ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-13-ge2fc578
Go to the documentation of this file.
2* PROJECT: Global Flags utility
3* LICENSE: GPL-2.0 (
4* PURPOSE: Global Flags utility page heap options
5* COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2017 Pierre Schweitzer (
8#define WIN32_NO_STATUS
9#include <stdarg.h>
10#include <windef.h>
11#include <winbase.h>
12#include <winuser.h>
13#include <winreg.h>
14#include <stdio.h>
15#include <stdlib.h>
16#include <pstypes.h>
21/* Option specific commandline parsing */
25/* Execute parsed options */
29/* Common functions */
33#define DEST_REGISTRY 1
34#define DEST_KERNEL 2
35#define DEST_IMAGE 4
static int argc
Definition: ServiceArgs.c:12
unsigned int BOOL
Definition: ntddk_ex.h:94
unsigned long DWORD
Definition: ntddk_ex.h:95
unsigned short WORD
Definition: ntddk_ex.h:93
BOOL ImageFile_ParseCmdline(INT i, int argc, LPWSTR argv[])
Definition: imagefile.c:207
BOOL PageHeap_ParseCmdline(INT i, int argc, LPWSTR argv[])
Definition: pageheap.c:244
INT ImageFile_Execute()
Definition: imagefile.c:251
BOOL OpenImageFileExecOptions(IN REGSAM SamDesired, IN OPTIONAL PCWSTR ImageName, OUT HKEY *Key)
Definition: gflags.c:16
DWORD ReadSZFlagsFromRegistry(HKEY SubKey, PWSTR Value)
Definition: gflags.c:47
INT PageHeap_Execute()
Definition: pageheap.c:295
const WCHAR ImageExecOptionsString[]
Definition: ldrinit.c:24
void PrintFlags(IN DWORD GlobalFlags, IN OPTIONAL WORD Dest)
Definition: imagefile.c:67
GLsizei GLenum const GLvoid GLsizei GLenum GLbyte GLbyte GLbyte GLdouble GLdouble GLdouble GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLint GLint GLshort GLshort GLshort GLubyte GLubyte GLubyte GLuint GLuint GLuint GLushort GLushort GLushort GLbyte GLbyte GLbyte GLbyte GLdouble GLdouble GLdouble GLdouble GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLint GLint GLint GLshort GLshort GLshort GLshort GLubyte GLubyte GLubyte GLubyte GLuint GLuint GLuint GLuint GLushort GLushort GLushort GLushort GLboolean const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLbyte const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLfloat const GLint const GLint const GLshort const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLint const GLshort GLenum GLenum GLenum GLfloat GLenum GLint GLenum GLenum GLenum GLfloat GLenum GLenum GLint GLenum GLfloat GLenum GLint GLint GLushort GLenum GLenum GLfloat GLenum GLenum GLint GLfloat const GLubyte GLenum GLenum GLenum const GLfloat GLenum GLenum const GLint GLenum GLint GLint GLsizei GLsizei GLint GLenum GLenum const GLvoid GLenum GLenum const GLfloat GLenum GLenum const GLint GLenum GLenum const GLdouble GLenum GLenum const GLfloat GLenum GLenum const GLint GLsizei GLuint GLfloat GLuint GLbitfield GLfloat GLint GLuint GLboolean GLenum GLfloat GLenum GLbitfield GLenum GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLint const GLfloat GLenum GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLint GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLint const GLfloat GLint GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLfloat GLfloat GLint GLfloat GLfloat const GLdouble const GLfloat const GLdouble const GLfloat GLint i
Definition: glfuncs.h:248
Definition: heapmem.c:520
static const char * ImageName
Definition: image.c:34
#define argv
Definition: mplay32.c:18
Definition: CrossNt.h:68
uint16_t * PWSTR
Definition: typedefs.h:56
const uint16_t * PCWSTR
Definition: typedefs.h:57
int32_t INT
Definition: typedefs.h:58
#define IN
Definition: typedefs.h:39
#define OUT
Definition: typedefs.h:40
_Must_inspect_result_ _In_ WDFKEY _In_ PCUNICODE_STRING _Out_opt_ PUSHORT _Inout_opt_ PUNICODE_STRING Value
Definition: wdfregistry.h:413
Definition: winreg.h:69
__wchar_t WCHAR
Definition: xmlstorage.h:180
Definition: xmlstorage.h:184