ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-716-g2b2bdab
#include <ntgdihdl.h>
Definition at line 291 of file ntgdihdl.h.
LONG _DC_ATTR::cBreak |
Definition at line 329 of file ntgdihdl.h.
Referenced by NtGdiGetDCDword(), NtGdiSetTextJustification(), and SetTextJustification().
COLORREF _DC_ATTR::crBackgroundClr |
Definition at line 297 of file ntgdihdl.h.
Referenced by DC_vUpdateBackgroundBrush(), ExtTextOutW(), IntGdiSetBkColor(), PatBlt(), PolyPatBlt(), and SetBkColor().
Definition at line 301 of file ntgdihdl.h.
Referenced by DC_vUpdateFillBrush(), PatBlt(), PolyPatBlt(), and SetDCBrushColor().
COLORREF _DC_ATTR::crForegroundClr |
Definition at line 299 of file ntgdihdl.h.
Referenced by DC_vUpdateTextBrush(), ExtTextOutW(), IntGdiSetTextColor(), PatBlt(), PolyPatBlt(), and SetTextColor().
Definition at line 303 of file ntgdihdl.h.
Referenced by DC_vUpdateLineBrush(), and SetDCPenColor().
DWORD _DC_ATTR::dwLayout |
Definition at line 339 of file ntgdihdl.h.
Referenced by _Success_(), DC_vSetLayout(), GetLayout(), GetViewportOrgEx(), GetWindowExtEx(), IntGdiSetTextAlign(), IntMirrorWindowOrg(), NtGdiGetDCDword(), NtGdiOffsetViewportOrgEx(), NtGdiScaleWindowExtEx(), OffsetViewportOrgEx(), SetTextAlign(), SetViewportExtEx(), SetViewportOrgEx(), SetWindowExtEx(), and SetWindowOrgEx().
Definition at line 336 of file ntgdihdl.h.
Definition at line 337 of file ntgdihdl.h.
Definition at line 334 of file ntgdihdl.h.
Definition at line 335 of file ntgdihdl.h.
FLONG _DC_ATTR::flFontMapper |
Definition at line 316 of file ntgdihdl.h.
Referenced by _Success_(), and SetMapperFlags().
FLONG _DC_ATTR::flIcmFlags |
Definition at line 320 of file ntgdihdl.h.
FLONG _DC_ATTR::flTextAlign |
Definition at line 324 of file ntgdihdl.h.
Referenced by DC_vSetLayout(), ExtTextOutW(), IntExtTextOutW(), IntGdiSetTextAlign(), IntGetFontLanguageInfo(), and SetTextAlign().
FLONG _DC_ATTR::flXform |
Definition at line 345 of file ntgdihdl.h.
Referenced by DC_pszlViewportExt(), DC_vSetLayout(), GetViewportExtEx(), GetWorldTransform(), GreSetViewportOrgEx(), IntGdiSetMapMode(), IntMirrorWindowOrg(), NtGdiOffsetViewportOrgEx(), NtGdiOffsetWindowOrgEx(), NtGdiScaleViewportExtEx(), NtGdiScaleWindowExtEx(), NtGdiSetViewportOrgEx(), NtGdiSetWindowOrgEx(), OffsetViewportOrgEx(), OffsetWindowOrgEx(), SetViewportExtEx(), SetViewportOrgEx(), SetWindowExtEx(), and SetWindowOrgEx().
HANDLE _DC_ATTR::hbrush |
Definition at line 295 of file ntgdihdl.h.
Referenced by DC_vUpdateFillBrush(), GdiSelectBrush(), GetCurrentObject(), IntFillArc(), IntGdiSetBkColor(), IntRoundRect(), NtGdiEllipse(), NtGdiGetDCObject(), PatBlt(), and START_TEST().
HANDLE _DC_ATTR::hcmXform |
Definition at line 318 of file ntgdihdl.h.
Definition at line 319 of file ntgdihdl.h.
Referenced by GetColorSpace(), GetCurrentObject(), and NtGdiSetColorSpace().
HANDLE _DC_ATTR::hlfntNew |
Definition at line 330 of file ntgdihdl.h.
Referenced by ExtTextOutW(), ftGdiGetGlyphOutline(), ftGdiGetTextCharsetInfo(), ftGdiGetTextMetricsW(), GdiSelectFont(), GetHFONT(), GreGetKerningPairs(), GreGetTextExtentExW(), GreGetTextExtentW(), IntExtTextOutW(), IntGetCharDimensions(), NtGdiGetCharABCWidthsW(), NtGdiGetCharWidthW(), NtGdiGetDCObject(), NtGdiGetFontData(), NtGdiGetFontUnicodeRanges(), NtGdiGetGlyphIndicesW(), NtGdiGetKerningPairs(), NtGdiGetOutlineTextMetricsInternalW(), NtGdiGetRealizationInfo(), NtGdiGetTextExtentExW(), and NtGdiGetTextFaceW().
Definition at line 296 of file ntgdihdl.h.
Referenced by DC_vUpdateLineBrush(), GdiSelectPen(), GetCurrentObject(), IntArc(), IntRoundRect(), NtGdiEllipse(), NtGdiGetDCObject(), and PATH_WidenPathEx().
INT _DC_ATTR::IcmBrushColor |
Definition at line 321 of file ntgdihdl.h.
INT _DC_ATTR::IcmPenColor |
Definition at line 322 of file ntgdihdl.h.
Definition at line 305 of file ntgdihdl.h.
Referenced by GdiGetCodePage(), and NtGdiGetCharSet().
INT _DC_ATTR::iGraphicsMode |
Definition at line 306 of file ntgdihdl.h.
Referenced by GetGraphicsMode(), IntExtTextOutW(), IntRectangle(), ModifyWorldTransform(), PATH_CheckRect(), PATH_FillPathEx(), PATH_StrokePath(), and SetGraphicsMode().
INT _DC_ATTR::iMapMode |
Definition at line 338 of file ntgdihdl.h.
Referenced by DC_pszlViewportExt(), DC_vSetLayout(), DPtoLP(), GetMapMode(), GetViewportExtEx(), IntGdiSetMapMode(), NtGdiGetDCDword(), NtGdiScaleViewportExtEx(), NtGdiScaleWindowExtEx(), PATH_FillPathEx(), PATH_StrokePath(), SetMapMode(), SetViewportExtEx(), and SetWindowExtEx().
BYTE _DC_ATTR::jBkMode |
Definition at line 308 of file ntgdihdl.h.
Referenced by IntExtTextOutW(), IntGdiSetBkMode(), and SetBkMode().
BYTE _DC_ATTR::jFillMode |
Definition at line 309 of file ntgdihdl.h.
Referenced by FillPolygon(), NtGdiPathToRegion(), NtGdiSelectClipPath(), PATH_FillPathEx(), and PATH_StrokePath().
Definition at line 307 of file ntgdihdl.h.
Referenced by GetROP2(), IntFillRect(), IntGdiLineTo(), IntGdiPolygon(), IntGdiPolyline(), IntRectangle(), and SetROP2().
BYTE _DC_ATTR::jStretchBltMode |
Definition at line 310 of file ntgdihdl.h.
Referenced by GreSetStretchBltMode(), and SetStretchBltMode().
LONG _DC_ATTR::lBkMode |
Definition at line 313 of file ntgdihdl.h.
Referenced by ExtTextOutW(), GetBkMode(), IntGdiSetBkMode(), and SetBkMode().
LONG _DC_ATTR::lBreakExtra |
Definition at line 328 of file ntgdihdl.h.
Referenced by NtGdiGetDCDword(), NtGdiSetTextJustification(), and SetTextJustification().
LONG _DC_ATTR::lFillMode |
Definition at line 314 of file ntgdihdl.h.
Referenced by GetPolyFillMode(), and SetPolyFillMode().
LONG _DC_ATTR::lIcmMode |
Definition at line 317 of file ntgdihdl.h.
LONG _DC_ATTR::lRelAbs |
Definition at line 327 of file ntgdihdl.h.
Referenced by _Success_(), and NtGdiGetDCDword().
LONG _DC_ATTR::lStretchBltMode |
Definition at line 315 of file ntgdihdl.h.
Referenced by GetStretchBltMode(), GreSetStretchBltMode(), and SetStretchBltMode().
LONG _DC_ATTR::lTextAlign |
Definition at line 325 of file ntgdihdl.h.
Referenced by _Success_(), ExtTextOutW(), GetTextAlign(), IntGdiSetTextAlign(), and SetTextAlign().
LONG _DC_ATTR::lTextExtra |
Definition at line 326 of file ntgdihdl.h.
Referenced by _Success_(), GetTextCharacterExtra(), NtGdiGetDCDword(), and SetTextCharacterExtra().
LONG _DC_ATTR::lWindowOrgx |
Definition at line 340 of file ntgdihdl.h.
Referenced by IntMirrorWindowOrg(), OffsetWindowOrgEx(), and SetWindowOrgEx().
MATRIX _DC_ATTR::mxDeviceToWorld |
Definition at line 332 of file ntgdihdl.h.
MATRIX _DC_ATTR::mxWorldToDevice |
Definition at line 331 of file ntgdihdl.h.
Referenced by GetWorldTransform().
MATRIX _DC_ATTR::mxWorldToPage |
Definition at line 333 of file ntgdihdl.h.
POINTL _DC_ATTR::ptfxCurrent |
Definition at line 312 of file ntgdihdl.h.
Referenced by GetCurrentPositionEx(), IntGdiLineTo(), IntGdiMoveToEx(), IntGdiPolyBezierTo(), IntGdiPolylineTo(), IntGetCurrentPositionEx(), and MoveToEx().
POINTL _DC_ATTR::ptlBrushOrigin |
Definition at line 349 of file ntgdihdl.h.
Referenced by GdiFlushUserBatch(), GetBrushOrgEx(), and SetBrushOrgEx().
POINTL _DC_ATTR::ptlCurrent |
Definition at line 311 of file ntgdihdl.h.
Referenced by GdiPolyDraw(), GetCurrentPositionEx(), IntExtTextOutW(), IntGdiLineTo(), IntGdiMoveToEx(), IntGdiPolyBezierTo(), IntGdiPolylineTo(), IntGetCurrentPositionEx(), and MoveToEx().
POINTL _DC_ATTR::ptlViewportOrg |
Definition at line 343 of file ntgdihdl.h.
Referenced by DC_vGetPageToDevice(), ExtTextOutW(), GetViewportOrgEx(), GreSetViewportOrgEx(), NtGdiOffsetViewportOrgEx(), NtGdiSetViewportOrgEx(), OffsetViewportOrgEx(), PATH_FillPathEx(), PATH_StrokePath(), and SetViewportOrgEx().
POINTL _DC_ATTR::ptlWindowOrg |
Definition at line 341 of file ntgdihdl.h.
Referenced by DC_vGetPageToDevice(), GetWindowOrgEx(), IntMirrorWindowOrg(), NtGdiOffsetWindowOrgEx(), NtGdiSetWindowOrgEx(), OffsetWindowOrgEx(), PATH_FillPathEx(), PATH_StrokePath(), and SetWindowOrgEx().
Definition at line 293 of file ntgdihdl.h.
Referenced by GdiGetLDC(), GdiSetLDC(), and IntCreateDICW().
Definition at line 323 of file ntgdihdl.h.
SIZEL _DC_ATTR::szlViewportExt |
Definition at line 344 of file ntgdihdl.h.
Referenced by DC_pszlViewportExt(), DC_vFixIsotropicMapping(), GetViewportExtEx(), IntGdiSetMapMode(), IntMirrorWindowOrg(), NtGdiScaleViewportExtEx(), PATH_FillPathEx(), PATH_StrokePath(), and SetViewportExtEx().
SIZEL _DC_ATTR::szlVirtualDeviceMm |
Definition at line 347 of file ntgdihdl.h.
Referenced by IntGdiSetMapMode(), and NtGdiSetVirtualResolution().
SIZEL _DC_ATTR::szlVirtualDevicePixel |
Definition at line 346 of file ntgdihdl.h.
Referenced by IntGdiSetMapMode(), and NtGdiSetVirtualResolution().
SIZEL _DC_ATTR::szlVirtualDeviceSize |
Definition at line 348 of file ntgdihdl.h.
Referenced by NtGdiSetSizeDevice().
SIZEL _DC_ATTR::szlWindowExt |
Definition at line 342 of file ntgdihdl.h.
Referenced by DC_vFixIsotropicMapping(), DC_vGetPageToDevice(), GetWindowExtEx(), IntGdiSetMapMode(), IntMirrorWindowOrg(), NtGdiScaleWindowExtEx(), PATH_FillPathEx(), PATH_StrokePath(), and SetWindowExtEx().
ULONG _DC_ATTR::ulBackgroundClr |
Definition at line 298 of file ntgdihdl.h.
Referenced by ExtTextOutW(), GetBkColor(), IntGdiSetBkColor(), PatBlt(), PolyPatBlt(), and SetBkColor().
ULONG _DC_ATTR::ulBrushClr |
Definition at line 302 of file ntgdihdl.h.
Referenced by GetDCBrushColor(), PatBlt(), PolyPatBlt(), and SetDCBrushColor().
ULONG _DC_ATTR::ulDirty_ |
Definition at line 294 of file ntgdihdl.h.
Referenced by CancelDC(), CreateCompatibleBitmap(), DC_vUpdateBackgroundBrush(), DC_vUpdateFillBrush(), DC_vUpdateLineBrush(), DC_vUpdateTextBrush(), ExtSelectClipRgn(), ExtTextOutW(), GdiFlushUserBatch(), GdiGetCodePage(), GdiIsPlayMetafileDC(), GdiPolyDraw(), GdiSelectBrush(), GdiSelectFont(), GdiSelectPen(), GetCurrentPositionEx(), GetDeviceCaps(), GreStretchBltMask(), IntExtTextOutW(), IntGdiLineTo(), IntGdiMoveToEx(), IntGdiPolyBezierTo(), IntGdiPolygon(), IntGdiPolylineTo(), IntGdiSetBkColor(), IntGdiSetTextColor(), IntGetCurrentPositionEx(), IntRectangle(), IntRoundRect(), MoveToEx(), NtGdiEllipse(), NtGdiFillPath(), NtGdiGetCharSet(), NtGdiGetDCObject(), NtGdiMaskBlt(), NtGdiStrokeAndFillPath(), NtGdiStrokePath(), OffsetViewportOrgEx(), OffsetWindowOrgEx(), PatBlt(), PolyPatBlt(), SetBkColor(), SetDCBrushColor(), SetDCPenColor(), SetGraphicsMode(), SetMapMode(), SetMapperFlags(), SetPolyFillMode(), SetROP2(), SetTextCharacterExtra(), SetTextColor(), SetTextJustification(), SetViewportExtEx(), SetViewportOrgEx(), SetWindowExtEx(), and SetWindowOrgEx().
ULONG _DC_ATTR::ulForegroundClr |
Definition at line 300 of file ntgdihdl.h.
Referenced by ExtTextOutW(), GetTextColor(), IntGdiSetTextColor(), PatBlt(), PolyPatBlt(), and SetTextColor().
ULONG _DC_ATTR::ulPenClr |
Definition at line 304 of file ntgdihdl.h.
Referenced by GetDCPenColor(), and SetDCPenColor().
RGN_ATTR _DC_ATTR::VisRectRegion |
Definition at line 350 of file ntgdihdl.h.
Referenced by ExtSelectClipRgn().