ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-188-g678aa63
IBrowserService Interface Reference
Inheritance diagram for IBrowserService:
Collaboration diagram for IBrowserService:

Public Member Functions

HRESULT GetParentSite ([out] IOleInPlaceSite **ppipsite)
HRESULT SetTitle ([in] IShellView *psv, [in] LPCWSTR pszName)
HRESULT GetTitle ([in] IShellView *psv, [out, size_is(cchName)] LPWSTR pszName, [in] DWORD cchName)
HRESULT GetOleObject ([out] IOleObject **ppobjv)
HRESULT GetTravelLog ([out, optional] ITravelLog **pptl)
HRESULT ShowControlWindow ([in] UINT id, [in] BOOL fShow)
HRESULT IsControlWindowShown ([in] UINT id, [out] BOOL *pfShown)
HRESULT IEGetDisplayName ([in] PCIDLIST_ABSOLUTE pidl, [out] LPWSTR pwszName, [in] UINT uFlags)
HRESULT IEParseDisplayName ([in] UINT uiCP, [in] LPCWSTR pwszPath, [out] PIDLIST_ABSOLUTE *ppidlOut)
HRESULT DisplayParseError ([in] HRESULT hres, [in] LPCWSTR pwszPath)
HRESULT NavigateToPidl ([in] PCIDLIST_ABSOLUTE pidl, [in] DWORD grfHLNF)
HRESULT SetNavigateState ([in] BNSTATE bnstate)
HRESULT GetNavigateState ([out] BNSTATE *pbnstate)
HRESULT NotifyRedirect ([in] IShellView *psv, [in] PCIDLIST_ABSOLUTE pidl, [out] BOOL *pfDidBrowse)
HRESULT UpdateWindowList ()
HRESULT UpdateBackForwardState ()
HRESULT SetFlags ([in] DWORD dwFlags, [in] DWORD dwFlagMask)
HRESULT GetFlags ([out] DWORD *pdwFlags)
HRESULT CanNavigateNow ()
DWORD GetBrowserIndex ()
HRESULT GetBrowserByIndex ([in] DWORD dwID, [out] IUnknown **ppunk)
HRESULT GetHistoryObject ([out] IOleObject **ppole, [out] IStream **pstm, [out] IBindCtx **ppbc)
HRESULT SetHistoryObject ([in] IOleObject *pole, [in] BOOL fIsLocalAnchor)
HRESULT CacheOLEServer ([in] IOleObject *pole)
HRESULT GetSetCodePage ([in] VARIANT *pvarIn, [out] VARIANT *pvarOut)
HRESULT OnHttpEquiv ([in] IShellView *psv, [in] BOOL fDone, [in] VARIANT *pvarargIn, [out] VARIANT *pvarargOut)
HRESULT GetPalette ([out] HPALETTE *hpal)
HRESULT RegisterWindow ([in] BOOL fForceRegister, [in] int swc)
- Public Member Functions inherited from IUnknown
HRESULT QueryInterface ([in] REFIID riid, [out, iid_is(riid)] void **ppvObject)
ULONG AddRef ()
ULONG Release ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from IUnknown
typedef IUnknownLPUNKNOWN

Detailed Description

Definition at line 187 of file shdeprecated.idl.

Member Function Documentation

◆ CacheOLEServer()

HRESULT IBrowserService::CacheOLEServer ( [in] IOleObject pole)

Implemented in CCommonBrowser, and CShellBrowser.

◆ CanNavigateNow()

HRESULT IBrowserService::CanNavigateNow ( )

Implemented in CCommonBrowser, and CShellBrowser.

◆ DisplayParseError()

HRESULT IBrowserService::DisplayParseError ( [in] HRESULT  hres,
[in] LPCWSTR  pwszPath 

Implemented in CCommonBrowser, and CShellBrowser.

◆ GetBrowserByIndex()

HRESULT IBrowserService::GetBrowserByIndex ( [in] DWORD  dwID,
[out] IUnknown **  ppunk 

Implemented in CCommonBrowser, and CShellBrowser.

◆ GetBrowserIndex()

DWORD IBrowserService::GetBrowserIndex ( )

◆ GetFlags()

HRESULT IBrowserService::GetFlags ( [out] DWORD pdwFlags)

Implemented in CCommonBrowser, and CShellBrowser.

◆ GetHistoryObject()

HRESULT IBrowserService::GetHistoryObject ( [out] IOleObject **  ppole,
[out] IStream **  pstm,
[out] IBindCtx **  ppbc 

Implemented in CCommonBrowser, and CShellBrowser.

◆ GetNavigateState()

HRESULT IBrowserService::GetNavigateState ( [out] BNSTATE pbnstate)

Implemented in CCommonBrowser, and CShellBrowser.

◆ GetOleObject()

HRESULT IBrowserService::GetOleObject ( [out] IOleObject **  ppobjv)

Implemented in CCommonBrowser, and CShellBrowser.

◆ GetPalette()

HRESULT IBrowserService::GetPalette ( [out] HPALETTE *  hpal)

Implemented in CCommonBrowser, and CShellBrowser.

◆ GetParentSite()

HRESULT IBrowserService::GetParentSite ( [out] IOleInPlaceSite **  ppipsite)

Implemented in CCommonBrowser, and CShellBrowser.

◆ GetPidl()

HRESULT IBrowserService::GetPidl ( [out] PIDLIST_ABSOLUTE ppidl)

◆ GetSetCodePage()

HRESULT IBrowserService::GetSetCodePage ( [in] VARIANT pvarIn,
[out] VARIANT pvarOut 

Implemented in CCommonBrowser, and CShellBrowser.

◆ GetTitle()

HRESULT IBrowserService::GetTitle ( [in] IShellView psv,
[out, size_is(cchName)] LPWSTR  pszName,
[in] DWORD  cchName 

Implemented in CCommonBrowser, and CShellBrowser.

◆ GetTravelLog()

HRESULT IBrowserService::GetTravelLog ( [out, optional] ITravelLog **  pptl)

Implemented in CCommonBrowser, and CShellBrowser.

◆ IEGetDisplayName()

HRESULT IBrowserService::IEGetDisplayName ( [in] PCIDLIST_ABSOLUTE  pidl,
[out] LPWSTR  pwszName,
[in] UINT  uFlags 

◆ IEParseDisplayName()

HRESULT IBrowserService::IEParseDisplayName ( [in] UINT  uiCP,
[in] LPCWSTR  pwszPath,
[out] PIDLIST_ABSOLUTE ppidlOut 

◆ IsControlWindowShown()

HRESULT IBrowserService::IsControlWindowShown ( [in] UINT  id,
[out] BOOL pfShown 

Implemented in CCommonBrowser, and CShellBrowser.

◆ NavigateToPidl()

HRESULT IBrowserService::NavigateToPidl ( [in] PCIDLIST_ABSOLUTE  pidl,
[in] DWORD  grfHLNF 

◆ NotifyRedirect()

HRESULT IBrowserService::NotifyRedirect ( [in] IShellView psv,
[out] BOOL pfDidBrowse 

◆ OnHttpEquiv()

HRESULT IBrowserService::OnHttpEquiv ( [in] IShellView psv,
[in] BOOL  fDone,
[in] VARIANT pvarargIn,
[out] VARIANT pvarargOut 

Implemented in CCommonBrowser, and CShellBrowser.

◆ RegisterWindow()

HRESULT IBrowserService::RegisterWindow ( [in] BOOL  fForceRegister,
[in] int  swc 

Implemented in CCommonBrowser, and CShellBrowser.

◆ SetFlags()

HRESULT IBrowserService::SetFlags ( [in] DWORD  dwFlags,
[in] DWORD  dwFlagMask 

Implemented in CCommonBrowser, and CShellBrowser.

◆ SetHistoryObject()

HRESULT IBrowserService::SetHistoryObject ( [in] IOleObject pole,
[in] BOOL  fIsLocalAnchor 

Implemented in CCommonBrowser, and CShellBrowser.

◆ SetNavigateState()

HRESULT IBrowserService::SetNavigateState ( [in] BNSTATE  bnstate)

Implemented in CCommonBrowser, and CShellBrowser.

◆ SetReferrer()

HRESULT IBrowserService::SetReferrer ( [in] PCIDLIST_ABSOLUTE  pidl)

◆ SetTitle()

HRESULT IBrowserService::SetTitle ( [in] IShellView psv,
[in] LPCWSTR  pszName 

Implemented in CCommonBrowser, and CShellBrowser.

◆ ShowControlWindow()

HRESULT IBrowserService::ShowControlWindow ( [in] UINT  id,
[in] BOOL  fShow 

Implemented in CCommonBrowser, and CShellBrowser.

◆ UpdateBackForwardState()

HRESULT IBrowserService::UpdateBackForwardState ( )

Implemented in CCommonBrowser, and CShellBrowser.

◆ UpdateWindowList()

HRESULT IBrowserService::UpdateWindowList ( )

Implemented in CCommonBrowser, and CShellBrowser.

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: