#include <corecrt.h>
#include <stddef.h>
Go to the source code of this file.
_UCRT_DISABLE_CLANG_WARNINGS _CRT_BEGIN_C_HEADER typedef | int (__cdecl *_CoreCrtSecureSearchSortCompareFunction)(void * |
_UCRT_DISABLE_CLANG_WARNINGS _CRT_BEGIN_C_HEADER typedef void const void const *typedef void const *_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP void *__cdecl | bsearch (_In_ void const *_Key, _In_reads_bytes_(_NumOfElements *_SizeOfElements) void const *_Base, _In_ size_t _NumOfElements, _In_ size_t _SizeOfElements, _In_ _CoreCrtNonSecureSearchSortCompareFunction _CompareFunction) |
_ACRTIMP void __cdecl | qsort (_Inout_updates_bytes_(_NumOfElements *_SizeOfElements) void *_Base, _In_ size_t _NumOfElements, _In_ size_t _SizeOfElements, _In_ _CoreCrtNonSecureSearchSortCompareFunction _CompareFunction) |
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP void *__cdecl | _lfind_s (_In_ void const *_Key, _In_reads_bytes_((*_NumOfElements) *_SizeOfElements) void const *_Base, _Inout_ unsigned int *_NumOfElements, _In_ size_t _SizeOfElements, _In_ _CoreCrtSecureSearchSortCompareFunction _CompareFunction, _In_ void *_Context) |
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP void *__cdecl | _lfind (_In_ void const *_Key, _In_reads_bytes_((*_NumOfElements) *_SizeOfElements) void const *_Base, _Inout_ unsigned int *_NumOfElements, _In_ unsigned int _SizeOfElements, _In_ _CoreCrtNonSecureSearchSortCompareFunction _CompareFunction) |
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP void *__cdecl | _lsearch_s (_In_ void const *_Key, _Inout_updates_bytes_((*_NumOfElements) *_SizeOfElements) void *_Base, _Inout_ unsigned int *_NumOfElements, _In_ size_t _SizeOfElements, _In_ _CoreCrtSecureSearchSortCompareFunction _CompareFunction, _In_ void *_Context) |
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP void *__cdecl | _lsearch (_In_ void const *_Key, _Inout_updates_bytes_((*_NumOfElements) *_SizeOfElements) void *_Base, _Inout_ unsigned int *_NumOfElements, _In_ unsigned int _SizeOfElements, _In_ _CoreCrtNonSecureSearchSortCompareFunction _CompareFunction) |
◆ _lfind()
◆ _lfind_s()
◆ _lsearch()
◆ _lsearch_s()
◆ bsearch()
◆ int()
◆ qsort()