HRESULT | StartProgressDialog ([in] HWND hwndOwner, [in] OPPROGDLGF flags) |
HRESULT | StopProgressDialog () |
HRESULT | SetOperation ([in] SPACTION action) |
HRESULT | SetMode ([in] PDMODE mode) |
HRESULT | UpdateProgress ([in] ULONGLONG ullPointsCurrent, [in] ULONGLONG ullPointsTotal, [in] ULONGLONG ullSizeCurrent, [in] ULONGLONG ullSizeTotal, [in] ULONGLONG ullItemsCurrent, [in] ULONGLONG ullItemsTotal) |
HRESULT | UpdateLocations ([in, optional] IShellItem *psiSource, [in, optional] IShellItem *psiTarget, [in, optional] IShellItem *psiItem) |
HRESULT | ResetTimer () |
HRESULT | PauseTimer () |
HRESULT | ResumeTimer () |
HRESULT | GetMilliseconds ([out] ULONGLONG *pullElapsed, [out] ULONGLONG *pullRemaining) |
HRESULT | GetOperationStatus ([out] PDOPSTATUS *popstatus) |
HRESULT | QueryInterface ([in] REFIID riid, [out, iid_is(riid)] void **ppvObject) |
ULONG | AddRef () |
ULONG | Release () |
Definition at line 4631 of file shobjidl.idl.
◆ GetMilliseconds()
◆ GetOperationStatus()
HRESULT IOperationsProgressDialog::GetOperationStatus |
( |
[out] PDOPSTATUS * |
popstatus | ) |
◆ PauseTimer()
HRESULT IOperationsProgressDialog::PauseTimer |
( |
| ) |
◆ ResetTimer()
HRESULT IOperationsProgressDialog::ResetTimer |
( |
| ) |
◆ ResumeTimer()
HRESULT IOperationsProgressDialog::ResumeTimer |
( |
| ) |
◆ SetMode()
◆ SetOperation()
◆ StartProgressDialog()
◆ StopProgressDialog()
HRESULT IOperationsProgressDialog::StopProgressDialog |
( |
| ) |
◆ UpdateLocations()
◆ UpdateProgress()
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