ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-752-g47bae01
ichreg.h File Reference
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const ULONG PI_BDBAR = 0x00
const ULONG PI_CIV = 0x04
const ULONG PI_LVI = 0x05
const ULONG PI_SR = 0x06
const ULONG PI_PICB = 0x08
const ULONG PI_PIV = 0x0A
const ULONG PI_CR = 0x0B
const ULONG PO_BDBAR = 0x10
const ULONG PO_CIV = 0x14
const ULONG PO_LVI = 0x15
const ULONG PO_SR = 0x16
const ULONG PO_PICB = 0x18
const ULONG PO_PIV = 0x1A
const ULONG PO_CR = 0x1B
const ULONG MC_BDBAR = 0x20
const ULONG MC_CIV = 0x24
const ULONG MC_LVI = 0x25
const ULONG MC_SR = 0x26
const ULONG MC_PICB = 0x28
const ULONG MC_PIV = 0x2A
const ULONG MC_CR = 0x2B
const ULONG GLOB_CNT = 0x2C
const ULONG GLOB_STA = 0x30
const ULONG CAS = 0x34
const ULONG X_PI_BASE = 0x00
const ULONG X_PO_BASE = 0x10
const ULONG X_MC_BASE = 0x20
const ULONG X_BDBAR = 0x00
const ULONG X_CIV = 0x04
const ULONG X_LVI = 0x05
const ULONG X_SR = 0x06
const ULONG X_PICB = 0x08
const ULONG X_PIV = 0x0A
const ULONG X_CR = 0x0B
const USHORT SR_FIFOE = 0x0010
const USHORT SR_BCIS = 0x0008
const USHORT SR_LVBCI = 0x0004
const USHORT SR_CELV = 0x0002
const ULONG GLOB_CNT_PCM6 = 0x00200000
const ULONG GLOB_CNT_PCM4 = 0x00100000
const ULONG GLOB_CNT_SRIE = 0x00000020
const ULONG GLOB_CNT_PRIE = 0x00000010
const ULONG GLOB_CNT_ACLOFF = 0x00000008
const ULONG GLOB_CNT_WARM = 0x00000004
const ULONG GLOB_CNT_COLD = 0x00000002
const ULONG GLOB_CNT_GIE = 0x00000001
const ULONG GLOB_STA_MC6 = 0x00200000
const ULONG GLOB_STA_MC4 = 0x00100000
const ULONG GLOB_STA_MD3 = 0x00020000
const ULONG GLOB_STA_AD3 = 0x00010000
const ULONG GLOB_STA_RCS = 0x00008000
const ULONG GLOB_STA_B3S12 = 0x00004000
const ULONG GLOB_STA_B2S12 = 0x00002000
const ULONG GLOB_STA_B1S12 = 0x00001000
const ULONG GLOB_STA_SRI = 0x00000800
const ULONG GLOB_STA_PRI = 0x00000400
const ULONG GLOB_STA_SCR = 0x00000200
const ULONG GLOB_STA_PCR = 0x00000100
const ULONG GLOB_STA_MINT = 0x00000080
const ULONG GLOB_STA_POINT = 0x00000040
const ULONG GLOB_STA_PIINT = 0x00000020
const ULONG GLOB_STA_MOINT = 0x00000004
const UCHAR CAS_CAS = 0x01
const UCHAR CR_IOCE = 0x10
const UCHAR CR_FEIE = 0x08
const UCHAR CR_LVBIE = 0x04
const UCHAR CR_RPBM = 0x01
const UCHAR CR_RR = 0x02
const USHORT IOC_ENABLE = 0x8000
const USHORT BUP_SET = 0x4000

Variable Documentation


const USHORT BUP_SET = 0x4000


const ULONG CAS = 0x34

Definition at line 44 of file ichreg.h.

Referenced by CAC97AdapterCommon::AcquireCodecSemiphore().


const UCHAR CAS_CAS = 0x01

Definition at line 93 of file ichreg.h.

Referenced by CAC97AdapterCommon::AcquireCodecSemiphore().


const UCHAR CR_FEIE = 0x08

Definition at line 97 of file ichreg.h.


const UCHAR CR_IOCE = 0x10

Definition at line 96 of file ichreg.h.

Referenced by CMiniportStream::ResetDMA().


const UCHAR CR_LVBIE = 0x04

Definition at line 98 of file ichreg.h.

Referenced by CMiniportStream::ResetDMA().


const UCHAR CR_RPBM = 0x01

Definition at line 99 of file ichreg.h.

Referenced by CMiniportStream::UpdateDMA().


const UCHAR CR_RR = 0x02

Definition at line 100 of file ichreg.h.

Referenced by CMiniportStream::ResetDMA().


const ULONG GLOB_CNT = 0x2C

Definition at line 42 of file ichreg.h.

Referenced by CAC97AdapterCommon::PrimaryCodecReady(), and STDMETHODIMP_().


const ULONG GLOB_CNT_ACLOFF = 0x00000008

Definition at line 69 of file ichreg.h.

Referenced by CAC97AdapterCommon::PrimaryCodecReady(), and STDMETHODIMP_().


const ULONG GLOB_CNT_COLD = 0x00000002

Definition at line 71 of file ichreg.h.

Referenced by CAC97AdapterCommon::PrimaryCodecReady(), and STDMETHODIMP_().


const ULONG GLOB_CNT_GIE = 0x00000001

Definition at line 72 of file ichreg.h.


const ULONG GLOB_CNT_PCM4 = 0x00100000

Definition at line 66 of file ichreg.h.


const ULONG GLOB_CNT_PCM6 = 0x00200000

Definition at line 65 of file ichreg.h.


const ULONG GLOB_CNT_PRIE = 0x00000010

Definition at line 68 of file ichreg.h.

Referenced by CAC97AdapterCommon::PrimaryCodecReady().


const ULONG GLOB_CNT_SRIE = 0x00000020

Definition at line 67 of file ichreg.h.


const ULONG GLOB_CNT_WARM = 0x00000004

Definition at line 70 of file ichreg.h.



const ULONG GLOB_STA_AD3 = 0x00010000

Definition at line 78 of file ichreg.h.

Referenced by STDMETHODIMP_().


const ULONG GLOB_STA_B1S12 = 0x00001000

Definition at line 82 of file ichreg.h.


const ULONG GLOB_STA_B2S12 = 0x00002000

Definition at line 81 of file ichreg.h.


const ULONG GLOB_STA_B3S12 = 0x00004000

Definition at line 80 of file ichreg.h.


const ULONG GLOB_STA_MC4 = 0x00100000

Definition at line 76 of file ichreg.h.

Referenced by CAC97AdapterCommon::ProbeHWConfig().


const ULONG GLOB_STA_MC6 = 0x00200000

Definition at line 75 of file ichreg.h.

Referenced by CAC97AdapterCommon::ProbeHWConfig().


const ULONG GLOB_STA_MD3 = 0x00020000

Definition at line 77 of file ichreg.h.

Referenced by STDMETHODIMP_().


const ULONG GLOB_STA_MINT = 0x00000080

Definition at line 87 of file ichreg.h.

Referenced by CMiniport::InterruptServiceRoutine().


const ULONG GLOB_STA_MOINT = 0x00000004

Definition at line 90 of file ichreg.h.


const ULONG GLOB_STA_PCR = 0x00000100

Definition at line 86 of file ichreg.h.

Referenced by CAC97AdapterCommon::PrimaryCodecReady().


const ULONG GLOB_STA_PIINT = 0x00000020

Definition at line 89 of file ichreg.h.

Referenced by CMiniport::InterruptServiceRoutine().


const ULONG GLOB_STA_POINT = 0x00000040

Definition at line 88 of file ichreg.h.

Referenced by CMiniport::InterruptServiceRoutine().


const ULONG GLOB_STA_PRI = 0x00000400

Definition at line 84 of file ichreg.h.


const ULONG GLOB_STA_RCS = 0x00008000

Definition at line 79 of file ichreg.h.


const ULONG GLOB_STA_SCR = 0x00000200

Definition at line 85 of file ichreg.h.

Referenced by STDMETHODIMP_().


const ULONG GLOB_STA_SRI = 0x00000800

Definition at line 83 of file ichreg.h.



const ULONG MC_BDBAR = 0x20

Definition at line 35 of file ichreg.h.

Referenced by CMiniportStream::Init().


const ULONG MC_CIV = 0x24

Definition at line 36 of file ichreg.h.


const ULONG MC_CR = 0x2B

Definition at line 41 of file ichreg.h.


const ULONG MC_LVI = 0x25

Definition at line 37 of file ichreg.h.


const ULONG MC_PICB = 0x28

Definition at line 39 of file ichreg.h.


const ULONG MC_PIV = 0x2A

Definition at line 40 of file ichreg.h.


const ULONG MC_SR = 0x26

Definition at line 38 of file ichreg.h.

Referenced by CMiniport::InterruptServiceRoutine().


const ULONG PI_BDBAR = 0x00

Definition at line 21 of file ichreg.h.

Referenced by CMiniportStream::Init().


const ULONG PI_CIV = 0x04

Definition at line 22 of file ichreg.h.


const ULONG PI_CR = 0x0B

Definition at line 27 of file ichreg.h.


const ULONG PI_LVI = 0x05

Definition at line 23 of file ichreg.h.


const ULONG PI_PICB = 0x08

Definition at line 25 of file ichreg.h.


const ULONG PI_PIV = 0x0A

Definition at line 26 of file ichreg.h.


const ULONG PI_SR = 0x06

Definition at line 24 of file ichreg.h.

Referenced by CMiniport::InterruptServiceRoutine().


const ULONG PO_BDBAR = 0x10

Definition at line 28 of file ichreg.h.

Referenced by CMiniportStream::Init().


const ULONG PO_CIV = 0x14

Definition at line 29 of file ichreg.h.


const ULONG PO_CR = 0x1B

Definition at line 34 of file ichreg.h.


const ULONG PO_LVI = 0x15

Definition at line 30 of file ichreg.h.


const ULONG PO_PICB = 0x18

Definition at line 32 of file ichreg.h.


const ULONG PO_PIV = 0x1A

Definition at line 33 of file ichreg.h.


const ULONG PO_SR = 0x16

Definition at line 31 of file ichreg.h.

Referenced by CMiniport::InterruptServiceRoutine().



Definition at line 17 of file ichreg.h.



Definition at line 18 of file ichreg.h.


const USHORT SR_BCIS = 0x0008

Definition at line 60 of file ichreg.h.


const USHORT SR_CELV = 0x0002


const USHORT SR_FIFOE = 0x0010

Definition at line 59 of file ichreg.h.


const USHORT SR_LVBCI = 0x0004

Definition at line 61 of file ichreg.h.


const ULONG X_BDBAR = 0x00

Definition at line 50 of file ichreg.h.


◆ X_CR



const ULONG X_MC_BASE = 0x20

Definition at line 49 of file ichreg.h.


const ULONG X_PI_BASE = 0x00

Definition at line 47 of file ichreg.h.


const ULONG X_PICB = 0x08

Definition at line 54 of file ichreg.h.

Referenced by CMiniportStream::GetBuffPos().


const ULONG X_PIV = 0x0A

Definition at line 55 of file ichreg.h.


const ULONG X_PO_BASE = 0x10

Definition at line 48 of file ichreg.h.

◆ X_SR