ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-746-g329a414
MSXML2::IMXAttributes Interface Reference
Inheritance diagram for MSXML2::IMXAttributes:
Collaboration diagram for MSXML2::IMXAttributes:

Public Member Functions

HRESULT addAttribute ([in] BSTR uri, [in] BSTR localName, [in] BSTR QName, [in] BSTR type, [in] BSTR value)
HRESULT addAttributeFromIndex ([in] VARIANT atts, [in] int index)
HRESULT clear ()
HRESULT removeAttribute ([in] int index)
HRESULT setAttribute ([in] int index, [in] BSTR uri, [in] BSTR localName, [in] BSTR QName, [in] BSTR type, [in] BSTR value)
HRESULT setAttributes ([in] VARIANT atts)
HRESULT setLocalName ([in] int index, [in] BSTR localName)
HRESULT setQName ([in] int index, [in] BSTR QName)
HRESULT setType ([in] int index, [in] BSTR type)
HRESULT setURI ([in] int index, [in] BSTR uri)
HRESULT setValue ([in] int index, [in] BSTR value)
HRESULT addAttribute ([in] BSTR uri, [in] BSTR localName, [in] BSTR QName, [in] BSTR type, [in] BSTR value)
HRESULT addAttributeFromIndex ([in] VARIANT atts, [in] int index)
HRESULT clear ()
HRESULT removeAttribute ([in] int index)
HRESULT setAttribute ([in] int index, [in] BSTR uri, [in] BSTR localName, [in] BSTR QName, [in] BSTR type, [in] BSTR value)
HRESULT setAttributes ([in] VARIANT atts)
HRESULT setLocalName ([in] int index, [in] BSTR localName)
HRESULT setQName ([in] int index, [in] BSTR QName)
HRESULT setType ([in] int index, [in] BSTR type)
HRESULT setURI ([in] int index, [in] BSTR uri)
HRESULT setValue ([in] int index, [in] BSTR value)
HRESULT addAttribute ([in] BSTR uri, [in] BSTR localName, [in] BSTR QName, [in] BSTR type, [in] BSTR value)
HRESULT addAttributeFromIndex ([in] VARIANT atts, [in] int index)
HRESULT clear ()
HRESULT removeAttribute ([in] int index)
HRESULT setAttribute ([in] int index, [in] BSTR uri, [in] BSTR localName, [in] BSTR QName, [in] BSTR type, [in] BSTR value)
HRESULT setAttributes ([in] VARIANT atts)
HRESULT setLocalName ([in] int index, [in] BSTR localName)
HRESULT setQName ([in] int index, [in] BSTR QName)
HRESULT setType ([in] int index, [in] BSTR type)
HRESULT setURI ([in] int index, [in] BSTR uri)
HRESULT setValue ([in] int index, [in] BSTR value)
- Public Member Functions inherited from IDispatch
HRESULT GetTypeInfoCount ([out] UINT *pctinfo)
HRESULT GetTypeInfo ([in] UINT iTInfo, [in] LCID lcid, [out] ITypeInfo **ppTInfo)
HRESULT GetIDsOfNames ([in] REFIID riid, [in, size_is(cNames)] LPOLESTR *rgszNames, [in] UINT cNames, [in] LCID lcid, [out, size_is(cNames)] DISPID *rgDispId)
HRESULT Invoke ([in] DISPID dispIdMember, [in] REFIID riid, [in] LCID lcid, [in] WORD wFlags, [in, out] DISPPARAMS *pDispParams, [out] VARIANT *pVarResult, [out] EXCEPINFO *pExcepInfo, [out] UINT *puArgErr)
HRESULT RemoteInvoke ([in] DISPID dispIdMember, [in] REFIID riid, [in] LCID lcid, [in] DWORD dwFlags, [in] DISPPARAMS *pDispParams, [out] VARIANT *pVarResult, [out] EXCEPINFO *pExcepInfo, [out] UINT *pArgErr, [in] UINT cVarRef, [in, size_is(cVarRef)] UINT *rgVarRefIdx, [in, out, size_is(cVarRef)] VARIANTARG *rgVarRef)
- Public Member Functions inherited from IUnknown
HRESULT QueryInterface ([in] REFIID riid, [out, iid_is(riid)] void **ppvObject)
ULONG AddRef ()
ULONG Release ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from IDispatch
typedef IDispatchLPDISPATCH
- Public Types inherited from IUnknown
typedef IUnknownLPUNKNOWN
- Public Attributes inherited from IDispatch

Detailed Description

Definition at line 2315 of file msxml4_tlb.idl.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addAttribute() [1/3]

HRESULT MSXML2::IMXAttributes::addAttribute ( [in] BSTR  uri,
[in] BSTR  localName,
[in] BSTR  QName,
[in] BSTR  type,
[in] BSTR  value 

◆ addAttribute() [2/3]

HRESULT MSXML2::IMXAttributes::addAttribute ( [in] BSTR  uri,
[in] BSTR  localName,
[in] BSTR  QName,
[in] BSTR  type,
[in] BSTR  value 

◆ addAttribute() [3/3]

HRESULT MSXML2::IMXAttributes::addAttribute ( [in] BSTR  uri,
[in] BSTR  localName,
[in] BSTR  QName,
[in] BSTR  type,
[in] BSTR  value 

◆ addAttributeFromIndex() [1/3]

HRESULT MSXML2::IMXAttributes::addAttributeFromIndex ( [in] VARIANT  atts,
[in] int  index 

◆ addAttributeFromIndex() [2/3]

HRESULT MSXML2::IMXAttributes::addAttributeFromIndex ( [in] VARIANT  atts,
[in] int  index 

◆ addAttributeFromIndex() [3/3]

HRESULT MSXML2::IMXAttributes::addAttributeFromIndex ( [in] VARIANT  atts,
[in] int  index 

◆ clear() [1/3]

HRESULT MSXML2::IMXAttributes::clear ( )

◆ clear() [2/3]

HRESULT MSXML2::IMXAttributes::clear ( )

◆ clear() [3/3]

HRESULT MSXML2::IMXAttributes::clear ( )

◆ removeAttribute() [1/3]

HRESULT MSXML2::IMXAttributes::removeAttribute ( [in] int  index)

◆ removeAttribute() [2/3]

HRESULT MSXML2::IMXAttributes::removeAttribute ( [in] int  index)

◆ removeAttribute() [3/3]

HRESULT MSXML2::IMXAttributes::removeAttribute ( [in] int  index)

◆ setAttribute() [1/3]

HRESULT MSXML2::IMXAttributes::setAttribute ( [in] int  index,
[in] BSTR  uri,
[in] BSTR  localName,
[in] BSTR  QName,
[in] BSTR  type,
[in] BSTR  value 

◆ setAttribute() [2/3]

HRESULT MSXML2::IMXAttributes::setAttribute ( [in] int  index,
[in] BSTR  uri,
[in] BSTR  localName,
[in] BSTR  QName,
[in] BSTR  type,
[in] BSTR  value 

◆ setAttribute() [3/3]

HRESULT MSXML2::IMXAttributes::setAttribute ( [in] int  index,
[in] BSTR  uri,
[in] BSTR  localName,
[in] BSTR  QName,
[in] BSTR  type,
[in] BSTR  value 

◆ setAttributes() [1/3]

HRESULT MSXML2::IMXAttributes::setAttributes ( [in] VARIANT  atts)

◆ setAttributes() [2/3]

HRESULT MSXML2::IMXAttributes::setAttributes ( [in] VARIANT  atts)

◆ setAttributes() [3/3]

HRESULT MSXML2::IMXAttributes::setAttributes ( [in] VARIANT  atts)

◆ setLocalName() [1/3]

HRESULT MSXML2::IMXAttributes::setLocalName ( [in] int  index,
[in] BSTR  localName 

◆ setLocalName() [2/3]

HRESULT MSXML2::IMXAttributes::setLocalName ( [in] int  index,
[in] BSTR  localName 

◆ setLocalName() [3/3]

HRESULT MSXML2::IMXAttributes::setLocalName ( [in] int  index,
[in] BSTR  localName 

◆ setQName() [1/3]

HRESULT MSXML2::IMXAttributes::setQName ( [in] int  index,
[in] BSTR  QName 

◆ setQName() [2/3]

HRESULT MSXML2::IMXAttributes::setQName ( [in] int  index,
[in] BSTR  QName 

◆ setQName() [3/3]

HRESULT MSXML2::IMXAttributes::setQName ( [in] int  index,
[in] BSTR  QName 

◆ setType() [1/3]

HRESULT MSXML2::IMXAttributes::setType ( [in] int  index,
[in] BSTR  type 

◆ setType() [2/3]

HRESULT MSXML2::IMXAttributes::setType ( [in] int  index,
[in] BSTR  type 

◆ setType() [3/3]

HRESULT MSXML2::IMXAttributes::setType ( [in] int  index,
[in] BSTR  type 

◆ setURI() [1/3]

HRESULT MSXML2::IMXAttributes::setURI ( [in] int  index,
[in] BSTR  uri 

◆ setURI() [2/3]

HRESULT MSXML2::IMXAttributes::setURI ( [in] int  index,
[in] BSTR  uri 

◆ setURI() [3/3]

HRESULT MSXML2::IMXAttributes::setURI ( [in] int  index,
[in] BSTR  uri 

◆ setValue() [1/3]

HRESULT MSXML2::IMXAttributes::setValue ( [in] int  index,
[in] BSTR  value 

◆ setValue() [2/3]

HRESULT MSXML2::IMXAttributes::setValue ( [in] int  index,
[in] BSTR  value 

◆ setValue() [3/3]

HRESULT MSXML2::IMXAttributes::setValue ( [in] int  index,
[in] BSTR  value 

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following files: