char _TCHAR
typedef signed char _TSCHAR
typedef unsigned char _TUCHAR
typedef char _TXCHAR
typedef int _TINT


_Check_return_ __inline size_t __CRTDECL _tclen (_In_z_ const char *_cpc)
__inline void __CRTDECL _tccpy (_Out_ char *_pc1, _In_z_ const char *_cpc2)
__inline void __CRTDECL _tccpy_l (_Out_ char *_Pc1, _In_z_ const char *_Cpc2, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
_Check_return_ __inline int __CRTDECL _tccmp (_In_z_ const char *_cpc1, _In_z_ const char *_cpc2)
_Check_return_ __inline char *__CRTDECL _strdec (_In_reads_z_(_Cpc2 - _Cpc1) const char *_Cpc1, _In_z_ const char *_Cpc2)
_Check_return_ __inline char *__CRTDECL _strinc (_In_z_ const char *_Pc)
_Check_return_ __inline unsigned int __CRTDECL _strnextc (_In_z_ const char *_Cpc)
_Check_return_ __inline char *__CRTDECL _strninc (_In_reads_or_z_(_Sz) const char *_Pc, _In_ size_t _Sz)
_Check_return_ __inline size_t __CRTDECL _strncnt (_In_reads_or_z_(_Cnt) const char *_String, _In_ size_t _Cnt)
_Check_return_ __inline char *__CRTDECL _strspnp (_In_z_ const char *_Cpc1, _In_z_ const char *_Cpc2)
 __DECLARE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_3_EX (char *, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _strncpy_l, _strncpy_s_l, _Out_writes_z_(_Size) char, _Out_writes_(_Count) char, _Dst, _In_z_ const char *, _Source, _In_ size_t, _Count, _In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale)
 __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_3_EX (char *, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _strncpy_l, _strncpy_s_l, _Out_writes_z_(_Size) char, _Out_writes_(_Count), char, _Dst, _In_z_ const char *, _Source, _In_ size_t, _Count, _In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale)
_Check_return_ _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE (_strtok_s_l) __inline char *_strtok_l(_Inout_opt_z_ char *_String
return strtok (_String, _Delimiters)
__inline errno_t __CRTDECL _strnset_s_l (_Inout_updates_z_(_Destination_size_chars) char *_Destination, _In_ size_t _Destination_size_chars, _In_ int _Value, _In_ size_t _Count, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
 __DECLARE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_3_EX (char *, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _strnset_l, _strnset_s_l, _Inout_updates_z_(_Size) char, _Inout_updates_z_(_MaxCount) char, _Dst, _In_ int, _Value, _In_ size_t, _MaxCount, _In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale)
 __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_3_EX (char *, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _strnset_l, _strnset_s_l, _Inout_updates_z_(_Size) char, _Inout_updates_z_(_MaxCount), char, _Dst, _In_ int, _Value, _In_ size_t, _Count, _In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale) __inline errno_t __CRTDECL _strset_s_l(_Inout_updates_z_(_Destination_size_chars) char *_Destination
return _strset_s (_Destination, _Destination_size_chars, _Value)
return _strset (_Dst, _Value)


_Check_return_ _In_z_ const char_Delimiters
_Check_return_ _In_z_ const char _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale
_In_ size_t _Destination_size_chars
_In_ size_t _In_ int _Value

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ __T

#define __T (   x)    x

Definition at line 850 of file tchar.h.

◆ __targv

#define __targv   __argv

Definition at line 858 of file tchar.h.



Definition at line 2012 of file tchar.h.

◆ __tcserror

#define __tcserror   _strerror

Definition at line 1057 of file tchar.h.

◆ __tcserror_s

#define __tcserror_s   _strerror_s

Definition at line 1058 of file tchar.h.

◆ _cgetts_s

#define _cgetts_s   _cgets_s

Definition at line 976 of file tchar.h.

◆ _cputts

#define _cputts   _cputs

Definition at line 966 of file tchar.h.

◆ _fgettc

#define _fgettc   fgetc

Definition at line 958 of file tchar.h.

◆ _fgettc_nolock

#define _fgettc_nolock   _fgetc_nolock

Definition at line 959 of file tchar.h.

◆ _fgettchar

#define _fgettchar   _fgetchar

Definition at line 960 of file tchar.h.

◆ _fgetts

#define _fgetts   fgets

Definition at line 961 of file tchar.h.

◆ _fputtc

#define _fputtc   fputc

Definition at line 962 of file tchar.h.

◆ _fputtc_nolock

#define _fputtc_nolock   _fputc_nolock

Definition at line 963 of file tchar.h.

◆ _fputtchar

#define _fputtchar   _fputchar

Definition at line 964 of file tchar.h.

◆ _fputts

#define _fputts   fputs

Definition at line 965 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ftccmp

#define _ftccmp   _tccmp

Definition at line 150 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ftccpy

#define _ftccpy   _tccpy

Definition at line 149 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ftclen

#define _ftclen   _tclen

Definition at line 148 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ftcscat

#define _ftcscat   _tcscat

Definition at line 98 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ftcschr

#define _ftcschr   _tcschr

Definition at line 99 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ftcsclen

#define _ftcsclen   _tcsclen

Definition at line 132 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ftcscmp

#define _ftcscmp   _tcscmp

Definition at line 116 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ftcscoll

#define _ftcscoll   _tcscoll

Definition at line 123 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ftcscpy

#define _ftcscpy   _tcscpy

Definition at line 100 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ftcscspn

#define _ftcscspn   _tcscspn

Definition at line 101 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ftcsdec

#define _ftcsdec   _tcsdec

Definition at line 137 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ftcsdup

#define _ftcsdup   _tcsdup

Definition at line 111 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ftcsicmp

#define _ftcsicmp   _tcsicmp

Definition at line 117 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ftcsicoll

#define _ftcsicoll   _tcsicoll

Definition at line 124 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ftcsinc

#define _ftcsinc   _tcsinc

Definition at line 138 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ftcslen

#define _ftcslen   _tcslen

Definition at line 102 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ftcslwr

#define _ftcslwr   _tcslwr

Definition at line 145 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ftcsnbcnt

#define _ftcsnbcnt   _tcsnbcnt

Definition at line 139 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ftcsncat

#define _ftcsncat   _tcsncat

Definition at line 103 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ftcsnccat

#define _ftcsnccat   _tcsnccat

Definition at line 133 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ftcsnccmp

#define _ftcsnccmp   _tcsnccmp

Definition at line 118 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ftcsnccnt

#define _ftcsnccnt   _tcsnccnt

Definition at line 140 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ftcsnccoll

#define _ftcsnccoll   _tcsnccoll

Definition at line 125 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ftcsnccpy

#define _ftcsnccpy   _tcsnccpy

Definition at line 134 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ftcsncicmp

#define _ftcsncicmp   _tcsncicmp

Definition at line 120 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ftcsncicoll

#define _ftcsncicoll   _tcsncicoll

Definition at line 127 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ftcsncmp

#define _ftcsncmp   _tcsncmp

Definition at line 119 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ftcsncoll

#define _ftcsncoll   _tcsncoll

Definition at line 126 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ftcsncpy

#define _ftcsncpy   _tcsncpy

Definition at line 104 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ftcsncset

#define _ftcsncset   _tcsncset

Definition at line 135 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ftcsnextc

#define _ftcsnextc   _tcsnextc

Definition at line 141 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ftcsnicmp

#define _ftcsnicmp   _tcsnicmp

Definition at line 121 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ftcsnicoll

#define _ftcsnicoll   _tcsnicoll

Definition at line 128 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ftcsninc

#define _ftcsninc   _tcsninc

Definition at line 142 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ftcsnset

#define _ftcsnset   _tcsnset

Definition at line 112 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ftcspbrk

#define _ftcspbrk   _tcspbrk

Definition at line 105 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ftcsrchr

#define _ftcsrchr   _tcsrchr

Definition at line 106 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ftcsrev

#define _ftcsrev   _tcsrev

Definition at line 113 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ftcsset

#define _ftcsset   _tcsset

Definition at line 114 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ftcsspn

#define _ftcsspn   _tcsspn

Definition at line 107 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ftcsspnp

#define _ftcsspnp   _tcsspnp

Definition at line 143 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ftcsstr

#define _ftcsstr   _tcsstr

Definition at line 108 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ftcstok

#define _ftcstok   _tcstok

Definition at line 109 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ftcsupr

#define _ftcsupr   _tcsupr

Definition at line 146 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ftprintf

#define _ftprintf   fprintf

Definition at line 881 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ftprintf_l

#define _ftprintf_l   _fprintf_l

Definition at line 882 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ftprintf_p

#define _ftprintf_p   _fprintf_p

Definition at line 885 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ftprintf_p_l

#define _ftprintf_p_l   _fprintf_p_l

Definition at line 886 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ftprintf_s

#define _ftprintf_s   fprintf_s

Definition at line 883 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ftprintf_s_l

#define _ftprintf_s_l   _fprintf_s_l

Definition at line 884 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ftscanf

#define _ftscanf   fscanf

Definition at line 936 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ftscanf_l

#define _ftscanf_l   _fscanf_l

Definition at line 937 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ftscanf_s

#define _ftscanf_s   fscanf_s

Definition at line 938 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ftscanf_s_l

#define _ftscanf_s_l   _fscanf_s_l

Definition at line 939 of file tchar.h.

◆ _get_tpgmptr

#define _get_tpgmptr   _get_pgmptr

Definition at line 1132 of file tchar.h.

◆ _gettc

#define _gettc   getc

Definition at line 967 of file tchar.h.

◆ _gettc_nolock

#define _gettc_nolock   _getc_nolock

Definition at line 968 of file tchar.h.

◆ _gettch

#define _gettch   _getch

Definition at line 969 of file tchar.h.

◆ _gettch_nolock

#define _gettch_nolock   _getch_nolock

Definition at line 970 of file tchar.h.

◆ _gettchar

#define _gettchar   getchar

Definition at line 973 of file tchar.h.

◆ _gettchar_nolock

#define _gettchar_nolock   _getchar_nolock

Definition at line 974 of file tchar.h.

◆ _gettche

#define _gettche   _getche

Definition at line 971 of file tchar.h.

◆ _gettche_nolock

#define _gettche_nolock   _getche_nolock

Definition at line 972 of file tchar.h.

◆ _getts_s

#define _getts_s   gets_s

Definition at line 975 of file tchar.h.

◆ _i64tot

#define _i64tot   _i64toa

Definition at line 1038 of file tchar.h.

◆ _i64tot_s

#define _i64tot_s   _i64toa_s

Definition at line 1036 of file tchar.h.


#define _INC_TCHAR

Definition at line 18 of file tchar.h.

◆ _istalnum

#define _istalnum   isalnum

Definition at line 2147 of file tchar.h.

◆ _istalnum_l

#define _istalnum_l   _isalnum_l

Definition at line 2148 of file tchar.h.

◆ _istalpha

#define _istalpha   isalpha

Definition at line 2149 of file tchar.h.

◆ _istalpha_l

#define _istalpha_l   _isalpha_l

Definition at line 2150 of file tchar.h.

◆ _istascii

#define _istascii   __isascii

Definition at line 1201 of file tchar.h.

◆ _istblank

#define _istblank   isblank

Definition at line 2161 of file tchar.h.

◆ _istblank_l

#define _istblank_l   _isblank_l

Definition at line 2162 of file tchar.h.

◆ _istcntrl

#define _istcntrl   iscntrl

Definition at line 1202 of file tchar.h.

◆ _istcntrl_l

#define _istcntrl_l   _iscntrl_l

Definition at line 1203 of file tchar.h.

◆ _istdigit

#define _istdigit   isdigit

Definition at line 2151 of file tchar.h.

◆ _istdigit_l

#define _istdigit_l   _isdigit_l

Definition at line 2152 of file tchar.h.

◆ _istgraph

#define _istgraph   isgraph

Definition at line 2153 of file tchar.h.

◆ _istgraph_l

#define _istgraph_l   _isgraph_l

Definition at line 2154 of file tchar.h.

◆ _istlead

#define _istlead (   _Char)    (0)

Definition at line 2120 of file tchar.h.

◆ _istleadbyte

#define _istleadbyte (   _Char)    (0)

Definition at line 2121 of file tchar.h.

◆ _istleadbyte_l

#define _istleadbyte_l (   _Char,
)    (0)

Definition at line 2122 of file tchar.h.

◆ _istlegal

#define _istlegal (   _c)    (1)

Definition at line 2173 of file tchar.h.

◆ _istlower

#define _istlower   islower

Definition at line 2155 of file tchar.h.

◆ _istlower_l

#define _istlower_l   _islower_l

Definition at line 2156 of file tchar.h.

◆ _istprint

#define _istprint   isprint

Definition at line 2157 of file tchar.h.

◆ _istprint_l

#define _istprint_l   _isprint_l

Definition at line 2158 of file tchar.h.

◆ _istpunct

#define _istpunct   ispunct

Definition at line 2159 of file tchar.h.

◆ _istpunct_l

#define _istpunct_l   _ispunct_l

Definition at line 2160 of file tchar.h.

◆ _istspace

#define _istspace   isspace

Definition at line 2163 of file tchar.h.

◆ _istspace_l

#define _istspace_l   _isspace_l

Definition at line 2164 of file tchar.h.

◆ _istupper

#define _istupper   isupper

Definition at line 2165 of file tchar.h.

◆ _istupper_l

#define _istupper_l   _isupper_l

Definition at line 2166 of file tchar.h.

◆ _istxdigit

#define _istxdigit   isxdigit

Definition at line 1204 of file tchar.h.

◆ _istxdigit_l

#define _istxdigit_l   _isxdigit_l

Definition at line 1205 of file tchar.h.

◆ _itot

#define _itot   _itoa

Definition at line 1024 of file tchar.h.

◆ _itot_s

#define _itot_s   _itoa_s

Definition at line 1021 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ltot

#define _ltot   _ltoa

Definition at line 1025 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ltot_s

#define _ltot_s   _ltoa_s

Definition at line 1022 of file tchar.h.

◆ _puttc

#define _puttc   putc

Definition at line 977 of file tchar.h.

◆ _puttc_nolock

#define _puttc_nolock   _fputc_nolock

Definition at line 978 of file tchar.h.

◆ _puttch

#define _puttch   _putch

Definition at line 981 of file tchar.h.

◆ _puttch_nolock

#define _puttch_nolock   _putch_nolock

Definition at line 982 of file tchar.h.

◆ _puttchar

#define _puttchar   putchar

Definition at line 979 of file tchar.h.

◆ _puttchar_nolock

#define _puttchar_nolock   _putchar_nolock

Definition at line 980 of file tchar.h.

◆ _putts

#define _putts   puts

Definition at line 983 of file tchar.h.

◆ _sctprintf

#define _sctprintf   _scprintf

Definition at line 893 of file tchar.h.

◆ _sctprintf_l

#define _sctprintf_l   _scprintf_l

Definition at line 894 of file tchar.h.

◆ _sctprintf_p

#define _sctprintf_p   _scprintf_p

Definition at line 895 of file tchar.h.

◆ _sctprintf_p_l

#define _sctprintf_p_l   _scprintf_p_l

Definition at line 896 of file tchar.h.

◆ _sntprintf

#define _sntprintf   _snprintf

Definition at line 897 of file tchar.h.

◆ _sntprintf_l

#define _sntprintf_l   _snprintf_l

Definition at line 898 of file tchar.h.

◆ _sntprintf_s

#define _sntprintf_s   _snprintf_s

Definition at line 899 of file tchar.h.

◆ _sntprintf_s_l

#define _sntprintf_s_l   _snprintf_s_l

Definition at line 900 of file tchar.h.

◆ _sntscanf

#define _sntscanf   _snscanf

Definition at line 944 of file tchar.h.

◆ _sntscanf_l

#define _sntscanf_l   _snscanf_l

Definition at line 945 of file tchar.h.

◆ _sntscanf_s

#define _sntscanf_s   _snscanf_s

Definition at line 946 of file tchar.h.

◆ _sntscanf_s_l

#define _sntscanf_s_l   _snscanf_s_l

Definition at line 947 of file tchar.h.

◆ _stprintf

#define _stprintf   sprintf

Definition at line 887 of file tchar.h.

◆ _stprintf_l

#define _stprintf_l   _sprintf_l

Definition at line 888 of file tchar.h.

◆ _stprintf_p

#define _stprintf_p   _sprintf_p

Definition at line 891 of file tchar.h.

◆ _stprintf_p_l

#define _stprintf_p_l   _sprintf_p_l

Definition at line 892 of file tchar.h.

◆ _stprintf_s

#define _stprintf_s   sprintf_s

Definition at line 889 of file tchar.h.

◆ _stprintf_s_l

#define _stprintf_s_l   _sprintf_s_l

Definition at line 890 of file tchar.h.

◆ _stscanf

#define _stscanf   sscanf

Definition at line 940 of file tchar.h.

◆ _stscanf_l

#define _stscanf_l   _sscanf_l

Definition at line 941 of file tchar.h.

◆ _stscanf_s

#define _stscanf_s   sscanf_s

Definition at line 942 of file tchar.h.

◆ _stscanf_s_l

#define _stscanf_s_l   _sscanf_s_l

Definition at line 943 of file tchar.h.

◆ _T

#define _T (   x)    __T(x)

Definition at line 2320 of file tchar.h.

◆ _taccess

#define _taccess   _access

Definition at line 1184 of file tchar.h.

◆ _taccess_s

#define _taccess_s   _access_s

Definition at line 1185 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tasctime

#define _tasctime   asctime

Definition at line 1089 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tasctime_s

#define _tasctime_s   asctime_s

Definition at line 1101 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tchdir

#define _tchdir   _chdir

Definition at line 1110 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tchmod

#define _tchmod   _chmod

Definition at line 1166 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcprintf

#define _tcprintf   _cprintf

Definition at line 869 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcprintf_l

#define _tcprintf_l   _cprintf_l

Definition at line 870 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcprintf_p

#define _tcprintf_p   _cprintf_p

Definition at line 873 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcprintf_p_l

#define _tcprintf_p_l   _cprintf_p_l

Definition at line 874 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcprintf_s

#define _tcprintf_s   _cprintf_s

Definition at line 871 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcprintf_s_l

#define _tcprintf_s_l   _cprintf_s_l

Definition at line 872 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcreat

#define _tcreat   _creat

Definition at line 1167 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcscanf

#define _tcscanf   _cscanf

Definition at line 932 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcscanf_l

#define _tcscanf_l   _cscanf_l

Definition at line 933 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcscanf_s

#define _tcscanf_s   _cscanf_s

Definition at line 934 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcscanf_s_l

#define _tcscanf_s_l   _cscanf_s_l

Definition at line 935 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcscat

#define _tcscat   strcat

Definition at line 1046 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcscat_s

#define _tcscat_s   strcat_s

Definition at line 1047 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcschr

#define _tcschr   strchr

Definition at line 2028 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsclen

#define _tcsclen   strlen

Definition at line 2082 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsclen_l

#define _tcsclen_l (   _String,
)    strlen(_String)

Definition at line 2084 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcscmp

#define _tcscmp   strcmp

Definition at line 2057 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcscnlen

#define _tcscnlen   strnlen

Definition at line 2083 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcscnlen_l

#define _tcscnlen_l (   _String,
)    strnlen((_String), (_Max_count))

Definition at line 2085 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcscoll

#define _tcscoll   strcoll

Definition at line 2067 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcscoll_l

#define _tcscoll_l   _strcoll_l

Definition at line 2068 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcscpy

#define _tcscpy   strcpy

Definition at line 1048 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcscpy_s

#define _tcscpy_s   strcpy_s

Definition at line 1049 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcscspn

#define _tcscspn   strcspn

Definition at line 2029 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsdec

#define _tcsdec   _strdec

Definition at line 2101 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsdup

#define _tcsdup   _strdup

Definition at line 1050 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcserror

#define _tcserror   strerror

Definition at line 1055 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcserror_s

#define _tcserror_s   strerror_s

Definition at line 1056 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsftime

#define _tcsftime   strftime

Definition at line 1098 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsftime_l

#define _tcsftime_l   _strftime_l

Definition at line 1099 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsicmp

#define _tcsicmp   _stricmp

Definition at line 2058 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsicmp_l

#define _tcsicmp_l   _stricmp_l

Definition at line 2059 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsicoll

#define _tcsicoll   _stricoll

Definition at line 2069 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsicoll_l

#define _tcsicoll_l   _stricoll_l

Definition at line 2070 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsinc

#define _tcsinc   _strinc

Definition at line 2102 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcslen

#define _tcslen   strlen

Definition at line 1051 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcslwr

#define _tcslwr   _strlwr

Definition at line 2109 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcslwr_l

#define _tcslwr_l   _strlwr_l

Definition at line 2110 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcslwr_s

#define _tcslwr_s   _strlwr_s

Definition at line 2111 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcslwr_s_l

#define _tcslwr_s_l   _strlwr_s_l

Definition at line 2112 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsnbcnt

#define _tcsnbcnt   _strncnt

Definition at line 2103 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsncat

#define _tcsncat   strncat

Definition at line 2030 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsncat_l

#define _tcsncat_l   _strncat_l

Definition at line 2032 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsncat_s

#define _tcsncat_s   strncat_s

Definition at line 2031 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsncat_s_l

#define _tcsncat_s_l   _strncat_s_l

Definition at line 2033 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsnccat

#define _tcsnccat   strncat

Definition at line 2086 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsnccat_l

#define _tcsnccat_l   _strncat_l

Definition at line 2088 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsnccat_s

#define _tcsnccat_s   strncat_s

Definition at line 2087 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsnccat_s_l

#define _tcsnccat_s_l   _strncat_s_l

Definition at line 2089 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsnccmp

#define _tcsnccmp   strncmp

Definition at line 2060 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsnccnt

#define _tcsnccnt   _strncnt

Definition at line 2104 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsnccoll

#define _tcsnccoll   _strncoll

Definition at line 2071 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsnccoll_l

#define _tcsnccoll_l   _strncoll_l

Definition at line 2072 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsnccpy

#define _tcsnccpy   strncpy

Definition at line 2090 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsnccpy_l

#define _tcsnccpy_l   _strncpy_l

Definition at line 2092 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsnccpy_s

#define _tcsnccpy_s   strncpy_s

Definition at line 2091 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsnccpy_s_l

#define _tcsnccpy_s_l   _strncpy_s_l

Definition at line 2093 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsncicmp

#define _tcsncicmp   _strnicmp

Definition at line 2062 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsncicmp_l

#define _tcsncicmp_l   _strnicmp_l

Definition at line 2063 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsncicoll

#define _tcsncicoll   _strnicoll

Definition at line 2075 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsncicoll_l

#define _tcsncicoll_l   _strnicoll_l

Definition at line 2076 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsncmp

#define _tcsncmp   strncmp

Definition at line 2061 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsncoll

#define _tcsncoll   _strncoll

Definition at line 2073 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsncoll_l

#define _tcsncoll_l   _strncoll_l

Definition at line 2074 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsncpy

#define _tcsncpy   strncpy

Definition at line 2034 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsncpy_l

#define _tcsncpy_l   _strncpy_l

Definition at line 2036 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsncpy_s

#define _tcsncpy_s   strncpy_s

Definition at line 2035 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsncpy_s_l

#define _tcsncpy_s_l   _strncpy_s_l

Definition at line 2037 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsncset

#define _tcsncset   _strnset

Definition at line 2094 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsncset_l

#define _tcsncset_l   _strnset_l

Definition at line 2096 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsncset_s

#define _tcsncset_s   _strnset_s

Definition at line 2095 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsncset_s_l

#define _tcsncset_s_l   _strnset_s_l

Definition at line 2097 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsnextc

#define _tcsnextc   _strnextc

Definition at line 2105 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsnicmp

#define _tcsnicmp   _strnicmp

Definition at line 2064 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsnicmp_l

#define _tcsnicmp_l   _strnicmp_l

Definition at line 2065 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsnicoll

#define _tcsnicoll   _strnicoll

Definition at line 2077 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsnicoll_l

#define _tcsnicoll_l   _strnicoll_l

Definition at line 2078 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsninc

#define _tcsninc   _strninc

Definition at line 2106 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsnlen

#define _tcsnlen   strnlen

Definition at line 1052 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsnset

#define _tcsnset   _strnset

Definition at line 2047 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsnset_l

#define _tcsnset_l   _strnset_l

Definition at line 2049 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsnset_s

#define _tcsnset_s   _strnset_s

Definition at line 2048 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsnset_s_l

#define _tcsnset_s_l   _strnset_s_l

Definition at line 2050 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcspbrk

#define _tcspbrk   strpbrk

Definition at line 2038 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsrchr

#define _tcsrchr   strrchr

Definition at line 2039 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsrev

#define _tcsrev   _strrev

Definition at line 2051 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsset

#define _tcsset   _strset

Definition at line 2052 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsset_l

#define _tcsset_l   _strset_l

Definition at line 2054 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsset_s

#define _tcsset_s   _strset_s

Definition at line 2053 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsset_s_l

#define _tcsset_s_l   _strset_s_l

Definition at line 2055 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsspn

#define _tcsspn   strspn

Definition at line 2040 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsspnp

#define _tcsspnp   _strspnp

Definition at line 2107 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsstr

#define _tcsstr   strstr

Definition at line 2041 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcstod

#define _tcstod   strtod

Definition at line 991 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcstod_l

#define _tcstod_l   _strtod_l

Definition at line 1006 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcstof

#define _tcstof   strtof

Definition at line 992 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcstof_l

#define _tcstof_l   _strtof_l

Definition at line 1007 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcstoi64

#define _tcstoi64   _strtoi64

Definition at line 1032 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcstoi64_l

#define _tcstoi64_l   _strtoi64_l

Definition at line 1033 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcstoimax

#define _tcstoimax   strtoimax

Definition at line 998 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcstoimax_l

#define _tcstoimax_l   _strtoimax_l

Definition at line 1013 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcstok

#define _tcstok   strtok

Definition at line 2042 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcstok_l

#define _tcstok_l   _strtok_l

Definition at line 2044 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcstok_s

#define _tcstok_s   strtok_s

Definition at line 2043 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcstok_s_l

#define _tcstok_s_l   _strtok_s_l

Definition at line 2045 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcstol

#define _tcstol   strtol

Definition at line 993 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcstol_l

#define _tcstol_l   _strtol_l

Definition at line 1008 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcstold

#define _tcstold   strtold

Definition at line 994 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcstold_l

#define _tcstold_l   _strtold_l

Definition at line 1009 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcstoll

#define _tcstoll   strtoll

Definition at line 995 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcstoll_l

#define _tcstoll_l   _strtoll_l

Definition at line 1010 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcstoui64

#define _tcstoui64   _strtoui64

Definition at line 1034 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcstoui64_l

#define _tcstoui64_l   _strtoui64_l

Definition at line 1035 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcstoul

#define _tcstoul   strtoul

Definition at line 996 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcstoul_l

#define _tcstoul_l   _strtoul_l

Definition at line 1011 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcstoull

#define _tcstoull   strtoull

Definition at line 997 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcstoull_l

#define _tcstoull_l   _strtoull_l

Definition at line 1012 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcstoumax

#define _tcstoumax   strtoumax

Definition at line 999 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcstoumax_l

#define _tcstoumax_l   _strtoumax_l

Definition at line 1014 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsupr

#define _tcsupr   _strupr

Definition at line 2113 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsupr_l

#define _tcsupr_l   _strupr_l

Definition at line 2114 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsupr_s

#define _tcsupr_s   _strupr_s

Definition at line 2115 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsupr_s_l

#define _tcsupr_s_l   _strupr_s_l

Definition at line 2116 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsxfrm [1/2]

#define _tcsxfrm   strxfrm

Definition at line 2117 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsxfrm [2/2]

#define _tcsxfrm   strxfrm

Definition at line 2117 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsxfrm_l [1/2]

#define _tcsxfrm_l   _strxfrm_l

Definition at line 2118 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tcsxfrm_l [2/2]

#define _tcsxfrm_l   _strxfrm_l

Definition at line 2118 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tctime

#define _tctime   ctime

Definition at line 1090 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tctime32

#define _tctime32   _ctime32

Definition at line 1091 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tctime32_s

#define _tctime32_s   _ctime32_s

Definition at line 1103 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tctime64

#define _tctime64   _ctime64

Definition at line 1092 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tctime64_s

#define _tctime64_s   _ctime64_s

Definition at line 1104 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tctime_s

#define _tctime_s   ctime_s

Definition at line 1102 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tdupenv_s

#define _tdupenv_s   _dupenv_s

Definition at line 1128 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tenviron

#define _tenviron   _environ

Definition at line 857 of file tchar.h.


#define _TEOF   EOF

Definition at line 848 of file tchar.h.

◆ _texecl

#define _texecl   _execl

Definition at line 1066 of file tchar.h.

◆ _texecle

#define _texecle   _execle

Definition at line 1067 of file tchar.h.

◆ _texeclp

#define _texeclp   _execlp

Definition at line 1068 of file tchar.h.

◆ _texeclpe

#define _texeclpe   _execlpe

Definition at line 1069 of file tchar.h.

◆ _texecv

#define _texecv   _execv

Definition at line 1070 of file tchar.h.

◆ _texecve

#define _texecve   _execve

Definition at line 1071 of file tchar.h.

◆ _texecvp

#define _texecvp   _execvp

Definition at line 1072 of file tchar.h.

◆ _texecvpe

#define _texecvpe   _execvpe

Definition at line 1073 of file tchar.h.


#define _TEXT (   x)    __T(x)

Definition at line 2321 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tfdopen

#define _tfdopen   _fdopen

Definition at line 1147 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tfinddata32_t

#define _tfinddata32_t   _finddata32_t

Definition at line 1194 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tfinddata32i64_t

#define _tfinddata32i64_t   _finddata32i64_t

Definition at line 1197 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tfinddata64_t

#define _tfinddata64_t   __finddata64_t

Definition at line 1195 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tfinddata64i32_t

#define _tfinddata64i32_t   _finddata64i32_t

Definition at line 1198 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tfinddata_t

#define _tfinddata_t   _finddata_t

Definition at line 1193 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tfinddatai64_t

#define _tfinddatai64_t   _finddatai64_t

Definition at line 1196 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tfindfirst

#define _tfindfirst   _findfirst

Definition at line 1168 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tfindfirst32

#define _tfindfirst32   _findfirst32

Definition at line 1169 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tfindfirst32i64

#define _tfindfirst32i64   _findfirst32i64

Definition at line 1172 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tfindfirst64

#define _tfindfirst64   _findfirst64

Definition at line 1170 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tfindfirst64i32

#define _tfindfirst64i32   _findfirst64i32

Definition at line 1173 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tfindfirsti64

#define _tfindfirsti64   _findfirsti64

Definition at line 1171 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tfindnext

#define _tfindnext   _findnext

Definition at line 1174 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tfindnext32

#define _tfindnext32   _findnext32

Definition at line 1175 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tfindnext32i64

#define _tfindnext32i64   _findnext32i64

Definition at line 1178 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tfindnext64

#define _tfindnext64   _findnext64

Definition at line 1176 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tfindnext64i32

#define _tfindnext64i32   _findnext64i32

Definition at line 1179 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tfindnexti64

#define _tfindnexti64   _findnexti64

Definition at line 1177 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tfopen

#define _tfopen   fopen

Definition at line 1149 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tfopen_s

#define _tfopen_s   fopen_s

Definition at line 1150 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tfreopen

#define _tfreopen   freopen

Definition at line 1151 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tfreopen_s

#define _tfreopen_s   freopen_s

Definition at line 1152 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tfsopen

#define _tfsopen   _fsopen

Definition at line 1148 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tfullpath

#define _tfullpath   _fullpath

Definition at line 1125 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tgetcwd

#define _tgetcwd   _getcwd

Definition at line 1111 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tgetdcwd

#define _tgetdcwd   _getdcwd

Definition at line 1112 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tgetdcwd_nolock

#define _tgetdcwd_nolock   _getdcwd_nolock

Definition at line 1113 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tgetenv

#define _tgetenv   getenv

Definition at line 1126 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tgetenv_s

#define _tgetenv_s   getenv_s

Definition at line 1127 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tmain

#define _tmain   main

Definition at line 855 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tmakepath

#define _tmakepath   _makepath

Definition at line 1129 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tmakepath_s

#define _tmakepath_s   _makepath_s

Definition at line 1130 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tmkdir

#define _tmkdir   _mkdir

Definition at line 1114 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tmktemp

#define _tmktemp   _mktemp

Definition at line 1180 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tmktemp_s

#define _tmktemp_s   _mktemp_s

Definition at line 1181 of file tchar.h.

◆ _topen

#define _topen   _open

Definition at line 1183 of file tchar.h.

◆ _totlower

#define _totlower   tolower

Definition at line 2170 of file tchar.h.

◆ _totlower_l

#define _totlower_l   _tolower_l

Definition at line 2171 of file tchar.h.

◆ _totupper

#define _totupper   toupper

Definition at line 2168 of file tchar.h.

◆ _totupper_l

#define _totupper_l   _toupper_l

Definition at line 2169 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tperror

#define _tperror   perror

Definition at line 1153 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tpgmptr

#define _tpgmptr   _pgmptr

Definition at line 1131 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tpopen

#define _tpopen   _popen

Definition at line 1154 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tprintf

#define _tprintf   printf

Definition at line 863 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tprintf_l

#define _tprintf_l   _printf_l

Definition at line 864 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tprintf_p

#define _tprintf_p   _printf_p

Definition at line 867 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tprintf_p_l

#define _tprintf_p_l   _printf_p_l

Definition at line 868 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tprintf_s

#define _tprintf_s   printf_s

Definition at line 865 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tprintf_s_l

#define _tprintf_s_l   _printf_s_l

Definition at line 866 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tputenv

#define _tputenv   _putenv

Definition at line 1133 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tputenv_s

#define _tputenv_s   _putenv_s

Definition at line 1134 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tremove

#define _tremove   remove

Definition at line 1187 of file tchar.h.

◆ _trename

#define _trename   rename

Definition at line 1188 of file tchar.h.

◆ _trmdir

#define _trmdir   _rmdir

Definition at line 1115 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tscanf

#define _tscanf   scanf

Definition at line 928 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tscanf_l

#define _tscanf_l   _scanf_l

Definition at line 929 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tscanf_s

#define _tscanf_s   scanf_s

Definition at line 930 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tscanf_s_l

#define _tscanf_s_l   _scanf_s_l

Definition at line 931 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tsearchenv

#define _tsearchenv   _searchenv

Definition at line 1135 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tsearchenv_s

#define _tsearchenv_s   _searchenv_s

Definition at line 1136 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tsetlocale

#define _tsetlocale   setlocale

Definition at line 1218 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tsopen

#define _tsopen   _sopen

Definition at line 1189 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tsopen_s

#define _tsopen_s   _sopen_s

Definition at line 1190 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tspawnl

#define _tspawnl   _spawnl

Definition at line 1075 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tspawnle

#define _tspawnle   _spawnle

Definition at line 1076 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tspawnlp

#define _tspawnlp   _spawnlp

Definition at line 1077 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tspawnlpe

#define _tspawnlpe   _spawnlpe

Definition at line 1078 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tspawnv

#define _tspawnv   _spawnv

Definition at line 1079 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tspawnve

#define _tspawnve   _spawnve

Definition at line 1080 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tspawnvp

#define _tspawnvp   _spawnvp

Definition at line 1081 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tspawnvpe

#define _tspawnvpe   _spawnvpe

Definition at line 1082 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tsplitpath

#define _tsplitpath   _splitpath

Definition at line 1137 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tsplitpath_s

#define _tsplitpath_s   _splitpath_s

Definition at line 1138 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tstat

#define _tstat   _stat

Definition at line 1208 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tstat32

#define _tstat32   _stat32

Definition at line 1209 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tstat32i64

#define _tstat32i64   _stat32i64

Definition at line 1210 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tstat64

#define _tstat64   _stat64

Definition at line 1211 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tstat64i32

#define _tstat64i32   _stat64i32

Definition at line 1212 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tstati64

#define _tstati64   _stati64

Definition at line 1213 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tstof

#define _tstof   atof

Definition at line 1001 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tstof_l

#define _tstof_l   _atof_l

Definition at line 1015 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tstoi

#define _tstoi   atoi

Definition at line 1004 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tstoi64

#define _tstoi64   _atoi64

Definition at line 1005 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tstoi64_l

#define _tstoi64_l   _atoi64_l

Definition at line 1019 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tstoi_l

#define _tstoi_l   _atoi_l

Definition at line 1018 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tstol

#define _tstol   atol

Definition at line 1002 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tstol_l

#define _tstol_l   _atol_l

Definition at line 1016 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tstoll

#define _tstoll   atoll

Definition at line 1003 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tstoll_l

#define _tstoll_l   _atoll_l

Definition at line 1017 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tstrdate

#define _tstrdate   _strdate

Definition at line 1093 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tstrdate_s

#define _tstrdate_s   _strdate_s

Definition at line 1105 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tstrtime

#define _tstrtime   _strtime

Definition at line 1094 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tstrtime_s

#define _tstrtime_s   _strtime_s

Definition at line 1106 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tsystem

#define _tsystem   system

Definition at line 1084 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ttempnam

#define _ttempnam   _tempnam

Definition at line 1155 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ttmpnam

#define _ttmpnam   tmpnam

Definition at line 1156 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ttmpnam_s

#define _ttmpnam_s   tmpnam_s

Definition at line 1157 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ttof

#define _ttof   atof

Definition at line 1000 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ttoi

#define _ttoi   atoi

Definition at line 1027 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ttoi64

#define _ttoi64   _atoi64

Definition at line 1031 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ttol

#define _ttol   atol

Definition at line 1028 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ttoll

#define _ttoll   atoll

Definition at line 1029 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tunlink

#define _tunlink   _unlink

Definition at line 1191 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tutime

#define _tutime   _utime

Definition at line 1095 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tutime32

#define _tutime32   _utime32

Definition at line 1096 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tutime64

#define _tutime64   _utime64

Definition at line 1097 of file tchar.h.

◆ _tWinMain

#define _tWinMain   WinMain

Definition at line 856 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ui64tot

#define _ui64tot   _ui64toa

Definition at line 1039 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ui64tot_s

#define _ui64tot_s   _ui64toa_s

Definition at line 1037 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ultot

#define _ultot   _ultoa

Definition at line 1026 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ultot_s

#define _ultot_s   _ultoa_s

Definition at line 1023 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ungettc

#define _ungettc   ungetc

Definition at line 984 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ungettc_nolock

#define _ungettc_nolock   _ungetc_nolock

Definition at line 985 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ungettch

#define _ungettch   _ungetch

Definition at line 986 of file tchar.h.

◆ _ungettch_nolock

#define _ungettch_nolock   _ungetch_nolock

Definition at line 987 of file tchar.h.

◆ _vftprintf

#define _vftprintf   vfprintf

Definition at line 907 of file tchar.h.

◆ _vftprintf_l

#define _vftprintf_l   _vfprintf_l

Definition at line 908 of file tchar.h.

◆ _vftprintf_p

#define _vftprintf_p   _vfprintf_p

Definition at line 911 of file tchar.h.

◆ _vftprintf_p_l

#define _vftprintf_p_l   _vfprintf_p_l

Definition at line 912 of file tchar.h.

◆ _vftprintf_s

#define _vftprintf_s   vfprintf_s

Definition at line 909 of file tchar.h.

◆ _vftprintf_s_l

#define _vftprintf_s_l   _vfprintf_s_l

Definition at line 910 of file tchar.h.

◆ _vftscanf

#define _vftscanf   vfscanf

Definition at line 950 of file tchar.h.

◆ _vftscanf_s

#define _vftscanf_s   vfscanf_s

Definition at line 951 of file tchar.h.

◆ _vsctprintf

#define _vsctprintf   _vscprintf

Definition at line 919 of file tchar.h.

◆ _vsctprintf_l

#define _vsctprintf_l   _vscprintf_l

Definition at line 920 of file tchar.h.

◆ _vsctprintf_p

#define _vsctprintf_p   _vscprintf_p

Definition at line 921 of file tchar.h.

◆ _vsctprintf_p_l

#define _vsctprintf_p_l   _vscprintf_p_l

Definition at line 922 of file tchar.h.

◆ _vsntprintf

#define _vsntprintf   _vsnprintf

Definition at line 923 of file tchar.h.

◆ _vsntprintf_l

#define _vsntprintf_l   _vsnprintf_l

Definition at line 924 of file tchar.h.

◆ _vsntprintf_s

#define _vsntprintf_s   _vsnprintf_s

Definition at line 925 of file tchar.h.

◆ _vsntprintf_s_l

#define _vsntprintf_s_l   _vsnprintf_s_l

Definition at line 926 of file tchar.h.

◆ _vstprintf

#define _vstprintf   vsprintf

Definition at line 913 of file tchar.h.

◆ _vstprintf_l

#define _vstprintf_l   _vsprintf_l

Definition at line 914 of file tchar.h.

◆ _vstprintf_p

#define _vstprintf_p   _vsprintf_p

Definition at line 917 of file tchar.h.

◆ _vstprintf_p_l

#define _vstprintf_p_l   _vsprintf_p_l

Definition at line 918 of file tchar.h.

◆ _vstprintf_s

#define _vstprintf_s   vsprintf_s

Definition at line 915 of file tchar.h.

◆ _vstprintf_s_l

#define _vstprintf_s_l   _vsprintf_s_l

Definition at line 916 of file tchar.h.

◆ _vstscanf

#define _vstscanf   vsscanf

Definition at line 952 of file tchar.h.

◆ _vstscanf_s

#define _vstscanf_s   vsscanf_s

Definition at line 953 of file tchar.h.

◆ _vtcprintf

#define _vtcprintf   _vcprintf

Definition at line 875 of file tchar.h.

◆ _vtcprintf_l

#define _vtcprintf_l   _vcprintf_l

Definition at line 876 of file tchar.h.

◆ _vtcprintf_p

#define _vtcprintf_p   _vcprintf_p

Definition at line 879 of file tchar.h.

◆ _vtcprintf_p_l

#define _vtcprintf_p_l   _vcprintf_p_l

Definition at line 880 of file tchar.h.

◆ _vtcprintf_s

#define _vtcprintf_s   _vcprintf_s

Definition at line 877 of file tchar.h.

◆ _vtcprintf_s_l

#define _vtcprintf_s_l   _vcprintf_s_l

Definition at line 878 of file tchar.h.

◆ _vtprintf

#define _vtprintf   vprintf

Definition at line 901 of file tchar.h.

◆ _vtprintf_l

#define _vtprintf_l   _vprintf_l

Definition at line 902 of file tchar.h.

◆ _vtprintf_p

#define _vtprintf_p   _vprintf_p

Definition at line 905 of file tchar.h.

◆ _vtprintf_p_l

#define _vtprintf_p_l   _vprintf_p_l

Definition at line 906 of file tchar.h.

◆ _vtprintf_s

#define _vtprintf_s   vprintf_s

Definition at line 903 of file tchar.h.

◆ _vtprintf_s_l

#define _vtprintf_s_l   _vprintf_s_l

Definition at line 904 of file tchar.h.

◆ _vtscanf

#define _vtscanf   vscanf

Definition at line 948 of file tchar.h.

◆ _vtscanf_s

#define _vtscanf_s   vscanf_s

Definition at line 949 of file tchar.h.

Typedef Documentation


typedef char _TCHAR

Definition at line 2007 of file tchar.h.


typedef int _TINT

Definition at line 2011 of file tchar.h.


typedef signed char _TSCHAR

Definition at line 2008 of file tchar.h.


Definition at line 2009 of file tchar.h.


typedef char _TXCHAR

Definition at line 2010 of file tchar.h.

Function Documentation


_strncpy_l  ,
_strncpy_s_l  ,
_Out_writes_z_(_Size) char  ,
_Out_writes_(_Count) char  ,
_Dst  ,
_In_z_ const char ,
_Source  ,
_In_  size_t,
_Count  ,
_In_opt_  _locale_t,

Definition at line 2235 of file tchar.h.

2238 return strncpy(_Dst, _Source, _Count);
_Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_ _In_ size_t _Count
Definition: malloc.h:108
_Check_return_ _In_z_ const char _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale
Definition: tchar.h:2263
Definition: string.h:335
#define _CRT_UNUSED(x)
Definition: corecrt.h:340


_strnset_l  ,
_strnset_s_l  ,
_Inout_updates_z_(_Size) char  ,
_Inout_updates_z_(_MaxCount) char  ,
_Dst  ,
_In_ int  ,
_Value  ,
_In_  size_t,
_MaxCount  ,
_In_opt_  _locale_t,

Definition at line 2284 of file tchar.h.

2287#pragma warning(suppress: 6054) // String may not be zero-terminated
2288 return _strnset(_Dst, _Value, _MaxCount);
_In_ size_t _In_ int _Value
Definition: tchar.h:2293
Definition: memory.h:72
Definition: string.h:393


_strncpy_l  ,
_strncpy_s_l  ,
_Out_writes_z_(_Size) char  ,
_Out_writes_(_Count ,
char  ,
_Dst  ,
_In_z_ const char ,
_Source  ,
_In_  size_t,
_Count  ,
_In_opt_  _locale_t,

Definition at line 2241 of file tchar.h.

2249#endif /* __STDC_WANT_SECURE_LIB__ */
2256#pragma warning(suppress: 6054) // String may not be zero-terminated
2257 return strncat(_Dst, _Source, _Count);
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_0_3(_ReturnType, _FuncName, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2, _TType3, _TArg3)
Definition: corecrt.h:179
_Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_ _In_ size_t _In_ size_t _Size
Definition: malloc.h:109
#define _strncat_l(_Destination, _Source, _Count, _Locale)
Definition: tchar.h:1525
Definition: stdlib.h:926
_In_ size_t _Destination_size_chars
Definition: tchar.h:2293
#define _Prepost_z_
Definition: no_sal2.h:510
#define _In_z_
Definition: no_sal2.h:164
#define _Inout_updates_z_(s)
Definition: no_sal2.h:186
#define _In_
Definition: no_sal2.h:158
#define _In_opt_
Definition: no_sal2.h:212
#define _Inout_z_
Definition: no_sal2.h:166
_In_opt_ _Locale strncat
Definition: string.h:263
_In_opt_ _Locale strncat_s
Definition: string.h:263
#define __RETURN_POLICY_DST(_FunctionCall)
Definition: corecrt.h:1892
#define __DECLARE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_3_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2, _TType3, _TArg3)
Definition: corecrt.h:2028
int errno_t
Definition: corecrt.h:615


_strnset_l  ,
_strnset_s_l  ,
_Inout_updates_z_(_Size) char  ,
_Inout_updates_z_(_MaxCount ,
char  ,
_Dst  ,
_In_ int  ,
_Value  ,
_In_  size_t,
_Count  ,
_In_opt_  _locale_t,


_Check_return_ _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE ( _strtok_s_l  )

◆ _strdec()

_Check_return_ __inline char *__CRTDECL _strdec ( _In_reads_z_(_Cpc2 - _Cpc1) const char _Cpc1,
_In_z_ const char _Cpc2 

Definition at line 2204 of file tchar.h.

2204{ return (char *)((_Cpc1)>=(_Cpc2) ? NULL : (_Cpc2-1)); }
#define NULL
Definition: types.h:112

◆ _strinc()

Definition at line 2205 of file tchar.h.

2205{ return (char *)(_Pc+1); }

◆ _strncnt()

_Check_return_ __inline size_t __CRTDECL _strncnt ( _In_reads_or_z_(_Cnt) const char _String,
_In_ size_t  _Cnt 

Definition at line 2208 of file tchar.h.

2210 size_t n = _Cnt;
2211 char *cp = (char *)_String;
2212 while (n-- && *cp)
2213 cp++;
2214 return _Cnt - n - 1;
GLdouble n
Definition: glext.h:7729
Definition: magnifier.c:59

◆ _strnextc()

Definition at line 2206 of file tchar.h.

2206{ return (unsigned int)*(const unsigned char *)_Cpc; }

◆ _strninc()

_Check_return_ __inline char *__CRTDECL _strninc ( _In_reads_or_z_(_Sz) const char _Pc,
_In_ size_t  _Sz 

Definition at line 2207 of file tchar.h.

2207{ return (char *)(_Pc+_Sz); }

◆ _strnset_s_l()

__inline errno_t __CRTDECL _strnset_s_l ( _Inout_updates_z_(_Destination_size_chars) char _Destination,
_In_ size_t  _Destination_size_chars,
_In_ int  _Value,
_In_ size_t  _Count,
_In_opt_ _locale_t  _Locale 

Definition at line 2276 of file tchar.h.

Definition: string.h:393

◆ _strset()

return _strset ( _Dst  ,

◆ _strset_s()

return _strset_s ( _Destination  ,
_Destination_size_chars  ,

◆ _strspnp()

_Check_return_ __inline char *__CRTDECL _strspnp ( _In_z_ const char _Cpc1,
_In_z_ const char _Cpc2 

Definition at line 2216 of file tchar.h.

2222 return _Cpc1==NULL ? NULL : ((*(_Cpc1 += strspn(_Cpc1,_Cpc2))!='\0') ? (char*)_Cpc1 : NULL);
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP size_t __cdecl strspn(_In_z_ const char *_Str, _In_z_ const char *_Control)

◆ _tccmp()

_Check_return_ __inline int __CRTDECL _tccmp ( _In_z_ const char _cpc1,
_In_z_ const char _cpc2 

Definition at line 2141 of file tchar.h.

2141{ return (int) (((unsigned char)*_cpc1)-((unsigned char)*_cpc2)); }
unsigned char
Definition: typeof.h:29

◆ _tccpy()

__inline void __CRTDECL _tccpy ( _Out_ char _pc1,
_In_z_ const char _cpc2 

Definition at line 2135 of file tchar.h.

2135{ *_pc1 = *_cpc2; }

◆ _tccpy_l()

__inline void __CRTDECL _tccpy_l ( _Out_ char _Pc1,
_In_z_ const char _Cpc2,
_In_opt_ _locale_t  _Locale 

Definition at line 2136 of file tchar.h.

2139 _tccpy(_Pc1, _Cpc2);
#define _tccpy(_pc1, _cpc2)
Definition: tchar.h:1477

◆ _tclen()

Definition at line 2130 of file tchar.h.

2132 _CRT_UNUSED(_cpc);
2133 return 1;

◆ strtok()

return strtok ( _String  ,

Variable Documentation

◆ _Delimiters

Definition at line 2262 of file tchar.h.

◆ _Destination_size_chars

_In_ size_t _Destination_size_chars

Definition at line 2293 of file tchar.h.

Referenced by __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_3_EX(), and _strnset_s_l().

◆ _Locale

Initial value:

Definition at line 2262 of file tchar.h.

◆ _Value

_In_ size_t _In_ int _Value

Definition at line 2293 of file tchar.h.

Referenced by __DECLARE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_3_EX(), and _strnset_s_l().