ReactOS 0.4.15-dev-8621-g4b051b9
IAudioEndpointVolume Interface Reference
Inheritance diagram for IAudioEndpointVolume:
Collaboration diagram for IAudioEndpointVolume:

Public Member Functions

HRESULT RegisterControlChangeNotify ([in] IAudioEndpointVolumeCallback *pNotify)
HRESULT UnregisterControlChangeNotify ([in] IAudioEndpointVolumeCallback *pNotify)
HRESULT GetChannelCount ([out] UINT *pnChannelCount)
HRESULT SetMasterVolumeLevel ([in] FLOAT fLevelDB, [unique, in] LPCGUID pguidEventContext)
HRESULT SetMasterVolumeLevelScalar ([in] FLOAT fLevel, [unique, in] LPCGUID pguidEventContext)
HRESULT GetMasterVolumeLevel ([out] FLOAT *fLevelDB)
HRESULT GetMasterVolumeLevelScalar ([out] FLOAT *fLevel)
HRESULT SetChannelVolumeLevel ([in] UINT nChannel, [in] FLOAT fLevelDB, [unique, in] LPCGUID pguidEventContext)
HRESULT SetChannelVolumeLevelScalar ([in] UINT nChannel, [in] FLOAT fLevel, [unique, in] LPCGUID pguidEventContext)
HRESULT GetChannelVolumeLevel ([in] UINT nChannel, [out] FLOAT *fLevelDB)
HRESULT GetChannelVolumeLevelScalar ([in] UINT nChannel, [out] FLOAT *fLevel)
HRESULT SetMute ([in] BOOL bMute, [unique, in] LPCGUID pguidEventContext)
HRESULT GetMute ([out] BOOL *bMute)
HRESULT GetVolumeStepInfo ([out] UINT *pnStep, [out] UINT *pnStepCount)
HRESULT VolumeStepUp ([unique, in] LPCGUID pguidEventContext)
HRESULT VolumeStepDown ([unique, in] LPCGUID pguidEventContext)
HRESULT QueryHardwareSupport ([out] DWORD *pdwHardwareSupportMask)
HRESULT GetVolumeRange ([out] FLOAT *pflVolumeMindB, [out] FLOAT *pflVolumeMaxdB, [out] FLOAT *pflVolumeIncrementdB)
- Public Member Functions inherited from IUnknown
HRESULT QueryInterface ([in] REFIID riid, [out, iid_is(riid)] void **ppvObject)
ULONG AddRef ()
ULONG Release ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from IUnknown
typedef IUnknownLPUNKNOWN

Detailed Description

Definition at line 63 of file endpointvolume.idl.

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetChannelCount()

HRESULT IAudioEndpointVolume::GetChannelCount ( [out] UINT pnChannelCount)

◆ GetChannelVolumeLevel()

HRESULT IAudioEndpointVolume::GetChannelVolumeLevel ( [in] UINT  nChannel,
[out] FLOAT fLevelDB 

◆ GetChannelVolumeLevelScalar()

HRESULT IAudioEndpointVolume::GetChannelVolumeLevelScalar ( [in] UINT  nChannel,
[out] FLOAT fLevel 

◆ GetMasterVolumeLevel()

HRESULT IAudioEndpointVolume::GetMasterVolumeLevel ( [out] FLOAT fLevelDB)

◆ GetMasterVolumeLevelScalar()

HRESULT IAudioEndpointVolume::GetMasterVolumeLevelScalar ( [out] FLOAT fLevel)

◆ GetMute()

HRESULT IAudioEndpointVolume::GetMute ( [out] BOOL bMute)

◆ GetVolumeRange()

HRESULT IAudioEndpointVolume::GetVolumeRange ( [out] FLOAT pflVolumeMindB,
[out] FLOAT pflVolumeMaxdB,
[out] FLOAT pflVolumeIncrementdB 

◆ GetVolumeStepInfo()

HRESULT IAudioEndpointVolume::GetVolumeStepInfo ( [out] UINT pnStep,
[out] UINT pnStepCount 

◆ QueryHardwareSupport()

HRESULT IAudioEndpointVolume::QueryHardwareSupport ( [out] DWORD pdwHardwareSupportMask)

◆ RegisterControlChangeNotify()

HRESULT IAudioEndpointVolume::RegisterControlChangeNotify ( [in] IAudioEndpointVolumeCallback pNotify)

◆ SetChannelVolumeLevel()

HRESULT IAudioEndpointVolume::SetChannelVolumeLevel ( [in] UINT  nChannel,
[in] FLOAT  fLevelDB,
[unique, in] LPCGUID  pguidEventContext 

◆ SetChannelVolumeLevelScalar()

HRESULT IAudioEndpointVolume::SetChannelVolumeLevelScalar ( [in] UINT  nChannel,
[in] FLOAT  fLevel,
[unique, in] LPCGUID  pguidEventContext 

◆ SetMasterVolumeLevel()

HRESULT IAudioEndpointVolume::SetMasterVolumeLevel ( [in] FLOAT  fLevelDB,
[unique, in] LPCGUID  pguidEventContext 

◆ SetMasterVolumeLevelScalar()

HRESULT IAudioEndpointVolume::SetMasterVolumeLevelScalar ( [in] FLOAT  fLevel,
[unique, in] LPCGUID  pguidEventContext 

◆ SetMute()

HRESULT IAudioEndpointVolume::SetMute ( [in] BOOL  bMute,
[unique, in] LPCGUID  pguidEventContext 

◆ UnregisterControlChangeNotify()

HRESULT IAudioEndpointVolume::UnregisterControlChangeNotify ( [in] IAudioEndpointVolumeCallback pNotify)

◆ VolumeStepDown()

HRESULT IAudioEndpointVolume::VolumeStepDown ( [unique, in] LPCGUID  pguidEventContext)

◆ VolumeStepUp()

HRESULT IAudioEndpointVolume::VolumeStepUp ( [unique, in] LPCGUID  pguidEventContext)

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: