39#define PATH_MAX _MAX_PATH
46#define DIR_SEPARATOR_CHAR '/'
49#define DIR_SEPARATOR_CHAR '\\'
57 printf(
"Usage: mkhive [-?] -h:hive1[,hiveN...] [-u] -d:<dstdir> <inffiles>\n\n"
58 " -h:hiveN - Comma-separated list of hives to create. Possible values are:\n"
60 " -u - Generate file names in uppercase (default: lowercase) (TEMPORARY FLAG!).\n"
61 " -d:dstdir - The binary hive files are created in this directory.\n"
62 " inffiles - List of INF files with full path.\n"
63 " -? - Displays this help screen.\n");
110 printf(
"Binary hive maker\n");
123 UpperCaseFileName =
128 HiveList =
i] + 3;
130 else if (
i][1] ==
'd' && (
i][2] ==
':' ||
i][2] ==
142 if (!HiveList || !*HiveList)
144 fprintf(
"The mandatory list of hives is missing.\n");
149 fprintf(
"The mandatory output directory is missing.\n");
154 fprintf(
"Not enough parameters, or the list of INF files is missing.\n");
191 if (UpperCaseFileName)
char * strstr(char *String1, char *String2)
ACPI_SIZE strlen(const char *String)
static BOOL ImportRegistryFile(HWND hWnd)
HIVE_LIST_ENTRY RegistryHives[]
NTSTATUS RegInitializeRegistry(IN PUNICODE_STRING NtSystemRoot)
BOOL ExportBinaryHive(IN PCSTR FileName, IN PCMHIVE CmHive)
GLsizei GLenum const GLvoid GLsizei GLenum GLbyte GLbyte GLbyte GLdouble GLdouble GLdouble GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLint GLint GLshort GLshort GLshort GLubyte GLubyte GLubyte GLuint GLuint GLuint GLushort GLushort GLushort GLbyte GLbyte GLbyte GLbyte GLdouble GLdouble GLdouble GLdouble GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLint GLint GLint GLshort GLshort GLshort GLshort GLubyte GLubyte GLubyte GLubyte GLuint GLuint GLuint GLuint GLushort GLushort GLushort GLushort GLboolean const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLbyte const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLfloat const GLint const GLint const GLshort const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort GLenum GLenum GLenum GLfloat GLenum GLint GLenum GLenum GLenum GLfloat GLenum GLenum GLint GLenum GLfloat GLenum GLint GLint GLushort GLenum GLenum GLfloat GLenum GLenum GLint GLfloat const GLubyte GLenum GLenum GLenum const GLfloat GLenum GLenum const GLint GLenum GLint GLint GLsizei GLsizei GLint GLenum GLenum const GLvoid GLenum GLenum const GLfloat GLenum GLenum const GLint GLenum GLenum const GLdouble GLenum GLenum const GLfloat GLenum GLenum const GLint GLsizei GLuint GLfloat GLuint GLbitfield GLfloat GLint GLuint GLboolean GLenum GLfloat GLenum GLbitfield GLenum GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLint const GLfloat GLenum GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLint GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLint const GLfloat GLint GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLfloat GLfloat const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLdouble const GLfloat GLint i
_Check_return_opt_ _CRTIMP int __cdecl fprintf(_Inout_ FILE *_File, _In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ const char *_Format,...)
void convert_path(char *dst, char *src)