ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-555-g690643f
IMFTopologyNode Interface Reference
Inheritance diagram for IMFTopologyNode:
Collaboration diagram for IMFTopologyNode:

Public Member Functions

HRESULT SetObject ([in] IUnknown *object)
HRESULT GetObject ([out] IUnknown **object)
HRESULT GetNodeType ([out] MF_TOPOLOGY_TYPE *type)
HRESULT GetTopoNodeID ([out] TOPOID *id)
HRESULT SetTopoNodeID ([in] TOPOID id)
HRESULT GetInputCount ([out] DWORD *count)
HRESULT GetOutputCount ([out] DWORD *count)
HRESULT ConnectOutput ([in] DWORD output_index, [in] IMFTopologyNode *node, [in] DWORD input_index)
HRESULT DisconnectOutput ([in] DWORD index)
HRESULT GetInput ([in] DWORD input_index, [out] IMFTopologyNode **node, [out] DWORD *output_index)
HRESULT GetOutput ([in] DWORD output_index, [out] IMFTopologyNode **node, [out] DWORD *input_index)
HRESULT SetOutputPrefType ([in] DWORD index, [in] IMFMediaType *type)
HRESULT GetOutputPrefType ([in] DWORD output_index, [out] IMFMediaType **type)
HRESULT RemoteGetOutputPrefType ([in] DWORD index, [out] DWORD *length, [out, size_is(, *length)] BYTE **data)
HRESULT SetInputPrefType ([in] DWORD index, [in] IMFMediaType *type)
HRESULT GetInputPrefType ([in] DWORD index, [out] IMFMediaType **type)
HRESULT RemoteGetInputPrefType ([in] DWORD index, [out] DWORD *length, [out, size_is(, *length)] BYTE **data)
HRESULT CloneFrom ([in] IMFTopologyNode *node)
- Public Member Functions inherited from IMFAttributes
HRESULT GetItem (REFGUID guidKey, [in, out, ptr] PROPVARIANT *pValue)
HRESULT GetItemType (REFGUID guidKey, [out] MF_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE *pType)
HRESULT CompareItem (REFGUID guidKey, REFPROPVARIANT Value, [out] BOOL *pbResult)
HRESULT Compare (IMFAttributes *pTheirs, MF_ATTRIBUTES_MATCH_TYPE MatchType, [out] BOOL *pbResult)
HRESULT GetUINT32 (REFGUID guidKey, [out] UINT32 *punValue)
HRESULT GetUINT64 (REFGUID guidKey, [out] UINT64 *punValue)
HRESULT GetDouble (REFGUID guidKey, [out] double *pfValue)
HRESULT GetGUID (REFGUID guidKey, [out] GUID *pguidValue)
HRESULT GetStringLength (REFGUID guidKey, [out] UINT32 *pcchLength)
HRESULT GetString (REFGUID guidKey, [out, size_is(cchBufSize)] LPWSTR pwszValue, UINT32 cchBufSize, [in, out, ptr] UINT32 *pcchLength)
HRESULT GetAllocatedString (REFGUID guidKey, [out, size_is(, *pcchLength+1)] LPWSTR *ppwszValue, [out] UINT32 *pcchLength)
HRESULT GetBlobSize (REFGUID guidKey, [out] UINT32 *pcbBlobSize)
HRESULT GetBlob (REFGUID guidKey, [out, size_is(cbBufSize)] UINT8 *pBuf, UINT32 cbBufSize, [in, out, ptr] UINT32 *pcbBlobSize)
HRESULT GetAllocatedBlob (REFGUID guidKey, [out, size_is(, *pcbSize)] UINT8 **ppBuf, [out] UINT32 *pcbSize)
HRESULT GetUnknown (REFGUID guidKey, REFIID riid, [out, iid_is(riid)] LPVOID *ppv)
HRESULT DeleteItem (REFGUID guidKey)
HRESULT DeleteAllItems ()
HRESULT SetUINT32 (REFGUID guidKey, UINT32 unValue)
HRESULT SetUINT64 (REFGUID guidKey, UINT64 unValue)
HRESULT SetDouble (REFGUID guidKey, double fValue)
HRESULT SetString (REFGUID guidKey, [in, string] LPCWSTR wszValue)
HRESULT SetBlob (REFGUID guidKey, [in, size_is(cbBufSize)] const UINT8 *pBuf, UINT32 cbBufSize)
HRESULT SetUnknown (REFGUID guidKey, [in] IUnknown *pUnknown)
HRESULT LockStore ()
HRESULT UnlockStore ()
HRESULT GetCount ([out] UINT32 *pcItems)
HRESULT GetItemByIndex (UINT32 unIndex, [out] GUID *pguidKey, [in, out, ptr] PROPVARIANT *pValue)
HRESULT CopyAllItems ([in] IMFAttributes *pDest)
- Public Member Functions inherited from IUnknown
HRESULT QueryInterface ([in] REFIID riid, [out, iid_is(riid)] void **ppvObject)
ULONG AddRef ()
ULONG Release ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from IUnknown
typedef IUnknownLPUNKNOWN

Detailed Description

Definition at line 76 of file mfidl.idl.

Member Function Documentation

◆ CloneFrom()

HRESULT IMFTopologyNode::CloneFrom ( [in] IMFTopologyNode node)

◆ ConnectOutput()

HRESULT IMFTopologyNode::ConnectOutput ( [in] DWORD  output_index,
[in] IMFTopologyNode node,
[in] DWORD  input_index 

◆ DisconnectOutput()

HRESULT IMFTopologyNode::DisconnectOutput ( [in] DWORD  index)

◆ GetInput()

HRESULT IMFTopologyNode::GetInput ( [in] DWORD  input_index,
[out] IMFTopologyNode **  node,
[out] DWORD output_index 

◆ GetInputCount()

HRESULT IMFTopologyNode::GetInputCount ( [out] DWORD count)

◆ GetInputPrefType()

HRESULT IMFTopologyNode::GetInputPrefType ( [in] DWORD  index,
[out] IMFMediaType **  type 

◆ GetNodeType()

HRESULT IMFTopologyNode::GetNodeType ( [out] MF_TOPOLOGY_TYPE type)

◆ GetObject()

HRESULT IMFTopologyNode::GetObject ( [out] IUnknown **  object)

◆ GetOutput()

HRESULT IMFTopologyNode::GetOutput ( [in] DWORD  output_index,
[out] IMFTopologyNode **  node,
[out] DWORD input_index 

◆ GetOutputCount()

HRESULT IMFTopologyNode::GetOutputCount ( [out] DWORD count)

◆ GetOutputPrefType()

HRESULT IMFTopologyNode::GetOutputPrefType ( [in] DWORD  output_index,
[out] IMFMediaType **  type 

◆ GetTopoNodeID()

HRESULT IMFTopologyNode::GetTopoNodeID ( [out] TOPOID id)

◆ RemoteGetInputPrefType()

HRESULT IMFTopologyNode::RemoteGetInputPrefType ( [in] DWORD  index,
[out] DWORD length,
[out, size_is(, *length)] BYTE **  data 

◆ RemoteGetOutputPrefType()

HRESULT IMFTopologyNode::RemoteGetOutputPrefType ( [in] DWORD  index,
[out] DWORD length,
[out, size_is(, *length)] BYTE **  data 

◆ SetInputPrefType()

HRESULT IMFTopologyNode::SetInputPrefType ( [in] DWORD  index,
[in] IMFMediaType type 

◆ SetObject()

HRESULT IMFTopologyNode::SetObject ( [in] IUnknown object)

◆ SetOutputPrefType()

HRESULT IMFTopologyNode::SetOutputPrefType ( [in] DWORD  index,
[in] IMFMediaType type 

◆ SetTopoNodeID()

HRESULT IMFTopologyNode::SetTopoNodeID ( [in] TOPOID  id)

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: