26#if defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_M_AMD64)
27static const PCSTR BootSectorFilePrompt =
28 "Enter the boot sector file path.\n"
29 "Leave blank for booting a disk or partition.\n"
34static const PCSTR LinuxKernelPrompt =
35 "Enter the Linux kernel image path.\n"
39 "/boot/vmlinuz-2.4.18";
40static const PCSTR LinuxInitrdPrompt =
41 "Enter the initrd image path.\n"
42 "Leave blank for no initial ramdisk.\n"
47static const PCSTR LinuxCommandLinePrompt =
48 "Enter the Linux kernel command line.\n"
52 "root=/dev/fd0 read-only\n"
53 "root=/dev/sdb1 init=/sbin/init";
57 "Enter the boot drive.\n"
60 "fd0 - first floppy drive\n"
61 "hd0 - first hard drive\n"
62 "hd1 - second hard drive\n"
63 "cd0 - first CD-ROM drive.\n"
65 "BIOS drive numbers may also be used:\n"
66 "0 - first floppy drive\n"
67 "0x80 - first hard drive\n"
68 "0x81 - second hard drive";
70 "Enter the boot partition.\n";
80 "Enter the boot ARC path.\n"
83 "multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\n"
84 "multi(0)disk(0)fdisk(0)";
87 "Enter the path to your ReactOS system directory.\n"
93 "Enter the load options you want passed to the kernel.\n"
101 "Enter additional load options you want passed to the ReactOS Setup.\n"
102 "These options will supplement those obtained from the TXTSETUP.SIF\n"
103 "file, unless you also specify the /SIFOPTIONSOVERRIDE option switch.\n"
109 "Press ENTER to boot your custom boot setup.";
117 PCSTR CustomBootMenuList[] = {
118#if defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_M_AMD64)
119 "Boot Sector (Disk/Partition/File)",
125 ULONG SelectedMenuItem;
142 switch (SelectedMenuItem)
144#if defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_M_AMD64)
146 EditCustomBootSector(&OperatingSystem);
149 EditCustomBootLinux(&OperatingSystem);
177#if defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_M_AMD64)
184 ULONG_PTR SectionId = OperatingSystem->SectionId;
185 CHAR SectionName[100];
198 CHAR BootSectorFile[200];
214 if (!*BootStrings.ArcPath)
218 IniReadSettingByName(SectionId,
"BootPartition", BootStrings.Partition,
225 if (!*BootStrings.ArcPath)
230 if (*BootStrings.Drive)
236 if (!*BootStrings.Drive)
243 if ((!*BootStrings.ArcPath &&
atoi(BootStrings.Partition) != 0) ||
244 (*BootStrings.ArcPath && !
")partition()") &&
245 !
247 if (!
UiEditBox(BootSectorFilePrompt, BootSectorFile,
256 if (*BootStrings.ArcPath)
260 else if (*BootStrings.Drive)
285 "CustomBootSector%u%u%u%u%u%u",
298 if (*BootStrings.ArcPath)
303 else if (*BootStrings.Drive)
320 OperatingSystem->SectionId = SectionId;
321 OperatingSystem->LoadIdentifier =
329 ULONG_PTR SectionId = OperatingSystem->SectionId;
330 CHAR SectionName[100];
343 CHAR LinuxKernelString[200];
344 CHAR LinuxInitrdString[200];
345 CHAR LinuxCommandLineString[200];
351 RtlZeroMemory(LinuxCommandLineString,
363 if (!*BootStrings.ArcPath)
367 IniReadSettingByName(SectionId,
"BootPartition", BootStrings.Partition,
372 IniReadSettingByName(SectionId,
"CommandLine", LinuxCommandLineString,
375 if (!*BootStrings.ArcPath)
380 if (*BootStrings.Drive)
386 if (!*BootStrings.Drive)
392 if (!
UiEditBox(LinuxKernelPrompt, LinuxKernelString,
395 if (!
UiEditBox(LinuxInitrdPrompt, LinuxInitrdString,
398 if (!
UiEditBox(LinuxCommandLinePrompt, LinuxCommandLineString,
405 if (*BootStrings.ArcPath)
409 else if (*BootStrings.Drive)
435 "CustomLinux%u%u%u%u%u%u",
448 if (*BootStrings.ArcPath)
453 else if (*BootStrings.Drive)
468 if (*LinuxInitrdString)
478 OperatingSystem->SectionId = SectionId;
479 OperatingSystem->LoadIdentifier =
"Custom Linux Setup";
490 ULONG_PTR SectionId = OperatingSystem->SectionId;
491 CHAR SectionName[100];
492 CHAR BootDriveString[20];
493 CHAR BootPartitionString[20];
494 CHAR ReactOSSystemPath[200];
495 CHAR ReactOSARCPath[200];
496 CHAR ReactOSOptions[200];
500 RtlZeroMemory(BootPartitionString,
543 "CustomReactOS%u%u%u%u%u%u",
558 atoi(BootPartitionString));
568 OperatingSystem->SectionId = SectionId;
569 OperatingSystem->LoadIdentifier =
char * strstr(char *String1, char *String2)
VOID ConstructArcPath(PCHAR ArcPath, PCHAR SystemFolder, UCHAR Disk, ULONG Partition)
static const PCSTR BootPartitionPrompt
VOID EditCustomBootReactOS(IN OUT OperatingSystemItem *OperatingSystem, IN BOOLEAN IsSetup)
static const PCSTR ARCPathPrompt
static const PCSTR ReactOSSetupOptionsPrompt
static const PCSTR ReactOSSystemPathPrompt
static const PCSTR BootDrivePrompt
static const PCSTR CustomBootPrompt
static const PCSTR ReactOSOptionsPrompt
#define DriveMapGetBiosDriveNumber(DeviceName)
BOOLEAN UiEditBox(PCSTR MessageText, PCHAR EditTextBuffer, ULONG Length)
BOOLEAN UiDisplayMenu(IN PCSTR MenuHeader, IN PCSTR MenuFooter OPTIONAL, IN PCSTR MenuItemList[], IN ULONG MenuItemCount, IN ULONG DefaultMenuItem, IN LONG MenuTimeOut, OUT PULONG SelectedMenuItem, IN BOOLEAN CanEscape, IN UiMenuKeyPressFilterCallback KeyPressFilter OPTIONAL, IN PVOID Context OPTIONAL)
VOID UiMessageBox(_In_ PCSTR Format,...)
VOID OptionMenuCustomBoot(VOID)
VOID OptionMenuReboot(VOID)
VOID LoadOperatingSystem(_In_ OperatingSystemItem *OperatingSystem)
_Check_return_ int __cdecl atoi(_In_z_ const char *_Str)
PINI_SECTION IniAddSection(_In_ PINICACHE Cache, _In_ PCWSTR Name)
BOOLEAN IniAddSettingValueToSection(ULONG_PTR SectionId, PCSTR SettingName, PCSTR SettingValue)
BOOLEAN IniModifySettingValue(ULONG_PTR SectionId, PCSTR SettingName, PCSTR SettingValue)
BOOLEAN IniReadSettingByName(ULONG_PTR SectionId, PCSTR SettingName, PCHAR Buffer, ULONG BufferSize)
NTSTRSAFEVAPI RtlStringCbPrintfA(_Out_writes_bytes_(cbDest) _Always_(_Post_z_) NTSTRSAFE_PSTR pszDest, _In_ size_t cbDest, _In_ _Printf_format_string_ NTSTRSAFE_PCSTR pszFormat,...)
#define RtlZeroMemory(Destination, Length)