ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-786-gfc6330a
_PEB Struct Reference

#include <btrfs_drv.h>

Collaboration diagram for _PEB:

Public Attributes

BYTE Reserved1 [2]
BYTE BeingDebugged
BYTE Reserved2 [1]
PVOID Reserved3 [2]
BYTE Reserved4 [104]
PVOID Reserved5 [52]
BYTE Reserved6 [128]
PVOID Reserved7 [1]
ULONG SessionId
BOOLEAN InheritedAddressSpace
BOOLEAN ReadImageFileExecOptions
BOOLEAN BeingDebugged
PVOID ImageBaseAddress
struct _RTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERSProcessParameters
PVOID SubSystemData
PVOID ProcessHeap
PVOID FastPebLock
PVOID FastPebLockRoutine
PVOID FastPebUnlockRoutine
ULONG EnvironmentUpdateCount
PVOID KernelCallbackTable
HANDLE EventLogSection
PVOID EventLog
ULONG TlsExpansionCounter
PVOID TlsBitmap
ULONG TlsBitmapBits [2]
PVOID ReadOnlySharedMemoryBase
PVOID ReadOnlySharedMemoryHeap
PVOID AnsiCodePageData
PVOID OemCodePageData
PVOID UnicodeCaseTableData
ULONG NumberOfProcessors
ULONG NtGlobalFlag
LARGE_INTEGER CriticalSectionTimeout
ULONG HeapSegmentReserve
ULONG HeapSegmentCommit
ULONG HeapDeCommitTotalFreeThreshold
ULONG HeapDeCommitFreeBlockThreshold
ULONG NumberOfHeaps
ULONG MaximumNumberOfHeaps
PVOID GdiSharedHandleTable
PVOID ProcessStarterHelper
PVOID GdiDCAttributeList
PVOID LoaderLock
ULONG OSMajorVersion
ULONG OSMinorVersion
ULONG OSBuildNumber
ULONG OSPlatformId
ULONG ImageSubsystem
ULONG ImageSubsystemMajorVersion
ULONG ImageSubsystemMinorVersion
ULONG ImageProcessAffinityMask
PVOID Reserved4 [3]
PVOID AtlThunkSListPtr
ULONG Reserved6
ULONG Reserved8
ULONG AtlThunkSListPtr32
PVOID Reserved9 [45]
BYTE Reserved10 [96]
BYTE Reserved11 [128]
PVOID Reserved12 [1]
HMODULE ImageBaseAddress
HANDLE ProcessHeap
ULONG Reserved [2]
PVOID FreeList
SIZE_T HeapSegmentReserve
SIZE_T HeapSegmentCommit
SIZE_T HeapDeCommitTotalFreeThreshold
SIZE_T HeapDeCommitFreeBlockThreshold
ULONG ImageSubSystem
ULONG ImageSubSystemMajorVersion
ULONG ImageSubSystemMinorVersion
HANDLE GdiHandleBuffer [28]
ULONG unknown [6]
PVOID PostProcessInitRoutine
PRTL_BITMAP TlsExpansionBitmap
ULONG TlsExpansionBitmapBits [32]
PVOID ShimData
PVOID AppCompatInfo
PVOID ActivationContextData
PVOID ProcessAssemblyStorageMap
PVOID SystemDefaultActivationData
PVOID SystemAssemblyStorageMap
SIZE_T MinimumStackCommit
ULONG FlsBitmapBits [4]

Detailed Description

Definition at line 1907 of file btrfs_drv.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ ActivationContextData

PVOID _PEB::ActivationContextData

Definition at line 354 of file winternl.h.

◆ AnsiCodePageData

PVOID _PEB::AnsiCodePageData

Definition at line 264 of file ntddk_ex.h.

Referenced by LdrpInitializeProcess(), and MmCreatePeb().

◆ AppCompatFlags


Definition at line 349 of file winternl.h.

Referenced by get_shiminfo(), and SeiInit().

◆ AppCompatFlagsUser


Definition at line 350 of file winternl.h.

Referenced by get_shiminfo(), and SeiInit().

◆ AppCompatInfo

PVOID _PEB::AppCompatInfo

Definition at line 352 of file winternl.h.

Referenced by get_shiminfo(), and LdrpInitializeProcess().

◆ AtlThunkSListPtr

PVOID _PEB::AtlThunkSListPtr

Definition at line 131 of file winternl.h.

◆ AtlThunkSListPtr32

ULONG _PEB::AtlThunkSListPtr32

Definition at line 136 of file winternl.h.

◆ BeingDebugged [1/2]

BOOLEAN _PEB::BeingDebugged

◆ BeingDebugged [2/2]

BOOLEAN _PEB::BeingDebugged

Definition at line 241 of file ntddk_ex.h.

◆ CriticalSectionTimeout

LARGE_INTEGER _PEB::CriticalSectionTimeout

Definition at line 274 of file ntddk_ex.h.

Referenced by LdrpInitializeProcess(), and MmCreatePeb().

◆ CSDVersion


Definition at line 353 of file winternl.h.

Referenced by LdrpInitializeProcess(), and RtlGetVersion().

◆ EnvironmentUpdateCount

ULONG _PEB::EnvironmentUpdateCount

Definition at line 253 of file ntddk_ex.h.

◆ EventLog

PVOID _PEB::EventLog

Definition at line 256 of file ntddk_ex.h.

◆ EventLogSection

HANDLE _PEB::EventLogSection

Definition at line 255 of file ntddk_ex.h.

◆ FastPebLock [1/2]


Definition at line 250 of file ntddk_ex.h.

Referenced by LdrpInitializeProcess(), RtlAcquirePebLock(), and RtlReleasePebLock().

◆ FastPebLock [2/2]


Definition at line 305 of file winternl.h.

◆ FastPebLockRoutine

PVOID _PEB::FastPebLockRoutine

Definition at line 251 of file ntddk_ex.h.

◆ FastPebUnlockRoutine

PVOID _PEB::FastPebUnlockRoutine

Definition at line 252 of file ntddk_ex.h.

◆ FlsBitmap


Definition at line 361 of file winternl.h.

Referenced by FlsAlloc(), FlsFree(), and LdrpInitializeProcess().

◆ FlsBitmapBits

ULONG _PEB::FlsBitmapBits

Definition at line 362 of file winternl.h.

Referenced by LdrpInitializeProcess().

◆ FlsCallback

PVOID * _PEB::FlsCallback

Definition at line 359 of file winternl.h.

Referenced by FlsAlloc(), and FlsFree().

◆ FlsListHead


Definition at line 360 of file winternl.h.

Referenced by FlsAlloc(), FlsFree(), and LdrpInitializeProcess().

◆ FreeList [1/2]

PVOID _PEB::FreeList

Definition at line 257 of file ntddk_ex.h.

◆ FreeList [2/2]

PVOID _PEB::FreeList

Definition at line 311 of file winternl.h.

◆ GdiDCAttributeList

PVOID _PEB::GdiDCAttributeList

Definition at line 294 of file ntddk_ex.h.

◆ GdiHandleBuffer [1/2]

HANDLE _PEB::GdiHandleBuffer[28]

Definition at line 343 of file winternl.h.

◆ GdiHandleBuffer [2/2]

HANDLE _PEB::GdiHandleBuffer

Definition at line 308 of file ntddk_ex.h.

◆ GdiSharedHandleTable

PVOID _PEB::GdiSharedHandleTable

Definition at line 292 of file ntddk_ex.h.

Referenced by GdiQueryTable(), and MyGdiQueryTable().

◆ HeapDeCommitFreeBlockThreshold [1/2]

SIZE_T _PEB::HeapDeCommitFreeBlockThreshold

Definition at line 278 of file ntddk_ex.h.

Referenced by MmCreatePeb(), and RtlpSetHeapParameters().

◆ HeapDeCommitFreeBlockThreshold [2/2]

SIZE_T _PEB::HeapDeCommitFreeBlockThreshold

Definition at line 327 of file winternl.h.

◆ HeapDeCommitTotalFreeThreshold [1/2]

SIZE_T _PEB::HeapDeCommitTotalFreeThreshold

Definition at line 277 of file ntddk_ex.h.

Referenced by MmCreatePeb(), and RtlpSetHeapParameters().

◆ HeapDeCommitTotalFreeThreshold [2/2]

SIZE_T _PEB::HeapDeCommitTotalFreeThreshold

Definition at line 326 of file winternl.h.

◆ HeapSegmentCommit [1/2]

SIZE_T _PEB::HeapSegmentCommit

Definition at line 276 of file ntddk_ex.h.

Referenced by MmCreatePeb(), and RtlpSetHeapParameters().

◆ HeapSegmentCommit [2/2]

SIZE_T _PEB::HeapSegmentCommit

Definition at line 325 of file winternl.h.

◆ HeapSegmentReserve [1/2]

SIZE_T _PEB::HeapSegmentReserve

Definition at line 275 of file ntddk_ex.h.

Referenced by MmCreatePeb(), and RtlpSetHeapParameters().

◆ HeapSegmentReserve [2/2]

SIZE_T _PEB::HeapSegmentReserve

Definition at line 324 of file winternl.h.

◆ ImageBaseAddress [1/2]

◆ ImageBaseAddress [2/2]

HMODULE _PEB::ImageBaseAddress

Definition at line 300 of file winternl.h.

◆ ImageProcessAffinityMask

ULONG _PEB::ImageProcessAffinityMask

Definition at line 307 of file ntddk_ex.h.

Referenced by LdrpInitializeProcess(), and MmCreatePeb().

◆ ImageSubsystem

ULONG _PEB::ImageSubsystem

Definition at line 304 of file ntddk_ex.h.

Referenced by IsConsoleProcess(), and MmCreatePeb().

◆ ImageSubSystem

ULONG _PEB::ImageSubSystem

Definition at line 339 of file winternl.h.

◆ ImageSubsystemMajorVersion

ULONG _PEB::ImageSubsystemMajorVersion

Definition at line 305 of file ntddk_ex.h.

Referenced by CreateProcessInternalW(), and MmCreatePeb().

◆ ImageSubSystemMajorVersion

ULONG _PEB::ImageSubSystemMajorVersion

Definition at line 340 of file winternl.h.

◆ ImageSubsystemMinorVersion

ULONG _PEB::ImageSubsystemMinorVersion

Definition at line 306 of file ntddk_ex.h.

Referenced by MmCreatePeb().

◆ ImageSubSystemMinorVersion

ULONG _PEB::ImageSubSystemMinorVersion

Definition at line 341 of file winternl.h.

◆ InheritedAddressSpace

BOOLEAN _PEB::InheritedAddressSpace

Definition at line 239 of file ntddk_ex.h.

Referenced by LdrpInit(), and MmCreatePeb().

◆ KernelCallbackTable

PVOID _PEB::KernelCallbackTable

Definition at line 254 of file ntddk_ex.h.

Referenced by START_TEST().

◆ Ldr

◆ LdrData


Definition at line 301 of file winternl.h.

◆ LoaderLock

PVOID _PEB::LoaderLock

Definition at line 295 of file ntddk_ex.h.

Referenced by LdrpInit(), LdrUnloadDll(), and wined3d_cs_create().

◆ MaximumNumberOfHeaps

ULONG _PEB::MaximumNumberOfHeaps

Definition at line 287 of file ntddk_ex.h.

Referenced by MmCreatePeb(), and RtlpAddHeapToProcessList().

◆ MinimumStackCommit

SIZE_T _PEB::MinimumStackCommit

Definition at line 358 of file winternl.h.

Referenced by LdrpInit(), LdrpInitializeExecutionOptions(), and MmCreatePeb().

◆ Mutant


Definition at line 243 of file ntddk_ex.h.

Referenced by MmCreatePeb().

◆ NtGlobalFlag

◆ NumberOfHeaps

◆ NumberOfProcessors

ULONG _PEB::NumberOfProcessors

Definition at line 269 of file ntddk_ex.h.

Referenced by LdrpInitializeProcess(), and MmCreatePeb().

◆ OemCodePageData

PVOID _PEB::OemCodePageData

Definition at line 265 of file ntddk_ex.h.

Referenced by LdrpInitializeProcess(), and MmCreatePeb().

◆ OSBuildNumber

ULONG _PEB::OSBuildNumber

Definition at line 302 of file ntddk_ex.h.

Referenced by GetVersion(), MmCreatePeb(), RtlGetNtVersionNumbers(), and RtlGetVersion().

◆ OSMajorVersion

◆ OSMinorVersion

◆ OSPlatformId

ULONG _PEB::OSPlatformId

Definition at line 303 of file ntddk_ex.h.

Referenced by GetVersion(), MmCreatePeb(), and RtlGetVersion().

◆ PostProcessInitRoutine [1/2]

PVOID _PEB::PostProcessInitRoutine

Definition at line 1916 of file btrfs_drv.h.

Referenced by LdrpInitializeProcess(), and START_TEST().

◆ PostProcessInitRoutine [2/2]

PVOID _PEB::PostProcessInitRoutine

Definition at line 345 of file winternl.h.

◆ ProcessAssemblyStorageMap

PVOID _PEB::ProcessAssemblyStorageMap

Definition at line 355 of file winternl.h.

◆ ProcessHeap [1/2]

HANDLE _PEB::ProcessHeap

◆ ProcessHeap [2/2]

HANDLE _PEB::ProcessHeap

Definition at line 304 of file winternl.h.

◆ ProcessHeaps

PVOID * _PEB::ProcessHeaps

◆ ProcessParameters [1/3]

◆ ProcessParameters [2/3]

struct _RTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS* _PEB::ProcessParameters

Definition at line 247 of file ntddk_ex.h.

◆ ProcessParameters [3/3]


Definition at line 302 of file winternl.h.

◆ ProcessStarterHelper

PVOID _PEB::ProcessStarterHelper

Definition at line 293 of file ntddk_ex.h.

◆ ReadImageFileExecOptions

BOOLEAN _PEB::ReadImageFileExecOptions

Definition at line 240 of file ntddk_ex.h.

Referenced by CreateProcessInternalW(), and LdrpRunInitializeRoutines().

◆ ReadOnlySharedMemoryBase

PVOID _PEB::ReadOnlySharedMemoryBase

Definition at line 261 of file ntddk_ex.h.

Referenced by CsrSrvCreateSharedSection().

◆ ReadOnlySharedMemoryHeap

PVOID _PEB::ReadOnlySharedMemoryHeap

Definition at line 262 of file ntddk_ex.h.

Referenced by CsrSrvCreateSharedSection().

◆ ReadOnlyStaticServerData

PVOID * _PEB::ReadOnlyStaticServerData

Definition at line 263 of file ntddk_ex.h.

Referenced by CsrSrvCreateSharedSection(), and DllMain().

◆ Reserved

ULONG _PEB::Reserved

Definition at line 310 of file winternl.h.

Referenced by check_live_target().

◆ Reserved1

BYTE _PEB::Reserved1

Definition at line 1908 of file btrfs_drv.h.

◆ Reserved10

BYTE _PEB::Reserved10[96]

Definition at line 138 of file winternl.h.

◆ Reserved11

BYTE _PEB::Reserved11[128]

Definition at line 140 of file winternl.h.

◆ Reserved12

PVOID _PEB::Reserved12[1]

Definition at line 141 of file winternl.h.

◆ Reserved2

BYTE _PEB::Reserved2

Definition at line 1910 of file btrfs_drv.h.

◆ Reserved3

PVOID _PEB::Reserved3

Definition at line 1911 of file btrfs_drv.h.

◆ Reserved4 [1/2]

BYTE _PEB::Reserved4[104]

Definition at line 1914 of file btrfs_drv.h.

◆ Reserved4 [2/2]

PVOID _PEB::Reserved4[3]

Definition at line 130 of file winternl.h.

◆ Reserved5

PVOID _PEB::Reserved5

Definition at line 1915 of file btrfs_drv.h.

◆ Reserved6 [1/2]

BYTE _PEB::Reserved6[128]

Definition at line 1917 of file btrfs_drv.h.

◆ Reserved6 [2/2]

ULONG _PEB::Reserved6

Definition at line 133 of file winternl.h.

◆ Reserved7

PVOID _PEB::Reserved7

Definition at line 1918 of file btrfs_drv.h.

◆ Reserved8

ULONG _PEB::Reserved8

Definition at line 135 of file winternl.h.

◆ Reserved9

PVOID _PEB::Reserved9[45]

Definition at line 137 of file winternl.h.

◆ SessionId

ULONG _PEB::SessionId

◆ ShimData

PVOID _PEB::ShimData

Definition at line 351 of file winternl.h.

◆ SpareBool


Definition at line 242 of file ntddk_ex.h.

◆ SubSystemData

PVOID _PEB::SubSystemData

Definition at line 248 of file ntddk_ex.h.

◆ SystemAssemblyStorageMap

PVOID _PEB::SystemAssemblyStorageMap

Definition at line 357 of file winternl.h.

◆ SystemDefaultActivationData

PVOID _PEB::SystemDefaultActivationData

Definition at line 356 of file winternl.h.

◆ TlsBitmap [1/2]


Definition at line 259 of file ntddk_ex.h.

Referenced by LdrpInitializeProcess(), TlsAlloc(), and TlsFree().

◆ TlsBitmap [2/2]


Definition at line 313 of file winternl.h.

◆ TlsBitmapBits

ULONG _PEB::TlsBitmapBits

Definition at line 260 of file ntddk_ex.h.

Referenced by LdrpInitializeProcess().

◆ TlsExpansionBitmap

PRTL_BITMAP _PEB::TlsExpansionBitmap

Definition at line 346 of file winternl.h.

Referenced by LdrpInitializeProcess(), TlsAlloc(), and TlsFree().

◆ TlsExpansionBitmapBits

ULONG _PEB::TlsExpansionBitmapBits

Definition at line 347 of file winternl.h.

Referenced by LdrpInitializeProcess().

◆ TlsExpansionCounter

ULONG _PEB::TlsExpansionCounter

Definition at line 258 of file ntddk_ex.h.

◆ UnicodeCaseTableData

PVOID _PEB::UnicodeCaseTableData

Definition at line 266 of file ntddk_ex.h.

Referenced by LdrpInitializeProcess(), and MmCreatePeb().

◆ unknown

ULONG _PEB::unknown

Definition at line 344 of file winternl.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following files: