ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-737-g3368adc
DeviceInfoSet Struct Reference

#include <setupapi_private.h>

Collaboration diagram for DeviceInfoSet:

Public Attributes

DWORD magic
GUID ClassGuid
LIST_ENTRY DriverListHead
struct DeviceInfoSelectedDevice
struct ClassInstallParams ClassInstallParams
HMODULE hmodClassPropPageProvider
PVOID pClassPropPageProvider
PCWSTR MachineName

Detailed Description

Definition at line 190 of file setupapi_private.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ ClassGuid

◆ ClassInstallParams

struct ClassInstallParams DeviceInfoSet::ClassInstallParams

Definition at line 212 of file setupapi_private.h.

◆ DriverListHead

LIST_ENTRY DeviceInfoSet::DriverListHead

Definition at line 205 of file setupapi_private.h.


HKEY DeviceInfoSet::HKLM

Definition at line 196 of file setupapi_private.h.

Referenced by SetupDiGetClassDevPropertySheetsW().

◆ hMachine

HMACHINE DeviceInfoSet::hMachine

Definition at line 198 of file setupapi_private.h.

◆ hmodClassPropPageProvider

HMODULE DeviceInfoSet::hmodClassPropPageProvider

Definition at line 215 of file setupapi_private.h.

Referenced by SetupDiGetClassDevPropertySheetsW().

◆ InstallParams

◆ ListHead

LIST_ENTRY DeviceInfoSet::ListHead

Definition at line 208 of file setupapi_private.h.

Referenced by IsDeviceInfoInDeviceInfoSet(), and SetupDiEnumDriverInfoW().

◆ MachineName

PCWSTR DeviceInfoSet::MachineName

Definition at line 221 of file setupapi_private.h.

◆ magic

◆ pClassPropPageProvider

PVOID DeviceInfoSet::pClassPropPageProvider

Definition at line 216 of file setupapi_private.h.

Referenced by SetupDiGetClassDevPropertySheetsW().

◆ SelectedDevice

struct DeviceInfo* DeviceInfoSet::SelectedDevice

Definition at line 209 of file setupapi_private.h.

◆ szData

WCHAR DeviceInfoSet::szData[ANYSIZE_ARRAY]

Definition at line 224 of file setupapi_private.h.

Referenced by SetupDiCreateDeviceInfoListExW().

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: