"Emptying undo stack\n");
81 if (!undo)
return NULL;
"Pushing id=%d to undo stack, deleting redo stack\n",
"Pushing id=%d to undo stack\n",
124 TRACE(
"Pushing id=%d to redo stack\n",
134 if (!undo)
return FALSE;
155 if (!undo)
return FALSE;
167 if (!undo)
return FALSE;
179 if (!undo)
return FALSE;
188 if (!undo)
return FALSE;
207 if (!undo)
return FALSE;
328 TRACE(
"Playing undo/redo item, id=%d\n", undo->
389 this_para = tmp.
struct outqueuenode * head
static void * heap_alloc(size_t len)
static BOOL heap_free(void *mem)
static void list_remove(struct list_entry *entry)
static void list_add_head(struct list_entry *head, struct list_entry *entry)
int ME_MoveCursorChars(ME_TextEditor *editor, ME_Cursor *cursor, int nRelOfs, BOOL final_eop)
BOOL ME_InternalDeleteText(ME_TextEditor *editor, ME_Cursor *start, int nChars, BOOL bForce)
void ME_ReleaseStyle(ME_Style *item) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN
void ME_MoveCursorFromTableRowStartParagraph(ME_TextEditor *editor) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN
void ME_AddRefStyle(ME_Style *item) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN
ME_DisplayItem * ME_InsertRunAtCursor(ME_TextEditor *editor, ME_Cursor *cursor, ME_Style *style, const WCHAR *str, int len, int flags) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN
void mark_para_rewrap(ME_TextEditor *editor, ME_DisplayItem *para) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN
void ME_CursorFromCharOfs(ME_TextEditor *editor, int nCharOfs, ME_Cursor *pCursor) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN
void ME_CheckTablesForCorruption(ME_TextEditor *editor) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN
ME_DisplayItem * ME_FindItemBack(ME_DisplayItem *di, ME_DIType nTypeOrClass) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN
ME_DisplayItem * ME_SplitRunSimple(ME_TextEditor *editor, ME_Cursor *cursor) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN
ME_DisplayItem * ME_JoinParagraphs(ME_TextEditor *editor, ME_DisplayItem *tp, BOOL keepFirstParaFormat) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN
ME_DisplayItem * ME_SplitParagraph(ME_TextEditor *editor, ME_DisplayItem *rp, ME_Style *style, const WCHAR *eol_str, int eol_len, int paraFlags) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN
void ME_UpdateRepaint(ME_TextEditor *editor, BOOL update_now) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN
void ME_DestroyString(ME_String *s) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN
void ME_SetCharFormat(ME_TextEditor *editor, ME_Cursor *start, ME_Cursor *end, CHARFORMAT2W *pFmt) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN
@ undo_potential_end_transaction
GLuint GLuint GLsizei GLenum type
#define memcpy(s1, s2, n)
#define LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY_SAFE(cursor, cursor2, list, type, field)
#define LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY_SAFE_REV(cursor, cursor2, list, type, field)
union tagME_DisplayItem::@537 member
struct tagME_DisplayItem * prev_para
struct tagME_DisplayItem * pCell
struct delete_run_item delete_run
struct set_para_fmt_item set_para_fmt
struct split_para_item split_para
struct join_paras_item join_paras
struct insert_run_item insert_run
struct set_char_fmt_item set_char_fmt
static void empty_redo_stack(ME_TextEditor *editor)
void ME_ContinueCoalescingTransaction(ME_TextEditor *editor)
BOOL add_undo_set_char_fmt(ME_TextEditor *editor, int pos, int len, const CHARFORMAT2W *fmt)
BOOL add_undo_insert_run(ME_TextEditor *editor, int pos, const WCHAR *str, int len, int flags, ME_Style *style)
void ME_CommitUndo(ME_TextEditor *editor)
void ME_CommitCoalescingUndo(ME_TextEditor *editor)
BOOL ME_Undo(ME_TextEditor *editor)
static void ME_PlayUndoItem(ME_TextEditor *editor, struct undo_item *undo)
BOOL add_undo_delete_run(ME_TextEditor *editor, int pos, int len)
BOOL ME_Redo(ME_TextEditor *editor)
BOOL add_undo_set_para_fmt(ME_TextEditor *editor, const ME_Paragraph *para)
static struct undo_item * add_undo(ME_TextEditor *editor, enum undo_type type)
BOOL add_undo_split_para(ME_TextEditor *editor, const ME_Paragraph *para, ME_String *eol_str, const ME_Cell *cell)
static void destroy_undo_item(struct undo_item *undo)
void ME_EmptyUndoStack(ME_TextEditor *editor)
BOOL add_undo_join_paras(ME_TextEditor *editor, int pos)