ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-597-gdbf7844
tagME_TextEditor Struct Reference

#include <editstr.h>

Collaboration diagram for tagME_TextEditor:

Public Attributes

HWND hwndParent
ITextHost * texthost
BOOL bEmulateVersion10
DWORD styleFlags
DWORD exStyleFlags
int nCursors
SIZE sizeWindow
int nTotalLength
int nLastTotalLength
int nTotalWidth
int nLastTotalWidth
int nAvailWidth
int nUDArrowX
int total_rows
COLORREF rgbBackColor
HBRUSH hbrBackground
BOOL bCaretAtEnd
int nEventMask
int nModifyStep
struct list undo_stack
struct list redo_stack
int nUndoStackSize
int nUndoLimit
ME_UndoMode nUndoMode
int nParagraphs
int nLastSelStart
int nLastSelEnd
ME_FontCacheItem pFontCache [HFONT_CACHE_SIZE]
int nZoomNumerator
int nZoomDenominator
RECT prevClientRect
RECT rcFormat
BOOL bDefaultFormatRect
BOOL bWordWrap
int nTextLimit
int mode
BOOL bHideSelection
BOOL AutoURLDetect_bEnable
WCHAR cPasswordMask
BOOL bHaveFocus
BOOL bDialogMode
int imeStartIndex
DWORD selofs
ME_SelectionType nSelectionType
CHARRANGE notified_cr
int caret_height
BOOL caret_hidden
BOOL bMouseCaptured
int wheel_remain
struct list style_list
struct list reobj_list

Detailed Description

Definition at line 380 of file editstr.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ AutoURLDetect_bEnable

BOOL tagME_TextEditor::AutoURLDetect_bEnable

◆ bCaretAtEnd

◆ bDefaultFormatRect

BOOL tagME_TextEditor::bDefaultFormatRect

Definition at line 414 of file editstr.h.

Referenced by ME_HandleMessage(), and ME_MakeEditor().

◆ bDialogMode

BOOL tagME_TextEditor::bDialogMode

Definition at line 428 of file editstr.h.

Referenced by handle_enter(), ME_HandleMessage(), ME_KeyDown(), and ME_MakeEditor().

◆ bEmulateVersion10

◆ bHaveFocus

BOOL tagME_TextEditor::bHaveFocus

Definition at line 427 of file editstr.h.

Referenced by ME_HandleMessage(), ME_MakeEditor(), and update_caret().

◆ bHideSelection

BOOL tagME_TextEditor::bHideSelection

Definition at line 424 of file editstr.h.

Referenced by ME_HandleMessage(), ME_MakeEditor(), and set_selection().

◆ bMouseCaptured

BOOL tagME_TextEditor::bMouseCaptured

Definition at line 445 of file editstr.h.

Referenced by ME_Char(), ME_HandleMessage(), ME_KeyDown(), ME_MakeEditor(), and ME_SetCursor().

◆ bWordWrap

BOOL tagME_TextEditor::bWordWrap

◆ caret_height

int tagME_TextEditor::caret_height

Definition at line 443 of file editstr.h.

Referenced by create_caret(), ME_MakeEditor(), and update_caret().

◆ caret_hidden

BOOL tagME_TextEditor::caret_hidden

Definition at line 444 of file editstr.h.

Referenced by create_caret(), hide_caret(), ME_MakeEditor(), and show_caret().

◆ cPasswordMask

WCHAR tagME_TextEditor::cPasswordMask

Definition at line 426 of file editstr.h.

Referenced by ME_Copy(), ME_HandleMessage(), and ME_MakeEditor().

◆ exStyleFlags

DWORD tagME_TextEditor::exStyleFlags

◆ first_marked_para

ME_DisplayItem* tagME_TextEditor::first_marked_para

◆ hbrBackground

HBRUSH tagME_TextEditor::hbrBackground

◆ horz_si

◆ hWnd

◆ hwndParent

◆ imeStartIndex

int tagME_TextEditor::imeStartIndex

Definition at line 431 of file editstr.h.

Referenced by ME_HandleMessage().

◆ lpOleCallback


◆ mode

◆ nAvailWidth

int tagME_TextEditor::nAvailWidth

Definition at line 394 of file editstr.h.

Referenced by ME_HandleMessage(), ME_InitContext(), and ME_MakeEditor().

◆ nCursors

◆ nEventMask

◆ nLastSelEnd

int tagME_TextEditor::nLastSelEnd

Definition at line 408 of file editstr.h.

Referenced by ME_InvalidateSelection(), and ME_MakeEditor().

◆ nLastSelStart

int tagME_TextEditor::nLastSelStart

Definition at line 408 of file editstr.h.

Referenced by ME_InvalidateSelection(), and ME_MakeEditor().

◆ nLastTotalLength

int tagME_TextEditor::nLastTotalLength

◆ nLastTotalWidth

int tagME_TextEditor::nLastTotalWidth

Definition at line 393 of file editstr.h.

Referenced by ME_MakeEditor(), and ME_PaintContent().

◆ nModifyStep

int tagME_TextEditor::nModifyStep

◆ notified_cr

CHARRANGE tagME_TextEditor::notified_cr

Definition at line 438 of file editstr.h.

Referenced by ME_MakeEditor(), and ME_SendSelChange().

◆ nParagraphs

int tagME_TextEditor::nParagraphs

Definition at line 407 of file editstr.h.

Referenced by ME_GetTextLengthEx(), ME_JoinParagraphs(), ME_MakeEditor(), and ME_SplitParagraph().

◆ nSelectionType

◆ nTextLimit

int tagME_TextEditor::nTextLimit

◆ nTotalLength

◆ nTotalWidth

◆ nUDArrowX

int tagME_TextEditor::nUDArrowX

Definition at line 395 of file editstr.h.

Referenced by ME_ArrowPageUp(), ME_GetXForArrow(), ME_KeyDown(), ME_LButtonDown(), and ME_MakeEditor().

◆ nUndoLimit

int tagME_TextEditor::nUndoLimit

Definition at line 405 of file editstr.h.

Referenced by add_undo(), ME_HandleMessage(), and ME_MakeEditor().

◆ nUndoMode

◆ nUndoStackSize

int tagME_TextEditor::nUndoStackSize

◆ nZoomDenominator

int tagME_TextEditor::nZoomDenominator

Definition at line 411 of file editstr.h.

Referenced by ME_HandleMessage(), ME_MakeEditor(), and ME_SetZoom().

◆ nZoomNumerator

int tagME_TextEditor::nZoomNumerator

Definition at line 411 of file editstr.h.

Referenced by ME_HandleMessage(), ME_MakeEditor(), and ME_SetZoom().

◆ pBuffer

◆ pCursors

◆ pfnWordBreak

EDITWORDBREAKPROCW tagME_TextEditor::pfnWordBreak

Definition at line 417 of file editstr.h.

Referenced by ME_CallWordBreakProc(), ME_HandleMessage(), and ME_MakeEditor().

◆ pFontCache

ME_FontCacheItem tagME_TextEditor::pFontCache[HFONT_CACHE_SIZE]

Definition at line 410 of file editstr.h.

Referenced by ME_DestroyEditor(), and ME_MakeEditor().

◆ pLastSelEndPara

ME_DisplayItem * tagME_TextEditor::pLastSelEndPara

Definition at line 409 of file editstr.h.

Referenced by ME_InvalidateSelection(), ME_JoinParagraphs(), and ME_MakeEditor().

◆ pLastSelStartPara

ME_DisplayItem* tagME_TextEditor::pLastSelStartPara

Definition at line 409 of file editstr.h.

Referenced by ME_InvalidateSelection(), ME_JoinParagraphs(), and ME_MakeEditor().

◆ prevClientRect

RECT tagME_TextEditor::prevClientRect

Definition at line 412 of file editstr.h.

Referenced by ME_HandleMessage().

◆ rcFormat

◆ redo_stack

struct list tagME_TextEditor::redo_stack

Definition at line 403 of file editstr.h.

Referenced by add_undo(), empty_redo_stack(), ME_HandleMessage(), ME_MakeEditor(), and ME_Redo().

◆ reobj_list

struct list tagME_TextEditor::reobj_list

Definition at line 448 of file editstr.h.

Referenced by ME_InsertOLEFromCursor(), and ME_MakeEditor().

◆ reOle

IUnknown* tagME_TextEditor::reOle

Definition at line 384 of file editstr.h.

Referenced by insert_static_object(), ME_DestroyEditor(), ME_HandleMessage(), and ME_MakeEditor().

◆ rgbBackColor

COLORREF tagME_TextEditor::rgbBackColor

Definition at line 397 of file editstr.h.

Referenced by ME_DestroyEditor(), ME_HandleMessage(), and ME_MakeEditor().

◆ selofs

DWORD tagME_TextEditor::selofs

Definition at line 433 of file editstr.h.

Referenced by ME_HandleMessage(), ME_MakeEditor(), and ME_SetDefaultFormatRect().

◆ sizeWindow

◆ style_list

struct list tagME_TextEditor::style_list

Definition at line 447 of file editstr.h.

Referenced by ME_ApplyStyle(), ME_DestroyEditor(), and ME_MakeEditor().

◆ styleFlags

◆ texthost

◆ total_rows

int tagME_TextEditor::total_rows

◆ undo_stack

◆ vert_si

◆ wheel_remain

int tagME_TextEditor::wheel_remain

Definition at line 446 of file editstr.h.

Referenced by ME_HandleMessage(), and ME_MakeEditor().

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: