ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-598-gc07fba4
ICorDebugAppDomain Interface Reference
Inheritance diagram for ICorDebugAppDomain:
Collaboration diagram for ICorDebugAppDomain:

Public Member Functions

HRESULT GetProcess ([out] ICorDebugProcess **ppProcess)
HRESULT EnumerateAssemblies ([out] ICorDebugAssemblyEnum **ppAssemblies)
HRESULT GetModuleFromMetaDataInterface ([in] IUnknown *pIMetaData, [out] ICorDebugModule **ppModule)
HRESULT EnumerateBreakpoints ([out] ICorDebugBreakpointEnum **ppBreakpoints)
HRESULT EnumerateSteppers ([out] ICorDebugStepperEnum **ppSteppers)
HRESULT IsAttached ([out] BOOL *pbAttached)
HRESULT GetName ([in] ULONG32 cchName, [out] ULONG32 *pcchName, [out] WCHAR szName[])
HRESULT GetObject ([out] ICorDebugValue **ppObject)
HRESULT Attach ()
HRESULT GetID ([out] ULONG32 *pId)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ICorDebugController
HRESULT Stop ([in] DWORD dwTimeoutIgnored)
HRESULT Continue ([in] BOOL fIsOutOfBand)
HRESULT IsRunning ([out] BOOL *pbRunning)
HRESULT HasQueuedCallbacks ([in] ICorDebugThread *pThread, [out] BOOL *pbQueued)
HRESULT EnumerateThreads ([out] ICorDebugThreadEnum **ppThreads)
HRESULT SetAllThreadsDebugState ([in] CorDebugThreadState state, [in] ICorDebugThread *pExceptThisThread)
HRESULT Detach ()
HRESULT Terminate ([in] UINT exitCode)
HRESULT CanCommitChanges ([in] ULONG cSnapshots, [in] ICorDebugEditAndContinueSnapshot *pSnapshots[], [out] ICorDebugErrorInfoEnum **pError)
HRESULT CommitChanges ([in] ULONG cSnapshots, [in] ICorDebugEditAndContinueSnapshot *pSnapshots[], [out] ICorDebugErrorInfoEnum **pError)
- Public Member Functions inherited from IUnknown
HRESULT QueryInterface ([in] REFIID riid, [out, iid_is(riid)] void **ppvObject)
ULONG AddRef ()
ULONG Release ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from IUnknown
typedef IUnknownLPUNKNOWN

Detailed Description

Definition at line 256 of file cordebug.idl.

Member Function Documentation

◆ Attach()

HRESULT ICorDebugAppDomain::Attach ( )

◆ EnumerateAssemblies()

HRESULT ICorDebugAppDomain::EnumerateAssemblies ( [out] ICorDebugAssemblyEnum **  ppAssemblies)

◆ EnumerateBreakpoints()

HRESULT ICorDebugAppDomain::EnumerateBreakpoints ( [out] ICorDebugBreakpointEnum **  ppBreakpoints)

◆ EnumerateSteppers()

HRESULT ICorDebugAppDomain::EnumerateSteppers ( [out] ICorDebugStepperEnum **  ppSteppers)

◆ GetID()

HRESULT ICorDebugAppDomain::GetID ( [out] ULONG32 pId)

◆ GetModuleFromMetaDataInterface()

HRESULT ICorDebugAppDomain::GetModuleFromMetaDataInterface ( [in] IUnknown pIMetaData,
[out] ICorDebugModule **  ppModule 

◆ GetName()

HRESULT ICorDebugAppDomain::GetName ( [in] ULONG32  cchName,
[out] ULONG32 pcchName,
[out] WCHAR  szName[] 

◆ GetObject()

HRESULT ICorDebugAppDomain::GetObject ( [out] ICorDebugValue **  ppObject)

◆ GetProcess()

HRESULT ICorDebugAppDomain::GetProcess ( [out] ICorDebugProcess **  ppProcess)

◆ IsAttached()

HRESULT ICorDebugAppDomain::IsAttached ( [out] BOOL pbAttached)

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: