ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-188-g678aa63
attributes.c File Reference
#include "precomp.h"
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struct  _xsltAttrElem
struct  _xsltUseAttrSet
struct  _xsltAttrSet
struct  _xsltAttrSetContext


#define IS_BLANK(c)
#define IS_BLANK_NODE(n)    (((n)->type == XML_TEXT_NODE) && (xsltIsBlank((n)->content)))


typedef struct _xsltAttrElem xsltAttrElem
typedef xsltAttrElemxsltAttrElemPtr
typedef struct _xsltUseAttrSet xsltUseAttrSet
typedef xsltUseAttrSetxsltUseAttrSetPtr
typedef struct _xsltAttrSet xsltAttrSet
typedef xsltAttrSetxsltAttrSetPtr
typedef struct _xsltAttrSetContext xsltAttrSetContext
typedef xsltAttrSetContextxsltAttrSetContextPtr


static xsltAttrElemPtr xsltNewAttrElem (xmlNodePtr attr)
static void xsltFreeAttrElem (xsltAttrElemPtr attr)
static void xsltFreeAttrElemList (xsltAttrElemPtr list)
static xsltAttrElemPtr xsltAddAttrElemList (xsltAttrElemPtr list, xmlNodePtr attr)
static xsltUseAttrSetPtr xsltNewUseAttrSet (const xmlChar *ncname, const xmlChar *ns)
static void xsltFreeUseAttrSet (xsltUseAttrSetPtr use)
static void xsltFreeUseAttrSetList (xsltUseAttrSetPtr list)
static xsltUseAttrSetPtr xsltAddUseAttrSetList (xsltUseAttrSetPtr list, const xmlChar *ncname, const xmlChar *ns)
static xsltAttrSetPtr xsltNewAttrSet ()
static void xsltFreeAttrSet (xsltAttrSetPtr set)
static void xsltMergeAttrSets (xsltAttrSetPtr set, xsltAttrSetPtr other)
void xsltParseStylesheetAttributeSet (xsltStylesheetPtr style, xmlNodePtr cur)
static void xsltResolveUseAttrSets (xsltAttrSetPtr set, xsltStylesheetPtr topStyle, int depth)
: the local name of the attirbute set

xsltResolveSASCallback: @set: the attribute set @asctx: the context for attribute set resolution

@ns: the namespace of the attribute set

resolve the references in an attribute set.

static void xsltResolveAttrSet (xsltAttrSetPtr set, xsltStylesheetPtr topStyle, xsltStylesheetPtr style, const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar *ns, int depth)
static void xsltResolveSASCallback (void *payload, void *data, const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar *ns, ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED const xmlChar *ignored)
void xsltResolveStylesheetAttributeSet (xsltStylesheetPtr style)
void xsltAttribute (xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt, xmlNodePtr contextNode, xmlNodePtr inst, xsltElemPreCompPtr castedComp)
void xsltApplyAttributeSet (xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt, xmlNodePtr node, xmlNodePtr inst, const xmlChar *attrSets)
static void xsltFreeAttributeSetsEntry (void *payload, const xmlChar *name ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
void xsltFreeAttributeSetsHashes (xsltStylesheetPtr style)

Macro Definition Documentation



Definition at line 34 of file attributes.c.



Definition at line 33 of file attributes.c.



Definition at line 32 of file attributes.c.


#define IS_BLANK (   c)
(((c) == 0x20) || ((c) == 0x09) || ((c) == 0xA) || \
((c) == 0x0D))
#define c
Definition: ke_i.h:80

Definition at line 26 of file attributes.c.


#define IS_BLANK_NODE (   n)     (((n)->type == XML_TEXT_NODE) && (xsltIsBlank((n)->content)))

Definition at line 29 of file attributes.c.



Definition at line 14 of file attributes.c.

Typedef Documentation

◆ xsltAttrElem

Definition at line 43 of file attributes.c.

◆ xsltAttrElemPtr

Definition at line 44 of file attributes.c.

◆ xsltAttrSet

Definition at line 58 of file attributes.c.

◆ xsltAttrSetContext

Definition at line 66 of file attributes.c.

◆ xsltAttrSetContextPtr

Definition at line 67 of file attributes.c.

◆ xsltAttrSetPtr

Definition at line 59 of file attributes.c.

◆ xsltUseAttrSet

Definition at line 50 of file attributes.c.

◆ xsltUseAttrSetPtr

Definition at line 51 of file attributes.c.

Function Documentation

◆ xsltAddAttrElemList()

static xsltAttrElemPtr xsltAddAttrElemList ( xsltAttrElemPtr  list,
xmlNodePtr  attr 

xsltAddAttrElemList: @list: an XSLT AttrElem list @attr: the new xsl:attribute node

Add the new attribute to the list.

Returns the new list pointer

Definition at line 145 of file attributes.c.

145 {
148 if (attr == NULL)
149 return(list);
150 if (list == NULL)
151 return(xsltNewAttrElem(attr));
152 cur = list;
153 while (cur != NULL) {
154 next = cur->next;
155 if (next == NULL) {
156 cur->next = xsltNewAttrElem(attr);
157 return(list);
158 }
159 cur = next;
160 }
161 return(list);
Definition: list.h:37
#define NULL
Definition: types.h:112
static xsltAttrElemPtr xsltNewAttrElem(xmlNodePtr attr)
Definition: attributes.c:93
FxCollectionEntry * cur
static unsigned __int64 next
Definition: rand_nt.c:6
#define list
Definition: rosglue.h:35
Definition: cookie.c:202

Referenced by xsltParseStylesheetAttributeSet().

◆ xsltAddUseAttrSetList()

static xsltUseAttrSetPtr xsltAddUseAttrSetList ( xsltUseAttrSetPtr  list,
const xmlChar ncname,
const xmlChar ns 

xsltAddUseAttrSetList: @list: a xsltUseAttrSet list @ncname: local name @ns: namespace URI

Add the use-attribute-set name to the list.

Returns the new list pointer.

Definition at line 228 of file attributes.c.

229 {
232 if (ncname == NULL)
233 return(list);
234 if (list == NULL)
235 return(xsltNewUseAttrSet(ncname, ns));
236 cur = list;
237 while (cur != NULL) {
238 if ((cur->ncname == ncname) && (cur->ns == ns))
239 return(list);
240 next = cur->next;
241 if (next == NULL) {
242 cur->next = xsltNewUseAttrSet(ncname, ns);
243 return(list);
244 }
245 cur = next;
246 }
247 return(list);
static xsltUseAttrSetPtr xsltNewUseAttrSet(const xmlChar *ncname, const xmlChar *ns)
Definition: attributes.c:174
Definition: mxnamespace.c:45

Referenced by xsltParseStylesheetAttributeSet().

◆ xsltApplyAttributeSet()

void xsltApplyAttributeSet ( xsltTransformContextPtr  ctxt,
xmlNodePtr  node,
xmlNodePtr  inst,
const xmlChar attrSets 

xsltApplyAttributeSet: @ctxt: the XSLT stylesheet @node: the node in the source tree. @inst: the attribute node "xsl:use-attribute-sets" @attrSets: the list of QNames of the attribute-sets to be applied

Apply the xsl:use-attribute-sets. If @attrSets is NULL, then @inst will be used to exctract this value. If both, @attrSets and @inst, are NULL, then this will do nothing.

Definition at line 1086 of file attributes.c.

1090 const xmlChar *ncname = NULL;
1091 const xmlChar *prefix = NULL;
1092 const xmlChar *curstr, *endstr;
1096 if (attrSets == NULL) {
1097 if (inst == NULL)
1098 return;
1099 else {
1100 /*
1101 * Extract the value from @inst.
1102 */
1103 if (inst->type == XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE) {
1104 if ( ((xmlAttrPtr) inst)->children != NULL)
1105 attrSets = ((xmlAttrPtr) inst)->children->content;
1107 }
1108 if (attrSets == NULL) {
1109 /*
1110 * TODO: Return an error?
1111 */
1112 return;
1113 }
1114 }
1115 }
1116 /*
1117 * Parse/apply the list of QNames.
1118 */
1119 curstr = attrSets;
1120 while (*curstr != 0) {
1121 while (IS_BLANK(*curstr))
1122 curstr++;
1123 if (*curstr == 0)
1124 break;
1125 endstr = curstr;
1126 while ((*endstr != 0) && (!IS_BLANK(*endstr)))
1127 endstr++;
1128 curstr = xmlDictLookup(ctxt->dict, curstr, endstr - curstr);
1129 if (curstr) {
1130 xmlNsPtr ns;
1131 const xmlChar *nsUri = NULL;
1135 "apply attribute set %s\n", curstr);
1138 if (xmlValidateQName(curstr, 0)) {
1139 xsltTransformError(ctxt, NULL, inst,
1140 "The name '%s' in use-attribute-sets is not a valid "
1141 "QName.\n", curstr);
1142 return;
1143 }
1145 ncname = xsltSplitQName(ctxt->dict, curstr, &prefix);
1146 if (prefix != NULL) {
1147 ns = xmlSearchNs(inst->doc, inst, prefix);
1148 if (ns == NULL) {
1149 xsltTransformError(ctxt, NULL, inst,
1150 "use-attribute-set : No namespace found for QName "
1151 "'%s:%s'\n", prefix, ncname);
1152 return;
1153 }
1154 nsUri = ns->href;
1155 }
1157 style = ctxt->style;
1159#ifdef WITH_DEBUGGER
1160 if ((style != NULL) &&
1161 (style->attributeSets != NULL) &&
1162 (ctxt->debugStatus != XSLT_DEBUG_NONE))
1163 {
1164 set = xmlHashLookup2(style->attributeSets, ncname, nsUri);
1165 if ((set != NULL) && (set->attrs != NULL) &&
1166 (set->attrs->attr != NULL))
1167 xslHandleDebugger(set->attrs->attr->parent, node, NULL,
1168 ctxt);
1169 }
1171 /*
1172 * Lookup the referenced attribute-set. All attribute sets were
1173 * moved to the top stylesheet so there's no need to iterate
1174 * imported stylesheets
1175 */
1176 set = xmlHashLookup2(style->attributeSets, ncname, nsUri);
1177 if (set != NULL) {
1178 xsltAttrElemPtr cur = set->attrs;
1179 while (cur != NULL) {
1180 if (cur->attr != NULL) {
1181 xsltAttribute(ctxt, node, cur->attr,
1182 cur->attr->psvi);
1183 }
1184 cur = cur->next;
1185 }
1186 }
1187 }
1188 curstr = endstr;
1189 }
Arabic default style
Definition: afstyles.h:94
Definition: _set.h:50
#define IS_BLANK(c)
Definition: attributes.c:26
void xsltAttribute(xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt, xmlNodePtr contextNode, xmlNodePtr inst, xsltElemPreCompPtr castedComp)
Definition: attributes.c:716
XMLPUBFUN const xmlChar *XMLCALL xmlDictLookup(xmlDictPtr dict, const xmlChar *name, int len)
Definition: dict.c:867
XMLPUBFUN void *XMLCALL xmlHashLookup2(xmlHashTablePtr table, const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar *name2)
Definition: hash.c:476
XMLPUBFUN xmlNsPtr XMLCALL xmlSearchNs(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node, const xmlChar *nameSpace)
Definition: tree.h:161
xmlAttr * xmlAttrPtr
Definition: tree.h:433
Definition: tree.h:434
struct _xmlDoc * doc
Definition: tree.h:498
xmlElementType type
Definition: tree.h:491
Definition: tree.h:389
xsltStylesheetPtr style
XSLTPUBFUN void XSLTCALL xslHandleDebugger(xmlNodePtr cur, xmlNodePtr node, xsltTemplatePtr templ, xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt)
Definition: dlist.c:348
unsigned char xmlChar
Definition: xmlstring.h:28
void xsltTransformError(xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt, xsltStylesheetPtr style, xmlNodePtr node, const char *msg,...)
Definition: xsltutils.c:678
xmlGenericErrorFunc xsltGenericDebug
Definition: xsltutils.c:548
void * xsltGenericDebugContext
Definition: xsltutils.c:549
const xmlChar * xsltSplitQName(xmlDictPtr dict, const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar **prefix)
Definition: xsltutils.c:720
Definition: xsltutils.h:273

Referenced by xsltAttrListTemplateProcess(), xsltCopy(), and xsltElement().

◆ xsltAttribute()

void xsltAttribute ( xsltTransformContextPtr  ctxt,
xmlNodePtr  contextNode,
xmlNodePtr  inst,
xsltElemPreCompPtr  castedComp 

xsltAttribute: @ctxt: a XSLT process context @contextNode: the current node in the source tree @inst: the xsl:attribute element @castedComp: precomputed information

Process the xslt attribute node on the source node

Definition at line 716 of file attributes.c.

722 xsltStyleItemAttributePtr comp =
723 (xsltStyleItemAttributePtr) castedComp;
725 xsltStylePreCompPtr comp = (xsltStylePreCompPtr) castedComp;
727 xmlNodePtr targetElem;
728 xmlChar *prop = NULL;
729 const xmlChar *name = NULL, *prefix = NULL, *nsName = NULL;
730 xmlChar *value = NULL;
731 xmlNsPtr ns = NULL;
734 if ((ctxt == NULL) || (contextNode == NULL) || (inst == NULL) ||
735 (inst->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) )
736 return;
738 /*
739 * A comp->has_name == 0 indicates that we need to skip this instruction,
740 * since it was evaluated to be invalid already during compilation.
741 */
742 if (!comp->has_name)
743 return;
744 /*
745 * BIG NOTE: This previously used xsltGetSpecialNamespace() and
746 * xsltGetNamespace(), but since both are not appropriate, we
747 * will process namespace lookup here to avoid adding yet another
748 * ns-lookup function to namespaces.c.
749 */
750 /*
751 * SPEC XSLT 1.0: Error cases:
752 * - Creating nodes other than text nodes during the instantiation of
753 * the content of the xsl:attribute element; implementations may
754 * either signal the error or ignore the offending nodes."
755 */
757 if (comp == NULL) {
758 xsltTransformError(ctxt, NULL, inst,
759 "Internal error in xsltAttribute(): "
760 "The XSLT 'attribute' instruction was not compiled.\n");
761 return;
762 }
763 /*
764 * TODO: Shouldn't ctxt->insert == NULL be treated as an internal error?
765 * So report an internal error?
766 */
767 if (ctxt->insert == NULL)
768 return;
769 /*
770 * SPEC XSLT 1.0:
771 * "Adding an attribute to a node that is not an element;
772 * implementations may either signal the error or ignore the attribute."
773 *
774 * TODO: I think we should signal such errors in the future, and maybe
775 * provide an option to ignore such errors.
776 */
777 targetElem = ctxt->insert;
778 if (targetElem->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
779 return;
781 /*
782 * SPEC XSLT 1.0:
783 * "Adding an attribute to an element after children have been added
784 * to it; implementations may either signal the error or ignore the
785 * attribute."
786 *
787 * TODO: We should decide whether not to report such errors or
788 * to ignore them; note that we *ignore* if the parent is not an
789 * element, but here we report an error.
790 */
791 if (targetElem->children != NULL) {
792 /*
793 * NOTE: Ah! This seems to be intended to support streamed
794 * result generation!.
795 */
796 xsltTransformError(ctxt, NULL, inst,
797 "xsl:attribute: Cannot add attributes to an "
798 "element if children have been already added "
799 "to the element.\n");
800 return;
801 }
803 /*
804 * Process the name
805 * ----------------
806 */
809 if (ctxt->debugStatus != XSLT_DEBUG_NONE)
810 xslHandleDebugger(inst, contextNode, NULL, ctxt);
813 if (comp->name == NULL) {
814 /* TODO: fix attr acquisition wrt to the XSLT namespace */
815 prop = xsltEvalAttrValueTemplate(ctxt, inst,
816 (const xmlChar *) "name", XSLT_NAMESPACE);
817 if (prop == NULL) {
818 xsltTransformError(ctxt, NULL, inst,
819 "xsl:attribute: The attribute 'name' is missing.\n");
820 goto error;
821 }
822 if (xmlValidateQName(prop, 0)) {
823 xsltTransformError(ctxt, NULL, inst,
824 "xsl:attribute: The effective name '%s' is not a "
825 "valid QName.\n", prop);
826 /* we fall through to catch any further errors, if possible */
827 }
829 /*
830 * Reject a name of "xmlns".
831 */
832 if (xmlStrEqual(prop, BAD_CAST "xmlns")) {
833 xsltTransformError(ctxt, NULL, inst,
834 "xsl:attribute: The effective name 'xmlns' is not allowed.\n");
835 xmlFree(prop);
836 goto error;
837 }
839 name = xsltSplitQName(ctxt->dict, prop, &prefix);
840 xmlFree(prop);
841 } else {
842 /*
843 * The "name" value was static.
844 */
846 prefix = comp->nsPrefix;
847 name = comp->name;
849 name = xsltSplitQName(ctxt->dict, comp->name, &prefix);
851 }
853 /*
854 * Process namespace semantics
855 * ---------------------------
856 *
857 * Evaluate the namespace name.
858 */
859 if (comp->has_ns) {
860 /*
861 * The "namespace" attribute was existent.
862 */
863 if (comp->ns != NULL) {
864 /*
865 * No AVT; just plain text for the namespace name.
866 */
867 if (comp->ns[0] != 0)
868 nsName = comp->ns;
869 } else {
870 xmlChar *tmpNsName;
871 /*
872 * Eval the AVT.
873 */
874 /* TODO: check attr acquisition wrt to the XSLT namespace */
875 tmpNsName = xsltEvalAttrValueTemplate(ctxt, inst,
876 (const xmlChar *) "namespace", XSLT_NAMESPACE);
877 /*
878 * This fixes bug #302020: The AVT might also evaluate to the
879 * empty string; this means that the empty string also indicates
880 * "no namespace".
881 * SPEC XSLT 1.0:
882 * "If the string is empty, then the expanded-name of the
883 * attribute has a null namespace URI."
884 */
885 if ((tmpNsName != NULL) && (tmpNsName[0] != 0))
886 nsName = xmlDictLookup(ctxt->dict, BAD_CAST tmpNsName, -1);
887 xmlFree(tmpNsName);
888 }
890 if (xmlStrEqual(nsName, BAD_CAST "")) {
891 xsltTransformError(ctxt, NULL, inst,
892 "xsl:attribute: Namespace "
893 "forbidden.\n");
894 goto error;
895 }
896 if (xmlStrEqual(nsName, XML_XML_NAMESPACE)) {
897 prefix = BAD_CAST "xml";
898 } else if (xmlStrEqual(prefix, BAD_CAST "xml")) {
899 prefix = NULL;
900 }
901 } else if (prefix != NULL) {
902 /*
903 * SPEC XSLT 1.0:
904 * "If the namespace attribute is not present, then the QName is
905 * expanded into an expanded-name using the namespace declarations
906 * in effect for the xsl:attribute element, *not* including any
907 * default namespace declaration."
908 */
909 ns = xmlSearchNs(inst->doc, inst, prefix);
910 if (ns == NULL) {
911 /*
912 * Note that this is treated as an error now (checked with
913 * Saxon, Xalan-J and MSXML).
914 */
915 xsltTransformError(ctxt, NULL, inst,
916 "xsl:attribute: The QName '%s:%s' has no "
917 "namespace binding in scope in the stylesheet; "
918 "this is an error, since the namespace was not "
919 "specified by the instruction itself.\n", prefix, name);
920 } else
921 nsName = ns->href;
922 }
924 /*
925 * Find/create a matching ns-decl in the result tree.
926 */
927 ns = NULL;
929#if 0
930 if (0) {
931 /*
932 * OPTIMIZE TODO: How do we know if we are adding to a
933 * fragment or to the result tree?
934 *
935 * If we are adding to a result tree fragment (i.e., not to the
936 * actual result tree), we'll don't bother searching for the
937 * ns-decl, but just store it in the dummy-doc of the result
938 * tree fragment.
939 */
940 if (nsName != NULL) {
941 /*
942 * TODO: Get the doc of @targetElem.
943 */
944 ns = xsltTreeAcquireStoredNs(some doc, nsName, prefix);
945 }
946 }
949 if (nsName != NULL) {
950 /*
951 * Something about ns-prefixes:
952 * SPEC XSLT 1.0:
953 * "XSLT processors may make use of the prefix of the QName specified
954 * in the name attribute when selecting the prefix used for outputting
955 * the created attribute as XML; however, they are not required to do
956 * so and, if the prefix is xmlns, they must not do so"
957 */
958 /*
959 * xsl:attribute can produce a scenario where the prefix is NULL,
960 * so generate a prefix.
961 */
962 if ((prefix == NULL) || xmlStrEqual(prefix, BAD_CAST "xmlns")) {
963 xmlChar *pref = xmlStrdup(BAD_CAST "ns_1");
965 ns = xsltGetSpecialNamespace(ctxt, inst, nsName, pref, targetElem);
967 xmlFree(pref);
968 } else {
969 ns = xsltGetSpecialNamespace(ctxt, inst, nsName, prefix,
970 targetElem);
971 }
972 if (ns == NULL) {
973 xsltTransformError(ctxt, NULL, inst,
974 "Namespace fixup error: Failed to acquire an in-scope "
975 "namespace binding for the generated attribute '{%s}%s'.\n",
976 nsName, name);
977 goto error;
978 }
979 }
980 /*
981 * Construction of the value
982 * -------------------------
983 */
984 if (inst->children == NULL) {
985 /*
986 * No content.
987 * TODO: Do we need to put the empty string in ?
988 */
989 attr = xmlSetNsProp(ctxt->insert, ns, name, (const xmlChar *) "");
990 } else if ((inst->children->next == NULL) &&
991 ((inst->children->type == XML_TEXT_NODE) ||
992 (inst->children->type == XML_CDATA_SECTION_NODE)))
993 {
994 xmlNodePtr copyTxt;
996 /*
997 * xmlSetNsProp() will take care of duplicates.
998 */
999 attr = xmlSetNsProp(ctxt->insert, ns, name, NULL);
1000 if (attr == NULL) /* TODO: report error ? */
1001 goto error;
1002 /*
1003 * This was taken over from xsltCopyText() (transform.c).
1004 */
1005 if (ctxt->internalized &&
1006 (ctxt->insert->doc != NULL) &&
1007 (ctxt->insert->doc->dict == ctxt->dict))
1008 {
1009 copyTxt = xmlNewText(NULL);
1010 if (copyTxt == NULL) /* TODO: report error */
1011 goto error;
1012 /*
1013 * This is a safe scenario where we don't need to lookup
1014 * the dict.
1015 */
1016 copyTxt->content = inst->children->content;
1017 /*
1018 * Copy "disable-output-escaping" information.
1019 * TODO: Does this have any effect for attribute values
1020 * anyway?
1021 */
1022 if (inst->children->name == xmlStringTextNoenc)
1023 copyTxt->name = xmlStringTextNoenc;
1024 } else {
1025 /*
1026 * Copy the value.
1027 */
1028 copyTxt = xmlNewText(inst->children->content);
1029 if (copyTxt == NULL) /* TODO: report error */
1030 goto error;
1031 }
1032 attr->children = attr->last = copyTxt;
1033 copyTxt->parent = (xmlNodePtr) attr;
1034 copyTxt->doc = attr->doc;
1035 /*
1036 * Copy "disable-output-escaping" information.
1037 * TODO: Does this have any effect for attribute values
1038 * anyway?
1039 */
1040 if (inst->children->name == xmlStringTextNoenc)
1041 copyTxt->name = xmlStringTextNoenc;
1043 /*
1044 * since we create the attribute without content IDness must be
1045 * asserted as a second step
1046 */
1047 if ((copyTxt->content != NULL) &&
1048 (xmlIsID(attr->doc, attr->parent, attr)))
1049 xmlAddID(NULL, attr->doc, copyTxt->content, attr);
1050 } else {
1051 /*
1052 * The sequence constructor might be complex, so instantiate it.
1053 */
1054 value = xsltEvalTemplateString(ctxt, contextNode, inst);
1055 if (value != NULL) {
1056 attr = xmlSetNsProp(ctxt->insert, ns, name, value);
1057 xmlFree(value);
1058 } else {
1059 /*
1060 * TODO: Do we have to add the empty string to the attr?
1061 * TODO: Does a value of NULL indicate an
1062 * error in xsltEvalTemplateString() ?
1063 */
1064 attr = xmlSetNsProp(ctxt->insert, ns, name,
1065 (const xmlChar *) "");
1066 }
1067 }
1070 return;
#define error(str)
Definition: mkdosfs.c:1605
xmlNsPtr xsltGetSpecialNamespace(xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt, xmlNodePtr invocNode, const xmlChar *nsName, const xmlChar *nsPrefix, xmlNodePtr target)
Definition: namespaces.c:299
XMLPUBVAR const xmlChar xmlStringTextNoenc[]
XMLPUBVAR xmlFreeFunc xmlFree
Definition: globals.h:251
xmlNode * xmlNodePtr
Definition: tree.h:488
XMLPUBFUN xmlNodePtr XMLCALL xmlNewText(const xmlChar *content)
Definition: tree.h:163
Definition: tree.h:162
Definition: tree.h:160
Definition: tree.h:140
Definition: tree.h:489
xmlChar * content
Definition: tree.h:502
struct _xmlNode * children
Definition: tree.h:493
const xmlChar * name
Definition: tree.h:492
struct _xmlNode * parent
Definition: tree.h:495
Definition: name.c:39
WCHAR * name
Definition: name.c:42
xmlChar * xsltEvalAttrValueTemplate(xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt, xmlNodePtr inst, const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar *ns)
Definition: templates.c:392
xmlChar * xsltEvalTemplateString(xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt, xmlNodePtr contextNode, xmlNodePtr inst)
Definition: templates.c:189
Definition: pdh_main.c:94
XMLPUBFUN xmlIDPtr XMLCALL xmlAddID(xmlValidCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlDocPtr doc, const xmlChar *value, xmlAttrPtr attr)
Definition: valid.c:2672
XMLPUBFUN int XMLCALL xmlIsID(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr elem, xmlAttrPtr attr)
Definition: valid.c:2774
XMLPUBFUN xmlChar *XMLCALL xmlStrdup(const xmlChar *cur)
Definition: xmlstring.c:67
#define BAD_CAST
Definition: xmlstring.h:35
XMLPUBFUN int XMLCALL xmlStrEqual(const xmlChar *str1, const xmlChar *str2)
Definition: xmlstring.c:160
xsltStylePreComp * xsltStylePreCompPtr
Definition: xslt.h:46

Referenced by xsltApplyAttributeSet(), xsltNewStylePreComp(), and xsltRegisterAllElement().

◆ xsltFreeAttrElem()

static void xsltFreeAttrElem ( xsltAttrElemPtr  attr)

xsltFreeAttrElem: @attr: an XSLT AttrElem

Free up the memory allocated by @attr

Definition at line 114 of file attributes.c.

114 {
115 xmlFree(attr);

Referenced by xsltFreeAttrElemList().

◆ xsltFreeAttrElemList()

static void xsltFreeAttrElemList ( xsltAttrElemPtr  list)

xsltFreeAttrElemList: @list: an XSLT AttrElem list

Free up the memory allocated by @list

Definition at line 125 of file attributes.c.

125 {
128 while (list != NULL) {
129 next = list->next;
131 list = next;
132 }
struct list * next
Definition: list.h:38
static void xsltFreeAttrElem(xsltAttrElemPtr attr)
Definition: attributes.c:114

Referenced by xsltFreeAttrSet().

◆ xsltFreeAttributeSetsEntry()

static void xsltFreeAttributeSetsEntry ( void payload,
const xmlChar *name  ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED 

Definition at line 1193 of file attributes.c.

1194 {
static void xsltFreeAttrSet(xsltAttrSetPtr set)
Definition: attributes.c:278

Referenced by xsltFreeAttributeSetsHashes().

◆ xsltFreeAttributeSetsHashes()

void xsltFreeAttributeSetsHashes ( xsltStylesheetPtr  style)

xsltFreeAttributeSetsHashes: @style: an XSLT stylesheet

Free up the memory used by attribute sets

Definition at line 1205 of file attributes.c.

1205 {
1206 if (style->attributeSets != NULL)
1207 xmlHashFree((xmlHashTablePtr) style->attributeSets,
1209 style->attributeSets = NULL;
static void xsltFreeAttributeSetsEntry(void *payload, const xmlChar *name ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
Definition: attributes.c:1193
XMLPUBFUN void XMLCALL xmlHashFree(xmlHashTablePtr table, xmlHashDeallocator f)
Definition: hash.c:322

Referenced by xsltFreeStylesheet().

◆ xsltFreeAttrSet()

static void xsltFreeAttrSet ( xsltAttrSetPtr  set)

xsltFreeAttrSet: @set: an attribute set

Free memory allocated by @set

Definition at line 278 of file attributes.c.

278 {
279 if (set == NULL)
280 return;
283 xsltFreeUseAttrSetList(set->useAttrSets);
284 xmlFree(set);
static void xsltFreeAttrElemList(xsltAttrElemPtr list)
Definition: attributes.c:125
static void xsltFreeUseAttrSetList(xsltUseAttrSetPtr list)
Definition: attributes.c:207

Referenced by xsltFreeAttributeSetsEntry(), and xsltResolveAttrSet().

◆ xsltFreeUseAttrSet()

static void xsltFreeUseAttrSet ( xsltUseAttrSetPtr  use)

xsltFreeUseAttrSet: @use: an XSLT UseAttrSet

Free up the memory allocated by @use

Definition at line 196 of file attributes.c.

196 {
197 xmlFree(use);

Referenced by xsltFreeUseAttrSetList(), and xsltResolveUseAttrSets().

◆ xsltFreeUseAttrSetList()

static void xsltFreeUseAttrSetList ( xsltUseAttrSetPtr  list)

xsltFreeUseAttrSetList: @list: an XSLT UseAttrSet list

Free up the memory allocated by @list

Definition at line 207 of file attributes.c.

207 {
210 while (list != NULL) {
211 next = list->next;
213 list = next;
214 }
static void xsltFreeUseAttrSet(xsltUseAttrSetPtr use)
Definition: attributes.c:196

Referenced by xsltFreeAttrSet().

◆ xsltMergeAttrSets()

static void xsltMergeAttrSets ( xsltAttrSetPtr  set,
xsltAttrSetPtr  other 

xsltMergeAttrSets: @set: an attribute set @other: another attribute set

Add all the attributes from @other to @set, but drop redefinition of existing values.

Definition at line 296 of file attributes.c.

296 {
298 xsltAttrElemPtr old = other->attrs;
299 int add;
301 while (old != NULL) {
302 /*
303 * Check that the attribute is not yet in the list
304 */
305 cur = set->attrs;
306 add = 1;
307 while (cur != NULL) {
308 xsltStylePreCompPtr curComp = cur->attr->psvi;
309 xsltStylePreCompPtr oldComp = old->attr->psvi;
311 if ((curComp->name == oldComp->name) &&
312 (curComp->ns == oldComp->ns)) {
313 add = 0;
314 break;
315 }
316 if (cur->next == NULL)
317 break;
318 cur = cur->next;
319 }
321 if (add == 1) {
322 if (cur == NULL) {
323 set->attrs = xsltNewAttrElem(old->attr);
324 } else if (add) {
325 cur->next = xsltNewAttrElem(old->attr);
326 }
327 }
329 old = old->next;
330 }
int other
Definition: msacm.c:1376
void * psvi
Definition: tree.h:505
struct _xsltAttrElem * next
Definition: attributes.c:46
xmlNodePtr attr
Definition: attributes.c:47
const xmlChar * name
const xmlChar * ns

Referenced by xsltResolveAttrSet(), and xsltResolveUseAttrSets().

◆ xsltNewAttrElem()

static xsltAttrElemPtr xsltNewAttrElem ( xmlNodePtr  attr)

xsltNewAttrElem: @attr: the new xsl:attribute node

Create a new XSLT AttrElem

Returns the newly allocated xsltAttrElemPtr or NULL in case of error

Definition at line 93 of file attributes.c.

93 {
97 if (cur == NULL) {
99 "xsltNewAttrElem : malloc failed\n");
100 return(NULL);
101 }
102 memset(cur, 0, sizeof(xsltAttrElem));
103 cur->attr = attr;
104 return(cur);
xsltAttrElem * xsltAttrElemPtr
Definition: attributes.c:44
XMLPUBVAR xmlMallocFunc xmlMalloc
Definition: globals.h:248
#define memset(x, y, z)
Definition: compat.h:39
xmlGenericErrorFunc xsltGenericError
Definition: xsltutils.c:502
void * xsltGenericErrorContext
Definition: xsltutils.c:503

Referenced by xsltAddAttrElemList(), and xsltMergeAttrSets().

◆ xsltNewAttrSet()

static xsltAttrSetPtr xsltNewAttrSet ( )


Create a new attribute set.

Returns the newly allocated xsltAttrSetPtr or NULL in case of error.

Definition at line 258 of file attributes.c.

258 {
262 if (cur == NULL) {
264 "xsltNewAttrSet : malloc failed\n");
265 return(NULL);
266 }
267 memset(cur, 0, sizeof(xsltAttrSet));
268 return(cur);
xsltAttrSet * xsltAttrSetPtr
Definition: attributes.c:59

Referenced by xsltParseStylesheetAttributeSet().

◆ xsltNewUseAttrSet()

static xsltUseAttrSetPtr xsltNewUseAttrSet ( const xmlChar ncname,
const xmlChar ns 

xsltNewUseAttrSet: @ncname: local name @ns: namespace URI

Create a new XSLT UseAttrSet

Returns the newly allocated xsltUseAttrSetPtr or NULL in case of error.

Definition at line 174 of file attributes.c.

174 {
178 if (cur == NULL) {
180 "xsltNewUseAttrSet : malloc failed\n");
181 return(NULL);
182 }
183 memset(cur, 0, sizeof(xsltUseAttrSet));
184 cur->ncname = ncname;
185 cur->ns = ns;
186 return(cur);
xsltUseAttrSet * xsltUseAttrSetPtr
Definition: attributes.c:51

Referenced by xsltAddUseAttrSetList().

◆ xsltParseStylesheetAttributeSet()

void xsltParseStylesheetAttributeSet ( xsltStylesheetPtr  style,
xmlNodePtr  cur 

xsltParseStylesheetAttributeSet: @style: the XSLT stylesheet @cur: the "attribute-set" element

parse an XSLT stylesheet attribute-set element

Definition at line 348 of file attributes.c.

348 {
349 const xmlChar *ncname;
350 const xmlChar *prefix;
351 const xmlChar *nsUri = NULL;
352 xmlChar *value;
356 if ((cur == NULL) || (style == NULL) || (cur->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE))
357 return;
359 value = xmlGetNsProp(cur, (const xmlChar *)"name", NULL);
360 if ((value == NULL) || (*value == 0)) {
362 "xsl:attribute-set : name is missing\n");
363 if (value)
364 xmlFree(value);
365 return;
366 }
368 if (xmlValidateQName(value, 0)) {
370 "xsl:attribute-set : The name '%s' is not a valid QName.\n",
371 value);
372 style->errors++;
373 xmlFree(value);
374 return;
375 }
377 ncname = xsltSplitQName(style->dict, value, &prefix);
378 xmlFree(value);
379 value = NULL;
380 if (prefix != NULL) {
381 xmlNsPtr ns = xmlSearchNs(style->doc, cur, prefix);
382 if (ns == NULL) {
384 "xsl:attribute-set : No namespace found for QName '%s:%s'\n",
385 prefix, ncname);
386 style->errors++;
387 return;
388 }
389 nsUri = ns->href;
390 }
392 if (style->attributeSets == NULL) {
395 "creating attribute set table\n");
397 style->attributeSets = xmlHashCreate(10);
398 }
399 if (style->attributeSets == NULL)
400 return;
402 set = xmlHashLookup2(style->attributeSets, ncname, nsUri);
403 if (set == NULL) {
405 if (set == NULL)
406 return;
407 xmlHashAddEntry2(style->attributeSets, ncname, nsUri, set);
408 }
410 /*
411 * Parse the content. Only xsl:attribute elements are allowed.
412 */
413 child = cur->children;
414 while (child != NULL) {
415 /*
416 * Report invalid nodes.
417 */
418 if ((child->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) ||
419 (child->ns == NULL) ||
420 (! IS_XSLT_ELEM(child)))
421 {
422 if (child->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
424 "xsl:attribute-set : unexpected child %s\n",
425 child->name);
426 else
428 "xsl:attribute-set : child of unexpected type\n");
429 } else if (!IS_XSLT_NAME(child, "attribute")) {
431 "xsl:attribute-set : unexpected child xsl:%s\n",
432 child->name);
433 } else {
436 "add attribute to list %s\n", ncname);
439 if (child->children != NULL) {
441 xsltParseSequenceConstructor(XSLT_CCTXT(style),
442 child->children);
446 }
447 if (child->psvi == NULL) {
449 "xsl:attribute-set : internal error, attribute %s not "
450 "compiled\n", child->name);
451 }
452 else {
453 set->attrs = xsltAddAttrElemList(set->attrs, child);
454 }
455 }
457 child = child->next;
458 }
460 /*
461 * Process attribute "use-attribute-sets".
462 */
463 value = xmlGetNsProp(cur, BAD_CAST "use-attribute-sets", NULL);
464 if (value != NULL) {
465 const xmlChar *curval, *endval;
466 curval = value;
467 while (*curval != 0) {
468 while (IS_BLANK(*curval)) curval++;
469 if (*curval == 0)
470 break;
471 endval = curval;
472 while ((*endval != 0) && (!IS_BLANK(*endval))) endval++;
473 curval = xmlDictLookup(style->dict, curval, endval - curval);
474 if (curval) {
475 const xmlChar *ncname2 = NULL;
476 const xmlChar *prefix2 = NULL;
477 const xmlChar *nsUri2 = NULL;
481 "xsl:attribute-set : %s adds use %s\n", ncname, curval);
484 if (xmlValidateQName(curval, 0)) {
486 "xsl:attribute-set : The name '%s' in "
487 "use-attribute-sets is not a valid QName.\n", curval);
488 style->errors++;
489 xmlFree(value);
490 return;
491 }
493 ncname2 = xsltSplitQName(style->dict, curval, &prefix2);
494 if (prefix2 != NULL) {
495 xmlNsPtr ns2 = xmlSearchNs(style->doc, cur, prefix2);
496 if (ns2 == NULL) {
498 "xsl:attribute-set : No namespace found for QName "
499 "'%s:%s' in use-attribute-sets\n",
500 prefix2, ncname2);
501 style->errors++;
502 xmlFree(value);
503 return;
504 }
505 nsUri2 = ns2->href;
506 }
507 set->useAttrSets = xsltAddUseAttrSetList(set->useAttrSets,
508 ncname2, nsUri2);
509 }
510 curval = endval;
511 }
512 xmlFree(value);
513 value = NULL;
514 }
518 "updated attribute list %s\n", ncname);
static xsltAttrElemPtr xsltAddAttrElemList(xsltAttrElemPtr list, xmlNodePtr attr)
Definition: attributes.c:145
static xsltUseAttrSetPtr xsltAddUseAttrSetList(xsltUseAttrSetPtr list, const xmlChar *ncname, const xmlChar *ns)
Definition: attributes.c:228
static xsltAttrSetPtr xsltNewAttrSet()
Definition: attributes.c:258
void xsltStylePreCompute(xsltStylesheetPtr style, xmlNodePtr inst)
Definition: preproc.c:2177
static HWND child
Definition: cursoricon.c:298
XMLPUBFUN int XMLCALL xmlHashAddEntry2(xmlHashTablePtr table, const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar *name2, void *userdata)
Definition: hash.c:406
XMLPUBFUN xmlHashTablePtr XMLCALL xmlHashCreate(int size)
Definition: hash.c:176
XMLPUBFUN xmlChar *XMLCALL xmlGetNsProp(const xmlNode *node, const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar *nameSpace)
const xmlChar * href
Definition: tree.h:392
void xsltParseTemplateContent(xsltStylesheetPtr style, xmlNodePtr templ)
Definition: xslt.c:4878
#define IS_XSLT_NAME(n, val)
Definition: xsltutils.h:60
#define IS_XSLT_ELEM(n)
Definition: xsltutils.h:51

Referenced by xsltParseStylesheetTop().

◆ xsltResolveAttrSet()

static void xsltResolveAttrSet ( xsltAttrSetPtr  set,
xsltStylesheetPtr  topStyle,
xsltStylesheetPtr  style,
const xmlChar name,
const xmlChar ns,
int  depth 

Definition at line 577 of file attributes.c.

579 {
583 if (set->state == ATTRSET_RESOLVED)
584 return;
585 if (set->state == ATTRSET_RESOLVING) {
586 xsltTransformError(NULL, topStyle, NULL,
587 "xsl:attribute-set : use-attribute-sets recursion detected"
588 " on %s\n", name);
589 topStyle->errors++;
590 set->state = ATTRSET_RESOLVED;
591 return;
592 }
593 if (depth > 100) {
594 xsltTransformError(NULL, topStyle, NULL,
595 "xsl:attribute-set : use-attribute-sets maximum recursion "
596 "depth exceeded on %s\n", name);
597 topStyle->errors++;
598 return;
599 }
601 set->state = ATTRSET_RESOLVING;
603 xsltResolveUseAttrSets(set, topStyle, depth);
605 /* Merge imported sets. */
607 while (cur != NULL) {
608 if (cur->attributeSets != NULL) {
609 other = xmlHashLookup2(cur->attributeSets, name, ns);
611 if (other != NULL) {
614 "xsl:attribute-set : merging import for %s\n", name);
618 xmlHashRemoveEntry2(cur->attributeSets, name, ns, NULL);
620 }
621 }
624 }
626 set->state = ATTRSET_RESOLVED;
Definition: attributes.c:33
Definition: attributes.c:34
static void xsltResolveUseAttrSets(xsltAttrSetPtr set, xsltStylesheetPtr topStyle, int depth)
Definition: attributes.c:531
static void xsltMergeAttrSets(xsltAttrSetPtr set, xsltAttrSetPtr other)
Definition: attributes.c:296
GLint GLint GLsizei GLsizei GLsizei depth
Definition: gl.h:1546
xsltStylesheetPtr xsltNextImport(xsltStylesheetPtr cur)
Definition: imports.c:251
XMLPUBFUN int XMLCALL xmlHashRemoveEntry2(xmlHashTablePtr table, const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar *name2, xmlHashDeallocator f)
Definition: hash.c:1071

Referenced by xsltResolveSASCallback(), and xsltResolveUseAttrSets().

◆ xsltResolveSASCallback()

static void xsltResolveSASCallback ( void payload,
void data,
const xmlChar name,
const xmlChar ns,
ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED const xmlChar ignored 

Definition at line 639 of file attributes.c.

641 {
644 xsltStylesheetPtr topStyle = asctx->topStyle;
647 xsltResolveAttrSet(set, topStyle, style, name, ns, 1);
649 /* Move attribute sets to top stylesheet. */
650 if (style != topStyle) {
651 /*
652 * This imported stylesheet won't be visited anymore. Don't bother
653 * removing the hash entry.
654 */
655 if (xmlHashAddEntry2(topStyle->attributeSets, name, ns, set) < 0) {
657 "xsl:attribute-set : internal error, can't move imported "
658 " attribute set %s\n", name);
659 }
660 }
static void xsltResolveAttrSet(xsltAttrSetPtr set, xsltStylesheetPtr topStyle, xsltStylesheetPtr style, const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar *ns, int depth)
Definition: attributes.c:577
xsltAttrSetContext * xsltAttrSetContextPtr
Definition: attributes.c:67
GLint GLenum GLsizei GLsizei GLsizei GLint GLsizei const GLvoid * data
Definition: gl.h:1950
xsltStylesheetPtr style
Definition: attributes.c:70
xsltStylesheetPtr topStyle
Definition: attributes.c:69
xmlHashTablePtr attributeSets

Referenced by xsltResolveStylesheetAttributeSet().

◆ xsltResolveStylesheetAttributeSet()

void xsltResolveStylesheetAttributeSet ( xsltStylesheetPtr  style)

xsltResolveStylesheetAttributeSet: @style: the XSLT stylesheet

resolve the references between attribute sets.

Definition at line 670 of file attributes.c.

670 {
672 xsltAttrSetContext asctx;
676 "Resolving attribute sets references\n");
678 asctx.topStyle = style;
679 cur = style;
680 while (cur != NULL) {
681 if (cur->attributeSets != NULL) {
682 if (style->attributeSets == NULL) {
685 "creating attribute set table\n");
687 style->attributeSets = xmlHashCreate(10);
688 }
689 = cur;
691 &asctx);
693 if (cur != style) {
694 /*
695 * the attribute lists have either been migrated to style
696 * or freed directly in xsltResolveSASCallback()
697 */
698 xmlHashFree(cur->attributeSets, NULL);
699 cur->attributeSets = NULL;
700 }
701 }
703 }
static void xsltResolveSASCallback(void *payload, void *data, const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar *ns, ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED const xmlChar *ignored)
Definition: attributes.c:639
XMLPUBFUN void XMLCALL xmlHashScanFull(xmlHashTablePtr table, xmlHashScannerFull f, void *data)
Definition: hash.c:875

Referenced by xsltParseStylesheetUser().

◆ xsltResolveUseAttrSets()

static void xsltResolveUseAttrSets ( xsltAttrSetPtr  set,
xsltStylesheetPtr  topStyle,
int  depth 

xsltResolveUseAttrSets: @set: the attribute set @asctx: the context for attribute set resolution @depth: recursion depth

Process "use-attribute-sets".

Definition at line 531 of file attributes.c.

532 {
535 xsltUseAttrSetPtr use = set->useAttrSets;
538 while (use != NULL) {
539 /*
540 * Iterate top stylesheet and all imports.
541 */
542 cur = topStyle;
543 while (cur != NULL) {
544 if (cur->attributeSets) {
545 other = xmlHashLookup2(cur->attributeSets, use->ncname,
546 use->ns);
547 if (other != NULL) {
548 xsltResolveAttrSet(other, topStyle, cur, use->ncname,
549 use->ns, depth + 1);
551 break;
552 }
553 }
555 }
557 next = use->next;
558 /* Free useAttrSets early. */
560 use = next;
561 }
563 set->useAttrSets = NULL;
const xmlChar * ncname
Definition: attributes.c:54
const xmlChar * ns
Definition: attributes.c:55
struct _xsltUseAttrSet * next
Definition: attributes.c:53

Referenced by xsltResolveAttrSet().