ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-597-gdbf7844
IShellLinkW Interface Reference
Inheritance diagram for IShellLinkW:
Collaboration diagram for IShellLinkW:

Public Member Functions

HRESULT GetPath ([out, size_is(cch)] LPWSTR pszFile, [in] int cch, [in, out] WIN32_FIND_DATAW *pfd, [in] DWORD fFlags)
HRESULT GetDescription ([out, size_is(cch)] LPWSTR pszName, [in] int cch)
HRESULT SetDescription ([in] LPCWSTR pszName)
HRESULT GetWorkingDirectory ([out, size_is(cch)] LPWSTR pszDir, [in] int cch)
HRESULT SetWorkingDirectory ([in] LPCWSTR pszDir)
HRESULT GetArguments ([out, size_is(cch)] LPWSTR pszArgs, [in] int cch)
HRESULT SetArguments ([in] LPCWSTR pszArgs)
HRESULT GetHotkey ([out] WORD *pwHotkey)
HRESULT SetHotkey ([in] WORD wHotkey)
HRESULT GetShowCmd ([out] int *piShowCmd)
HRESULT SetShowCmd ([in] int iShowCmd)
HRESULT GetIconLocation ([out, size_is(cch)] LPWSTR pszIconPath, [in] int cch, [out] int *piIcon)
HRESULT SetIconLocation ([in] LPCWSTR pszIconPath, [in] int iIcon)
HRESULT SetRelativePath ([in] LPCWSTR pszPathRel, [in] DWORD dwReserved)
HRESULT Resolve ([in] HWND hwnd, [in] DWORD fFlags)
HRESULT SetPath ([in] LPCWSTR pszFile)
- Public Member Functions inherited from IUnknown
HRESULT QueryInterface ([in] REFIID riid, [out, iid_is(riid)] void **ppvObject)
ULONG AddRef ()
ULONG Release ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from IUnknown
typedef IUnknownLPUNKNOWN

Detailed Description

Definition at line 1219 of file shobjidl.idl.

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetArguments()

HRESULT IShellLinkW::GetArguments ( [out, size_is(cch)] LPWSTR  pszArgs,
[in] int  cch 

◆ GetDescription()

HRESULT IShellLinkW::GetDescription ( [out, size_is(cch)] LPWSTR  pszName,
[in] int  cch 

◆ GetHotkey()

HRESULT IShellLinkW::GetHotkey ( [out] WORD pwHotkey)

Implemented in CShellLink.

◆ GetIconLocation()

HRESULT IShellLinkW::GetIconLocation ( [out, size_is(cch)] LPWSTR  pszIconPath,
[in] int  cch,
[out] int piIcon 

◆ GetIDList()

HRESULT IShellLinkW::GetIDList ( [out] PIDLIST_ABSOLUTE ppidl)

Implemented in CShellLink.

◆ GetPath()

HRESULT IShellLinkW::GetPath ( [out, size_is(cch)] LPWSTR  pszFile,
[in] int  cch,
[in, out] WIN32_FIND_DATAW pfd,
[in] DWORD  fFlags 

◆ GetShowCmd()

HRESULT IShellLinkW::GetShowCmd ( [out] int piShowCmd)

◆ GetWorkingDirectory()

HRESULT IShellLinkW::GetWorkingDirectory ( [out, size_is(cch)] LPWSTR  pszDir,
[in] int  cch 

◆ Resolve()

HRESULT IShellLinkW::Resolve ( [in] HWND  hwnd,
[in] DWORD  fFlags 

Implemented in CShellLink.

◆ SetArguments()

HRESULT IShellLinkW::SetArguments ( [in] LPCWSTR  pszArgs)

Implemented in CShellLink.

Referenced by AddDesktopItemW(), AddItemW(), and CreateShortcut().

◆ SetDescription()

HRESULT IShellLinkW::SetDescription ( [in] LPCWSTR  pszName)

Implemented in CShellLink.

Referenced by AddDesktopItemW(), AddItemW(), and CreateShortcut().

◆ SetHotkey()

HRESULT IShellLinkW::SetHotkey ( [in] WORD  wHotkey)

Implemented in CShellLink.

Referenced by AddDesktopItemW(), and AddItemW().

◆ SetIconLocation()

HRESULT IShellLinkW::SetIconLocation ( [in] LPCWSTR  pszIconPath,
[in] int  iIcon 

Referenced by AddDesktopItemW(), and AddItemW().

◆ SetIDList()

HRESULT IShellLinkW::SetIDList ( [in] PCIDLIST_ABSOLUTE  pidl)

Implemented in CShellLink.

Referenced by CreateShortcut().

◆ SetPath()

HRESULT IShellLinkW::SetPath ( [in] LPCWSTR  pszFile)

Implemented in CShellLink.

Referenced by AddDesktopItemW(), AddItemW(), and CreateShortcut().

◆ SetRelativePath()

HRESULT IShellLinkW::SetRelativePath ( [in] LPCWSTR  pszPathRel,
[in] DWORD  dwReserved 

Implemented in CShellLink.

◆ SetShowCmd()

HRESULT IShellLinkW::SetShowCmd ( [in] int  iShowCmd)

Referenced by AddDesktopItemW(), and AddItemW().

◆ SetWorkingDirectory()

HRESULT IShellLinkW::SetWorkingDirectory ( [in] LPCWSTR  pszDir)

Implemented in CShellLink.

Referenced by AddDesktopItemW(), and AddItemW().

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: