HRESULT | SetGuid ([in] REFGUID guid) |
HRESULT | SetTypeFlags ([in] UINT uTypeFlags) |
HRESULT | SetDocString ([in] LPOLESTR pStrDoc) |
HRESULT | SetHelpContext ([in] DWORD dwHelpContext) |
HRESULT | SetVersion ([in] WORD wMajorVerNum, [in] WORD wMinorVerNum) |
HRESULT | AddRefTypeInfo ([in] ITypeInfo *pTInfo, [in] HREFTYPE *phRefType) |
HRESULT | AddFuncDesc ([in] UINT index, [in] FUNCDESC *pFuncDesc) |
HRESULT | AddImplType ([in] UINT index, [in] HREFTYPE hRefType) |
HRESULT | SetImplTypeFlags ([in] UINT index, [in] INT implTypeFlags) |
HRESULT | SetAlignment ([in] WORD cbAlignment) |
HRESULT | SetSchema ([in] LPOLESTR pStrSchema) |
HRESULT | AddVarDesc ([in] UINT index, [in] VARDESC *pVarDesc) |
HRESULT | SetFuncAndParamNames ([in] UINT index, [in, size_is(cNames)] LPOLESTR *rgszNames, [in] UINT cNames) |
HRESULT | SetVarName ([in] UINT index, [in] LPOLESTR szName) |
HRESULT | SetTypeDescAlias ([in] TYPEDESC *pTDescAlias) |
HRESULT | DefineFuncAsDllEntry ([in] UINT index, [in] LPOLESTR szDllName, [in] LPOLESTR szProcName) |
HRESULT | SetFuncDocString ([in] UINT index, [in] LPOLESTR szDocString) |
HRESULT | SetVarDocString ([in] UINT index, [in] LPOLESTR szDocString) |
HRESULT | SetFuncHelpContext ([in] UINT index, [in] DWORD dwHelpContext) |
HRESULT | SetVarHelpContext ([in] UINT index, [in] DWORD dwHelpContext) |
HRESULT | SetMops ([in] UINT index, [in] BSTR bstrMops) |
HRESULT | SetTypeIdldesc ([in] IDLDESC *pIdlDesc) |
HRESULT | LayOut () |
HRESULT | QueryInterface ([in] REFIID riid, [out, iid_is(riid)] void **ppvObject) |
ULONG | AddRef () |
ULONG | Release () |
Definition at line 1359 of file oaidl.idl.
◆ AddFuncDesc()
HRESULT ICreateTypeInfo::AddFuncDesc |
( |
[in] UINT |
index, |
[in] FUNCDESC * |
pFuncDesc |
) |
| |
◆ AddImplType()
HRESULT ICreateTypeInfo::AddImplType |
( |
[in] UINT |
index, |
hRefType |
) |
| |
◆ AddRefTypeInfo()
HRESULT ICreateTypeInfo::AddRefTypeInfo |
( |
[in] ITypeInfo * |
pTInfo, |
[in] HREFTYPE * |
phRefType |
) |
| |
◆ AddVarDesc()
HRESULT ICreateTypeInfo::AddVarDesc |
( |
[in] UINT |
index, |
[in] VARDESC * |
pVarDesc |
) |
| |
◆ DefineFuncAsDllEntry()
◆ LayOut()
HRESULT ICreateTypeInfo::LayOut |
( |
| ) |
◆ SetAlignment()
HRESULT ICreateTypeInfo::SetAlignment |
( |
[in] WORD |
cbAlignment | ) |
◆ SetDocString()
◆ SetFuncAndParamNames()
HRESULT ICreateTypeInfo::SetFuncAndParamNames |
( |
[in] UINT |
index, |
[in, size_is(cNames)] LPOLESTR * |
rgszNames, |
[in] UINT |
cNames |
) |
| |
◆ SetFuncDocString()
◆ SetFuncHelpContext()
HRESULT ICreateTypeInfo::SetFuncHelpContext |
( |
[in] UINT |
index, |
[in] DWORD |
dwHelpContext |
) |
| |
◆ SetGuid()
◆ SetHelpContext()
HRESULT ICreateTypeInfo::SetHelpContext |
( |
[in] DWORD |
dwHelpContext | ) |
◆ SetImplTypeFlags()
HRESULT ICreateTypeInfo::SetImplTypeFlags |
( |
[in] UINT |
index, |
[in] INT |
implTypeFlags |
) |
| |
◆ SetMops()
◆ SetSchema()
◆ SetTypeDescAlias()
HRESULT ICreateTypeInfo::SetTypeDescAlias |
( |
[in] TYPEDESC * |
pTDescAlias | ) |
◆ SetTypeFlags()
HRESULT ICreateTypeInfo::SetTypeFlags |
( |
[in] UINT |
uTypeFlags | ) |
◆ SetTypeIdldesc()
HRESULT ICreateTypeInfo::SetTypeIdldesc |
( |
[in] IDLDESC * |
pIdlDesc | ) |
◆ SetVarDocString()
◆ SetVarHelpContext()
HRESULT ICreateTypeInfo::SetVarHelpContext |
( |
[in] UINT |
index, |
[in] DWORD |
dwHelpContext |
) |
| |
◆ SetVarName()
◆ SetVersion()
HRESULT ICreateTypeInfo::SetVersion |
( |
[in] WORD |
wMajorVerNum, |
[in] WORD |
wMinorVerNum |
) |
| |
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