ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-188-g678aa63
IVssBackupComponents Interface Reference
Inheritance diagram for IVssBackupComponents:
Collaboration diagram for IVssBackupComponents:

Public Member Functions

HRESULT GetWriterComponentsCount ([out] UINT *components)
HRESULT GetWriterComponents ([in] UINT index, [out] IVssWriterComponentsExt **writer)
HRESULT InitializeForBackup ([in, optional, defaultvalue(NULL)] BSTR bstrXML)
HRESULT SetBackupState ([in] BOOL select_components, [in] BOOL state, [in] VSS_BACKUP_TYPE type, [in, defaultvalue(FALSE)] BOOL partial_support)
HRESULT InitializeForRestore ([in] BSTR xml)
HRESULT SetRestoreState ([in] VSS_RESTORE_TYPE restore)
HRESULT GatherWriterMetadata ([out] IVssAsync **async)
HRESULT GetWriterMetadataCount ([out] UINT *count)
HRESULT GetWriterMetadata ([in] UINT index, [out] VSS_ID *instance, [out] IVssExamineWriterMetadata **metadata)
HRESULT FreeWriterMetadata ()
HRESULT AddComponent ([in] VSS_ID instance, [in] VSS_ID id, [in] VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE ct, [in] LPCWSTR wszLogicalPath, [in] LPCWSTR name)
HRESULT PrepareForBackup ([out] IVssAsync **async)
HRESULT AbortBackup ()
HRESULT GatherWriterStatus ([out] IVssAsync **async)
HRESULT GetWriterStatusCount ([out] UINT *count)
HRESULT FreeWriterStatus ()
HRESULT GetWriterStatus ([in] UINT index, [out] VSS_ID *instance, [out] VSS_ID *id, [out] BSTR *writer, [out] VSS_WRITER_STATE *status, [out] HRESULT *failure)
HRESULT SetBackupSucceeded ([in] VSS_ID instance, [in] VSS_ID id, [in] VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE ct, [in] LPCWSTR path, [in] LPCWSTR name, [in] BOOL succeded)
HRESULT SetBackupOptions ([in] VSS_ID id, [in] VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE ct, [in] LPCWSTR path, [in] LPCWSTR name, [in] LPCWSTR options)
HRESULT SetSelectedForRestore ([in] VSS_ID id, [in] VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE ct, [in] LPCWSTR path, [in] LPCWSTR name, [in] BOOL selected_restore)
HRESULT SetRestoreOptions ([in] VSS_ID id, [in] VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE ct, [in] LPCWSTR path, [in] LPCWSTR name, [in] LPCWSTR options)
HRESULT SetAdditionalRestores ([in] VSS_ID id, [in] VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE ct, [in] LPCWSTR path, [in] LPCWSTR name, [in] BOOL additional)
HRESULT SetPreviousBackupStamp ([in] VSS_ID id, [in] VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE ct, [in] LPCWSTR path, [in] LPCWSTR name, [in] LPCWSTR stamp)
HRESULT SaveAsXML ([in] BSTR *xml)
HRESULT BackupComplete ([out] IVssAsync **async)
HRESULT AddAlternativeLocationMapping ([in] VSS_ID id, [in] VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE type, [in] LPCWSTR logical, [in] LPCWSTR name, [in] LPCWSTR path, [in] LPCWSTR filespec, [in] BOOL recursive, [in] LPCWSTR destination)
HRESULT AddRestoreSubcomponent ([in] VSS_ID id, [in] VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE type, [in] LPCWSTR logical, [in] LPCWSTR name, [in] LPCWSTR path, [in] LPCWSTR sub_name, [in] BOOL repair)
HRESULT SetFileRestoreStatus ([in] VSS_ID id, [in] VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE ct, [in] LPCWSTR path, [in] LPCWSTR name, [in] VSS_FILE_RESTORE_STATUS status)
HRESULT AddNewTarget ([in] VSS_ID id, [in] VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE ct, [in] LPCWSTR logical, [in] LPCWSTR component, [in] LPCWSTR path, [in] LPCWSTR filename, [in] BOOL recursive, [in] LPCWSTR alternate)
HRESULT SetRangesFilePath ([in] VSS_ID id, [in] VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE ct, [in] LPCWSTR logical, [in] LPCWSTR component, [in] UINT partial, [in] LPCWSTR ranges)
HRESULT PreRestore ([out] IVssAsync **async)
HRESULT PostRestore ([out] IVssAsync **async)
HRESULT SetContext ([in] LONG context)
HRESULT StartSnapshotSet ([out] VSS_ID *id)
HRESULT AddToSnapshotSet ([in] VSS_PWSZ volume,[in] VSS_ID id,[out] VSS_ID *snapshot)
HRESULT DoSnapshotSet ([out] IVssAsync **async)
HRESULT DeleteSnapshots ([in] VSS_ID object, [in] VSS_OBJECT_TYPE type, [in] BOOL force, [in] LONG *snapshots, [in] VSS_ID *id)
HRESULT ImportSnapshots ([out] IVssAsync **async)
HRESULT BreakSnapshotSet ([in] VSS_ID snapshot)
HRESULT GetSnapshotProperties ([in] VSS_ID snapshot, [out] VSS_SNAPSHOT_PROP *prop)
HRESULT Query ([in] VSS_ID queried, [in] VSS_OBJECT_TYPE queried_type, [in] VSS_OBJECT_TYPE returned_type, [in] IVssEnumObject **enums)
HRESULT IsVolumeSupported ([in] VSS_ID provider, [in] VSS_PWSZ volume,[in] BOOL *supported)
HRESULT DisableWriterClasses ([in] const VSS_ID *writer_id, [in] UINT class_id)
HRESULT EnableWriterClasses ([in] const VSS_ID *classid, [in] UINT id)
HRESULT DisableWriterInstances ([in] const VSS_ID *instance, [in] UINT id)
HRESULT ExposeSnapshot ([in] VSS_ID snapshot, [in] VSS_PWSZ path, [in] LONG attributes, [in] VSS_PWSZ expose, [out] VSS_PWSZ *exposed)
HRESULT RevertToSnapshot ([in] VSS_ID snapshot, [in] BOOL force)
HRESULT QueryRevertStatus ([in] VSS_PWSZ volume, [out] IVssAsync **async)
- Public Member Functions inherited from IUnknown
HRESULT QueryInterface ([in] REFIID riid, [out, iid_is(riid)] void **ppvObject)
ULONG AddRef ()
ULONG Release ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from IUnknown
typedef IUnknownLPUNKNOWN

Detailed Description

Definition at line 43 of file vsbackup.idl.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AbortBackup()

HRESULT IVssBackupComponents::AbortBackup ( )

◆ AddAlternativeLocationMapping()

HRESULT IVssBackupComponents::AddAlternativeLocationMapping ( [in] VSS_ID  id,
[in] LPCWSTR  logical,
[in] LPCWSTR  name,
[in] LPCWSTR  path,
[in] LPCWSTR  filespec,
[in] BOOL  recursive,
[in] LPCWSTR  destination 

◆ AddComponent()

HRESULT IVssBackupComponents::AddComponent ( [in] VSS_ID  instance,
[in] VSS_ID  id,
[in] LPCWSTR  wszLogicalPath,
[in] LPCWSTR  name 

◆ AddNewTarget()

HRESULT IVssBackupComponents::AddNewTarget ( [in] VSS_ID  id,
[in] LPCWSTR  logical,
[in] LPCWSTR  component,
[in] LPCWSTR  path,
[in] LPCWSTR  filename,
[in] BOOL  recursive,
[in] LPCWSTR  alternate 

◆ AddRestoreSubcomponent()

HRESULT IVssBackupComponents::AddRestoreSubcomponent ( [in] VSS_ID  id,
[in] LPCWSTR  logical,
[in] LPCWSTR  name,
[in] LPCWSTR  path,
[in] LPCWSTR  sub_name,
[in] BOOL  repair 

◆ AddToSnapshotSet()

HRESULT IVssBackupComponents::AddToSnapshotSet ( [in] VSS_PWSZ  volume,
[in] VSS_ID  id,
[out] VSS_ID snapshot 

◆ BackupComplete()

HRESULT IVssBackupComponents::BackupComplete ( [out] IVssAsync **  async)

◆ BreakSnapshotSet()

HRESULT IVssBackupComponents::BreakSnapshotSet ( [in] VSS_ID  snapshot)

◆ DeleteSnapshots()

HRESULT IVssBackupComponents::DeleteSnapshots ( [in] VSS_ID  object,
[in] VSS_OBJECT_TYPE  type,
[in] BOOL  force,
[in] LONG snapshots,
[in] VSS_ID id 

◆ DisableWriterClasses()

HRESULT IVssBackupComponents::DisableWriterClasses ( [in] const VSS_ID writer_id,
[in] UINT  class_id 

◆ DisableWriterInstances()

HRESULT IVssBackupComponents::DisableWriterInstances ( [in] const VSS_ID instance,
[in] UINT  id 

◆ DoSnapshotSet()

HRESULT IVssBackupComponents::DoSnapshotSet ( [out] IVssAsync **  async)

◆ EnableWriterClasses()

HRESULT IVssBackupComponents::EnableWriterClasses ( [in] const VSS_ID classid,
[in] UINT  id 

◆ ExposeSnapshot()

HRESULT IVssBackupComponents::ExposeSnapshot ( [in] VSS_ID  snapshot,
[in] VSS_PWSZ  path,
[in] LONG  attributes,
[in] VSS_PWSZ  expose,
[out] VSS_PWSZ exposed 

◆ FreeWriterMetadata()

HRESULT IVssBackupComponents::FreeWriterMetadata ( )

◆ FreeWriterStatus()

HRESULT IVssBackupComponents::FreeWriterStatus ( )

◆ GatherWriterMetadata()

HRESULT IVssBackupComponents::GatherWriterMetadata ( [out] IVssAsync **  async)

◆ GatherWriterStatus()

HRESULT IVssBackupComponents::GatherWriterStatus ( [out] IVssAsync **  async)

◆ GetSnapshotProperties()

HRESULT IVssBackupComponents::GetSnapshotProperties ( [in] VSS_ID  snapshot,

◆ GetWriterComponents()

HRESULT IVssBackupComponents::GetWriterComponents ( [in] UINT  index,
[out] IVssWriterComponentsExt **  writer 

◆ GetWriterComponentsCount()

HRESULT IVssBackupComponents::GetWriterComponentsCount ( [out] UINT components)

◆ GetWriterMetadata()

HRESULT IVssBackupComponents::GetWriterMetadata ( [in] UINT  index,
[out] VSS_ID instance,
[out] IVssExamineWriterMetadata **  metadata 

◆ GetWriterMetadataCount()

HRESULT IVssBackupComponents::GetWriterMetadataCount ( [out] UINT count)

◆ GetWriterStatus()

HRESULT IVssBackupComponents::GetWriterStatus ( [in] UINT  index,
[out] VSS_ID instance,
[out] VSS_ID id,
[out] BSTR writer,
[out] VSS_WRITER_STATE status,
[out] HRESULT failure 

◆ GetWriterStatusCount()

HRESULT IVssBackupComponents::GetWriterStatusCount ( [out] UINT count)

◆ ImportSnapshots()

HRESULT IVssBackupComponents::ImportSnapshots ( [out] IVssAsync **  async)

◆ InitializeForBackup()

HRESULT IVssBackupComponents::InitializeForBackup ( [in, optional, defaultvalue(NULL)] BSTR  bstrXML)

◆ InitializeForRestore()

HRESULT IVssBackupComponents::InitializeForRestore ( [in] BSTR  xml)

◆ IsVolumeSupported()

HRESULT IVssBackupComponents::IsVolumeSupported ( [in] VSS_ID  provider,
[in] VSS_PWSZ  volume,
[in] BOOL supported 

◆ PostRestore()

HRESULT IVssBackupComponents::PostRestore ( [out] IVssAsync **  async)

◆ PrepareForBackup()

HRESULT IVssBackupComponents::PrepareForBackup ( [out] IVssAsync **  async)

◆ PreRestore()

HRESULT IVssBackupComponents::PreRestore ( [out] IVssAsync **  async)

◆ Query()

HRESULT IVssBackupComponents::Query ( [in] VSS_ID  queried,
[in] VSS_OBJECT_TYPE  queried_type,
[in] VSS_OBJECT_TYPE  returned_type,
[in] IVssEnumObject **  enums 

◆ QueryRevertStatus()

HRESULT IVssBackupComponents::QueryRevertStatus ( [in] VSS_PWSZ  volume,
[out] IVssAsync **  async 

◆ RevertToSnapshot()

HRESULT IVssBackupComponents::RevertToSnapshot ( [in] VSS_ID  snapshot,
[in] BOOL  force 

◆ SaveAsXML()

HRESULT IVssBackupComponents::SaveAsXML ( [in] BSTR xml)

◆ SetAdditionalRestores()

HRESULT IVssBackupComponents::SetAdditionalRestores ( [in] VSS_ID  id,
[in] LPCWSTR  path,
[in] LPCWSTR  name,
[in] BOOL  additional 

◆ SetBackupOptions()

HRESULT IVssBackupComponents::SetBackupOptions ( [in] VSS_ID  id,
[in] LPCWSTR  path,
[in] LPCWSTR  name,
[in] LPCWSTR  options 

◆ SetBackupState()

HRESULT IVssBackupComponents::SetBackupState ( [in] BOOL  select_components,
[in] BOOL  state,
[in] VSS_BACKUP_TYPE  type,
[in, defaultvalue(FALSE)] BOOL  partial_support 

◆ SetBackupSucceeded()

HRESULT IVssBackupComponents::SetBackupSucceeded ( [in] VSS_ID  instance,
[in] VSS_ID  id,
[in] LPCWSTR  path,
[in] LPCWSTR  name,
[in] BOOL  succeded 

◆ SetContext()

HRESULT IVssBackupComponents::SetContext ( [in] LONG  context)

◆ SetFileRestoreStatus()

HRESULT IVssBackupComponents::SetFileRestoreStatus ( [in] VSS_ID  id,
[in] LPCWSTR  path,
[in] LPCWSTR  name,

◆ SetPreviousBackupStamp()

HRESULT IVssBackupComponents::SetPreviousBackupStamp ( [in] VSS_ID  id,
[in] LPCWSTR  path,
[in] LPCWSTR  name,
[in] LPCWSTR  stamp 

◆ SetRangesFilePath()

HRESULT IVssBackupComponents::SetRangesFilePath ( [in] VSS_ID  id,
[in] LPCWSTR  logical,
[in] LPCWSTR  component,
[in] UINT  partial,
[in] LPCWSTR  ranges 

◆ SetRestoreOptions()

HRESULT IVssBackupComponents::SetRestoreOptions ( [in] VSS_ID  id,
[in] LPCWSTR  path,
[in] LPCWSTR  name,
[in] LPCWSTR  options 

◆ SetRestoreState()

HRESULT IVssBackupComponents::SetRestoreState ( [in] VSS_RESTORE_TYPE  restore)

◆ SetSelectedForRestore()

HRESULT IVssBackupComponents::SetSelectedForRestore ( [in] VSS_ID  id,
[in] LPCWSTR  path,
[in] LPCWSTR  name,
[in] BOOL  selected_restore 

◆ StartSnapshotSet()

HRESULT IVssBackupComponents::StartSnapshotSet ( [out] VSS_ID id)

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: