ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-195-g3bb1e64
IShellMenu Interface Reference
Inheritance diagram for IShellMenu:
Collaboration diagram for IShellMenu:

Public Member Functions

HRESULT Initialize ([in] IShellMenuCallback *psmc, [in] UINT uId, [in] UINT uIdAncestor, [in] DWORD dwFlags)
HRESULT GetMenuInfo ([out] IShellMenuCallback **ppsmc, [out] UINT *puId, [out] UINT *puIdAncestor, [out] DWORD *pdwFlags)
HRESULT SetShellFolder ([in] IShellFolder *psf, [in] PCIDLIST_ABSOLUTE pidlFolder, [in] HKEY hKey, [in] DWORD dwFlags)
HRESULT GetShellFolder ([out] DWORD *pdwFlags, [out] PIDLIST_ABSOLUTE *ppidl, [in] REFIID riid, [out] void **ppv)
HRESULT SetMenu ([in] HMENU hmenu, [in] HWND hwnd, [in] DWORD dwFlags)
HRESULT GetMenu ([out] HMENU *phmenu, [out] HWND *phwnd, [out] DWORD *pdwFlags)
HRESULT InvalidateItem ([in] LPSMDATA psmd, [in] DWORD dwFlags)
HRESULT GetState ([out] LPSMDATA psmd)
HRESULT SetMenuToolbar ([in] IUnknown *punk, [in] DWORD dwFlags)
- Public Member Functions inherited from IUnknown
HRESULT QueryInterface ([in] REFIID riid, [out, iid_is(riid)] void **ppvObject)
ULONG AddRef ()
ULONG Release ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from IUnknown
typedef IUnknownLPUNKNOWN

Detailed Description

Definition at line 2868 of file shobjidl.idl.

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetMenu()

HRESULT IShellMenu::GetMenu ( [out] HMENU phmenu,
[out] HWND phwnd,
[out] DWORD pdwFlags 

Referenced by test_CShellMenu_params().

◆ GetMenuInfo()

HRESULT IShellMenu::GetMenuInfo ( [out] IShellMenuCallback **  ppsmc,
[out] UINT puId,
[out] UINT puIdAncestor,
[out] DWORD pdwFlags 

Referenced by test_CShellMenu_params().

◆ GetShellFolder()

HRESULT IShellMenu::GetShellFolder ( [out] DWORD pdwFlags,
[in] REFIID  riid,
[out] void **  ppv 

◆ GetState()

HRESULT IShellMenu::GetState ( [out] LPSMDATA  psmd)

◆ Initialize()

HRESULT IShellMenu::Initialize ( [in] IShellMenuCallback psmc,
[in] UINT  uId,
[in] UINT  uIdAncestor,
[in] DWORD  dwFlags 

◆ InvalidateItem()

HRESULT IShellMenu::InvalidateItem ( [in] LPSMDATA  psmd,
[in] DWORD  dwFlags 

◆ SetMenu()

HRESULT IShellMenu::SetMenu ( [in] HMENU  hmenu,
[in] HWND  hwnd,
[in] DWORD  dwFlags 

◆ SetMenuToolbar()

HRESULT IShellMenu::SetMenuToolbar ( [in] IUnknown punk,
[in] DWORD  dwFlags 

◆ SetShellFolder()

HRESULT IShellMenu::SetShellFolder ( [in] IShellFolder psf,
[in] PCIDLIST_ABSOLUTE  pidlFolder,
[in] HKEY  hKey,
[in] DWORD  dwFlags 

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: