HRESULT | Initialize ([in, unique] IPropertyBag2 *pIEncoderOptions) |
HRESULT | SetSize ([in] UINT uiWidth, [in] UINT uiHeight) |
HRESULT | SetResolution ([in] double dpiX, [in] double dpiY) |
HRESULT | SetPixelFormat ([in, out] WICPixelFormatGUID *pPixelFormat) |
HRESULT | SetColorContexts ([in] UINT cCount, [in, size_is(cCount)] IWICColorContext **ppIColorContext) |
HRESULT | SetPalette ([in] IWICPalette *pIPalette) |
HRESULT | SetThumbnail ([in] IWICBitmapSource *pIThumbnail) |
HRESULT | WritePixels ([in] UINT lineCount, [in] UINT cbStride, [in] UINT cbBufferSize, [in, size_is(cbBufferSize)] BYTE *pbPixels) |
HRESULT | WriteSource ([in] IWICBitmapSource *pIBitmapSource, [in, unique] WICRect *prc) |
HRESULT | Commit () |
HRESULT | GetMetadataQueryWriter (IWICMetadataQueryWriter **ppIMetadataQueryWriter) |
HRESULT | QueryInterface ([in] REFIID riid, [out, iid_is(riid)] void **ppvObject) |
ULONG | AddRef () |
ULONG | Release () |
Definition at line 776 of file wincodec.idl.
◆ Commit()
HRESULT IWICBitmapFrameEncode::Commit |
( |
| ) |
◆ GetMetadataQueryWriter()
◆ Initialize()
◆ SetColorContexts()
◆ SetPalette()
◆ SetPixelFormat()
◆ SetResolution()
◆ SetSize()
HRESULT IWICBitmapFrameEncode::SetSize |
( |
[in] UINT |
uiWidth, |
[in] UINT |
uiHeight |
) |
| |
◆ SetThumbnail()
◆ WritePixels()
HRESULT IWICBitmapFrameEncode::WritePixels |
( |
[in] UINT |
lineCount, |
[in] UINT |
cbStride, |
[in] UINT |
cbBufferSize, |
[in, size_is(cbBufferSize)] BYTE * |
pbPixels |
) |
| |
◆ WriteSource()
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