HRESULT | Advise ([in] IFileOperationProgressSink *pfops, [out] DWORD *pdwCookie) |
HRESULT | Unadvise ([in] DWORD dwCookie) |
HRESULT | SetOperationFlags ([in] DWORD dwOperationFlags) |
HRESULT | SetProgressMessage ([in] LPCWSTR pszMessage) |
HRESULT | SetProgressDialog ([in] IOperationsProgressDialog *popd) |
HRESULT | SetProperties ([in] IPropertyChangeArray *pproparray) |
HRESULT | SetOwnerWindow ([in] HWND hwndOwner) |
HRESULT | ApplyPropertiesToItem ([in] IShellItem *psiItem) |
HRESULT | ApplyPropertiesToItems ([in] IUnknown *punkItems) |
HRESULT | RenameItem ([in] IShellItem *psiItem, [in] LPCWSTR pszNewName, [in] IFileOperationProgressSink *pfopsItem) |
HRESULT | RenameItems ([in] IUnknown *pUnkItems, [in] LPCWSTR pszNewName) |
HRESULT | MoveItem ([in] IShellItem *psiItem, [in] IShellItem *psiDestinationFolder, [in] LPCWSTR pszNewName, [in] IFileOperationProgressSink *pfopsItem) |
HRESULT | MoveItems ([in] IUnknown *punkItems, [in] IShellItem *psiDestinationFolder) |
HRESULT | CopyItem ([in] IShellItem *psiItem, [in] IShellItem *psiDestinationFolder, [in] LPCWSTR pszCopyName, [in] IFileOperationProgressSink *pfopsItem) |
HRESULT | CopyItems ([in] IUnknown *punkItems, [in] IShellItem *psiDestinationFolder) |
HRESULT | DeleteItem ([in] IShellItem *psiItem, [in] IFileOperationProgressSink *pfopsItem) |
HRESULT | DeleteItems ([in] IUnknown *punkItems) |
HRESULT | NewItem ([in] IShellItem *psiDestinationFolder, [in] DWORD dwFileAttributes, [in] LPCWSTR pszName, [in] LPCWSTR pszTemplateName, [in] IFileOperationProgressSink *pfopsItem) |
HRESULT | PerformOperations () |
HRESULT | GetAnyOperationsAborted ([out] BOOL *pfAnyOperationsAborted) |
HRESULT | QueryInterface ([in] REFIID riid, [out, iid_is(riid)] void **ppvObject) |
ULONG | AddRef () |
ULONG | Release () |
Definition at line 4667 of file shobjidl.idl.
◆ Advise()
◆ ApplyPropertiesToItem()
◆ ApplyPropertiesToItems()
HRESULT IFileOperation::ApplyPropertiesToItems |
( |
[in] IUnknown * |
punkItems | ) |
◆ CopyItem()
◆ CopyItems()
◆ DeleteItem()
◆ DeleteItems()
◆ GetAnyOperationsAborted()
HRESULT IFileOperation::GetAnyOperationsAborted |
( |
[out] BOOL * |
pfAnyOperationsAborted | ) |
◆ MoveItem()
◆ MoveItems()
◆ NewItem()
◆ PerformOperations()
HRESULT IFileOperation::PerformOperations |
( |
| ) |
◆ RenameItem()
◆ RenameItems()
◆ SetOperationFlags()
HRESULT IFileOperation::SetOperationFlags |
( |
[in] DWORD |
dwOperationFlags | ) |
◆ SetOwnerWindow()
HRESULT IFileOperation::SetOwnerWindow |
( |
[in] HWND |
hwndOwner | ) |
◆ SetProgressDialog()
◆ SetProgressMessage()
◆ SetProperties()
◆ Unadvise()
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