17 " In\347tal\240tor syst\202mu ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR
" ",
24 "Please wait while the ReactOS Setup initializes itself",
31 "and discovers your devices...",
55 " In\347tal\240tor syst\202mu ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR
" ",
69 "\x07 Zvo\226te si jazyk, ktor\354 sa pou\247ije po\237as in\347tal\240cie.",
76 " Potom stla\237te ENTER.",
83 "\x07 Tento jazyk bude predvolen\354m jazykom nain\347talovan\202ho syst\202mu.",
90 "ENTER = Pokra\237ova\234 F3 = Skon\237i\234",
107 " In\347tal\240tor syst\202mu ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR
" ",
114 "V\241ta V\240s In\347tal\240tor syst\202mu ReactOS",
121 "Tento stupe\345 In\347tal\240tora skop\241ruje opera\237n\354 syst\202m ReactOS na V\240\347",
128 "po\237\241ta\237 a priprav\241 druh\354 stupe\345 In\347tal\240tora.",
135 "\x07 Press ENTER to install or upgrade ReactOS.",
142 "\x07 Stla\237te R pre opravu ciu syst\202mu ReactOS.",
149 "\x07 Stla\237te L, ak chcete zobrazi\234 licen\237n\202 podmienky syst\202mu ReactOS.",
156 "\x07 Stla\237te F3 pre skon\237enie in\347tal\240cie, syst\202m ReactOS sa nenain\347taluje.",
163 "Pre viac inform\240ci\241 o syst\202me ReactOS, nav\347t\241vte pros\241m:",
170 "https://reactos.org/",
177 "ENTER = Pokra\237ova\234 R = Opravi\234 L = Licencia F3 = Skon\237i\234",
194 " In\347tal\240tor syst\202mu ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR
" ",
201 "ReactOS Version Status",
208 "ReactOS is in Alpha stage, meaning it is not feature-complete",
215 "and is under heavy development. It is recommended to use it only for",
222 "evaluation and testing purposes and not as your daily-usage OS.",
229 "Backup your data or test on a secondary computer if you attempt",
236 "to run ReactOS on real hardware.",
243 "\x07 Press ENTER to continue ReactOS Setup.",
250 "\x07 Press F3 to quit without installing ReactOS.",
257 "ENTER = Continue F3 = Quit",
274 " In\347tal\240tor syst\202mu ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR
" ",
288 "Syst\202m ReactOS je vydan\354 za podmienok licencie",
295 "GNU GPL s \237as\234ami obsahuj\243cimi k\242d z in\354ch kompatibiln\354ch",
302 "licenci\241 ako s\243 X11 alebo BSD a licencie GNU LGPL.",
309 "Preto v\347etok softv\202r, ktor\354 je s\243\237as\234ou syst\202mu ReactOS,",
316 "je vydan\354 pod licenciou GNU GPL, a rovnako s\243 zachovan\202",
323 "aj p\223vodn\202 licencie.",
330 "Tento softv\202r prich\240dza BEZ Z\265RUKY alebo obmedzen\241 pou\247\241vania",
337 "s v\354nimkou platn\202ho miestneho a medzin\240rodn\202ho pr\240va. Licencia",
344 "syst\202mu ReactOS pokr\354va iba distrib\243ciu k tren\241m stran\240m.",
351 "Ak z nejak\202ho d\223vodu neobdr\247\241te k\242piu licencie GNU GPL",
358 "spolu so syst\202mom ReactOS, nav\347t\241vte, pros\241m, str\240nku:",
365 "http://www.gnu.org/licenses/licenses.html",
379 "Toto je slobodn\354 softv\202r; see the source for copying conditions.",
386 "There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or",
417 " In\347tal\240tor syst\202mu ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR
" ",
424 "Zoznam ni\247\347ie, zobrazuje s\243\237asn\202 nastavenia zariaden\241.",
452 "Rozlo\247enie kl.:",
465 16,
"Akceptova\234 tieto nastavenia zariaden\241",
472 "M\223\247ete zmeni\234 hardv\202rov\202 nastavenia stla\237en\241m kl\240vesov HORE alebo DOLE",
479 "pre v\354ber polo\247ky. Potom stla\237te kl\240ves ENTER pre v\354ber alternat\241vnych",
493 "Ak s\243 v\347etky nastavenia spr\240vne, vyberte polo\247ku",
500 "\"Akceptova\234 tieto nastavenia zariaden\241\" a stla\237te ENTER.",
507 "ENTER = Pokra\237ova\234 F3 = Skon\237i\234",
524 " In\347tal\240tor syst\202mu ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR
" ",
531 "In\347tal\240tor syst\202mu ReactOS je v za\237iato\237nom \347t\240diu v\354voja. Zatia\226",
538 "nepodporuje v\347etky funkcie plne vyu\247\241vaj\243ce program In\347tal\240tor.",
545 "Funkcie na opravu syst\202mu zatia\226 nie s\243 implementovan\202.",
552 "\x07 Stla\237te U pre aktualiz\240ciu OS.",
559 "\x07 Stla\237te R pre z\240chrann\243 konzolu.",
566 "\x07 Stla\237te ESC pre n\240vrat na hlavn\243 str\240nku.",
573 "\x07 Stla\237te ENTER pre re\347tart po\237\241ta\237a.",
580 "ESC = Hlavn\240 str\240nka U = Aktualizova\234 R = Z\240chrana ENTER = Re\347tart",
597 " In\347tal\240tor syst\202mu ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR
" ",
604 "The ReactOS Setup can upgrade one of the available ReactOS installations",
611 "listed below, or, if a ReactOS installation is damaged, the Setup program",
618 "can attempt to repair it.",
625 "The repair functions are not all implemented yet.",
632 "\x07 Press UP or DOWN to select an OS installation.",
639 "\x07 Press U for upgrading the selected OS installation.",
646 "\x07 Press ESC to continue with a new installation.",
653 "\x07 Press F3 to quit without installing ReactOS.",
660 "U = Upgrade ESC = Do not upgrade F3 = Quit",
677 " In\347tal\240tor syst\202mu ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR
" ",
684 "Chcete zmeni\234 typ po\237\241ta\237a, ktor\354 m\240 by\234 nain\347talovan\354.",
691 "\x07 Stla\237te kl\240ves HORE alebo DOLE pre v\354ber po\247adovan\202ho typu po\237\241ta\237a.",
698 " Potom stla\237te ENTER.",
705 "\x07 Stla\237te kl\240ves ESC pre n\240vrat na predch\240dzaj\243cu str\240nku bez zmeny",
712 " typu po\237\241ta\237a.",
719 "ENTER = Pokra\237ova\234 ESC = Zru\347i\234 F3 = Skon\237i\234",
736 " In\347tal\240tor syst\202mu ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR
" ",
743 "Syst\202m pr\240ve overuje v\347etky ulo\247en\202 \243daje na Va\347om disku.",
750 "To m\223\247e trva\234 nieko\226ko min\243t.",
757 "Ke\324 skon\237\241, po\237\241ta\237 sa automaticky re\347tartuje.",
764 "Vypr\240zd\345ujem cache",
781 " In\347tal\240tor syst\202mu ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR
" ",
788 "Syst\202m ReactOS nie je nain\347talovan\354 kompletne.",
795 "Vyberte disketu z mechaniky A: a",
802 "v\347etky m\202di\240 CD-ROM z CD mechan\241k.",
809 "Stla\237te ENTER pre re\347tart po\237\241ta\237a.",
816 "Po\237kajte, pros\241m...",
833 " In\347tal\240tor syst\202mu ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR
" ",
840 "Chcete zmeni\234 typ monitora, ktor\354 m\240 by\234 nain\347talovan\354.",
847 "\x07 Stla\237te kl\240ves HORE alebo DOLE pre v\354ber po\247adovan\202ho typu monitora.",
854 " Potom stla\237te ENTER.",
861 "\x07 Stla\237te kl\240ves ESC pre n\240vrat na predch\240dzaj\243cu str\240nku bez zmeny",
875 "ENTER = Pokra\237ova\234 ESC = Zru\347i\234 F3 = Skon\237i\234",
892 " In\347tal\240tor syst\202mu ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR
" ",
899 "Z\240kladn\202 s\243\237ast\241 syst\202mu ReactOS boli \243spe\347ne nain\347talovan\202.",
906 "Vyberte disketu z mechaniky A: a",
913 "v\347etky m\202di\240 CD-ROM z CD mechan\241k.",
920 "Stla\237te ENTER pre re\347tart po\237\241ta\237a.",
927 "ENTER = Re\347tart po\237\241ta\237a",
944 " In\347tal\240tor syst\202mu ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR
" ",
951 "Zoznam ni\247\347ie, zobrazuje existuj\243ce oblasti a nevyu\247it\202 miesto",
958 "na disku vhodn\202 pre nov\202 oblasti.",
965 "\x07 Stla\237te HORE alebo DOLE pre v\354ber zo zoznamu polo\247iek.",
972 "\x07 Stla\237te ENTER pre in\347tal\240ciu syst\202mu ReactOS na vybran\243 oblas\234.",
979 "\x07 Press C to create a primary/logical partition.",
987 "\x07 Press E to create an extended partition.",
994 "\x07 Stla\237te D pre vymazanie existuj\243cej oblasti.",
1001 "Po\237kajte, pros\241m...",
" Setup ",
1025 "The current system partition of your computer",
1032 "on the system disk",
1039 "uses a format not supported by ReactOS.",
1046 "In order to successfully install ReactOS, the Setup program must change",
1053 "the current system partition to a new one.",
1060 "The new candidate system partition is:",
1067 "\x07 To accept this choice, press ENTER.",
1074 "\x07 To manually change the system partition, press ESC to go back to",
1081 " the partition selection list, then select or create a new system",
1088 " partition on the system disk.",
1095 "In case there are other operating systems that depend on the original",
1102 "system partition, you may need to either reconfigure them for the new",
1109 "system partition, or you may need to change the system partition back",
1116 "to the original one after finishing the installation of ReactOS.",
1123 "ENTER = Continue ESC = Cancel",
1140 " In\347tal\240tor syst\202mu ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR
" ",
1147 "You have chosen to delete the system partition.",
1154 "System partitions can contain diagnostic programs, hardware configuration",
1161 "programs, programs to start an operating system (like ReactOS) or other",
1168 "programs provided by the hardware manufacturer.",
1175 "Delete a system partition only when you are sure that there are no such",
1182 "programs on the partition, or when you are sure you want to delete them.",
1189 "When you delete the partition, you might not be able to boot the",
1196 "computer from the harddisk until you finished the ReactOS Setup.",
1203 "\x07 Press ENTER to delete the system partition. You will be asked",
1210 " to confirm the deletion of the partition again later.",
1217 "\x07 Press ESC to return to the previous page. The partition will",
1231 "ENTER=Continue ESC=Cancel",
1248 " In\347tal\240tor syst\202mu ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR
" ",
1255 "Form\240tovanie oblasti",
1262 "In\347tal\240tor teraz naform\240tuje oblas\234. Stla\237te ENTER pre pokra\237ovanie.",
1269 "ENTER = Pokra\237ova\234 F3 = Skon\237i\234",
1286 " In\347tal\240tor syst\202mu ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR
" ",
1293 "In\347tal\240tor teraz skontroluje vybran\243 oblas\234.",
1300 "Po\237kajte, pros\241m ...",
1317 " In\347tal\240tor syst\202mu ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR
" ",
1324 "In\347tal\240tor nain\347taluje s\243bory syst\202mu ReactOS na zvolen\243 oblas\234.",
1331 "Vyberte adres\240r kam chcete nain\347talova\234 syst\202m ReactOS:",
1338 "Ak chcete zmeni\234 odpor\243\237an\354 adres\240r, stla\237te BACKSPACE a vyma\247te",
1345 "znaky. Potom nap\241\347te n\240zov adres\240ra, v ktorom chcete aby bol",
1352 "syst\202m ReactOS nain\347talovan\354.",
1359 "ENTER = Pokra\237ova\234 F3 = Skon\237i\234",
1376 " In\347tal\240tor syst\202mu ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR
" ",
1383 "Po\237kajte, pros\241m, k\354m In\347tal\240tor skop\241ruje s\243bory do in\347tala\237n\202ho",
1390 "prie\237inka pre ReactOS.",
1397 "Dokon\237enie m\223\247e trva\234 nieko\226ko min\243t.",
1404 "\xB3 Po\237kajte, pros\241m ... ",
1421 " In\347tal\240tor syst\202mu ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR
" ",
1428 "Please select where Setup should install the bootloader:",
1435 "Nain\347talova\234 zav\240dza\237 syst\202mu na pevn\354 disk (MBR a VBR).",
1442 "Nain\347talova\234 zav\240dza\237 syst\202mu na pevn\354 disk (iba VBR).",
1449 "Nain\347talova\234 zav\240dza\237 syst\202mu na disketu.",
1456 "Presko\237i\234 in\347tal\240ciu zav\240dza\237a syst\202mu.",
1463 "ENTER = Pokra\237ova\234 F3 = Skon\237i\234",
" Setup ",
1487 "In\347tal\240tor je pripraven\354 nain\347talova\234 zav\240dza\237 opera\237n\202ho syst\202mu.",
1494 "Installing the bootloader onto the media, please wait...",
1511 " In\347tal\240tor syst\202mu ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR
" ",
1518 "In\347tal\240tor je pripraven\354 nain\347talova\234 zav\240dza\237 opera\237n\202ho syst\202mu.",
1525 "Vlo\247te pros\241m, naform\240tovan\243 disketu do mechaniky A:",
1532 "a stla\237te ENTER.",
1539 "ENTER = Pokra\237ova\234 F3 = Skon\237i\234",
1557 " In\347tal\240tor syst\202mu ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR
" ",
1564 "Chcete zmeni\234 typ kl\240vesnice, ktor\354 m\240 by\234 nain\347talovan\354.",
1571 "\x07 Stla\237te kl\240ves HORE alebo DOLE a vyberte po\247adovan\354 typ kl\240vesnice.",
1578 " Potom stla\237te ENTER.",
1585 "\x07 Stla\237te kl\240ves ESC pre n\240vrat na predch\240dzaj\243cu str\240nku bez zmeny",
1592 " typu kl\240vesnice.",
1599 "ENTER = Pokra\237ova\234 ESC = Zru\347i\234 F3 = Skon\237i\234",
1616 " In\347tal\240tor syst\202mu ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR
" ",
1623 "Pros\241m, vyberte rozlo\247enie, ktor\202 sa nain\347taluje ako predvolen\202.",
1630 "\x07 Stla\237te kl\240ves HORE alebo DOLE pre v\354ber po\247adovan\202ho rozlo\247enia",
1637 " kl\240vesnice. Potom stla\237te ENTER.",
1644 "\x07 Stla\237te kl\240ves ESC pre n\240vrat na predch\240dzaj\243cu str\240nku bez zmeny",
1651 " rozlo\247enia kl\240vesnice.",
1658 "ENTER = Pokra\237ova\234 ESC = Zru\347i\234 F3 = Skon\237i\234",
1676 " In\347tal\240tor syst\202mu ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR
" ",
1683 "Pripravuje sa kop\241rovanie s\243borov syst\202mu ReactOS.",
1690 "Vytv\240ra sa zoznam potrebn\354ch s\243borov ...",
1708 " In\347tal\240tor syst\202mu ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR
" ",
1715 "Vyberte syst\202m s\243borov zo zoznamu uveden\202ho ni\247\347ie.",
1721 "\x07 Stla\237te HORE alebo DOLE pre v\354ber syst\202mu s\243borov.",
1727 "\x07 Stla\237te ENTER pre form\240tovanie oblasti.",
1733 "\x07 Stla\237te ESC pre v\354ber inej oblasti.",
1739 "ENTER = Pokra\237ova\234 ESC = Zru\347i\234 F3 = Skon\237i\234",
1756 " In\347tal\240tor syst\202mu ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR
" ",
1763 "Vybrali ste si odstr\240nenie oblasti",
1770 "\x07 Stla\237te L pre odstr\240nenie oblasti.",
1777 "UPOZORNENIE: V\347etky \243daje na tejto oblasti sa nen\240vratne stratia!",
1784 "\x07 Stla\237te ESC pre zru\347enie.",
1791 "L = Odstr\240ni\234 oblas\234 ESC = Zru\347i\234 F3 = Skon\237i\234",
1808 " In\347tal\240tor syst\202mu ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR
" ",
1815 "Aktualizuj\243 sa syst\202mov\202 nastavenia.",
1822 "Vytv\240raj\243 sa polo\247ky registrov ...",
1843 "Syst\202m ReactOS nie je kompletne nain\347talovan\354 na Va\347om\n"
1844 "po\237\241ta\237i. Ak teraz preru\347\241te in\347tal\240ciu, budete musie\234\n"
1845 "spusti\234 In\347tal\240tor znova, aby sa syst\202m ReactOS nain\347taloval.\n"
1847 " \x07 Stla\237te ENTER pre pokra\237ovanie v in\347tal\240cii.\n"
1848 " \x07 Stla\237te F3 pre skon\237enie in\347tal\240cie.",
1849 "F3 = Skon\237i\234 ENTER = Pokra\237ova\234"
1853 "Failed to build the installation paths for the ReactOS installation directory!\n"
1854 "ENTER = Reboot computer"
1858 "You cannot delete the partition containing the installation source!\n"
1859 "ENTER = Reboot computer"
1863 "You cannot install ReactOS within the installation source directory!\n"
1864 "ENTER = Reboot computer"
1868 "In\347tal\240toru sa nepodarilo n\240js\234 pevn\354 disk.\n",
1869 "ENTER = Re\347tart po\237\241ta\237a"
1873 "In\347tal\240toru sa nepodarilo n\240js\234 jej zdrojov\243 mechaniku.\n",
1874 "ENTER = Re\347tart po\237\241ta\237a"
1878 "In\347tal\240tor zlyhal pri nahr\240van\241 s\243boru TXTSETUP.SIF.\n",
1879 "ENTER = Re\347tart po\237\241ta\237a"
1883 "In\347tal\240tor na\347iel po\347koden\354 s\243bor TXTSETUP.SIF.\n",
1884 "ENTER = Re\347tart po\237\241ta\237a"
1888 "Setup found an invalid signature in TXTSETUP.SIF.\n",
1889 "ENTER = Re\347tart po\237\241ta\237a"
1893 "In\347tal\240tor nemohol z\241ska\234 inform\240cie o syst\202mov\354ch diskoch.\n",
1894 "ENTER = Re\347tart po\237\241ta\237a"
1898 "In\347tal\240toru sa nepodarilo nain\347talova\234 %S zav\240dzac\241 k\242d s\243borov\202ho\n"
1899 "syst\202mu FAT na syst\202mov\243 part\241ciu.",
1900 "ENTER = Re\347tart po\237\241ta\237a"
1904 "In\347tal\240tor zlyhal pri nahr\240van\241 zoznamu typov po\237\241ta\237ov.\n",
1905 "ENTER = Re\347tart po\237\241ta\237a"
1909 "In\347tal\240tor zlyhal pri nahr\240van\241 zoznamu nastaven\241 monitora.\n",
1910 "ENTER = Re\347tart po\237\241ta\237a"
1914 "In\347tal\240tor zlyhal pri nahr\240van\241 zoznamu typov kl\240vesn\241c.\n",
1915 "ENTER = Re\347tart po\237\241ta\237a"
1919 "In\347tal\240tor zlyhal pri nahr\240van\241 zoznamu rozlo\247enia kl\240vesn\241c.\n",
1920 "ENTER = Re\347tart po\237\241ta\237a"
1925 "In\347tal\240tor na\347iel najmenej na jednom pevnom disku nekompatibiln\243\n"
1926 "tabu\226ku oblast\241, s ktorou sa ned\240 spr\240vne zaobch\240dza\234!\n"
1928 "Vytvorenie alebo odstr\240nenie oblast\241 m\223\247e zni\237i\234 tabu\226ku oblast\241.\n"
1930 " \x07 Stla\237te F3 pre skon\237enie in\347tal\240cie.\n"
1931 " \x07 Stla\237te ENTER pre pokra\237ovanie.",
1932 "F3 = Skon\237i\234 ENTER = Pokra\237ova\234"
1936 "Nem\223\247ete vytvori\234 nov\243 oblas\234\n"
1937 "vo vn\243tri u\247 existuj\243cej oblasti!\n"
1939 " * Pokra\237ujte stla\237en\241m \226ubovo\226n\202ho kl\240vesu.",
1944 "In\347tal\240toru sa nepodarilo nain\347talova\234 %S zav\240dzac\241 k\242d s\243borov\202ho\n"
1945 "syst\202mu FAT na syst\202mov\243 part\241ciu.",
1946 "ENTER = Re\347tart po\237\241ta\237a"
1950 "V mechanike A: nie je disketa.",
1951 "ENTER = Pokra\237ova\234"
1955 "In\347tal\240tor zlyhal pri aktualiz\240cii nastaven\241 rozlo\247enia kl\240vesnice.",
1956 "ENTER = Re\347tart po\237\241ta\237a"
1960 "Setup failed to update display registry settings.",
1961 "ENTER = Re\347tart po\237\241ta\237a"
1965 "Setup failed to import a hive file.",
1966 "ENTER = Re\347tart po\237\241ta\237a"
1970 "Setup failed to find the registry data files.",
1971 "ENTER = Re\347tart po\237\241ta\237a"
1975 "Setup failed to create the registry hives.",
1976 "ENTER = Re\347tart po\237\241ta\237a"
1980 "Setup failed to set the initialize the registry.",
1981 "ENTER = Re\347tart po\237\241ta\237a"
1985 "Cabinet has no valid inf file.\n",
1986 "ENTER = Re\347tart po\237\241ta\237a"
1990 "Cabinet not found.\n",
1991 "ENTER = Re\347tart po\237\241ta\237a"
1995 "Cabinet has no setup script.\n",
1996 "ENTER = Re\347tart po\237\241ta\237a"
2000 "Setup failed to open the copy file queue.\n",
2001 "ENTER = Re\347tart po\237\241ta\237a"
2005 "In\347tal\240tor nemohol vytvori\234 in\347tala\237n\202 adres\240re.",
2006 "ENTER = Re\347tart po\237\241ta\237a"
2010 "In\347tal\240tor zlyhal pri h\226adan\241 sekcie '%S'\n"
2011 "v s\243bore TXTSETUP.SIF.\n",
2012 "ENTER = Re\347tart po\237\241ta\237a"
2016 "In\347tal\240tor zlyhal pri h\226adan\241 sekcie '%S'\n"
2017 "v s\243bore cabinet.\n",
2018 "ENTER = Re\347tart po\237\241ta\237a"
2022 "In\347tal\240tor nemohol vytvori\234 in\347tala\237n\354 adres\240r.",
2023 "ENTER = Re\347tart po\237\241ta\237a"
2027 "In\347tal\240tor zlyhal pri z\240pise do tabuliek oblast\241.\n"
2028 "ENTER = Re\347tart po\237\241ta\237a"
2032 "In\347tal\240tor zlyhal pri prid\240van\241 k\242dovej str\240nky do registrov.\n"
2033 "ENTER = Re\347tart po\237\241ta\237a"
2037 "Setup could not set the system locale.\n"
2038 "ENTER = Re\347tart po\237\241ta\237a"
2042 "In\347tal\240tor zlyhal pri prid\240van\241 rozlo\247en\241 kl\240vesnice do registrov.\n"
2043 "ENTER = Re\347tart po\237\241ta\237a"
2047 "In\347tal\240tor nemohol nastavi\234 geo id.\n"
2048 "ENTER = Re\347tart po\237\241ta\237a"
2052 "Invalid directory name.\n"
2054 " * Press any key to continue."
2058 "The selected partition is not large enough to install ReactOS.\n"
2059 "The install partition must have a size of at least %lu MB.\n"
2061 " * Pokra\237ujte stla\237en\241m \226ubovo\226n\202ho kl\240vesu.",
2066 "You cannot create a new primary or extended partition in the\n"
2067 "partition table of this disk because the partition table is full.\n"
2069 " * Press any key to continue."
2073 "You cannot create more than one extended partition per disk.\n"
2075 " * Press any key to continue."
2079 "Setup is unable to format the partition:\n"
2082 "ENTER = Reboot computer"
2217 " Po\237kajte, pros\241m ..."},
2219 " ENTER = In\347talova\234 C = Create Primary E = Create Extended F3 = Skon\237i\234"},
2222 " ENTER = In\347talova\234 C = Create Logical Partition F3 = Skon\237i\234"},
2224 " ENTER = In\347talova\234 D = Odstr\240ni\234 oblas\234 F3 = Skon\237i\234"},
2226 " D = Odstr\240ni\234 oblas\234 F3 = Skon\237i\234"},
2228 "Ve\226kos\234 novej oblasti:"},
2230 "You have chosen to create a primary partition on"},
2233 "You have chosen to create an extended partition on"},
2235 "You have chosen to create a logical partition on"},
2237 "Zadajte, pros\241m, ve\226kos\234 novej oblasti v megabajtoch."},
2239 " ENTER = Vytvori\234 oblas\234 ESC = Zru\347i\234 F3 = Skon\237i\234"},
2241 "In\347tal\240tor vytvoril nov\243 oblas\234 na"},
2243 "T\240to oblas\234 sa bude form\240tova\234 ako \324al\347ia."},
2245 "Zvolili ste in\347tal\240ciu syst\202mu ReactOS na nov\243 alebo nenaform\240tovan\243 oblas\234."},
2247 "The system partition is not formatted yet."},
2249 "The new partition is not formatted yet."},
2251 "In\347tal\240tor nain\347taluje syst\202m ReactOS na oblas\234"},
2253 "ENTER = Pokra\237ova\234"},
2255 "F3 = Skon\237i\234 ENTER = Pokra\237ova\234"},
2257 "ENTER = Re\347tart po\237\241ta\237a"},
2259 " Deleting file: %S"},
2261 " Moving file: %S to: %S"},
2263 " Renaming file: %S to: %S"},
2265 " Kop\241ruje sa s\243bor: %S"},
2267 "In\347tal\240tor kop\241ruje s\243bory..."},
2269 " Aktualizujem polo\247ky registrov..."},
2271 " Importujem %S..."},
2273 " Aktualizujem nastavenia obrazovky v registrov..."},
2275 " Aktualizujem miestne nastavenia..."},
2277 " Aktualizujem nastavenia rozlo\247enia kl\240vesnice..."},
2279 " Prid\240inform\240cie o k\242dovej str\240nke..."},
2283 " ENTER = Re\347tart po\237\241ta\237a"},
2285 " Your computer will reboot in %li second(s)... "},
2287 "Nemo\247no otvori\234 konzolu\r\n\r\n"},
2289 "Najbe\247nej\347ou pr\241\237inou tohto je pou\247itie USB kl\240vesnice\r\n"},
2291 "USB kl\240vesnica e\347te nie je plne podporovan\240\r\n"},
2293 "In\347tal\240tor form\240tuje oblas\234..."},
2295 "In\347tal\240tor kontroluje disk..."},
2297 " Naform\240tova\234 oblas\234 ako syst\202m s\243borov %S (r\354chly form\240t) "},
2299 " Naform\240tova\234 oblas\234 ako syst\202m s\243borov %S "},
2301 " Ponecha\234 s\243\237asn\354 syst\202m s\243borov (bez zmeny) "},
2310 "%I64u %s pevn\354 disk %lu (Port=%hu, Bus=%hu, Id=%hu) na %wZ [%s]"},
2313 "%I64u %s pevn\354 disk %lu (Port=%hu, Bus=%hu, Id=%hu) [%s]"},
2315 "Miesto bez oblast\241"},
2317 "MB (max. %lu MB)"},
2319 "Extended Partition"},
2321 "Nov\240 (Nenaform\240tovan\240)"},
2333 "Prid\240vam rozlo\247enia kl\240vesnice"},
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