ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-716-g2b2bdab
ITextDocument2 Interface Reference
Inheritance diagram for ITextDocument2:
Collaboration diagram for ITextDocument2:

Public Member Functions

HRESULT GetCaretType ([retval, out]LONG *value)
HRESULT SetCaretType ([in]LONG value)
HRESULT GetDisplays ([retval, out]ITextDisplays **displays)
HRESULT GetDocumentFont ([retval, out]ITextFont2 **font)
HRESULT SetDocumentFont ([in]ITextFont2 *font)
HRESULT GetDocumentPara ([retval, out]ITextPara2 **para)
HRESULT SetDocumentPara ([in]ITextPara2 *para)
HRESULT GetEastAsianFlags ([retval, out]LONG *flags)
HRESULT GetGenerator ([retval, out]BSTR *bstr)
HRESULT SetIMEInProgress ([in]LONG value)
HRESULT GetNotificationMode ([retval, out]LONG *mode)
HRESULT SetNotificationMode ([in]LONG mode)
HRESULT GetSelection2 ([retval, out]ITextSelection2 **selection)
HRESULT GetStoryRanges2 ([retval, out]ITextStoryRanges2 **stories)
HRESULT GetTypographyOptions ([retval, out]LONG *options)
HRESULT GetVersion ([retval, out]LONG *value)
HRESULT GetWindow ([retval, out]LONG *hwnd)
HRESULT AttachMsgFilter ([in]IUnknown *filter)
HRESULT CheckTextLimit ([in]LONG cch, [out]LONG *exceed)
HRESULT GetCallManager ([retval, out]IUnknown **manager)
HRESULT GetClientRect ([in]LONG type, [out]LONG *left, [out]LONG *top, [out]LONG *right, [out]LONG *bottom)
HRESULT GetEffectColor ([in]LONG index, [out]COLORREF *cr)
HRESULT GetImmContext ([retval, out]LONG *context)
HRESULT GetPreferredFont ([in]LONG cp, [in]LONG codepage, [in]LONG option, [in]LONG current_codepage, [in]LONG current_fontsize, [out]BSTR *bstr, [out]LONG *pitch_family, [out]LONG *new_fontsize)
HRESULT GetProperty ([in]LONG type, [out]LONG *value)
HRESULT GetStrings ([out]ITextStrings **strings)
HRESULT Notify ([in]LONG notify)
HRESULT Range2 ([in]LONG cp_active, [in]LONG cp_anchor, [retval, out]ITextRange2 **range)
HRESULT RangeFromPoint2 ([in]LONG x, [in]LONG y, [in]LONG type, [retval, out]ITextRange2 **range)
HRESULT ReleaseCallManager ([in]IUnknown *manager)
HRESULT ReleaseImmContext ([in]LONG context)
HRESULT SetEffectColor ([in]LONG index, [in]LONG value)
HRESULT SetProperty ([in]LONG type, [in]LONG value)
HRESULT SetTypographyOptions ([in]LONG options, [in]LONG mask)
HRESULT SysBeep ()
HRESULT Update ([in]LONG value)
HRESULT UpdateWindow ()
HRESULT GetMathProperties ([out]LONG *options)
HRESULT SetMathProperties ([in]LONG options, [in]LONG mask)
HRESULT GetActiveStory ([retval, out]ITextStory **story)
HRESULT SetActiveStory ([in]ITextStory *story)
HRESULT GetMainStory ([retval, out]ITextStory **story)
HRESULT GetNewStory ([retval, out]ITextStory **story)
HRESULT GetStory ([in]LONG index, [retval, out]ITextStory **story)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ITextDocument
HRESULT GetName ([retval, out]BSTR *pName)
HRESULT GetSelection ([retval, out]ITextSelection **ppSel)
HRESULT GetStoryCount ([retval, out]LONG *pCount)
HRESULT GetStoryRanges ([retval, out]ITextStoryRanges **ppStories)
HRESULT GetSaved ([retval, out]LONG *pValue)
HRESULT SetSaved ([in]LONG Value)
HRESULT GetDefaultTabStop ([retval, out]float *pValue)
HRESULT SetDefaultTabStop ([in]float Value)
HRESULT Open ([in]VARIANT *pVar, [in]LONG Flags, [in]LONG CodePage)
HRESULT Save ([in]VARIANT *pVar, [in]LONG Flags, [in]LONG CodePage)
HRESULT Freeze ([retval, out]LONG *pCount)
HRESULT Unfreeze ([retval, out]LONG *pCount)
HRESULT BeginEditCollection ()
HRESULT EndEditCollection ()
HRESULT Undo ([in]LONG Count, [retval, out]LONG *prop)
HRESULT Redo ([in]LONG Count, [retval, out]LONG *prop)
HRESULT Range ([in]LONG cp1, [in]LONG cp2, [retval, out]ITextRange **ppRange)
HRESULT RangeFromPoint ([in]LONG x, [in]LONG y, [retval, out]ITextRange **ppRange)
- Public Member Functions inherited from IDispatch
HRESULT GetTypeInfoCount ([out] UINT *pctinfo)
HRESULT GetTypeInfo ([in] UINT iTInfo, [in] LCID lcid, [out] ITypeInfo **ppTInfo)
HRESULT GetIDsOfNames ([in] REFIID riid, [in, size_is(cNames)] LPOLESTR *rgszNames, [in] UINT cNames, [in] LCID lcid, [out, size_is(cNames)] DISPID *rgDispId)
HRESULT Invoke ([in] DISPID dispIdMember, [in] REFIID riid, [in] LCID lcid, [in] WORD wFlags, [in, out] DISPPARAMS *pDispParams, [out] VARIANT *pVarResult, [out] EXCEPINFO *pExcepInfo, [out] UINT *puArgErr)
HRESULT RemoteInvoke ([in] DISPID dispIdMember, [in] REFIID riid, [in] LCID lcid, [in] DWORD dwFlags, [in] DISPPARAMS *pDispParams, [out] VARIANT *pVarResult, [out] EXCEPINFO *pExcepInfo, [out] UINT *pArgErr, [in] UINT cVarRef, [in, size_is(cVarRef)] UINT *rgVarRefIdx, [in, out, size_is(cVarRef)] VARIANTARG *rgVarRef)
- Public Member Functions inherited from IUnknown
HRESULT QueryInterface ([in] REFIID riid, [out, iid_is(riid)] void **ppvObject)
ULONG AddRef ()
ULONG Release ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from IDispatch
typedef IDispatchLPDISPATCH
- Public Types inherited from IUnknown
typedef IUnknownLPUNKNOWN
- Public Attributes inherited from IDispatch

Detailed Description

Definition at line 282 of file tom.idl.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AttachMsgFilter()

HRESULT ITextDocument2::AttachMsgFilter ( [in] IUnknown filter)

◆ CheckTextLimit()

HRESULT ITextDocument2::CheckTextLimit ( [in] LONG  cch,
[out] LONG exceed 

◆ GetActiveStory()

HRESULT ITextDocument2::GetActiveStory ( [retval, out] ITextStory **  story)

◆ GetCallManager()

HRESULT ITextDocument2::GetCallManager ( [retval, out] IUnknown **  manager)

◆ GetCaretType()

HRESULT ITextDocument2::GetCaretType ( [retval, out] LONG value)

◆ GetClientRect()

HRESULT ITextDocument2::GetClientRect ( [in] LONG  type,
[out] LONG left,
[out] LONG top,
[out] LONG right,
[out] LONG bottom 

◆ GetDisplays()

HRESULT ITextDocument2::GetDisplays ( [retval, out] ITextDisplays **  displays)

◆ GetDocumentFont()

HRESULT ITextDocument2::GetDocumentFont ( [retval, out] ITextFont2 **  font)

◆ GetDocumentPara()

HRESULT ITextDocument2::GetDocumentPara ( [retval, out] ITextPara2 **  para)

◆ GetEastAsianFlags()

HRESULT ITextDocument2::GetEastAsianFlags ( [retval, out] LONG flags)

◆ GetEffectColor()

HRESULT ITextDocument2::GetEffectColor ( [in] LONG  index,
[out] COLORREF cr 

◆ GetGenerator()

HRESULT ITextDocument2::GetGenerator ( [retval, out] BSTR bstr)

◆ GetImmContext()

HRESULT ITextDocument2::GetImmContext ( [retval, out] LONG context)

◆ GetMainStory()

HRESULT ITextDocument2::GetMainStory ( [retval, out] ITextStory **  story)

◆ GetMathProperties()

HRESULT ITextDocument2::GetMathProperties ( [out] LONG options)

◆ GetNewStory()

HRESULT ITextDocument2::GetNewStory ( [retval, out] ITextStory **  story)

◆ GetNotificationMode()

HRESULT ITextDocument2::GetNotificationMode ( [retval, out] LONG mode)

◆ GetPreferredFont()

HRESULT ITextDocument2::GetPreferredFont ( [in] LONG  cp,
[in] LONG  codepage,
[in] LONG  option,
[in] LONG  current_codepage,
[in] LONG  current_fontsize,
[out] BSTR bstr,
[out] LONG pitch_family,
[out] LONG new_fontsize 

◆ GetProperty()

HRESULT ITextDocument2::GetProperty ( [in] LONG  type,
[out] LONG value 

◆ GetSelection2()

HRESULT ITextDocument2::GetSelection2 ( [retval, out] ITextSelection2 **  selection)

◆ GetStory()

HRESULT ITextDocument2::GetStory ( [in] LONG  index,
[retval, out] ITextStory **  story 

◆ GetStoryRanges2()

HRESULT ITextDocument2::GetStoryRanges2 ( [retval, out] ITextStoryRanges2 **  stories)

◆ GetStrings()

HRESULT ITextDocument2::GetStrings ( [out] ITextStrings **  strings)

◆ GetTypographyOptions()

HRESULT ITextDocument2::GetTypographyOptions ( [retval, out] LONG options)

◆ GetVersion()

HRESULT ITextDocument2::GetVersion ( [retval, out] LONG value)

◆ GetWindow()

HRESULT ITextDocument2::GetWindow ( [retval, out] LONG hwnd)

◆ Notify()

HRESULT ITextDocument2::Notify ( [in] LONG  notify)

◆ Range2()

HRESULT ITextDocument2::Range2 ( [in] LONG  cp_active,
[in] LONG  cp_anchor,
[retval, out] ITextRange2 **  range 

◆ RangeFromPoint2()

HRESULT ITextDocument2::RangeFromPoint2 ( [in] LONG  x,
[in] LONG  y,
[in] LONG  type,
[retval, out] ITextRange2 **  range 

◆ ReleaseCallManager()

HRESULT ITextDocument2::ReleaseCallManager ( [in] IUnknown manager)

◆ ReleaseImmContext()

HRESULT ITextDocument2::ReleaseImmContext ( [in] LONG  context)

◆ SetActiveStory()

HRESULT ITextDocument2::SetActiveStory ( [in] ITextStory *  story)

◆ SetCaretType()

HRESULT ITextDocument2::SetCaretType ( [in] LONG  value)

◆ SetDocumentFont()

HRESULT ITextDocument2::SetDocumentFont ( [in] ITextFont2 *  font)

◆ SetDocumentPara()

HRESULT ITextDocument2::SetDocumentPara ( [in] ITextPara2 *  para)

◆ SetEffectColor()

HRESULT ITextDocument2::SetEffectColor ( [in] LONG  index,
[in] LONG  value 

◆ SetIMEInProgress()

HRESULT ITextDocument2::SetIMEInProgress ( [in] LONG  value)

◆ SetMathProperties()

HRESULT ITextDocument2::SetMathProperties ( [in] LONG  options,
[in] LONG  mask 

◆ SetNotificationMode()

HRESULT ITextDocument2::SetNotificationMode ( [in] LONG  mode)

◆ SetProperty()

HRESULT ITextDocument2::SetProperty ( [in] LONG  type,
[in] LONG  value 

◆ SetTypographyOptions()

HRESULT ITextDocument2::SetTypographyOptions ( [in] LONG  options,
[in] LONG  mask 

◆ SysBeep()

HRESULT ITextDocument2::SysBeep ( )

◆ Update()

HRESULT ITextDocument2::Update ( [in] LONG  value)

◆ UpdateWindow()

HRESULT ITextDocument2::UpdateWindow ( )

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: