ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-753-g705a985
hiveinit.c File Reference
#include "cmlib.h"
#include <debug.h>
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#define NDEBUG


typedef enum _RESULT RESULT


enum  _RESULT {
  NotHive , Fail , NoMemory , HiveSuccess ,
  RecoverHeader , RecoverData , SelfHeal


BOOLEAN CMAPI HvpVerifyHiveHeader (_In_ PHBASE_BLOCK BaseBlock, _In_ ULONG FileType)
 Validates the base block header of a registry file (hive or log).
VOID CMAPI HvpFreeHiveBins (_In_ PHHIVE Hive)
 Frees all the bins within storage space associated with a hive descriptor.
static __inline PHBASE_BLOCK HvpAllocBaseBlockAligned (_In_ PHHIVE Hive, _In_ BOOLEAN Paged, _In_ ULONG Tag)
 Allocates a cluster-aligned hive base header block.
static VOID HvpInitFileName (_Inout_ PHBASE_BLOCK BaseBlock, _In_opt_ PCUNICODE_STRING FileName)
 Initializes a NULL-terminated Unicode hive file name of a hive header by copying the last 31 characters of the hive file name. Mainly used for debugging purposes.
NTSTATUS CMAPI HvpCreateHive (_Inout_ PHHIVE RegistryHive, _In_opt_ PCUNICODE_STRING FileName)
 Initializes a hive descriptor structure for a newly created hive in memory.
NTSTATUS CMAPI HvpInitializeMemoryHive (_In_ PHHIVE Hive, _In_ PHBASE_BLOCK ChunkBase, _In_opt_ PCUNICODE_STRING FileName)
 Initializes a hive descriptor from an already loaded registry hive stored in memory. The data of the hive is copied and it is prepared for read/write access.
NTSTATUS CMAPI HvpInitializeFlatHive (_In_ PHHIVE Hive, _In_ PHBASE_BLOCK ChunkBase)
 Initializes a hive descriptor for an already loaded hive that is stored in memory. This descriptor serves to denote such hive as being "flat", that is, the data and properties can be only read and not written into.
RESULT CMAPI HvpGetHiveHeader (_In_ PHHIVE Hive, _Inout_ PHBASE_BLOCK *HiveBaseBlock, _Inout_ PLARGE_INTEGER TimeStamp)
 Retrieves the base block hive header from the primary hive file stored in physical backing storage. This function may invoke a self-healing warning if hive header couldn't be obtained. See Return and Remarks sections for further information.
ULONG CMAPI HvpQueryHiveSize (_In_ PHHIVE Hive)
 Computes the hive space size by querying the file size of the associated hive file.
RESULT CMAPI HvpRecoverHeaderFromLog (_In_ PHHIVE Hive, _In_ PLARGE_INTEGER TimeStamp, _Inout_ PHBASE_BLOCK *BaseBlock)
 Recovers the base block header by obtaining it from a log file associated with the hive.
RESULT CMAPI HvpRecoverDataFromLog (_In_ PHHIVE Hive, _In_ PHBASE_BLOCK BaseBlock)
 Recovers the registry data by obtaining it from a log that is associated with the hive.
 Loads a registry hive from a physical hive file within the physical backing storage. Base block and registry data are read from the said physical hive file. This function can perform registry recovery if hive loading could not be done normally.
NTSTATUS CMAPI HvInitialize (_Inout_ PHHIVE RegistryHive, _In_ ULONG OperationType, _In_ ULONG HiveFlags, _In_ ULONG FileType, _In_opt_ PVOID HiveData, _In_opt_ PALLOCATE_ROUTINE Allocate, _In_opt_ PFREE_ROUTINE Free, _In_opt_ PFILE_SET_SIZE_ROUTINE FileSetSize, _In_opt_ PFILE_WRITE_ROUTINE FileWrite, _In_opt_ PFILE_READ_ROUTINE FileRead, _In_opt_ PFILE_FLUSH_ROUTINE FileFlush, _In_ ULONG Cluster, _In_opt_ PCUNICODE_STRING FileName)
 Initializes a registry hive. It allocates a hive descriptor and sets up the hive type depending on the type chosen by the caller.
VOID CMAPI HvFree (_In_ PHHIVE RegistryHive)
 Frees all the bins within the storage, the dirty vector and the base block associated with the given registry hive descriptor.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define NDEBUG

Definition at line 12 of file hiveinit.c.

Typedef Documentation


typedef enum _RESULT RESULT

Enumeration Type Documentation



Definition at line 17 of file hiveinit.c.

19 NotHive,
20 Fail,
@ HiveSuccess
Definition: hiveinit.c:22
@ NotHive
Definition: hiveinit.c:19
@ Fail
Definition: hiveinit.c:20
@ SelfHeal
Definition: hiveinit.c:25
@ RecoverData
Definition: hiveinit.c:24
@ NoMemory
Definition: hiveinit.c:21
@ RecoverHeader
Definition: hiveinit.c:23

Function Documentation

◆ HvFree()

VOID CMAPI HvFree ( _In_ PHHIVE  RegistryHive)

Frees all the bins within the storage, the dirty vector and the base block associated with the given registry hive descriptor.

[in]RegistryHiveA pointer to a hive descriptor where all of its data is to be freed.

Definition at line 1512 of file hiveinit.c.

1515 if (!RegistryHive->ReadOnly)
1516 {
1517 /* Release hive bitmap */
1518 if (RegistryHive->DirtyVector.Buffer)
1519 {
1520 RegistryHive->Free(RegistryHive->DirtyVector.Buffer, 0);
1521 }
1523 HvpFreeHiveBins(RegistryHive);
1525 /* Free the BaseBlock */
1526 if (RegistryHive->BaseBlock)
1527 {
1528 RegistryHive->Free(RegistryHive->BaseBlock, RegistryHive->BaseBlockAlloc);
1529 RegistryHive->BaseBlock = NULL;
1530 }
1531 }
#define NULL
Definition: types.h:112
VOID CMAPI HvpFreeHiveBins(_In_ PHHIVE Hive)
Frees all the bins within storage space associated with a hive descriptor.
Definition: hiveinit.c:90

◆ HvInitialize()

NTSTATUS CMAPI HvInitialize ( _Inout_ PHHIVE  RegistryHive,
_In_ ULONG  OperationType,
_In_ ULONG  HiveFlags,
_In_ ULONG  FileType,
_In_opt_ PVOID  HiveData,
_In_opt_ PALLOCATE_ROUTINE  Allocate,
_In_opt_ PFREE_ROUTINE  Free,
_In_opt_ PFILE_WRITE_ROUTINE  FileWrite,
_In_opt_ PFILE_READ_ROUTINE  FileRead,
_In_opt_ PFILE_FLUSH_ROUTINE  FileFlush,
_In_ ULONG  Cluster,
_In_opt_ PCUNICODE_STRING  FileName 

Initializes a registry hive. It allocates a hive descriptor and sets up the hive type depending on the type chosen by the caller.

[in,out]RegistryHiveA pointer to a hive descriptor to be initialized.
[in]OperationTypeThe operation type to choose for hive initialization. For further information about this, see Remarks.
[in]HiveFlagsA hive flag. Such flag is used to determine what kind of action must be taken into the hive or what aspects must be taken into account for such hive. For further information, see Remarks.
[in]FileTypeHive file type. For the newly initialized hive, you can choose from three different types for the hive:

HFILE_TYPE_PRIMARY - Initializes a hive as primary hive of the system.

HFILE_TYPE_LOG - The newly created hive is a hive log. Logs don't exist per se but they're accompanied with their associated primary hives. The Log field member of the hive descriptor is set to TRUE.

HFILE_TYPE_EXTERNAL - The newly created hive is a portable hive, that can be used and copied for different machines, unlike primary hives.

HFILE_TYPE_ALTERNATE - The newly created hive is an alternate hive. Technically speaking it is the same as a primary hive (the representation of on-disk image of the registry header is HFILE_TYPE_PRIMARY), with the purpose is to serve as a backup hive. The Alternate field of the hive descriptor is set to TRUE. Only the SYSTEM hive has a backup alternate hive.

[in]HiveDataAn arbitrary pointer that points to the hive data. Usually this data is in form of a hive base block given by the caller of this function.
[in]AllocateA pointer to a ALLOCATE_ROUTINE function that describes the main allocation routine for this hive. This parameter can be NULL.
[in]FreeA pointer to a FREE_ROUTINE function that describes the the main memory freeing routine for this hive. This parameter can be NULL.
[in]FileSetSizeA pointer to a FILE_SET_SIZE_ROUTINE function that describes the file set size routine for this hive. This parameter can be NULL.
[in]FileWriteA pointer to a FILE_WRITE_ROUTINE function that describes the file writing routine for this hive. This parameter can be NULL.
[in]FileReadA pointer to a FILE_READ_ROUTINE function that describes the file reading routine for this hive. This parameter can be NULL.
[in]FileFlushA pointer to a FILE_FLUSH_ROUTINE function that describes the file flushing routine for this hive. This parameter can be NULL.
[in]ClusterThe registry hive cluster to be set. Usually this value is set to 1.
[in]FileNameA to a NULL-terminated Unicode string structure containing the hive file name. This parameter can be NULL.
Returns STATUS_SUCCESS if the function has successfully initialized the hive. STATUS_REGISTRY_RECOVERED is returned if the hive has subdued previous damage and it's been recovered. This function will perform a hive writing and flushing with healthy and recovered data in that case. STATUS_REGISTRY_IO_FAILED is returned if registry hive writing/flushing of recovered data has failed. STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER is returned if an invalid operation type pointed by OperationType parameter has been submitted. A failure NTSTATUS code is returned otherwise.
OperationType parameter influences how should the hive be initialized. These are the following supported operation types:

HINIT_CREATE – Creates a new fresh hive.

HINIT_MEMORY – Initializes a registry hive that already exists from memory. The hive data is copied from the loaded hive in memory and used for read/write access.

HINIT_FLAT – Initializes a flat registry hive, with data that can only be read and not written into. Cells are always allocated on a flat hive.

HINIT_FILE – Initializes a hive from a hive file from the physical backing storage of the system. In this situation the function will perform self-healing and resuscitation procedures if data read from the physical hive file is corrupt.

HINIT_MEMORY_INPLACE – This operation type is similar to HINIT_FLAT, with the difference is that the hive is initialized with hive data from memory. The hive can only be read and not written into.

HINIT_MAPFILE – Initializes a hive from a hive file from the physical backing storage of the system. Unlike HINIT_FILE, the initialized hive is not backed to paged pool in memory but rather through mapping views.

Alongside the operation type, the hive flags also influence the aspect of the newly initialized hive. These are the following supported hive flags:

HIVE_VOLATILE – Tells the function that this hive will be volatile, that is, the data stored inside the hive space resides only in volatile memory of the system, aka the RAM, and the data will be erased upon shutdown of the system.

HIVE_NOLAZYFLUSH – Tells the function that no lazy flushing must be done to this hive.

Definition at line 1352 of file hiveinit.c.

1368 PHHIVE Hive = RegistryHive;
1370 /*
1371 * Create a new hive structure that will hold all the maintenance data.
1372 */
1374 RtlZeroMemory(Hive, sizeof(HHIVE));
1377 Hive->Allocate = Allocate;
1378 Hive->Free = Free;
1379 Hive->FileSetSize = FileSetSize;
1380 Hive->FileWrite = FileWrite;
1381 Hive->FileRead = FileRead;
1382 Hive->FileFlush = FileFlush;
1384 Hive->RefreshCount = 0;
1386 Hive->Cluster = Cluster;
1387 Hive->BaseBlockAlloc = sizeof(HBASE_BLOCK); // == HBLOCK_SIZE
1389 Hive->Version = HSYS_MINOR;
1391 Hive->Log = (FileType == HFILE_TYPE_LOG);
1392 Hive->Alternate = (FileType == HFILE_TYPE_ALTERNATE);
1394 Hive->HiveFlags = HiveFlags & ~HIVE_NOLAZYFLUSH;
1396 // TODO: The CellRoutines point to different callbacks
1397 // depending on the OperationType.
1399 Hive->ReleaseCellRoutine = NULL;
1401 switch (OperationType)
1402 {
1403 case HINIT_CREATE:
1404 {
1405 /* Create a new fresh hive */
1406 Status = HvpCreateHive(Hive, FileName);
1407 break;
1408 }
1410 case HINIT_MEMORY:
1411 {
1412 /* Initialize a hive from memory */
1413 Status = HvpInitializeMemoryHive(Hive, HiveData, FileName);
1414 break;
1415 }
1417 case HINIT_FLAT:
1418 {
1419 /* Initialize a flat read-only hive */
1420 Status = HvpInitializeFlatHive(Hive, HiveData);
1421 break;
1422 }
1424 case HINIT_FILE:
1425 {
1426 /* Initialize a hive by loading it from physical file in backing storage */
1427 Status = HvLoadHive(Hive, FileName);
1428 if ((Status != STATUS_SUCCESS) &&
1430 {
1431 /* Unrecoverable failure */
1432 DPRINT1("Registry hive couldn't be initialized, it's corrupt (hive 0x%p)\n", Hive);
1433 return Status;
1434 }
1436/* FIXME: See the comment above (near HvpQueryHiveSize) */
1437#if !defined(_M_AMD64)
1438 /*
1439 * Check if we have recovered this hive. We are responsible to
1440 * flush the primary hive back to backing storage afterwards.
1441 */
1443 {
1444 if (!HvSyncHiveFromRecover(Hive))
1445 {
1446 DPRINT1("Fail to write healthy data back to hive\n");
1448 }
1450 /*
1451 * We are saved from hell, now clear out the
1452 * dirty bits and dirty count.
1453 *
1454 * FIXME: We must as well clear out the log
1455 * and reset its size to 0 but we are lacking
1456 * in code that deals with log growing/shrinking
1457 * management. When the time comes to implement
1458 * this stuff we must set the LogSize and file size
1459 * to 0 here.
1460 */
1462 Hive->DirtyCount = 0;
1464 /*
1465 * Masquerade the status code as success.
1466 * STATUS_REGISTRY_RECOVERED is not a failure
1467 * code but not STATUS_SUCCESS either so the caller
1468 * thinks we failed at our job.
1469 */
1471 }
1473 break;
1474 }
1477 {
1478 // Status = HvpInitializeMemoryInplaceHive(Hive, HiveData);
1479 // break;
1482 }
1484 case HINIT_MAPFILE:
1485 {
1488 }
1490 default:
1491 {
1492 DPRINT1("Invalid operation type (OperationType = %u)\n", OperationType);
1494 }
1495 }
1497 return Status;
Definition: precomp.h:26
#define DPRINT1
Definition: precomp.h:8
BOOLEAN CMAPI HvSyncHiveFromRecover(_In_ PHHIVE RegistryHive)
Synchronizes a hive with recovered data during a healing/resuscitation operation of the registry.
Definition: hivewrt.c:672
Definition: hivecell.c:77
Definition: d3dkmdt.h:42
#define RtlClearAllBits
Definition: dbgbitmap.h:329
Definition: gdiplustypes.h:25
Definition: hivedata.h:62
Definition: hivedata.h:13
Definition: hivedata.h:83
#define HINIT_FILE
Definition: hivedata.h:15
Definition: hivedata.h:14
Definition: hivedata.h:36
Definition: hivedata.h:34
#define HINIT_FLAT
Definition: hivedata.h:17
Definition: hivedata.h:18
#define HSYS_MINOR
Definition: hivedata.h:70
Definition: hivedata.h:16
NTSTATUS CMAPI HvpInitializeMemoryHive(_In_ PHHIVE Hive, _In_ PHBASE_BLOCK ChunkBase, _In_opt_ PCUNICODE_STRING FileName)
Initializes a hive descriptor from an already loaded registry hive stored in memory....
Definition: hiveinit.c:318
Loads a registry hive from a physical hive file within the physical backing storage....
Definition: hiveinit.c:1030
NTSTATUS CMAPI HvpCreateHive(_Inout_ PHHIVE RegistryHive, _In_opt_ PCUNICODE_STRING FileName)
Initializes a hive descriptor structure for a newly created hive in memory.
Definition: hiveinit.c:238
NTSTATUS CMAPI HvpInitializeFlatHive(_In_ PHHIVE Hive, _In_ PHBASE_BLOCK ChunkBase)
Initializes a hive descriptor for an already loaded hive that is stored in memory....
Definition: hiveinit.c:485
Definition: ntstatus.h:123
Definition: ntstatus.h:569
Definition: shellext.h:65
RTL_BITMAP DirtyVector
Definition: hivedata.h:329
Definition: hivedata.h:323
Definition: hivedata.h:320
ULONG Signature
Definition: hivedata.h:313
ULONG HiveFlags
Definition: hivedata.h:347
Definition: hivedata.h:321
Definition: hivedata.h:318
Definition: hivedata.h:322
ULONG Cluster
Definition: hivedata.h:333
ULONG BaseBlockAlloc
Definition: hivedata.h:332
ULONG RefreshCount
Definition: hivedata.h:354
Definition: hivedata.h:316
Definition: hivedata.h:319
ULONG DirtyCount
Definition: hivedata.h:330
ULONG Version
Definition: hivedata.h:356
Definition: hivedata.h:317
ULONG StorageTypeCount
Definition: hivedata.h:355
#define RtlZeroMemory(Destination, Length)
Definition: typedefs.h:262
Definition: udferr_usr.h:135
Definition: wdfdevice.h:2741
Definition: exfuncs.h:814
Definition: exfuncs.h:815

◆ HvLoadHive()

_In_opt_ PCUNICODE_STRING  FileName 

Loads a registry hive from a physical hive file within the physical backing storage. Base block and registry data are read from the said physical hive file. This function can perform registry recovery if hive loading could not be done normally.

[in]HiveA pointer to a hive descriptor where the said hive is to be loaded from the physical hive file.
[in]FileNameA pointer to a NULL-terminated Unicode string structure containing the hive file name to be copied from.
STATUS_SUCCESS is returned if the hive has been loaded successfully. STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES is returned if there's not enough memory resources to satisfy registry operations and/or requests. STATUS_NOT_REGISTRY_FILE is returned if the hive is not actually a hive file. STATUS_REGISTRY_CORRUPT is returned if the hive has subdued previous damage and the hive could not be recovered because there's no log present or self healing is disabled. STATUS_REGISTRY_RECOVERED is returned if the hive has been recovered. An eventual flush of the registry is needed after the hive's been fully loaded.

Definition at line 1030 of file hiveinit.c.

1036 PHBASE_BLOCK BaseBlock = NULL;
1037/* FIXME: See the comment above (near HvpQueryHiveSize) */
1038#if defined(_M_AMD64)
1039 ULONG Result;
1041 ULONG Result, Result2;
1044 ULONG Offset = 0;
1045 PVOID HiveData;
1047 BOOLEAN HiveSelfHeal = FALSE;
1049 /* Get the hive header */
1050 Result = HvpGetHiveHeader(Hive, &BaseBlock, &TimeStamp);
1051 switch (Result)
1052 {
1053 /* Out of memory */
1054 case NoMemory:
1055 {
1056 /* Fail */
1057 DPRINT1("There's no enough memory to get the header\n");
1059 }
1061 /* Not a hive */
1062 case NotHive:
1063 {
1064 /* Fail */
1065 DPRINT1("The hive is not an actual registry hive file\n");
1067 }
1069 /* Hive data needs a repair */
1070 case RecoverData:
1071 {
1072 /*
1073 * FIXME: We must be handling this status
1074 * case if the header isn't corrupt but
1075 * the counter sequences do not match but
1076 * due to a hack in HvLoadHive we have
1077 * to do both a header + data recovery.
1078 * RecoverHeader also implies RecoverData
1079 * anyway. When HvLoadHive gets rid of
1080 * that hack, data recovery must be done
1081 * after we read the hive block by block.
1082 */
1083 break;
1084 }
1086 /* Hive header needs a repair */
1087 case RecoverHeader:
1088/* FIXME: See the comment above (near HvpQueryHiveSize) */
1089#if defined(_M_AMD64)
1090 {
1092 }
1094 {
1095 /* Check if this hive has a log at hand to begin with */
1097 if (!Hive->Log)
1098 {
1099 DPRINT1("The hive has no log for header recovery\n");
1101 }
1102 #endif
1104 /* The header needs to be recovered so do it */
1105 DPRINT1("Attempting to heal the header...\n");
1106 Result2 = HvpRecoverHeaderFromLog(Hive, &TimeStamp, &BaseBlock);
1107 if (Result2 == NoMemory)
1108 {
1109 DPRINT1("There's no enough memory to recover header from log\n");
1111 }
1113 /* Did we fail? */
1114 if (Result2 == Fail)
1115 {
1116 DPRINT1("Failed to recover the hive header\n");
1118 }
1120 /* Did we trigger the self-heal mode? */
1121 if (Result2 == SelfHeal)
1122 {
1123 HiveSelfHeal = TRUE;
1124 }
1126 /* Now recover the data */
1127 Result2 = HvpRecoverDataFromLog(Hive, BaseBlock);
1128 if (Result2 == Fail)
1129 {
1130 DPRINT1("Failed to recover the hive data\n");
1132 }
1134 /* Tag the boot as self heal if we haven't done it before */
1135 if ((Result2 == SelfHeal) && (!HiveSelfHeal))
1136 {
1137 HiveSelfHeal = TRUE;
1138 }
1140 break;
1141 }
1143 }
1145 /* Set the boot type */
1146 BaseBlock->BootType = HiveSelfHeal ? HBOOT_TYPE_SELF_HEAL : HBOOT_TYPE_REGULAR;
1148 /* Setup hive data */
1149 Hive->BaseBlock = BaseBlock;
1150 Hive->Version = BaseBlock->Minor;
1152 /* Allocate a buffer large enough to hold the hive */
1153 FileSize = HBLOCK_SIZE + BaseBlock->Length; // == sizeof(HBASE_BLOCK) + BaseBlock->Length;
1154 HiveData = Hive->Allocate(FileSize, TRUE, TAG_CM);
1155 if (!HiveData)
1156 {
1157 Hive->Free(BaseBlock, Hive->BaseBlockAlloc);
1158 DPRINT1("There's no enough memory to allocate hive data\n");
1160 }
1162 /* HACK (see explanation below): Now read the whole hive */
1163 Success = Hive->FileRead(Hive,
1165 &Offset,
1166 HiveData,
1167 FileSize);
1168 if (!Success)
1169 {
1170 DPRINT1("Failed to read the whole hive\n");
1171 Hive->Free(HiveData, FileSize);
1172 Hive->Free(BaseBlock, Hive->BaseBlockAlloc);
1174 }
1176 /*
1177 * HACK (FIXME): Free our base block... it's useless in
1178 * this implementation.
1179 *
1180 * And it's useless because while the idea of reading the
1181 * hive from physical file is correct, the implementation
1182 * is hacky and incorrect. Instead of reading the whole hive,
1183 * we should be instead reading the hive block by block,
1184 * deconstruct the block buffer and enlist the bins and
1185 * prepare the storage for the hive. What we currently do
1186 * is we try to initialize the hive storage and bins enlistment
1187 * by calling HvpInitializeMemoryHive below. This mixes
1188 * HINIT_FILE and HINIT_MEMORY together which is disgusting
1189 * because HINIT_FILE implementation shouldn't be calling
1190 * HvpInitializeMemoryHive.
1191 */
1192 Hive->Free(BaseBlock, Hive->BaseBlockAlloc);
1193 Status = HvpInitializeMemoryHive(Hive, HiveData, FileName);
1194 if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status))
1195 {
1196 DPRINT1("Failed to initialize hive from memory\n");
1197 Hive->Free(HiveData, FileSize);
1198 return Status;
1199 }
1201 /*
1202 * If we have done some sort of recovery against
1203 * the hive we were going to load it from file,
1204 * tell the caller we did recover it. The caller
1205 * is responsible to flush the data later on.
1206 */
unsigned char BOOLEAN
#define TAG_CM
Definition: cmlib.h:212
#define TRUE
Definition: types.h:120
#define FALSE
Definition: types.h:117
#define NT_SUCCESS(StatCode)
Definition: apphelp.c:33
@ Success
Definition: eventcreate.c:712
_Must_inspect_result_ _Out_ PLARGE_INTEGER FileSize
Definition: fsrtlfuncs.h:108
Definition: hivedata.h:88
Definition: hivedata.h:42
Definition: hivedata.h:33
Definition: hivedata.h:89
RESULT CMAPI HvpGetHiveHeader(_In_ PHHIVE Hive, _Inout_ PHBASE_BLOCK *HiveBaseBlock, _Inout_ PLARGE_INTEGER TimeStamp)
Retrieves the base block hive header from the primary hive file stored in physical backing storage....
Definition: hiveinit.c:552
RESULT CMAPI HvpRecoverHeaderFromLog(_In_ PHHIVE Hive, _In_ PLARGE_INTEGER TimeStamp, _Inout_ PHBASE_BLOCK *BaseBlock)
Recovers the base block header by obtaining it from a log file associated with the hive.
Definition: hiveinit.c:743
RESULT CMAPI HvpRecoverDataFromLog(_In_ PHHIVE Hive, _In_ PHBASE_BLOCK BaseBlock)
Recovers the registry data by obtaining it from a log that is associated with the hive.
Definition: hiveinit.c:899
_In_ ULONG _In_ ULONG Offset
Definition: ntddpcm.h:101
Definition: ntstatus.h:584
Definition: ntstatus.h:568
Definition: sspi.h:78
ULONG BootType
Definition: hivedata.h:186
ULONG Length
Definition: hivedata.h:171
Definition: hivedata.h:158
uint32_t ULONG
Definition: typedefs.h:59
Definition: udferr_usr.h:158
_At_(*)(_In_ PWSK_CLIENT Client, _In_opt_ PUNICODE_STRING NodeName, _In_opt_ PUNICODE_STRING ServiceName, _In_opt_ ULONG NameSpace, _In_opt_ GUID *Provider, _In_opt_ PADDRINFOEXW Hints, _Outptr_ PADDRINFOEXW *Result, _In_opt_ PEPROCESS OwningProcess, _In_opt_ PETHREAD OwningThread, _Inout_ PIRP Irp Result)(Mem)) NTSTATUS(WSKAPI *PFN_WSK_GET_ADDRESS_INFO
Definition: wsk.h:409

Referenced by HvInitialize().

◆ HvpAllocBaseBlockAligned()

static __inline PHBASE_BLOCK HvpAllocBaseBlockAligned ( _In_ PHHIVE  Hive,
_In_ BOOLEAN  Paged,
_In_ ULONG  Tag 

Allocates a cluster-aligned hive base header block.

[in]HiveA pointer to a hive descriptor where the header block allocator function is to be gathered from.
[in]PagedIf set to TRUE, the allocated base block will reside in paged pool, otherwise it will reside in non paged pool.
[in]TagA tag name to supply for the allocated memory block for identification. This is for debugging purposes.
Returns an allocated base block header if the function succeeds, otherwise it returns NULL.

Definition at line 143 of file hiveinit.c.

148 PHBASE_BLOCK BaseBlock;
151 ASSERT(sizeof(HBASE_BLOCK) >= (HSECTOR_SIZE * Hive->Cluster));
153 /* Allocate the buffer */
154 BaseBlock = Hive->Allocate(Hive->BaseBlockAlloc, Paged, Tag);
155 if (!BaseBlock) return NULL;
157 /* Check for, and enforce, alignment */
158 Alignment = Hive->Cluster * HSECTOR_SIZE -1;
159 if ((ULONG_PTR)BaseBlock & Alignment)
160 {
161 /* Free the old header and reallocate a new one, always paged */
162 Hive->Free(BaseBlock, Hive->BaseBlockAlloc);
163 BaseBlock = Hive->Allocate(PAGE_SIZE, TRUE, Tag);
164 if (!BaseBlock) return NULL;
166 Hive->BaseBlockAlloc = PAGE_SIZE;
167 }
169 return BaseBlock;
#define PAGE_SIZE
Definition: env_spec_w32.h:49
union Alignment_ Alignment
Definition: hivedata.h:43
#define ASSERT(a)
Definition: mode.c:44
uint32_t ULONG_PTR
Definition: typedefs.h:65
_Must_inspect_result_ _In_ WDFDEVICE _In_ BOOLEAN _In_opt_ PVOID Tag
Definition: wdfdevice.h:4065

Referenced by HvpCreateHive(), HvpGetHiveHeader(), HvpInitializeMemoryHive(), and HvpRecoverHeaderFromLog().

◆ HvpCreateHive()

NTSTATUS CMAPI HvpCreateHive ( _Inout_ PHHIVE  RegistryHive,
_In_opt_ PCUNICODE_STRING  FileName 

Initializes a hive descriptor structure for a newly created hive in memory.

[in,out]RegistryHiveA pointer to a registry hive descriptor where the internal structures field are to be initialized for the said hive.
[in]FileNameA pointer to a Unicode string structure containing the hive file name to be copied from. If this argument is NULL, the base block will not have any hive file name.
Returns STATUS_SUCCESS if the function has created the hive descriptor successfully. STATUS_NO_MEMORY is returned if the base header block could not be allocated.

Definition at line 238 of file hiveinit.c.

242 PHBASE_BLOCK BaseBlock;
243 ULONG Index;
245 /* Allocate the base block */
246 BaseBlock = HvpAllocBaseBlockAligned(RegistryHive, FALSE, TAG_CM);
247 if (BaseBlock == NULL)
248 return STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
250 /* Clear it */
251 RtlZeroMemory(BaseBlock, RegistryHive->BaseBlockAlloc);
253 BaseBlock->Signature = HV_HBLOCK_SIGNATURE;
254 BaseBlock->Major = HSYS_MAJOR;
255 BaseBlock->Minor = HSYS_MINOR;
256 BaseBlock->Type = HFILE_TYPE_PRIMARY;
257 BaseBlock->Format = HBASE_FORMAT_MEMORY;
258 BaseBlock->Cluster = 1;
259 BaseBlock->RootCell = HCELL_NIL;
260 BaseBlock->Length = 0;
261 BaseBlock->Sequence1 = 1;
262 BaseBlock->Sequence2 = 1;
263 BaseBlock->TimeStamp.QuadPart = 0ULL;
265 /*
266 * No need to compute the checksum since
267 * the hive resides only in memory so far.
268 */
269 BaseBlock->CheckSum = 0;
271 /* Set default boot type */
272 BaseBlock->BootType = HBOOT_TYPE_REGULAR;
274 /* Setup hive data */
275 RegistryHive->BaseBlock = BaseBlock;
276 RegistryHive->Version = BaseBlock->Minor; // == HSYS_MINOR
278 for (Index = 0; Index < 24; Index++)
279 {
280 RegistryHive->Storage[Stable].FreeDisplay[Index] = HCELL_NIL;
281 RegistryHive->Storage[Volatile].FreeDisplay[Index] = HCELL_NIL;
282 }
284 HvpInitFileName(BaseBlock, FileName);
286 return STATUS_SUCCESS;
Definition: d3dkmdt.h:51
@ Volatile
Definition: hivedata.h:128
@ Stable
Definition: hivedata.h:127
Definition: hivedata.h:63
#define HCELL_NIL
Definition: hivedata.h:110
#define HSYS_MAJOR
Definition: hivedata.h:69
Definition: hivedata.h:78
static __inline PHBASE_BLOCK HvpAllocBaseBlockAligned(_In_ PHHIVE Hive, _In_ BOOLEAN Paged, _In_ ULONG Tag)
Allocates a cluster-aligned hive base header block.
Definition: hiveinit.c:143
static VOID HvpInitFileName(_Inout_ PHBASE_BLOCK BaseBlock, _In_opt_ PCUNICODE_STRING FileName)
Initializes a NULL-terminated Unicode hive file name of a hive header by copying the last 31 characte...
Definition: hiveinit.c:189
#define ULL(a, b)
Definition: format_msg.c:27
Definition: hivedata.h:168
ULONG Sequence1
Definition: hivedata.h:147
Definition: hivedata.h:161
Definition: hivedata.h:154
Definition: hivedata.h:151
ULONG Signature
Definition: hivedata.h:144
ULONG Format
Definition: hivedata.h:164
ULONG CheckSum
Definition: hivedata.h:183
ULONG Sequence2
Definition: hivedata.h:148
ULONG Cluster
Definition: hivedata.h:174
Definition: typedefs.h:114

Referenced by HvInitialize().

◆ HvpFreeHiveBins()

VOID CMAPI HvpFreeHiveBins ( _In_ PHHIVE  Hive)

Frees all the bins within storage space associated with a hive descriptor.

[in]HiveA pointer to a hive descriptor where all the bins are to be freed.

Definition at line 90 of file hiveinit.c.

93 ULONG i;
94 PHBIN Bin;
97 for (Storage = 0; Storage < Hive->StorageTypeCount; Storage++)
98 {
99 Bin = NULL;
100 for (i = 0; i < Hive->Storage[Storage].Length; i++)
101 {
102 if (Hive->Storage[Storage].BlockList[i].BinAddress == (ULONG_PTR)NULL)
103 continue;
104 if (Hive->Storage[Storage].BlockList[i].BinAddress != (ULONG_PTR)Bin)
105 {
106 Bin = (PHBIN)Hive->Storage[Storage].BlockList[i].BinAddress;
107 Hive->Free((PHBIN)Hive->Storage[Storage].BlockList[i].BinAddress, 0);
108 }
109 Hive->Storage[Storage].BlockList[i].BinAddress = (ULONG_PTR)NULL;
110 Hive->Storage[Storage].BlockList[i].BlockAddress = (ULONG_PTR)NULL;
111 }
113 if (Hive->Storage[Storage].Length)
114 Hive->Free(Hive->Storage[Storage].BlockList, 0);
115 }
Definition: bin.h:44
#define ULONG_PTR
Definition: config.h:101
GLsizei GLenum const GLvoid GLsizei GLenum GLbyte GLbyte GLbyte GLdouble GLdouble GLdouble GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLint GLint GLshort GLshort GLshort GLubyte GLubyte GLubyte GLuint GLuint GLuint GLushort GLushort GLushort GLbyte GLbyte GLbyte GLbyte GLdouble GLdouble GLdouble GLdouble GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLint GLint GLint GLshort GLshort GLshort GLshort GLubyte GLubyte GLubyte GLubyte GLuint GLuint GLuint GLuint GLushort GLushort GLushort GLushort GLboolean const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLbyte const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLfloat const GLint const GLint const GLshort const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort GLenum GLenum GLenum GLfloat GLenum GLint GLenum GLenum GLenum GLfloat GLenum GLenum GLint GLenum GLfloat GLenum GLint GLint GLushort GLenum GLenum GLfloat GLenum GLenum GLint GLfloat const GLubyte GLenum GLenum GLenum const GLfloat GLenum GLenum const GLint GLenum GLint GLint GLsizei GLsizei GLint GLenum GLenum const GLvoid GLenum GLenum const GLfloat GLenum GLenum const GLint GLenum GLenum const GLdouble GLenum GLenum const GLfloat GLenum GLenum const GLint GLsizei GLuint GLfloat GLuint GLbitfield GLfloat GLint GLuint GLboolean GLenum GLfloat GLenum GLbitfield GLenum GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLint const GLfloat GLenum GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLint GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLint const GLfloat GLint GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLfloat GLfloat const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLdouble const GLfloat GLint i
Definition: glfuncs.h:248
struct _HBIN * PHBIN
static IStorage Storage
Definition: ole2.c:3548

Referenced by HvFree(), and HvpInitializeMemoryHive().

◆ HvpGetHiveHeader()

RESULT CMAPI HvpGetHiveHeader ( _In_ PHHIVE  Hive,
_Inout_ PHBASE_BLOCK HiveBaseBlock,
_Inout_ PLARGE_INTEGER  TimeStamp 

Retrieves the base block hive header from the primary hive file stored in physical backing storage. This function may invoke a self-healing warning if hive header couldn't be obtained. See Return and Remarks sections for further information.

[in]HiveA pointer to a registry hive descriptor that points to the primary hive being loaded. This descriptor is needed to obtain the hive header block from said hive.
[in,out]HiveBaseBlockA pointer returned by the function that contains the hive header base block buffer obtained from the primary hive file pointed by the Hive argument. This parameter must not be NULL!
[in,out]TimeStampA pointer returned by the function that contains the time-stamp of the registry hive file at the moment of creation or modification. This parameter must not be NULL!
This function returns a result indicator. That is, HiveSuccess is returned if the hive header was obtained successfully. NoMemory is returned if the hive base block could not be allocated. NotHive is returned if the hive file that's been read isn't actually a hive. RecoverHeader is returned if the header needs to be recovered. RecoverData is returned if the hive data needs to be returned.
RecoverHeader and RecoverData are status indicators that invoke a self-healing procedure if the hive header could not be obtained in a normal way and as a matter of fact the whole registry initialization procedure is orchestrated. RecoverHeader implies that the base block header of a hive is corrupt and it needs to be recovered, whereas RecoverData implies the registry data is corrupt. The latter status indicator is less severe unlike the former because the system can cope with data loss.

Definition at line 552 of file hiveinit.c.

557 PHBASE_BLOCK BaseBlock;
560 PHBIN FirstBin;
562 ASSERT(sizeof(HBASE_BLOCK) >= (HSECTOR_SIZE * Hive->Cluster));
564 /* Assume failure and allocate the base block */
565 *HiveBaseBlock = NULL;
566 BaseBlock = HvpAllocBaseBlockAligned(Hive, TRUE, TAG_CM);
567 if (!BaseBlock)
568 {
569 DPRINT1("Failed to allocate an aligned base block buffer\n");
570 return NoMemory;
571 }
573 /* Clear it */
574 RtlZeroMemory(BaseBlock, sizeof(HBASE_BLOCK));
576 /* Now read it from disk */
577 FileOffset = 0;
578 Result = Hive->FileRead(Hive,
580 &FileOffset,
581 BaseBlock,
582 Hive->Cluster * HSECTOR_SIZE);
583 if (!Result)
584 {
585 /*
586 * Don't assume the hive is ultimately destroyed
587 * but instead try to read the first block of
588 * the first bin hive. So that we're sure of
589 * ourselves we can somewhat recover this hive.
590 */
592 Result = Hive->FileRead(Hive,
594 &FileOffset,
595 (PVOID)BaseBlock,
596 Hive->Cluster * HSECTOR_SIZE);
597 if (!Result)
598 {
599 DPRINT1("Failed to read the first block of the first bin hive (hive too corrupt)\n");
600 Hive->Free(BaseBlock, Hive->BaseBlockAlloc);
601 return NotHive;
602 }
604 /*
605 * Deconstruct the casted buffer we got
606 * into a hive bin. Check if the offset
607 * position is in the right place (namely
608 * its offset must be 0 because it's the first
609 * bin) and it should have a sane signature.
610 */
611 FirstBin = (PHBIN)BaseBlock;
612 if (FirstBin->Signature != HV_HBIN_SIGNATURE ||
613 FirstBin->FileOffset != 0)
614 {
615 DPRINT1("Failed to read the first block of the first bin hive (hive too corrupt)\n");
616 Hive->Free(BaseBlock, Hive->BaseBlockAlloc);
617 return NotHive;
618 }
620 /*
621 * There's still hope for this hive so acknowledge the
622 * caller this hive needs a recoverable header.
623 */
624 *TimeStamp = BaseBlock->TimeStamp;
625 DPRINT1("The hive is not fully corrupt, the base block needs to be RECOVERED\n");
626 return RecoverHeader;
627 }
629 /*
630 * This hive has a base block that's not maimed
631 * but is the header data valid?
632 *
633 * FIXME: We must check if primary and secondary
634 * sequences mismatch separately and fire up RecoverData
635 * in that case but due to a hack in HvLoadHive, let
636 * HvpVerifyHiveHeader check the sequences for now.
637 */
639 {
640 DPRINT1("The hive base header block needs to be RECOVERED\n");
641 *TimeStamp = BaseBlock->TimeStamp;
642 Hive->Free(BaseBlock, Hive->BaseBlockAlloc);
643 return RecoverHeader;
644 }
646 /* Return information */
647 *HiveBaseBlock = BaseBlock;
648 *TimeStamp = BaseBlock->TimeStamp;
649 return HiveSuccess;
_In_ PFCB _In_ LONGLONG FileOffset
Definition: cdprocs.h:160
Definition: hivedata.h:64
BOOLEAN CMAPI HvpVerifyHiveHeader(_In_ PHBASE_BLOCK BaseBlock, _In_ ULONG FileType)
Validates the base block header of a registry file (hive or log).
Definition: hiveinit.c:49
Definition: hivedata.h:198
ULONG Signature
Definition: hivedata.h:195

Referenced by HvLoadHive().

◆ HvpInitFileName()

static VOID HvpInitFileName ( _Inout_ PHBASE_BLOCK  BaseBlock,
_In_opt_ PCUNICODE_STRING  FileName 

Initializes a NULL-terminated Unicode hive file name of a hive header by copying the last 31 characters of the hive file name. Mainly used for debugging purposes.

[in,out]BaseBlockA pointer to a base block header where the hive file name is to be copied to.
[in]FileNameA pointer to a Unicode string structure containing the hive file name to be copied from. If this argument is NULL, the base block will not have any hive file name.

Definition at line 189 of file hiveinit.c.

196 /* Always NULL-initialize */
197 RtlZeroMemory(BaseBlock->FileName, (HIVE_FILENAME_MAXLEN + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR));
199 /* Copy the 31 last characters of the hive file name if any */
200 if (!FileName) return;
202 if (FileName->Length / sizeof(WCHAR) <= HIVE_FILENAME_MAXLEN)
203 {
204 Offset = 0;
205 Length = FileName->Length;
206 }
207 else
208 {
209 Offset = FileName->Length / sizeof(WCHAR) - HIVE_FILENAME_MAXLEN;
211 }
213 RtlCopyMemory(BaseBlock->FileName, FileName->Buffer + Offset, Length);
Definition: hivedata.h:139
_In_ ULONG _In_ ULONG _In_ ULONG Length
Definition: ntddpcm.h:102
Definition: typedefs.h:80
#define RtlCopyMemory(Destination, Source, Length)
Definition: typedefs.h:263
__wchar_t WCHAR
Definition: xmlstorage.h:180

Referenced by HvpCreateHive(), and HvpInitializeMemoryHive().

◆ HvpInitializeFlatHive()

NTSTATUS CMAPI HvpInitializeFlatHive ( _In_ PHHIVE  Hive,
_In_ PHBASE_BLOCK  ChunkBase 

Initializes a hive descriptor for an already loaded hive that is stored in memory. This descriptor serves to denote such hive as being "flat", that is, the data and properties can be only read and not written into.

[in]HiveA pointer to a registry hive descriptor where the internal structures fields are to be initialized from hive data that is already loaded in memory. Such hive descriptor will become read-only and flat.
[in]ChunkBaseA pointer to a valid base block header containing registry header data for initialization.
Returns STATUS_SUCCESS if the function has initialized the flat hive descriptor. STATUS_REGISTRY_CORRUPT is returned if the base block header contains invalid header data.

Definition at line 485 of file hiveinit.c.

492 /* Setup hive data */
493 Hive->BaseBlock = ChunkBase;
494 Hive->Version = ChunkBase->Minor;
495 Hive->Flat = TRUE;
496 Hive->ReadOnly = TRUE;
498 Hive->StorageTypeCount = 1;
500 /* Set default boot type */
501 ChunkBase->BootType = HBOOT_TYPE_REGULAR;
503 return STATUS_SUCCESS;

Referenced by HvInitialize().

◆ HvpInitializeMemoryHive()

NTSTATUS CMAPI HvpInitializeMemoryHive ( _In_ PHHIVE  Hive,
_In_ PHBASE_BLOCK  ChunkBase,
_In_opt_ PCUNICODE_STRING  FileName 

Initializes a hive descriptor from an already loaded registry hive stored in memory. The data of the hive is copied and it is prepared for read/write access.

[in]HiveA pointer to a registry hive descriptor where the internal structures field are to be initialized from hive data that is already loaded in memory.
[in]ChunkBaseA pointer to a valid base block header containing registry header data for initialization.
[in]FileNameA pointer to a Unicode string structure containing the hive file name to be copied from. If this argument is NULL, the base block will not have any hive file name.
Returns STATUS_SUCCESS if the function has initialized the hive descriptor successfully. STATUS_REGISTRY_CORRUPT is returned if the base block header contains invalid header data. STATUS_NO_MEMORY is returned if memory could not be allocated for registry stuff.

Definition at line 318 of file hiveinit.c.

323 SIZE_T BlockIndex;
324 PHBIN Bin, NewBin;
325 ULONG i;
326 ULONG BitmapSize;
330 ChunkSize = ChunkBase->Length;
331 DPRINT("ChunkSize: %zx\n", ChunkSize);
333 if (ChunkSize < sizeof(HBASE_BLOCK) ||
335 {
336 DPRINT1("Registry is corrupt: ChunkSize 0x%zx < sizeof(HBASE_BLOCK) 0x%zx, "
337 "or HvpVerifyHiveHeader() failed\n", ChunkSize, sizeof(HBASE_BLOCK));
339 }
341 /* Allocate the base block */
342 Hive->BaseBlock = HvpAllocBaseBlockAligned(Hive, FALSE, TAG_CM);
343 if (Hive->BaseBlock == NULL)
344 return STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
346 RtlCopyMemory(Hive->BaseBlock, ChunkBase, sizeof(HBASE_BLOCK));
348 /* Setup hive data */
349 Hive->Version = ChunkBase->Minor;
351 /*
352 * Build a block list from the in-memory chunk and copy the data as
353 * we go.
354 */
356 Hive->Storage[Stable].Length = (ULONG)(ChunkSize / HBLOCK_SIZE);
357 Hive->Storage[Stable].BlockList =
358 Hive->Allocate(Hive->Storage[Stable].Length *
359 sizeof(HMAP_ENTRY), FALSE, TAG_CM);
360 if (Hive->Storage[Stable].BlockList == NULL)
361 {
362 DPRINT1("Allocating block list failed\n");
363 Hive->Free(Hive->BaseBlock, Hive->BaseBlockAlloc);
364 return STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
365 }
367 for (BlockIndex = 0; BlockIndex < Hive->Storage[Stable].Length; )
368 {
369 Bin = (PHBIN)((ULONG_PTR)ChunkBase + (BlockIndex + 1) * HBLOCK_SIZE);
370 if (Bin->Signature != HV_HBIN_SIGNATURE ||
371 (Bin->Size % HBLOCK_SIZE) != 0 ||
372 (Bin->FileOffset / HBLOCK_SIZE) != BlockIndex)
373 {
374 /*
375 * Bin is toast but luckily either the signature, size or offset
376 * is out of order. For the signature it is obvious what we are going
377 * to do, for the offset we are re-positioning the bin back to where it
378 * was and for the size we will set it up to a block size, since technically
379 * a hive bin is large as a block itself to accommodate cells.
380 */
382 {
383 DPRINT1("Invalid bin at BlockIndex %lu, Signature 0x%x, Size 0x%x. Self-heal not possible!\n",
384 (unsigned long)BlockIndex, (unsigned)Bin->Signature, (unsigned)Bin->Size);
385 Hive->Free(Hive->Storage[Stable].BlockList, 0);
386 Hive->Free(Hive->BaseBlock, Hive->BaseBlockAlloc);
388 }
390 /* Fix this bin */
391 Bin->Signature = HV_HBIN_SIGNATURE;
392 Bin->Size = HBLOCK_SIZE;
393 Bin->FileOffset = BlockIndex * HBLOCK_SIZE;
394 ChunkBase->BootType |= HBOOT_TYPE_SELF_HEAL;
395 DPRINT1("Bin at index %lu is corrupt and it has been repaired!\n", (unsigned long)BlockIndex);
396 }
398 NewBin = Hive->Allocate(Bin->Size, TRUE, TAG_CM);
399 if (NewBin == NULL)
400 {
401 Hive->Free(Hive->Storage[Stable].BlockList, 0);
402 Hive->Free(Hive->BaseBlock, Hive->BaseBlockAlloc);
403 return STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
404 }
406 Hive->Storage[Stable].BlockList[BlockIndex].BinAddress = (ULONG_PTR)NewBin;
407 Hive->Storage[Stable].BlockList[BlockIndex].BlockAddress = (ULONG_PTR)NewBin;
409 RtlCopyMemory(NewBin, Bin, Bin->Size);
411 if (Bin->Size > HBLOCK_SIZE)
412 {
413 for (i = 1; i < Bin->Size / HBLOCK_SIZE; i++)
414 {
415 Hive->Storage[Stable].BlockList[BlockIndex + i].BinAddress = (ULONG_PTR)NewBin;
416 Hive->Storage[Stable].BlockList[BlockIndex + i].BlockAddress =
417 ((ULONG_PTR)NewBin + (i * HBLOCK_SIZE));
418 }
419 }
421 BlockIndex += Bin->Size / HBLOCK_SIZE;
422 }
425 {
426 HvpFreeHiveBins(Hive);
427 Hive->Free(Hive->BaseBlock, Hive->BaseBlockAlloc);
428 return STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
429 }
431 BitmapSize = ROUND_UP(Hive->Storage[Stable].Length,
432 sizeof(ULONG) * 8) / 8;
433 BitmapBuffer = (PULONG)Hive->Allocate(BitmapSize, TRUE, TAG_CM);
434 if (BitmapBuffer == NULL)
435 {
436 HvpFreeHiveBins(Hive);
437 Hive->Free(Hive->BaseBlock, Hive->BaseBlockAlloc);
438 return STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
439 }
441 RtlInitializeBitMap(&Hive->DirtyVector, BitmapBuffer, BitmapSize * 8);
442 RtlClearAllBits(&Hive->DirtyVector);
444 /*
445 * Mark the entire hive as dirty. Indeed we understand if we charged up
446 * the alternate variant of the primary hive (e.g. SYSTEM.ALT) because
447 * FreeLdr could not load the main SYSTEM hive, due to corruptions, and
448 * repairing it with a LOG did not help at all.
449 */
451 {
452 RtlSetAllBits(&Hive->DirtyVector);
453 Hive->DirtyCount = Hive->DirtyVector.SizeOfBitMap;
454 }
456 HvpInitFileName(Hive->BaseBlock, FileName);
458 return STATUS_SUCCESS;
BOOLEAN CMAPI CmIsSelfHealEnabled(_In_ BOOLEAN FixHive)
Checks if self healing is permitted by the kernel and/or bootloader. Self healing is also triggered i...
Definition: cmheal.c:369
NTSTATUS CMAPI HvpCreateHiveFreeCellList(PHHIVE Hive)
Definition: hivecell.c:306
#define RtlInitializeBitMap
Definition: dbgbitmap.h:326
#define RtlSetAllBits
Definition: dbgbitmap.h:346
#define ROUND_UP(n, align)
Definition: eventvwr.h:34
static ULONG BitmapBuffer[(XMS_BLOCKS+31)/32]
Definition: himem.c:86
Definition: hivedata.h:96
#define DPRINT
Definition: sndvol32.h:73
Definition: hivedata.h:282
uint32_t * PULONG
Definition: typedefs.h:59
_Inout_ PUCHAR _In_ PUCHAR _Out_ PUCHAR _Out_ PULONG ChunkSize
Definition: rtlfuncs.h:2294

Referenced by HvInitialize(), and HvLoadHive().

◆ HvpQueryHiveSize()

ULONG CMAPI HvpQueryHiveSize ( _In_ PHHIVE  Hive)

Computes the hive space size by querying the file size of the associated hive file.

[in]HiveA pointer to a hive descriptor where the hive length size is to be calculated.
Returns the computed hive size.

Definition at line 671 of file hiveinit.c.

674#if !defined(CMLIB_HOST) && !defined(_BLDR_)
679 ULONG HiveSize = 0;
681 /*
682 * Query the file size of the physical hive
683 * file. We need that information in order
684 * to ensure how big the hive actually is.
685 */
686#if !defined(CMLIB_HOST) && !defined(_BLDR_)
687 Status = ZwQueryInformationFile(((PCMHIVE)Hive)->FileHandles[HFILE_TYPE_PRIMARY],
689 &FileStandard,
692 if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status))
693 {
694 DPRINT1("ZwQueryInformationFile returned 0x%lx\n", Status);
695 return HiveSize;
696 }
698 /* Now compute the hive size */
699 HiveSize = FileStandard.EndOfFile.u.LowPart - HBLOCK_SIZE;
701 return HiveSize;
static OUT PIO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock
Definition: pipe.c:75
#define FileStandardInformation
Definition: propsheet.cpp:61
Definition: cmlib.h:316
struct _LARGE_INTEGER::@2307 u

Referenced by HvpRecoverHeaderFromLog().

◆ HvpRecoverDataFromLog()

RESULT CMAPI HvpRecoverDataFromLog ( _In_ PHHIVE  Hive,
_In_ PHBASE_BLOCK  BaseBlock 

Recovers the registry data by obtaining it from a log that is associated with the hive.

[in]HiveA pointer to a hive descriptor associated with the log file where the hive data is to be read from.
[in]BaseBlockA pointer to a base block header.
Returns HiveSuccess if the data was obtained normally from the log. Fail is returned if self-healing is disabled and we couldn't be able to read the data from the log or the dirty vector signature is garbage or we failed to write the data block to the primary hive. SelfHeal is returned to indicate that the log is corrupt and the system will continue to be recovered at the expense of data loss.

Definition at line 899 of file hiveinit.c.

905 ULONG BlockIndex;
906 ULONG LogIndex;
907 ULONG StorageLength;
908 UCHAR DirtyVector[HSECTOR_SIZE];
911 /* Read the dirty data from the log */
913 Success = Hive->FileRead(Hive,
915 &FileOffset,
916 DirtyVector,
918 if (!Success)
919 {
921 {
922 DPRINT1("The log couldn't be read and self-healing mode is disabled\n");
923 return Fail;
924 }
926 /*
927 * There's nothing we can do on a situation
928 * where dirty data could not be read from
929 * the log. It does not make much sense to
930 * behead the system on such scenario so
931 * trigger a self-heal and go on. The worst
932 * thing that can happen? Data loss, that's it.
933 */
934 DPRINT1("Triggering self-heal mode, DATA LOSS IS IMMINENT\n");
935 return SelfHeal;
936 }
938 /* Check the dirty vector */
939 if (*((PULONG)DirtyVector) != HV_LOG_DIRTY_SIGNATURE)
940 {
942 {
943 DPRINT1("The log's dirty vector signature is not valid\n");
944 return Fail;
945 }
947 /*
948 * Trigger a self-heal like above. If the
949 * vector signature is garbage then logically
950 * whatever comes after the signature is also
951 * garbage.
952 */
953 DPRINT1("Triggering self-heal mode, DATA LOSS IS IMMINENT\n");
954 return SelfHeal;
955 }
957 /* Now read each data individually and write it back to hive */
958 LogIndex = 0;
959 StorageLength = BaseBlock->Length / HBLOCK_SIZE;
960 for (BlockIndex = 0; BlockIndex < StorageLength; BlockIndex++)
961 {
962 /* Skip this block if it's not dirty and go to the next one */
963 if (DirtyVector[BlockIndex + sizeof(HV_LOG_DIRTY_SIGNATURE)] != HV_LOG_DIRTY_BLOCK)
964 {
965 continue;
966 }
969 Success = Hive->FileRead(Hive,
971 &FileOffset,
972 Buffer,
974 if (!Success)
975 {
976 DPRINT1("Failed to read the dirty block (index %u)\n", BlockIndex);
977 return Fail;
978 }
980 FileOffset = HBLOCK_SIZE + BlockIndex * HBLOCK_SIZE;
981 Success = Hive->FileWrite(Hive,
983 &FileOffset,
984 Buffer,
986 if (!Success)
987 {
988 DPRINT1("Failed to write dirty block to hive (index %u)\n", BlockIndex);
989 return Fail;
990 }
992 /* Increment the index in log as we continue further */
993 LogIndex++;
994 }
996 return HiveSuccess;
Definition: bufpool.h:45
Definition: hivedata.h:46
Definition: hivedata.h:56
Definition: hivedata.h:57
unsigned char UCHAR
Definition: xmlstorage.h:181

Referenced by HvLoadHive().

◆ HvpRecoverHeaderFromLog()

RESULT CMAPI HvpRecoverHeaderFromLog ( _In_ PHHIVE  Hive,
_Inout_ PHBASE_BLOCK BaseBlock 

Recovers the base block header by obtaining it from a log file associated with the hive.

[in]HiveA pointer to a hive descriptor associated with the log file where the hive header is to be read from.
[in]TimeStampA pointer to a time-stamp used to check if the provided time matches with that of the hive.
[in,out]BaseBlockA pointer returned by the caller that contains the base block header that was read from the log. This base block could be also made manually by hand. See Remarks for further information.
Returns HiveSuccess if the header was obtained normally from the log. NoMemory is returned if the base block header could not be allocated. Fail is returned if self-healing mode is disabled and the log couldn't be read or a write attempt to the primary hive has failed. SelfHeal is returned to indicate that self-heal mode goes further.
When SelfHeal is returned this indicates that even the log we have gotten at hand is corrupt but since we do have at least a log our only hope is to reconstruct the pieces of the base header by hand.

Definition at line 743 of file hiveinit.c.

749 PHBASE_BLOCK LogHeader;
751 ULONG HiveSize;
752 BOOLEAN HeaderResuscitated;
754 /*
755 * The cluster must not be greater than what the
756 * base block can permit.
757 */
758 ASSERT(sizeof(HBASE_BLOCK) >= (HSECTOR_SIZE * Hive->Cluster));
760 /* Assume we haven't resuscitated the header */
761 HeaderResuscitated = FALSE;
763 /* Allocate an aligned buffer for the log header */
764 LogHeader = HvpAllocBaseBlockAligned(Hive, TRUE, TAG_CM);
765 if (!LogHeader)
766 {
767 DPRINT1("Failed to allocate memory for the log header\n");
768 return NoMemory;
769 }
771 /* Zero out our header buffer */
772 RtlZeroMemory(LogHeader, HSECTOR_SIZE);
774 /* Get the base header from the log */
775 FileOffset = 0;
776 Success = Hive->FileRead(Hive,
778 &FileOffset,
779 LogHeader,
780 Hive->Cluster * HSECTOR_SIZE);
781 if (!Success ||
782 !HvpVerifyHiveHeader(LogHeader, HFILE_TYPE_LOG) ||
783 TimeStamp->HighPart != LogHeader->TimeStamp.HighPart ||
784 TimeStamp->LowPart != LogHeader->TimeStamp.LowPart)
785 {
786 /*
787 * We failed to read the base block header from
788 * the log, or the header itself or timestamp is
789 * invalid. Check if self healing is enabled.
790 */
792 {
793 DPRINT1("The log couldn't be read and self-healing mode is disabled\n");
794 Hive->Free(LogHeader, Hive->BaseBlockAlloc);
795 return Fail;
796 }
798 /*
799 * Determine the size of this hive so that
800 * we can estabilish the length of the base
801 * block we are trying to resuscitate.
802 */
803 HiveSize = HvpQueryHiveSize(Hive);
804 if (HiveSize == 0)
805 {
806 DPRINT1("Failed to query the hive size\n");
807 Hive->Free(LogHeader, Hive->BaseBlockAlloc);
808 return Fail;
809 }
811 /*
812 * We can still resuscitate the base header if we
813 * could not grab one from the log by reconstructing
814 * the header internals by hand (this assumes the
815 * root cell is not NIL nor damaged). CmCheckRegistry
816 * does the ultimate judgement whether the root cell
817 * is fatally kaput or not after the hive has been
818 * initialized and loaded.
819 *
820 * For more information about base block header
821 * resuscitation, see
822 */
823 LogHeader->Signature = HV_HBLOCK_SIGNATURE;
824 LogHeader->Sequence1 = 1;
825 LogHeader->Sequence2 = 1;
826 LogHeader->Cluster = 1;
827 LogHeader->Length = HiveSize;
828 LogHeader->CheckSum = HvpHiveHeaderChecksum(LogHeader);
830 /*
831 * Acknowledge that we have resuscitated
832 * the header.
833 */
834 HeaderResuscitated = TRUE;
835 DPRINT1("Header has been resuscitated, triggering self-heal mode\n");
836 }
838 /*
839 * Tag this log header as a primary hive before
840 * writing it to the hive.
841 */
842 LogHeader->Type = HFILE_TYPE_PRIMARY;
844 /*
845 * If we have not made attempts of recovering
846 * the header due to log corruption then we
847 * have to compute the checksum. This is
848 * already done when the header has been resuscitated
849 * so don't try to do it twice.
850 */
851 if (!HeaderResuscitated)
852 {
853 LogHeader->CheckSum = HvpHiveHeaderChecksum(LogHeader);
854 }
856 /* Write the header back to hive now */
857 Success = Hive->FileWrite(Hive,
859 &FileOffset,
860 LogHeader,
861 Hive->Cluster * HSECTOR_SIZE);
862 if (!Success)
863 {
864 DPRINT1("Couldn't write the base header to primary hive\n");
865 Hive->Free(LogHeader, Hive->BaseBlockAlloc);
866 return Fail;
867 }
869 *BaseBlock = LogHeader;
870 return HeaderResuscitated ? SelfHeal : HiveSuccess;
ULONG CMAPI HvpHiveHeaderChecksum(PHBASE_BLOCK HiveHeader)
Definition: hivesum.c:17
ULONG CMAPI HvpQueryHiveSize(_In_ PHHIVE Hive)
Computes the hive space size by querying the file size of the associated hive file.
Definition: hiveinit.c:671
Definition: sspi.h:75
LONG HighPart
Definition: sspi.h:76
Definition: typedefs.h:106

Referenced by HvLoadHive().

◆ HvpVerifyHiveHeader()

BOOLEAN CMAPI HvpVerifyHiveHeader ( _In_ PHBASE_BLOCK  BaseBlock,
_In_ ULONG  FileType 

Validates the base block header of a registry file (hive or log).

[in]BaseBlockA pointer to a base block header to be validated.
[in]FileTypeThe file type of a registry file to check against the file type of the base block.
Returns TRUE if the base block header is valid, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 49 of file hiveinit.c.

53 if (BaseBlock->Signature != HV_HBLOCK_SIGNATURE ||
54 BaseBlock->Major != HSYS_MAJOR ||
55 BaseBlock->Minor < HSYS_MINOR ||
56 BaseBlock->Type != FileType ||
57 BaseBlock->Format != HBASE_FORMAT_MEMORY ||
58 BaseBlock->Cluster != 1 ||
59 BaseBlock->Sequence1 != BaseBlock->Sequence2 ||
60 HvpHiveHeaderChecksum(BaseBlock) != BaseBlock->CheckSum)
61 {
62 DPRINT1("Verify Hive Header failed:\n");
63 DPRINT1(" Signature: 0x%x, expected 0x%x; Major: 0x%x, expected 0x%x\n",
64 BaseBlock->Signature, HV_HBLOCK_SIGNATURE, BaseBlock->Major, HSYS_MAJOR);
65 DPRINT1(" Minor: 0x%x expected to be >= 0x%x; Type: 0x%x, expected 0x%x\n",
66 BaseBlock->Minor, HSYS_MINOR, BaseBlock->Type, FileType);
67 DPRINT1(" Format: 0x%x, expected 0x%x; Cluster: 0x%x, expected 1\n",
68 BaseBlock->Format, HBASE_FORMAT_MEMORY, BaseBlock->Cluster);
69 DPRINT1(" Sequence: 0x%x, expected 0x%x; Checksum: 0x%x, expected 0x%x\n",
70 BaseBlock->Sequence1, BaseBlock->Sequence2,
71 HvpHiveHeaderChecksum(BaseBlock), BaseBlock->CheckSum);
73 return FALSE;
74 }
76 return TRUE;

Referenced by HvpGetHiveHeader(), HvpInitializeFlatHive(), HvpInitializeMemoryHive(), HvpRecoverHeaderFromLog(), and RegRecoverHeaderHive().