ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-522-gb68104a
#include <nt_vdd.h>
Go to the source code of this file.
Macros | |
#define | ICA_MASTER 0 |
#define | ICA_SLAVE 1 |
#define | VDDSimulateInterrupt(ms, line, count) call_ica_hw_interrupt((ms), (line), (count)) |
#define | Sim32FreeVDMPointer(Address, Size, Buffer, Mode) TRUE |
#define | GetVDMAddress(usSeg, usOff) (((ULONG)(usSeg) << 4) + (ULONG)(usOff)) |
#define | GetVDMPointer(Address, Size, Mode) Sim32GetVDMPointer(Address, Size, Mode) |
#define | FlushVDMPointer(Address, Size, Buffer, Mode) Sim32FlushVDMPointer(Address, Size, Buffer, Mode) |
#define | FreeVDMPointer(Address, Size, Buffer, Mode) Sim32FreeVDMPointer(Address, Size, Buffer, Mode) |
Definition at line 594 of file registers.c.
Definition at line 128 of file registers.c.
Referenced by BiosBootstrapLoader(), BiosDiskService(), BiosKeyboardService(), BiosMiscService(), BiosTimeService(), ConDrvReadInput(), DosInt21h(), DosInt2Fh(), EmsIntHandler(), VidBiosVideoService(), and XmsBopProcedure().
Definition at line 142 of file registers.c.
Referenced by BiosDiskService(), BiosKeyboardIrq(), BiosMiscService(), BiosMousePs2Interface(), ConDrvReadInput(), DosInt21h(), DosInt2Fh(), EmsIntHandler(), VbeService(), and VidBiosVideoService().
Definition at line 114 of file registers.c.
Referenced by BiosBootstrapLoader(), BiosCharPrint(), BiosKeyboardIrq(), BiosPs2Service(), BiosTimerIrq(), CallMouseUserHandlers(), ConDrvInputStatus(), ConDrvReadInput(), ConDrvWriteOutput(), Dem_BiosCharPrint(), DosCallDriver(), DosFastConOut(), DosInt2Ah(), DosInt2Fh(), DosMouseService(), DosRestoreState(), DosSaveState(), Int32Dispatch(), ThirdPartyVDDBop(), and XmsBopProcedure().
Definition at line 184 of file registers.c.
Referenced by BiosDiskService(), BiosMiscService(), BiosMousePs2Interface(), VbeService(), and VidBiosVideoService().
Definition at line 198 of file registers.c.
Referenced by BiosMiscService(), BiosMousePs2Interface(), DosInt21h(), VbeService(), VidBiosSetVideoMode(), VidBiosVideoService(), and XmsBopProcedure().
Definition at line 374 of file registers.c.
Referenced by BiosKeyboardIrq(), BiosTimerIrq(), CallMouseUserHandlers(), DosCallDriver(), DosRestoreState(), DosSaveState(), and VidBiosVideoService().
Definition at line 170 of file registers.c.
Referenced by BiosBootstrapLoader(), BiosCharPrint(), BiosKeyboardIrq(), BiosMousePs2Interface(), BiosTimerIrq(), CallMouseUserHandlers(), Dem_BiosCharPrint(), DeviceStrategyBop(), DosCallDriver(), DosFastConOut(), DosInt21h(), DosInt2Fh(), DosMouseService(), DosRestoreState(), DosSaveState(), EmsIntHandler(), ReadDisk(), ThirdPartyVDDBop(), VbeService(), VidBiosVideoService(), WriteDisk(), and XmsBopProcedure().
Definition at line 566 of file registers.c.
Referenced by BiosKeyboardIrq(), BiosMiscService(), DosControlBreak(), and DosIdle().
Definition at line 242 of file registers.c.
Referenced by BiosDiskService(), DosInt21h(), and VidBiosVideoService().
Definition at line 256 of file registers.c.
Referenced by BiosDiskService(), DosInt21h(), and VidBiosVideoService().
Definition at line 480 of file registers.c.
Referenced by Call16(), CmdStartComSpec32(), CmdStartExternalCommand(), ControlBop(), DeviceInterruptBop(), DosCmdInterpreterBop(), DosInitialize(), DosStart(), DosSystemBop(), KbdBiosINT(), KbdBiosIRQ(), setEIP(), setIP(), ThirdPartyVDDBop(), and VidBiosINT().
Definition at line 228 of file registers.c.
Referenced by BiosBootstrapLoader(), BiosKeyboardIrq(), BiosKeyboardService(), BiosMiscService(), BiosTimerIrq(), BiosTimeService(), CallMouseUserHandlers(), DosCallDriver(), DosInt21h(), DosMouseService(), DosRestoreState(), DosSaveState(), VbeService(), and VidBiosVideoService().
Definition at line 650 of file registers.c.
Definition at line 300 of file registers.c.
Referenced by BiosDiskService(), DosInt21h(), VbeService(), and VidBiosVideoService().
Definition at line 434 of file registers.c.
Referenced by BiosKeyboardIrq(), BiosMiscService(), BiosTimerIrq(), CallMouseUserHandlers(), DemLoadNTDOSKernel(), DosCallDriver(), DosInt21h(), DosInt2Fh(), DosRestoreState(), DosSaveState(), EmsIntHandler(), ThirdPartyVDDBop(), VbeService(), and VidBiosVideoService().
Definition at line 314 of file registers.c.
Referenced by BiosDiskService(), DosInt21h(), VbeService(), VidBiosSetVideoMode(), and VidBiosVideoService().
Definition at line 508 of file registers.c.
Referenced by BiosKeyboardIrq(), BiosTimerIrq(), CallMouseUserHandlers(), CmdStartExternalCommand(), CmdStartProcess(), DosCallDriver(), DosCmdInterpreterBop(), DosInt21h(), DosInt2Fh(), DosRestoreState(), DosSaveState(), EmsIntHandler(), ThirdPartyVDDBop(), and XmsBopProcedure().
Definition at line 286 of file registers.c.
Referenced by BiosBootstrapLoader(), BiosKeyboardIrq(), BiosMiscService(), BiosTimerIrq(), BiosTimeService(), CallMouseUserHandlers(), CmdSetExitCode(), CmdStartProcess(), DosCallDriver(), DosCmdInterpreterBop(), DosInt21h(), DosInt27h(), DosInt2Fh(), DosMouseService(), DosRestoreState(), DosSaveState(), EmsIntHandler(), VbeService(), VidBiosVideoService(), and XmsBopProcedure().
Definition at line 100 of file registers.c.
Definition at line 360 of file registers.c.
Definition at line 156 of file registers.c.
Referenced by BiosMiscService().
Definition at line 214 of file registers.c.
Referenced by BiosMiscService().
Definition at line 420 of file registers.c.
Definition at line 272 of file registers.c.
Referenced by BiosMiscService().
Definition at line 680 of file registers.c.
Referenced by DosLoadExecutableInternal(), DosStart(), KbdBiosINT(), KbdBiosIRQ(), and VidBiosINT().
Definition at line 450 of file registers.c.
Definition at line 522 of file registers.c.
Referenced by BiosBootstrapLoader(), BiosKeyboardIrq(), BiosMiscService(), BiosMousePs2Interface(), BiosTimerIrq(), CallMouseUserHandlers(), CmdStartComSpec32(), CmdStartExternalCommand(), DeviceStrategyBop(), DosCallDriver(), DosInt21h(), DosInt2Fh(), DosMouseService(), DosRestoreState(), DosSaveState(), EmsIntHandler(), ReadDisk(), ThirdPartyVDDBop(), VbeService(), VidBiosVideoService(), and WriteDisk().
Definition at line 390 of file registers.c.
Definition at line 330 of file registers.c.
Definition at line 536 of file registers.c.
Definition at line 550 of file registers.c.
Definition at line 636 of file registers.c.
Referenced by VbeResetExtendedRegisters(), and VbeSetExtendedRegisters().
Definition at line 29 of file registers.c.
Definition at line 464 of file registers.c.
Referenced by Call16(), CmdStartComSpec32(), CmdStartExternalCommand(), ControlBop(), DeviceInterruptBop(), DosCmdInterpreterBop(), DosInitialize(), DosStart(), DosSystemBop(), KbdBiosINT(), KbdBiosIRQ(), ThirdPartyVDDBop(), and VidBiosINT().
Definition at line 696 of file registers.c.
Definition at line 664 of file registers.c.
Definition at line 580 of file registers.c.
Definition at line 622 of file registers.c.
Definition at line 404 of file registers.c.
Referenced by BiosKeyboardIrq(), BiosMiscService(), BiosTimerIrq(), CallMouseUserHandlers(), CmdStartExternalCommand(), DosCallDriver(), DosInt21h(), DosInt2Fh(), DosRestoreState(), DosSaveState(), EmsIntHandler(), ThirdPartyVDDBop(), and XmsBopProcedure().
Definition at line 344 of file registers.c.
Referenced by BiosMouseIrq(), DosAbsoluteRead(), DosAbsoluteWrite(), DosInt21h(), DosLoadExecutableInternal(), DosRestoreState(), DosSaveState(), DosStart(), and DosTerminateProcess().
Definition at line 494 of file registers.c.
Referenced by BiosMouseIrq(), DosInt21h(), DosLoadExecutableInternal(), DosRestoreState(), DosSaveState(), DosStart(), DosTerminateProcess(), setESP(), and setSP().
Definition at line 608 of file registers.c.
Referenced by ConDrvInputStatus().
Definition at line 601 of file registers.c.
Definition at line 135 of file registers.c.
Referenced by BiosBootstrapLoader(), BiosCharPrint(), BiosDiskService(), BiosKeyboardIrq(), BiosMiscService(), BiosMousePs2Interface(), BiosPs2Service(), ConDrvInputStatus(), ConDrvReadInput(), Dem_BiosCharPrint(), DosFastConOut(), DosInt21h(), EmsIntHandler(), and VbeService().
Definition at line 149 of file registers.c.
Referenced by BiosBootstrapLoader(), BiosCharPrint(), BiosDiskService(), BiosKeyboardIrq(), BiosKeyboardService(), BiosPs2Service(), BiosTimeService(), CmdStartComSpec32(), CmdStartExternalCommand(), ConDrvWriteOutput(), Dem_BiosCharPrint(), DosCmdInterpreterBop(), DosInt21h(), DosInt2Fh(), EmsIntHandler(), VbeService(), and VidBiosVideoService().
Definition at line 121 of file registers.c.
Referenced by BiosBootstrapLoader(), BiosCharPrint(), BiosEquipmentService(), BiosGetMemorySize(), BiosKeyboardIrq(), BiosKeyboardService(), BiosMiscService(), BiosPs2Service(), BiosTimerIrq(), CallMouseUserHandlers(), ConDrvInputStatus(), ConDrvReadInput(), ConDrvWriteOutput(), Dem_BiosCharPrint(), DosAbsoluteRead(), DosAbsoluteWrite(), DosCallDriver(), DosCmdInterpreterBop(), DosFastConOut(), DosInt21h(), DosLoadExecutableInternal(), DosMouseService(), DosRestoreState(), ThirdPartyVDDBop(), VbeService(), VidBiosVideoService(), XmsBopProcedure(), XmsLocalDisableA20(), and XmsLocalEnableA20().
Definition at line 191 of file registers.c.
Referenced by BiosCharPrint(), BiosMousePs2Interface(), Dem_BiosCharPrint(), DosFastConOut(), DosInt21h(), VidBiosVideoService(), and XmsBopProcedure().
Definition at line 205 of file registers.c.
Referenced by BiosCharPrint(), BiosDiskService(), BiosMousePs2Interface(), Dem_BiosCharPrint(), DosFastConOut(), DosInt21h(), VidBiosVideoService(), XmsBopProcedure(), XmsLocalDisableA20(), and XmsLocalEnableA20().
Definition at line 381 of file registers.c.
Referenced by BiosKeyboardIrq(), BiosTimerIrq(), CallMouseUserHandlers(), DosCallDriver(), DosLoadExecutableInternal(), DosRestoreState(), and VidBiosVideoService().
Definition at line 177 of file registers.c.
Referenced by BiosBootstrapLoader(), BiosCharPrint(), BiosKeyboardIrq(), BiosMiscService(), BiosTimerIrq(), CallMouseUserHandlers(), Dem_BiosCharPrint(), DosCallDriver(), DosFastConOut(), DosInt21h(), DosInt2Fh(), DosLoadExecutableInternal(), DosMouseService(), DosRestoreState(), EmsIntHandler(), VbeService(), and XmsBopProcedure().
Definition at line 573 of file registers.c.
Referenced by BiosKeyboardIrq(), BiosKeyboardService(), BiosMiscService(), BiosTimerIrq(), CmdSetExitCode(), CmdStartComSpec32(), CmdStartExternalCommand(), CmdStartProcess(), DosCmdInterpreterBop(), DosControlBreak(), DosIdle(), TestVDDDispatch(), TestVDDRegister(), TestVDDUnRegister(), ThirdPartyVDDBop(), and VbeService().
Definition at line 249 of file registers.c.
Referenced by BiosBootstrapLoader(), BiosDiskService(), BiosTimeService(), DosMouseService(), and VidBiosVideoService().
Definition at line 263 of file registers.c.
Referenced by BiosBootstrapLoader(), BiosDiskService(), BiosMousePs2Interface(), BiosTimeService(), DosMouseService(), and VidBiosVideoService().
Definition at line 487 of file registers.c.
Referenced by Bios32Post(), Call16(), DosInitialize(), KbdBiosINT(), KbdBiosIRQ(), and VidBiosINT().
Definition at line 235 of file registers.c.
Referenced by BiosBootstrapLoader(), BiosDiskService(), BiosKeyboardIrq(), BiosMiscService(), BiosTimerIrq(), BiosTimeService(), CallMouseUserHandlers(), DosCallDriver(), DosInt21h(), DosLoadExecutableInternal(), DosMouseService(), DosRestoreState(), EmsIntHandler(), VbeService(), and VidBiosVideoService().
Definition at line 657 of file registers.c.
Definition at line 307 of file registers.c.
Referenced by BiosBootstrapLoader(), BiosDiskService(), BiosTimeService(), DosInt21h(), and VidBiosVideoService().
Definition at line 441 of file registers.c.
Referenced by BiosDiskService(), BiosKeyboardIrq(), BiosTimerIrq(), CallMouseUserHandlers(), DosCallDriver(), DosLoadExecutableInternal(), DosMouseService(), and DosRestoreState().
Definition at line 321 of file registers.c.
Referenced by BiosBootstrapLoader(), BiosDiskService(), BiosMousePs2Interface(), BiosTimeService(), DosInt21h(), and VidBiosVideoService().
Definition at line 515 of file registers.c.
Referenced by Bios32Post(), BiosKeyboardIrq(), BiosTimerIrq(), CallMouseUserHandlers(), DosBIOSInitialize(), DosCallDriver(), DosInt21h(), DosInt2Fh(), DosKRNLInitialize(), DosLoadExecutableInternal(), DosRestoreState(), and InitRomRange().
Definition at line 293 of file registers.c.
Referenced by BiosBootstrapLoader(), BiosDiskService(), BiosKeyboardIrq(), BiosMiscService(), BiosTimerIrq(), BiosTimeService(), CallMouseUserHandlers(), DosCallDriver(), DosDeviceIoControl(), DosInt21h(), DosInt2Fh(), DosLoadExecutableInternal(), DosMouseService(), DosRestoreState(), EmsIntHandler(), VbeService(), VidBiosVideoService(), and XmsBopProcedure().
Definition at line 107 of file registers.c.
Referenced by BiosMiscService().
Definition at line 367 of file registers.c.
Definition at line 163 of file registers.c.
Referenced by BiosMiscService().
Definition at line 221 of file registers.c.
Referenced by BiosMiscService().
Definition at line 427 of file registers.c.
Definition at line 279 of file registers.c.
Definition at line 687 of file registers.c.
Referenced by DosLoadExecutableInternal(), KbdBiosINT(), KbdBiosIRQ(), and VidBiosINT().
Definition at line 457 of file registers.c.
Definition at line 529 of file registers.c.
Referenced by BiosBootstrapLoader(), BiosDiskService(), BiosKeyboardIrq(), BiosMiscService(), BiosTimerIrq(), CallMouseUserHandlers(), DosCallDriver(), DosInt21h(), DosInt2Fh(), DosLoadExecutableInternal(), DosMouseService(), DosRestoreState(), and VidBiosVideoService().
Definition at line 397 of file registers.c.
Definition at line 337 of file registers.c.
Definition at line 543 of file registers.c.
Definition at line 557 of file registers.c.
Definition at line 643 of file registers.c.
Referenced by Bios32Post(), BiosInitialize(), VbeResetExtendedRegisters(), VbeSetExtendedRegisters(), and VgaSetRegisters().
Definition at line 471 of file registers.c.
Referenced by Bios32Post(), Call16(), ControlBop(), DosCmdInterpreterBop(), DosInitialize(), DosSystemBop(), KbdBiosINT(), KbdBiosIRQ(), ThirdPartyVDDBop(), and VidBiosINT().
Definition at line 703 of file registers.c.
Definition at line 671 of file registers.c.
Definition at line 587 of file registers.c.
Definition at line 629 of file registers.c.
Definition at line 411 of file registers.c.
Referenced by BiosKeyboardIrq(), BiosTimerIrq(), CallMouseUserHandlers(), DosCallDriver(), DosInt21h(), DosLoadExecutableInternal(), and DosRestoreState().
Definition at line 351 of file registers.c.
Referenced by Bios32Post(), BiosMouseIrq(), DosAbsoluteRead(), DosAbsoluteWrite(), DosBIOSInitialize(), DosKRNLInitialize(), DosLoadExecutableInternal(), DosRestoreState(), DosSaveState(), DosStart(), and DosTerminateProcess().
Definition at line 501 of file registers.c.
Referenced by Bios32Post(), DosBIOSInitialize(), DosKRNLInitialize(), DosLoadExecutableInternal(), and DosTerminateProcess().
Definition at line 615 of file registers.c.
BOOLEAN WINAPI Sim32FlushVDMPointer | ( | _In_ ULONG | Address, |
_In_ ULONG | Size, | ||
_In_ PBYTE | Buffer, | ||
_In_ BOOLEAN | ProtectedMode | ||
) |