ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-737-g3368adc
libmpg123.c File Reference
#include "mpg123lib_intern.h"
#include "icy2utf8.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "gapless.h"
#include "sample.h"
#include "parse.h"
Include dependency graph for libmpg123.c:

Go to the source code of this file.


#define SEEKFRAME(mh)   ((mh)->ignoreframe < 0 ? 0 : (mh)->ignoreframe)
#define track_need_init(mh)   ((mh)->num < 0)


int attribute_align_arg mpg123_init (void)
void attribute_align_arg mpg123_exit (void)
mpg123_handle attribute_align_argmpg123_new (const char *decoder, int *error)
mpg123_handle attribute_align_argmpg123_parnew (mpg123_pars *mp, const char *decoder, int *error)
int attribute_align_arg mpg123_decoder (mpg123_handle *mh, const char *decoder)
int attribute_align_arg mpg123_param (mpg123_handle *mh, enum mpg123_parms key, long val, double fval)
int attribute_align_arg mpg123_par (mpg123_pars *mp, enum mpg123_parms key, long val, double fval)
int attribute_align_arg mpg123_getparam (mpg123_handle *mh, enum mpg123_parms key, long *val, double *fval)
int attribute_align_arg mpg123_getpar (mpg123_pars *mp, enum mpg123_parms key, long *val, double *fval)
int attribute_align_arg mpg123_getstate (mpg123_handle *mh, enum mpg123_state key, long *val, double *fval)
int attribute_align_arg mpg123_eq (mpg123_handle *mh, enum mpg123_channels channel, int band, double val)
double attribute_align_arg mpg123_geteq (mpg123_handle *mh, enum mpg123_channels channel, int band)
int attribute_align_arg mpg123_open (mpg123_handle *mh, const char *path)
int open_fixed_pre (mpg123_handle *mh, int channels, int encoding)
int open_fixed_post (mpg123_handle *mh, int channels, int encoding)
int attribute_align_arg mpg123_open_fixed (mpg123_handle *mh, const char *path, int channels, int encoding)
int attribute_align_arg mpg123_open_fd (mpg123_handle *mh, int fd)
int attribute_align_arg mpg123_open_handle (mpg123_handle *mh, void *iohandle)
int attribute_align_arg mpg123_open_feed (mpg123_handle *mh)
int attribute_align_arg mpg123_replace_reader (mpg123_handle *mh, ssize_t(*r_read)(int, void *, size_t), off_t(*r_lseek)(int, off_t, int))
int attribute_align_arg mpg123_replace_reader_handle (mpg123_handle *mh, ssize_t(*r_read)(void *, void *, size_t), off_t(*r_lseek)(void *, off_t, int), void(*cleanup)(void *))
int decode_update (mpg123_handle *mh)
size_t attribute_align_arg mpg123_safe_buffer (void)
size_t attribute_align_arg mpg123_outblock (mpg123_handle *mh)
static int get_next_frame (mpg123_handle *mh)
static int zero_byte (mpg123_handle *fr)
static void decode_the_frame (mpg123_handle *fr)
int attribute_align_arg mpg123_framebyframe_decode (mpg123_handle *mh, off_t *num, unsigned char **audio, size_t *bytes)
int attribute_align_arg mpg123_framebyframe_next (mpg123_handle *mh)
int attribute_align_arg mpg123_decode_frame (mpg123_handle *mh, off_t *num, unsigned char **audio, size_t *bytes)
int attribute_align_arg mpg123_read (mpg123_handle *mh, void *out, size_t size, size_t *done)
int attribute_align_arg mpg123_feed (mpg123_handle *mh, const unsigned char *in, size_t size)
int attribute_align_arg mpg123_decode (mpg123_handle *mh, const unsigned char *inmemory, size_t inmemsize, void *outmem, size_t outmemsize, size_t *done)
long attribute_align_arg mpg123_clip (mpg123_handle *mh)
static int init_track (mpg123_handle *mh)
int attribute_align_arg mpg123_info (mpg123_handle *mh, struct mpg123_frameinfo *mi)
int attribute_align_arg mpg123_getformat2 (mpg123_handle *mh, long *rate, int *channels, int *encoding, int clear_flag)
int attribute_align_arg mpg123_getformat (mpg123_handle *mh, long *rate, int *channels, int *encoding)
off_t attribute_align_arg mpg123_timeframe (mpg123_handle *mh, double seconds)
off_t attribute_align_arg mpg123_tell (mpg123_handle *mh)
off_t attribute_align_arg mpg123_tellframe (mpg123_handle *mh)
off_t attribute_align_arg mpg123_tell_stream (mpg123_handle *mh)
static int do_the_seek (mpg123_handle *mh)
off_t attribute_align_arg mpg123_seek (mpg123_handle *mh, off_t sampleoff, int whence)
off_t attribute_align_arg mpg123_feedseek (mpg123_handle *mh, off_t sampleoff, int whence, off_t *input_offset)
off_t attribute_align_arg mpg123_seek_frame (mpg123_handle *mh, off_t offset, int whence)
int attribute_align_arg mpg123_set_filesize (mpg123_handle *mh, off_t size)
off_t attribute_align_arg mpg123_framelength (mpg123_handle *mh)
off_t attribute_align_arg mpg123_length (mpg123_handle *mh)
int attribute_align_arg mpg123_scan (mpg123_handle *mh)
int attribute_align_arg mpg123_meta_check (mpg123_handle *mh)
void attribute_align_arg mpg123_meta_free (mpg123_handle *mh)
int attribute_align_arg mpg123_id3 (mpg123_handle *mh, mpg123_id3v1 **v1, mpg123_id3v2 **v2)
int attribute_align_arg mpg123_id3_raw (mpg123_handle *mh, unsigned char **v1, size_t *v1_size, unsigned char **v2, size_t *v2_size)
int attribute_align_arg mpg123_icy (mpg123_handle *mh, char **icy_meta)
char *attribute_align_arg mpg123_icy2utf8 (const char *icy_text)
enum mpg123_text_encoding attribute_align_arg mpg123_enc_from_id3 (unsigned char id3_enc_byte)
int mpg123_store_utf8 (mpg123_string *sb, enum mpg123_text_encoding enc, const unsigned char *source, size_t source_size)
int attribute_align_arg mpg123_index (mpg123_handle *mh, off_t **offsets, off_t *step, size_t *fill)
int attribute_align_arg mpg123_set_index (mpg123_handle *mh, off_t *offsets, off_t step, size_t fill)
int attribute_align_arg mpg123_close (mpg123_handle *mh)
void attribute_align_arg mpg123_delete (mpg123_handle *mh)
void attribute_align_arg mpg123_free (void *ptr)
const char *attribute_align_arg mpg123_plain_strerror (int errcode)
int attribute_align_arg mpg123_errcode (mpg123_handle *mh)
const char *attribute_align_arg mpg123_strerror (mpg123_handle *mh)


static int initialized = 0
static const charmpg123_error []

Macro Definition Documentation



Definition at line 15 of file libmpg123.c.


#define SEEKFRAME (   mh)    ((mh)->ignoreframe < 0 ? 0 : (mh)->ignoreframe)

Definition at line 19 of file libmpg123.c.

◆ track_need_init

#define track_need_init (   mh)    ((mh)->num < 0)

Definition at line 1074 of file libmpg123.c.

Function Documentation

◆ decode_the_frame()

static void decode_the_frame ( mpg123_handle fr)

Definition at line 776 of file libmpg123.c.

778 size_t needed_bytes = decoder_synth_bytes(fr, frame_expect_outsamples(fr));
779 fr->clip += (fr->do_layer)(fr);
780 /*fprintf(stderr, "frame %"OFF_P": got %"SIZE_P" / %"SIZE_P"\n", fr->num,(size_p)fr->buffer.fill, (size_p)needed_bytes);*/
781 /* There could be less data than promised.
782 Also, then debugging, we look out for coding errors that could result in _more_ data than expected. */
783#ifdef DEBUG
784 if(fr->buffer.fill != needed_bytes)
785 {
787 if(fr->buffer.fill < needed_bytes)
788 {
789 if(VERBOSE2)
790 fprintf(stderr, "Note: broken frame %li, filling up with %"SIZE_P" zeroes, from %"SIZE_P"\n", (long)fr->num, (size_p)(needed_bytes-fr->buffer.fill), (size_p)fr->buffer.fill);
792 /*
793 One could do a loop with individual samples instead... but zero is zero
794 Actually, that is wrong: zero is mostly a series of null bytes,
795 but we have funny 8bit formats that have a different opinion on zero...
796 Unsigned 16 or 32 bit formats are handled later.
797 */
798 memset( fr-> + fr->buffer.fill, zero_byte(fr), needed_bytes - fr->buffer.fill );
800 fr->buffer.fill = needed_bytes;
801#ifndef NO_NTOM
802 /* ntom_val will be wrong when the decoding wasn't carried out completely */
803 ntom_set_ntom(fr, fr->num+1);
805 }
806#ifdef DEBUG
807 else
808 {
809 if(NOQUIET)
810 error2("I got _more_ bytes than expected (%"SIZE_P" / %"SIZE_P"), that should not be possible!", (size_p)fr->buffer.fill, (size_p)needed_bytes);
811 }
812 }
#define stderr
Definition: stdio.h:100
_Check_return_opt_ _CRTIMP int __cdecl fprintf(_Inout_ FILE *_File, _In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ const char *_Format,...)
#define ntom_set_ntom
Definition: intsym.h:32
#define decoder_synth_bytes
Definition: intsym.h:224
#define postprocess_buffer
Definition: intsym.h:228
#define frame_expect_outsamples
Definition: intsym.h:196
static int zero_byte(mpg123_handle *fr)
Definition: libmpg123.c:763
#define VERBOSE2
#define NOQUIET
#define SIZE_P
Definition: compat.h:139
unsigned long size_p
Definition: compat.h:140
#define error2(s, a, b)
Definition: debug.h:126
#define memset(x, y, z)
Definition: compat.h:39
struct outbuffer buffer
Definition: frame.h:267
int(* do_layer)(mpg123_handle *)
Definition: frame.h:202

Referenced by mpg123_decode(), mpg123_decode_frame(), and mpg123_framebyframe_decode().

◆ decode_update()

int decode_update ( mpg123_handle mh)

Definition at line 573 of file libmpg123.c.

575 long native_rate;
576 int b;
578 if(mh->num < 0)
579 {
580 if(!(mh->p.flags & MPG123_QUIET)) error("decode_update() has been called before reading the first MPEG frame! Internal programming error.");
583 return MPG123_ERR;
584 }
587 native_rate = frame_freq(mh);
589 b = frame_output_format(mh); /* Select the new output format based on given constraints. */
590 if(b < 0) return MPG123_ERR;
592 if(b == 1) mh->new_format = 1; /* Store for later... */
594 debug3("updating decoder structure with native rate %li and af.rate %li (new format: %i)", native_rate, mh->af.rate, mh->new_format);
595 if(mh->af.rate == native_rate) mh->down_sample = 0;
596 else if(mh->af.rate == native_rate>>1) mh->down_sample = 1;
597 else if(mh->af.rate == native_rate>>2) mh->down_sample = 2;
598 else mh->down_sample = 3; /* flexible (fixed) rate */
599 switch(mh->down_sample)
600 {
601 case 0:
602 case 1:
603 case 2:
605 /* With downsampling I get less samples per frame */
606 mh->outblock = outblock_bytes(mh, (mh->spf>>mh->down_sample));
607 break;
608#ifndef NO_NTOM
609 case 3:
610 {
611 if(synth_ntom_set_step(mh) != 0) return -1;
612 if(frame_freq(mh) > mh->af.rate)
613 {
614 mh->down_sample_sblimit = SBLIMIT * mh->af.rate;
616 if(mh->down_sample_sblimit < 1)
617 mh->down_sample_sblimit = 1;
618 }
619 else mh->down_sample_sblimit = SBLIMIT;
620 mh->outblock = outblock_bytes(mh,
621 ( ( NTOM_MUL-1+mh->spf
622 * (((size_t)NTOM_MUL*mh->af.rate)/frame_freq(mh))
623 )/NTOM_MUL ));
624 }
625 break;
627 }
629 if(!(mh->p.flags & MPG123_FORCE_MONO))
630 {
631 if(mh->af.channels == 1) mh->single = SINGLE_MIX;
632 else mh->single = SINGLE_STEREO;
633 }
634 else mh->single = (mh->p.flags & MPG123_FORCE_MONO)-1;
635 if(set_synth_functions(mh) != 0) return -1;;
637 /* The needed size of output buffer may have changed. */
638 if(frame_outbuffer(mh) != MPG123_OK) return -1;
640 do_rva(mh);
641 debug3("done updating decoder structure with native rate %li and af.rate %li and down_sample %i", frame_freq(mh), mh->af.rate, mh->down_sample);
643 mh->decoder_change = 0;
644 return 0;
#define NTOM_MUL
Definition: decode.h:32
Definition: frame.h:94
Definition: frame.h:188
#define SINGLE_MIX
Definition: frame.h:191
GLboolean GLboolean GLboolean b
Definition: glext.h:6204
@ MPG123_ERR
Definition: mpg123.h:382
Definition: mpg123.h:420
@ MPG123_OK
Definition: mpg123.h:383
Definition: mpg123.h:213
Definition: mpg123.h:219
#define frame_outbuffer
Definition: intsym.h:181
#define frame_freq
Definition: intsym.h:239
#define do_rva
Definition: intsym.h:190
#define set_synth_functions
Definition: intsym.h:232
#define outblock_bytes
Definition: intsym.h:227
#define synth_ntom_set_step
Definition: intsym.h:154
#define frame_output_format
Definition: intsym.h:182
#define b
Definition: ke_i.h:79
#define error(str)
Definition: mkdosfs.c:1605
#define SBLIMIT
#define debug3(s, a, b, c)
Definition: debug.h:63
struct mpg123_pars_struct p
Definition: frame.h:289
int down_sample_sblimit
Definition: frame.h:194
struct audioformat af
Definition: frame.h:268

◆ do_the_seek()

static int do_the_seek ( mpg123_handle mh)

Definition at line 1211 of file libmpg123.c.

1213 int b;
1214 off_t fnum = SEEKFRAME(mh);
1215 mh->buffer.fill = 0;
1217 /* If we are inside the ignoreframe - firstframe window, we may get away without actual seeking. */
1218 if(mh->num < mh->firstframe)
1219 {
1220 mh->to_decode = FALSE; /* In any case, don't decode the current frame, perhaps ignore instead. */
1221 if(mh->num > fnum) return MPG123_OK;
1222 }
1224 /* If we are already there, we are fine either for decoding or for ignoring. */
1225 if(mh->num == fnum && (mh->to_decode || fnum < mh->firstframe)) return MPG123_OK;
1226 /* We have the frame before... just go ahead as normal. */
1227 if(mh->num == fnum-1)
1228 {
1229 mh->to_decode = FALSE;
1230 return MPG123_OK;
1231 }
1233 /* OK, real seeking follows... clear buffers and go for it. */
1235#ifndef NO_NTOM
1236 if(mh->down_sample == 3)
1237 {
1238 ntom_set_ntom(mh, fnum);
1239 debug3("fixed ntom for frame %"OFF_P" to %lu, num=%"OFF_P, (off_p)fnum, mh->ntom_val[0], (off_p)mh->num);
1240 }
1242 b = mh->rd->seek_frame(mh, fnum);
1243 if(mh->header_change > 1)
1244 {
1245 if(decode_update(mh) < 0) return MPG123_ERR;
1246 mh->header_change = 0;
1247 }
1248 debug1("seek_frame returned: %i", b);
1249 if(b<0) return b;
1250 /* Only mh->to_ignore is TRUE. */
1251 if(mh->num < mh->firstframe) mh->to_decode = FALSE;
1253 mh->playnum = mh->num;
1254 return 0;
#define FALSE
Definition: types.h:117
__kernel_off_t off_t
Definition: linux.h:201
#define decode_update
Definition: intsym.h:223
#define frame_buffers_reset
Definition: intsym.h:185
#define SEEKFRAME(mh)
Definition: libmpg123.c:19
#define OFF_P
Definition: compat.h:131
long off_p
Definition: compat.h:132
#define debug1(s, a)
Definition: debug.h:61
unsigned long ntom_val[2]
Definition: frame.h:149
struct reader * rd
Definition: frame.h:287

Referenced by mpg123_seek(), and mpg123_seek_frame().

◆ get_next_frame()

static int get_next_frame ( mpg123_handle mh)

Definition at line 662 of file libmpg123.c.

664 int change = mh->decoder_change;
665 /* Ensure we got proper decoder for ignoring frames.
666 Header can be changed from seeking around. But be careful: Only after at
667 least one frame got read, decoder update makes sense. */
668 if(mh->header_change > 1 && mh->num >= 0)
669 {
670 change = 1;
671 mh->header_change = 0;
672 debug("starting with big header change");
673 if(decode_update(mh) < 0)
674 return MPG123_ERR;
675 }
677 do
678 {
679 int b;
680 /* Decode & discard some frame(s) before beginning. */
681 if(mh->to_ignore && mh->num < mh->firstframe && mh->num >= mh->ignoreframe)
682 {
683 debug1("ignoring frame %li", (long)mh->num);
684 /* Decoder structure must be current! decode_update has been called before... */
685 (mh->do_layer)(mh); mh->buffer.fill = 0;
686#ifndef NO_NTOM
687 /* The ignored decoding may have failed. Make sure ntom stays consistent. */
688 if(mh->down_sample == 3) ntom_set_ntom(mh, mh->num+1);
690 mh->to_ignore = mh->to_decode = FALSE;
691 }
692 /* Read new frame data; possibly breaking out here for MPG123_NEED_MORE. */
693 debug("read frame");
694 mh->to_decode = FALSE;
695 b = read_frame(mh); /* That sets to_decode only if a full frame was read. */
696 debug4("read of frame %li returned %i (to_decode=%i) at sample %li", (long)mh->num, b, mh->to_decode, (long)mpg123_tell(mh));
697 if(b == MPG123_NEED_MORE) return MPG123_NEED_MORE; /* need another call with data */
698 else if(b <= 0)
699 {
700 /* More sophisticated error control? */
701 if(b==0 || (mh->rdat.filelen >= 0 && mh->rdat.filepos == mh->rdat.filelen))
702 { /* We simply reached the end. */
703 mh->track_frames = mh->num + 1;
704 debug("What about updating/checking gapless sample count here?");
705 return MPG123_DONE;
706 }
707 else return MPG123_ERR; /* Some real error. */
708 }
709 /* Now, there should be new data to decode ... and also possibly new stream properties */
710 if(mh->header_change > 1 || mh->decoder_change)
711 {
712 debug("big header or decoder change");
713 change = 1;
714 mh->header_change = 0;
715 /* Need to update decoder structure right away since frame might need to
716 be decoded on next loop iteration for properly ignoring its output. */
717 if(decode_update(mh) < 0)
718 return MPG123_ERR;
719 }
720 /* Now some accounting: Look at the numbers and decide if we want this frame. */
721 ++mh->playnum;
722 /* Plain skipping without decoding, only when frame is not ignored on next cycle. */
723 if(mh->num < mh->firstframe || (mh->p.doublespeed && (mh->playnum % mh->p.doublespeed)))
724 {
725 if(!(mh->to_ignore && mh->num < mh->firstframe && mh->num >= mh->ignoreframe))
726 {
727 frame_skip(mh);
728 /* Should one fix NtoM here or not?
729 It is not work the trouble for doublespeed, but what with leading frames? */
730 }
731 }
732 /* Or, we are finally done and have a new frame. */
733 else break;
734 } while(1);
736 /* If we reach this point, we got a new frame ready to be decoded.
737 All other situations resulted in returns from the loop. */
738 if(change)
739 {
740 if(mh->fresh)
741 {
742#ifdef GAPLESS
743 int b=0;
744 /* Prepare offsets for gapless decoding. */
745 debug1("preparing gapless stuff with native rate %li", frame_freq(mh));
747 frame_set_frameseek(mh, mh->num);
749 mh->fresh = 0;
750#ifdef GAPLESS
751 /* Could this possibly happen? With a real big gapless offset... */
752 if(mh->num < mh->firstframe) b = get_next_frame(mh);
753 if(b < 0) return b; /* Could be error, need for more, new format... */
755 }
756 }
757 return MPG123_OK;
Definition: mpg123.h:381
Definition: mpg123.h:379
off_t attribute_align_arg mpg123_tell(mpg123_handle *mh)
Definition: libmpg123.c:1164
#define frame_set_frameseek
Definition: intsym.h:202
#define frame_gapless_realinit
Definition: intsym.h:192
#define read_frame
Definition: intsym.h:241
#define frame_skip
Definition: intsym.h:197
#define debug(msg)
Definition: key_call.c:71
static int get_next_frame(mpg123_handle *mh)
Definition: libmpg123.c:662
#define debug4(s, a, b, c, d)
Definition: debug.h:64
off_t track_frames
Definition: frame.h:246
struct reader_data rdat
Definition: frame.h:288

Referenced by get_next_frame(), init_track(), mpg123_decode(), mpg123_decode_frame(), and mpg123_framebyframe_next().

◆ init_track()

static int init_track ( mpg123_handle mh)

Definition at line 1076 of file libmpg123.c.

1078 if(track_need_init(mh))
1079 {
1080 /* Fresh track, need first frame for basic info. */
1081 int b = get_next_frame(mh);
1082 if(b < 0) return b;
1083 }
1084 return 0;
#define track_need_init(mh)
Definition: libmpg123.c:1074

Referenced by mpg123_feedseek(), mpg123_framelength(), mpg123_getformat2(), mpg123_info(), mpg123_length(), mpg123_scan(), mpg123_seek(), mpg123_seek_frame(), and mpg123_timeframe().

◆ open_fixed_post()

int open_fixed_post ( mpg123_handle mh,
int  channels,
int  encoding 

Definition at line 480 of file libmpg123.c.

482 if(!mh)
483 return MPG123_BAD_HANDLE;
484 long rate;
485 int err = mpg123_getformat(mh, &rate, &channels, &encoding);
486 if(err == MPG123_OK)
488 if(err == MPG123_OK)
490 if(err == MPG123_OK)
491 {
492 if(mh->track_frames < 1 && (mh->rdat.flags & READER_SEEKABLE))
493 {
494 debug("open_fixed_post: scan because we can seek and do not know track_frames");
495 err = mpg123_scan(mh);
496 }
497 }
498 if(err != MPG123_OK)
499 mpg123_close(mh);
500 return err;
Definition: mpg123.h:393
int attribute_align_arg mpg123_close(mpg123_handle *mh)
Definition: libmpg123.c:1694
MPG123_EXPORT int mpg123_format_none(mpg123_handle *mh)
Definition: format.c:417
MPG123_EXPORT int mpg123_format(mpg123_handle *mh, long rate, int channels, int encodings)
Definition: format.c:475
int attribute_align_arg mpg123_getformat(mpg123_handle *mh, long *rate, int *channels, int *encoding)
Definition: libmpg123.c:1141
int attribute_align_arg mpg123_scan(mpg123_handle *mh)
Definition: libmpg123.c:1461
int rate
Definition: pcmconverter.c:97
int This channels
Definition: rdpsnd_libao.c:37
#define err(...)
Definition: reader.h:115
static char * encoding
Definition: xmllint.c:155

◆ open_fixed_pre()

int open_fixed_pre ( mpg123_handle mh,
int  channels,
int  encoding 

Definition at line 469 of file libmpg123.c.

471 if(!mh)
472 return MPG123_BAD_HANDLE;
473 mh->p.flags |= MPG123_NO_FRANKENSTEIN;
474 int err = mpg123_format_none(mh);
475 if(err == MPG123_OK)
477 return err;
Definition: mpg123.h:261
MPG123_EXPORT int mpg123_format2(mpg123_handle *mh, long rate, int channels, int encodings)
Definition: format.c:464

◆ zero_byte()

static int zero_byte ( mpg123_handle fr)

Definition at line 763 of file libmpg123.c.

765#ifndef NO_8BIT
766 return fr->af.encoding & MPG123_ENC_8 ? fr->conv16to8[0] : 0;
768 return 0; /* All normal signed formats have the zero here (even in byte form -- that may be an assumption for your funny machine...). */
@ MPG123_ENC_8
Definition: fmt123.h:46
unsigned char * conv16to8
Definition: frame.h:135

Referenced by decode_the_frame(), test_trailing_slash(), and test_urlcacheA().

Variable Documentation

◆ initialized

int initialized = 0

Definition at line 21 of file libmpg123.c.

Referenced by mpg123_init(), and mpg123_parnew().

◆ mpg123_error

const char* mpg123_error[]

Definition at line 1727 of file libmpg123.c.

Referenced by mpg123_plain_strerror().